The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, September 24, 1903, Page THREE, Image 3

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Wiilimcttc University
John VHC6lWn, President, Salkm, Oregon.
College of Liberal Arts, Law, Art, Medicine,: Msfc,
' Oratory, Theology.
PREPARATORY DEPARTMET-Opcn tp students completing eighth rrade de-partmeat-Iower
grades in preparatory department. Besides affording
professional training the University, seeks to Elve a thorough practical
education for all who arc aware of the value of trained brain.
WE NORMAL DEPARTMENT-Offers a thorough course in the theory and
practice of teaching. Meets all the naulrements of state school law.
Its teachers are In constant demand,
Catalogue Upon Application.
II nn t HAiipa Blnt ...
MK.ia iiuuoc Biubii v, toun aieet
I Experienced cutter and fitter. Will truarantee all work. Also clean
ing, pressing ana repairing.
in excellence of equipment. Is in a
class by Itself. From Minneapolis
and St. Paul to Chicago it is The ' '
Train of Trains. It runs via the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
the route selected by the United
States Government for The Fast
Mail. Three other daily trains to'
Chicago via this route.
II. s. ROWE.
General Agent.
134 Third St., Portland
Schwenkfelders Keetf
Gedaechtnisz Tag,
Soto Speak
A Rich German Colony Set
tled Near Hosinask and
Porkiomen in Pennsylvania
Earritt & Lawrence
Sell more Orocerles .and better Groceries than ANYBODY
There's where you get GOOD treatment and GOOD goods
Stop in and seo for yourself.
Only National Bank In Marion Co Transacts a gen., Banking business.
Sayings Department
Fays interest on laving account). rasa book issued to each depositor,
which must accompany each deposit or withdrawal. Interest credit
ed on the first days of July and January of each year. Conducted
under regular savings bank ruies. Deposits of one do.Iar received at
any time.
D. S. Bentley.
Wholesale and Retail.
Roche Harbor Lime Alsen Cement,
Lath and Shingles. Sand and Gravel
to all Kind of JUMllir Material. All Kinds of Heavy Hullir and Tnatfer
Werkdoaeonsbort notice. 18M83 Coaaerdal Street.
Burroughs & Fraser
pest Material. Best Workmen
and Promptness are our Motto,
Tte Central Oeon Normal School
at Drain opens for the work of the year on Sept 4th
Tke school Is well qolccd for Its rartkularlln of work. Excellence Is
e BQItn crtinnl Fnnr Courses, ft traiftiBt? (krartSMEt Of BlMff TlitS.
Won uniform with miier Normal SCDOOl-S.BleaSaat SBrro8dles, ttst of
fluenr ,, n. .-rnBimfKiat ions utMriiaF kails or crivate fanlllcs-
indents may enter at any tla and Had work suited to tkelr swds. Yeas
'usicoesinnr tout taeiaseivesior icaiBciD, ui u niin -t
a eood cdHcatloB for fcwlsess life wilt fmd wkat tkey needker Attrcss
rtraf Oreoa State Normal School.
H. DemMter Pres. D Oregon-
Philadelphia, Sept. 21. Apple but
tor day wns celebrated today by tho
Schwenkfelders of Pennsylvania in
their meeting house at Hoacnsask
and elsewhere. Among the- dovput
members of tho sect the occasion hi
known as "Gedaechtnisz ' tag." or
memorial day. Its popular name re
fers to the most conspicuous Xeaturo
of the noonday repast that Is a regutar
part of tho services. Tho PennsyU
vnnla Schwenkfelders are known far
and wide as tho makers of tho best ap
ple butter In tho world, and this year
byfreason of iho largo crop of apples
lri 'Southeastern v Pennsylvania,1- tho
memorial celebration waa a conspicu
ous success.
Decauso of tho promlncnco tup
Schwenkfeldors havo attained through
their thrift and Industry, their quaint
yearly festival arouses tho Interest of
thousands of persons outside their
fold. In many of tho rural communi
ties tho occasion Is a holiday, and
from tho largor towns and cities come
relatives and friends to spend the
autumn day among tho plcturesquo
hills and valleys in the vicinity of tho
Although primarily n religious fes
tival, tho Gedaechtnisz tag celebra
tion also partakes largely of tho na
ture of a great family reunion, for, as
a resukr of tho eburche's rigid watch
over tho matrimonial affairs of Its ad
herents, tho membership today Is re
stricted almost entirely to tho de
scendants of tho Schwonkfoldpr fam
ilies that crossed tho Atlantic and Bot
tled in Pennsylvania early In tho 18th
century. Vhllo thoy number fower
than 1G00 persons In all, they Includo
tho most prosperous families to bo
found In tho rich agricultural section
In which thoy reside.
Their farms, tho largest and best
In thlB section of tho stato, have been
bequeathed from generation to gener
ation, and each succeeding owner
has sought to enhance his heritage by
keeping In touch with the most mod
ern methods of farming. Whllo sed
ulously guarding against changing tho
ancient customs of their falthh,. tho
facnwenkfeldors never oppose real
progress, as somo of tho other Penn
sylvania German socts. One of tho
moat successful co-operatlvo agricul
tural organizations in tho United
States Is tho Worcester farmers' union
In Montgomery county, which wns or
ganized and Is largely controlled by
Schwenkfelders. Tho union has near
ly a thousand members within a dis
tanco of 20 miles of Worcester.
All farm supplies are purchased at
wholesale rates by tho union and then
distributed among' tho members.
Weekly meetings aro held It tho un
ion's own building and thfcro is an In
terchange, among members of opinions
concerning agricultural topics, while
at frequent Intervals lectures on scien
tific farming aro delivered by men who
nro authorities In their lines.
Although the smallest of tho many
sects that fled to America to escape
persecution in EuropG, tho Schwcnk
felder organization Is the only one
that sets apart annually a day on
Letters from
' h
Cured by the cm ot Kodol are received dally.
Their troubles nearly all berln vlth Indiges
tion or other stomach disorder.
If the food you eat falls to rlvo strength
to your body, It U bacauaa the Juloea ae
creted by tho stomach and dtgestlvo organ!
are Inadequate to transform the nutrient prop
erties of the food Into blood. That U
Indigestion. The system la deprived of th
amount of nourishment required to keep up
tho strength, and the result la that on or
more e( the delicate organs gradually grows
weak, and then weaker, until finally It U
diseased. Here a treat mistake la made.
That of treating the diseased organ. The
best doctors In tha land make this very
mistake. Why should they ? It U so easy
to see that the trouble Is not there.
This famous remedy puts the stomach and
digestive organs In a healthy conditio ao
that rich, red blood Is sent coursing through
tha veins and arteries of every muscle,' tissue
and fiber throughout every organ of the sa
tire body, and by Nature's law of health, full
itrength and vigor Is soon restored to eaoh.
Kodol cures Indigestion, dyspepsia and all
stomach disorders
I have taken Kodol for nearly two months
after each meal and It Is thsonly remedy
mat gave relief from the terrible pains I
sndured. After a time I would take it but
woo a day, and now. while I keep a bottle
sandy I seldom need It, as It has cured me.
Mas. J. W. Coolrauoh, Mllo Center, N. Y.
Kodol Digests What Yob Eat.
BoMki oolr. X 1 .00 Ska hoMlnr a K ttmti t U tafel
Ite. which tallt (or 60 cuta,
trparJ by B. a DtWITTA CO., 0HI0AQ9
O, H.. Dm Rtnro.
which the members meet to give
thanks for their release from tho relig
ious thrnlldom of tho old world. This
Is the purpose of tholr Gedaechtnisz
tag, for on Soptomhor 24, 1734, the
first Schwonkfeldors, who had landed
nt Philadelphia two days boforo, hold
a thanksgiving service In recognition
of their safo arrival.
Ever slnco their founder, Casper
Schwonkfolder Von Osslg, a Sllcslan
noblorann of tho ICth century, had
disagreed with Lnthor aver tho na
ture of tho sacrements nnd thcreforo
decided to dlscontlnuo both baptism
and communion until their uurnoso
should bo better understood, his fol
lowers have been subject to ridicule,
Imprisonment nnd death under Catho
lic and Protestant 'rulers. Finally
thoy emigrated In a body to Amorlca
In 1734.
After their thanksgiving -flervlco on
Soptembcr 21, 1734, a meal consist
ing of broad, buttery applo butter and
elder wore served. Annually slnco that
time tho Schwenkfelders meet on
Soptember 24 to eclebrato their Cod-
nechtnlsz tag, and between tho morn
ing and afternoon services a repast is
served similar to that of 1734, excopt
that tho applo butter Is more plenti
ful nnd water is substituted for elder.
: i
..MrJ j .jrs v
"II 'Ihr-ibiif 1
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Boys' hud
Girls blnpk
Cat stock
ings intide specially for school
wear, all sizes, regular knnt
wear-out kind on salo T
this week for, pair JC
School Sale
Boys' Salts
Undoubtedly of
interest to tho
mother who
wishes to clotho
tho "Prido of
Hor Honrt" in a
dressy manner
at a saving.
"Norfolk suits
in tho nowest materials at
special prices.
i m
Bl'TIFUMfAJIt, Ucsitde.
t'-roys the deadly microbe at work
upon tha hair roots, thus making
dandrutl end falling hair Irapott
dble, and promoting a thick, luxu
riant eronlh of hair, Increasing the
ownef good looks fully 100 percent.
It vUl (1M ran roar tuber, bredtt, ha.
tsut ur (HMituMi of r cJp aetiia
tit; inT . " tnl1t. fur tl "Krti
iiLkelktrMiipaaUilaiiUtpK. I'm K
jouqcU, ttB a wlU uutij m.vxauiMn.) U.
For Uc M aB flrti-OiM Druj Storu.
Jury Inflicts
Cynthia, Ky., Sopt 23. After a trial
lasting eight days, the Jury In tho case
of Curtis Jett, charged with tho mur
der of Town Marshal Cockrlll at Jack
son, Ky July 21, 1092, last evening
rendered a verdict of guilty, and fixed
tho punishment nt death. Tho Jury re
tired at 2:44 p. m. When tho "Jury en-
tered the court room nt 0:10 p. m., af
ter agreeing on a verdict, quiet reigned
for a few moments. Jett's mother had
gono away earlier, undet tho imprra
sion that no yerdlct would bo reached,
and tho verdict of death coming two
hours after tho Jury was out was a
surprise to every ono in the court
room. Tho rending of the verdict did
not affect Jqtt, but his brother was
very much distressed.
Elijah McKlnney served as foreman
of the Jury, and after tho delivering of
tho verdict to the court, tho Jury was
polled. The death sentonco was then
read to Jett by Clork T. J. oblnson, af
ter which ho was given over to the
ustody of tb deputy sheriffs. Colo
nel Illanton, Jett's lawyer, will fllo a
motion for a now trial tomorrow.
This has, been tho second trial of
Jett on the charge of mutder. In his
first trial for tho murder of J. II. Mar
cum, at Jackson, Ky., Jett and Thomas
White were tenfenood to lifo Impris
The Jurors ogrend among thomsclv
not to dlvulgo the rrocoedlnb's In the
Jury room. One juror, however, stated
that for four ballots 11 Jurors voted
for the 'icato penalty, nnd one for 'a,
life sentence All agreed on tho fifth
Children's Cloaks
This school calo oiTors tli'o
newest things in Children's
Cloaks at very low prices. Wo
recoivod yesterday n big ship
ment of Children's Jackets and
ofl'or them during this salo at
reduced prices.
No room for details hero
couio and eeo iho garments.
School Sale ., ,;
Boy's Sweaters
Good hoft.yy sweaters for boys
schuol wear. Wo offer regular
GOo ono for
45c each
Nazareth Waists
J?or boys or girls tho only
kuitted waist fit to wear. Wo
oirer them now for
J9c each
Instead of 25c
Quito a saving for you
profit for us.
Children's Underwear
Caps, Shirts,
Collars, Ties,
Hats, Etc., Etc.
At lowest prices.
Como to us for dress goods
for tho children.
tho Coacadu Locks. Ho was captured
'whoso height lo 8 feet 0 Inches, llonu-
two days ago by Sheriff Tottcn, of
Skamania county, Washington, but got
away, and was arrested next day by n
doputy sheriff. Ho went along peace
ably, but was moroly biding his chunca
When the- otllcer and cnptlvo lind
Walked somo distance, and had got
ten on fairly friendly terms, Uurkoi
suddenly seized tho doputy, nnd n tor-
noio iniRRiu onsueu. j na),moro Sopt. 23.-rtoutlno bus!-
Doth men fought for every lnchnc98 whlch has occupied tho last
thoro wan In thorn, hut Hurko'B(hroo ,,nvg of lhn ino,in nf ,.. Rnv.
strength wns supplemented by dospor- , rogn aranti 1odgo ,, a 0 F- t0(la.
ntlon.andhofoughtllkoadomonuntlllgttvo wny to tho 81,ectnculnr futures
ho had tho doputy ovorpoword. Ho'of tho rocriim. Thln n ti,n ,inv nf
. -T --M - - " j -T
pro proposed to her by mntl two yearn
ago, hut tho bashful Ella hung back
until a fow weeks ago.
Big Parade
of Odd Fellows
thon helped himself to tho minion's
rtllo, rovolvers and ammunition, bndo
him a sarcastic adieu and disappeared
In tho brush down thb river.
tho big parado and It was by all odds
ono of tho most' Imposing as wdl as
tho lamest pageant of tho kind ever
seen in Ualtlnioro. A conservative
This cplSOdO, OS SOOn as it boCOmoLatlmnlo ll)nrRfl .l,,, niimlmr nf m.,n In
known, convinced tho oftlcors that no nt 100oo, (ho Patriarchs Militant.
thoy have a desporato man to deal.n, mininrv ipi, r , P,i,,r ,,!,.
Ing a particularly gorgeous showing.
Tho parado was headed by Qeuernl M.
A, Hanoy, commanding gonoral of tho
with. Sheriff Totton promptly organ
ized and equipped a posso and wont on
tho trail, determined to take tho man.
dead or alive. They will, scour tho pntrarchs Militant, with his staff.
Burke May be
a Second Tracy
Durke. who was arrested at Forest
Grove for trying to cash a worthless
check, and who escaped from the
Hllliboro tail with MeNamarn. la lead
FoFmIo by Daniel J. Fry. Bend 10'lnc. ,.,, if i,.!,,- . rrfnn
cents In atampa for sample to Tha , " . . , ,. ' , " ' ,A
Herplcldo Co, Detroit Mich.
In tho woods of Washington opposite
country along thp rlvor to Vancouver.
A roward of 160 Is offered by tho
Washington county sheriff for Darke's
llurko Is tho man who swindled a
Jacknon county bank out of about 1250,
and trlod tho samo swindle at Forest
Grove, whero ho was arrested as ho
entered tho bank to pass a forged
chock. Tho offlcors of tho bank had
been forewarned, and thrust their
guns In tho man's faco when ho en
tered tho bank. When arrested ho was
token to tho Hlllsboro Jail, whero ho
located a weak spot In tho walls and
dug his way out, In company with a,
young fellow named Mc-Namara, who
has slnco been recaptured.
Ancients Sail
- for Boston
London, Sept. 23. Tho mombers of
tho Ancient and Honourable Artillery
Company of London, tho Karl of Den
bigh commanding, woro given a lous
ing send-off on tho occasion of their
doparturo for Doston from Liverpool
today on the Dominion liner Mayflow-1
on Tho Anclonts go to trio united
fitntt-H at tho invitation of tho name
sake company of IJoaton, which organ
ization was entertained Jn London
several years ago. While Boston Is
tho chief objective point of tho Journ
ey it is oxpoctod that a Western trip
will bo made a, far as Chicago. New
York will ho visited also and a stay of
several days will bo arranged for
More Than Rod.
Ella Bwlng, tho Missouri giantess.
wbo utaodtf 8 JTt 0 filches, wat mar
rled on tbo ISth, In Dutte, Mont., to
Edward Oeaupre, tho Canadian giant.
In lino rcro tho Patriarchs Militant,
grand encampments, grand lodgo rep
resentatives and subordinate lodgo
members from ovory stato nnd terri
tory In tho Union, and from several of
tho Canadian provinces. Tho parado
wan reviewed by Grand Slro John 11.
Goodwin and other sovorolgu grand
lodgo mombors from a stand erected
In front of tho dd Fellows' templo.
Tho route of tho procession, which
was eeverst miles long, was gorgeously
decorated with tho national colors In
tertwined about tho emblems or tho
Strong's Restaurant
Keeps pleB, cakes, etc., besides s rv
Ing tho finest meals to bo found In tho
Physicians prescribe It I
for their most delicate I
patients. I
For Sals by I
A. 8CHREIBER, Salem, I
153 Stat St, I
-., . fet1t,.afa&Usi 3'J
kirtAi xiMor