The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, October 23, 1903, Page TWO, Image 2

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Scrlppt News Association Telegrams.
3 and 5 O'clock Editions.
Dally One Year, M.00 In Advance.
Dafly Throe Months, $1.00 In Advance
Dally by Carrier, 50 Cent Vtr Month
Weekly One Year, 91.00 In Avance.
Ono Woolt $ 10
One Month 36
Tbroo Months 1.00
At Journal office.
At Daue's Grocery, South Oslem.
At Bewereox Grocery, Yew Park.
Aeylum Avenue Grocery Store.
Electric Grocery, Eaat State 8t
wii mini nm iinniu
The Weather.
For this afternoon, tonight and Bat
unlay, fair.
' 0
With cross In hand, tho pious fathor
From camp to camp on Heaven's er
rand hunt;
Soothing tho wretched, ovorfoom with
And to the weary bringing swoot
Oh, gontlo soul, too kind for this rude
What Virtues doth thy doing com
pruhond) Thou shouldst have lived In times of
poflaaftil mirth,
Whan war was not, and man no'or
laoltud n frlond.
Of what avail thoso poaooful words
of thliio,
When for tho battle armlos aro ar
my cd;
What uho thy mission of good-will di
vine, Whan to tho foo war's standard Is
The, drums' are hoaton, trumpets
shrill resound,
, Two gifts alono thou canst hostow
on nil;
Salute with smllus nil thoso with hon
or crowned,
And for tho doad a slnglo tear let
olty official should bo put oh a flat sal
ary, and nil tho earnings of his ofllco
put in tho treasury.
Fourth, tax the intangible values of
untaxed corporations.
Those aro three propositions thnt ov
ry honest man can understand; no
mattar whrit party he bolongs to. They
are reform propositions.
Of course, the cheap, prostitute
stylo politician will say you, yos, to
chose propositions, and promise thom
In the platfortm
Dut men must ho olecttd who will
so othnt u fow plain roforms like thee a
are carried Into effect.
Tho hlfitory of Orogou Journalism,
road by Mr. Hliuus nt tho press as
sociation shovs Oregon to have been
a ouo-mnn powor statu.
For about twenty years editor Hush
flooins to have boon the wholo brains,
political push and mnuaglug powor,
Tho Inst twenty years Kdltor Scott
has beau the ono-ninn power and pre
siding genius In tho public affairs of
this stnto,
Oregon has laggud behind California
and Washington in dovulopmeut. from
both niitutul and nrtlllclnl causes.
Hut Oregon hns boon a nno-mnn
proposition, a ono-luugud common
wealth, whuthor for good or bad, and
thnt cannot be snld of the other
Whtm oould It be said that one 'man
dominated th whole public policy of
California or of Washington?
Thoso states have had from five to
ton men of groat ablllt' and promi
nence at nil times, struggling for su
premacy and progress.
Those statM have from live to ten
oltlttM of oommerclnl Importnuee. while
Oregon has but out. Oregon Is a one
olty stats.
It Is hard to say whether the stnte
bus produeed the otus-mun-powar or
the one-man-power has produeod the
It ta n oamllaMt to tho power of
tho prtjAa thnt the one-man-lnilusnoe
hns been wielded by n newspaper
What would he a rational program
for Oregon for the next campalunt
Tho r&gUitrntlon law should be
Changed so that, lunUnd of constantly
diminishing the number of registered
voter, they should be Increased.
A tilreet Nomination law should be
given tin iHtople, without sweeping
nway tho oowHtjr. diet riot and state
ltvery state, cottwty. district and
Wht a grand
family medicine
Sarsaparilla, kWi2
Everybody's Magazine has sprung
Into sttddon greatness, reaching the
quarter million mark on a four-months'
spurt of growing popular favor.
It Btarted in to he truo to its namo,
and is litorally what Its name Implies
In Its program and tho contents of its
First It flrod overy questionable ad
vortlsemont tho got-rich-qulck, nnd
the patent medlcinos and gift enter
prises and lotteries.
Noxt It has a fow leading articles il
lustrated, thnt aro of tho "burning
bush" nnd "bote nolr" order, so far as
the public Is concornod.
Then It has some real good stories
plonty of thom by tho brightest
wlehlors of tho King's English, who
aro snapped up by Everybody's.
Thsro aro eight pngos of short edi
torials, quick-plate Impressions of
current ovonts, fast-time exposures by
tho koonost porcoptivo minds.
Art, music and hooks havo recogni
tion from tho same standpoint, that
tho roadors of Everybody's shall bo
well-informed, nu fait,
Then on top of all tho compreseod
excellencies tho price of this great
big, cheerful, ovor-flowlng-wlth-gcod-things
mngazlno is 10 cents.
now ideas. Wo should grlove moro
when wo aro not using the understand
ing we already havo than because of
a lack of it. A dally study of our
text-book, Science and Health by Mrs;
Eddy, will furnish most students with
enough understanding for daily use.
Alfmd Farlow in Boston Times.
Next to the rottonnoss nnd whole
sale fraudB In Oregon land administra
tion, the Oregon postal sorvlco needs
It takos about throo days to got a
letter to Portland nnd got it dollvorod
to a house nunibar In that city.
It tnkos about forty-olght hours to
got lottorn dellvorcd from ono of tho
state Institutions to business mon In
this olty.
The rnllwny mnll sorvlco has long
boon in nn atrophied, osslflod, pnral
yzod, soml-lnobriato condition.
For Instnnco, the Portlnnd Tologrnm
gets Into the mail at Salem tho same
ovonlng tho Portlnnd Journal tho
samo mnll the noxt day.
This Is probably not tho fault of
the Salem postofllco, hut If those pa
pers loavo Portland togothor, why is
one a day Into?
As for tho Salem papors gottlng
anywhere on time, it Is out of the
question. There Is but ono paper In
the Htato that can get anywhere on
Tho wonderful olvil sorvlco Is put
ting things to sleep right smart In tho
postal sorvlco.
It takos Kugone, Albany and valley
paperB several days to reach Salem.
Don't know as they ovor reaoh Port
If anyone complains, the rod-tapo
nnd tho civil service methods oxplaln
It all away, and then everybody takes
another nap.
' i 0
Association makes character. Ta
le with God Is to become godly. The
efTect Is primarily n moral upward
movement In ourselves. The effort
to know the good gives power to be
good. The moral affect of divine
communings oitene a whole inner
world to us, so that it seems to b but
ii poor life that deals only with ma
terial facta. The voluntary personal
relation thus established, with tho di
vine powr oponn n channel Jnto our
souls, through which God can radiate
Ills Love and ills strength.
The simple fact is that we have
been leiirulng to give up the Idea of
going Into nnother world to flud God.
The realm In which to find Him Is the
Inner realm of today. Ills home. Ills
kingdom. Ills presence, is within us.
There Is no mystery or artificial su
nernaturallsm about It Nothing Is
more plain than the road of good wish
ing and holy seeking The subllmeet
fact made known by the inoet pro
found Investigations of nature Is this,
that the soul of the universe Is open
to the simplest deetre of the simplest
good wither. We Ware never got be
yond, nor shall we ever get away
from, the simple Migration, "Our
Father who art In heave."- The
OhrtatlBH UogtaUr.
The reformatory work of Christian
Science must be eMpfcaateetl. One
onnnot theorise his way Into the king
dom of God. One cannot work out his
own salvation by v simply learning
what he ought to do. One roienes
heaven by actually taking the steps
which Truth points out, and It la cer
tainly wdII that va should take time
to eoualder how much of right eaters
Into our oonduet as well as to sek
It has been qulto two generations
since Lear's "Nonsenso Book" de
lighted the hearts of young and old.
In the intermediate years we have
had hut few and scanty limericks, so
that It Is rather a renaissance that
wo find in Mrs. Mumford's volume of
collected and original rhymes. Need
less to say that the samo clcvor touch
shown In this latest offering to the
llghtor momonts. The limericks aro
each attached to an appropriate mor
al admonition, such as "Good Resolu
tions," "Beware of Rash Judgment"
and "SpenV Kindly."
Sho's so homoly you'd think she
would smothor,
And her back view is Just like hor
Hor oyoB are both bont,
And hor noso Is a dont;
But then, "She's so good to her
Thon we rend of "Intemperance,"
"Truth," "Popularity" nnd "Perse
verance." Thcro wns an old porson namor Tate,
Who out fishing went early and
Whon a flsh gave u lug,
Thon ho pulled on tho Jug,
And tho thing that ho caught wns a
Spaco forbids our quoting nt great
er length, hut we can nssuro our read
ers, that were wo to do so, wo would
not spoil tho ploasure In tho volume
Itself, as tho full galoty of tho non
sense rhymos is only experienced
when read in connection with their
accompanying doslgns.
The publisher announces thnt al
ready tho second edition of 20,000 cop
los Is on tho pross, so that its record
Is rapidly approaching that of tho
"Cynic's Calondnr," tho edition for
1004 nownumborlng -10,000.
Paul Elder & Co., San Francisco,
publishers. Price, $1.00 not.
(Edith Tumor Nowcomb, In Harper's
An empty room, and yet how full
Of her since she has gone;
No trifle but becomes a thing
For thought to dwell upon.
Tho very silence misses her,
And movos on noiseless feet,
Fearing to wake some memory
Tho bravo heart could not meet.
Irrevocable fate Is fcrit
In overy place, and look!
How firm Its iron hand has grasped
That open half-road book.
Dowlo now says ho Is going to con-
vort tho pope.
Tho big checks Dowlo boasted of re
ceiving havo turned out to bo like
Dowlo worthless.
Two huudrod Zionists havo con
cluded that Now York Is not worth
convortlng, anyhow, and will start for
Nordlca Is going to sing In Portland,
but nobody can toll whon from the
pross notlcos. Tho only thing hor
press ngont soems to want to Impress
on tho public, Is the time and placo
where tholr money can bo dropped In.
Good Roads Convention.
Tho Good Itoads Convontlon in Port.
land this woek Is attracting consldor-
nblo attention, and especially In Ma
rlon county, whore the building of
pormanont roads Is n matter receiv
ing tho onrnost thought and considera
tion of the authorities and the citlzons
generally. County Judge Scott, who
Is president of the Stnte Good Honda
Assoolntlou, wont down yesterday, and
this morning a strong delegation fol
lowed him to attend the sessions.
Among those going from this city
were: I. C. Needhum. county commis
sioner; M. A. McCorklo, county road
master; J. Sutter, A. D. Pettyjohn, B
T. Mnlvln. W. J. Culver, road ongln-
eer. and II. II. Thlelsen, president of
the Greater Salem Commercial Club.
To Manufacture Radium.
A company lias boon formed In Buf
falo to oxtract tho rare motal radium,
which today is the astonishment of
tho scientific world, from uranium
ores obtained from Utah bods owned
by tho company. Tho Buffalo com
pany proposo3 to make it a market
able commodity, producing It as a
commercial article. A few years ago
Stephen T. Lockwood, of Buffnlo
whllo in the West met two prospec
tors, who In senrchlng for gold nnd
silver, had met pcculinr ore deposits
in Grant county, Utnh. They sent the
oro to an assnyer, who reported not h
trnco of tho precious motnls. There
wns much uranium, however, nnd Mr.
Lockwood, knowing Its commerclul
vnluo, urged the Importance of the
discovcVy upon the prospectors with
whom he had become associated, and
claims wore staked out upon tho whole
doposlt. The Utah bod was carnotlto,
a combination of uranium, vnndadlum,
Iron, copper and barium, nnd, ns Inter
rosenrches showed, radium and polon
ium After establishing a title to the
claim Mr. Lockwood had returned
East, and subsequently became In
terested in tho discovery of Profossor
nnd Mndnme Curio and Professor
Becquerol's announcement of tho radio-activity
of uranium, followed ns it
was by tho discovery of tho radium.
This suggested to Mr. Lockwood that
the uranium from Utah would yield
radium as well as the uranium ox
trnotod from tho flinty pitchblende.
nnd n plnnt to manufacture this re
markable substance will soon be in
She Kind Ton Havo Always Bought, nnd which hns w
in uflo lor ovor av years irns uomo mo Hipnntnro of
ana iins ucou mnuo mmcr ins pgj.
w-T&'iL-yis sown supervision smco its infancy,
OtCiwZ Allow no ono to dccelvo you in this!
All Counterfeits. Imitations and Just-as-good" nro btii
Experiments that triilo with and ondauffcr tho health of
inuwts and Children jsxpcricuco i gainst .uxporuucnl,
at Tla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Par
fjorvi lrops nna Booming' oyrups. as is x-icasant. j
contui-is neither Opium, Morphino nor other Nnrcoi
Bubsamco. Its ago is Its guarantee. It destroys "Worn
nnd allays Feverlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and WhJ
Colic. It relieves Toothing Troubles, cures Constipatioi
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tin
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sloej,
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's l-ricna.
Bears tho Signature of
The KM You Have Always Bon
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Does It Pay to Buy Cheap?
A chenp rotnody for coughs nnd
colds 's all right, bu . you want some
thing that will rollovo and euro tho
moro sovoro and dangerous rcoults of
throat and lung troubles. What shall
you do? Go to a warmer and mora
regular climate? Yos, if posslblo; It
not poesiblo for you, thon In either
caio take tho ONLY romedy that has
been Introduced In all clvlllxod coun
tries with succosj In severs throat
nnd lung troubles, "Boechoo'a Gorman
Syrup." It not only heals and stimu
lates tho tlsaura to dttroy the gorm
dlftcoso, but allayo Inflammation, caus
es easy oxpectoratlon, gives a good;
night's rest, aun u.
Try ONB bottlu Recommended
many yenrs by all druggists in the
world. You can get this rollablo rem
edy at Dr. Stone's drug stores Price
35c and 75c
Paid An Ancient Bet.
Ah odd bat was paid at the reunion
of Wis lMshty-elghts, Ilea-tniem. Penn
sylvania VoluntMtre In Iteadiug. Pa.,
by Captain Samual O. Boone. Forty
yars ago, whlh, the regiment was at
Songster's Statkm, Maryland, he made
a bt with Henry J- H" of this city.
The mat) wru cmtlng tr. and near
ly every tree contained a gray sqnlr
rk A tree was about falling when
Uoone wad the remark that there
was so squirrel on that tree. Rein
bet a dollar there was. The bet was
lost sight of until & few days ago. At
tho reunion Boone handed Relff a
f I bill la saUefaetloa of the bet
Philadelphia Ledger.
Lots of Claims Like This But so Dif
ferent Local Proof Is vVhat
Salem People Want
Thoro nro a great many of thom.
Evory pnpor has its sharo.
Statomonts hard to bollovo, harder
to provo.
Statomonts from faraway placos.
What pooplo say In Florida,
Public expression from California.
Ofttimoe good ondorsomont thoro
Dut of llttlo servlco hero, at homo
Salem peoplo want local proof.
Tho sayings of nolghbors, friends
and citizens,
Home Indorsement ceunts:
It disarms tho skeptic beyond dis
pute. This is tho backing that stands be
hind overy box of Doan's Kidney Pills
II oro is a cose of it:
James A. Tanner, farmor, corner
Thirteenth and Lowls sts., says: "So
many suffer from kldnoy com
plaint that for a timo I was alarmed
about myself for I was troubled with
my back aching In tho region of my
kldnoys. I think It was causod first
by a strain from heavy lifting I did
two years ago. I kept gottlng worse
instead of bettor nnd finally consultod
a doctor. Ho told mo I had gall stone
In tho bladder, but trouble with kld
noy secretions oxistod their too fre
quont action disturbed my rest from
fifteen to twenty times a night This
was vnry annoying and I was in a bad
way when I rend of Doan's Kldnoy
Pills and procured a box at Dr.
Stone's drug store. To say I was sur
prised at the spoedy effect of their
uso is putting it mildly. ( I have re
commendod Doan's Kidney Pills to
othors and will always havo a good
word for them." 4
For salo by all dealers. Price Eu
cents. Foetor-MUburn Co., Buffalo,
N. Y., sole agents for tho United
Romember the name Doan's and
tako no substitute.
Pilgrims From Mecca.
During the year IWt altogether 19.
535 pilgrims passed through the Sues
caual, bound for Mecca. They In
cluded nearly O'X'O Egyptians, 4600 a.ui Syrian. 2000 Ptrstrau
and nru' Tunisian and Indians.
fw ummmmm wmmm Mil I
The JBittors
ill put the
teui in such
eood condition
that disease
cannot obtain a
looih old. It
will purify the
blood, restore
the appetite
and oure
Heart turn.
stomach ladUrcstlon. .
seats. Be sure to try it.
Fair Warning to 8tock Owners.
Persons owning horses or cows aro
wnrnod that horeafter all stock run
ning nt largo anywhoro in tho city
limits, Including tho now wards, will
bo taken up subject to tho city ordi
nances. D. W. GIBSON,
10-13-tf City Marshal.
Dog Catchers Wanted.
Theundorslgncd would llko to cm-,
ploy Hcvoral compotent men to assist
In enforcing tho dog law. Call at city
hall. D. W. GIBSON,
10-13-tf City Marshal.
Portland and WlllH
Valley Points.
Low round trip rates hare
placed in effect botweon Portlict
Wlllametto Valloy points, in
direction. Tickets will bo sold
days and Sundays, and limited
turn on or boforo tho followlnj
day. Call on Southorn Pacific
agonts for particulars; 2.20
trip Salem to Portland and retta
iu-.iu y. ta, LUMAn, ujunsjit
Silks and Satins at& j
Bright colors such aa olnk, blue and yellow
lucKv purcnase tor both vou and us en
ables us to sell 50c satins for 25c per yar
We also add a few pieces of silk iust for v
riety at 25c a yard. Come early, as ther
goods will not remain with us long.
Greeiibaunf s Dry Goods Store
302 Commercial Street
Signs of Renewed Actra
In the real ostato world lndlciHl
creasing building operation!
Spring, an' prompt us to remliM
that our facilities for supplying W
and sort wood, lumber, lath, su
and other building materials ktj
coptlonally good. Wo will bo :
to furnish estimates on coed
large or small. A car of MIS-
shingles received.
. . Near 8. P. Pit I
Fhone 51.
A Pipe Dream
It would bo to think that you could
havo your linen or colored shirts, flan
nels or woolens laundried at any pries
in Oregon with tho samo artistic fin
ish, beautiful color and faultless work
as wo aro doing nil tho time by our
perfect and finished methods. When
wo "do up" your soiled linen it Is as
fresh and faultless In color and finish
as when It was bought
Salem Steam Latmdry.
Phono 411. 320 Liberty 8L
f ib eow-Mfa-t'Btaii(w-t?cnaici !
::::::::A G E N C Y O F::::::::
Oats For Sale.
HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Snlphnr.
I J. 6. Graham, Agent, 207CommertialSt.,Salem, Ore.