The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, August 14, 1903, Page FIVE, Image 5

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THE BARK STORE prides Itself at all times of the year, on the variety
and beamy of the array of Kings it can show to either the casual
visitor or the prospective purchaser. Even now at a time of year
when Rings are not in much demand, we Can delight your eyes with a
varied assortment of Sparkling Stones In charming settings There
are Diamonds, Amethysts, Rubles, Emeralds, Opals, Topaz, Pearls,
Moonstones and Almondlnes In the collection, set in all sorts of pretty
and fanciful shapes, Some arc little in price and some cost quite a
good deal, but not one In the lot Is the least bit overpriced not a
whit higher figure than its real worth warrants.
Corner State and
Liberty Streets,
" Afc CI
r Events
X in the
inn n i n i ii n mi m ii i
Social Realm
Some Coming Events.
Ninth annual regatta, Astoria, Au
gust 19-21.
State talr, Salem, SQptcrabor 14-19.
Second Southorn Oregon District
Fair, Kugcne, Scptombor 2D October 3
Summor association of tho North
west Indian ngencles, Newport, Au
gust 17-27.
Klamath county fair, Klamath Falls,
October 0-9.
Good roads convention, Jackson
ville, August 15.
Fruit growers' convention, Jackson
ville, August 15.
Knights of Pythias convention, As
toria, August 20-21.
Tcachors' Institute, La Grande, Au
giist 17-21.
n '
Miss Cora Dlossor, ot Hubbard, Is
visiting Salem friends.
George Stahloy has returned from n
week's visit at Newport.
Hiss nthel Powers, of Portland, was
a guest ot Saloni friends TTiursdny.
Hon. Joromo I). Simmons, of Moni
tor, Is In tho city today on business.
MIbr Mao Sponccr left yesterday for
a weok'a visit with her mothor In Tan
gont. Miss Rcmoh Holland Is in Portland
for a few weeks' vUlt with relative
and friends.
Mr and Mrs. A J. Dasoy returned
last evening from a few weeks' outing
at Ocean Park.
Mrs. D. P. Junk nnd daughtor, Mrs.
Darby, wont to Newport for a short
outing yestorday. t
Mrs. C. M. Pnrmontor haB loturnod
from Newport, nftor a threo-weoks
stay at tho soaslde.
Judge and Mrs. It. P. Dolso.roturnad
last oonlng from Newport, wliero
they spent tho Beason.
W. N Catena goos to Long Boaah,
Washington, this nftornodn to Join h'la
family at that summor resort.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wornor Broyman aro
homo from Mehnma, whoro they on
Joyed an outing for Bovoral weoks.
P. H. D'Arcy and tho Misses Marin
and Teresa E. D'Arcy left last evening
for San Francisco for a month's stay
Mrs. Mary Ramp and Mrs. I, D.
Driver, Jr., returned last evening from
a two weeks' stay at Sodavlllo and
Prof. W. P Drew arrived from Cali
fornia yestorday morning, and will
teach at Wlllametto Unlvorslty the
coming yoar.
Mrs. Jacob Wansgard left for her
homo In Ogdon, Utah, last night, aftor
a fow days' visit to hor slater, Mrs. R,
W. Holman.
Mrs G. Craton and llttlQ daughter,
Elva, who havo beon visiting Mrs. S. A.
Jones, left for their homo In Sacra
mento, Col., today.
O, G. Bingham returned last evening
from a visit to Newport a telogram
having called him homo earlier than
he Intended returning.
The stato land board yesterday np
proved 32, applications, for loans, on
account of tho school fund, aggregat
ing $52,850, and two applications for
small loans wore rejected.
Supt. L. R. Traver left last night for
"nlon, Or., where ho will hold teach
era' Institute for a wook, and will re
turn about September 25th.
Kola Nols, the Albany brewer and
hop dealer, camo down thla morning,
and went to Independence to look at
h's hop yard near that place
Mr and Mrs, V. D, Claggett "leave
this evening for San Francisco for a
two weeks' stay. They will visit the
principal points In California before
their return.,
Carey F. Martin left this evening
for Seattle, whence be . goes tc
Grangeville, Idaho, where he. will be
married on next Wednesday evening
to Miss Leora P Smith, of that place
Tho young couplo will reside In thla
city at tho Cottage. Miss Smith Is a
daughter of Francis M. Smith, of How
oil Prairie, and a very attractive
young woman..
Miss Mabel Robertson was a pas
senger for Newport this morning,
where she will Join the Saiom colony
at tho beach.
R M. Thompson was In Salem this
morning, and left on the 11 o'clock
Can Only be Answered
by Knowing what
is the Canse
A Corspondent Ventures some
Terse Opinions and Brings
the Blame Close
Ed. Jeurnal: The frequency of
brutal outrages In tho South has
caused a unanimous appeal from the
American peoplo for relief. Tho oc
casional occurrence of these expres
sions of want of physical control ox
cites attention In tho Immediate coin-
higher authority which demands obe
dience, and to Insure harmony ot clvt)
and moral life, wo must some tlmo
come to obey. ,
charles Miller.
of Hop Market
Sovornl now hop contracts havo
beon filed for record at tho court
couso at 16 and 17 conts per pound,
those contracts having been mado be
fore tho lato advance. Somo of tho
dealors aro now talking 20 cents for
contracts, but thus far no sales of 1903
hops at this figure havo beon report
ed, though Bovernl Bnles of last year's
crop at 20 cents have boon mado.
Among thoso Ib tho H. Hlrschborg lot,
nt Independence, containing 101 bales;
the Wells lot of 40 bales and tho Rich
ardson crop of 29 balos.
Tho conditions in tho Now York
market aro shown In tho Producers'
Price Current of last Saturday, re
ceived hero this morning. This report
on tho hop market Bays:
Comparatively Ilttlo business has
transpired on tho local market during
tho past week. This waH duo mainly
tho fact of very light offerings.
munlty, but rarely plunges a nation In-
train for Foley 8prlngs, for n 10-dayB',to desporato consideration of a remo-
outing. dy, regardless of Its specific nature.
Scoty Bozorth of tho Pacific Home- Howovor, tho ropoated nttontlon which
stead, went to Toledo. Lincoln county.! has boon drawn to ono section of this
this morning for a brief business visit. country has thrown tho nation Into a offering at all
Miss Loulo Church.- ono of tho national sympathy. Society Ib crying,
teachers at the blind school went to aloud for relief fiom this torrlblo peril,
Newport this morning for an outing, from whoso clutches nono Boom ox
ompt. Society realize Its Imminent
dnngor. To nrrlvo at an offoctlvo rom
oily It Is first necessary to locate and
limit tho responsibility wliero It pri
marily bolongs. Without n propor tin- vory exceptional. Thoro aro but fow
dorstandlng of whoro tho rosponslblll- yearlings nnd old olds loft In first
Thoso who aro holding hops aro cither
asking moro monoy for them, or not
Tho browing demand
is still within a vory narrow com
pass, continued cold weather bolng
unfavorable to tho consumption of
malt liquors. A lot of vory nice Pa
cifies sold to a dcalor at 20c, and somo
or tho choicest wcro hold at 2121c;
anything nhovo 21c, howovor, would bo
George W. Gray was a passongcr for
Newport this morning. Ho will spend
Bovornl weoks at tho Nye Creek bench.
Mrs. I. L. Robertson, of Turner, was
n 8alem visitor 'this morning, return
ing homo by tho 11 o'clock train.
Mrs. R. J. Fleming nnd children loft
this forenoon for Newport, for n stay poet any advancement towards tho t fow Bales aro reported at 1719c,
at that popular seasldo resort. I speedy and efficient solution of thin possibly up to 20c In ono or two In-
Architect W. C. Knighton, of Port- problem of man's Inhumanity to man Istancos. Tiio weather of lato has not
land, arrived In this city this morning In a fair discussion of this quostlonbeon qulto so favorablo for tho crop.
for a brief business visit. It Is pertinent to boldly Inqulro to
Mr. nnd Mrs. I. Greonbaum left this what extent society Itsolf Is to blnmc
morning for a visit of a couplo of for tho provalllng conditions! To
weoks with friends. J what oxtont has what wo term olvlllza-
Mr. nnd Mrs. T L. Davidson, Jr., tlon, by its customs, habits nnd stand-
loft this morning for Newport for n ards of morality, fostorcd this denior, , coast run from 155,000 to 1C0.000 balos,
few weeks' stay. lac outburst? Tho common run of hu- this Includes California, Washington
Mrs. Dr. It. Cartwrlght wont to Snn manlty, busy with Its bicycles, Its and Oregon. If theso nguroa aro rea-
FranclBco this morning for a visit of summor nnd winter rocrcatlon, Ita Bonnbly near correct they would lndl-
ty rests It Is not rcnsonnblo to ex- hands. In tho Interior of this stato a
nnd somo of tho ynrds aro looking
poorly. It Is, howovor, estimated that
tho yield will bo equal to 50,000 bales
about twlco tho crop of 1902. Tho
estimates of tho jlold on tho Pacific
soveral weoks.
Mr. and Mrs.
.small talk and gossip, Its BolfluhnoBS, 'cato a crop for for tho United 8tates
J. A. Cnrson returned hns no tlmo to think of thoso things. ! of about 210,000. Tho situation In Eng-
this morning from a short visit to Only as It is brought to their very land Is not changed materially, but tho
Portland. I doors will this heedless nnd absorbed crop reports aro somowhnt conflicting,
Hon. D. W. Sears, of Independence. . onglno of human machinery stop long The opinion Is gaining ground thnt tho
Is In tho city for a few dnys' visit. onough to much moro than contcm ploklng will not show ovor 400,000
Prof. A. J. Garland went to Phllo- plato Its horror. In this' silent nio-cwt.
math for a fow days stay. mont of seeking out tho rosponBlblo, Tho hop croj Is llkoly to bo Injured
Miss Campbell wont to Rod Bluff, . do wo coiiHldor onough the potent part by lice In tho Wlllametto valley this
California, this morning. we nro dally playing In tho matter of yoar, unloss tho wonthor turnB warm-
'aiding nnd helping on thoso ombryon- or. Damp, cool woathor conduces to
Ic suggestions, next to bo framed Into tho multiplication of thoso pests, ao-
thoughtB. and lastly Into action? Dooti cording to a woll-known grower of Au
Rlngllng Brothers' grent canvas pa
vilions covor moro than 15 acres of
More fun Than a Circus
at Shields Park
All oyes aro turned on Shields' Park
tonight, whoro a grand doublo bill of
professional and amntour talent will
appear. Tho regular porformanco
commonces promptly at 8 o'clock, and
tho management guarantees a circus
ot fun. AU youthful aspirants for
stago honors aro prepared to do their
turns In tho most gracious manner,
and all havo gono through rigorous re
hearsals stneo amateur night was first
announced. Among tho features aro
Hans Hockeusmith, who haB a knock
about Dutch specialty, nnd tho way ho
can sing Is a caution. Ho proposes to
Blng Low Dockstoddor'a great success,
"Back to tho Woods," and probably,
before ho finishes It, ho will havo to
go thora himself, who knows? Frank
Truckeo doos a black-faco act, whoro
ho Introduces tho vory latoat gags of
his own manufacture. Ho says It ho
receives a bunch of carrots for his
efforts ho will tako them homo and
cat them. Lanky Jim, and his chum,
havo again nppoarod on tho acono, and
wish to announco that thoy havo a
"Physical Culture" turn that ought to
bo appreciated by tho Park patrons.
Prof. Mustek, tho "champion musical
artist," who claims tho tltlo, has a
turn, whoretn ho plays a modloy ot his
own composition. If tho audlonco
stands for It ho'll play another.
Major Ltttlehcad, an acrobat, doos
only two tricks; Hint's all, but It la
safo to predict ho will mako a tro
mendous hit, nnd will havo to ropont
tho act.
Morris & Walton, tho clovor skotch
artists, will put on a now sketch, and
Reohlo Sims, tho cartoonist, will add
a fow now cartoons to his act. Taken
In all, thoso who attond tho per
formance tontght will witness a regu
lar circus. Tho aamo prices provntl,
and nil should bo In tholr Beats prompt
ly nt 8 o'clock tonight
fflla" V
Hare yen tfte-Feer
Ueo Trlb for Liquor habit.
has worked i(s
way into mos)
every home in
SkleVn. ' '"
Ladies every
where you '0
are making bas
kets, hats; belts,
cushions, etc.,
etc., from it. We
received today
another lot of
the natural col
or raphia
Many styles of India
Baskets on display here.
Poultry at Stelner. Market.
Spring chlkonB 1213c.
Hons 10c.
Eggs' Por dozon, 18c.
Tim J'ODNOATlbN t)lT iiiulth.
Noiirldhntimt ta tliA foundation of hrilth
Iir Urnutli. KoJol Dtiptpita Care I
mat ennb
the oca Krent mtillclno
ennMee the
tnmich ami dlgtttlro organ to digest, at
Imllata anil transform all food Into tb
kind of blood that noarlihen the nerrre and
freds tlio Mssum. . Kcxlol Inya the, fotmda
tlon for health. Nature docs the rttfi Is
rtlRMtlon, Djipepila, and all disorder of
tho stomach and dlgcstlTe organs, are cured
br the use ot Kodol, Sold by V. O. Haar,
nil Btate street.
Uso Trlb for tobacco.
ground. Pnd constitute a veritable city B00loty roallie Itsolf largely contribute ' rora. spoken to today, and many of
tlTlZl ' ? ot thought? Travel t ho leaves of the vinos have already
HMnntnnillni- nrrwlnnHnn nt 'Mnnmnlnm
and the Crusados," which Is ombodled
In tho hlppodromo nmphtthoatro, Is
tho lnrgosjt ovor constructed, nnd Ib
absolutely Impervious to rain.
' o
Goes to the Asylum.
Miss Allco Pettyjohn was this
morning committed to tho Insane nsy-
to nnd tro through all tho avouuos In boon killed
which society oxlsts. nnd do wo notl "Wo hnvo Just gotton ovor tho
constantly moot with tho thoughtlossJBcnro about tho vines not growing as
sower of theso Biiggostlve and dang ) thoy should," said ho, "and now this
orous Impulses? Our thentres amuse llco problem confronts us. Spraying
tho. public by making light of the will bo bouoflolal in somo Instances
most encred relation. In life. Throw. but a fow hot dayB would bo better
Its purity nnd sublimity to tho dogs, than all tho spraying wo could do, as
mind tho Inciting thought which once' of
germinating, grows rapidly Into a pump.
definite form. Tho attempt to satisfy
tho carnal at the unconsidered ox
lum by City Recorder Judah, who act- Our Bhow windows portray to the is difficult to ronch tho under part
cd in tho absonco of tho county Judge.
Tho woman Is 31 years old, and has
beon nffllotcd for tho past six months
Hor mental disease Is hereditary.
Sho was brought up from -Portland by
hor father this morning for tho pur
poso of having hor committed. Sher
iff Palmer took hor to the asylum this
tno noavy vinos with tlio spray
Hop picking will probably bo-
oln nlinnt tliA Kth nf iiayI tnnntli nnil
(... ... ... . .... ...
. thcro Is still tlmo for tljo situation to
ponse of tho moral, results in our j bo much Improvod, howovor."
present condition. Our newspapers, I Hq looks for fair prices, as buyors
magazines, periodicals nro filled with aro already In tho field offering an ad'
Sale Ten million Boxes a Year,
25c 50c.
WIIHII ltmiifltllIteHMeHejtt8 IHIIIII i
::::::A G E N C Y O F::::::::
!! ' '
I i (
Amntour moans "for lovo," and thnt
Is what the budding Salem talent Is
going to play for at Shields' tonight.
Rumor has It that Cooke Patton Is
Burrpetltlously practicing, nnd will
appear tonight, but tho story cannot
be vouched for.
rich food for tho dogonorato mind. Our
choaponod literature oxcltes the low
08 1 sentimonts, rather than tho high
vanoo ovor rocont quotations. Thoro
will lio a largo amount of last year's
crop on hand, owing to tho fact that
er. Tako a step further, and, dwolllnj growers refused 25 cents Inst wlntor,
Fifty prisoners in (he Carthago, Mo
Jail mutinied In an attempt to got bet
ter food. The Are department was
called out, and thoy were subduod.
They asked for meat, and wore glvon
Threw Himself
Uiider Train
for a moment upon our Individual re
sponslblllty, we realize that upon this
rosts tho standard of tho nation's mor
allty. Tho hlstqry of a nation's llfo Is
a rellablo Indicator ot Its subjects'
standard of morality. It Is compare
tlvely almplo In our respective export
oncos to note how we have gono forth
In tho morning, puro In heart, but re
turn with an aching void. Wo ex
claim and declare tho wrong was sug
gested by somo circumstance some
simple word, a look, an article, a book,
and demanded 2C. "Farmors lost con
siderable by not soiling, ho said, "as
tho market Is now down to 17 and 18
Lieut. Perry Says There Are No Dald
Heads In the Artie Regions.
Tho peoplo who como back from
tho Klondike testify that no native
bald heads nro there. Tho evidence
Is that tho cold climate kills tho germs
that oat tho hair off nt tho root LI nut
a picture, and bo on endlessly. ThenPon who wont to thQ Arctc reg,
you ask, if society bo mado up of these , th evidence. . Nowbro's
comuinations or pictures, .snow win
dows, Btagos, writings, environments
and Inducements, wherein is anv en-
I capo? If Eooloty bo made up of those
"seeds" of which we And our garden
Gonser. formerly assistant secretary werrun and ,ta falrMt flower8 blight-clp)o of troying tho germ that oats
of state of Indiana, and ono of the wlll society not and admit It8', uol - ..,. ". . .,.
. .. , ,( n , 1 ... MM, MM. IVff IfilVJIWUlVUHl UIU UUIJI
Herplcldo has tho samo effect as the
cold climate It kills tho gorm that
eats tho hair off at tho roots, and tho
hair grows again. Herplcldo Is the
first hair remedy built upon the prln
Oats For Sale.
nop GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulphur.
I d. tf. urdlldlll, AgBIH, 207 Commercial St., Salem, Ore. f
Harritt & Lawrence
Sell more Orocerles and better Orocerles tbB ANYBODY
There's where you get GOOD treatment and GOOD goods
Stop in and boo foryoursolf, old p. o. qrockry,
host known men In this section of tho
country, sulolded this morning, by
throwing himself In front o a pas
songor 'train.
Good for health and wealth
- Schilling's Best at your
grocer's, and moneyback.
.. . .A nice well browned loaf of bread coses from eood material
HARD WHEAT FLOUR. Tbe California Bakery uses the best of
, everything and makes everytblB? th best.
Leave an order for oar waeoH to stop at year louse. 93 Court Street.
L Proprietor
On Sale at The Spa. 1 1 4 State St.
degree of responsibility? Suggest tc
tho degenerate mind any picture of
what it suggests, but adppts the most
radical measures when tho suggestion
takes root In some weak-minded lndl
vldual at tho cost of public eecyrltyi
When we become awake to our rela
tion to all the horrors of this big
world, and learn our individual stand
ard is the basic foundation, we shall
then have started on the most effec
tive campaign evor introduced to les
sen crime and stay tho Inhuman pro
pensities. We must cease placing bet
fore tbe mlzetTpubllo all manner of
Immoral suggestions, else wa may
continue to expect revolting results
onstrates the correctness of the scalp
germ theory. Sold by leading drug
gists. Send lOo In stamps for earn
pies to The Herplcldo Co.. Detroit,
Mich. Daniel J. Fry, special agent
The truth is bound to rluo In its
own defense, oven though some peo
pie try to oppress It.
Dra. Scboettle, Darr & Darr. Ostco
paths. Grand Opera House, Salem, Or.
take a little ISarlr Jtlr It wilt cure con
stlpstion, bllloiunetw and llrer trouble
DeWitti Little Barlr RUera are different
rrom other pllla. Tbey do not grip and
break down tbe nicous mrmbraaea ox tba
While no human being la responsible tQiy arowioc tb cret(6i and $in
for this Immutable law. yet there Is VSSwSX " "' "
The University comprises the following colleges and schools
The Graduate School, The College of Literature, Science
and Arts, The College of Science and Engineering, Civil,
Electrical, Mining and Chemical Engineering, The Univers
ity Academy, The School of Music, Ths School of Lay,
The School of Medicine.
TUITION FREE. Incidental Fee $10 00. Student Body Tax $5.00.
Tbe twenty elrhth session opens Wednesday, September 16. 1903, For
catalogue address Keelsirar, University of Oregon, Eugene.
Repairing a Watch
Of toe finest workmanship Is a bavnclj
of our business that wa giro special
attention to. Our repairing depart,
meat is conducted with tho utmost
kill, diamonds aro reset, and Jowelry
ot all kinds is repaired la tbomost
perfect manner, besides optical work
of all kinds. , ,
C. T. Pomeroy .....
Jewoler and Optialsu, 988 Com, St.
' wns&tM vST? fystnii ttA