tteN THE OAlUY J&tmUAL, 3ALBM, eaaQW, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31. 1903. EDITORS TO MEET IN HOOD RIVER t fegon Newspaper Men Will Gatne I Tnec In 1 904 Meeting at , '. Salem a Success. Tlio Jft (Hood1 Itlvor Glaclor.) editors of Oregon will hold Ihclr noxt annual gathoring at Hood Itbjor fix 1004. And thoy nro coming, too. Everybody In Oregon has hoard of Hood Itivsr Thoso who havo boon fact, Claims wleor judgment or a nicer tact. Its task demand you sometimes walk alone, With moral bravery and a stiff backbone. Rewarded only for a galfant fight " A lioro aro unxlous to como again, whllo By knowledge that you struggled for tho othors havo bcon told all about Hood Itlvor hospitality, sconory and fruits, and wish to enjoy thoso g-od things themsolves. Tho sosslons of tho Pross Asoclntlon nt Snlom lot week woro well nttond od, and altogothor it -was a vory cue ccssful and profltablo mooting. Some oxcollont napors 'cro road containing ndvlco and suggestions valuablo to nowspnpor makers. Tho Salem Tress , Club looked aftor tho entortnlnmont of tho visitors, and tho Editors Hofor, of , tho Journal, and HcndrickB, of tho Statesman, worked night and day to boo that ovorythlng wont off In good shnpo. Trcsldont Arthur Conklln, of Grants Pass, presided at tho meotlngs. Al bert Tozlor, of Portland, was thcro as secretary. His annual report showed, among other things, thnt there nre 220 publications In Orogou, of which 19 nro dallies, 180 weokllos, 7 soml weekly, 18 monthlies, 1 soml-monthly and 1 qunriarly. Among tho nddrossos of particular Intorost was ono by Dennis H. Stovall, whoso subject was, "How Ono Secures ltncognlttan as a wrltor for Monthly Jlngnzlnos." Mr. Stovall llvos at Grants Pass. Ho haa a bright future ns a wrltor. Tho annual election of odlcers of tho association rosulted as follews: Pros Jdant, S. L. Moorohond, Junction City; first vice-president, 13. Hofor, Salem; second vlco-proshUnt, George M. Corn wall, Portland, Oregon Tlmbonnnn; nocrotnry, Albert Tozlor, Portland; treasurer, Prances 13. Gottschall; his torian, George H Hlmo3; Borgcunt-at-nrmB, Arthur Conklln, Grants Pass; All theso woro elected by unanimous vote. John II. Crndlcbaugh, who Is now telegraph editor and pnragrapher on tho Salem livening Journal road tho following poem: Jhe Press. Tlo'good to moot.'htbclt'onco a year, To ( greet OQch other and oach other chpor, Forkottlng4cnch, thoso -Uttls digs anil W 'iHtlRB Hogot of polltlos, and othor thing .With which Wa'ro wont, ns tho ncca Iqh needs, To warn onoh other for allogtd mis deeds, ToloaV at homo tho ortltdrlnl "wo'' And u hj, liko common folks. Juit "I" t nnil Mmo." To spend a fow days, Idlo, urtleis, hlassutl, And glv our roadors a muah-notded ret; To out Iqoso, as It wore, from all things ovll, To cliooao our company and chow u the devil, Forgot, then, for the time, tho dally grind, I.oavo Items, copy, ovn ads, behind. Within those walls, indeod, t litre's naught to fear; No road subscriber onn And ontranco hero; No good "old eltUenM oan here find room; "Vox Popull" grow silent as tho tomb; Tho "old subscriber," with an ax to grind Jdny knock, and knock, and yet no en trance And; "Pro Hono Publico" must pa" us by, And wo onn mnllo and wink tho othor 'eye. No 'long-haired poet here for long can bora you (Tho fellow's bnld who rends those lints befor you). No yell tor copy can disturb you here, yAnd well, you needn't even "Jon" 1 for beer, Itoommo don't start, or let the faat UBtouijjl you ThQro'B "Oapltnl" in plenty all around you. .And It's nil yours, we give to you th kys. And only say, "Do with It what yu ploaaojw Adding to this our Inner heart's best greeting. Regretting thnt your visit U so fleet- YaT oj youttttllluK 1 would say a word. If you'll tjnmlt mo, longer to tie nuard. Thlro' ,'iio pursuit, In all the wide J domain' Pins every statement closer to the tho right; Yot, If porchanco you get an ugly fall, What matters, If you battled for ub all? Wo'ro apt to say of ovory busy mart, Tho city's buslnoss Is the city's "heart" Koon competition and tho .coasloss strife, Thoso, If It plonso you, are the city's "life" ' Tho boats, tho cars, In ondlcss rows arrayed, Define tho well-known "arteries of trade." Tho mayor and tho councilman, 'tis said, Provldo tho city's "consclenco" nnd Its "head" But ovor all, and greater than tho whole, Tho city's papor Is the city's soul. What nobler alms can any calling Slvo? To tench the way humanity should live, To put our foollngsjn tho scalo with right, And givo just Judgmont, should tho first bo light. Tho Ills of vice In fitting words to paint, To drub n sinner or to pralso a saint, To piny nt all times tho full, manly l'nrt, With elennly conBdonco nnd a goner- ous heart, Unswayed by favor and unmoved by fenr, A smllo for ulensuro nnd for n.iln n tear, And charity, when others' weakness calls, That Silence may catch Ccnsuro as It falls Tho foe of wrong, tho steadfast frlond of right, Long may you llvo to fight tho gallant fight, - , And whon nnothor your bo passed, why, then, Hero's hoping nil of us mny moot again, j GT-S'lrt. yoxxv JscoCotx loovtreoe. 0.1-2 cL fly I If JcvcK ta JtU jl- A &? YJ4& "v? "V3sS T. -Z- Ti&Jf& . -- ' --s- 5?;& 'jb .- r --. - ---- - - iiiin w j i" j j - - - wag "Il r 1 - tssBsg, wr''fmltmtwm&r&. &k.$xW- $?&1&im&6sm zz? v:A35'-r'55r' j "hf r-mzz2fzzzzezzars&z7?. -'-' v . -v.n at rrj- z&ozy.- syiirrBZifz&&2tzzz&f22tti.. ' VrL&&&&s4r' -s?VS , l, KeggJSiC-?.--' C'$t r " GT.l-i.cU tH. CtSrYUnXst I fckinK jruce); tltcyn. ,tl- ytout'll toxc-fici.t Lyr. -i- . ay mt. evyvj eat, C-oyi,SC-cv.tcu co stxyr 'CivcJk yours is .Qxxtttf sa.&x.&.&raniSrcvry. ud(,(aiim DEMAND8 CONSIDERATION Thoro two kinds practice . jrnamentnl. Tho former should U cured by everyone, because It bo. iuk wt u-u yun.ii. log tatter It airaDio, 0111 mo lormer Is e Our courses aro arranged with t to usofulnof s. ' We don ot dabbles little of everything, but devott, energies to conducting a fl business school. Living oxponjeul aena ror catalogue. Student enter at any timo. CAPITAL BUSINE88 COLLECtj uaiciii, wrcgon. ' W. I. 8tJey, PHwrfpai. Reproduced from "Cheerful Ctt" by Courtesy of The Century Co. Copyright, 1903, The Century Co. All Righti Reierved. And tho frowning of tho heavens Whon tho cooling rain drops como. Notes of the Salem Trip. Hood River will get the editors next year. Sho did It with her big rod apples Salem Statosmnn. deal of torrltory, making tho street car system which reaches every part of town, a great convenience The business houses of Salem do a good retail trado nnd havo a largo Bcopo of country to draw from. But It Is during tho biennial sosslons of tho 1110 pross uoiognto badges were ,,,. ,, on)nm u ,v1v h, made of whito ribbon and printed an... i. i ..- ...t,o.. r un r.11. ( Xliuit ll 10 kill; iniiuvfciuuo ul tiiy I'un- with gold letters, which hns to do with .'sport Sheridan, sailing today from San Francisco for Manila. Tho bride grooms aro mostly officers of tho twenty-second Infantry which regi ment has been ordered to the Philip pines. Prominent among tho couples Is Capt. John U. R. Hnnnay and his bride, who was Miss Elizabeth Young, daughter of Lieut. Gen. S. M. B. Young tit-Inns of the state and half the pop- this stery: A bunch of newspaper lnton of Portlttnd ,a thorc Address by R. M. Hall. ' It. M. Hall, advertising agont for tho O. It. & N., discussed railroad nil vei Using and tho work his company Is doing In spreading information about Oregon nmong the people of tho Kast. Mr. Hal' laid In part: It Is usc1b to impress upon you the results from exploiting our Oro gou scenery. Hero only a yoar nnd I am wedded to the state. Nowboro In the entire world hns naturo b'on more lavish with her nandlwork nnd scattered mora picturesque scones, enconiitaselng our cities with a mag ulflgent and Imperlihnhlo art gal lory of vordure-clad and lofty mountains, whose snow-rapped ponks defy tho sun's warmost rays, and look down upon fertile valleys that fairly groan with their weight of golden grain and fruit. Journoy to Swltxorland, stand on somo mountain and gnse o'er a landscnpo of lake, forest, alpine crag and snnw-eaps; than return and look once moro from somo Oregon height, lotting the eyo grasp at a singlo swoop tho panorama of river and valloy, moutaln, field and forest, tho boautios of the sky as tho sun drops behind th western mountains Into tho bosom of tho oeoau. nnd the memory of Swiss grandeur will merge Into tho reality Oregon, the beautiful, tho gem ot tho Parlflo. To )uu busy nowspnper mon, let me say that the truth about Oregon Is good onough. The facts do not need stretching, or coloring, but don't forget to keep everlastingly at It In yur news and editorial columns. Thousands will read what you say and thousands will came. Once hers, let them wander awhile mid our golden tlelds ot grain, our perfumed orchards, ano beautiful forests, Jet thorn drink Of 9ur.h.eatth.ful waters, breathe our pure air, and th) will join with us In sajlng: Tie a treasure vault of Naturo, And the world Its rlohes orave. For the milk sucked from Its bosom Would a nation's famine wiva All the wealth of Held and forest. All the wealth of mount and plain, Walt the stroke of blade and hammer Tls a land that's doubly favored By the smiling: qf the sun, men nnd womon w.ero strolling about tho city, when a workman on the lnwn catching sight of tho "white llbbon- ers," cnllod eut: "I see you aro wear Ins the white ribbon. That's light. I nm ono of them, too." E. L. Smith, of Hood RfVor, Is about tho boat-known man In Oragon, nnd many people think ho Is tho ono fruit growor of Hood Illver. A hnlf dozen people wanted to know of the Glaclor man as ho distributed his box of ap ples If thoy wore grown by Mr. Smith. Salem on the Wlllamett;. Salem, tho capital of Orogon, rnd tho second city of Importance In tho atnto, has a population of 14,G00. With Its broad and well paved streets, and rowB and rowa of Bhado trees, beauti ful residences nnd substantial public bulldlngn, Salem Is tho prettiest town In Oregon Salem Is well supplied with dally newspapers, each of which thoroughly covor the flsld. The Siatosman, the morning papor, ha? had a continuous Coursing Meet In Oklahoma. Oklnhoma City, Okln., Oct., 31 Scores of dogs, tho product of years of careful breeding and training, arc taking part In the Waterloo and existence since 1854. Tho Evening AlnwIenn Dorby coursing meet which journal, urigiu nnu spicy, is roiior He hns a daily clrcu 2.000 nnd Is tha ono newspnpor mnn in Orogon who admits he is making money. , HDfor's pnpor lation ot ovor Bridal Couples Galore. Washington, D. C, Oct. 31. Tho young odlcers ot tho army apparently aro paying llttlo heed to the declar ation of Adjutant Goneral Corbln that they should not marry but wait until their pay becomes largo enough to support two porsona Advices re ceived nt tho wnr depnrtment jShow thnt nenrly ono dozen brldnl couples Tho city covers a great aro among tho passengers on tho tran- was formally oponod near hero today. Tho meat will contlnuo throughout the greater part of tho coming wosk. The officials In charge of tho meet ing aro B. J. Rlloy of San Francisco, judge, and John Engon of St. Louis, Btartor. From early Indications the meet will prove tho roost notablo event of tho kind ever pulled off In this part of the country. Havo You Tried our cakes. Our line of fruit cakes can't bo beat Also a flno line of mlnco pics. California Bakery, on Court Btroet. HAVE YOUR MEASURE TAKEN for your new Fall garaeaU, It la the only proper and ut Isfactory way of buying yocr clothes, being- that "GOOD CLOTHES ARE ALWATS your selection from the bj. orlng- line of STRAUSS BROS Chicago, Est. i8j aoodtAlloH for ovor a quarter rentui You'll find a world of pleas ure in wearing1 the clothe made by Strauss Bros., lauiuess in style, lit, liniih and materials. They're w much better than the ordi nary run of clothes, yet prices arc astonishingly loir, nnd your perfectly safe in or dering, because if garment! are not satisfactory, jot needn't take them. wB WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU OUR GREAT LINE OF SAMPLES CALL ON G. W Johnson & ft Now Re HWBBraBBSeWCTffw 'tHR I I have just tetutned horn visiting the largest wholesale houses? wiiete I selected and hougki a magnificent line of tlie latest novelties 1 jEfiflSSNHHHnMj: fcgyii'HWJWBuewaiB Butler's Gray Finish Ware In Silverware this is the newest and most las'itig jtvle ever brought oui including. Tea acts. Nut and Fruit Bowl Sugar and Cream Sets, Cake Baskets, Shaving Sets. Candlesticks Jewel faskets Napkin Fings and Cdd Pieces without end, Now the time to select your pr scnts lor the holidays. oet the f.i:k of the cream of the season's stock. A Solid Bargain A mammoth stock of standard Knives. Forks and c paon9, the best triplcplatc. bearing our own name as evidence of quality, will be sold tor three weeks at i5U per cent discount 1 his ts the timer to lav in vour stock of st.-clcs in this line. See them and be convinced. Jewelry and Diamonds Daily arriving, th rarest stock of jewelry ever brought to Salem, Call and examine our selections We wU have the most desirable stock of Diamonds ever shown in, Salem, Our last year's experience convinces us that there will be a heavy demand and for this season we have arranged with a large importing house for the greatest display this line ever shown here. Prices will be close and persons interested will do well to consult us early. Watches The largest stock ever carried, everything from novelty watches inl all designs to th? finest Elgin aJ Waltham Watches. The latter were ordered last February, direct from the factory and bear our name, which is a cofl tinuous guarantee of their time keeping and quality. Call and see us for anything in our line, Cfias. H. Hinges, I ymwm'S'i,'Wm0t.p,A-i , -s a. . Jcwelcj and Optician. 88 State Street Next Door to LadrJ & Bosh's Bank. - in iMiniamin