-w" THE DAILY JOURNAL. 8ALEM, 0MM9N, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1803. BLEVEM Years f Suffering From Heart Disease. Would Not be Alive Today Jut For Dr. Milos' Heart Cure. Inn not neelect the wsrnine syrantomi nf a lesk heart. Palpitation, smothering spells, trellinE ul lt" "' "!i""Tt Hi m wiu around tut; oftentimes affections of the stomach, Inzs, liTer. bladder, kidneys, etc, arise from fcirt weakness. A weak hesrt must be tlned. " cannoi nop 10 rest, it must be t enriched, the htart nerves strengthened cd the circulation Improved by the great eart and blood tonic, Dr. Miles' Heart ' There is DOSltiveiv nothlnr In ntual M wonderful medicine in its beneficial ifitttnee upon nen weaaenea irom any UM. 11 am very ctateful for what Dr. Miles tesrt Cure nas done for me. as I am confi- r wnnld not be alive todav had I not funed of its wonderful virtues and taken it efore it was too isia. i naa ueen a suuerer om valvular ceart disease tor many years. , . mitt tlnce I was a little cirl and fnr free years before I began utinc ileart Cure was in Terr bad shape. I could not sleep n my leil sine i an ana wouia irequentiy . the most dreadful smothering melli. t times my left side would swell up. I bad ttia in my ne au ine time irumwmcbt kftered ereatly. Nothing I took did roe fiy roeif until I used eleven bottles of Dr. iiw Heart Cure which removed all these Ustrtisioz symptoms and made me feel well fad itrenr." MR. II. C CausE, San Fran- Eico, CaL All druggists sell and guarantee first bot le Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book in Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address Br. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, ind. Few Going Home to Vote. Washington, D. C. Oct, 31. It Is customary on the Saturdnv nwwn.r (election day for a large number of i aepartment employos, amounting 'sometimes to sovoral thousands, to leave Washington for their homes In ( the various states In order to cast , their votes. This year, however, has not witnessed tho customary exodus. Inquiry at the headquarters of the national committees shows that very few aro taking advantage of the op portunity to revisit their homes at little expense. In nearly all of the states the result of tho electlqn can be forecasted with certainty, and only In Ohio Is th lt. uatlon believed to bo sufficiently close to act as an incentive for the Iluck eye employos to Journey home. President Roosevelt bolloves It to bo tho duty of a citizen to vote at every election and In conseouen nf this belief he will be one of the few public officials who will go homo to vote. He has arrangod to leavo Wash ington Monday night, on a special train, so as to arrive at Oyster Bav In tlmo to vote early and bo back In the White House Tuesday evening. BIRD CLUB MEETING. Tho Salem Bird Study Club will moot at tho usual placo Saturday evening, and a good turn out is re quested. All members or any nersons old or young, Interested in birds, are requostod to be present One of the features of the meeting will be experiences- of tho summer vacation by urIous members. TERRIFIES WOMEN WHAT MRS. LAVIGNE FEARED IS FELT BY MANY OTHERS. An Unnatural Decline Made Her Think She Wm Going Into Consump tion, Until She Acted Upon the Advice of a Friend. IO8SSOOe0eS83OO88C'tfleM Bed Room Sets Not ash, not mnplo, not fir, but SOLID OAK in tho lat est finishes and shapes at $18.50, $20.00, $24 and $27 5ft Thcso aro excellent values ! ! but no moro so than you ! ! may havo any day by trad ! ! ing with 'The House Furnishing Company. Salem. 269 Liberty Street. Albany tMd99Z9069MQWta9699Q999999i E, C, CROSS .can Meats and Provisions ihojsljb son. Established 1884 3.. tieo. M. Barr Successor to Barr Petzel. iXJSTmJ3i'E& - - iLEA, Hot Air. Hot Water and Steam Heating a Specialty. OREGON A. AUPPERLE, President, E- W. HAZARD, Cashier A. F. HOFER, Vice President. regon State Banfc Incorporated. Jefferson, Oregon "I was going Into an unnatural de cline, says Mrs. Charles Lavlgne, of No. 1317 Third avenue, Detroit Mich., "and my health was seriously low whon I bogan using Dr. Williams1 Pink Pills for Pale People. They cured me. "I was weak and thin, norvous and without appetite, took cold easily and was afraid of consumption. I could not sleep, I was'always tired and worn out, my color all went away nnd I felt mlserablo Good doctors treated me, but failed to do me any good, and 1 was discouraged of ever getting bet tor, until a frlond told mo of Dr. Wil liams Pink Pills for Palo People. I began to tako them', and kept on until I had used three boxes. By that tlmo I was an entirely dlftofcnt porson. Tho norvousnoss had all gone, I could eat and Bloep, I gained In weight, aud felt strong and well. My friends be gan to remark on tho color In my cheeks, and I told them Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had done It and had re stored me to health. That wai sever al years ago, but from that day to this I have retained my, health nnd my strength." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Poplc aro not only of Inestimable val ue to women, but restore to health men, women and children who are thin, pale, nervous and deprossod. They embody Dr. Williams' wondor fill discovery and have cured stubborn cases of locomotor ataxia, partial par alysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, nou ralgln, rheumatism, norvous head ache, and the after-effects of the grip, palpitation of the heart, palo and sal low complexions and nil forms of weakness, olther In malo or fomalo. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo Peo ple aro sold by nil dealors, or will bo sent postpaid on rocolpt of price, GO contii a box, or six boxes for $2.50 (thoy nro never sold In bulk, by tho dozen or hundred) by nddrosslng Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schnoc tady, N. Y- Markct Quotations Today, 'wnv fcwa CS WW IWMV PSM WmMt, Aftv '. fcpw . mwii twwmw . wfc c. For Good Groceries Go to Branson & Rogan's, and after onco trying tholr groceries you will uso thorn alt tho tlmo. Transacts a general banking business: makes loans, tls counts bills and receive leposits. Deals In foreign And domestic exchange. Collections mad on favorable terms. Notaries Public We tendsr our services In all Batten, ef conveyancing. Ileal estate 'oans negotiated at low rates of Interest YOUR BUSINE88 SOLICITED. Burroughs & Fraser TINNING IRON WORK PLUMBING st Material, Best Workmen and rrompiness arc uw iywW, STATE STREET. 8ALEM OREQON' Wood for State Institution's. Scaled bids will bo recolved at the oxocutlvo office, Stato Capitol, Salem, until 2 o'clock p. m, November 24, 1903, for furnishing wood for tho sev eral state Institutions located at or near Salem, as follews: Insane Asylum, main building, 4000 cords first growth fir; 75 cords grub oak. Insane Asylum, Cottage farm, 1000 cords first growth fir. Penitentiary, 1100 cords first growth fir. Reform School 800 cords first growth fir; 36 cordB grub oak. Deaf Mute School, ISO oords first growth fir; 100 oords grub oak or ash. Blind School, 100 cords first growth fir; IE cords grub oak. Capitol Building, 480 cords first growth nr. Bids on Moond growth fir for all or any part of the above will also be en tertained. Al for 6000 cords first- class slab wood, delivered f. o. b., Sa lem. Bids will be received for all or any part Cord wood must be out while green, from sound timber, four feet long, reasonably straight, well sea soned, delivered as designated, at or near the several Institutions, olosoly corded, without bulkheads. Delivery may begin May IsL and must be com pleted by October 1, 1901. Bach bid must be accompanied by a certified check, payable to the clerk. or rath equal to M cent per cord, to be forfeited to the state as damages, In cut the bidder receiving the award shell fall to execute a contract to de liver the wood, awl furnUh a eatle factory bond. Succeesiul Udders will be required, within ten days after no tMcftttoa of acceptance of bid, to enter let contract and furnish aatlefactory bond Madera ehould lie careful to state In Uter bWs. the qpme of insti tution aed kliul ami number of cords of wood to be furnished. Bide meet be in sealed envelopes, endoreed "Propose is for Wood," and addreeeed to the NReerelgeed. Any further In formatter r be bad of the under lifted. The right is reserved to reject aey awl all bids, or any part of a Md, and to waive defects In any bids, if It be deemed te the Interest ef the state to 4 - By order of the Boards of Trustees of the several Institutions, W,"N, OATBNS, Private Secretary io the Ooernor. Poultryet 8t8lnere Market Chlckona 8c Eggs Per doaon, SOc D?uch 10c. Hop Market Hops 20024c. Potatoee, Vegetables, Etc. Now potatoes 3540c. .Now onloua lo per pound. Tomatoes 40c. Dried Fruits, Poaches 10c. Apricots 10c. Apples 10c. Potlto prunes 1c Italian prunes 5c Wood, ronce Potts, Etc Big Or $4.00. Socond-growth $3 BO. Aph J3.00 to 13.75. Body oak J4.50. Polo oak 4.00. Cedar Posts i0c. Hides, Pelts and Furs. Oroen Hides, No 1 l"c Green Hides, No. 2 ?C. Calf Skins I to fie Bhoep 76c Goat Sklne 26c to J1.C0. Grain and Flour. Wheat 70c Oats 30c. Barloy UT Pr ton. Flour Wholesale, $3.70. Live Stock Market Steers 2c, Cows 2V4c. Sheep $1.60. Droseod veal 0 He. Hogs 5c Mutton 2c por pound. Veal C0GV4c Hay, Feed, Etc Baled cheat $910. Baled clovor $9fl$10. Bran $21.00. Shorts $22. Creamery and Dairy Product. ' Good dairy butter 20022c Creamory butter 30c Cream separator skimmed, at Cora. Creamery, 28c, neL Portland Market Wheat-Walla Walla, 73c Wheat Valley, 77c. FlourPortland, best grade, $3.75 3.85; graham, $3 353.75. Oats Cholco Whlto, $1.10. Barley Food, $1920 por ton; rolled, $21021.50. Mlllstuff Bran, $20. Hay Timothy, $15. Onions Now. fl.15Ql.26 por sack. Potatooe 65075c par Back. Eggs Oregon ranch, 24c per dor. Poultry Chtckons, mixed, llllc por pound; spring, 12013; tup keys, 14015c Mutton Gross, 505 l-2c Pork--Dreesod, 7W08V4C Bocf Oroes, 6 ft 07c. Voal 8c per pouna. Hops 1903 crop, 24c025c Wool Valley, 17018c; Eastern Oregon, 12015s; Mohair, 35037ttc Hides dry, IS pounds am upwards 16 to 15ttj ButterBest dalrv, nominal; fancy creamory, 25027Hc; storo, 1601Cc CLASSIFIED ADS AavertiMMSsts. rrrs Use w less, la this cetuos toswlt1thretlmcsfor25c50cWik 91-50 ntors. Ad ever five lists stthesstae rat. WANTED. Wanted. Wood choppers; havo best timber In Marlon or Polk counties. M. P. Dennis, corner of Stato and 19th stroets. 10-30-3t Wanted. Elevator boy nt Willamette Hotol. 10-30-3t Wanted. Small houso and lot, within few blocks of public school, not to cost over f600 or $000. Iuqulro at Journal otneo. 10-2G-U Wanted, Several thousand Clark and tlagoon strawberry plants. 13. Hofer. 10-1 7-tf Wanted. A girl or woman to do houso work in a small family; desirable place For particulars apply at Journal office ti FOR SALE. For Bale. O. K. 0 rubbers. Beet In Oregon; three state premiums; one horse has the power of 99; can grub an uere a day. James Kinney, li rooks. Or. 10-36 lin For Sale. feeond-hand wagon, nil 'imiplete. spring sent, running-Hears in Hood repair. A. O. Smith, Route No. 6, near Prlngle school house. . 10-S0-31 To the Public I will bold a public sale en the Fred Yankee place, two Miles east of Salem, on the prison road on Thursday, November . lStOS. C. W. Yankeo 1071wk For Sale Mghty sores of land In Washington county, for $460. A bargain or some one wanting to isake & home. Some timber on the plage; some cleared. E. Hofer, Sa lem, Oregon. 10-6-tf FOR SALE. For 8ale, A Studebaker wagon, 3, with or without the bex: in food eonojuon. Inquire of Joa Petrel, Route 8, 10-SO-Jt FOR SALE. SAAAAM For 8alc At a bargain, for a few days, a nice 2-acro chlckon ranch, fair house, barn, etc., with plenty of fruit Price $660. See Ryan & Co., 123 Stato street 10-26-tf Home for Sale. One full corner lot with five-room house, on North Lib erty street, in good condition; plen ty of fcult Groat bargain for right party. Call .it premlsos. Mrs. U P. Adams 10-21-3wk For Sale Inmprovod and unimproved block proporty in South Salem. For Information Inquire of K, Ho for, Journal office 10-9-ti For 8ale. Saddlo In very good con dltlon, only usod a fow ttmos, a bar gain Inqulro at 310 Liberty etrct. 10-28-3t RESTAURANT." " FERGU80N',8 RESTAURANT. 95 State 8treet Tho only placo to eat Open day and night Our 20-cent meals aro bet' tor than any 25-cont houso in tho state. 9-23-tf LODGES. Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Castle Hall In Holman block, corner State and Liberty Sts. Tuesday of eacb week at 7:30 p. m. A. B. Strang C. C. R. J. Flomlng K. of R. and S. Foresters of America Court Bhct wood Foresters No. 19. Meets FrU day night In Turner block. S. W, Mlnturn O. R.; A. L. Brown. Bee. For Sale. Houso and lot, cornor 12th nnd Loo strcots, Salem. Good barn, city water and foncod. Apply on premises to E. Hartloy. 10-6-tf To Trade Town lot In 8nlom, nicely located, for a qutot driving horse. For further particulars Inqulro of Fred Hurst 9-2S-tf For Sale Two beef stoors, 2Mi yenrs old and ono cow 3 yonrs old. O. L. Weaver, 1 mllo south of Liberty school houso. 9-22lf. Willamette University Scholarship to lease for coming term. Address P. O. box 2G3. 8-27-tf FOR RENT. Rooms to Rent by the Month Threo large, woll furnished, pleasant rooms, throe blocks from tho Wtl lnmotto hotel, with baths, and uso of parlor and sitting room, 138 Mill streot C. W. Hellenbrand. 10-17-lwk For Rent Largo doublo store on Stato streot, 60-foot front, 80 doep. Apply to M. Kllngor. 10-7-tf For Rent A good half-soctlon farm. For particulars addross "J," caro Journal ofuco. 10-3-tf Rooms for Rent Up stairs. Cottle blocks by day, wook. or month. Al so light housekeeping rooms. Elec tric ights. Opon all hours. Commercial St, No. 333. Phone: 2905 Main. Mattlo Hutchlns, Prop. MISCELLANEOUS. If you have property to sell Or ront, or wnnt to buy or soil, trado or ox chnngo for other proporty of any kind, or If you wnnt a loan or Itimir anco, soo 11. R. Ryan ft Co 10-2C-tf Balm of Figs Remedies. 382 Marlon streot (from 2 p. in. to 3 p. ra.) Bright lady assistant wnntod. 10-27-lm Strayed or Stolen From tho Wilson pnsturo four mlloa ennt of Salem, 12 hend of sheep, Cotawold and Shrop shlros, during past two months. No tify R. IL Ryan of whoroabouta, nnd got reward. Sheep brandod with a double "O" on shoulder and top of hip; rod paint; ono or both ears cropped. 10-28-3t Timber Claims. If you want a uood tlmbor claim, cnll at onco on Derby & Wlllson. 10-17-tf HOW 18 THAT EUREKA FLOURT Evorybody wants It. Mado by John Spanoll & Son Stayton, Orogon. Bost buckwhoat flour In tho market Ask your grocer for It. 10-15-tf The Proper Thlna Tho popular drink for family uso la o. a. soda and carbonated bovoragos. Evory body should keep thoso goods nt their homos. Call up Gideon Stoli Co. 'phone 421. I Have Just Purchased Tho Mlllor stock of now and second-hand goods at 210 Commercial stroot Will give you good treatment and doslro your patronage Second hand goods bought aud sold. Also a nlco stock of new goods on hand. D. F. Jor man. 7-21 -If New Sweet Cider. 8end your order to the neareat grocery, or call up phonal 421. Gideon Stols k Co. 9-10-ti Modern Woodmen of America Ore' gon Codar Camp No. 6246. Meets every Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'clock Holman Hall, Frank A. Turner, V. C: A. Ij. Brown. Clerk. Protection Lodge No. 2, Ancient Or der United Workmen, meats orery Saturday evening in the nolmaa Hall, corner Stato and Liberty streets. Visiting brethren woloome. J. Q. Graham, M. W.; J. A. QollwoocT Recorder. PHV8ICIAN AND 8URQEON. oXswioMwtn found In the Brey block, 2764 Con); morclal stroet ovor Oregon Shoo Co. Office telephone 2931; resi dence phone, 8751. Office hours 9 to 12. and 2 to 6. OSTEOPATHS. Ore. M. T. Sohoettle, Frank J. Barr and Anna M. Darr. Graduates American School of Osteopathy, Klrksvllle, Mo., successors to, .Dir, Grace Albright Offlc hours 9, to 12 and 1:30 to 4:30 o'clock. Odd Fellows' Tempi, Phone Main 3T11 resldMacn phone 2603 red. TONSORIAL AND BATHS. Ryan's Shaving Parlors Seven first class barboro ongngod. Finest bate rooms In city. Wo uie antiseptic stertlliors. J Ryan, Proprietor. Evan's Bsrber Shop Only flrstelass shop on Btato streot Every thing new and up-to-ato. Finest porce lain baths. Shave, IRe: hair-cut 36c baths. 2Ro, Two first-class boot blacks. O. w Rvans. nroprlstor. JHjOPJJUjrEJRjrCHRE BiMiuTJMmvAz Hop merchants, 07 to 99 State streot, Salem, Oregon. Representee1 by Jos. Harris. WM. DROWN & CO. Haps. Mohair, wool, hop growers' supnllos. No. 229 Commorclnl street, Salem, Ore gon. Phono 1301. SQUIRE FARHAR Hop merchant and purchasing agont No. 210 Commercial streot. upstairs, Salens, Oregon, Phono 1061. T. A. LIVE8LEY A CO. Dealers In hops nnd hop supnllos, Phono 1212, ofneo room 18 Oborholm Uldg, Sa eom, Oregon. J. CARMICHAEL Hop buyer. Office in DuBh-Rroymnn building, Salem, Orogon. Snmplos of choice hops eo lleltod from all growors. CATLIN & LINN Hop buyors. Wes o uusn-iiroynmn shock, omuni, uro gon. Phono 1431. HUODARD & CROB8AN Hop buy ers. Room 2, Murphy block, Saloni, Oreiron. Tolonhono No. 371. WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALU For water service apply at office Dills payablo monthly In advance Mae all complaints at tho office WIRE FENCING. Hop Wire Woven Wire Fencing. Placo your orilors now and got re- ducod prices. Car of fencing to arrive Octobor 26th; car of fencing in No vember. Write and get prices. WALTER MORLEY, 60 Court St, Salem, Or. Bay You will always find the cholc- oat meats, at Uie lowest prices, at Edwards & Luscher'e, 406 and 410 Stato streot 'Phone orders given special attention. Salem Truck and Dray Co. Oldest and beet equipped company In Sa lem. Piano and furniture moving a specialty Ofllea 'phone, 861. W. W. Brown & Son, proprietor. Office No. (0 HUte stroet 9-Mra Dr. Z. M. Psrvln At 297 Commercial street, upstairs. Singing school. RudlmenUil and sight reading class es. Begins Wednesday evening, Oo tober 14th. Class every Wednes day evening to May 1st, next Tut-, Hon. $1.00. NoticeIs hereby given to all malo oltlseno of the city of Salem, Ore, between the ages of 21 and 60 years, that the city road poll tax of f 1.00 for each individual not legally exempt therofr J, for tho year 1903, is now due and payable at Uie office of the undent ffned. The pay ment of this tax is a charter quail ration for voUng wltbla Oils city. ray up. OKO OIUSWOLD, Street CotntnlBslone" 9-4-tf Unique Cleaning Rooms Shaw A jehason. the cleaners, are now lo cated at 209 Commercial street They do a general preaalns and re pairing business. Special Uea: Skirfca, silk walstA kid, gloves. tnt etettt lag, etc Phoae 1611. S-3S-lyr. EXPRESS AND TRANSFER. CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfer Moots all mall and passenger trains Baggage to nil parta of tho city. Prompt service. Telephone No. 24L IIP.CKMANIIEDniCK & HOMYER DENTISTS, C H. MAOK 33 JESJT'OC 3CST Sucooesor to Dr. J. M. Keese, la White Comer, Baletn. Oregon. Partlee desiring superior operations at su4 erst fee In any branch are la essedsd request VARIETY STORE. To inuko room for our holiday Rtock we wnnt to call your attention to our enaraelsd aud granite ware. We have four kinds and ask you to get our prices before buying. We also have a large line of tinware. The Variety Store 94 Court St. Annora M. Welch, Prop THE ELITE CAFE 2S9 Commercial Street Crawfish ) All served In HotTamaies the most ap Cold Lunches ) petizingr style B ECKBRLBN, Proprlctoe rl 1 d )'l