-i"F3jrr- KlQClTtW1; frrwt' THE DAILY JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1803. EVEN ' " ii i i i i tHtMtMHllJ9MMMMHMIIillllMIMMCMH ' The Best t QCJOU and the most ECONOMICAL In ckrpets we have sole control both in Salem and Albany of the justly celebrated PARK MILLS PRODUCTS. The fabrics from these mills stand highest in wearing qualities, beauty of design and colorings and great variety of weaves. You cannot do better than buy these and have them sewed vith a perfectly flat seam. You should have your mitting sewed. iThe House Furnishing Salem. 269 Liberty Street. waae mmmum imim twK DR. J. F. COOK Haa como to the conclusion' that all profession of tho hoaling art out sldo-of tho vegetable kingdom is a (allure. When your system is run out without puro blood. (You will only find vitality in the vceotabl kingdom. Poisonous drugs nor doctors' knives nor thunder and lightning wll not removo tho causo, but lay tho foundation for al kinds of dlscaso. Thoso poisons go Into your bones, and kill tho life of them and creates all kinds of dlscasos, cancerous tumors, consumption, dropsy bono diseases, etc. You must bear In mind that his medicine is not a poisonous tonic, nor s stimulant, nor tomparary roliet which you got from poisonous drugs, whoro tho results aro euro death sooner or lator. Do not blomo tho modlclno, when it takes an effect and stirs up tho poisons or dlscaso in tho Bystom. You must not ozpect to be curod 1" a few days, fot your slcknoss or dlscaso has boon a long Umo coming on, and it will take a long tlmo to get it out of your Bystom. It will take months or a yoar to build a now body from tho bonoe up. This is what tho people do not un dorstand. Thoy aro used to being humbugged. His medicines aro com posod of Nature's Horbs what tho human system requires. Whon the ani mala get sick thoy will holp thomsolves to thoso herbs, for thoy have tho In stlnct, and tho pooplo havo not, so wo havo to mako a study of It It has been a life study with Dr. Cook. Do not got weary; this life is too short and too swoot to worry out of this world. Dr. Cook Cures All Kinds of Diseases 301 Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon. H mm ut'wCBLB III A stove that Is always ready! A itove that mokes no smoke, smell 01 ashcil A safe store I An economical store! A clean stove!. A stove that requires ne skill to oper ate it! r A stove which has revolutionized "cooking," and has transformed the drudgery of the kitchen work Into a pleasant pastime. A "Quick Meal" Stove will do any and nil work that can be done on a wood or coal stove, only with the differ ence that the "Quick Meal" doc it quicker, cheapcrand in amoienjjree able and reliable war. R. M. Wade & Co. J. Brownstein & Son. 54 State street. Highest cash price Mid for Hides, Pelts. Wool. Tallow aadfurs; also fee serai deafer la old Iroa, RubMraad Metal SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HAUL Ftor water service apply at oflce. Bills payable monthly in advisee. ae all cosaplsvlata at the oJke. is None Too Company.! Albany E. C. Meats and Provisions PHONB 291 hi Established 1884 fE& Jacob Vogi 265 Com'I St. Has a new line of Men's. Ladies' and Children's Shoes. Good flttlne. good wearlne and at lowest prices Go and see for you will be sue to get a Bar gain. ENNYROYAL PILLS G-V OrialaaJaa4JaIr Um.Ih, Ml CI I It'll KSTKK'ft itXiUJill u HSU M U.I4 muuu MIN ftwtes IUl.rtHa Tataaaatacr. Ucfkaa Uaaaarass NaklllUaaa ul ImUr Uaaa. . af j.ar brtciUk aa 4a, tsiraWhJL. lO.UOOTMUBMsUk. lUk I tlfa.llali i'Llak.1.. . t Jf &UiUu - MsUMls4ftr. I'MIIO. Hay Scales First-class hay scales now in opera tion at tho Electric Store, on East State street. Always ready for busi ness. A. S. EPPLEY, Prop. 7-18-tf n Here's Something Worth Your At tentlon. No bousewlfo cup prepare a good meal without choice groceries. Now, that is Just what we have been telling you all tho Umo. You will find we keep the best In the city. BRANSON & RAQAN. Dr. A. T, Roberts Has Returned. Tl.. nfiA.t.f ttiA ava anntln1lat .nli was hero two years ago, and through the perfection of his work gained a reputation second to none in Oregon, has returned to Salem and has a lino sulto of offices over Dalrymple's store, where he would bo pleased to meet all of his old friends and patients, and others who need his services. Over Dalrymple's store. Examina tion free, 9-Mf CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tk4 M Yn Kin Always fttffiht Dears the Stg&atweef && CROSS lr-m . . w 4 at p && PORTUGAL HAS A KING Bow Many People Know His Higli- nes's Name The Gray Mare Seems to be Much the Better Horse in the King Row Lisbon, Sept. 28. The Portugese capital wns In feto today in celebration of tho fortloth birthday of King Can los. Tho Portugese press may term tho rotuud and happy-go-lucky mon arch a "manifest coward" and "an In cnpablo fool," and declare with empha bIs that a revolution is Imminent, and the sotting up of a republic Inovltablo, but tbo masses entertain for their rul er a porsonnl regard bordering on gen ulno affection. Thoso friendly senti ments wero abundantly manifested to day by a lavish decoration of prlvnto houses, and by festivities In many qunrtors. The hand of King Carlos has been grcntly strengthened from a political vlowpolnt by the recont visit to Lis bon of King Edward and by tho uni versal Impression that prevails to tho effect that a complete understanding oxlsts betweon Orcat Drltaln and Por tugal in regard to their Joint Interests in Africa and clsowhoro. If tho finan cial affairs of tho kingdom could bo bettered and tho condition of tho peo ple) thereby Improvod tho throno of King Carlos would bo as stable as any In Europe. As things go at present, howovor, tho dlscontont is flullo gon- era), and sorious disturbances nro of frequent occurronco. Tho country Is bankrupt, tho treasury empty and tho government without a vesttgo of credit either abroad or at home. To provide the necessary funds for carrying on tho administration tho government hns been forcod year by year to incroaso tho taxes, until tho burden has becomo wol'-nlght unbearable Quito natural ly, tho king, as tho fountain-head of tho government, has been blamed for tho existing stato of affairs. Tho lead ing men of business, and tho chief cit izens throughout tho Kingdom aro re publican at heart, and oven tho army has a leaning In tho samo direction. while the labor element Is nlmoatj wholly socialistic. In view of theso conditions It would not bo surprising if at any Umo tho houso or Drnganza would be forced to go, and a now fcov ernment established In Its stead. Yet, as monarchs go nowadays, Klngi Carlos cannot bo described as a bad ruler. Ho Is certainly no fool, while physically, at any rato, ho is no cow ard, whatovor ho may bo politically. Ho has inhorltcd, howovor, from his father not only tho tatter's pxccsslvo embonpoint, but also his extraordinary indolenco and apathy In connection with ills dutlos of rulorshln. in his earlier days tho king was excessively fond of swimming, and also was ro nowncd as a toreado. Tho only sport In which ha indulges now is that of hunting. Ho Is reputed to bo tho best roynf shot In Europe Tho personal popularity which tho king enjoys is undoubtedly duo In a large measuro to his consort, vho Is bolovcd for her simplicity, her sound common sonse and her open-handed generosity. At her own oxpenso Queen Mario Amolla, who Is possessed of an lmmenso private fortune, maintains magnificent hospitals and dispensaries In Lisbon. Sho Inaugurated tho treat ment by antitoxin of diphtheria, that terrible scourgo of Portugal, sho being the first to submit horsolf to Inocula tion with tho serum, in order to provo to the poorer classes of tho population that thero was no danger in tho reme dy. Tho queen Is tho only lady of roy al birth who has tho right to add tho lettore "M. D." to her name, having passed all the examinations and taken her dogreo as a full-flodgod doctor of medicine. Tho heir to the Portugese throne. Don Luis Fellpo, Is now preparing for his trip to tho United States noxt spring, to attend tho opening of tho 8a Louis exnooition. Tho visit Is to be In the ndturo of a return courtesy for the recont visit of Admiral Cotton and his squadron. Bed Time I take a pleasant herb drink, the next morning I feel bright and my com plexion is better. My doctor says It acts gently on the armache, liver and kidneys, and Is a. pleasant laxative. It Is made of herbs, and la prepared as easily as tea. It ia called Lane's med icine. All druggists sell It at 25c and CO cents. Lane's Fami,y Medicines moves the bowels each day. If yon I cannot get It send for free samples. 'Addree, OreUr Woodward, Lesley, n. y. Strom Aaata The woman who knows the full value of health is the woman who has lost it and regained it : the woman who from being weak and sickly is once again made a strong woman. Half a million weak and sickly Women have been saade strong and well by the aid of Dr. Pierce and his "favorite Prescrip tion." It cures the ills which weaken women. It regu lates the periods, dries enfeebling drains, heals in flammation and ul ceration, and cures female weakness, It nourishes the nerves and so cures nervousness. It promotes a healthy appetite and in duces refreshing sleep. " I had female trouble for eight yean," writes Mr U J Dennis, of 8S Itast Collect Street. Jacksonville. Ills. t' Wprds cannot ex press wnai i sutierea. sought rthtf among Mr mwaicat projtt. Hon ttnd foMna noniy PrientU urged me to try Dr. Werce'n Fa vorite Trescripllou. When I commenced taking this medicine I weiirhed nlnetv.tlre nounus. Now I wrlah one hundred and flftv- slx pounds more than I ever weighed before, I was so bad t would He from day to day and long for death to come and relieve my suffer ing I had internal Inflammation, a disagree able drain, bearing-down pain, and such distress every mouth, but now 1 never have a pain do all my own work and am a strong and healthy woman Use Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Tcllets with "Favorite Prescription " if the bowels arc inactive or it regular. ThelFiremeii Have a Time Chicago, III., Sept. 28. Many of tho loading cities of tho country aro top resented at tho sixth annual mooting of tho National Fireman's As sociation, which bogan in Chicago to day. The association, unllko that com posed of tho flro chiefs, does not con- corn Itself so much with discussing methods of flro fighting, ns In promot ing tho gonoral ofllcloncy of tho flro departments, and looking aftor tho ma terial Interests of tho membors. With this end In view, a long program of papors -and discussions has been ar ranged for tho prcsont mooting. Tho dlvorco of flro departments from tho civil Borvlcq system will bo consid ered. It Is also probablo that a pcrma- num. uuiu win imj ui'BiBuaiuu ior a na tional memorial day on which to honor tho mompry of tho flro men who havo perished whllo doing their duty. Brights Disease Not Raro, but Common All Kid ney DlHonso Is Urlght'a niflcueo ts Tho 8th to 10th Month It c , comet Chronic; and Incurable by , All Known Alcana Except the new Pulton Compounda, which Record Wl'4 of Recoveries. Wa kara bofora us a llttlo work on kldnri dlaoaaea by Joaopb V. Edwarda, M. V., of I'tillo- Sulphta, tbat coatalus soma thing that story one ought to know. Many pooplo Imaglns Uricht'a Ulseaaa ta rare, whoo, to faot, II rorcrs the wholo gamut of kidney diseases. Tola book aou out tnat Mis kidneys bar but one function. Tit., tho elimination of tbo urea uad waste pruduou, aud that all interferences ultb tbat function are oulled Urlght'a Ulseulo IN- JCdwurda adds: 'Tor tba benefit of pbyal rlaoa wbo may road tbla book I will glre a list of ibe outa which I attribute to Urlgbl'i Uuvaw, lx.i Albumenaiia Uingeatioo of tho Kidney. DcirDuratlon of lbs Kidney. l'utty Ueiteueratloo of tho Kidney. Intlauoiuatlon of tbo Kidney Uraemia. Disease of the Kidney " Tbu. all kidney dl.ease being Drltht'a Dla- rssu. the aerious quiation la la It uoutp or cbronlot to other woros, la It lo tba pr.omry or seeoudanr atugat After tbo elgth to tenth laonlb by all known main except tba ttilton Coin pounds The kidneys are not semlilre. Tberr Is often do notice or tbo trouble till It but ii ur already fattened. If you bare kidney disease la lbs nrst alago the Ureal Compound will sure It quickly II it la of rnoro than a to 10 mouths atanulua- It la tha onlv thlntf knnwn that mill turu It In proof tbat nothing else will we cite all uedlcal works raevldeaoo that to this time them boa been nothing that cores Chroulo "lVh.1 Disease. The stockholders of tba Johc J ultoa Vo , business rd professional men ul riao ('raoelsoo, are tbe first ptople In the world to announce a poiltlre cure, presenting a defialte percentage of reooTrle (W per tout), and glrlng out tbe lists of tba cured, all atcooi purely cbronle, uelldeflne4 caaea. if you bate any kind of kidney trouble, there Is tmly m lung to take. Tba Renal Compound for llrlrbi'a tJlaesso Is U for Diabetes, lio John J VuUua Co.. v Washligtoo stroet. Han FrastikJ-i, ajle eompouiMler. kVee analyses for pu.ix.ts, lucpaiai true. We sis thj aolu agenta. Palaea Pharmacy. 118 State St odacatww DEMANDS CONSIDERATION Tboro aro two kinds practical and ornamental. Tho former should be so cured by ovoryone, becauso It may bo put to uso quickly. Tho latter Is do slrablo, but tho former lo essential. Our courses aro arranged with a view to usefulners, We don ot dabblo In a little of everything, but devote our energies to conducting a first-class business school. Living expensed low. Send for catalogue. Students may enter at any time. CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, UUm, Orsfon. W. I. MsJey, riMlfvS. ni . i 2 I j Art I iMl I Wp&r CLASSIFIED ADS AilvMMMSHete. riv I HMrM thesis) MtsM fa s sweat. M evej fft j ? WANTED Wanted- Woman to represent a wholesale business. Chanco ior ad vancement to. right party. Address P. O. box 56, Salem. Roforonccs ex changed. 9-26-3t Wanted. -Good farm, hands, on the Finney farm, near Droqks, whoro wo still soil tho O. IC. Grubber. Havo for Balo cattlo. For salo or to lot CO sheep. Address James Finney, It. 2, Qervals, Or. 9-2C-dw, Woodchoppers Wanted. Apply to Geo. F. Rodgers, 130 Court street. 9-25-lm Wanted To buy a young Shepherd dog for cattlo; ono that Id sure J. Con nor, Wlllamotto Hotel. 9-23-tf Wanted Span of mules, must bo cood trnvoloro, and not to oxcood 9 or 10 years old. Apply at Wlllamotto Hotel. Wanted for Students Rooms, fur nished or unfurnished, with or with out board. Address Christian Asso ciation, Wlllamotto University. 9-22-lwk. Wanted. Qlrl to do gonoral houso work. Mrs. It, D. Alton, 347 High street Phono 2575 Red. 9-21-tf Wanted Doled wheat straw, at Cap itol stabloo, W. 8. Low, Proprietor. 9-17-tf FOR SALE. For Bale Cholco farm near Rosedale of 128 acres; for salo choap. Dorby Wlll8oh. 9-25-3t Far Sale. Sovon-room cottage all modern Improvements. Call at CI Contor street. Mrs. H. Ooo. Moyor, 9-24-3t To Trade Town lot In Salem, nlcoly locatod, for n qulot driving horso. For furthor particulars Inquire of Frod Hurst. 9-28-tf For Sale Two hoof stoors, 2i yonrs old and ono cow 3 yoars old, 0. L. Weaver, 1 mllo south of Llborty ochool houso. 9-22lf. For Sate. Fourtcon head of Poland China swlno, ollglblo to registration. Apply at J. T. Qoodo's mllllnory storo. o-2i. Willamette University Scholarship to lease for coming term. Address P. O. box 263. 8-27-tt FOR RENT. For Rent. Cottngo, noxt to power houso. Inqulro of Thos. Holman, 374 High Btroot. p-2R. Scholarship for Rent Two full schol arshlps to Wlllamotto unlvor slty for rent for tho coming school year. Ono for salo. Apply to H., Journal office. 8-23-tf For Rent Qord houso noar buslnoss port of cltr, Inqulro of A. F. Ho for, Jr., at Journal offlco. 8-22-tf Rooms for Rent Up stairs, Cottle block, by day, wook. or month. Al so light housekeeping rooms. Elec tric light Opon all hours. Commercial St, No, 333. Phone: 20C5 Main. Mattlo Hutchinson. Pron MIOCELtANEOUS. 0S Music Dr. Parvln and Prof. I 8. Graham. Music studio 297 Commer cial stroot, upstairs, now opon. Aro among tho best as professional teachers. Prof. Oraham Mondays and Tuesdays. Lessons may bo or rangod for at any tlmo. 9-2C New Sweet Cider. Send your ordor to tho ncarnat grocery, or call up phono Ail. Oldoon Stolz & Co. . 9-10tf QOodsl QOodsl GENTtEmen and WOmen. At 149 Stato street Cloth ing hats and notions. A flno lino of hop glovos. Roys' 7Ec shirts for 25c. Men's J1.50 pants for 90c. Notice Is hereby glvon to all malo cltlzons of tho city of Salem, Ore., botweon the ages of 21 and CO years, that the city road poll tax of 13.00 for each Individual not legally oxompt tnererr in, for tho year 1903, Is now duo and payablo at the offlco of tho undors good. The pay mont of this tax is a chartor quail cation for vetini: within this city. Pay up. ORO. aiUSWOM), Street Commissioner 9-4-tf Salem Truck and Dray Co Oldnst and beet equipped company in Sa lem. Piano and furoituro moving a spoclalty Offlco 'phono, 861. W. W. Rrown & Son, proprietor. Ofllco No. CO State street 0-1-1 ra Tho Proper Thlna Tho popular drink for family uso Is O. S. soda and carbonated bevorages. Every body should keep theso goods at their homes. Call up Oldoon Stolz Vo. 'phone 4Z1. I Have Jutt Purchased The Miller stock of new and socond-band goods at 210 Commercial street Will give you good treatment aud dgslro your patronage. Second band goods bought and sold. Also a nice stock of now goods on bond. D. V. Jen man. 7-21-tf Unique Cleaning Reems hw Johnson, the cleaners, are now lo cated at 909 Coame"ll street They do a general pressing and re pairing business. Specialties: Sfclrte, ellk waM. kid gloves, geete' eteeh !, etc, Fsecve Mli. t-M-lyr. Yeu will always, final meats at the lowest pricetlkJsW ward'a ft LuschePs,' a State street 'Phone orders clvva special attention. i LMMEt, r. " a-iar. r - Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Ctf iiau m Hoimaa block, cerswr State and Liberty Sts. Tuesday mt esveh week at 7:36 p. m. A. K Knu 0. C, It. J. Flomlhc K. of R.tvM 8. Foresters of America Court 8fce wood Foresters No. 19. "Meets Fri day night in Turner block, i. Wl Mlnturn. C. It; A. L. Draws. ge Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Codar Camp No. E2I0. Meets every Thursday oventng at 8 o'clock Holman Hall, Frank A. Turner, T. P.; A. L. Drown. Clork. Protection Lodge No. 2, Anolent Or der United Workmen, meets every Saturday ovonlng la the Holmes Hall, cornor Stato and Liberty; streets. Visiting brethren wetoosse. J, G Graham, M. W.; J. A. SeUwoesl Itecerdor. , JHY8ICIAN8 ANP SUnQKONg. Drs, Morse and Robertson. Reeme 1 to B, Holman block. TclesheM 1381. Dr. W. 8. Mott Will hereafter, be found In the Drey block, 375 H tioas morctal street, over .Oregon (thee Co. Office telephone. 3931; reef. donee phone, 3761. Office hours t to 12. and 2 to 6. OSTEOPATHY. Drs. M. T. Schoettle, Frank J. Bsrr and Anna M. Bsrr. Graduates American School of Osteopathy, Klrksvllle, Ma, successors to Dr. Draco Albright Offlty hours 9 Ut 12 and 1:30. to 4:30 o'clock. 044 Fallows' Tomple, Phone Mala 2721; rosioonco pnono Z603 roa. Dr. H. H. Scovell, Suggestive There politics and Osteopathy. NorT0s functlonsi and montal dleeesos, fcen ralgla, headaches, nordvous prostrtv tlon, dyspopsio, constipation, diar rhoea, rhoumatlsm, asthma, etc D'Arcy block, Stato street. Phone Mnln 285b. TONSORIAL AND BATHS. Ryan's Shaving Parlors Sovon flrt class barboro ongagod. Finest satk rooms in city. Wo use antlseptle sterilizers. J. Ryan, Proprietor. kvan's Barber Shop Only (Irst-cleM shop on Stato stroot. "Evory thiss now and up-to-Uato. Finest porce lain baths. Shave, 15a; haircut ate baths, 25c. Two first-class boot blacks. C. W. Evans, proprietor. FERGUSON'S RESTAURANT. 95 State Street Tho only placo to eat Open day and night. Our 20-cqnt rnoal arejet tur man any so-cent House in the state; 9-23-tf v. FRUIT TRAYS. BOXES nl CRATM all kinds and styles. First Cites work sad Mtcrlsl, Prices Testes able. Shop on Miller St.. Sesth Sslem. phone Red 2191. GEO. F. MASON. THE ELITE CAFE 03 Commercial Street Crawfish ) All served in Hot Tamales the most ap- Cold Lunches ) petizing style E ECKERLEN, Proprietor IT S. C. STONE, ffl. D. ....PROPRIETOR OP..,. STONE'S DRUG STORES SALEM, OREdON. The stores (two a number) Are lev cated at No. 235 and 297 ComaerefaJ street, and are well stocked with comploto lino of druts and raedlclsea, toilet articles, perfumery, brushes. etc. Has bad some 26 years experience 1b tho practice of medlcino, and bow makes no charges far contulUUoa, e. amlnatlon cr prescription. C. H. MAOK Successor to Dr. J. It. Keene, la Whlto Cornor, Salem, Oregon. Parties doslrlns superior operations at moo orat feo In any branch aro in especial request School Supplies A? X X X School Supplies Ttc Variety Store 94 Csurt St. Alien H. Welch. Prep W. W. Hall. R. E. DflWMKO. HALL & DOWNING. MoMy LoaalHr, iMursHce. CGlltctleM. Loans BctretlatcJ fer ourselves mi jutroHs on the Its terms at rusoMlle rates. Tioga Ilk. tic stairs, opposite Gray Kros. State St, SaleM Orerst Your Btepmothsr. Is still hero, and as busy as ever, Whon your clothes aro won and dirty, or tbe buttons off, take them to tor, at tho Salem Dyeleg and Cleaning Works, Repairing and rellning; now velvet collars put t overcoats; also four suits a month tor SI, Called for and returned. MRS. O. II. WALKER, Prop. ISC Commercial street Capital Normal Sck First Katie! l4Mltc SetMH. Tlw fall terai ef twelve weetM mmm sarrJlTrrwisrP's'w 4sPs''S'mslt t tie esrMlr' M9Ws WlW o ny"pfH