The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, September 18, 1903, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Dainty Chains lot
Fair Weaf es ',
We have received a line of Ladies Watch1 Chains; that
ought Jp pass into the possession of appreciative lovers of
jewelry daintiness in short order. They are among the most
charming ladies chains we have ever shownfine gold'filied
ones, wrought in new and striking designs, and their pi ices
range from 2.50 to $9 00. Every one being admirable value
for its price. We cordially invite every lady reading thi
to come in and see these chains. We feel confident you will
fall in love with them at sight.
Corner State and
Liberty Streets,
, 5
I Labor to Petition President
Washington, Sept. IS. Tho caao of
W. A. Miller, assistant foreman in the
bindery of the government printing
office, has been taken up by tho Cen
tral Labor Union of this city. That
body has adopted a resolution and sont
a copy to each of tho Central Labor
Unions in Uio United States calling
attention to tho Miller case, declaring
the order of tho President cannot be
regarded In any but an unfriendly
light, and urging organized labor tc
petlUon the President to modify his
order of no discrimination, "and tc
ordor V'. A. Miller's dismissal from
tho government sorvlco, to promote
tho efllcleney of that service."
A preamblo to tho resolution de
clares that tho President has seon fit
to reinstate Mlllor,-who Is an expelled
member of a trndo's organisation, not
withstanding tho overwhelming ovl
denco of his moral turpitude.
HI 1 1 1 1 I It H I 1 1 1 Ht 1 1 1 1 1 1 1'
iiiiiHiiiii Hiiiinmi
Some Coming Event.
Photographers Association of Pa
cific Northwest, Soptcmbcr 23-26.
Second Southorn Oregon pistrlct
Fair, Eugene, September 29 October 3.
Klamath county fair, Klamath Falls,
October 6-9.
Oregon Educational Dates.
Salem public schools will opon Mon
day, Soptomber 28th.
Willamette University opens Mon
day, Soptomber 21st.
Judgo H. C. McGinn was a Silem
visitor yesterday.
Mrs. Edward Cuslclc, of Albany, Is
visiting friends In Salouu
MIbs Ituth Flynu, of Albany, visited
Salem relatives yestorday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Roberts, of Port
land aro guests of Mrs. Tom Kay.
Frank Loomls, of Corvallls, Is in. tho
city, vlBittng his uncle, Dr. E. A.
Mrs. Frank Gilbert, of. Portland, is
spondlng a few days with Salem
Mrs. Frank Hodgkln, of Vancouver,
Wash., Is In Salem on a visit ih
Mrs. L. N. Roonoy, of Eugene, 13 In
tho city for a visit to Judgo and Mrs.
n. P. Donham.
Miss Ruth Church, of Portland, Is
spondlng a fow days with Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. Murphy.
Editor ailstrnp and wife, of tho Eu
eoeo Dnlly Register, aro In tho city,
attending tho fair.
Mr. nad Mrs. Whltnoy Dolso, of
Pqrtland, woro guosts of Mr. and Mrs.
R. P. Bolso Thursday.
IT. S. Harcourt, of tho Portland Jour
nal, Is In the city, with his wife, at
tending tho stato fair.
T. J. Chorrlngton, tho Dallas photog
raphor. Is In tho city for a fow days'
visit with relatives and frlonds.
E. C. Glltner, socrotary of tho Lewis
and Clark Exposition commission, Is
attending Uio stato fair this week.
Garflcfd MaCrum, of Portland,
spent yestorday with hla sister, Mrs.
W. H. Dyrd, and last night loft for Eu
eoeo, whoro ho will attend school.
Representative J. M. Hansbrough,
of Roseburg, and United States Sena
tor O. W. Fulton woro Intorostod
spectators at tho races yesterday nf
tornoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. ailstrnp, of Eu
gcao, aro in Salem. Mr. Gllstrap Is
ono of tho proprietors of tho Eugene
Roglstor, and Is here to attend tho
stato fair.
M. V. Southorland is homo from
Klamath county,, whoro ho spont tho
past year. Ho expects to go to San
Francisco soon, thero to enter an en
gineering school.
Hon. H. II. GIKry, chief legislative
clerk of' tho United States senate, and
a former resident of Salem, Is In the
city from his homo In Washington, D.
C, to visit friends.
R. M. Hall, of Portland, press agent
of tho O, R. & N. Co., Is In tho city
during tho fair. Ho is accompanied by
a photograph jr, and thoy aro gather
ing material for a new book on tho re
sources of Oregon.
. . . T..
Such best scnuung s uesi
as the poor would be richer
for using.
Your grocers; money duck.
All Under Fifteen Years Will
Be Admitted Free
Of Charge
Tho stato fair board havo decided
that Saturday shall bo Children's Day
at tho stato fair, and all undor 1G will
be admitted freo of charge.
A proper officer will bo at tho gates
to seo Uiat all children under that age
will bo admitted.
Wo supply tho bcBt for llttlo money.
Now York Millinery Co., 317 Com
mercial street.
"Utah," a 8plendld Play.
"A Homespun Heart" was tho at
traction nt tho opera houso last oven
lug, nnd It was greeted by a wcll-flllod
houso. Tho pUy la ono well suited to
tho company, giving play to Miss
Fischer's talent, and furnishing some
thing for nil tho characters to do. The
support was excellent Indeed, It may
bo said, and without any disparage
ment to Miss Flschor, that tho llfo of
the play Is largoly duo to Mr. Mont
rose, who. In tho character of "Andy
Markoo," tho half-witted brother of tho
horolno Is tho conter-pleco around
which tho play gathers. His work bo
tween acta was splendid, nnd for full
20 mlnutos ho l'ept tho audience shak
ing with laughtor.
Tho work was all good, and tho
company Is winning Its way Into Sa
lem's grood graces.
Tho ploy tonight Is "Utah," tho
sccno.'as tho title Implies, being :nld
In that stat.. It Is full of action and
go, and deals with ono of tho most In
teresting of subjects, Mormonlsra.
Journal readers who appreciate a
good play, well played, will not fnll
to attond tho production of "Utah" tonight.
Headquarters for exclusive tailored
designs. Now Vork Millinery Co.,
317 Commercial street
GUTHRIE ELLIOTT. In tho offlco
of Fred Hurst, Salem, Oregon,
Thursday, September 17. 1903, ct 5
p. m., Miss May W. Elliott to Mr.
Frank T. Guthrie, Rov. P. S. Knight
Tho groom is a traveling salesman,
residing in Portland, and tho bride Is
a daughter of Marlon county. Tho
couplo left for Cottago Grove last ev
ening, and, nftor a short honeymoon,
will rosldo In Portland.
A nice well crowned loif of breaJ comes from eool terlal
HARD WHEAT FLOUR. The California Bakery ums the best of
everyttilne and makes everythla the best. n, rBnf .,
loivft order for our wazoH to stoo at your house. 93 Court Street,
, . W. ..w.
On Sale at The Spa, i i 4 State St.
Repairing a Watch
.Of tho flnoat workmanship Is a barnch
of our business that wo give special
attention to. Our repairing; depart
ment Is conducted with the utmost
skill, diamonds are reset, and Jewelry
of all kinds la repaired In tho most
perfect manner, besides optical work
of all kind.
C. T. Pomeroy . . . .
Jeweler and Optieka, 9M Oosa. St.
Mississippi Again Rising.
La Crosso, Wis., Sept 18. Tho
Mississippi Is sovt'n Inches above the
danger line nt noon and rising an
Inch nil hour. Railways aro sub
merged, and the wholesale houses on
tho river front aro bolng Inundated.
All avallablo men aro moving tho con
tents of tho stores to places of safety.
A greater portion of the city streets
nro flooded, nnd tho farming country
for miles around Is under water. Com
munication north nnd west Is cut off.
Tho river may go possibly two feet
higher, and tho damage will bo enor
mous. Hundreds of families In the
district are fleeing with what valu
ables thoy can carry to tho hills. Oa
advlco from tho weather bureau, tho
entire police forco has boon detailed
to notify tho people of tho surround
ing country of tho floods, nnd, as yet,
no loss of llfo Is reported.
Indictment Held Valid.
Now York, Sept. 18. Commissioner
Hitchcock today deckled tho Indict
ment filed against Denver, charging
him with accepting a check from
Brandt Dent, of tho Automatic Cash
ier Company Is valid. Tho ruling was
mado In the light of Beavers' council
to prevent him bolng removed from
Top Speed for Car'
Berlin, Sopt. 18. An electric car
ran ut tho rato of lOtM-5 miles per
hour on tho Zosscn military road yes
terday, said to bo tho highest npcod
over attained. Tho engineers In charge
of tho experiment expect that 125
miles an hour will bo reached.
termination. Twolvo cases, with nine
deaths, aro al3o reported from Cobu,
In "the province of Vlsayas.Cholora Is
prevalent in nil parts of tho islands,
tho result of an absenc6 of rain.
Tho Filipinos aro about to potltlon
congress for an Increased representa
tion on tho civil sorvlco commission.
One hundred fanatics attacked the
headquarters of tho constabulary of
San Jose, In tho province of Neuva
Eclja, Island of Luzon, nnd attempted
to tako tho placo by storm. After n
lively fight tho attacking party was
ropulBed with a loss of eight The
constabulary forco lost flvo men In the
Wo soil tho best for tho least
money. Now York Millinery Co., 317
Commercial street
A Writ of Review.
Judgo Bolso yestorday ordoVed n
writ of revlow in Uio matter of tho ac
tion of tho county court, In opening a
new county rond south of Salem. L.
L. Cochran and Ocorgo Palmer aro tho
plaintiffs and petitioners for tho writ
of rovlew, nnd Marlon county Is tho
defendant Whon Uio potltlon for tho
now road was beforo tho county court,
a remonstrance was also filed, but the
road was. ordered established, and
tho rcmonstrators aro now scokthg a
remedy In the higher court Tho now
road, If established, will add another
rural mall route out of Salem.
Notice of Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice Is hereby given to nil whom
It may concern, that Uio undersigned
havo severed their rolatlons with S.
B. Stowart as ono of tho members of
the firm of Geo. D. Sprnguo & Co., Sa
lem, Oregon, engaged In tho real oa
tato business, and that said partner
ship firm Is, so far ns S. B. Stowart Is
concerned, dissolved. That tho under
signed will conttnuo tho said real os
tato business under tho sajd firm
namo of Geo. D. Spraguo & Co., but
that said S. B. Stewart will not havo
any Interost thoroln, or any connec
tion Uiorowlth.
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this, tho
15th day of Scptomber, 1903.
Indorses Hearst for President.
Salt Lakt Sopt. 18. Tho Eloctrlc
nl Workers Thursday Indorsed tho
presidential candidacy of W. T.
Hearst, of Now York.
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Blgnatoro of Cjceyyff'GUC&Ai
Inspected the Troops.
Des Molnos, In., Sopt. 18. Adjut
tant-Genornl Corbln Inspected tho fort
horo today, and continued west, whore
ho Intends to visit all tho army posts,
terminating his. trip at Seattle
Consider Uio saving our prices af
ford. Now York Mllllnory Co., ?17
Commercial strcot
Outbreak of Plague.
Ono hundred cases of bubonic
plague aro reported In Tondo, tha
most northern and populous suburb of
Manila. Of thoso 80 havo had a fatal
All This Week
Margarita Fischer Co,
in n different bill eaoh night
Prices 25o, 35c, 50c
Seats now on sale at box office
iBimmiiittiitociiit ! t
Ladies Fall Sttits
l AUde up exclusively for The Leader on the
the most fashionable lines of scientific tailor
Watch the crowds of fashionably dressed
women that throng this store. That answers
all questions. Many customers are kept wait
ing in the busiest part of trie day, but when a
suit is promised it is ready on time.
No Misfits"
Mrs. Fraser personall superintends fitting her
, patrons, and every suit goes out accurately ad
justed to the figureand gives perfect satisfaction
$ Tt T 27 i Commercial Street. I
I i lie LCaaef Next door to Strong's Restaurant
& k
Men's Smart
The Suits shown by us are made by
skilled tailors from handsome new fall
suitings and the very best of linings and
materials are used in their construction.
They are cut in the very latest style,
and have that pleasing individuality about
them that men of critical taste admire so
much. You will find that our suits
never lose their shape and will always
give perfect satisfaction.
4 ftaf ! ! I IHWIUUHUWflU HHfc
Sam Adoiphj
Gentlemen's Fine Clothing.
I Garments Made tip Specially!
f o Oat Tade and not Dtr- i
plicated Elsewhere in the City
Oat line of Shifts, Under- i j
wear, and Clothing s Un- j
Qtz crii C4. I
t Sole Dealer at I 'Vuiziun&ri i?tv 5
Z Sales. I
i "t
E. S. LAMPORT, Est. 1869.
Only National Bank ia Marion Co. Traaiacts a zta Baaklnz business.
: : : : Sayings Department : : : :
Pay Interest on laving account. Pais book lamed to each depositor,
which matt accompany each depotlt or withdrawal, Interett credit.
ed oo the fin t daya of July and January of each year. Conducted
nnder regular saving bank nuei. Deposit of one do.ler received at
any time.
in Orogon.
Largest Stock
(let my prices on a fino
I 209 Commercial St
::::j:::A G E N C Y O Ftmsm
Oats For Sale.
MW ORQWEKS SUPf LIES. Crete l Kkk SutHwr.
J. Q. Graham, Ageit, sOTfeeurst.,Sfti, on. i
Jo- Ai 8.&r.-
tt A...
.WaiviJ jtifi,'.. j,