liPfl " - 'rvypt 'fmfmifffW' ! 14 ' nxiR, TH BA.LY JpUJINAL.' SALEM. O.liaON, SATURDAY, AUQU3T 22, 1903. DAWSON ',?' VERY QUIET j,. or Sound and I am satlsflod that the minors who are trprklng on Sound properties for day wages wero -doing far bolter than the men employed In the Klondike camps." Skeletons in an old Mine Misers Have Had an , ' Umsually Poor ' Season Mkiy Dumps only One Third Worked out Owing to!, Scarcity of & Water Tho Tacoma News ot tho 18th says: W. H. Ilrowltt, tho I'aclnc avenue mer chant tailor, liaa returned from a six wieoiui- visa to uawton ana wniio lie nayiij that ho enjoyed the trip Im mensely ho Is very glad to ho back In Tacoma once more. "I am more firmly Imprciaod than ever," tald Mr, Ilrowltt, "that Tacoma l 'ono of tho boat cltiea on tho coast. Thojbootn days are oror In tho North fttllt'wllltll fllAA la tlltlM Af nt4 wW I - . - . ... .- 1l - -..- .,.... .... fiuuv vt bun ;tre ciunucu oui or ao tailing rocK. ' Ex-Unltod Btntes Senator John P. Jones, of Nevada, tolU nn Interesting atory of tho unearthing In an old working of the Asuncion mine, near Montoroy, Mexico, of a score or more of skeletons, ovldcntly the remains of h mlno disaster that occurred prob ably not loss than 3C0 years ago. Tho roport of the discovery wn made whllo former Senator Jones was at Montcroy several weeks ago. "Tho skeletons woro discovered while following what appeared to bo n rich vein of ore." said tho veteran statesman and miner from Nevada. "Tho value of tho vein's ore proved to bo oil that was expected, and the finding of tho remains of the dead men also developed the fact that the roan who mado the discovery was not the original discoverer of tho vein. for the location of the skeletons In illcated that they. too. were following tho same ore body whea their lives that manner converted Into lime, from which ore could bo pried loose with sticks or any other primitive tool." Washington Star. , A Modern Miracle. Tho restoration, of speech to Mario in liAtfllim tilt nt Min minims ti mimI w .,... wu w. ..W VIWIIU. ..,. WUW gave tho Klondike world-wide fame. tho good, old days in Dawson are over. "Tli ore are no men In Dawson today who oro ready to purchase out a whole grocery store to gratify a paulcg "The attention of the superintend ent of the mine was attracted to the spot where the men He4 by blta of on? scatlecva at tae base of a should er la lie M mi the Beantaln. The vaU e44 t&e x ts aha cut per- ftf-ttontu-, fee Tt& of ore they ao tnoro stacks of gold don piled f on the turn of a card, la fact, tier i no mora open gamMiag la tJae K1 dlko metropolis; The tatcosts thoro every night at 12 e'efeek aid ea from 12 o'clock on Saturday aijit a til 6 o'clock Monday moraine a ta toxlcntlng liquor aro soM over the bars. During this time all screens aro rumored from the windows so that tho ofllcora may otraln an unoh struetod view of the Interiors ot the jilacos, Laborers Not Making Big Wages "Tho mon who aro employed as la borers In Dawson aro not making tho money that they woro a few years ago, In fact, thoro aro vory fow mon wha aro drawing ovor H por day and board and I know Hint thoro tiro men In that country who aro wprklng for 175 per month and board. Wlion over) thing Is takon Into consideration the wages thoro aro not In keeping with tin cost c- tho nccearl03 of life. "( notlco that things aro now quiet at Staff way nj80 t kni to mo, when I passed throunli the. place, o great deal llko Tacomn looked In the years following 1994. The pfconlo that are In bualnos there KMm io bo o Ing woll, but thoro n many vacant houses and business places.' Tho trip from Tncoma to Skagwny is a pleasant ono, but after Itavlng thcro tho scciiory la dull and tinlntor wimi: ho4s m the nxwn laic k aft f in a direction aJsmtf juuniW ta lie face ot the a h eiUest that the bits f ere w mfi ta a ari of the nat Ttetr eaeteed the superintend i auk a thorough examination. Broken rack, mixed with bits of ore, seemed to Indicate that a slip had occurred at some time. Fragments of rook that wore lying beneath a portion of tho debris woro removed and tho bones woro seen tirotrudlna from tho mass. It was then discov ered that nn area of about ten snuaro metres was covorcd with great slabs of rocks. "They wero blasted away and tho work of exhuming was begun. Al- mot evory piece removed disclosed tho bonos of tho mon on whom It had fnll-n. In not n fow cases tho skeletons woro found Intnct. In no rnso ,woro the bones of tho skelotons found scnttorod oxcopt as they woro thrown rway "by tho blast. Ilono by lj:no thoy wero heaped In tho- nllo thoy now form at ono side of tho spot vhoro thoy have- rooted for centuries. "Not n par Iclo of clotbhg and no ools wore 'o'snd with tho bones, but tho Indiscriminate manner In which the skeletons wero lying, and tho fnct thnt their covering weighed raoro than It would have been possible to hnve Raguonos, of tho village of Korhous, near Brest, Is tho topic of tho day In Brittany. Tho woman , now 40 years old, lost her volco 18 years ago dur ing a fovor. She was an orphan, and sho wont from houso to house In search of work, but for somo could only obtain an occasional Job. At last a farmor took pity ort her for lorn condition, and engaged her to look after bis cattlo. Uctwcen 8 and 9 o'clock on tho morning of Wednes day, July 1C, as she was with her cat tle In a field, seated with her hands Joined In prayer for Franco and Brit tany, she saw an old man approaching. Becoming alarmed, sho roeo to her feet but tha Btrnnger reassured her. "Do not bo afraid, my daughter," he said, "I have como to do you no harm, but to bring you the favor for which you havo so often prayed. I restore to you tho power of speech." Without a moments ronecucn tno exciaimcu: "O, mon DIeu! Aro you the good Lord?" "No," answered the old man, "but I' como with a mission from him Do not bo puffed up with mercy which you havo Just obtained, but pray on and pray often, as tho world la not im proving, but Is going from bad to worse.' rilled witn awe, tno woman threw herself on tho ground, and when she bad revived her visitor had vanished. She describes him as an It," ho declares, "society contains within Its bosom the resources capa bio of curing every malady that can affect the body- politic" This is not only optimistic, but is good sense and sound philosophy." Lesllo's Weekly. o Reliance Beats the' Shamrock (Continued from page one.) begnn to cut down tho challenger's lend. Tho Itcllance seemed not only to point higher but to foot faster. 11:60 Tho first 10 minutes showed tho llellanco was cheating tho wind better nnd working out more to tho weather. 11:60 Wrlngo, finding ho could not point with the Bellanco, took In his Jib topsail, tho first open confession that the Shamrock was not doing ns well In tho thrash to windward as tho Reliance. The change apparently benefitted her as tho Shamrock work ed a llttlo higher than before. 12:05 Tho Bollnnco began estab lishing an overlap. Tho fight Is tho prettiest In racing history, and both skippers are getting all possible out of their boats. 12:08 Tho Reliance overlapped tho Shamrock and took tho lead, forcing tho weather passage. 12:14 Tho Rollanco tacked to port, Wrlngo pinched to avoid tho wind, and a mlnuto later put tho Shamrock ffEpV0US.Pg0STBAT.01 CURED BY PE-RU-NA, rat) ! fT4T W s , ' HAIi. r. DENTON. nn the nort tnek Tho wind Is blow old man with long white beard, attlr- ing nno knot8 an,i j,ldlng woll. ed In a black OVOrCO.1t. a bnt Of tho 12-5R Thn vnrhlH nrn mnklne cood estlng. While Horse Is n lively little i been placed over them leaves llttlo iiiui-u HiitiuiiKti mo popuiauon is small. Water 8csrce This Season. "Ono thing that I particularly no ticed whllo I wna In Daw ion wns tho scarcity of wntor there. TI1I4 hn pre vented many mlnu ownors fftun mnk Ing a full olean-up this season. In faet , a number of tho claim owners hav . only cleaned up about ouo-tblrd of the dump. "in conoluslun. I mluut ray that whllo I was nway I aUo vliited min ing ramus Umt mo IMftteri on the low- room for doubt that they ,woro the victims of an accident "Among the bones and under them wfe quantities of dried leaves of the. maguey plant Hut the real bed of the dtnd was a pile of ashes no less than n fo deep. Why tho maguey leave -were there Is a matter of con Jecture, but tho nsues may bo ac c tinted for by the fact that In tho olden days the method of extracting ore consisted largely In roasting. A Are was built beneath the mlxturo of rock nnd oro. Tho limestone was In Fifty Years the Standard Rsrasr , t, BAKING POWDBt Awarfal Ngtart Umn WftrUTs Fair, Vgfcitt Tt 8, & Itvf OkmUk Ht43 SAKIN POWDER. CO., OHIOAOO. same color much tho worse for wear. patched white trousors, and shoes which could scarcely be warranted to keep the mud out Exchange. Strange Cult In Missouri. Thomas Avery, Will Powell, and other farmers living south of Shoal creek, tell of a remarkable sect of re ligious fanatics which has settled along Rock crook. Tho "tribe," they say, contains about 20 people, mostly old men and women, and thoy "wor ship a god in tho ohapo of a hugo hall of flro on tho end of a stick or polo." Kd. Dlakoy and Martin Ross, two boys who wero fishing on Shoal creek at midnight, first discovered thorn, Thoy found them In the act of worshiping their flroball. Thoy told tho neighborhood about It, and two nights tator six farmers wont to tho lonely and ruggod gulch through which Rock creek trlckloi. On elthor 8ldo thoro aro numorous small cav ernn nnd grottos and tho farmors dis covered people slooplng. Although tho day bad woll advanced, no ono was stirring In the camp of tho stran gers. A black heap of ashes near tho crook Indicated wuoro a flro bad boon, Monday night a party was dotnttcd to watch for ttho midnight services, but for somo reason tho strangers fnllod to perform their strnngo wor ship. Tho watchors could boo them about midnight, gnthorod In a group near tho creok, but nothing unusual was dono. Tuesday night nnothor party watched, and so until last night, when tho worshipers ngnlncd per formed tho flroball coromony. Thoso who saw It describe It ao being vory Impresetvo and unrnnny John (Mo.) Nows-IIerald. Auto Goggles for a Dog, When Dr. II. Nelson Jackson fin ished his nutomobllo Journey from San Francisco to Now York reeontly tho first tlmo tho trip had been mado by any motor vohlolo perhaps not tho least pleased of tho mombers of tho little party was Bud, his pot bulldog. The machine had travoled 5CO0 mlloa In a roundabout course from ocean to ocean, but both tho r.utomoblle and tho narty came through none tho worso for tho trim . According to his owner, Hud suf fered little during tho C3 days they woro on the road, although Dr. Jack son hlmsolf lost ovor SO pounds in weight Tho dog was much troubled In the early part of tho run by his ej w, w hlolf became lutlamed from the dust, but a pair of auto goggles which Dr. Jackson had mado for him soon remedied this. Exchange. tlmo, and In tho turn to tho wenthor, both aro a lather of foam Tho Sham rock Is surprisingly good In vlow of Thursday's performance. Tho Reli ance's lead at tho ond of tho first half hour Is a matter of but a fow seconds. Tho raco has dovolopod Into a hot fight. Both yachts are heading to Scabrlght at 12:30, and both sailing undor small sails, 12:43 Tho Reliance tackod to star board and approached tho Shamrock on tho opposlto tack. Tho difference between tho boats was shown when' tho Shamrock forced about to port. Flvo minutes later tho Rollanco was squaroly on tho Shamrock's weather quarter, and tho boats nro now so closo they could hold a conversation It so dlsposod. At tho ond of tho first hour's sailing the Rollanco "had gained 25 seconds on hor adversary and held him firm on hor looward quarter. 1:10 Tho Rollanco Increased (hor lead many seconds and at 1:22 Wrlngo fllndlng hlmsolf back wlndqd, sought to bluff Barr by taking his boat undor tho Rollanco atom, but Barr craftily throw tho Rollanco over and dlsdnlncd to follow tho noxt tack ot Wrlngo who, finding ho could not got Barr to Mr. Hal. P. Donton, Ohlof Dopartmont Publicity and Promotion of National Export Exposition, writ oat Philadelphia, Dee. 20, 1800. Tho Pernna Modlclno Co., Colnmbtu, O. Gontlemon: " Toward the latter part of August I found myaoli In a Tory much run-down condition. I suffered particularly from catarrh of tho s tomach, aggravated no doubt by tho responsible (tics and worrlmoni lnotdont to the ex ploltatlonof a groat International expo lltlon. What I ato dletreesod me and I would llo awako at night thrashing aver,' it I may nso that expression, tha affairs ot tho provlons day. "My family physician mm Id I had oerous prostration and recommended n sea voyage. I gradually grew worse. A kind friend whom I had known In Ohio recommended Peruna. Though tkeptlcal, I finally yielded to his ad vice. After using ono bottle I was much Improved and with the fifth bottle came complete recovery. I am In perfect health to-day and owe every thing to Peruna." Very truly youra, HAL. P. DENTON. If von do not dorlvo prompt and satis factory result from tho nso of Poruna, write at once to Dr. Uartman, giving a fnll atatemont of your caso and ho will bo plouod to glvo you hts valuablo ad Vico free. 7 Address Dr. Ilartman, Proaldont oi The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. or a fluke, she Is certain of wlnni the race. A dense haze is settl down. Tho Rollanco now leads more than four minutes. 2 60 On the presumption 1 yachts flnUh with tho relative ( tnnce between theiri and correc time, tho Reliance 'will be a wln by at least flvo minutes. The 0 clal starting time is announced 11 46:15 for the Shamrock, and 1 Reliance four seconds later. A f excursion boats aro heading for hoi seeing the Rollanco Is almost a si winner. Tho race will probably finished within 20 minutes. Thoro was tho wildest enthusla nt tho flnlBh. Tho lmmcnso en slon boats trailing along, tho bla smoke pouring from their funnels, 1 deavorlng to keep along with the 1 cera who were ripping through tl wnter nt rnco-horso speed In n oma brcoze. Many expert yachtsmen 0 of the opinion thnt elthor tho Colu; bla or tho Constitution could bo' Shamrock III, under tho guiding ha of Bnrr. Tho official tlmo of tho fl Ish Is, tho Reliance 317:45, Shamrock 3:24:15, The New Rifles. Are Here. Tho now Krag-Joorgenson rifles fll tho members of Company M, tho loJ militia company, havo been recehl and will bo given out to tho men tne regular meotm or tno cempn: Monday evening. Thp ammunltli has not been received, but will nero soon ana tno men win cngal In target practlco as much as pos bio boforo going to tho encampmc In order to familiarize thcmsehl with the now arm. In addition to now arm, web belts will bo Issued tho men, as woll as shoes and woolon shirts, theso nrttcles of parol having been added to tho eqifl ment supplied tho militia under now- organization of tho forces and gunrdsmen will In every way have appearance of regular troops. Rheumatism What Is the oto ot telling the rheamatto that he feels as U bla Joints were belug dis located r lie knows that bla anfferlnirs are very j witness the turn ruuui 1 mo mo loriuro m uio rota. What h4 tninti to know la what will per manently cure his disease. Trial, according to ttiouiands ot grateful teitlmonlali, la Hood's Sarsaparitla It promptly neutralize tbo acid In the blood on which ttui dlacaifi depends, com pletely ollmlnaUti It, and itrtnctbena Ui v'n) ncalnat We return. Try Hood' tack again, stood about and followed tho American. Tho Reliance then seemed to tako a splendid now burst of speed, tbo spray flying from be neath her boom as sho toro along furthor to tho wlndwnrd, and point ing higher than tho chnllengor. 1:27 -Tho Rellnnco has sufficient lend to offsot tho time allowance. 1:33 Tho yachts aro within two miles of tho outer mark, Reliance sail ing faster evory mlnuto nnd steadily Increasing her lead. Tho wind holds nlno knots. Tho Reliance rounds tho outor mark nt 1:65.31 on a long reach, tho Sham rock at 1:57:43. Tho Rollanco has now demonstrated her superiority, so the Englishman's only hope Is for n fluke. Allowing 1G seconds at the start nnd tho time alluuanco of 1:57, tho Reliance was 32 socouds to the good nt the outor mark. There was pandemonium on tho ecurslon fleet, which had rushed for tho marir n in Wind doad Ing out. 2:17 Wind shows Blgns of flattonlng out and tho Shamrock Is making n oeuer snowing now, nnd hnve tho most breeze. 2 20 Reliance Is again moro than holding her own. Barring accident astern salts belly- seems to Poor Old Umpire. Whcnovcr a basoball club gets be! en now they chargo tholr defeat tho unfair decision of tho umpire. body ovor gets defeated. Evcrybo oeati l"it tho umplro always thlnl ore Bid" o- tho other got tho worst! It. They ought to abolish tho umpl entirely and run tho gamo to themsolvcs, ao both sides could alwa win tho game. When Portland Ixl Scattlo last Saturday tho P.-I. head tho acceunt: -."Seattle loses tho ul plro; Levy stops local team wd rank decision; Port'.end 10, Soatl 9." Umplros ought to bo quarantls at least. Thoy mnko troublo wlil ovor thoy go. Eugene Guard. Wants to Be Adopted. Guatav Garflold Vogot, a nattvo Germany, last ovenlng appeared for tho county clork and declared Intention to become a citizen of United States), THE Bee Hive Carnegie's Cheering Worda, It might bo said with truth that a man poaseesed of the vast wealth of Mr, Carnegie can afford to tako cheer ful vlow of life, but this circumstance Is hardly enough to account for the strong and healthy optimum that pre- adea the public addreaees of the fa inous steel king. In a recent Interview In l.Rdau Mr. Carnegie expressed the opinion that '"tho world Is growing belter all the time;" that "It will grow bettor slowly but surely until the human race has attained a niton ot development of which wo cannot over dream, and that "human Mxioty con tains within itself the remedy for all li disease." The formation ot trusts and combinations ho regards as the natural and luovltablo outcome of our economic condition. Tholr evil, he thinks, loera greater at a distance than closo at hand; "bet depend upon .e.'n-Jr-r O . To Aid Nature This health giver is most spcedB in action and satisfactory 1 results. Thcro will be no b8 ious attacks or sick-hcadachj if you take Beechami Pills Sold Everywhere. In boxea 10c and I i SW1 vc? 5S m sars. ratsmessmrz twfsMtmalsMagafamrrag- a 'JtTiz? Tr Sfoturba Special al Hop Gloves 3 pair for 25c. Harvest Gloves the kind that will not jjet hard, hod hide, steam proof, sale price St.00 sold evprvwh mr kvi ; and i n Ladies outing- flannel night gowns made from good heavy goods, siuhtly, neatll ..,.,uwil)nv,(iftwi.M uii. ocwcu witn iock wcn macnine, saie price tvc. Men s outing flannel gowns verv attractive garments, full size, sale price 75c and 8E limmac chirr tniiclr U A I L hDlnP .Jl . II I . ' . . UU...U.C. ohui wrfiju Mttur rwijc, iuu conon DianKeis at prices mat wil siarueyou. Kenienioer we are headquarters for the famous STAR BRAND shd Srinru cu nr?a,r nd e colnvince.d of their wearing qualities. Ask for the FAA1IL vjviwvuomwu, a umwiuj; uuuk given witn every pair. ' if!fc '- " '4TS All the latest in Gents Hats Come and compare prices lv'.T s: rrrnri : 1 1 Ifllla'II till i jii .".$ it Ti" 1 "vatr LLi'J Leave your order for vour fall suit, we punrantAA a flf ?nn cimni.e r.u.r (rnA m I etlA nn1 raA nr Ixaf r& lavin . , .... .. 1 I v-uuu wu jst uj uciuic uiuciiuj; wc wmiiave you 4$ per cent. rtteCAa.l Nil li "oin o;v w w p. m. Ladies and Gents linen collars 1 f 07 nn nt ";.Piae.s:l,ePr,ceJ0c. Gsnts 35c and 40c fancy hose, late ,i"" jv" 7VM- iKiuouuia jut oc. oc iignt nirts tor 60C. Doa't fo net tie tlace. T6e Bee Hive, old Post Office Mulli!, 304 CoawercUl Street. GEO. HELSON, Pre f.yfrj! . .. . &f fc- v LCUlxSga