The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, September 18, 1903, Page FOUR, Image 4

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""ntrp.i i (ipadlj'.w1 ?
"H ;'r" -
Sends a r
TliieeJTtainsof Eleven Coaches
Each All Loaded
entered In this event were: T. H.
Bront'a Deladl, Rutherford; A. M.
C&rr8 Marboy, Hr.r! L- Zfmmc
man's Louis Z., Webb; J. W. Miller's
"H. H. II.," Miller; n. A Smith's
Drlny K.. 8mlth; H. W. Qoodall's Dr.
Hnmmond. Hughes; C. Whlteher.d's
Deputy, Whitehead; Fred Hrookor's
Mark Hannabus, Green; Wm. Car-,
land's 8wcct Mnrle, Durtee; Elroy
Smith's Idol, Helman. While the
horses were scoring Louis Z. threw his
driver, and ran away, starting from
Sweet Marie a close third, and Beladl
barely passed the nag. Time by quar.
ters. .33. 1:05, 1:39. 2:12H-
The three horses left. Dr. Hamond,
Briny K. second and Deladl third,
heat, Btarted with a rush, Hammond
taking the lead from tho start, with
Drlnay K. second and Deladl third,
and In theso positions tho horses made
tho entire mile, Hammond winning
the heat In 2:13, whllo Deladl bare
ly got Inside tho distance.
The fourth heat was n repetition oi
uriver, nnu reu uij. wuuu . .-...i - --
about tho flfteen-slxteonth post. and. I the thlnl. Dr. Hammond took tho heat
...... ...- ..,. . . ,i. .n, with tirlnv IC. second and Daladl
stand at broak-neck speed, while tho third. Hammond secured first money,
other trotters cleared tho track for Drlny K. second nnd Deladl third,
him. Ho sped under tho wire, past Oregon Derby VA Miles, Purse $1000.
two mounted marshals, who -quietly This event brought out the follow
sat their horses nnd saw him pass, Ing great gallepers: H. P Park s Our
when ono of them followed the run- dock, McCleos up; E. M. O'Brien Mo,
away around tho track. The other rid- rengo. Duggan; I.arsen & McDrldes
Ing In tho opposlto direction, caught Ohio urn, Aaair; w. iu jiuuuu..
tho runaway on tho homo stretch. It minister. Duxton; Parker & Twalt's
was announced that Mr. Zimmerman Fossil, Carson. Tho runners got away
would withdraw the horse, but mo- '" .". and swept down the
ment later a now sulky was brought. rel r" ' r, "'" ' " Z "
.l . l.r ,..,r,l In Iho mm. In " spienuiu Biyiu. uuruui; . ...
.Hotmn1.20,b00 People on the GId,Among ---: -",- JESS 3"liSSSS
well. Tho horses scored several times doly bunched. Around tho mile
before they Anally got away. When iracu tney .,... aim a
.h u.nn1 . dvnn th trot.on, were lot Burdock, still leading, was close-
1...11 .m.fnrp,! Lmii. Z. ..iMclallv. ly Pressed by Fossil, with Marengo In
for In (ho roar. Dr. Ilnmmnml led third place,
Them;a Train Load From Albany
' Yostorday was Portland Day at tho
nUto fair, and tho grounds woro crowd
ed as never beforo In tho history of
that Institution. Thousands camo In
from tho surrounding country, other
thousands camo from nearby towns,
nnd four train loads, about 3000 peo
pie, camo from Portland, whllo tho
Salem pooplo attended tho fair on
Portland Day In grcator numbers than
thoy did on Salem Day, with tho result
that tho crowd In tho grounds num.
bored fully 22,000 yesterday alter
noon, and ovcry department of tho
big exposition was crowded from
morning till night. 8o great was the
nrossuro that at times It was Impos
sible to enter tho pavilion, the stands,
tho stables and tho grand stand, but
the big assembly was good-natured to
n degree, and thero wcro no serious
disorders, the stato fair oiucors having
no troublo In their efforts to keep
Grartors wcro thero In full force,
tinhorn gamblers, pick-pockets, sure
thing men and confldonco oporators
abounded, and n fow or tho unsophis
ticated, of courso, fell victims to the
nroed and wiles of tho sharpers. Es
pecially actlvo wcro tho pickpockets,
nnd fully 1600. and possibly a great
deal more, wad secured by theso light
fingered gentry operators, Ono old
Kontloman had a pockotbook with $50
tnkon out 6f his pocket In tho (hick
of tho crowd, whllo ho passod through
the stllo Into the grounds, and, though
tho thief was seen tn take the money,
nnd lolsurely walk out of tho crowd,
ho was not apprehended. The officers
who should have been In front of tho
gate, watching for Just such cattlo.
urnrn at tlm rnrim. tinti thn monk sot
nwny. J. C. Marsh, of North Salem. I
had $C7 taken out of his pocket, and
ho does not know when or how In' lost
his moiiuy. Tho loss Is peculiarly ag
gravating, In vlow of tho fact that he
had recently been warned by his son
not to carry money with him In tho
crowd nt tho fnlr.
The salo ot Shot thorn cattle, tho
Ijidd hunl, took place yesterday, fair
prices being secured. Today tho Her
cfords.woro auctioned off. a fow only
bringing good prices, the major por
tion being sold at lower figures than
The roes ware tho drawing card of
tho day, and tho crowd nt the track
was the largest In tho history of tho
fair, lleforo 1 o'clock thu grand stand
was packed to tho rails, and long be
fore the races wor called thero were
fully 10.0o3 people, inoro surrounding
the stand, and It was estimated that
nt least 18.000 people saw tho races,
while all the other departments woro
filled to. overturning.
At 10 o'clock this morning tho pre
mium oftttlu paraded, and a due show
they made. This was followed by tho
dally auction sale of stook by Mr. llar
rtmau. Tomorrow U Children's Pay. and
nil children under 15 years old go In
Tree, Tho stato fair board decided to
gtvo the rising generation rt chance,
and, as tho fair Is an educational torco
ot great value It Is doalrtd that all
children avail themselves of this offer.
Tho little pnos will own the fair to
morrow, and thoy will doubtless en
Joy tt.
The Races.
Yesterday's racing program was
marred by several uupleasant fea
tured. 12. II. Durtee, a San Diego rae horse
owner, who has drlveu on all the
Northwest tracks and won big monoy.
drove Sweet Mario In tho big $2000
trotting race. Ho was suspected ot
pulling his mre. In order to prevent
tr making & rocord, and before tho
third heat was called Into tho Juices'
stand, and Informed that another driv
er would bo placed In his scat to
finish tho race. Ho refused to let any
one drlt his ware (probably fearing
she would be driven to a record) and
ordered his hostler to Uko tho trot
ter o tho track, This was not par
lalUed, ox-flherlK Durbln, one ot the
marshals, stopping tho mare. The
trottor nnd hor driver were brought up
beforo tho Judges, nnd Mr. Durfeo was
Informed that a serious penalty would
bo Imposed In enso ho took his maro
out of tho race, but, In splto of this,
Durfeo took his mare away. Last
night tho Judges gave the caso a long
hearing, with tho result that Mr. Dun
fee was oxpollcd from tho racing
tracks or tho Amcrlcnn Association,
nnd a similar penalty was Imposed on
tho maro, Sweet Mario. From this ac
tion Mr. Durfeo will, ot courso, appeal
to the national board but In tho moan
tlmo he will bo unable to raco this
Tho racing program yesterday was
as follews:
Trottlno, 3-Year-OId, Webfoot Stake,
2 In 3, $500.
Tho first raco of tho afternoon was
tho trotting event for 3-year-olds for
tho Vcbfoot stake of $500. Two
youngsters woro entered In this ovont.
T. It. Dronto' Helon Norto, author-
ford; J. A. Illchnrdson'H Swift D Zlb-
boll. The horses Bcorcd repeatedly
beforo thoy finally got tho word to
go." Holon Norto had tho lend, nnd n
bcnutlfuV rnco It was until tho back
etrotch wns reuched, when Swift n.
pnsscd Helen, and tho lnttor went up
In tho air, and lost heavily. At tho
half Swift II. broke, and Holon recov
ered hor otrldo, nnd around tho turn
thoy swept, Swift I), dropping Into a
Jog to bjvo Helon Norto from being
distanced. Swift II. winning the heat In
a walk, with Helen Norte 12 IsngJis
behind. Tlmo by quartern, .35, 1:11H.
l:tt. 2:2114. '
In tho second heat Holon Norto ld
to the first turn, when Swift II. took
At tho three-quarter post
around tho first turn, with Delndl sec- Axm.nisier came iron. .
. .limn 111 Yi'tth TttiffinALf IsMirllntT.
ond. nnd tho rest scattorcd. Sweet "u '""" ""u- ' , , " ,
me sireicn was reucneu. uviv ruuou
Marie coming a slow fourth. At the
quarter, and up tho back stretch. Dr.
Hnmmond led bravely, whllo Sweet
Mnrle came nlong fast, nnd at the
threc-qunrtor post Drlny K. rushed to
the front with his magnificent stride,
Sweet Mario taking second place, and
Dr. Hnmmond wont up In the nlr.
Drlny K. led to the home stretch,
when the bluo blood of Sweet Marie
told, nnd she bravoly passed to tho
front, trotting under tho wlro In 2:13
leading by n length, with Drlny K.
second. Dr. Hnmmond third, Deladl
fourth and Marboy fifth. Deputy,
showed his breeding, nnd, with n mag
nltlcent oven stride, ho raced for tho
wire, pnsslng Axmlnlster nnd Burdock
nnd won the rnco by half a length In
2:09, with Burdock second, Axmln
Ister third. Ohio Girl Fourth nnd Ma
rengo fifth.
Premiums Awarded.
Premium awards havo boon mado fn
the dairy department of tho stato fair
as follows, tho figures showing the
score mado by each nrtlclo entered In
the competitiens:
Crenmory butter Commercial Cream
It. II. H., Louis Z.. Mark Hannabus cry. Salem, 94H: Golden Crown
nnd Idol woro distanced. Marboy was Creamery Danks, Washington county,
withdrawn from the race. Time by 93; White Clovor Creamery Corn
quarters. .33, 1:06, 1:40, 2:13. jpany, Portland, 93; Sllvorton Ccam
Tho second heat brought out the OT. Sllvorton, 92; Lyons Crcamory,
four trotters In splendid fettle and 9--
they woro sont nwny In a bunch. Sweet Cheese Whlto Clover Crcamory
Mario took tho lend at tho turn, with Company, Portland, 94; nod Clovoi
Drlny K. second, nnd nt tho first quar- Creamery Company, Tillamook, 92;
ter Dr. Crawford passed Drlny to sec- I-Ban Cheese Manufacturing Com
ond placo, soon trotting up along aide Pany, ClnckamaB county, 91; Snlcm
of Sweet Mnrle, and. pnsslng heii. Cheese Factory, 91.
held first placo to tho stretch, while
Mario dropped behind Briny K. r.nd
Delndl came a Hlow fourth. Into the
stretch Hnmmond led. and when" near
Ing tho wire Sweet Mnrle mndo a mag
nificent spurt for tho front, but wns
unntilo to dollvor the goods. Dr Ham
Cattle Sales.
Tho fnlr grounds today aro filled
with people, tho majority coming from
the farms nnd surrounding towns; It
being a typical agricultural fair
crowd. And thoy aro happy! Every
thing Is being soon and admired, nnd
mond led under tho wlro In 2:12, tho farmers nro the pooplo who can
with Drlny K. half a neck behind nnd appreclnto tho many lino exhibits on
A Dream
A Delight
A Satisfaction
Tho Largest Selling Brand
oi Cigars In tho World.
The Band Is tho Smoker's Protectloa.
Sale Ten 1 lllion Boxes a Year.
25C 50c.
show tho agricultural, horticultural
horticultural nnd llvo stock exhibits
ovorywhoro In ovldencc. They admire
tho fine cattlo especially, but not to
tho extent of purchasing them with
tho snruo liberality that would bo ex
pected. This morning tho lino Horo
ford cattlo, sent hero for that pur
pose, wcro nuctloned off, nnd thoy
were sold nt low figures, considering
tho quality ot tho stock.
Among tho cattlo sold woro tho fol
C. B. Wndo's heifer "Augusta," sold
to W. A. Jones, Gervnls, for $125.
A. J. Splnwn's holfor "Ada Behnn,"
from tho Spawn farm at North Yakl
ran, sold to W. A. Jones, Gervnls,
Splawn's "Prldo of Wasco 2d," nold
to Gilbert & Patterson, Salem, for
"Iioy ciuias," n heifer from thl
Platnvlcw farm of J. M. Flahcrtj. ml
sold to Phil Painter, Fair Ground itl
"Ithoda, a holfor from the nail
farm, was bought by F. W. Durbla toil
the sun gets big-
nnd round,
should be around.
A pack nukM lr ftUonl.
Malum, Pi. t
lie lead, gradually drawing nwny. un
til nt tho first quarter ho led by live
lengths, nnd continued to Incrt-nRO his
lend to the homo stretch, when, in a
Jog, ho came to the wire. Helon None
coming nbout 12 lougthn behind. Tlmo
by qunrtors. .33. 1:07. 1:414. 2:16.
Pacing, 2:25 Class, 2 In 3, $500.
jnis event iiroiignt out six paccm
to tho trrck for tho contest. They
were K. K. Tlldea's Hockford. Tllden;
C. II. Webber's Prlnro Tom, Durfeo;
S. S. Unlley's Tidal Wave Mosher;
II. Dreoxe's Princess Chehnlls, Dreoio;
11. II Helman'H Portia Knight. Thomp
son; T. U Davidsons Jessie M., Da
vidson. Tho horses scored soverrl
times bofore thoy finally got off.
Prince Tom causing troublo for sever
nl minutes. At last they woro nont
away by 8tnrter l.elghton In a bunch
Josslo M. nlono trailing In the rtar
Prince Tom took tho lead to the back
stretch, whon Tidal Wuve took second
place, nnd u procosslun resulted. Into
tho stretch Prince Tom led. with
Tidal wiiyo rushing up close, nnd.
wlthlu 100 feet of tho wire, took the
lead, winning by a longth In 2:14V
with Prince Tom second, Portia
Knight third, and George D. fourth,
while Josslo M. was distanced. Time
by quarters, .32. 1:05U. 1:30, 2-.11U
Tho second heat ot tho pneo took
considerable time to start, but they
woro finally sent nwny In a bunch,
only Prlncces Chehalls hanging beck,
and nt tho 11 rat turn Tidal Wave led
with Portia Knight second and Prince
Tom third. Up the back strotuh Tidal
Wnvo led In a mngnltlcont strldo. and
up ot tho throo-quartera, when Portia
Kulght temporarily took tho load to
thu head ot the stretoh, and raced for
tho wire, but Tidal Wave, gathering
for a supreme effort, pressed forward,
ami swept under the wlra a wlnuer by
a length, with Portia Knight second,
l'rlnco Tom third, Hockford fourth
and George D. fifth, whllo Princess
Chehalls "also ran." coming Into the
stretch In tlmo to ae tho distance flag
drop, Tlmo by quarters, 31. 1:07V1.
1:44. 2:15.
Trotting, 2:20 Class, Lewis and Clark
Stake, 2000.
The big ovo-t ot tho day and week
was tho S:20 trot, the Lewis and ClArk
stafco for $1000. 3 In 6, Thero voro
ten entries and tho work ot scoring
was commenced prosaptly. The horses
mm lli
K4I P&"."' H$ I t
Aro respectfully invited to call and inspect the
Largest Stock of Men's and Boys' Clotting
In the Willamette Valley
Kverv suit that ernes nut nvnr nnr rmitilnra imt mil ia niinronlniul 1-v nnn of the
loiding clothinpf manufacturers in tho U. S., but also h'as our personal guarantee of
"money back if you want it."
Tho purest of wool fabrics, tho finest of trimmings, the skill of somo of New
. n.a M uitn.ujuo ueat uuiura, uiuer into our suits, logeiner wun nn upiu
ness of cut and pattern that makes them almost irresistable.
If You'ire Had to Fit
Como to us. Wo havo suits for tall men nnd suits for short men, suits for thin men
and suits for stout men, and if you dosiro tho fit of a tailor-made garment, in your suit, wo aro prepared to fit your suit to your physical peculiarities for
wo havo our own tailors. Remember too, that ours is the
Only Store tn Marion County With Its Own Tailor Shop
In fact the only store within a radius of 25 miles that is thus enabled to serve
its patrons in this essential foature. Whethor your suit is a $10.00 suit or a $25 suit
wo want it to fit you, jf it bears our label. Our present stock of
Boy's and Chil&ens Clothing
Is nearly double that of any previous season. "Wo confidently be
lioyo that such an array ot nobby and stylish suits for little men ia
not to bo seon olsowhere in the valley.
Wo tnako no assertion wo cannot prove; we never claim to eivo
something for nothing, wo don't pretend to be the only store on
ttt muHni6 l0V. iU m.Snta W8 our firm policy If courUs
troatmont and fair dealing with every customer.
Don't fail to Yisit our store while in Salem
Whether wishing to buy or not
it(it'Cmrm iif'i ' rrrTfisi
HKts f Skm made blankets, flannels, Ia&an robes
Hen's and Bovs' CWf, ,4 t - j, o,
Boys' Oothiag and Ladles SrHiifs