Fourt THE DAILY JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY-OCTOBER 27, 1008. - W- w !- try tV" '.I "( A ft DRlW FINE liu Ihdni, and' tho'-two'femalo prison-tiupfed the forenoon. "After lohcheon nam nA atriilfl ' fMiltvMtUiti nnnPAntlif . (tin ftAlAfittn viintrflAmltlnrl fttlt llAfnn. uio aiv a&uiu iiniuiuiiiiugf upatvuki uuu uvivtulvo ivnoosmuivu uuu nmv LINES The Two Lady Con victs Refuse to Re cognize Each Other Mrs. Crockett, Doing:" Life For Murder, Is Above Mrs, Carlisle With Only Ten Years. Mrs. Mlnnlo Crockett and Mrs. Rose CarllulB aro tho only two womon abrv ing In tho penitentiary. Mrs. Crockett is Borvlng a llfo sentence, from Dnker county, for tho murdor of her hus band, and tho CarllBlo woman is doing a 10-year torro for arson, from Jack Bon county. Recently thero was a clash between tho two women, owing to tho claims of Mrs, Crockett ns to Iior, superior nodal position, and so closely did sho draw tho social line that sho ovon rofused to hold con verso wltli Mrs. Carllslo, claiming that hor greater crime, murdor, and heav lor sentence, mado her socially tho suporlor of tho woman who was only sowing a comparatively short flon tonco for arson, For sorao llttlo time tills stato of affairs contlnuod. Mrs. Carllslo, according to tho strict social on a social level, and tho society heaven In .the prison Is again sereno and clpudless. "'The President's Birthday. Washington. Oct. 27. For tho third time President Roosevelt has passed a birthday anniversary In tho White House. He was 45 years old today, and the occasion was remembered by evory member of the family and many outside. Expross wagons made fre quent stops at tho White House, and the doormen wore kept busy taking in gifts. Congratulations came by mall, by wire, and some from across tho sea, among the latter being a fe licitous message from Secretary Root. Thore wore numerous official callers, among the first to arrive being the members of the cabinet now In Wash ington; All took caro to prefaco their business errands with fitting words of compliment to tho ProsldonL o ed to addresses by Mrs. Linda Hull Larned, president 'of tho National Household Economic association, and others. Tho sessions will continue through Thursday and will bo dovoted to papors and-addresses dealing with educational, domestic science, Juve nile courts and other matters in which tho assembly is interested. o MAN WHO 8WORE OFF SMOKING. Extract From the Diary of George Washington Throgglns. Daughters of the Confederacy. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 27. Thoj tjiate convention of tho Daughters of the Confederacy, which began In Atlanta today, has attracted a host of fair dclogatos from every section of Georgia. Savannah, Athens, Rome, Gainesville, West Point, Marietta, Grlflln and Augusta arc among tho cities that havo sent largo delega tions. Tho business sessions will continue three days and will bo lib erally Interspersed with features of entertalnmont provided by tho local members of tho society and by tho womon of Atanta genorally. Today's proceedings consisted chlofly In the rocoptlon or the visitors, committee meetings and the rout Inn luislnofls In. 'laws adopted and onforced by tho oth- c,,,ont to tho oponing of tho gather or woman, bolng a sort of sooinl par-'nK iah, bocauso of tho fact that her de-l ' - greo of crime did not como up to thej Meeting of Mothers, requirements for hor recognition,' Syracuse, N. Y., Oct. 27. Tho 'Now noolally. Now, it seems, this mattor York State Assombly of Mothers bo has been adjusted, for tho authorities gan Its seventh annual moetlng horo took a hand, and tho two womon are today with a good nttondanco of dol- kopt In tho same room, and the so cloty queen of the prison has docldod to temporarily do away with the linos of sooinl dlfforonco, or at least to re- ogates. Addrossos of wolcomo by Mayor Kline and othors, followed by tho annual address of tho prosldont, Mrs. David O. Moors, of Albany, oc- THE OLD RELIABLE .. fllii Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE (Chicago Tribune) August 21i Havo become convinced that I am smoking too much, and havo decided to quit at once and for good. As a sort of object lesson, to keep before my mind tho extrava ganco by which I havo been guilty in tho Indulgence of tho foolish habit, I havo adopted this rule: Whenever I have nn Inclination to smoke a cigar I shall drop Into a small pastboard box tho sum of mon ey it would take to buy tho cigar. I shall deposit this money In bank from tlmo to tlmo and watch it grow. August 2. Pretty tough, but I'm sticking to it. Wanted a 10-cont cigar the first thing this morning. Put n dime In tho paste-board box. Felt the same inclination twlco during the forenoon. Two moro dlmos. Wanted to smoke three tlmos in tho afternoon. Sixty cents In tho box. August 3. Decided It would be a good thing to taper off on my inclina tions a little. Wanted to smoke three timos this morning Dropped a quar tor In tho box. Same thing In the af ternoon. Another quartor. Got $1.10 saved now August 4. Thought I might as well como down to nlcklo cigars. Getting rich too fast. All my hankorings to day were resolutely scaled down to flvo-conters. Saved 40 conts. Got ?1.60 now. Whon It gets to be $10 I shall deposit It In bank. August G. Smokod a still cheapor grade today In my mind. Eight for a quartor. Put 25 cents in tho box. August C. Had a strong inclination this morning for a 25-cent cigar. De cldod to humor it to tho oxtent of ad ding 25 conts to tho collection. Cheap smokes aro demoralizing". Humored It Bomo more? Added $1.50 to tho sum on hnnd, making $3.25 In all. This Is too reckless. Must economize August 7. Smoked, constructively, nothing but stogies today. Three for a nlcklo. Too cheap. Left n bnd tasto In my mind. All I put a.way today was 10 conts. August 8. Wont back to tho threo for a quartor kind. Added half a dol lar to tho treasury. August 9. Had a strong deslro for a 50-contor toda Gratified It In tho samo way. Felt' that I could havo smoked a coffin nail. Punished ray solf by going out and contributing a quartor to tho fresh air fund, August 10. Got reckless again to day and Indulged in wild Imaginings of unlimited stogies. Dropped C5 oents in tho box. Havo $5 now, August 11. Took tho $5 and wont out and bought a box of porfectos. Never Missed a Copy. Pullman. Wash., Oct. 24. Ed. Jour nal: Pluaso sond my papor to Oaks dale. Wash., In care of Samuol Brown, from now until furthor ordors. I havo never lost a nuiubor of Tho Journal, although the lssuo of Soptember 4th wis two weeks in getting to me. MRS. S. A. JONES. .ynusfaiiStxK!Mnxim The Salem Breweiy Is Running in Full Capacity now rew ffl MM wl 1 M Br .. mrmar m JH OF SALEM BEER It is so good you will want more. New machinery has been installed, and the plant is practically a new one, with nearly double its former capacity. Patronize home industry, Buy the home article, It is the best, and you thus help to build up your own city. Order a case of Salem bottled beer. Cnll Phone Main 2131. We will bring it to you, h alem Brewer rttMM u Association. 1 w .- Ji 9 Oregon n " "wwajfcj e Cheapest t s w ' i "i p THE DAILY AND WEEKLY CAPITAL JOURNAL ARE THE CHEAPEST NEWSPAPERS PUBLI8HED IN THE STATE. THE DAILY 18 8ENT BY MAIL THREE MONTHS FOR ONE DOLAR. THE WEEKLY JOURNAL IS ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. CLUBBING ARRANGEMENTS WITH ANY OTHER NEWSPAPER OR PERIODICAL CAN BE MADE AT THIS OFFICE. THE DAILY 18 EIGHT PAGES AND THE WEEKLY TWELVE PAGES, CLOSELY FILLED WITH READING MATTR IN LARGE, PLAIN, CLEAR TYPE THAT 18 A PLEASURE TO THE EYE. NO FINE PRINT IS USED ON THE JOURNAL. NEWS AND EDITORIALS ARE GIVEN IN THE BRIEFE8T FORM CONSISTENT WITH INTELLIGENCE AND AC-CURACY. Tlie Free Rural Mail Daily m THE JOURNAL IS THE POPULAR FREE RURAL MAIL DAILY, HAVING LARGER LIST8 OF SUB8CRIBER8 ON THE COUNTRY MAIL ROUTES THAN ANY PORTLAND PAPER THAT CIRCULATES IN THE VALLEY fl GraDd CoDtioiied Story BEGINNING THE FIRST WEEK IN OCTOBER THE JOURNAL WILL PUBLISH IN THE DAILY A GRAND CONTINUED STORY THE BEST NOVEL WRITTEN IN SEVERAL YEARS "ALICE OF OLD VINCENNES" WRITTEN BY MAURICE THOMPSON. IT 18 A COPYRIGHT STORY AND CANNOT BE PURCHASED IN BOOK FORM FOR LE8S THAN $1.50. THI8 8TORY COMPLETE WILL BE A PLEASURE TO YOUNG AND OLD AND WILL RUN FOR A PERIOD OF ABOUT THREE MONTHS. ALL THE NEWS IN LEAST SPACE THIS IS AN AGE OF THE WORLD WHEN EVERYBODY'S TIME .18 WORTH SOMETHING MORE THAN IT USED TO BE. WHAT 18 THE U8E OF WADING THROUGH THE GREAT BLANKET DAILY PAPERS PRINTED IN THE LARGE CITIES WHEN YOU CAN GET IT IN A 8MALL PAPER IN TYPE THAT WILL NOT HURT THE EYES BE JUST A8 WI8E AND BETTER INFORMED IN HALF THE TIME. WE CHALLENGE THE WORLD TO PRODUCE A MORE COMPLETE NEWS PAPER WITH A8 LATE NEWS FOR THE MONEY. THE .CAPITAL JOURNAL MAKES ITS READERS HEALTHY AND WEALTHY AND WISE. $1 00 Daily 3 Months THINK OF GETTING A GOOD DAILY PAPER THREE MONTHS FOR $1 OF THE PLEASURE THAT THE FAMILY WILL GET OUT OF 8UCH A CLEAN ENTERPRI8ING PAPER. Prices of The Journal Daily Journal by mail one month - - - 35c Daily Journal by mail tnree months - - $ 1 .00 Daily Journal one year by mail - - - $4.00 Weekly Journal by mail one year - - - $ J .00 NO PAPER8 ARE 8ENT AFTER TIME FOR WHICH SUBSCRIPTION IS PAID UNLE8S ORDER IS RENEWED. THE JOURNAL GIVES NO PREMIUMS AND CONDUCTS NO GIFT EN- TERPRISE8. IT IS AN INDEPENDENT PAPER POLITICALLY AND NOT MORTGAGED. ITS POLICY IS TO GIVE BOTH SIDES A FAIR HEARING. PUBLIC ABU8E3 ARE DEALT WITH IN AN UNC0MPR0MI8ING AND EF. FECTIVE MANNER. ONLY 25 CENTS EXTRA For This Paper and the Weekly Intev ceati C3:or:rc23raTb THE LEADING PAPER OF THE WEST IMPROVED AND STRENGTHENED BY THE ADDITION OF MANY NEW FEATURES: ENLARGED FARM DEPARTMENT FORESTRY AND FLORICULTURE CARE OF THE HORSE HOME HEALTH CLUB MME. MICHAUD'S HEALTH AND BEAUTY HINTS NEW HOUSE. HOLD IDEAS PRACTICAL COOKERY LATEST STYLE8 FOR ALL AGES BEST FICTION FULL CROP AND MARKET REPORTS. THE INTER-OCEAN IS THE ONLY WESTERN PAPER RECEIVING, IN ADDITION TO THE ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTS, THE ENTIRE TELEGRAPH NEWS SERVICE OF THE NEW YORK SUN AND SPECIAL CABLE OF THE NEW YORK WORLD, BESIDES DAILY REPORTS FROM OVER 2000 SPECIAL CORRESPONDENTS, ALL THIS FOR ONLY 25 CENTS EXTRA Weekly Journal by Mall One Year Weekly Inter Ocean - - One Year Both For One Year ... Dally Journal 3 montns by mall Weekly Inter Ocean One Year Both Papers as above ii -c r $.00 $.0Q $.GO $.00 $J.25 This Offer Open Only a Few Weeks HOFER BROS SOLE OWNERS, PUBLISHERS, PROPRIETORS AND EDITORS. M 3 BAXj.SEgJMC, OJEMESq-OM-, J HM