The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, August 03, 1903, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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i i i n'l i i
(Pa 1 'Pol
Sec Out Entire Line of Dining Tafcles
at Summer Time Prices
lie House Furnishing Company, i
Salem. 269 Liberty
Has como to the conclusion that
o of tho vegetable kingdom is a failure When your system Is run out
out puro blood. You will
gdom. Poisonous drugs nor doctors' knives nor thunder and
tnlng wll not removo tho cause, but lay tho foundation for al klndi
disease. Thoso poisons go into your bones, and kill tho llfo ot them
d crcato all kinds of diseases, cancorous tumors, consumption, dropBj
e diseases, etc. You must bear in
sonous tonic, nor r stimulant, nor
Bonous drugs, whero tho rosults aro
o tho mcdlcino, whon it takes an
aso in tho nystom. You must not
r sicknoss or diseoso has been a
long tltno to get it out of your system. It will take months or a year tc
lid a now body from the bones up.
tond. Thoy aro used to being humbugged. His mcdlclnos aro com
od of Naturo's Horb what tho
Is get sick thoy will help thomselvos to thoso horbs, for they have tho In
ict, and tho ncoplo havo not, so wo havo to inako a study ot It It kas
a llfo study with Dr. Cook. Do not get weary; this life Is too shorr
too sweet to worry out of this world.
for. Cook Cures All
301 Liberty Street,
Choice and Cheap Meats
i will soil tho host Meats that thaStato of Oregon can produco, as low
any ot my competitors, and for thopresont, will quoto the following
prices, and at tho samo tlmo lnvltoyou to call and lnspoct our Meats and
got our prices on meats in quantities:
'.Until further notlco the following aro
Eny prlces:
pound steak 10c
Chuck steak ... .... 7c
Roast boot 0 to lOo
nolllng boot 5 to 7o
Mutton for quarter Co
Drcast of Mutton 4c
Hind quarter ot mutton 8c
tLcg ot mutton 10c
IPork loin s 10c
Pork shoulder 8c
tVcol, hind quarter 10c
fcVcal, foro quarter , 7o
venty years exporlonco soiling
i meats. I will moot all cuts.
E. C. CROSS, Phone
icob Vogt, 265 Com'l St
Men's and ladles' good fitting dress
loes at the lowest price. Also some
rpkensizes. aome were S3. 50 now
.50. 53.00 now, etc uo
iiere you can get a bargain.
J. Brownstein & Son.
54 State street. Highest cash price
lid for Hides. Pelts. Wool. Tallow
bdfnrs? also feeneral dealer In old
sn, Rubberand Metals.
a Card
all consumers of ice in
Salem and vicinity
laving fcouBhtthe Capital Ice Works
k rncn tf ii 1 1 is n1lrlt-a i-nntlnmnyi
your patronage. We will endeavor
improve ine service ana win Keep
line present excellent uuaiuy oune
lease address all orders to tbe
nersignea or jeiepiiunc ru. zui.
Good Beer for Salem
s It will take some time to place
' product In the market from the
em Brewery -and as we wish to get
rted in business and In touch with
trade in Salem and vicinity at an
Ivdate. we have made arrange-.
nts to handle tbe Olymcla and Bell
nam Bay brews, so wen ana lavor
y known bv the ceoole of the Pa
le coast. Our will be the
f Bne as the local brewery has charg;
Band the service we will render will
made satisfactory.
lem Brewery Ass'n
nrmiimTnnrmTmnTTmmnmTTm i
all profession ot tbe healing ait out
only And vitality in tho vegetablt
mind that his mcdlcino is not
tomporary rollof which you get from
suro death sooner or later. Do not
effect and stirs up tho poisons 01
aspect to bo curod in a few days, for
long time coming on, and it will take
This Is what tho pcoplo do not un
human system roqulros. When tho an!
Kinds of Diseases
Salem, Oregon.
291, Salem, Oregon
A stove that Is always ready!
A stove that makes no smoke, smell ot
A safe stove! An economical stove! A
clean stove!
A stove that requires no skill to oper
ate It!
A stove which has revolutionized
"cooking," and has transformed
the drudgery of the kitchen work
into a pleasant pastime.
A "Quick Meal" Stove will do any and
all work that can be done on a wood
or coal stove, only with the differ
ence that the "Quick Meal" does It
quicker, cheaper and In a more agree
able and reliable way.
R. M. Wade & Co.
If you want a nice fresh cake Just try
Strong's1 restaurant, all kinds. We also
give you the' best meals that are to be
bad in tho cltyrf1 ! eod
Trib for sale by all druggist.
w&&if ItPBBBWfcJ1 iBBa
Record of the Reliance
in her Trial
Beat Constitution and Col
umbia Repeatedly and
Broke Record for
30 Mile Course
In .view of tho approaching race, tho
following rosumo of (he cup defender's
performances aro of more than usjinl
Almost oxactly two years ago, when
the cup challenge commlttco of the
New York Yacht Club selected tho old
Columbln to defend tho America's cup
and rojectcd tho now Constitution,
them wero many yachtsmen of wis
dom who declared that tho building of
ninety-foot yachts for speed had about
reached tho limit ot possible develop
ment on this side of the Atlantic.
However, tho series of races this
summer between tho now Iiollnnco, the
Constitution and tho Columbia, ending
In the solcctlon ot the Rollnnco by the
cup commlttco to dofend America's
cup, tolls a vory dlfforont story.
Tho Rollnnco was built this spring.
Tho Constitution was built two years
tigo, Tho Columbia was built two
years boforo that. In tholr first np-
penranco, on May 21st, tho Ilellanco
beat tho Columbia 14& minutes over
a 25-mlle course. On May 23d tho Ro
llanco bent the Columbia by two miles
and tho Constitution by ono and a
half miles.
On May 2Gth tho Ilellanco bent the
Constitution handily on Long Island
sound, whllo tho old Columbia was
left far behind. Again on May 30th,
tho Ilellanco defeated tho Constitution
and tho Columbia by nearly 25 mln-
utos. On Juno 11th, again on Juno
20th, and then again on Juno 29th,
tho Rollnnco beat tho Constitution and
tho Columbia in hnndoomo stylo On
tho latter occasion tho Reliance broka
nil records for tlmo ovor a 30-mllo
courso, and then, on July 1st, again
smnshed tho now record that sho had
ma do.
Additional victories ovor hor two
rivals were scored by tho Rollanco on
July 17th. July 18th, July 20th and
July 22d. On two of thoso occasions
tho victory was given to tho Constltu
tlon on tlmo allowances, although tho
Rollanco finished well In tho lead. In
tho first thrco official trial races off
Newport on Monday, tho Reliance
ngaln won In declslvo style, and wns
sclectod far tho honor ot defending
America's cup without further dem
onstration. A study of this soricB of racos
should convlnco tho most skeptical
that tho process of developing tho
merlcnn racing yacht Is still un
checked. For CO yenrs tho superior
designing ability and mechanical skill
of tho Amorlcan pcoplo havo mado tho
American yacht tho queon of tho sons,
and today tho latest effort of Amorl
can designers and bulldors Is tho best.
It roust bo satisfactory to the Amer
ican people to know that wo shall en
ter tho International races thrco
weeks honco with tho host racing ma
clilno that this country has ever
turned out. It remains only for the
Amorlcan sailors to show their tradi
tional skill. And on this point the
people havo llttlo fear.
Salmon are
Running well
Every cannery and cold-storage plant
on tho river was blocked today, and
tho fish caught yesterday will not be
cleared up boforo tonight.' Last plght
the glllnettcrs wero told not to go out,
but many of them did so, and, whllo
considerable fish aro befpg saltod
down for private use. many will havo
to be thrown away. Some of the can
neries and cold-storago plants recolvod
flsh today, but It was only what they
wore practically compelled to take.
Tho traps aro avoraglng wall npw. and
the seines are scooping them up by tho
ton. It wns oxpooted that there would
be another drop la tho price, but It re
mains at five cents fiat for all slzos of
fish and probably will for a fow days
at least, as the p'res'eht- run mtght not
extend long, and then those who cut
tho price would suffor. Warren is
sending several carloads tb his War
rendale cannery this evening, and F. J.
Seufert, Tho Dalles canneryman, Is
ero trying to make arrangements to
send fish to bis cannery. McQowan Is
now reaping the benefit of the new II
waco cannery and Is not badly dis
tressed in handling the flsh offered.
Astoria Budget
Does not take into consideration the one
Essential to woman's happiness wom
anly health. There is many a woman
whose future seems absolutely unclouded
who is marked by her own condition for
future disappointment and distress.
i ue woman wno
neglects her health
is neglecting the
very foundation of
an gootl fortune.
For without health
love loses its lustre
and gold is but
Womanly health
may le retained or
regained by the
use of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescrip
tion. It establishes
regularity, dries
the drains which
weaken women,
heals Inflamma
tion and ulcera
tion and cures
female weak n cm.
It makes weak
women strong,
sick women well.
L' 11
Dr. Fierce offers 500 reward for women
who cannot be owed of the above dis
eases. His "Prescription" has been so
successful in curing thousands of cases
in thb past third of a century that he
makes this remarkable offer to show his
I ha c taken six bottle of Dr. Pierce's I'vor
lle l'rcacriplion," write Mlas M lfyfe.of Orlllla,
Slnicoe Co Ontario, "and two bottle of the
l'lraranl Pellet' a OU atlvitef) for congestion
of uteni ovarie anil wcakncit. and can safely
say that jour medicine ha leen the meant of
rcttoritic; tne to good health again, which I hail
not Mad (or over three yean, until taking your
medicine I thanl you very much for your Unit
and prompt attetitlun to my letter asking ad ice
" Favorite Prescription " has the testi
mony of thousands of women to Its com
plete cure of womanly diseases.
Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pellets clear the
complexion and sweeten the breath.
Rich Strike
In Alaska
A Vnncouvor, n ' C, dispatch of July
31 say 8: The stcamor Amur arrived
from Skagway this morning, bringing
further ndvlccs regarding tho now
placer strlko on tho Tagega river, to
which throngs aro hurrying.
K. P. Hendorson, tho first roan to re
turn to Whtto Horso, spoko enthusias
tically of tho richness ot tho plnco. Ho
said It was rlchor than Klondike.
Tho strlko is 180 miles from White
Thlrteon other stampedors who wero
returning to Whlto Horso for food sup
plies on Monday stato that gold In pay
ing quantities is being found on tha
surface tho full length of Ruby and
Fourth ot July creeks. Doth woro well
No one has reached bedrock, though;
In fact, no ono who had arrived had
sent tools or provisions to allow of this
work to bo undertaken. .
Tho results taken from tho surface
over a wldo area aro sufficient to show
that tho now diggings aro very rlcln
This is not a gentlo word but
whon you think how llablo you aro
not to purclmso tho only remedy-universally
known and a remedy that has
tho largest salo of any mcdlcino in
tho world slnco 1808 for tho euro and
treatment of Consumption and Throat
and Lung troubles without losing Its
great popularity all these years, you
will bo thankful wo called your atten
tion to Boschco'a German Syrup.
There nro so many ordinary cough
romodlos mado by druggists and oth
ers that aro cheap and good for light
colds perhaps, but for sovoro coughs,
bronchitis, croup and especially for
consumption whero thoro Is difficult
expectoration and coughing durlngs
the nights and mornings, thoro is
nothing Ilko Gorman Syrup. Tho 25
cent size has Just been Introduced
this year. Regular slzo 75 cents. Dr.
Stones' Drug Stores.
Slnco tho spine is the oxlt of the
nerves, how can you expect to bu
healthy whore It Is out ot normal' posi
tion? Any deviation of tho spine may
causq troublo, no matter in how slight
a degree.
Drs. Schoettlo, Darr & Darr, Osteo
paths, Grand Opera House, Salem, Or.
How's This?
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any coso of Catarrh that
cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. F. J. CHENEY,
Toledo, O.
We, tho undersigned, hnvo known
F, Cheney for the last 15 yars. and
believe him perfectly honorable In all
business transactions and financially
able to carry-out any obligations made
by their Arm. WE8T & TRUAX.
Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O.
Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter
nally, acting directly upon tho blood
end mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials free. Prlco 75c per bot
tle Sold by all druggists.
Hall's Family PJlls aro tho best
Itch(ng Piles produco molsturo and
cause itching, this form, as well as
Blind, ' Bleeding or Protruding Piles
are cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pile Rem
edy, stops itching and bleeding. Ab
sorbs tumora 50c a jar at druggists,
or sent by malL Treatise Free. Write
me about your case. Dr. Bosanko,
Philadelphia, Pa. For sale at Dr.
Stone's drug stores.
A4rerttesi.rhw Km iot UM,fai title cetefta
liemdibrt time for aSc. 30a Wk SI-SO
a month, ab over nvente atmiiai rste.
Wanted. Eight men
.bridge Apply C. F.
to work on
Royal. 8-l-3t
Wanted. A dining room girl. Forria
pent Job for tho right party. Cot
tngo Hotol. 7'31'St '
Wanted, Carpenters. Six or soven
finishing carpenters wanted ncjU
Monday. O. A.'Qniy.- 7-3l-tf
Wanted. Five porRons to go to South
ern Oregon, to tnko up valuable- lim
ber claims. For particulars Inquire
of W. H. Farkor, nU stato printer's
office. ... - 7-31-31
Wanted. A girl for, general hous'o
work In small family. Good wages
to a competent girl. 373 Chomokota
Btrect. 7-28-tf
Wanted. Young man.
eri & Co.
Geo. F. Rodg-7-30-3t
Lost. A red cow, has boll, fow whlto
spots, nnd Is branded "V R." oil
right hip. Notify Thomas Tweod,
R. F. D. No. 7, nnd rccclvo liberal
roward. 8-81-3t
For 8ale. A horso, weight about 1100
pounds, good slnglo. doublo or for
saddle Inqulro of O. Ilaumgartnor,
fairgrounds. 7-30-3t
Body Fir and Ash. A limited supply
for sale. Geo, F. Rodgers, Court and
Liberty streets. 7-28-0t
For Sale. A Bod second-hand wagon
at 400 Capital street. Call at prem
ises and 8oo tho wagon. Charles
O'Rrlcn. 7-28-C10
For Sale. A stenra onglno, about two
horso power, In good condition. Call
on E. Kills, at Flcur do Lis confec
tionery storo. Snlom. 7-22-tf
For Sale. Now and aocond-hnnd
spring nnd farm wagons, bugglos,
carts, poles, shafts, wheels, etc.
Horso shooing, repairing; painting
dono on short notlco and rcasonnblo.
Nob. 78, 70, 80, Broadway, North
Salem. Werner Fonnel, proprietor.
For Sale. A good work horso, about
9 or 10 years old, wolght 1250. Call
two blocks cast and four blocks
north ot tho North Salem Bchool. N.
O. Shantz. 0-23-tf
For Sale 90-acro farm In Marlon
county, i mtlo of Santlam rlvor. In
good settlement. Five-room house,
narn ana necessary outbuildings.
Well waterod with spring wator at
tho door. Ton acres of fruit ot all
kinds, principally wintor apples, A
flno fruit and dairy farm, with lots
or out-raugo; within hi lullo of rail
road, school,, church and business
town, with largo monthly payroll.
This Is a beautiful farm of good,
black, productive land, and If sold
at onco will tako $2000, with half
down, and U10 balanco from 3 to 5
years, at C por cont Intorost. Im-
medlato possession. For furthor
Information address J. E. Ray, Mill
mty. ore. o-3-3m
Rooms for Rent Up BtaJrs, Cottio
block), by day, week, or month, Al
so light housekeeping rooms. Elcc
trie llghta Opon nil hours.
Mattlo Hutchinson, Prop,
Commercial St., No. 333,
Phone: 29C5 Main,
Dr. W. S. Mott Will horeaftor bo
found In tho Droy block, 27CMi Com
mercial streot, ovor Oregon 8hoo
Co. Ofilco telephone 2931; rosl
donco phono, 2751. Offlco hours 9
to 12. and 2 to 5.
I Have Just Purchased Tho Mlllor
stock of now and second-hand goods
at 210 Commercial street. Will glvo
you good trcatmont and doslro your
patronage Second hand goods
bought and sold, Also a nlco stock
of now goods on hand. D. F. Jor
man. 7-21-tf
8creen Door Now and second-hand.
From 75o to 11.35. J. N. Schauta1
aocond-hand ttoro, 107 Court Streto,
Salem, OreRon. 0-5-tt
Screen Doors S1.1S and upward, in
cluding hardwaro, screen windows,
Wlro Cloth. Lawn and Flold Fenc
ing and Shlnglos all at lowest
CO Court SL, Salem, Or.
McReynolds Brothers Proprietors of
Twelfth-street store, Urocerlos and
feed. 406 Stato stroot. 'Phono 2621
Unique Cleaning Rooms Shaw A
Johnson, tho clcanora, aro. now lo
cated at 209 Commercial street
They do a gonoral pressing and re
pairing business. Specialties; Skirts,
silk waists, kid gloves, gonts' cloth
ing, etc. Phono 26H. 5-28-lyr.
You will always find the choicest
meats at tho lowest prices at Ed
ward's & I.uachr'H, 400 and 410
State street. 'Phone orders given
special attention.
Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Castle
Hall In ilolman block, corner mate
and Liberty Bts. Tuesday of each
week at 7:30 p. in. A. E. Strang
C. C. R. J. Fleming K. of R. and S,
Foresters of America Court Sher
wood Foresters No. 19. Meets Fri
day night In Turner block. S, W
Minturn. C. R.; ,A L. Brown. Sec.
Modern Woodmen of America Ore
gon Cedar Camp No. 524C. Meets
every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock
Holman Hall, Frank A. Turner, V.
(!; a I. urown i-iprw
pioiection iouge rto. 'A, Ancioiti Mr
dor United Workmen, meets every
Saturday evening In the Holman
Hall, corner Stato and Liberty
streets. Visiting brethren welcome.
J. O. Graham, M. W.; J. A. Boltwood
Drs. M. T. Schoettle, Frank J. Barr
and Anna "ff, - Darr. Graduates
Amorlcan, School of Osteopathy,
KlrkBvllla, Moj successors to Dr.
Qraco Albright .. OMco hours 9 to
12 and 1:30 to 4?30 o'clock Odd
Follows' Tomplo, Phono Main 2721r;
resldonco phono 2C03 rod.
Dr. H. H. 8covell, Suggestive' There
poutlcs, and Osteopathy. NorTOu's
functional and montnl diseases, ncfl
ralgla, hcadach03, nordvous prostra
tion, dyspepsja, constipation, dlar-
v rhocq,- rheumatism, asthma, etc.
D'Arcy block, Stato stroot Phono
Ryan's Shaving Parlors Sovon first
class harbors engaged. Flnoat bath
rooms in city. Wo una antiseptic
. storlllzor'. J. Rynn, Prop.
Evan's Barber Shop Only first-class
shop on Stnto stroot. Evory thing
now and up-to-dato. Finatt porce
lain baths. Shave, 15c; hair-cut 25c
baths, 26c. Two flrst-closo boot
blacks. O. W. Evans, proprietor.
all kinds and styles. First Class'
work and material. Prlctsmsoa-'.
able. Shop on Miller St.. South
Salem. Phone Red 2191.
GEO. F. MAS9N. f
208 Commercial 8trt '
Crawfish ) AH served id
Hot Tamales the most ap
Cold Lunches ) petting; style
a ECKBRLBN, Proprietor
S. C. STONE, M. D-
Tha stores (two 'n number) are ty
catcd at No. 235 and 297 Commercial
itroot, nnd aro welt stockod with
comploto lino ot drugs and modlclnei,
tollot articles, perfumery, brushes),
Has bad sotno 26 yoars experience ti
tho practice ot medicine, sad bow
makes no charges tar consultation, ex
amination or prescription.
Express and Transfer
Xfnnta nil mnll nml nnnnrrAf 4rln
titvwvw aau yiawwwwp kMw
Daggngo to all parta ot tho city.
rrompi sorvico, xciopnono no ai.
For wator sorvico apply at ofilco.
Dills payablo monthly In ndvnnco.
Mao all complaints at tho office
Bank of Salem.
The' only National ank In Marlon
County, Transacts a genoral banking
Pays Intorost on savings, accounts.
Harper's Whiskey It the bsst
Get aome Into your vest
Que. Schrelbar keeps It.
And you know tha rest
153 State Btrt,
Bold In Salem by S. C. Stone-
Call for Free Samples.
Made ud In new line of wrappers, al
colors. White Uaderwear. All kinds
of walstsj fancy summer (roods, silks,
mattlRfrs. Gents and ladles furnish
Ion goods how for sale cheap. 100
Court St . Salem, Or. Corner Alley.
Hay Scales
First-class bay 'scales now In opera
tion at tho Eloctrio Storo, on East
Stato street. Always ready for busi
ness, A. S. EPPL13Y, ProV.
Successor to Dr J. M. Keeno, In
White Corner, Salem, Oregon. Parties
desiring superior operations at mod
orat fee in any branch are In 'especial
.dv-x. wiuT"l ullr uu. .
t u, CiiidiiKTKin5 lNir.iJH
UKI u tr-14 IMItUM hlU, Mtlt
r .1 7hi vn.lM' M MM .. M
km Im I'arll.iilfn, IWDbmIuM
turaMtU. lo.oioTIm.m.n, aMitf
wmmmmm eeaai setw,
For IufaHti and GhlUraa.
Beara tbe
Signature of
ditto! StkMli, SiXMrllK C . ilu. 1 1 m v B
lUt f til al cult Ivl Ikwi Dr S, M Urw,
tuna Sm. W, Vh ilw t tkr ! atl.tfMl ittl.
f7rt.UM.' orllit MMiin, rumC,, t.., rtu.i.l
Bj u a trwiio r II 7tf. I atr t a
Pl ," ' faxt, H) Cim. tpt'ttn. aMB
J frMi." uaw7iw wiBT. UwcaiTlw, pa. Bj
L t- i
1 ' ale
r r avll