Slk '' ''""" " ' J THJ?..RA.LY. .JOUBNAJL, LEM.JPftEQON.FRIDAY, OCTOBER, 23, ,199i' I IheL Oregon Heapest Paper THE DAILY AND WEEKLY CAPITAL JOURNAL ARE THE CHEAPE8T NEW8PAPER8 PUBLISHED IN THE STATE. THE DAILY 18 8ENT BY MAIL THREE M0NTH8 FOR ONE DOLAR. THE WEEKLY JOURNAL 18 ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR; CLUBBING ARRANGEMENTS WITH ANY OTHER NEW8PAPER OR PERIODICAL CAN BE MADE AT THIS OFFICE. THE DAILY 18 EIGHT PAGE8 AND THE WEEKLY TWELVE PAGES, CLOSELY FILLED WITH READING MATTR IN LARGE, PLAIN, CLEAR TYPE THAT 18 A PLEASURE TO THE EYE. NO FINE PRINT 18 U8ED ON THE JOURNAL. NEWS AND EDITORIALS ARE GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST FORM CON8I8TENT WITH INTELLIGENCE AND AC-CURACY. The Free mm Mai Dai u THE JOURNAL IS THE POPULAR FREE RURAL MAIL DAILY, HAVING LARGER LISTS OF 8UB8CRIBER8 ON THE COUNTRY MAIL ROUTE8 THAN ANY PORTLAND PAPER THAT CIRCULATES IN THE VALLEY fl Grand CooliDtied Story BEGINNING THE FIRST WEEK IN OCTOBER THE JOURNAL WILL PUBLI8H IN THE DAILY A GRAND CONTINUED 8T0RY THE BEST NOVEL WRITTEN IN SEVERAL YEARS "ALICE OF OLD VINCENNE8" WRITTEN BY MAURICE THOMP80N. IT 18 A COPYRIGHT STORY AND CANNOT BE PURCHASED IN BOOK FORM FOR LE88 THAN $1.58. THIS STORY COMPLETE WILL BE A PLEASURE TO YOUNG AND OLD AND WILL RUN FOR A PERIOD OF ABOUT THREE MONTH8. ALL THE NEWS IN LEAST SPACE THIS 18 AN AGE OF THE WORLD WHEN EVERYBODY'S TIME 13 WORTH 80METHING MORE THAN IT U8ED TO BE. WHAT IS THE USE OF WADING THROUGH THE GREAT BLANKET DAILY PAPERS PRINTED IN THE LARGE CITIES WHEN YOU CAN GET IT IN A SMALL PAPER IN TYPE THAT WILL NOT HURT THE EYE8 BE JU8T AS WI8E AND BETTER INFORMED IN HALF THE TIME. WE CHALLENGE THE WORLD TO PRODUCE A MORE COMPLETE NEWS PAPER WITH AS LATE NEWS FOR THE MONEY. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL MAKE8 IT8 READERS HEALTHY AND WEALTHY AND WISE. Daily 3 Months $(.00 THINK OF GETTING A GOOD DAILY PAPER THREE MONTH8 FOR 91 OF THE PLEA8URE THAT THE FAMILY WILL GET OUT OF SUCH A CLEAN ENTERPRISING PAPER. Pf ices of The Journal . Daily Journal by mail One month - - - 35c Daily Journal by mail three months - - $1 .00 Daily Journal one year by mail - - - $4.00 Weekly Journal by mail one year - - - $ i .00 NO PAPERS ARE 8ENT AFTER TIME FOR WHICH SUBSCRIPTION 18 PAID UNLESS ORDER IS RENEWED. THE JOURNAL GIVES NO PREMIUMS AND CONDUCTS NO GIFT EN TERPRI8E8. IT 18 AN INDEPENDENT PAPER POLITICALLY AND NOT MORTGAGED, ITS POLICY IS TO GIVE BOTH SIDES A FAIR HEARING. PUBLIC ADU8E8 ARE DEALT WITH IN AN UNCOMPROMISING AND EF- ' FECTIVE MANNER. ONLY 25 CENTS EXTRA For This Paper and the TKHeekt Unter cean THE LEADING PAPER OF THE WEST IMPROVED AND STRENGTHENED BY THE ADDITION OF MANY NEW FEATURES: ENLARGED FARM DEPARTMENT FORESTRY AND FLORICULTURE CARE OF THE HORSEHOME HEALTH CLUB MME. MICHAUD'8 HEALTH AND BEAUTY HINTS NEW HOUSE HOLD IDEAS PRACTICAL COOKERY LATEST STYLES FOR ALL AQE8 BEST FICTION FULL CROP AND MARKET REPORTS. THE INTER-OCEAN IS THE ONLY WESTERN PAPER RECEIVING, IN ADDITION TO THE ASSOCIATED PRES3 REPORTS, THE ENTIRE TELEGRAPH NEW8 SERVICE OF THE NEW YORK SUN AND 8PECIAL CABLE OF THE NEW YORK WORLD, BESIDES DAILY REPORT8 FROM OVER 2000 SPECIAL CORRESPONDENTS, ALL THIS FOR ONLY 25 CENTS EXTRA Weekly "Journal by Mall One Year $ t .00 Weekly Inter Ocean - - One Year $1.00 r Both For One Year .... $.25 Dally Journal 3 months by mall $1.00 Weekly Inter Ocean One Year $.00 Both Papers as above - $?.25 This Offer Open Only a Few Weeks Mflakh. taaflHI gmmaaaxgrnm mantel HQagB mumt. m. OFER BRO SOLE OWNERS, PUBLISHERS, PROPRIETORS AND EDITORS. aLkX:HJMC, oHijCoow. PILLAR OF FIRE BY NIGHT The Great Hawaiian Volcano is Again Active . Molten Rocks Pour Out of the Mountain Sides and Down Toward the Sea af. -J Mauna Loa, the great volcano of Hawaii, rising to a holght of 13.G50 feot abovo tho soa level, Is again ac tive Tha outbreak occurred shortly after noon on Tuesday, October Gth From sovoral points on the Island of Hawaii an iramenso cloud of black smoke seemingly a mile in diameter, suddenly shot up toward the zonith, until it seemed almost to covor tho whole- heavens. Smoke continued to rise, black at first, prosontly assuming a reddish tinge as though reflecting the brightness and glow of a Titanic caldron of molten lava below. As light faded and darkness came, tho pillar of cloud became a pillar pf Are, wttllA flirt crrtof Itnilv nf omnlrn tnatlnf. I In flip litinnr nlr rodoptoil thn Unlit un til tho heavens scorned Illuminated, and the wondrous spectnelo was vis ible eighty mils at sea. The news of tho outbreak was brought to Honolulu by a sailing ves sel, tho British ship O misery. At noon on Tuesday the Ormsery, then sixty mites westward of Hawaii In a calm, felt a suddon commotion In tha wafer llko a great tidal wave. She was driven rapidly astorn, and whirled around as though in a maelstrom This last d for half an hour. Then it ceased and tho soa rosumed its normal calm. Wlillo tho men on tho ship woro still wondering what cataclysm of naturo thoy had just experienced, tho man at the wheel descried far to tho eastward, the great outburst of tmokc from the summit of Mauna Loa. The eruption has continued all tho week, but so distant and inaccosslblo Is tho point whoro tho great forces of nature havo brokcen forth, that as yot no ono una been there and re turned. All that is known, or can be known pf the outbreak at the present time, is what can be seen of It at great distance or from tho decks of vessols at son. The noarost Inhabited placo Is thirty- five miles awayt From the observations that havo been made, it is believed tho outbreak occurred in the so-called summit era tor of Mauna Loa, Mokuaweowoo. Activity in this crater continues, but the great body of the lava. Instead of flowing over the lip of the crater has brokon out one or two thousand foet lower down tho slope of tho mountain, and has now formed a great stream of lava flowing down the side of the mountain toward the soa forty or fifty miles away. This is what has happened In all previous outbreaks within modern times. In tho last outbreak. In 1800, the lava broke out about 2000 feet below the crater of Mokuaweoweo. but on the side toward HIIo, while In the present case the evldenco Is over whelming that the lava (low is toward the south or southwest, in the direc tion of South Kona or Knu. The lava flow has not yet reached the forest, which Is 0000 feot above sea 'level. The great eoolumn of fire by night and of smoke by day which rises from the summit of the moun tain Is visible from all parts of the Island of Hawaii and from nany parts of Maul. At night great foun tains of fire rise to a height of many hundred feet. From some of points of view thero are half a dosen of these fquntalns. while from other points they seem to merge Into ono. A number of parties from Hllo and from other parte of the Island of Ha waii have started for the scend of the great eruption. The distances they will have to go and the dlflleultlM of the Journey are such that probably not more than oae la .three at those who start will reach their destination, and those who do will be gone three days or more before It will be noest ble for them to set sack. Mauna Loa is a tteme-llke mountain, occupying about one-third of the area of the island of Hawalla. The crater of Mokuaweoweo near the summit of Mauna. Loa Is about S000 feot aerosa In, oae diameter and 13,000 feet In the other. From the to of Its almost norneodtaiter walls to the bottom, where never ceasing smoke gives evi dence of the everlasting fires below, is about 100 feot. Nothing can exceed the impreeeiveneee of this vast cal droa oo the top of the great dome. For more than half the year It is snow Ml W ml (. r Tinman IS STRONGER vsra m THAN HIS II stomach jLAXM Hi! in? $1 lim On Sitoj$r dUNMSSPACBHC 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILYl M CSIKES WEAK STOMACH OXPABT TOR Chicago Portland Special 920 . m t! Hunt ington Atlantic Kxpreno B.1S p. m. rla Hunt iQRton "BtTPanT" Fat Mall .oo p. m. via Spokane TIME SCHEDULES From FotUaotl, Or, Bait Lake, Darner, Ft. Oltr, (h. Lou 1 1, Cbloago ana tJi, Bait Lake. Denver Kt. Wortt. Omaha. Kaniia City, St. Loula, Chicago M1U HRJfc Walla Walla. Lenliton. Unnbin. IV.II.m. b..ti uunuv. ,fi,Aiif i un man, MlnneapoUi Hl I'anl, Duluth.Milwrmkiv. Chicago, and Eaat. asftlTi '! :Np, 70 PORTLAND TO CHICAGO No ensue of Cars 70 OCEAN AND RIVER SCIIEDULP . From Portland (p. m Dally except Bandar Id. m. Saturday AH nailing datea uibject PoraaFrancIioo Ball every fi dart COLOMBIA RIVKR ToAclorU an I War Landlnga p. a p.w. ex. BuiiV covered, though thoro Is scarcely a day (hat some evidence of molten heat within is not given. No approhenslon of any danger to porsons qr property is felt. Thero aro n6 settlements In the direction In which tho lava seoms to be flowing, and If tliore woro tho lnva flows so slowly that all persons could easily get out of the way. WILLAMETTE RIVER Steamer Ruth loaves Salem tt. Portland and way landings on Tum.1 days, Thursdays and Saturdays, sbottj 7 a. m. M, p. BALDWIN. A. L. CRAia, Agt.O.R.&N. Salea Gen. Pass. Agt, Portland, Or. OAQTOxllAi Beariti A Tha Kind Yoo Han Always Ec?W cHist In Our now pickled lunch goods nnd thoy aro fino. It will tempt you just to look nt them. Picfc'ed Pigs Feet Pickled Tripe Pickled Lambs Tongues You will always find theso n. relish that you will rel ish. Thoy can always bo found on our delicatessen counter along with Boiled Ham,. Minced Ham, Chip ped Btef and all kinds of Cheese. Fuller & Douglas, GROCERS M2 State St. Phone 2261. Offers a choico of THREE gatowiei, KANSAS CITY, ST. JOSEPH a OMAHA, to Chicago and points Eat Through Standard and Tourirt sleoplng cars dally between Son Fnv clsco and Chicago via Los Aagiki and El Paso. Through TourlBt Sleeper eaia TUESDAY from Portland to Chlcw via Salt Lake and Colopdo Spring. Through Standard Sleoplng Ctrl dally between Ogden and Chicago. Lowost rate In effect always STstl ablo via "Rock Island System." Reduced ROUND TRIP RATES la effect on July 12, 13, 15 and 16, tt&i August 18, 19, 2C and 26; 90 days re turn limit Bo suro that your ticket rc&ai Tta tho Great Rock Island Route. Tho best and most reasonable Hi Ing car Bervlca For InfonnaUon, GEO. W. DAINTER, T. P. A. L. D. GORHAM, Gen Agt, 250 Alloc street. Portland Oro. 1 PILES nu-8-: suppaslloiu 1 U! OrU18U.l. BwiM.llta, N I '" I tS m bni IrtVti . riu i, ( MlniMl imI- ffMUu. Pril II UiOia, CUiukwf, Tot.vrllMiF; n i ' II I, I kT ht,t RMl) ! b l tT ,J ' M t"fc 6fU Wn. 014 2Jy' ?i 'dt. UNcaaTtn, ra. B 8od In Salem by 8. C. Stone. Call for Free Samples. Corvaffrs &. EastemRR. TIME CARD NO. 22. No, 2 for Yaqulna Loaves Albany 12:45 pjn. Leaves Corvallls 1:50 pm. Arrives Yaqulna 6:35 p.m. No. 1 returning Loaves Yaqulna . , 7:30 a.m. Leaves Corvallls ...... 11:30 a.m. Arrives Albany 12.15 n.m. No. 3 for Detroit- Loaves Albany ,. 7:00 a.m. Arrivea Detroit t 12:20 n.m No. 4 from Detroit Leaves Detroit 1:00 pm. Arrives Albany 5:65 Train No. 1 arrives In Alhn in time to connect -with thn R p smith bound train, as well as giving two or threo hours In Albany before departure of S. P. north bound train. Train No. 2 connects with tho S. P. trains nt Corvallls and Albany giving direct sorvlce to Newport and adjacent beaches. Train No. S for IVitmlt nrAianh.. and other mountain resorts leaves Al- oaay ai : a.m.. reaching Detroit about noon, giving ample time to reach tho Springs the soma day. .For further Information apply to HDWIN STONK. Manager. T. COCKRELL, Agent. Albany. U. IL CRONISE, Agent. Corrallls, Quick Time East From Tacoma, Seattlo, tho Pus Sound country and Snokane to Ml sourl rivor points and tho Southostt tho Durlington offers quick servlct. Through trains Seattlo to Kane City equipped with big, free chair can standard Pullman sleepers, and hut but not least, tourist sleepers, cleat, comfortable and cheap. Why not tako tho Southeast BpecUl via Billings and tho Durlington? Tos can't do better, and you might &' worse. A. C. 8HE-D0N, General Agnt lOO THIRD STK35KT. PORTLAND. O. C. T. CO.'S PASSENGER 8TEAMER8 POMONA and ALTONA leaves for Port land at 7 a. m. dally except Sunday. Fare, one way, $1.00 Round trip, 91.50. Quick Time, Cheap Rates Deck: Foot of Trad Strest M. P. BALDWIN, Aot. CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfer Meets all mall and passenger tralcJ Baggage to all parts of the city. Prompt service. Telephone No. 241 HECKMAHHEDRICK & HOMVEg Capital Normal School First National Dank Bnlldinz. Sslea- Tke fall term of twelve weeks open secteacer zm. Aaaress. J. J, KRAPS. Salea. Or C