The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, October 22, 1903, Page THREE, Image 3

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. ,-.i 'j!-,y
fge Attendance at
ie State Editor
ial Association
Program Open to the
iblic at the City Council
Chamber This Eve
a fine art exhibition every nf-
n and evening at our public
s, with a state convention of
rf C T U. In session four ifnys,
e State Press association In
days, this hns been a busy
lie State Press association horo
tl of all, the Capital City opens
ts doers for the representatives
he newspapers' and publications
Ithout which our state and Its clo-
MB? .climate and products and poo-
ttfmii .1 lfeA iihUh rw9o S 41 wAlt
flUUlU UP UlllWiUW 11 IV V11U MUIM.
The Editors Arrive.
c trains coming Into the city
roupht delegations of editors
ubllsners and their ladles. They
Spcdvou by a committee of the
ilPress club. F. F. Toevs of The
1 and Carl Abrnm of the
man. wearing badges of tholr
nearly as large as a kitchen
nd giving Information about
dglng places or points of In-
about the city. President
Jn and Secretary Tosler havo
uartrrs at the Willamette hotol.
of th" newspaper men are no
anted by ladles, and there are
rat ladle3 among the, members
state association. A commlttoe
ladles of th? Salem Press club
WSjpsod of Mrs E. Hofor, Mrs. R.
Hendricks. Mrs. F. F. Toevs, Mrs.
MMInton and Mrs. A. R. Prescott
Ijgry to mnke the visiting ladlos
Soualnted, take thra shopping, got
a partner at the press ball, and
aorwise make life endurable.
Sday' October 22d at 7:30 P- m.
Application for membership.
Eustion of members. .
ReSaing of proceedings of last
Appointment of ccnimittocs on new
Sports of oftlcers and oxecutlve
esldont's annual address.
em Welcome to the Press John
port of historian.
per "Ethics of Journalism" K.
r. Capital Journal.
Friday, October 23d, 10 a.m.
port3 of committee.
per- i'Echoes of National Bdl-
Association Meoting at Omaha"
S. Harding, Tolophone-Register.
,pc-r "Advantages of a Simplex
Ino to a Weekly" A. E. Voor-
1 Rogue River Courier.
per To be Mlectau will G.
p. Dally Eugene Register.
Ideation of officers.
Friday Afternoon, 2 p. m.
On Circulation" W. F.
Portland Oregonlan.
er ' How One Secures Rocog.
as a Writer for Monthly Maga-
Dennis A. Stovall, Portland
ng Telegram.
iregon in Literature" Prof. J. D.
er, of O. A. College.
per "On Railroad Advertising"
Hall, of O. IL & N. R. R.
taction of place uf hokitag next
Stucellaueons business,
jtL. -. j -s .
av. jirmiuew announces ins com
Friday evening, at Armory hall.
p. m , reception and press ball.
ifn Friday aftornoon the Press as-
rauon will be given a free trolloy
over the city.
(jon Papers How Represented,
ilvanee Express, Lebanoa Geo.
Mi tender.
Wvovate. Portland A. N. Flsbsr.
Kr i iturlst end RunU Northwost,
la : H. M. WUUarason.
;P :. , Silv -in - J. K, Hmdw.
tt , a, Astoria Wbimt Lyon,
tlget, Astoria Joka H. OraUco.
Ptist. PrrtlanU C. A. Wooddy.
trunk le. The Dsllos Rose D.
roalcle. Portland Prsd A. Dm
and wife.
fturler. Grant's Past A. K. Voor-
' Fa& 'IT FlraluutlcB
Cha'J. Ro.adr ,"''
. Giacioft Hood Rivof Edward, .K.
Blythe and wife.
Graphic, Newberg E. H. Wood
ward and wife.
Gazette, Rainier R. H. Mitchell
Guard, Eugene Ira L. Campbell
and wife.
HlEtorlcal Quarterly, Portland-
George H. Hlniss.
Homestead, Safom Scott Bosnrth.
Hop World, Portland Albert Toz
lor. Independent, WOOdbtirn H. L.
Independent, Hlllaboro D. M. C.
Gault nnd wife.
Journal, Portland John E. Lath-
Journal, Portland-Oi S. Jackson.
Journal, Fossil Jamas S.- Stewart
and wife, i ' -
Journal, Salem E. Hater. ''
Lion's Mouth, Portland F. A, Dav
ey nnd wlfo.
Leader, Toledo C. F. Soulo nnd
Lantorn, Portland J. Bl Flthlan.
Mining Journal, Grant's 'Pass Ar-"
thur Conklln,
Miner, Portland Phillip Bates.
Mist, St. Holous K. H. Gabbort
and wlfo ;
Xows. McMlnnvlllo C. R. -Eber-hard.
News, Mitchell A. S. Barnes nnd
wife. . ,
Nuggot, Cottngo Grove Anna
Northwest Fnrmo'r, Portland
Frank Lee nnd wife;
. Observer, Grant's Pass F. W.
Chausee and Dennis H. Stovall.
Oregon I.nw Journal, Salem S. T.
Olwerver, Dallas J. C Hayter.
Oregon Monthly, Eugene J. F. Sta
vor. Oregonlan, Portland W. F. Brock.
Owl. Onkland D. E. Vernon.
Poultry Journal, ' Salem 0. D. Min
ton. PAcIflc .Monthly, Portland F. E.
Record, North Yamhill Vine W
Recorder, Elgin Loo B. Tuttlo,
Review, Roseburg U Wlmborly,
Riporter, McMInnvllle D. I. As
bury and wlfo.
RoporttrPortlnnd J. H. Zano and'
Rural Spirit. Portland A. ( Noltner.
Rustler, Lakovlow J. C. Ollvor and
Statesman, Salem R. J. Hendricks.
Telogrnm, Portlnnd C. J. Owen.
Times. Forest Grove Waltor Hoge
and wlfo.
Times, Junction City S. L. Moor
head. Tolophone-Rogister, McMlnnvlllo
F. S. Harding and w1f.
Teachors' Monthly, Salem Chas.
II. Jone.
Tlmberman, Portland George
Cornwall and wife.
Yaqulna Bays Nows, Newport Wm
King's Daughters and Sons.
Northvlllo. Mlclr, Oct. 22. The sev
onth annual convention of tho Michi
gan branch of the International Op
dor of King's Daughters and Sons be
gan here today with an attondaneo of
doltgates representing tho 1C00 mem
bers throughout the stato. Tho open
InK session van held In tho M. E.
church thiB afternoon, with Mrs. Brol
ly Fuller, of Flint, presiding. Re
ports of the general officers and coun
ty secretaries occupied tho greater
part of the session, after the usual
addressos of welcome had been deliv
ered and responded to. The report
of Mrs. J. C. Rexford, of Detroit, the
general secretary and treosuror of the
state branch, showed the affairs of the
order to be in good condition. The
year has been onerof great activity
in the work of the order.
The convention will be In session
through the remainder of tho week.
081 cers for the year will be chosen
tomorrow. The business sessions will
be interspersed wlth features of at
tractive entertainment arranged by
the local members.
City J. H Best-
purler OreflOB
and wife.
nterprise, Orsgea City A. W. Chs
and wife.
ttuocrat, Ontario M. M. Kinney.
For Improvement of the Tennessee.
Chattanooga, Tenrt., OcL 22. Tho
seating capacity of the Auditorium
wag packed this morning when thu
Tennessee River Improvement asso
ciation began Its annuel convention.
Those in attendance Included almost
tk entire congressional delegations
of Tennessee Mississippi and Alaba
ma, lese: her wtth representative busi
ness ami professional mn from all
ssotiaa of CM Tennessee valley. The
roll call, spoftlntment of committees
sbU otfesr perfHsetory business occu
pied the obsaIsk session. It Is ex
pet4 taut the pvoesesMngA will con
Units ssrerml days, tiuring wkkh tints
thsrs will be enhanstivo diseussfons
of ways ami means for bringing about
tits desired Improvements and for ob
taining an appropriation from eon
gross swwclsnf to cover the expense
of tito work.
s.i. Tit WtHtiJM)8tM
nHfKMiuon, f ortKtn jMtm tout a-t,
nurrrtu. rf
day Celebrated in
She Sets an Example of Do
mestic Life and Mother
hood to the Butterflies
of Fashion
statq association directs thq work' of
tho associations in the cities and In
moBt of tho Illinois colleges for wo
men. A new association has Just
boon organized with seventy mdmbora
in tho James Mllllkoir university re
cently opened at Decatur.
Tha doloKntes to tho convention
are lining entortnlned by tho Knox
Collage branch of the association,
which Is one of the strongest In the
Borlln, Oct. 22. Empress Augusta
Victoria was 45 years old today, and
flags woro displayed on all public nnd
ninny private buildings in recogni
tion of the anuivorsnry. There woro
no court festivities, but at a happy
family gathering tho Emporor, It Is
understood, gave his beloved con
sort n pleasant surprise by adding
substantially to her superb collection
of pearls, nlready one of the most fa
mous In all tho world. the Empress Is slightly old
or than her husband, with hor fair
comploxion and luxuriant hair, sho
looks, of anything, youngor than ho
doos. Tho preservation of her youth
ful nppearnnco may be ascribed to
her froedom from worry and her hap
py home life. Sho is one of tho fow
feminine crowned heads who might
truthfully be described as II ml lug as
much solid homely contentment In
her husband's palace as any honest
workman's wife In her vlne-clnd cot
tago. This ts a good deal more than enn
bo said for liar sister mnjestles, who,
probably, with tho exception of Queen
Alexnndrn, aro a weary and unsatis
fied clnss of women, nt loast their
faces bear all the marks of rather
pcovlsh discontent nnd unsatisfied
longings. No so, however, doos Em
pross Augusta Victoria, who was nov
or an holross In hor girlhood, who nt
18 was told to marry a young mnn
dooply In lovo with another nnd who,
between a olovor, critical mothor-ln-law
and hor husband's chlof political
advisors, Boomed llkoly to find life at
tho Imporlal court anything but a bod
of roses.
After hor mnrrlago, which tookl
place in February, 1881, hor trials be
gan In onrnost. for Intrlguo was rlfo
at tho German Court Blstnnrk and
the Crown Princess Frederick wero
sworn onemlea and Prince William
took n prominent part in all thoso
doings, but his wife triumphed In tho
end. Sho remained the name, cheer
ful, busy , amiable young lady of her
girlhood days, healed quarrels by a
mild word nt the right time and pre
sented her husband In turn with six
rosy, sturdy boys and a dainty llttlo
Hor whole object In Ufa soemed to
be toward tho porfoct achlovoment of
domestic duties and when she changed
her title of Princess William for that
of Queon of Prussia and Empress of
Germany she did not attempt any vo
cations more ambitious. There has
never been the slightest effort on her
part to lead in the social world and
in fact, were any ons probably to
ask her why-she doss not
undertake tho first place In society,
she would explain that 'she had not
tho time to spar.
She Is n most devoted wife to her
husband, and often spends the morn
Ing with him helping him with his
business, for with all her housewifely
qualities she possesses a clear brain
and calm Judgement, which are often
of great aselstanos to the Kmporor.
Her happiest hours are spent with hor
children, of whom she Is devotedly
fond, and the birth of her little daugh
ter completed the happiness of her
homo life. The Empress Is also ex
tremely fond of music, and la a fair
performer on the violin, and often
when in private ths Emperor nnd
Empress hold a little concert, and he
Is also a great lover of music and
possesses a very good voles and a
correct ear.
- i O ' - '
Young Women Meet in Oaleburg.
Oalssbnrg. III.. Oct. tt, Ths Illinois
Yonng-Women's Christian association
holds Its shimihI eonrwflUon In GaIjs
burg during the next three days and
arriving trains tossy brought several
sundred dalscntss and visitors from
various ports of the stsl ' A formal
welcoming meoting this ovonlHg Man
ors in the convention progxaiR and ths
Mrst Imslnsss session will be hold to
morrow morning. In .ths evening lbs
convention will lists to ths annual
address, whk-n wtll Its dsUvsrsd by
Dr. Clslsnd II. MoAfso, tormorly presi
dent of Park ColMS.
vThs reports nrsoarsd by the state
oMcsrs for presentation to ths conren
tlon show that ths association is mak
ing rapid progress Is its work. Tbs
Speed Trial of Cruiser Denver.
Washington, Oct.. 2.-The official
speed trial of tho new cruiser Denver
'nkes plnco today over tho govern
msnt course between Caps Ann and
Cnjie .Porpoise, and the roault 1b nwalt
ed with considerable Interest nt tho
navy department The ship Is in com
mnnd of Captain Stlmnn G. Chase and
cnrrlfts n crow of picked mon from
tha .yard of the builders. Noaflq &
LVX. ,
The Denver Is an unarmorod, stocl
protected, twin-screw orusor, nnd ono
of tho Btunllest fighting vessels in the
United States nnvy. Sho was design
ed for sorvlco In the Phlllpplno Is-
lnnds. Under tho terms of tho con
tract she Is required to dovolop an
avorago speed of 1GV6 knots an hour.
He Worked the
Washington, Oct. 22. Tho inquiry
that Is being made In the mattor of
mall fur Letson Balllet, accused of
sending out letters Inducing pooplo to
subscribe stock of the White Swan
mlno of Oregon nnd tho Pnclllc Trust
Company, of San Francisco, has been
conducted with so much secrecy by
the postolIW department that It ts
hard to get at the facts. Action wns
recently taken to hold up Bnlllet's
mail at both Baker City and San Fran
cisco, but the most Important evi
dence ngalnst the mnn seems to have
been pnas.-d along for tho whllo. I-nst
week thu Inspectors were hnrd nt work
on tho case, but have now been told
to devoto tholr time to search for dl
rect evidence ngalnst the accused.
Tho way the story is told hero, Fomo
four yenrs ago Balllott'a mnll was
hold up nt San Francisco, and It Is
said to have coutnlnod ovor $20,000 In
drafts nnd postotllco ordora, Bnllllot
Is said to have securod tho assistance
of a newspapor mnn, who wont to a
California congressman with tho prop
osition that ho use his influeuco in
Ilalllet's bohalf, and luivo thu mnll ro
leased. Balllut wont to Washington,
hired a spoclal train, nnd ontortnlnod
tho congressman nnd his friends.
Soon after this tho mall was released.
Our Governor Visits Home.
A telegram from Oovornor Cham
borlaln, rucolvsd In this city Inst night,
brings ths information that he left
last evening for Natchez, Miss., for
a visit to hjs aged mother nnd older
dnughter, wfio is spending the year In
that stats. After visiting Ills rela
tives for a fow days, he will return to
Washington, nnd, winding up his busi
ness there, will return home, arriving
in Oregon about the 5th of next
Osteopathy Is a now. but not an un
tried doctrlno of health restoration.
Drs. Schoettle, Darr & Barr, Osteo
paths, Grand Opera. Houso. Salem. Or.
I Physicians prescribe It
I for their most delicate
For Sale by
; A. OCHREIOER. Salem,
jj 153 Stats St.
Made up in a new line of
wrappers, all colors. White
Underwear. All kinds of waists
fancy goods, silks, gents and
ladies furnishing goods, mat
tings. Newlineof winter goods
for sale cheap i 00 Court
St., Salem, Of. Cor. Alley
Owl Creek Discovery
Discounts Eyen
If Stories are One-Half True
Silver Will Take a Sud
den Jump to
wards Dutto, Mont., Oct. 32. Almost fnb
uIoub finds of gold ore, rivaling tho
Klondike discoveries have boon ntado
on Owl crook, near Hamilton, Mont.,
nccordlng to roportH roaolvod In
Butte. Tho grentost axcitomont pre
vails, nnd a stampede. Is on to tho now
fields1. Miles Romnoy, mayor of Ham
ilton, and one of the woll-known edi
tors of the Btnte, hns returned nftor
spending noveral wcoka at tho scene of
the dlscovory, nnd his nccounts of
gold 11 mis sounds llko a fairy talc.
Ton massive leilgos, exposed on the
mountain sldo, fairly blaze In many
spots from tho glint of shining gold
particles, dasstllng tho syu. A tower
ing cliffs overhangs tho loads nnd a '
huge gulch below Is ohokod with
tijtiilfYMi rtf nt-m. nlmtcelwLft ttr tits '
heights. These chunks of gold-laden
rock. Ilomney dsolnrss, rnugo from
tho slue of n hazelnut io masses nB
large ns dwelling houses. Enough gold
ore Is In sight, he s'nyB, to run 1000
stomps 100 years.
W. D. Gross, n Denver mining ex
pert, made the'flrHt discovery of de
posits on Owl croek on August 1st.
Conservative oatlmntos of tho valuo
of the ore plnco the figures between
Jit and $300 a ton, this calculation In
cluding thousnmlB of tons of oro lying
on tho surface. Sections of tho volna
will run up Into tho thousands of dol
lars' worth of gold. Within tho paBt
few dayu over 100 claims hnvo been
stnkon out. Associated with Gross Is
Senator George Oroon, of Now York,
- '--
who, with, othors, rrcsqntB'.aVcapltal
of J5O.O0O.O0O. ' "
They aro ,now gfngagctl tu Jncorpor
atlng n comjpany, nnd havo. 25 men at
work on tho property.
' Lse-J .
Sculpture at 'the World's Fair.
St. Louis. Mo., Oct. 22. Tho flrs'ot
tho fourleon giant sculptures, each
omblomntio of ono of the states or
territories formed from tho lpulsnnn
Purchase. " havo boon placed $h ,.ho
podostnls thai' will occupy In the Colo
nado at the world's fair. Tho first to
be put In plnco wns that roprosoutlng
Indian Torrltory, and Montana wna
the, second. Tho other sculptures now
ready for Installation are thoso repre
senting North Dakota, Nebraska, Ar
kansas, MtBSourl. Iotfa, Kansas, Colo
rado, South Dnkotn and Qklahom.
Tho Btntuee of Minnesota and Wy
omlng, which are to ho accented by
Gustnv Gerlnoh nnd C. F. Hnmann
roapoctlvoly, havp not yet beon re-
Gooa to tho Whlto Houbo lunch!
counter at noon. Open all hours of tho
day and night.
I(2222SII?si,wj "v
3V'-" ' M I
hair like rms
within n few month
NewnRO's Hkri'Iciuk
kills the dandruff Rrrms
tlwt cauio lulling Imir
and finally baldness. No
other preparation but
I lernlc do kills tho d.m-
ilniltL-enn. Dcstrovtlie
. mii t-nttwtvft 4llf l.TAI?t.
Henlcido is a clclfghtlul hair
dressliiK tor rcguinr couci use.
ttTH(OiTo,MpT,,nint ,
1 hr. ai oiio-hair M i.f ll-nU;lik ,
nut lur rif t l (rra trum lUnaiuir nnit inf
K.i..f.a mil r.ll nnUf t Ariiidrl. 1 nm Y.t y
mn.ii .mlinani orer tho mulii, nd bar
MlMlUtlOIILP IUluwi.
rorSsle t ll Flrit-CUu DrujStotMJ
Hor sale by Daniel J, Fry. Send 10
cento In stamps for sample to The
Herplelde Co., Detroit, Mich.
t. . .
1 .
Do you cooK?
Then you have to chop things meat,
vegetables, fruit, etc. for culinary pur
poses. Do It quickly and quietly with
Sargent's Gem Food Chopper, which
chops It In fine, coarse or medium
piecesbetter than with chopping bowl and knife
without tearing, squeezing, mashing or grinding. It
saves time, and add3 to the pleasure of housekeeping.
The Gem 13 a well-made article, easy to clean and
easy to keep In order ; it has steel cutters that will
not break.
R. M, tXM.7.E ttt CO.,
xiteit rt-a)s)c 0)-eHHs-Ht e
Willamette University
John II. C'olkman, Pukmdknt, Salkm, Okiuion.
College of Liberal Arts, Law, Art, Medicine, Music,
Oratory, Theology.
PltEPAIUTORY DEPARTMET-Oten to students completing eluMh nude de
panment-lovserifradtsln creparatory decsrtnient- Besides afford Irtr
professional tralnlnir, tbe University seeks to clve a Horougri tuctlcal
education for ail who are aware of the value of trained train.
THE NORMAL DERARTMEiyr- offers a.tfcoroufh emit lit 11$ Ueoiy and
practice of teaching. Meets all Hie re oulrcments of state tchool law.
Its teachers are In constant demand,
Catalogue Upon Application.
Esl. 1869
.in Oregon.
Largest Stocky
Oct my prices on a fluo
289 Commercial St
Sell more Groceries sad tetter Orocerles than ANYBODY
There's where you get GOOD treatment and GOOD gcods
Harritt St Lawrence
Stop in and for you wlf.