TWIU.VE THE DAILY JOURNAL, 8AfcM, OREQON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1553. I Stockton & Co. 1 SUCCESSORS TO T HOLVERSON & CO. E tiny ioday At One of Out Stores .. Great Sale Prices Prevail on Dry Goads, Clothing:, Shoes, Wraps, The only store in Salem that can fit out the whole family from head to foot i HotelniMls Tho Willamette. P. P. Uurkhardt, l'ortlnnil. Thos. N. Konnody, Bpohano. August CnlinelB, Spokane. Julius Low, Portland. Ci O. Anderson, Rochester. I. Cohn, Sail Prnuclsc9. Charles C. J. Wise, Snn PVanolBco. I W. Cnrnnhnan, Portland. C. W. Hayes. Portland. J. C. Ualr, Chicago. II. 13. LotMBliury, Portland. M J. Davis, Portland. C J, P. Gadralth, Sllvorton. 'f&arl A. LafqulBh, Illinois. Miss C. Uifqulsh, Illinois. J. 0. Coppogo, San Francisco. A. A. Stowart. Chicago. White Help, Only. Landlord Connor, of Hotel Wlllam ct'.o, ha8 Just lot out liln Chlnoso help, nnd now employs only whlto holp as cooks, and In nil other departments. Long live Mine Host Conner and tho white help. Stenographers Wanted To boo our now lino of Typewriter Ribbons Type Writer Carbons Type Writer Oil Typewriter Paper mul Stenographers books nnd pencils. Pattons Book Store. Fresh Peanat Taffy Chocolate Chips Chocolates and Taf f iesToday AT tftcuftde &uy Edward EMI. 144 8Uta QL Dtied Ptmes Dried Prunes Dried Prtmes Call and see as before you sell your Crop James M. Kyle & Co J 75 CommercialSt 1 ffl'iE , H. HINGES,' Pioneer Optician 88 State Street. Next door to Ladd & Busbs'BsdIc i Ladies' Suits, Lace Curtains, Trnnlrc Rarc ' Etc.', Etc. I A FINE STORY. Publication Began In the Saturday Journal for Today. Tho Journal gives its readers tho first Installment of ono of the cleanest nnd hast American 'historical novels ovor written. It will appear as n featuro of tho Saturday Journal each week until completotl, and will mako that Ihsuo a vary interesting one for the wholo faintly. "Alice of Old Vlnconnofl" Is ona of tho swootoat and brnvoet characters In tho early history of our country. Sho will please old nnd young, and always loaves a good tasto in the mouth. Do not miss reading this serial hy Maurico Thompson, publication of which will lo exclusively In this news paper. PERSONALS. .Tamos Plclons, wife and two chll dron, Uossto nnd Louis, will leave , Monday for a visit to tholr people at ' Orconcastlo, Missouri, to be gone somo months. Mr. PickonB came to Oregon' about 20 years ago, and has not bcon back homo bIiico. He sold his farm, seven miles (Mist of Salem, to A. J. Stliller. Mr. Pickons has been a con stant raider of The Journal, nnd his favorite papor will follow him to Mis souri, and probably bring him back to Wubfoot. Sunday Afternoon Concert. Tho Salem Military band will give a tine out-door concert Sunday after noon at 3 i in., at Wilson nvonue, tho weather permitting. They are also organising a series of Indoor concerts for this winter, which will be an nounced later. WHEAT MARKETS. Chicago. Oct. 31 Wheat, 80S4 80 c. Gold Dust Flour q pw THE SIDNEY POWER COMPANY, Sidney, Oregon. Made for family use. Ask your grocer for it. Ilran and shorts al ways on hand. A. T. Wain, Agt. Let Us Do Yotir Collecting VAN AL8TINE, QORDON A CO., "ulte 4 87514 Commercial Bt, or 'Phone Main 801. X. It. MORGAN 4 CO, Manager WE CAN TELL Whats wiong with yvur watch, and we'd like the chance to look it over. WE CAN FIX IT No matter if it's lust a little rcjulit Ins that's needed, ora clcanlne, or some new carts We'll gladly advise you or do the work for vou. Ladies' EIhIq or Waltuam Gold Filled Watches warranted 20 years. $12.00 and up: Gents' Elgin or Waltham Gold Filled watcees. $9,00 aad upwards' ' HOLY ROLLERS NOISY Corvallis Has New Sect, That is De cidedly Unique They Burn Clothing, Carpets, Musical Instruments, and Pretty Much of Any thing Else A dispatch from Corvallis Friday says: This town has boon agog for 21 hours with the doings of membors of a reli gious sect who call thomsalves "God's Annolntcd," but whom sinners call "The Holy Rollers." In tho fanati cism of fliolr devotions; tho enthusi asts havo burned furniture, carpets, clolhlng and mnny ether nrtlclcs, and ae destroyed or burled cooking uten sils. Musical Instruments of nil kinds, without regard to valup or cost, have been dollvorod to the flames. Tho scene of their devotions Is tho house of Mr. and Mru O. V. Hurt, in the south ond of town. There, yester day, tho sidewalks about tho promises woto torn up nnd burned, tho flowers, sluubbory and fruit troes woro dug up ant, destroyed. During the day re ports In circulation that dogs and cat3 had been burned on a sacrificial altar. Members of the sect deny the ca3c of the cats, but admit the dog was burned. They say, however, thnt It was a dog that was not wanted about tho bout.', and It would not go away and that it was first killed in a hu man o manner, nnd then burned. Neighbors luslst that both dogs and cntf to a considerable number wero consigned to the flnmw, as a manlfes tntion of tho creed of the sect. A foaturo that has added materially to tho public Interest in prevailing conditions Is thnt O. V. Hurt, ox-chalr-men of tho Republican county centrnl committee, nnd at present stato com mitteeman, hns Joined tho sect. Mem bers of his family, formerly mombors of tho Salvation Army, havo for sev eral months been dovoted worshipers In tho new sect. Wcdnosdny morning, Mr. Hurt, who has been omployed for a long tlmo In a leading mercantile establishment, sunt his koys to the store with tho an nouncement that ho was hereaftor to dovote himself to the work of God. Mr. Hurt took part In the destruction of furnlturo and other household ef fects, and in digging up and destroy ing tho walks and shrubbery nboui his house. All day yestorday about 20 of tho sect wero In the house. The destruc tion of the furnlturo' Is done, tho members say, because God wills It. Thoy claim to have direct communica tion with tho Almighty at all times, and they say Up directs them what to destroy, and what to preset vo. It is such things as they reeolvo from carnal hands that ar given to the llamoa. Guitars, mandolins and other musical Instruments were among th" articles burned yesterday. Buying Prunes for Export, M. Martlnoau, of Bordeaux, Franca, representing a large fruit importing house, is In the city, for tho purpose of purchasing Oregon prune foi'the French market He states that tho prune crop of France this year Is very bhort. and large quantities will have, to be Imported from the Untied StaUs to eupply the demand. He ram hare yoar, and purchased a number of carloads, and so well was their trade pleased with the Oregon fruit that his house has sent him here a seoond time. M. Mnrtlneau stated "that he had been unable to secure all the prune he wanted at Salem, having puichnsed but a few carlondb. hut that he had bought some heavy shipments In Southern Oregon, and seme ot these, are now on the way to Prance. Since Teddy Was Here. County Clerk ltoland had Issued 5p marriage license In October, up to 8:30 o'clock this afternoon, making tlo county's receipt from this source 18.I0. Today he Issued four of tnOM glory tickets, as follews: William Rlekman and Julia Wood, A. 11. Wood, witness. Prod W. Kalk aud Tllla TwohI. Thomas Tweed, witness. C. a Caiumaek and Itllle Caas It. A. Motehuerger. witness. Q. Oepund and Pearl Pox. J. F. Pox. witness. Dole Is District Judge. Washington. OeU 31. The president today made the following appoint? meats: Sanfqrd Dole, to be district Jujijg. to (sueqed Bates, in HolwaJl. aidge$ra CarW" present secretary te the governor of Haiwall to succeed Dole. FOURTEEN KILLED JN WRECK (Continued from first page.) merchant, of LaFayette; Price D. Holllngor and Frank Truitt, of Nobles vllle, Ind.; tha latter two died in the hospital. John Tandoman, of Cincinnati, is dy ing in the hospital. His skull is crushed. Prico D. S. Hollingor has died, mak ing a total of 14 dead. Androw Thomas and Coach Culls wore not killed, .is at flrst reported. Football. Chicago, Oct. 31. Cambridge, first half, Carlisle G, Harvard 0. Philadelphia First half, Pennsylva nia 20, Bucknell 0. Now Haven First half, Columbia 0, Yalo 0. Tried to Wreck a Flyer. . Wheeling, W. Vn., Oct. 31. An at- tompt was mado to wreck the flyor on the Baltimoro & Ohio last night, near Mannington. An extra freight ran in to a big pile of ties, and was wrecked'. Ono arrest was made. Mystery of What Is Life. Revealed. Lecture in Artisan's hall, 7:30 p. m. Sunday night, November 1. Frea It . LatPiss ,f tiko soft, thick, sV gloBBytiain Such d New bbo's IlFnn cidb product-, lieonufe they rcallic thnt It In- " oranges their bcMttr fullr 100 percent. Allltullt v.ho with to plvo Nkwbro'b Ilr.iii'i- cidkb. trial lll conn I U'como convinced of ttils (act, becnufo, by , B)v cerra nt work urn ' ml ...U .11.1. 11V.. .. v maVcs dandruff. falllnc - -.. . -.. i hair nnd thin, brittle hair'' itupoaiiDuiucs. Gentlemen And It equally nx Taluablo, for it works llko a charm, oven ur- on bold hoods. ForSaloetell flrsKlasi Drog Stores For sale by Daniel J. Fry. Send 10 cents In stamps for sample to The riBipV.U WV.. WC.IW. ITIIIill. Oregon Fire Relief Association Oregon's Great Mutual Insurance Co. $15,440,588 Insurance at risk. ! Safe, economical Insurance for the people. Head office. McMlnvllle, Or, . n.A JOHNSON, Ajrent for Marlon Co Salem. Orcron. Capital Restaurant Noxt door to Harrltt & Lawrence. Short orders and family tables. All whlto sorvlco. Meals by day or weok. SUMNER & MOORE, Props., 20G Commercial Stroot. Jersey Bull Orogon T. Rioter, No. C3,C9, A. J C. C, took first promlum nt all Northwest fairs In 1903. Ready tor sorvlco on Qardon Road, near 8, P. traok. L. P. MARS, Prop. 10-39-lm F- only Me. We will store your bug gy for 26c ie month; carriages 50c. P. J- I.nrsen. Liberty street. 10.31-3t Don't Forget that Edwards &. Luscher keep the bast fresh and cured meats on tho market. 410 State street, rhous otdors given spealal atten lion. Wanted. Somewhere In Marlon or Polk eounties, a farm with or with- ' out buildings. Must be cheap. Ad dress, with ensh price, "O," cari qf Journal. 10-3l-lf Wanted.- Person to call on retail trado for manufacturing house; lo cal territory; salary. $19.70 per week, paid weekly; expenso monoy advanced; previous experience un necessary; business suQcessful; en oloee self-addrossel envolope. Stand ard, 3tS DearC6n street. Chicago. Oct 24-3C-31-N0V 3 Wanted-Twent"-ftve boj and girls to semi ms their names and address . Will sead to each five (S) pack ages of Beterbrook's pons to sell at (5) cents par package. When rptd send us the money and receive ky rstarn wojl a oo feuntaln pea, ' tertliail' frM. ReBimhr yi'e ttuft yauT aid taaC' pena are easy to sejl, The Mghawk Supply Ca. detit. W. P. O. box 3TT. Denver Cto. NOW TODAY MMmMTmMFhP Kjr A WM,JsJ tore Black Dress Goods Sale, Salem's foremost Dress Goods Store offers unusual bargains In new fall Dress Goods All the latest cloths in black offered at reduced o ices Buy your new dress at the style store. i "Get The Habit" of Trading at TWssMMegWMeWiMeUjMI GB9BEBBBMHs I Campflre. ! Tho 'a. A. R. nnd tho W. R. C. will hold a campflre in their hall In the Tumor block noxt Tuesday evening, to which all soldiers and their families aro invited. i Because a thing is now is no argu ment that it Is not good-. Osteopathy has stood the tost of ton years, and will stand tho test of conturles. Dre. Schoottlo, Barr & Barr. Osteo paths, Qrand Opera House. Salem, Or. xacnaa3ggsaBeng3iJijm There Are Twice as iVIany Hancock Disc Plows Sold As nro put out by tho other lienicia Hancock line twice ns Marion and Polk counties as wo nre selling more right along. Why buy an experiment whon you only havo to go a find one of our flows in tho field' in use. They turn the soil over. Does tho other one? Thoy cut even furrows. Does tho other ono? There is no side draft. Watch tho other ones. Thoy have jointers. The others haven't. Thoy havo gear whool controller. The others haven't. Thoy have lrout land gunge. Tho others haven't In fact there isn't much that tho others havo thnt matoj for efficiency in plowing. Soud for list of users in your in tho field. F. A. Wiggins 255-257 LIBERTY STREET, SALEM, OREGON. Farm Machinery, Bicycles, Automobiles, Sewlnsr Machines ui supplies, N. II. BURLEY. Sewing Machine Repairing. JPJQJMCS JBUIHCAMN JfSrOUTSJB' Friday and Saturday Bargain Days Whon wo call thoso two days Bargain days wo mean every word of WK also want to demonstrate to the peoplo tho wondorful bargain e"w inwr of ttm fihlrncn Stnrn th storo that loaila In el vine the low"5 prices on reliable, up-to-date merchandise; thoro Is no storo In Salem I-. can offer you good goods at suoh Uttlo prices as tho Chicago Store i Children's 15o fast black thick, hoavy cotton hoso, double thread, uuid proof dye; sale price, per pair. 9c Ladles' 39 o Derby ribbed heavy fleeced underwear, silk ribbon around the neck, flnoly trimmed sale price 23c Ladles' 3c blaok cotton fleece lined stockings, with English ribbed tops, antra quality; priee, per pair 15c Children's 30a union suits: nrlce liar Glllt Or Odd lot of corsets, worth up to J1.00 pair. Broken sizes wo nffrtr tfinm (nt fhla caln t Mkl fl Dest sans silk, ball, 2c 300 yd. spool cotton, spool lc 7c No. S all silk hair ribbon 3Hc jw ooxuax yam, BKQm ac wc wool . jaeruown, u '- Tie Cheapest Store In the Northwest McEVOY BROS., atV or. News r "v Any Salt In The Store For Fashionable Fall Softs They are really worth $15. $17 50 and $20. Mr Man, here's your chancel Come Today They're Here The Music Department of tlio Sacred Heart icadei linn opened with n fine attend ma Every (fibrt is mode toad vim tho studunts in thin ftucinilitfl depnrtmoiit. twenty makers combinod. Tin many plows in tno held id all other makes combined and ! yes or even try an exnoriment- milo or less in any direction to I section, then go nnd see ttem Implement House 5c wool dress goods, 40 InchM wide, all colors, yard Children's 20o sohool plaid dri Roods, vard 7c fancy outlug flannel, yard--'-;' Rig salo on blankets, 19c, 35c. fe 75o and $1.26, worth double ti prices. Mo fancy dress goods; bosP1 ( olitnn. sold chean: sale PrJ.! yard .11' 36c wool fasoinators, only 60c auto cans: salo prico . .m t1 tf lvlno'L- mitmurFiail limlArSVlrtl, tucked and plaited, sale Price'TB 20c Persian striped Angora ntum wnlaMnrr nfttn vnrH B 15c daisy flannels, all colors. J""! Ladies" $1-60 wool walsU. luck 1 and plaited, salo price HI 2 ..i.. j, Try. -