The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, October 12, 1903, Page SIX, Image 6

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..jyiimwlininj ijiimn jwi
WrgXiCT; JSfXIT&K115 "iftSrJDAV; October iiwo.
. ,Mr- eVr
3EMUL. - iV,!
UncleMSahi Sends; 7000
Barrels tov Europe
fills' Week
jg for tho exportation ot
boles to Europe. Gormany.
A il. Ttn.t rrj -..-.
u me uuitvu mut,uuiu imj;
A total of 75)00. bar-
o .shipped abroad from this
city alone this wcqk. Thin consign-
mentis suffloUint tq fijl about 430 or
dinary bo railroad card.
In, tho remombrnnco of tho oldest
fruit .'exporter tllero has not been so
niuclndcmami for American apples as
at prosqnt. In tho past tho shipments
nbroadVdld not reach Us height until
lato Intdtpber.
Tho fruit crop of tho British Isles,
Franco and .dermany,,,WQrQ a completo
failure thlo-yOar because of an unpar
alleled droutjvand tho oldor countries
liavo boorwolfllgcd to appeal to Amer
ican marked whoso crops, especially
In nppJoB1 have boon unusually plen
tiful. -!
Evoryj big liner that Is going to
sea (plaiting away" lmirlcnsooads of
npplQsinoBt of which, c amo from this
stato anu Virginia. ThjEj Toutoulc, to
leavoSday, will tnko away 12,000
barrqufand tho Arabic, on Friday,
Will Biyra 15,000. Tho Oceanic took
awaytJqoo and tho Cymric 12,000.
A milt , rnerohant said yesterday
that 1) never (now'of;BUdh. a demand
for -Yankee apples, and that the sea
son .-was weeks ahead. New York
stale atone, because of Its fine crop,
would be able, the fruit merahant
thought, to supply even the enormous
dotuands ot the fruit eaters abroad,
but Virginia has suchfine, apples that
great qunntltjlfi of the production of
tho,. Old Dominion Stato are bolng
prepsed Into soryldo.
Tho steamship companies nro
charging 2 shUQngsr and sjxponce,
,cqunl to about 62 1& American conts,
a -.barrel for carrying tho fruit over,
nmf No. 1 fancy fruit soils, from 10
to iO shillings a barrel,1 laid down In
Lomlon, U) equivalent of 4 to 15 a
Tho chlof grados of Now York ap
ples bolng exported are Baldwins,
Kings, Northern Bpy and Greenings.
Thfli Virginia favorites aro York Im
perial Albomarlo Pippins, "Wlnosap,
and Hon Davis, Tho King Js a fino,
largo, red apple, and Is much sought
aftor by thosb foreign fruit buyors
who can afford to pay tho price. Tho
favorite among the Virginia produc
tion Is the Albomarlo Pippin, which
Is yellow when rlpo and fine for cook
IngfPupiofiM as a greening.
In Germany the bWer grade of
American apple la telling at ?6.R0 a
Mm, Ciirtatrnu, AVIfo of the Secretin-
j- of CuutiuvrMPt
Mrs. Gfcirga 11. Cortulyqu, wife of
tho socretury of commerce, tho newest
addition to the onblni'l, Is well Unowu
In WnHktugton, liavlng resided there
since )ior husband entered the public
service. For tho past live years slio
hna been In clone contact with the oth.
er potables who make up ollk-lal so
ciety. The new cabinet lady Is quiet and re
ferred In manner and Is somewhat do
una asoBas cvktklyoi
weMlc In her taste Her maiden lmioe
-was IJly M lllmK and she Is a
laughter of Ir John IllmK president
of the Hempstead (N y.i institute.
She U the mother of four children,
thn boys and a baby girl, and has
not been much In society this winter
tmaUM of an outbreak of luoasbtt in
tho family. 8srvtry am Mw- Cot"
t3yojt luvve a ploiwut homo ou Card
tot hill.
lr. Batth 11. IV Uohrec. of CwHUflU
II jilts, M4 t fo-ataetlng the wf8 f
hV eoujrisL MN Vary Ueh ToAa)
ottVeW York, who lett an estate worth
about $tto,09 to vtuirttaele aid re
UgkM iMttt-atloM.
All rop;
being ibrgk
rols wilub
Paris to Welcome
Italian King
f, Parle, Oct 12. 'Elaboroto- ftrrange
raents nro being rapidly carried. out
Jfor the wOlcome of King Victor Eman-
uei anu wucon iicieua. mpy uiu vu u
scalo Of truly royal splendor. Tho
fetes will follow the stylo of thoso
hold at tho time of the recent visit to
Paris of King Edward, and will In
cludo a number of events affording
opportunities for brilliant spectacular
effects. Government architects have"
provided a plan for the streets by
day, and for illuminations by night.
Private residents and shop keepers
havo contributed large sums of money
towards transforming the avenues and
boulevards of the city Into mosses of
color, with floral arches, Venetian
maste and looping of flowers. A largo
force of troops Is bolng assomblcd to
add to tho military pageantry of the
cyont. As a measure ot precaution tho
government has instituted a strict
survo'lianca over tho anarchists ot
Paris, arid during his stay in tho cltv
tho Italian monarch will bo guarded
by secret sorvlco mon o both Franco
and Italy. (
King Victor Emanuol and his con
sort will arrlvo- at noon Wednesday.
ProBldont Louhct, tho members of tho
ministry and tho staff of tho Italian
embassy will, proceed totlio Dolso do
Boulogno station to moot him. Tho
station will bo hung with rich volvet
and dobolln tnpostrles. Tho moetlng
between tho president and tho king
will take placo under a silken canopy.
After the greeting of the royal visitors
and President Loubot.wlll entor olab
orato state carriages, with postillions
and outrldars, and, escorted by a reg
iment of ctilraseers, they will drlvo
through the Dolso and Champs El-
yseee to the Italian ombassy. Through
the entire route soldlors will be
massod on olthor side of tho thor
oughfares, f
Wednesday evening a banquet will
bo given at' Elysee. The next day
King Victor Emanuol and Prosldonb'
Loubet will visit Versailles, whora,'
aftor luncheon has, bean served, they
will Inspect tho palocO and tho pnrk.
Tho king and prosidont will return to
Paris by road In n carriage. A gala
porformanco at tho. opera will take
place In tho evening. Tho next dny,
Friday, a visit will bo paid to tho
city. ThO oirtclal reception will lako
placo al tho Hotel do V'lle, Thenco
tho royal party wll proceed to tho
mint, whoro tho king will bo projont-
ed a medal specially struck In honor
of his visit. In tho ovonlng tho king
will ontortaln the president at dlnnor
at tho ministry for foreign affairs. On
Saturday King Victor Emanuol will
take fiart In a shooting party ovor thov
Ilamboulllet prosorves, at the Invita
tion of Prosldant Loubot. Tho fol
lowing morning, Sunday, a grand mil
itary review will bo hold, followed by
a military luncheon at tho Elysoo.
Their majesties will leava tho leva-
lldee railway station at 3 o'clock the
same afternoon. '
Asldo from Its spectacular featuros,
tho visit of King Victor Emanuel Is
leading to a wldo range of speculation
In the matter of Its political signifi
cance French ofllcers states frooly
that this visit marks the culmination
ot tho efforts that havo been making
for several years past to restore a
completo entente cordlalo between the
two nations, which were strained for
a long time by the tariff war between
Franco and Italy. They say, alsq, that
It Is an evidence that the foreign poli
cy ot France, Italy ami Great Britain
Is to be conducted along sympathetic
State or Ohio, City qf Toledo, Lucas
County, sa.
Frank J Chonuy makes oath that
ho Is senior partner ot tho, firm ot
F, J Cheney & Co., doing business In
tho city ot Toledo, county and stato
aforesaid, and that said firm will puy
tho suta ot ONE HUNDRED DOL,
LARS for each and ovory coso of Ca
tarrh that caunotbo cured by tho use
ot Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to- before roe and subscribed
In by presence this 6th day ot De
cember. A. D. 18S6. A. W. GLEASON,
iSoal) Notaiy Puhllo,
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter
nally, and acta directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHBNEY & CO.. Toledo. Q
Sold by all druggists, 75a.
Hall's Family Pills are the best
America has a system of "bloodlees
surgery" la Osteopathy that Is well
wortn tHMng proud or.
Drs. Schoettle. Barr & Barr. Osteo
paths, Grand Opera House. Salem. Or.
tor Iufonta and GMldrea,
k IM You Have Always Bought
biAtttr of C6jftf&&U.U
BmMBaWCaWsmo Corrte Up,
oTTDrm' s& 12.-A
tho usual summer recesjsj lh,e,yiupreme
court today met for thVxeguIar tall
etorra. In accordance with, custom, nc
business waq transacted oathojtopen-
lng day. The mombprg or tho.court
paid a visit to tho President and af
terwards hold a brief session to hear
applicants for admission to tho bar.
Tho presont session promises to be
Interesting because, of important cases
to. be argued. Tho most important
coso will bo tho appeal of tho Northern
Securities Company from tho decision
of a special bdnch of the United
States circuit court of Mlnnosota,
which declared tho company illegal.
Two cases, dno from Porto Itlco, and
tho other from tho Philippines In
volve tho question whether tho. .Porto
iucan unu wio ramwiui ulp ..
posing lurm uuuob, v.oiaio xno aqiuu-
tutlon. Another coso will invlyd the
quesuon winunr nu f orl
Rice aro citizens of tho United. Stitc?. '
Question Answered. ducts, was tho. subject under discus-
Yoo, August Flowor still has the'slon at a meeting of the hickory
largest sale of any modlclno Tin 'ho handlo manufactories who produce
civilised world. Your raothore and handie manufacturers' association
grandmothers nover thcught of using . . , . . . ,. OA.,, . ,.,
anything elso for indigestion or bll- hold to,,ay at tho Southern hotel.
ioUaness. Doctors woro ocarco, and Thoso presont represented hickory
thoy oeldom heard of nppondlcltls, 90 per cent of tho product that sup
nrvou3 prostration or hea'rt failure, piles na( onfy the United States, but
etc Thoy used Augu-t Flower to Germany, China. Australia,
SSLZ SXTtedfooreS:." , and tho South American
lato tho action of tho llvor, Btlmulato countries. Reports previously pro
tho norvcuo and orgr.'Jc action of tho sented to tho association showed
cystom, and that is all thoy took when , that practically the entire hickory sup
feeling dull and bad with headaches ,,,y north of tho 0hIo rIvor ,m8 bcen
and othor achec. You only nood !... . ,,,. f.i , i
fow dosos of Groan'o August Flower, i exhausted. In this territory, It Is
In Hqhld form, to mr.ko you satisfied sald Iho supply Ib confined to n few
thoro Is nothing oonous tho mailer
with you You can get this rollablo
remedy at Dr. Sojo'o drug stores.
Prlco 25c and 7Cc.
Berlin, Oct. 12
Tho Archduke Sal
vator, ot Austria and Count Valataux,
tho famous Fronch nreonaut, who loft
St. Cloud, near Paris, In a balloon
Thursday, landed snfoly at Lubock i
Friday. Thpy mado the dlstanco from
St. Cloud, 527 miles, in 14 hours
Prizes for Bright Children
C Kinderbeaits are the new cut-up animals found in each
package of H-O Oatmeal. The puzzle is to cut out the
pieces and put them together so as to make the Kinderbcast.
tfl They are called Kinderbeasts because they are like the
things the children learn to make at Kindergarten. They
are not foolish puzzles, though the animals db look funny.
They are really very sensible and it is a good thing for
children to try to solve them. It trains them mentally.
41, Handsome gold and enameled watches are given
to the boys and girls able to solve the Kinderbeasts.
m&Ues stardy
Sir Henry ; , '
Iryin Coming
London, Oct. 12 Among the pns
pengers on the Atlantic transport lin
er Minneapolis, which sailed Saturday
for Now York, were 8Ir Henry Irving
and his company, who aro scheduled
to open their American season tho
latter part of this month at tho Broad
way theater. New York. In noting
tho departure of Sir Henry the Lon
don papers today draw attention to
tho fact that this will bo the first Ir
ving tour ot America without Miss
Ellon Terry in tho company, and hor
absence, it is stated, Is to be unlvor
sally deplored.
Hickory Supply Nearly Exhausted
Sf T ..,- . 0pt. 10;Tho ranld.
,y dlmlnl8h,nB 8Uppy of hIckory
. v. hich has recently caused alarm
among manufacturers of hickory pro-
.states In tho south and southwest
The association bolieVos that if
tho situation is- Impressde upon tho
I public tho slaughter and waste of
i hickory may be ' stopped. There is
nothing yet known that will tako tho
place satisfactorily of hickory. The
mnnufacturo of bugglos, which Is ovor
Increasing In this country, hna mado
groat Inroads on tho supply. During
tho past eight months tho prlco ot
- O
boys and g'lrls
Consumers please take notice
Desiring to serve our customors to
tho host possible advantage, wo have
decided to adopt tho COUPON system
for lea sales. This is la uso by prac
tically all of the progressive dealers,
and has boon found most satisfactory
for both dealers and customors.
Commencing on October 1st, those
COUPON books will be for sale, and
all family customers purchasing In
quantities of lass than 100 pounds
must Bocuro one of them, or roako
cash payment.
' Tho books contain COPONS of tho
denominations of 5, 10. 35 and 50
pounds, and are good for 200, 300, 500,
1000 and SOOO pounds. They can bo
obtained from tho drivers or at our
offlco, and If paid for in cash a dis
count of FIVE per cent Is allowed.
Credit will b extended to approved
nartlM. but luuikH will w .n,.i -.
face value. No deliveries made for lees
than 10 pounds.
We thank the public for the patron
age extended to us In the past, and It
shalt b our endeavor to treat our cus
tomers in such a manner as to merit
tf)r patronage in the future. ,
Any eeilli.Ui should be referred
to the offlco at once, and the)' will re
ceive prompt attention.
aHeBaftti He.otasentfr
?i kt.vnp, nmHiipfa turn advanced 100DOr
cent, and there are Intimations that
tne price will go still higher in the
future. '
Among the officers and prominent
members of the association now in
Besslon to consider the situation nro
Charles D. Gates of Louisville, J, C.
Storm of KIrksvllIe, Mo., C. L. Hart
well of Chicago, J. E. Bennett of Dex
ter, Mo., B. W. Mann of Louisville,
Frank Storm ot Kirksville, Ky., F. W.
Peters of Now Albany, Ind., M B,
Grnco of Huntsville, Ala., T. R. King
of Hope., Ark., and C. E. R. Clendenln
of Indian Territory.
Just Fresh.
A flne lot of fruit cakeB can be .found
now at tho California Bakery, on
Court Btreet.
Baker City is energetic. It intends
to have anothor street Improved. This
make3 two or, threo available thor
oughfares now.
Condon wants a railroad. This 1b a
universal want, and shows that Con
don Is up ot tho times.
ng m
No Dessert
More Attractive
"Why U80 golatlno and
spend hours soaking,
swootoning, flavoring
and coloring whon
produces better resulta In two minutes?
Everything in tho packngo. Simply addhot
water and sot to cool. It's perfection. A sur
prise to tho housowlfe. No troublo, less ex.
penso. Try it to-day. In Four Fruit Fla
vors! Lomou, Orange, Strawberry, Rasp
berry. At grocers. 10a
PILES R - supposllonj
I " CV4lt.Tboait.ra.Bopt.
i uium fiMeii uitiMTuic, n. t , vthi " i eta l
tiuj 4 n Tea ctela fer them Pr. 8 If Wrer. I
lUrea &Mt w Te., rlut M Tbr (Ire aetvtrtet Ittlf I
Cutlea. Dr. II U KoUU. CUrtikeri. Tna wrltMll
-a prMdee eflljrftri, I be?e f.iuM ae nntij tel
1 e4i4 ) MTf - rajce, to Csvra. BeispUe free. Sett I
Sold In 8alem by 8. C. Stone.
Call for Free Samples.
Corval lis & Eastern R R
No. 2 for Yaqulna
Loaves Albany 12MB p.m.
Leavos Corvallls 1:60 pm.
Arrives Yaqulna 6:35 p.m.
No. 1 returning
Leaves Yaqulna 7:30 a.m.
Leaves Corvallls 11:30 a.m.
Arrives Albany ... 12.16 p.m.
No. 3 for Detroit
Leaves Albany ,. . 7:00 am.
Arrlvec Detroit 12:20 p.m.
No. 4 from Detroit
Leaves Detroit 1:00 pm.
Arrlvos Albany 6:55 p.m.
Train No. 1 arrives In Albany in
tlmo to connect with tho S. P. south
bound train, as woll as giving two or
three hours in Albany before departure
of S. P. north bound train.
Train No. 2 connects with tho 8. P.
trains at Corvallls and Albany giving
direct sorvlco to Newport and adjacent
Train No. 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush
and other mountain resorts leaves Al
bany at 7: a.m., reaching Detroit about
noon, giving amplo tlmo to reach tho
Springs tho samo day
For furthor Information apply to
T. COCKIIELL, Agent, Albany.
II H CHONI9E. Agont Corvallls.
kr "
From Portland, Or,
9,-20 a. m
Via Hnnt
lnjton Bait Lake. Demrnr. v,
Worth, Omaha, Kanut
City, 8L Inlf, Chlcajo
and Saat.
8:15 J. to.
Tia Hunt
ington Salt Lake. Dosrar v.
Worth, Omaha, ICanau
CltT, Bt. Loot, Uhlcaco
and East.
Bt. Paol
Fat Mall
4.00 p. a.
Spokano, Wallace. Pulli
man, Ulnnoapolli 81
Panl, Daluth.Miliraaket
uaicsgo, ana juui.
7H hoursTta
Mo Chasie of Cars v
Pron Por)aca' '
AlltalUnR dates subject
8 p.m.
Ball every S day
ToAftorla and War
steamer Ituth leavos Sala
Portland and way landings oak
days, Thursdays and Saturdays, i!
7 a. m. M. p. BALDWK
A. L. CRAIO, Agt0.n.&N.
Gon. Pass. Agt. Portland, Or,
r.Vsti.n Urtn t HPTITHnTT! rmtnWftJ
UUUtO it kUUIUW V. ow.,-r-a,
OMAHA, to Chicago and points Eastj
Through Standard nnd Tourltl
slooping earn dally betweon San Fra&j
clsco and Chicago via Los Angetoi
and El Paso.
Through Tourist Slcopor oaa,
TUESDAY from Portland to Chlcag
via Salt Lake and Colorado Springs.
Through Standard Sleeping Can
daily between Ogdon and Chicago.
Lowest rato in effect always aian-
ablo via "Rock Island SyBtom."
effect on July 12, 13, 15 and 16, ana
August 18, 19, 25 and 2C; 00 days re
turn limit
Bo. suro that your ticket reads Tto
tho Great Rock Island Route.
Tho best and roost rcasonablo U
Ing car sorvlco. Fpr information,
L. B. GORHAM, Gon Agt, 250 Aider ,
street. Portland Ore.
vi.Mn, rrn.nTnn RonttlO. the PUgSt
Sound country and Spokane to 'Mis
souri rlvor polnUi and tho Southewt
tho Burlington offers quick service.
Through trains Seattle to Kansas.
City equipped with big, free chair tars
standard Pullman sleepers, and ism
but not least, tourist Bloopers, cleasv
comfortable and cheap.
Why not tako tho Southeast Bpecm
via Billings and the Burlington? Yoo
can't do better, and you might oi
A. C. SHE-DON, General Atjent.
and ALTONA leaves for Port
land at 7 a. m. dally except
Sunday. Fare, one way, $1.00;
Round trip, $1.50.
QuickTime. Cheap Rates
Dock; Foot of Trad fttr&
Express and Transfer
Meets all mall and passenger train
Baggage to all porta ot the city.
Prompt service, Tolephono No.
E o i el '
1 l bl
Capital Normal School
First National BaBltBuJWne. Salt
The fall tern of twelve weeks opens
September 28. Address
J. J. KRAPS. Salem. Ore