The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, September 28, 1903, Page TWO, Image 2

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    wfnwf$twWFf t'"1 w
v - y -TV"w:
erlpp News Association Telef rama.
3 and S O'clock Edition.
4ta4ly On Year, 4.00 In Advance.
OhHly Three Month, (1X0 In Advanca.
atolly by Carrier. 60 Cants Vtr Month.
Weekly One Year, 1.00 In Avanca.
One Wook .....$ 10
Oao Month 35
Threo Months 1.00
At Journal office.
At Oaue'a Orocery, South Salem.
At lewersox Grocery, Yew Park.
Asylum Avenue Orocery Store.
Electric Grocery, East 8Uto 8L
The Weather,
and Tuosday,
X), sun and sklos and clouds of Juno,
.And flower of Juno together,
To cannot rival for ono hour
Oclobor' bright hluo wenthor.
'SKhcn gentians roll tholr fringes tight,
To uavo them for tho morning,
And chestnuts fall from satin burs
,Vitha'ut, n word of warning; i
"When on tho ground red apples Ho
In piles llko JowoIh shining,
And redder still on old atone walls
Aro loaves of woodlilno twining.
When all tho lovoly waysldo things
Their wlilto-lwnged seeds- aro sowing,
And In tho Acids, still grcon and fair,
Lnto aftermaths aro growing.
Porsons Intorcstod In bettor and
;Yeonor streets for Salem would do
well to mako a study of Stato street.
I)y tho entoVprlso of Wm, Drown
that stroct was sprinkled as far oast
us tho southorn Pnclfio railroad and
half a block beyond,
'From that point cast to tho prison
tho street wan finely graveled nnd
-wasy a flno roadway all spring and
uTuinor, but not sprlnklod.
Dry wcathor and heavy trafllc aro
grinding It to powder, nnd fast driving
becoming Imposslblu, whllo thu
vtioct Ih an extended cloud of diint.
If that street had boon sprinkled
east of the railroad an It was west of
the railroad It would bo a flno thor
oughfaru Its entire length.
Sprinkling a streot preserves the
aurfaco nf It, and It wears twlco as
wnli, Is smooth for driving, and clean,
-except somo loose rock and horse ma
nuro and rubbish.
Hut uYim those ovlls aro reduced to
u minimum hy sprinkling. A gravel
road Is a poor Investment If not
sprinkled In summer.
Tho Janitors at tho now postoftlco
ricaqrvo credit for removing tho loose
rock from tho drlvoway on tho west
stdo of tho building.
Tho asylum authorities have prom
ised to remove tho loosa rook and
rubbish from Asylum avenue. That
wtreet leads to tho hospital and for
the sako of tho ambulance should bo
made as easy to pass aver as possible.
i U ii , ,
When Oregon Is expecting so nuch
tnun our delegation In congress, thu
irfort0f Oregon uewspaporn to wenk
on tho delegation and mako It Inofll
vlenl and Inharmonious seems untime
ly and uncalled for.
At best a fnr western stato can no
compllbh little enough In (ho great
national congrexa.
Ylon our senator and congressmen
cau work In harmony It la always boat
that thoy should do ho.
No delegation will ever bo oblo to
vatlsfy all tho claimants in thu ro
publican party, nor suit nil factions.
Hut It will bo a long time befort
Oregon has a more orllcleitt delega
tloii. and It la a longer tlmo sluco wc
liavo bad one so harmonious.
Lot us stand by their work a far
at possible for tho welfare nnd dovcl
opulont of tho stato and ;iot seek to
AveaHen tholr Inlluonca.
Vfhy constantly represent that thure
la friction; that ono or Urn other of
We trust doctors.
They trust Ayer's
Cfyerpy Pectpr&l
tsf PAtlfrhC j.o.imon
Ji.V1 V,VV4LU M.(H
them Is "atoutaj-wlth thfO 'President,
that they cannot agreo on selecting
a man for some petty land lonice?
Wo could reasonable expect such a
course from a partisan democratic
nowspapcr and that would be poor
politics for a Dsmocrat but Repub
lican papors should be In better bual
Tho past month there has been a
decided change In tho political atmos
phero of Oregon, affecting In marked
degree tho attitude of Oregon poli
ticians In tho next presidential cam
paign It Is welt known that Senator Simon
and his followers grew lukewarm to
wards the President on account of his
refusal to appoint George Steel to the
Oregon City land office.
Tho published letters In that case
wero of such a character that they left
tho Impression that tho Simon faction
would not bo enthusiastic for Hooso
vclt's nomination-for President.
In tho past month tho entire delega
tion has been turned down by the
President In tho matter of tho La
Qrando land offlce, Secretary Hitch
cock's man, Davis, being appointed
ovor Knowlea.
Tho Increasing difficulties over Sec
retary Hitchcock and tho public land
administration, especially turning
down tho Wnrnor Lake settlers, will
omphaslzo tho situation still more.
Unless thoro Is soma chango In tho
rotations between tho administration
and tho prominent politicians of Oro
con. It Is difficult to sco how a delega
tion can bo secured for Hoosovclt from
Tho Portland Oregonlnn editor has
been at Oyster Hay, and has probably
pou rod oil on tho troubled waters, as
his paper has only kind words for
noofovolt, and lots of them.
On his merits as a man, Jloosovclt
would carry Oregon by a largo major
ity, If ho wero nomlnntod. Dut tho way
things nro going It Is a question wheth
er thoro can bo a delegation of promi
nent men mado up for him who would
not liavo at least a llttlo difference, If
not coolness, towards his success.
Tho smell of tho hop Is In tho land.
Tho mnplo trees nro flno for shado
nnd flro protection, but oh! how thoy
do Utter tho stroots,
Well, drat that Journal odltor, II
has howled about tho dusty streets un
til now they will all be sprinkled by
damo nnturo.
Threo local events this week pub
lic school opons, Willamette unlvorai
ty opens, and tho Methodist confer
onco Is hold horo.
Tho Attorney-Uunornl of ONgon
would llko to know how ninny tlmea
n mnn hna got to bo trlod and no
(julttod for tho samo ofTonco?
Tho American KconomlHt ayn
Hearst publishes tho worst papers on
earth." The oxtont of tho Kconoinlst'a
self-forgotfulnoss Is almost criminal.
That poom on thv bright bluo nklca
of October was no tnoro than put In
typo when It bognn to cloud up Mid
rain llko blaze. Poets always were
an unfortunate olaes of mortals.
Clean street will Improve the value
of all property, will promote tho con
struction of bettor houses nnd busi
ness places, und over) body will liavo
bettor health nnd more public spirit.
Mr. Ilrynn In tho Commoner attacks
the emergency currency plnn advneat
ed by Secretary Bhuw, and nsks him
somo pretty hard nnd searching ques
tion II is always easier for tho fol
low who is out to ask tho follow who
la In hard quostlous.
Tho Journal wfll'wagor a bundle of
old exchanged against n bushel ot
spuds that Carter Harrison, ot Chica
go, Ih tho next Democratic candidate
for President. And that Is about an
much as The Journal cares about It,
and our opinion U no bettor thuu any
one elso's.
Kx-Govoruor Geer is unfortunate.
Ho lot his farm for a term of yi-ara
when a receding tide lot him out ot a
job hi politics. Hut a mail at his tlmo
ot life and with hli abilities does not
unally stay out ot business very long.
Tho forest resono policy, as It U
being promoted In Oregon, to form
bases for lieu land 'frauds, will come
an near putting tho Republican party
out ot business nauu) thing ovor. The
President and all Interested bettor
drop K&storn college theories long
enough to realise that tho reserve sys
tem nnd tho frauds couuected there
with nro a long wnya from tho Abo
Uncoln homestead policy, oa which
tho Republican party got Its first
groat start It business. It might bo a
ano policy to restrict grants ot pub
lic lands to men with families who
nro bonk JJdo hotne-iauUors. or per
sous declaring their Intention to wnko
a homo for ft family, and not give
then the deed tor tho 160 acres until
In life depends largely on your health.
Therefore, If you have stomach troub
le of any sort you are badly handi
capped. Get rid of It at onco by tak
ing llostctter's Stomach Bitters. It
has cured thousands of other cases in
tho past and certainly won't fall you.
It positively cure Dyspepsia, Inges
tion, Constipation, Belching, Heart
burn, or any other ailment from a
weak stomach. Don't fall to try It
Good health Is sure to follow.
they have a family of at least two
children to show as evidence of good
faith. This would bo more in accord
wtlh President Roosevelt's antl-race-sulcldo
talk, than allowing great cor
porations to gobblo up the public
lands by means of tho Bcrlp frauds.
Taxes Are Rolling In.
Tho last half of tho unpaid taxes for
1003 will have to be paid In tho chor-
Iff's oftlco by Monday, October 5th, and,
ns thoro Is a considerable sum duo,
thero aro many taxpayers crowding the
sheriff's oOlco, paying up, J.L. Skip
ton Is again at work in tho office, and
tho collection of the taxes and the
work Incldont to the session of tho
criminal department of tho circuit
court, which opens next Monday,
keeps Sheriff Colbath and threo depu
ties busy from morning till night.
Thoro will be paid In taxes this week
no less than flC.OOO, and tho sheriff
thinks thore will bo very llttlo loft on
tho delinquent roll. Tho minute the
timo limit Is up, tho delinquent roll
will bo prepared and gotten out ot tho
way, so as to mako room for tho new
roll, which will como Into tho sheriff's
hands 30 days earlier than last year.
Salem People Must Believe the Tes
timony of Her Best Citizen.
Testimony llko that below cannot
fall to convlnco Salem people, because
a Salem man Is tho speakor and ho Is
a man of reputation in tho communi
ty. Jacob B. McCoy, brldgo builder
and contractor, residing on Capital
street, second houso boyond Mill
crook says: "I havo always enjoyed
good health up to flvo or six years
ago. Along about that tlmo my kid
noys commonced to bothor mo, Thoro
was not so much backocho, but tho
principal symptoms woro In connec
tion with tho kldnoy sccrotlonB. A
strain or ovor-oxortlon vory often
caused hemorrhages of tho kldnoys,
I cannot say that It was so painful
but It wan vory annoying. I used
various rcmodlos and whllo somo ga'vo
rollof others woro worthless. In somo
way Doan'a Kldnoy Pills wero brought
to my notlco nnd when up town I
dropped Into Dr, Stono's drug stnro
nnd procured a box, taking them ns
directed. A fow doses gavo mo vory
convincing proof that they wero going
to tho right spot, and though I can't
say thoy havo cured mo, as I may
novor bo cured, I can stato that thoy
gavo mo wondorful rollof. I havd n
high opinion ot Doan'a Kldnoy Pills
and choerfully recommond them."
Kor salo by nil dealer. Prlco CO
conts. l'ostor-Mllburn Co., Duffalo, N.
Y solo agonts for tho United States.
Remcmbor tho noma Doan and tako
no substitute. 1
I)l8Tltl!8S APTIlIt RATINO Ct'11131).
Judge V T Holland, of (Irmiiburir, La ,
who U tll ami favorably ktiuvui, says
Two juri oki I suOfrrrd greatly trom tiii
illstlin Aflrr rating, tirrat dlitrtwa
would luvnrlaMy reaulk, tailing for au
hour or o and my nlshta wr rrotlrts.
I miicliiilrtl to try Kodol DfrlA Cure
and It curtil me rntlrely Now my lfi-
I ri-rmulni; and dlsMtlon rrfot ' Hold
by F 0 Man, 00 (Stato atrrtt
The Schloss
Detroit, Mich, Sept 28. Tho Han
nah K. Schlosa momorlal building
wns formally dedicated today, Tho
building was "erected by tho Uultcd
Jewish charities of Detroit, and Is to
bo usod by them as n "neighborhood
house," or social settlement, modeled
after the famous Hull Houso, of Chi
cago. Thoro w III no saving classes for
poor girls, n school for immigrants, a
memorial library, klndorgnrton, phys
ical culture classes aud other features.
Vulcan is
Done in Iron
Birmingham, Ala., Spt. 2S.A co
lossal statue, of Vulcan, made entirely
of Alamaba Iron, will bo tho central
figure ot tho mineral exhibit to be
mado by tho Birmingham district at
tho 8L Louis world's fair. It la plan
nod to havo the atatuo doslgned by ono
ot tho best sculptors In tho country,
and to havo It In every sense a work
ot art Tho statue will bo CO feet In
height, and It Is proposed to sit it up
lu ono ot tho 8L Louts narks as a ier-
manont memorial after tho exposition.
Boy Raised as a Girl
Until Eight Years
of Age
Loved His Sister's LoYer and
Tried to Kill Him on
His Wedding
Mark Twain has written some re
markable stories of the errors ot birth
and the consequences that follow, but
In nil of them there is no more re
markable story than that told by Mrs.
Earl Marshall, who Is about to attain
his majority.
Three weeks ago last night Earl
Marshall suddenly" gained notoriety by
shooting at his sister, Nellie, and her
husband, J. W. Roberts. The cere
mony had scarcely been concluded
when young Marshall dashed Into tho
room and began shooting. Before he
could be stopped ho fired two shots,
but they went wldo of tho mark and
no one was Injured.
Tho strango revelation- made by tho
mother of the boy today shows that
the shots wore fired on nccount ot
Jealousy, and furthermore, tho de
notement ot the strango story shows
that Marshall had n pecullnr doublo
Reared as a Girl.
For eight years Marshall lived nnd
was reared ns n girl, nnd the strang
est part of tho wholo affair Is found In
tho assortlon that cvon his mother
was not aware ho was a boy.
Marshall was horn In 1883 and for
20 years his mother had studiously
guarded from the public tho history
of his early life.
At tho tlmo of his birth It was an
nounced that a femalo child had been
born, nnd for the first night years ot
his Ufa Marshall lived as a girl. His
mother novor discovered tho error of
tho doctor until the boy wns sent to
a hospital for treatment far a nervous
dlscnso. Tho doctors, on examining
the child, found that ho was a male
and notified tho paronts of their dis
covery. Prom childhood Marshall had borno
the name of Lvn Marshall, and at tho
tlmo of the dlscovory that ho was a
boy ho declined to accept tho decis
ion of tho doctors, nnd for the next
Beon years ho continued mnsmior
adlng ns n girl.
Dons Male Attire.
Whon tho family removed to Ken
osha Morshall was forcod to lay nsldo
his pottlcoats and he donned man's
Among his few man filonds was J,
W, HoburtB, who wns rocontly mar
ried to his slstor, Nollle Marshall.
Marshall was heurt-brokon whon tho
approaching marrlago ot his Bister to
Roberts was announced,
Sineo the tlmo of the shooting Mar
shall has boon making au effort to
clear himself of tho guilt, and In or
der to do this ho wrote to tho pap3ra
In his formor homo town In Iowa and
declared that the shots had boen fired
by MUs Kvn Iluliorts, and askod that
tho papors there make an effort to Io
cato Miss Kvn Marshall and notify hor
parents. Through tho Investigation
started by this lttttor the strange his
tory of his birth nnd the error of his
paronts was nindo public.
Preparing for Court.
District Attorney Hart will bo In Sa
lem tho last of this week to proparo
the cases for trial that will come up
lu tho circuit court noxt week. Next
Saturday and Monday ho will examine
witnesses In cases of persons bound
ovor to tho circuit court, preparatory
to tiling Informations whon con it opens
is for babies and children
who arc thin and pale when
they ought to be fat and
ruddy; for men and women
who are weak and delicate
when they ought to be strong
ana nearty tor all who are
not getting proper nourish
ment from their food.
Poor blood, thin body, open
the door for disease. Scott's
Emulsion bars the way.
Makes the blood richer, pro
duces healthy flesh and above
all provides nourishment
V.VU uM rn i upU fm po, ,.
SCOTT & BOWN. ., wasm.X,Yk,
- -rrrrrFrrmi FlWTtfWliTr'iniriiinnTrMn-rB
mmm I
.... rrrnrfl"! ' urrry'fTTr jH
slmilallng ihcFood nntincgula-
ling ihcStomacbs andBcrwcis or
Promotes DigcslionXheerful
npsqanflltest.confaitis neither
OriUtmforplune norMiiicral. .
A perfect Remedy forConsllpo
Tlon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish
ncss and Loss OF SLEEP.
TacSwulo Signature of
K II nTni I IfcsmTf 1 iibbibibibibbbI
Fursi Ladle sCoats, Skirts, Waists and Shawls,
Having purchased large sample lines at
33 1'3 per cent discount from usual prices
I will dispose of the goods at less than the
regular wholesale cost Skirts worth from
S7 to S10 for $5 new fall styles, cheaper
ones in proportion All new goods and
prices lower than any other sale in this
Greenbaunf s Dry Goods Store.
302 Commercial Street
The Univeisity comprises the following colleges and schools
The Graduate School, The College of Literature, Science
and Arts, The College of Science and Engineering, Civil,
Electrical, Mining and Chemical Engineering, The Univers
ity Academy, The School of Music, Th?. School of Law,
The School of Medicine.
TUITION FREE Incidental Fee $10 00. Student Body Tat $5.00
The twenty eighth session open Wednesday. Scstember 16 1903, For
catalogue address weels rar. University of Oregon. Eugene.
" j i lfNl 1 " n s "" 1 k
A Pipe Dream
It would bo to think that you could
havo your linen or colored shirts, flan
nels or woolona laundriod at any price
In Oregon with tho snmo arttstlo fin
ish, beautiful color and faultless work
as wo aro doing all tho tlmo by our
perfect and finished methods. When
wo "do up" your soiled linen It Is as
fresh and faultless in color and finish
as when it was bought.
Steam Laundry.
uukus u. uLmi tit), net
320 Liberty 8L
t M&. Wr Jm
BSKr 1
l-rIM!imwil 1 . 1
' ' - .v
For Infants and Children
The Rind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Signs of Renewed Activity
In the real ostato world indicate In
creasing building operations thli
Spring, an prompt us to remind joa
that our facilities for Bupplylng n4
and soft wood, lumbor, lath, shlngK
and othor building matorlals are ft
coptlonally good. Wo will bo pleas!
to furnish estimates on contrtcU,
largo or small. A car of Mill QV
ahlnglos received. I
Near 8. P. Paa (Mf I
Phone W1.
A Nteht Attack
Of cramps or klndren ailment cJ
best be cured by a lltUo good liqu
And wo can supply tho very heat o 1
tho market. Our flno old Overall
ryo whiskey Is invaluable for medic !
al uso, mellow and fully mature i
lu U'lthnnt nn iuiiiiI Thirl tv and IP I
ltY cuaranteed. All tho leading bra4!
ot wine and liquors at lowest prk I
i i nnncne '&
j. i . nwucnciiMnA i
WtoJmk m JkWil LUiwr '
ii Ail '
Va Former
Thirty tears
ii utA 1..Mtj.Atili. 4jtJti&- Wjy