TfF',lf"V,FI5BK?TPI!V7r,Tw 1'VP-;jr'rT"t:55r5?!TV iWPW'lfiywr '- "r-wj-r- 'p-yyjpli ; '7V-w5r5 I1?' V-"" wi , --r-r 7 it'wt - otMimimiMMtmiiniimniitmiimfliMMitMi a mIsOagnificent em l&- MSION :. ft. ' II I i . ! SdeOtff Entire Line of Dining TaolerfJ' at Summer "time Prkes House Furnishing ' Saem. , 269 Liberty Street. MIIMHI MWMMIIM 99M)999W99f1G1 BMBi Ag.S'. DiHf; CQQK Has como'to theconcluslon that ilJo of tbo vegetable kingdom la a without, puro, .blood. You will klngddm, Prisonous drugs nor ' lightning''' wll not removo tho cnueo, but lay the foundation for al kinds of disease Thoao poisons go into your bones, and kill tho life of thorn and croato all kinds of dlBoasos, cancerous tumors, consumption, dropsy. L bono diseases,-etc; You must bear poisonous tonic, nor r stimulant, nor I poisonous drugs, whoro tho results aro blamo' tho mcdlclno, whon At, .takes an disease In tho system. You muat not expect to bo cured Ii a fow days, for your sickness or dlscaso has boon a long tlmo coming on, and It will lake a long tlmo to get It out of your system. It will take months or a year to build a now body from-tho bonos up. This la what tho people- do not un dorstand. T hoy aro used to being humbugged. Ills medicines aro com posed of Naturo's Herbs what tho human requires. When tho'anl mala got sick thoy will holp.thdrasclvos to thoao herbs, for thoy havo tho In atlDCt, "and tho pcoplo havo not, so fo havo to mako'a study of It It hu boen a life study with Dr. Cook. Do not get weary; this Ufa and too owoot to worry out of this world. Dr. Cook Cures All Kinds of Diseases 301 Liberty Street, Salem., Oregon. ,, Choice and Cheap Meats ' ', if, I will sell the, beat Meats that tho Stato of Orogon can produco, as low as any of my competitors, and for thenrcBont, will quoto tho following prices, and at the samo tlmo lnvltoyou to call and Inspect our Meats and got our prices on' meats In 'quantities: Until further notlco ,tho following aro my prlce'u: ' ' ' Hound steak ....'. 10c Chuck steak 7c Roast beet :...... G to lOo Dolling boot G to 7c Mutton, for quarter Co D roast of Mutton 4c Hind quarter of mutton 8o Leg of mutton 10o Perk loin 10c Pork shoulder 8c Veal, hind quarter 10c Veal, fpro quarter ............. 7o Twenty' years 'oxporlenco soiling meats. I will moot all cuts. E. C. CROSS, Phone Jacob Vogt g& Has a new line of Mca's. Ladies' m& Children's Shoes. G4 itttlR?. eood wcarlnr aid at lowest prices-' Go and ste for yen will tie sure to get a Bar caln. - 7 J. BrowQStein & Son. 54 State street. KlgkWUsn trice MllforMtdM. Pelt. Wool, Tallow aaifurs; atee.'eeaeral daler hi Ira, Rubfeerasd Metals. A CARD To all consumers of ice Salem and vicinity Havlar baueatllrtfaBltallce Works weresMctfHlly solicit a caatlaaaace of your wtraawe- We will eaieavor to laweve the service aa4 will keep, bd the Koaeat excelleat aaallty of the troditct. rieaae aMresa an oraers to the UikretraetfaftcHaMirf Me. 2131, Govti Br for Saksm i AS liwtlt take saau tla to dace , arsradtKtlatlw'aMrBret freai tae1 Saleai we wlk to gett eUrttd la aashisia ad ta toach with te tra4e fa Salen aad vktalty at aa early late, we have aitde arrasre- attatstaaaa4reth4!01yaielasa4lRll- wykowafcym'wye tsVft- 4flc coast. Oar prkes will ee the ee as the local fcrewery has caere- a aad the service we will reader will tawdesatlefactwy. Salem Jrjferj. M wmrti iiiii(rtMiiiww,nriYi;wi.yrl1iiiiYyity'--"--ltiii'-'''---- ' -- ft TABLE for nimuwimi t Company.j Albany ; i ri all profession of tho hoollbg ait out- failure When your system Is 'ruri out only And vitality In tho vegetable doctors' knlvos nor thunder and lnmlud that his modlclnels noti tomporary rollof which you get from suro death soonor or later. Do not effect and stirs up tho poisons or ,ls too short 291, Salem, Oregon A stove that Is always ready I A stove that makes no smoke, smell or ashes I A safe stove 1 An economical stove I A clean stove! A stove that requires no skill to oper ate It I A stove which has revolutionized "cooking," and has transformed the drudgery of the kitchen work Into a pleasant pastime. A "Quick Meal" Stove will do any and all work that can be done on a. wood or coal stove, only with the differ ence that tho "Quick Meal" does it quicker, cheaper and la a more agree- ftejevnu rename wajr, -q g lTni Q fl IV Ms Wftilu vUa i : r ISALEIH WATER COMPANY i OFFICE CITY HALL. For water aervlce apply at office. Bills, payable monthly. Ja ayanca Mae ail complaints at the. office. aviaBMat fisi&JI I II II aT IIP JlfjEarsf old p- immm, jm in 3i4Jp TH6 DA.LV JOUrnAL, AUM, drttQOr,. PRIdaV. AUqUsT. 14. 1a6J. '' " Bacilli Frogs. ancVTadpoles Salem, Aug. 14, 1903. Mr. Edltur: Won't you pleas print In yuro noospaper what a baysllly lpoks 111(0 so I cud know ono It so bo I shud cum ncrost one In the dipper or water palo. Do thoys nlll cum frum the slew? and has thoy lalgs or flip pers? A cupplo of years ngo my fambly doctur tole mo ho alters used cistern wator, kaso tother wns Kabul to havo Jorms In It. Aunt Liza, who wns horned beforo tho baysllls was Invent ed, sez it was all bosh, but enny way Jorms la, nil right when thoy Is bllcd, and she biles hem, but I dug mo a da tum, and kcop It kjvorcd up with an old homo blanket, so as to keep them bnysilla out on It. I don't think they Is enny there, caiiBo I cleaned It out good In the spring and I didn't see nono theri, only two llttlo drownded fldld mice and a old pocket gofer wuz all that got Into It last yoar. Duz tho bayslllys rozcmblc a tad polo or a bullfrog, and If so bo, which aro the pints of dlworgenco. Why don't somo of our enterprising lurned docturs, which has seen so many mil ytims of om, strain a pall of hyrunt water, and put a tank full of the bay Billys In somo drug atoro frunt window bo us common folks kin tell cm whon when wo sco om. I Uon't object to tndpoles and frogs In my cistern in moderation, as thoy purlfys tho water". Why don't everybody that's nfeard of bayslltys hev clstorns, and git frca of chargo a puro bovcrlge that falls Btralt from tho heavens on tho umblo ruffs of tho Just and tho unjust (cz tho poet aez) which ptzens nobody. ACICWA.. Oregon has begun an era of railroad building unprecedented In history. Sho has now. sovornl thousand miles constructed, on paper, and unlimited power on hand In tho Bhnpo Of hot air. How's THIs? Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re ward for' nny caso of Catarrh that cannot ,t)o cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo. P. J. CHENEY, Toledo, O. Wo, tho undoralgned, havo known F Cheney for. tho last 15 years, and bollovo him perfectly honorablo In nil huslriofls ' transactions and financially nlilo to carry out any obligations made by' thijlr firm. .' WEST A TIIUAX, WJiolosalo Druggists, Toledo, O. WALDINO, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholoaalo Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Caturrh .Curo Is taken I lit or- nnlly, noting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system, Testimonials frco. I'rlco 7Cc per bot tle Sold by all druggists. Hall's Family Pills aro tho best. Money to Loan. Loans In sums of $10,000 or loss on short tlmo, or for a period of years. ' J. N. BROWN, 8-Mm Room S, upstairs, Tioga Illdg. Trtb for salo by all druggists. 25c Can Do Wonders In tho way of a meal, If you call on George Bros., tho Whlto House Restaurant. Thoy can servo you tho host to bo had on tho coast. Opon ilny and night. Try Them and Be Convinced That Dranson & Ragan have the best grocorles that can bo found any whero. You will And them on tho cor ner of Commercial and' Court streets fjj UJ i . Spring' Water Is what Strong's uso on their tables. On th obo warm ilays(thorq Is nothing like It. . ' ' ' , Trlb fbr sa'lo at Daniel Fry's. Hay;, Scales First-class hay scales now In opera tlon at the Electric Store, on East State street. Always ready for busl uesa. A. S. EPPLEY, Prop. 7.18-tf WHAT TIME PROVES. This thing of being sick, and looking ror a cure is a roignty serious duei ness. People are, not given to Joking even afthe first symptom of the ap proach of tho grim destroyer. They do not want to be tbo subjects of ox perlmcnt, but want medicine that has I.. the test of years behind it. A medicine that has been made and used for 20 years gives assuranco of its worth, and can be taken with a faith that tLoy have tho very best cure the world affords. All this can be said aoout Dr. Dunn's Improved I.Ivor Pills as a remedy tor sick-headache, dys pepsia and .Indigestion, it begins right at the source of the trouble and re moves the cause. We will send a sample box of these pills free, or a full box on receipt of zee. Cold try all dngsists for 25c per box, or address Dr. Bosanko Co., PfciUuletbla, Pa. For sale at Dr. Stone's Drag Stores. 2 CASTOR I A Jor Infest vaA CMWrea. Tk KW Y )tri Affiys hofr Bears the Z&ftfIfa Signature j NO SHADOW "Of, outward misfortune can darken the siililc of the loyal wife and loving mother. But, when disease" 'comes the smile slowly fades, and in 1U 'place comes the drawn face and tight closed lips which tell of the con stant struggle with pain. When the deli cate womanly Organism is dis eased the whole body suiters ; the forin rows thin, and the complex ion dull, The first stcp'to sound health is to cure the diseases which undermine the womanly Strength. Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescrip tion establishes regularity, dries disagreeable drains, heals in-' flammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. The wonderful cures of womanly diseases effected by the use of "Favorite Prescription place it at the front of all put-up medicines speci ally prepared for the use of women. I was troubled with female weakness fbr ctfrht years, ami suffered more than I can tell." writes Mti. Mwtr, of Orando, Dwlodge Co., Montana. My disposition was affected to 'such an extent that to aay a pleasant word to any one was almost An Impossibility. "I had two operations performed by one of not get relief. Then, against iny doctor's strict orders, I commenced taking Dr. Merce's Favorite rrecrlHlon aud 'Colden Medical Dis covery,' and alio followed the advice given la i the Common Sense Medical Adviser, "I continued this treatment for three months, and, today am as healthy and well as a woman can be. I cannot thank Dr. Fierce enough for his kind letters to me." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure bll Iousucm and sick headache. $100 Reward. ..$100 reward will bo paid for Infor mation leading to tho arrest and con viction of the party or parties who, on tho bight of August 4, 1003, damaged nnd attomptcd to destroy tho dam at tho head of tho ditch of tho Salem Flouring Mills Co., In tho Santlam river, near Stayton, Oregon. SALEM FLOURING MILLS CO., 8-11-Ct Snlom, Oregon. n Bed Time , i take a pleasant horb drink, tho next morning I feel bright and my com plexion is better, My doctor says It acta gently on the somacho, llyor and Kidnoys, and Is a pleasant laxative It la mado of herbs, and Ib proparod as .easily as tea. It Is called Lane's mcd lclno. All druggists sell It at 25c and 50 cents. Lano'a TamliV Medicine moves tho bowels each day. If you cannot get it, sond for free samples. Address, Orator Woodward, LoTloy, N. Y. A HIIllHIfAI, OPnitATION U altrdys dairrerouy da not submit to the xurKcnn knife until 'you have tried He Witt's Witch llatel Hiilve. It will cure when everything else faltis It baa dona this in iuousuuub ui cHBrB, iiero in uuci ur llivui ; I suffered from bleeding- and protruding piles for twenty years. Was treated by different sneclullsta and used rannv rome. dleR. hut obtained no relief until I used DoWltt'H Wllcli Haiel Halve. Two boxen of thin salve curod me eighteen montha ago aud I Imve not had a touch or the piles since. II. A. Tlnsdale. Hummerlon. H. (.'. Kor Hllnil, rilccdlng, Itching and I'rotrud Ing Piles no remedy equals TlnWItt'a Wltell llatel Halve. pout uj r O. Haas, 00 Htate, atrrct. Trlb macy. for salq at Uio Palaco Pbar- OA.bVOZlXA. Burs tis j W Kind Yen Haw Alwin BoifjU lhKhdY( BIfaitBt WZ&c f Trlb for salo by all druggists, Excursion to Yaquina ,$2.50 ROUNJ TRIP. Sunday, August lGth, wo shall run an excursion to Yaquina Day and New port on the following tlmu schedule: I.oa vo Sllvorton ' G:00 A.M. " ML Angel 6:10 A'rivo Woodburn 6:25 I.eavo Woodburn 6:30 " dentals , ., C:38 " Salem C:12 A'rlve Albany , . .6:58 Loavo Eugeug . . X , j ... . .G:2aA;M. I) -. JWI9 SOW hit !? I " Harrlsburg ........... 0:0G " ,IIalsey ..,..,.,,.t0!22 A'rlv&Albany ,., J, ,70:68 Train will run throuch to Yanulna without change, returning samo day. SURE CURE FOR PILES. Itching Piles produce moisture and cause Itching, this fonil, aa woll as mind. Weeding or Protruding Piles aro cured by Dr, Do-san-ko's Pile Rem edy, stops Itching and bleeding. Ab sorbs tumors, GOc a Jar at druggists, or sent by mall. Treatise Free. Write mo about your case. Dr, Dosanko, Philadelphia, Pa, For salo at Dr. Stone's drug stores. o Jk. m v o aa a: jk. . 3striti Iha Ktod Ym Hue Aiwar BacX White. The modern Innovation of white casket, white heorso and white horses no doubt has como to stay, especially In the case of tho obsequies of people below middle age. Enterprise, fpre slgbt and business tact has brought our Capital City up to data In this re specL Kind treatment and best of services guaranteed, W. T. niODON, 7-24-1 m 142 Court Street. 'O OASIVORXA. B..H1L. j,V KW Yw Mm Htm bmM SJfiMus BBBBJBBBJBBSI fluHdi uLbLbbbbV Ot&fWZ&c CLASSIFIED ADS AiverMMaHatt. fire Uses or !. hi ink tstom larttifthrf e Mntifer ase. SOca Wctk Sl.SO a moath. All over fivt Uses at IS sarnt rate. i.i.i. i in i linn i WANTED. Wanted. A position lis nurse. Ad dross '"H.," caro Journal. 8-13-3t Wanted. At Wlllnmetto Hotel, oic-8-lOtf vator boy. Married Couple. No children, want three or four housekeeping rooms; closo In. Address "J.," Journal. 8-8-Ct Wanted. Intelligent persons to copy letters nt homo; $12.60 paid weokly. Send stamped cnvolopo for Bamplo letter and Instructions, Eureka Com-- pany, 23 Duano streot, Now York. 8-8-lw LOtTANPFOUrD. Bicycle Found. A man's whool found near state hottso. Call on J. K. Stan ton, 16th and Mill stroots. 88-U-3t FOR BALE. For Sale. See J. W. Mdnloy, In South Salem, for good second-growth fir and ash wood. Also baled oat hay. 8-13-Gt For Sale, A good milch cow; fresh soon; also an open buggy, good as now. Call on D. F. Jorman, 210 Commercial street, 8-1 2-3 1 For Sale. A good second-, hand buggy, also a single hnrncss. Inqulro of Mitchell, Iowls & Stavor. 8-12-3t For Sale. Tho prunes on 10 acres, near Roaodale. Inqulro at Manulng & Ferguson's hardwaro storo, H& lorn, Oregon. 8-8-lwk Fop Sale 90-ocro farm In Marlon county, Vi mllo of Santlam river, In good sottlomont, Flvo-room houso, barn and necessary outbuildings. Wall watorod with, spring water at . tho door. Ton acres of fruit of all kinds, principally winter applcu. A flno fruit and dairy farm, with lota of out-rango; within H mllo of rati-J road, school, church and business town, with largo monthly payroll. This is a beautiful farm of good, block, productive land, and it sold at onco will tttko $2000, with half down, and tho balance from 3 to 6 years, at 6 per cont interest Im inodlato poasosslou. For further , information address J, R. Ray, Mill ' City, Ore. 0-3-3m FOR, RENT. iRobm's for- Rent Up stairs, Cottlo block, 'by day, week, or mouth. Al so light housekeeping rooms, Klec- trie Hulitn. Opuu all hours. TilutUo Ilutchlnsou, Prop. Commercial St., No. 333. Phone: 20CC Main. MISCELLANEOUS. Juat Arrived A largo stock of gouts' furnishing goods, clothing, hats, no tions and fancy goods, trunks, tola scopes and valines, etc. You can get bargains at No. 140 State stroet. S. Friedman, manager. 8-7-tf Tho Proper Thing Tho popular drink for family uso Is Q, B. soda aud carbonated bovorages, Every body should kcop theso goods at their homos. Call up Qldeon Stole Co. 'pudtio 421. I Have Just Purchased Tho Miller stock or now and socond-baud goods 'at 210 Commercial stroet. Will glvo you good treatment and doslro your patronage. Second hand goods bought and sold.. Also a nice stock of new goods on band. D. F. Jor mau. 7-21-tf Screen Doors fl.lG and upward, in cluding hardwaro, screen windows, Wiro Cloth, Lawn und Flold Fenc ing and Shlnglos all at lowest prices. WALTiSK MORLBY, CO Court St., Salem, Or. Unique Cleaning Rooms Shaw A Jonnson, tho cleaners, are now lo cated, at 209 Commercial street Thoy do a gonoral pressing and re pairing business. Specialties: Skirts, silk waists, kid gloves, gonts' cloth ing etc. Phono 2014. 6-28-lyr. You will alwaya find the choicest meats at tho lowest prires at Ed ward's & Luscber's, 406 and 410 8tato street 'Phono orders given special attention, LODWEM. Central Lodge No. 18, K, of P. Coatlo Hall In Holman block, corner Stato and Liberty Sts. Tuesday of bach weok at 7:30 p, m. A. 13. Strang C. O., It. J. Fleming K. of IL and B. Foresters of Arrferica Court She wood Foresters No. 10. Meets Fri day night In Tumor block. S. W, Mlnturn. C. R.; A. L. Brown, Sec. Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 6246. Meets every Thursday oVenlng'at 8 o'clock Holman Hall, Frank A. Turner, Y, C; A. 1a Drown, Clerk. Protection Lotfao 'No. 2, Ancient Or der United Workmon, meets every Saturday- evening In tbo Holman Hall, corner Stato and Liberty streets. Visiting brethren welcome. J. a Oraham, M. W.; J. A. Hellwood Recorder. f H-I.CJA-N:'- .ANP. VPpEON8. Drs, Morse and Robertson. Rooms 1 to 6, 'Holman block. Telephone 1381. Or. W. S. Mott Will hereafter be tfound.JjUKdJJrey block. srtiCom- luiurclsl street, over Qregou MUq JCo, Offlco telephone, 2931; real. donco, phone, 276l Oalca 'hours 9 !to J2. and 2 to G. 1 OflTSWrATHY. Drs. M. Ts SchesUle, Frank J. Bart ?nnJ Anna M. Bsrr. Orsiduatea American" School of Osteopathy,' Co, THREE isv - w".-..r-vwiiM Klrksyllle, , Mo., successors to -Dr.. Gra'coj Albright OfflcrtMura lonullso'to 4:80 joVldck. 0i rollows' Tomple, PhondMaln 2721H resldonco. phono 2603 red. , Dr. H. H. 8eovell, Ougfleatlya Thare poutlcs and Osteopatliy. Norvous functional and. montal dlsoaaoAj hou ralgla, hoadachQS, ucrdvous prostra tion,' dyspopsm; Conlstlpationi dlat riioca, theumatlsm, asth'o'rt; r etc" D'Arcy block, Btato streot Plibfaa Main' 28Br.- V TONSOniAL AND BATH. Ryan's Shaving Parlors Sovoh first- class harbors engaged. Finest bath rooms In city. Wo 'uso antiseptic storlllzor. J. Ryan, Prop. Evan' Barber Shop Only first-class shop on State- stropt Every thing now and. up-to-dato, Flnot jjiprco lain baths. Shavo, iGo; hair-cut' 2Gb baths, 2Gc, Tw6 flrst-olasa boot blacks. O. W. Evans, proprietor. FRUIT TRAYS. BOXES and CRATES all kinds as4 style; First Class .work aal awttrUljFrle rases able. ShopoaMllfer St., South Silert. FheneRM'21Uf ' GEO. F. MASON. THE ELITE CAFE SOB Commercial fitrsat Crawfish )A!1 sei-vcdj'n HotTamales the most ap Cold Lunches ) petizing style & ECKBRLBN, Proprietor,:. B S. C. STONE, M. Dt ....PROfRIETOR OF.... ' STONE'S DRUG STORES, 8ALEM, OREGON, , Tho stores (two 1n number) are lo cated at No. 235 and 297 Commercial ' streot, and aro woll stocked wltk a comploto lino of drugs and nedtctaatv loilot artlcloa, perfumery, braakea, etc. Has bad somo 2 years, expatieace ta the practice of medicine, aad aert makes no charges for eoaeultatlea, aralnatloa or presorlptlosu ii - ' ' ,'itn CAFITAt CITY Express and transfer Meets all mail and passenger" iralas Daggago to all partn of tho cKy. Prompt sorvlcoj Telophoue No. 241; HECKMAH. REDRICK A KONYf R CAPITAL NATIONAL Bank of 8alm. The only National aak la Martofi County, TranaacU a gcaoral bankiaj buslnoss, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Pays Intorcat oa savlags aecouala; Harper's Whiskey Is the tt Qet soma Into your vssL Qui. Schrelber kssps It, An?l you Know the rest FAFMBR'S HOME 1SS Stats Str. nYY TV! AMMflMnalMiUjMBI OtwM ttUtit, Sutoitliu, M. O., tltu I MMav I -' wz "r 17-''". ,w "'. rt m, v9tw i urtaBMi.w. ..., ,iu. "mj llrtsalWMlMM'! MU.S." Pf, H, U. H.UIII, Clutlk. Ins, VrilMlJ -ia s HHiMMlirmi. I uum nuliul mm! tuM,' Ckks, M Cm, IuIn Int. awal t sm(M r il ;... I Sftis Iul4 u VWft.' IIUIL ll CM. BU..U. I tOTMUU. aUSTIN SJDV. UNOTI; 9k. Said In Salem by 8. G. SHewe, Call for Free Sample. O. H. MACK Successor to Dr. J. M keoriu, In" Wblto Corner, Salem, Oregon, Parties) desiring superior operations at mo erat feo In any branch an In oapoclsl request 'Your Stepmother. Is still here, and aa busy M ever. When your clothes arfl'wora and dirty, or the buttons "effj take them to nor, at the' Salem Dyaiaa and Cleaning Works. Repairing aad rellalug; new velvet collars put M overcoats; alsb four suits a month tot IL Called for and returned. MBS. O. n. WALKBft, Pre: IM Commercial SHreat OTiCHCorCH'sl HWYRQY!XJ, i TaWa aier rti fi bmtifiv u uv.ii .i t MkUHIIUH, SS? JffVSS. M'-ll.U.rl I na MiM. la. su irr W'"f' .. - Notice to Taxpayers, Tha board of cquilUatlon for Ma rlon cquuty, Pegop, will m.eet at (h office of tho county clerk on, Moqday, August 31, JD03 at 9 g'clock a, m., and will remain in sosslon each successlyf day for ono wtdc All parties (otorcsted aro request to appear And examine their aasoea- ment for tho year 1003, and. hayq.el errprs corrected by, said board(,tf any there be, aa no corrections can be, , ..-.. w .kw.4S.aBawkwaisaMa,. mauo aiior. too adjournment oz aa board. Assessol Salem, Oregon, Augusts, J9Q?;,, v ,..8-8:aWjjv Trlb foe sale'ly Ue'Caaaf Dtta n, (SW"1 CNHJH ibm U taULU siM. U Ry llaiMsMM ava.4 Matts ' iyfWUfTjN aiaUsiav M Ur TajaaWipUi jk' Mr tfWTaawajMSjiaJM. W9WW aWissau r iiMr r lir , FvuLi aPV I S nl 1 I l I VI 'i A 1 '1 'I i 1 i :1! i t ! A m If &iltA; . - . . l.Je