The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, October 09, 1903, Image 1

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Hospital Says the
Oregon Journal
riiere the Water Supply is
not Blamed but the Fault
is Placed on a
In Portland hospitals now there aro
nlno people afflcltod with typhoid
fever. This, Councilman. Itumolln
says, Is directly attributed to tho un.
Banltary conditions at tho outlet of
tho Johnson creek sower. Ho makes
this statement on authority of soveral
physicians, and repeated. It In open
council session yesterday.
Ho made the assortlon during con
Ridoratlon of a proposal to appropri
ate $3000 to extond tho Johnson cruek
ipwor from its present termination to
Appoint 400 feet further out, whore it
Would empty Into tho rlvor. Thoro
was some opposition to tho proposal.
Tho sower formorly reached tho low
levator mark, but tho dredgers at work
in the river have dumpod dirt along
iho bank until tho land now oxtsnds
about 400 feet beyond tho original
point. The rofuso from tho sower
empties onto tho land and seeps Into
tho river through tho Ulrt. A stream
vas formed, which carries away most
of tho fetid matter, but Its exposuro
to tho air Infects tho vicinity, says
tho councilman. The fever pationts to
whom Mr. Itumolln refers aro men
who wero working in tho mlUs at that
Tho council members Anally agreed
to npproprlato $1100 toward a wooden
(sewor extension, if tho property jgwn
era would mako up tho remainder of
Jho amount needed. City Engineer El
liott estimates that tho wooden sewer
Evill cost $1400, and this leaves $300
for the citizens to pay.
Dr. Woods Hutchinson, of tho stato
board of health, said today that thcro
was much moro typhoid fever in the
city than was necessary. Ho did not
attempt to explain why, but concluded
that such a condition of improper
newngo might easily tond to a spread
pf tho disease. Portland Journal.
Police and Bandits Battle.
Aurora, 111., Oct. 9. In a battle Ije-
tweon thrco hlghwaymon and two po
fllcemcn in Aurora Thursday night.
Ifono of tho robberB was killed and an
other wounded. Tho wounded high-
El New
SDreee trimmings
Just in
Silk Cluny Laces, Silk Cluny Medallions,
Persian Bands, Fancy Silk and wool Braids,
Laces, Embroideries, Yarns
Outing Flannel Night Gowns, Cumforts, Blankets,
Velvet Grip Hose Supporters
Velvet Grip Skeleton Waists for Children
Nazareth Waists, Golf Gloves,
Woolen Hosiery and Underwear,
Shetland Floss Circular Shawls,
Infants Caps and Bonnets
Haye You Seen Our Line of Silks? v
Peau-do-Soie from 75c to
Fine lino of TuiTetas in all grades
T If M
Shoes , Clothing Furnishings
Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store.
E. T. Barnes, Prop,
waym'ah and' filsmlnjurod companion
..escaped. " I nf,- f"
? Previous to tfie encounter '"with the
pollcemen'the three highwaymen held
lip an electric car, and, after robbing
the motorman and conductor, of their
valuables, , took possession of the car
and ran to within a short distance
of the city limits. They wero found
lator In a car bound for Chicago.
Alleged Swindler Captured.
Seattle, Wash., Oct. 9. Fred Gold
man, who claimed to bo a traveling
man, and who Is said by the local po
lice to bo tTao biggest hotel swindler
operating in tho West, wns arrested
hero yesterday by Detoctivo Byrnes.
Tho specific swlndlo for which Gold
man was arrested was committed last
April, when, by means of a worthless
draft, It is alleged, ho secured $50
from tho Cecil Hotel,' In this city.
Tho Seattlo police Is not tho only body
of criminal catchers that has been
looking for Goldman. Ho is said to
bo wanted for similar offenses in
Portland, Los Angeles, Denver, Salt
Lake, Butte, Victoria and other West
em cities.
Minister is
, Not Surprised
Washington, Oct 9. Sir Chontung
Chlng', Chinese minister, called at tho
stato department today, and Btated he
had received no advices from his gov.
ornmont indicating that Russia had
kopt hor pledges, and evacuated Man
churia yesterday. , Ho expresses no
surprlso at ussla's failure to loavo
Manchuria, as ho was Informed by
cable that Russia had. two weeks ngo,
made n now set of demandB upon Chi
na, which would probably causo tho
is Buried
Buffalo,. Oct 9. The greatest as
semblago of nationally prominent men
since McKlnloy's death will bo hero
this afternoon to attend the BIsbcII fu
neral. Cleveland, Carlisle, Hoko
Smith, Daniel O'Day and Morris Ty
ler will bo tho honorary palll bearers.
Opera House
s' Burned
Blnghampton, N. Y Oct. 9. A Arc.
originating In tho scenery on "'tho
statog, dostroyod tho Stono opera
houso this morning. Lobs, $100,000.
0 '
Remomber- tlio kindergarten rally
nt tho Presbyterian church tonight.
Good program.
Line of
.r . .-s .-rs
Earthquake of Sept.
11 Starts Her in
in Business
Thousands of Crevices Opened'
and Steam Issuing
From all of
St. Helens, Or., Oct. 9. W. T.
White, an explorer, In from tho.
mountains, makes tho report of the
earthquake and eruption Septomber
11th. United States Engineer Kent
and two brothers by the name of Mil,
ler were In tho volcanic region at that
date. Tree? were uprooted! two
horses stampoded, and tho mon who
went In search of tho animals wore
m'et by explosions. Steam Is Issuing
from hundreds of crevices yet.
Mines Are Sealed Up.
Eurokn, Oct. 9. All tho shafts and
other oponlngs In tho Bullion Beck,
Eurokn Hill, Centonnlal Eureka and
Gemini mlnos, about 30 In number.
have been soaled up on account of tho
underground Are that has been burn
ing since Monday. Within a couplo of
days an oltort will bo mado to roach
tho flro from the 300-foot lovol of tho
Eureka Hill. To do this It will bo
neccBsnry to extond a plpo lino or hoso
450 feet long, This accomplished,
steam will bo turned on, when It to be
lieved the flro will bo quickly extin
guished. . 0
Truitles Leave Asylum,
Thrco patients of tho asylum farm
escaped from that institution last ev
ening, and attendants from tho farm
aro today searching tho surrounding
country for them. Tho mon wero all
convalescents and trusties, and wore
not so closely watched as aro tho pa
tlenta generally. Tho escapes under
took to board tho Albany local at tho
reform school this morning, but tho
train had parsed a llttlo too early for
them, and thoy wore later aeon walk
ing northward on the railroad track,
and are bollevcd to bo heading for
Portland. One of tho mon Is almost
ontlroly recovered, and ho Is bolluvcd
to bo tho loader of the escapos. Ho Is
originally from Snlt Lakq City, and
hns for somo tlmo talked of returning
to that nlnco. or go to California, and
in his doslro to leave tho Institution
ho took tho others with him.
Lawyers Got Ten Per Cent.
Tho lawyers who loproBontod I.
Harry Stratton, of Colorado Springs,
Colo., in attempting to break his fath
er's will have been awarded, by a jury
i $35,000 for their services. Harry
Stratton was regarded by Ills fathor
as a ne'er-do-well, and was practically
disinherited of tho millions which
ought to havo been loft to him, If ho
had behaved himself. Whon tho fath
er was a poor man tho editor know
him well. He was then a Just man,
and wo think ho carried out principal
whou he disinherited tho young roan
who secured $350,000 on a compro
mise, and would not pay his lawyora
until forced to do so. Plalndoaler,
A Frightful Accident
Victoria, B. C, Oct. 9. A frightful
accident occurred at Cumberland yes
torday. Ex-Mayor Carthew was grouse
hunting, accompanlod by his son uid
8-ycar-old daughter. Ho was about to
shoot, and, turned to warn tho boy.
when tho gun was discharged, tho
load striking tho llttlo girl full In the
choat, she dying in her father's arms.
Carthew is almost demonted.
Are Charged With Murder.
Sacramento, Cal., Oot. 9 Convicts
Wood and Murphy, the Foljom
capos, were arraigned this morning
In court on a chore of murder. The
cane went over until tomorrow, to al
low them to get counsel.
Back to Cicero's Time.
San Pranelseo. OeU . A legal aid
society has been Incorporated to fur
nish free letjal service, asd protect the
rights of the poor of the stata
The Salem Woman's Club.
Will hold their first meeting tomor
row afternoon at 2:30 at the First
Congregational churah parlors. All
members are requested to be present.
Chinese Buvlnn Arms.
" Bwlln. Oet. 9. The Chinese minis
ter is at Ben, where he Is buying
arms and other war material.
Six Inches of Rain
v Fall in Less Than
24 Hours
AH- Business Suspended,
Streets are Flooded Car
and Railroad Traffic
Stopped '
New York, Oct. 9. Tho most tor
rlflp rain ever experienced hero has
been falling for 24 hours, with no
signs of subsiding. At 8 o'clock this
morning there was more than six Inch
es of precipitation. There Is almost n
complete cessation of suburban traf
fic, and many commuters' trains wero
abandoned. Only absolutely nocossnry
business Is being transacted, and tho
flooded streets are dosorted. Tho
Broiix overflowed and Inundated
wholcsnlo housos and barns. Many
basements In the city nro flooded, and
the loss and damage Is Immonso. Flvo
horses havo boon drowned, and two
womun nnrrowly oscapod drowning.
Firemen, called to a flro, hnd to ford
through Ave foot of water, and tho
horses stood In tho street with only
their heads visible, whllo tho flremon
mounted tho ladders. Many street car
HncH stoppod running. Hundrcdi of
families on Harrison street are Im
prisoned in their homos. Rafts havo
been rigged for supplying pooplo with
food. The clamngo In that section
alone exceeds $10,000.
8mallpox Appearo Again.
Smallpox has again mado its ap
pearance in Portland, nnd thrco cases
havo been brought to tlio attention of
tlio city health board during tho past
two, days. Two .BUfferers from tho
malady, named Daston, earno lo Qfo
city several days ago from Lntouroll
Falls, under the belief that thoy wore
aflllctcd with nothing moro serious
than chlckonpax. Thoy took up their
homo nt Kast Thirty-fifth nnd Haw
thorne avenue, whore another member
of tho Daston family, who Is employed
by tho O. R. & N. Co., visited them.
Later ho was taken down with tho ills
oaso at Huntington, and was immedi
ately returnod to Portland and placed
In a hospital. The mother and daugh
ter wore sent to the post houso.
Tho city authorities will at ones 'no
tify tho stato board of honltb, and ask
that Latourell Falls be placed under
nunrantlno. Those exposed to the dls
oaso through tho DnBton fairjlly, hnvo
been Instructed to got vaoolnatod
without delay..
Will Lead to Dispute.
Oregon City, Or.,' Oct. 9. Within
tho past week 50 tilings havo boon
mado In tho Oregon City land ofllco
by Individual parties on valuable tltn
bor lands In' tho eastern ports of Ma
rlon and Linn counties. Tho total
numbor of filings represents 8000
acres. This land Is claimed by tho
Oregon & California Railroad Com
pany, undor a grant by tho govern
ment. The applicants will contend
mui wiu mini lutviuu u; uiu-r .inuh i
is locutoa entirely outside or mo gov-
ernment grant, and that tho patonUtoj
those lands wore erroneously Issuod. i
A long-drawn out contest will alona
detormlno tho -" proper ownership of
these lands. Nino of those filing wore
made by persons from Salem.
Murderer In Nevada.
Winnomucca, .Nov.. Oct. 9. Harry
Kgbort, tho dosporado, who killed two
men at White Horse, Harney county,
Oregon, Sunday morning, and escaped
across the line Into Nevada, Is still
at large, but Is kiiown to bo within a
few miles of Winnomucca, on n jad
ed horse, and out of food and supplies.
Mis capture is looked or at any nine.
One of the most determined men on
his trail Is a deputy sheriff from Har
ney county, who was present when !:
bTt started to leave the scone of the
double murder. Egbert held the dep
uty covered, and threatened to shoot
him dead If he did not obey, com
manded him to approach and kiss him
Boed.tiyi .
I II 0 -"PSM- I
Olrl Wins 8teer Tying. '
Chicago, Oot. Or-A dispatch to tho
Tribune from South XIoAlester, I. T.,
Lucllo Mulhall. 18 years old,-and a'
frlqnd of President Roosevelt, has won
the 11080 steer-roping contt&f here,
defeating the best known cowboys In
the Southwest. The conditions were
that three steers wore to bo roped Rnd'
tied in tho fastest tlmo, and tho ponj
iei wns open to ui. Miss MUlhnlH
threw her first steer and tied It up In
m seconds. Tho second required 1
minute and 11 seconds, whllo the third.
Vas roped, thrown and tied,ln tho va
mnrkablo fast tlmo of 40 Bcconds. !
s j
Jews Try to Rescue Prisoners.
St Petersburg, Oct D. At Orsha.'
In tho government of Monllea on Mon
day, 100 Jews tried to rescue several
Jewish prisoners, who Wore being re
moved from tho prison to tho railway
station Tho escort of mounted police
drew their awordB and repulsed tho.
attack Ton nrrests wore mado
Trying to Save Him.
Amsterdam, Oct.- 9. Tho Handcls
bad reports holding of a meeting of
creuuors or. uio oanKcr, ua uooyon,
well-known In connection with South
American issues. Tho liabilities nro
said to exceed $20,000. Tho bank
er's family la trying to provide money
to nrrango matters.
Posse Does
Good Work
Olivet, 8. D., Oct. 9. -Tho posso pur -
suing tho threo burglars who blow tho
safo In tho county treasury, early to
day, killed ono of tho trio, nnd rap
lured nndthor. Thoy nro unldontlfled.
Will Raise Donegal!.
London, Oct. 9. -An holr was born
on Wednesday to tho Marquis of Don
egal, who Is 80 yean of ago, and who
married Miss Twining, of Hallfar, N.
S who Is 22 years of ngo, nt the be
ginning of tho year. The marqulB had
twloo previously boon married with
out having tssuo.
French Strikes Cause Rioting.
Paris, Oct. 9.-A number of .trlko.Bt hyerlon church, tonight.
In tho spinning trado aro proceeding
In tlio northeast of Franco, and somu
rioting hns occurred at Tourcolng,
Balllcul, Halluln nnd Hazobrouck. At
tho latter place tho troopa had to
chargo the strikers soveral times.
Hold Their Positions.
Tlch Tain, Oct, 9, A teleeram from
Yin kow, unuor cinio or ucionor em,
states that' tho Russians are takln3 no
stops to ovacuato Nlu Chwang. Ro
ports from tho north show that thoy
aro holding their positions everywhere.
There's a Hustle to 1 his Business
It'a wido'Awnko, broad guugo, up-to dnto shop-keepinc that's
doing it. Modiocrity satisfies us xjot.i Wo nro right in tlio front
runic of progressive merchandising. Thijt jnennu much to you
more to us,
Hurry Harry
Or you will be too Is to to pot
your share o( those Holverson
Iloie, We have sires (or Mines
and Children, only. They ate the
regular SOo kind, with doable
knee, blah spliced heels and toes.
Illg bargains for school rer,
3 pairs for 50c
Apache Btadwork Looms
A nrsctlcsl and simple loom for
the vesting of Indian Pesdwoikrf
Simple In construction and per
feet In results. Weaves a chain
or belt of any length up to four
Inches wide.
Get the Habit
New Fall Line
Hand drwwu wor , rxcltivi
pattern of Urn celebrated Kelaer
i-ilocks and Turnover!, in Silk,
Mercerized Cotton and Linens,
New Ribbons
Meny pretty pattern In Two
Toned effect Dresdtn patterns,
Brocade, sic, eto,
Something New
Ormolu Gold Fancy Clocks, Ink
Standi, OnUndsrs, etc. Outran f
teed plated with gold U karat
tne snd bsnd finished.
See These
- t "- . ni 4 i n i su. - mmmtmm
-" j '
1 ' , " '.tiaa
She Says She Will
Leave Manchuria
But Don't ' .
Instead She is Rushing Work
on Public Buildings and"-
Strengthening Her "
London." Oct. 9.--N&w, Chwnng au
vices, dated Thursday, say that, In
stead of stops being taken by Russia
to ovacuato Manchurln, work on tha
oxtonslvo govornment buildings Is-bo-
lnrr rushed, and another gunboat lias
been added to tho naval forcp tboro..
.Before the departure of tho Immense?
j Russian floot for Southern Coron, Joint'
' military and naval mnnouvros wore-
conducted near Port Arthur, nil tho DO
warships Bent to Coren, partlolpatlnsr.
Spanish-French Terms In Morocco.
Borlln, Oct. 0. It Is offlclally nn.
nounccd that tho negotiations between
Franco nnd Spnln over Morocco nro
approaching an agreement, whereby
Spain will tnko certain ports on th(r
coast of Morocco and Franco will havo
a freo hand elsewhere In Morocco.
Gormnn commercial treaties in Mor
occo appear to bo guaranteed fully.
o 1
Romerabor tho klndorgnrten , rally
Good program.
Fesli Today
Soft Centered
Chocolate Creams.
AT ,
1S4 State St.
Phono 1071 Mala
U Mar
UrjrltU IM k Uu lM juo'
Don't Be a Victim
To this cold weather, theie raw days
android, damp nights. Jnstget a (all
overcoat, and be comfortable. We have
oar neir fall overcoat ready. Thetire
rich, itrllih, cat on the latest Hues ami
have a tone o( superiority about them
that I unmistakable.
J S ( - T I