L-, I tup- iv ft TWO !HE BMLY JOURNAL Oerlpp New Association Jeleflrgms. 3 and 5 O'clock Edition. bo equal to any emergency that may arise In the campaign!' g I jj .... ML i inilRMAL XtRAYS, I JOURNAL XW If "' i4' ThnHoy pistol and the A BY HOFEB BROTHERS. DaliyJOflt Jtr. 4JX) In Advance, ally Three Month, $1.00 In Advancs. Oally by Carrier. 50 Cents Pr Month. Weekly One Year. 11.00 in Avanea. JOURNAL SPECIAL DELIVERY. Ono Week 1" Ono Month 3S Threo Month 1-00, At Journal office), At Daue'a Grocery, South Salem, At Bowereox Grocery, Yew Park. Asylum Avenue Grocery Store. . Electric GroceryEast State St m'iii I i) I u I II t H?-M II I I I I I H4I I I II I TheUoy pistol and the slot machine are twin relics or uaruansm. The Itopubllcans evidently wnntcd n-suceessful man-for mate-chairman. That rag-plclters'" trust In NewVork I ona.that J-Plerpont seemstto have fbrorlo6kel.-T ; I w 9i m ' Tho Spauldlng Logging Company li planning a jqXK dally capacity saw mill at Nuwbenr In gfj&ernmsntai' affairs the world for conservatism seems to he having a prolouaed innings. ' ni crowds at tho Chautauqua are cutting down the attendance at tno seaside summer resorts. hut u n THE DA.LY JOURNAL, AL H " " " " J immmmmKammmmmmmammm nflSTETTElft;? flHB JITTERS feorle who offer from Sto ch UK about dknu that (toot! health will n luin as soon as the stomach I reetond to its tnin condls Ion Try th. ttilter . It ivisititely curei Constlsttlon, Indlecstlon. Biliousness Dysrccsla or Malaria ej-M-nm The Weather. . Tonight and Tuosday fair; wnrmor Tuesday. STATE CHAIRMAN DAKER. The Journal does not. feel that nny. ono In.partlcularls responsible for tho tdnvallon of l'rank-O. linker to tho no utikfih "ot i&lato- qimlrman of the lie publican part. Probably a fow men who hAvi n pro ram ai to tho way ftfate iwlltlcs should ! managed Worked up tho inoctlng of tho committee and saw to It that the committor was favorablo Ho linker. Tho matter Is not very Important. In tho last annlysls a fow men alwayH Mo things In politics and In over other human affnlr. Home of the nowspaper commonts that are reproduced nt Portland arc not helping matters any, If the object 1)0 party harmony. Somo of tho Democratic and Popu list leaders havo always beon willing to help ono Hopubllcnn faction or tho other. No mattor how much tho Oregon Ttepubllrari factions are divided, It Is llopiihllcan government tho people got Tor their raonoy. ;Umlor these clrcumstancos no mat. tor who Is state chairman, ho la tho official head of tho domlnent and gov erning party In Oregon. Aa such Frank Ilokor occupies nn Important and respectohlo position. Those who Imaglno he will not per form Its duties In an energetic and creditable inamur do not know tho man. Soma nf tho opposition newspapers refer to him aa "an able and unscru pulous Hilltlclnii. who will accomplish his ends hy any means whatsoever." Well. Isn't that about tho sped (lea lloni of tlin successful manager of nny jHilltlcnl manager In these days? 'When wo consider how Democrats and Populists have lent themselves to Uopubllcan deadlocks and holdups ol the legislature tho word "uuscru lnilous" logos somo of Its political sting. jAnotliv Democratic paper ells Maker a "groftor and ruffian" and n IUjpubllaan piKr at Pgrtland copied Tho meaning of grafter Is getting pretty broad nnd Includes all who maku money nut of politic. In that sense llakor Is a "grafter- He made n. kxh! sited fortuno as Stato Prlntor, but mudo it according to the laws. The word "rufflan" I actionable at law and probably could not be proven orjusllllod against .llakor. lie was born nnd raised In Oregon. Ills father I a pioneer newspaper publisher. Daker probably roughed It n good deal. Aa James Whltcomh Hlley lays of one of his haraatera "Ho halnt rellned as he'd ortor bo To lit the statutes of poetry." Wank 0, lluW g not a perfect alnt bf ally mean. He lacks a great n of thai but bo la not a ruffian, and the. man who wrote that iti.i no Ignorant of the character be Is dealing iinnniuirir mav tie tho JlaRlans. rnn't bent them for the pennant, less It is In the playing off of the tie t .I.,- ...... I.I It , ",ln flltlf lllnil! null mi nuuiu uo i tie that binds." t S. Pague who used td graft tho stato for appropriations for tho state weather bureau, is now mailing nn hbnest living n a lawyer at Portland, Salem people will give their base ball team moro support In advqrsity than when In the sunshine of prosperi ty thoy were wiping off ono team after another, , ' . with. Kor hi onnorttinlUe. growing up as a poor hoy In Ruitern Orogon. wher ther wr few srhooli, and tho aver ago, ivmmunlty m runulng "wldo pen" iii la a pretty strong tye of wmteru cUImu. Th Jvyrnaj advises th opposition liajvors tt drop personalltttw nnd try !?ur 5". "lulng oamiialKn out of the auutulaue or material thtu- havo ivody at Uilr hands. ? "2K ,nhor u u b r " f'1"8. Chairman llaksr within the Jtetmbllran party, that Is another mat ,!l1ft.aui' nu.im will blamo the oppo ltloti lor taking advantago of it The war on Jack MHtthews as state j'hajrman cost the Hepubllcan party tke. governorship lu the last oleoUon. That was. a vrarfaro by HepHbllcttn. Marfan from Detnocratle sources will nut hurt Frank Bakr. He U a "u .w.ho '"" f1"'""'' wouin in the Mnnhtvm had mL PjHiMwmtlc watfaro on Matthew Mould uet haro tlofut(M Kuralnh far KOtmwt. If the waVfaro ow lVak.r l St teC as hl ertties art. Deiwienti Wa vm ifcUkl faith fua l J,u wn boiwetiuu. ii win b Ulf&trwt. U UtH- lw Hurt wink t.if .... H..ku.... '..: "-: """ .-...., V4MJ , ntmu(a Kntorinlnlng C'.iantnuqua nudloncos with a magician Is hrvdly P to the Ideals of a ChrlstlnnUy-promotlng ed ucational onterprlsc. Th- will noxt spring continuous vnudcvll!.'. Tho Innocnlntlon of tho soil with tho nlfnlfn mlerobe Is nonsldereji necossary to suocoss In raising thnt crop In the Wlllametto valley, accord ing to tho latest agricultural aclonco. It Is a hopeful sign for the Improve ment of tho Oregon public schools thnt whllo somo counties show do- crensod school population tho same counties show Increased attendance. Kvory nolltlclnn Is snld to have n llchtnlnu rod up nnd Is ready to bo struck, but not in tno way tno ugnion Incr hit n statuo of Honry Clay nt Lex ington, Ky., tho other day nnd knocked an arm off. Dr. Hutchlnson.Portlnnd officer of tho nurcau of Animal Industry, re fused an assignment to ofllco in Utah, preferring to remain In Portland. Ho has tho drop on tho government. Ho hoc a rich wlfo. . A fresh water pearl was found nt Oenoa, Wis., near Prnlrle du Chlon, weighing lnSfi grains and, nearly an Inch In diameter. It was sbld to a lo tal dealqr for $2875, believed to be but a 'rnoiien oi us real vaiuo. In placo of 48 gold modal at tho Osaka. Japan exposition, Oregon gets off with a letter of thanks, nnd It will now bo In ordor to spend a lot moro stato money to send brer Dosch some whore olso with his Jars of bloated salmon dono up In yellow alcohol. tionrv Keller, of Langlos, near Marshfleld Saturday got Jealous, killed his wlfo and shot himself. Will such cattle nevor learn to commit the double crime, and ndd decency to It, by killing themselves first, and the wives afterward. m w Tho Onnkor doctors were served with frohand delivery of antique nee ni Kocnno. a few days ago. How they must long for tho peaceful quiet of Snlom, tho saponaceous crowd, gazing open-mouthod nt the fiery ora tor who so glowingly pictured the beauties of salve nnd soap. o- SO DIFFERENT. Tho big syndicates are to snond mil-. lions and paper railroads nro thicker In Oregon than tlms at Santa llarbara. in the mrantimo tho fart remnlnH 111 At tllUM ! n iitnlttnM (AnmnHt l.n tU'intl that nmnrtuiti-i nt tliai l.tt avonll. i ' " " v ?! n,'t n if imu 'r i Lots of Claims Like This But so Dif ferentLocal Proof Is What Salem People Want There are a grcnt many of them. Every papor has Its share. Statements hard to bollove, harder to prove. Statements from fnr-nwny places. What pcoplp say In Florida. Public oxprcsslon from California. Ofttlmes good ondoraomont tlioro Hut of Httlo service hero at home Salem people want local proof. Tho snylngs of neighbors, frlonds nnd citizens, Home Indorsement ceunts: It disarms tho skeptic boyond dis pute. , This Is tho backing that stands be hind every box of Doan'a Kidney Pills Hero Is a caso of It: ' Jamoa A. Tannor, farmer, corner Thirteenth and Lewis sts says: "So many suffor from kidney com plaint that for n tlmo I was alarmed about myself for I was troubled with my back aching In tho region of my kldnoys. I think It was caused first uy a strain from heavy lifting I did two years ago, I kopt gottlng worse Instead of bettor and Anally consulted a doctor. Ho told mo I hod gall stono In tho bladder, hut trouble with kid ney secretions existed their too fre quent action dlstuibcd my rest from fifteen to twenty times a night. This was vory annoying nnd I was In a bad way when I road of Donn's Kldnoy Pills nnd procured a box nt Dr. Stone's drug store. To say I was sur prised nt tho speedy effect of their U80 Is putting It mtldly.f. I havo re commended Donn's Kldnoy Pills to thors and will always havo a good word for them." 4 For sale by all doalers. Price CO cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., nuffalo, sole ngenta for tho Unltod here today between represeniau. KSberV of, the . organisations con rerned The' movement 1b designed embrace 'all tBe so-callo, reform elements nnd thojprimary aim s to overthrow tho "oft parties." D met. allsra, government ownerohlp, """I-im perlallsm and the Initiative and refer endum aro some of ho political ten els to bo included In tho pol leal plat form of the now party. ''om'nne" eaders whose nambs aro mentioned n connection with thq ?ovcmont. some of Whom nro horo In person . ... .i hm-n ont letters env KP vio. are B. nenjamln Anurewai iireiuni --- .. verslty; Clarenco 3. Darrow of Chlcn co Ceorgo Fred Williams of Massa chuietta. former Governor Poyntor o Nebraska nnd Edwanl AtWnson of Boston, president of tho nntl-lmporlnl-1st leaue Trial of Indicted Senators. ik.. rtiv Mn.. July 27. Tho term of tho circuit court which began today Is likely to provo mo mu. in teresting of many years, as tho four stato senntors indicted on charges or accepting hrlbea to accomplish or do feat legislation nro to bo tried. The Indicted senators are William P. Sul livan or Christian county, Duell Mat thowB of St. Louis county, f. H Harris of Crawford county nnd Charles A. Smith of St. Louis city. Thn nmortntlnn which former Lieu tenant Governor John A. Leo and sev eral other politicians or wmesi prom Inonco will bo brought Into tho net before tho term of court Is ended adds to the genernl Interest In tho proceed lues. This Interest Is nlrendy bolng manifested by tho nrrlval of numerous vlHltnra nnd It Is oxDected that within a few days tho number ot visitors In the city will he as largo as thnt at tracted by a sosslon of the sta'te log IslaUirc. ' Has Birthday Party at 103, Wlnited. Conn., July 27. Sylvia Lnngdon Dunham, Connecticut's old est contonarlnn, today colobrnted tho 103d nnnlvorsnry of her birth nt her homo In Southlngton by entertaining the members of Ruth Mart chnpter, Daughters of the Amorlcnn Revolu tion, Merldon. a Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, uud which Iins boat ',' In uso for over u y;"Z?Z,Zu nnu uh uuu" jivi 41uu. ma llcrw onnnl Himcrvlslou slnco lis lnfhne--. Allow no ono io tlcoolvo you in this. mk All Countorfolts, Imltiitlons nna"Just-good.nro but iZ7.t fa i,f. frlflo with nmloi'dniigortho hcnlth of Infiiuta nnd Childrcn-Expcrlouco i tralnst Exporlmcut, What is CASTORIA astorln Is ft harmless substltuto for Castor OH, Panj. rorlc, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It s Plcasitnt. It contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other ttarcotle eubstonco. Its ago Is its guarantee Jt destroys Worn nnd alloys Fevcrislmcss. It cures Diarrhoea and Win Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constlpatloa nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep, Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mothcr'a Iriond. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars tho Signaturo of (2L0& THE PEOPLE ALL The KM You toe Always Bouf In Use For Over 30 Years. THeNTAUeoMMNY, tt init itia, mwtonnomf. In Chorus Cried, Give Us Newbro's Herplelde, This word of late has been In every one's mouth, nnd many nro wondering what tho word signifies, though no ono hns yet been found, who will deny that NEWBRO'S HERPICIDB does tho worla. Well, for tho Informa tion of thousands of people who would Ilko to know nil nbout a good thing, wo would say that HERriCIDIC means, a destroyer or killer of "Herpes." Now "Herpes" Is tho fam ily nanio ot a disease caused by vari ous vcgctablo parasites. A similar mlcrobo causes dandruff. Itching scnlp, nnd falling hnlr: this is tho mlcrobo thaX NKWHHO'S HBHI'I- CIDE promptly dostroys; nftor which thn hnlr grows. Sold by lending druggists, Sond 10c In stamps for samples to ho Horptcldo Co,. Detroit, Mich. Daniel J. Fry, Special Agent Sale. cales to not nter one another's tor-1 States "r. Remember tho name Doan's nnd The people will iironn under three. mg bills thnt tho last legislature hwped on thetaxpayers tho Portland rnir. tbe portago road, nnd tho Indian war veturans. Hut the reforendiun itnlte no substitute. Light Marching Order. About two weeks no a man. nnnnr- ontly Insnno on rellelon. enmo to the has been knocked in tho head nnd tho home of l'tanlc Hill, on Flfteon Mile only thing to do Is to "ante up and about six miles from Dufur. with his iihik pieaioni. Tho conviction of W. n I'.mwwU tar killing Alexander Kerr wns doubtless could bo obtnlneil I. nnnlnMA.k ...I . (. . . m . . ' l- . , ukviiiiiniiGU Willi II1H iniilg nnii n acord with the letter and the spirit Of ibe law. Hut to hang n honetuwlv deformed man. who Is also probably unbalanced mentally would ho a dls Hd to Oregon. .. i ork rag the New York rag pickers have nirmmi a union, nml am mni n strike unless tho coiitrnpti.ru mi tholr wnutw. One would think In thin country, whem the bird of freedom soars so altltud uouhIv. thnt mn might pick rags without hnvlnir haril-hearte! trust over him bond tlotl up, nnd hearing evidence of cousldornble dnmflg. To lnnulrles made of him no satlsfnrtory ronly Ho coiitlnued on up the (reek to the Farghor place. whrc. nt bn renuost, a Ulblc was giv en him. and when last seen ho wns tnnhlnc bis way up the creek in water up in nis voisi. -mesa facts wore promptly communicated to the prop er county Duthorltles. but no attontlon was paid to the matter, and no offort was made to secure or care for him. Some dayj later the same man ap !ared nt Cloud Cnpp Inn, nnd lator yet at Hood River, where be was taken charge of by Deputy Sheriff Ollngor. who took him to Tho Dallos where- Recorder Fllloon committed him 1,1 flin Inannn nu,l.,. Ilu..l4.n .... ....... w ..- ..arM,, l.nimii, rVJVIUlJIIVU there nro HOW OlllV rt llinil.nn,l wns nvlilnnllv n l,n.l... , .. Indian war veterans ulnimtnc i.m. uiirnrtiinnt. n,n ,..o. n. n.L Ions lu Oregon. The legislative ap-, county authorities, tdso ho would not proprlatlon la not half onough to go have survlve.1. We gnher from Tho around. Tho next legislature hotter Dalles papers that his nnme Is Hort hurry up nnd pay them off. as the ! Doss, that he Is 2 yews old aud camo nunilwr of veterans In any war seems across the Cascado mountalus from to Im constantly Increasnc. Onwnn fiitv. ' JUST AI10UT IIKDTIJIR take s little Knrlj It Incr It will cure con llpatlnu, blllounnrii unil llrrr trnulilr. IMVUU I.lttlp lUrly ltlirrs are (IIITerrnt from other pills. 'J her lo not gripe and brMk.down the mucnut mrmtirnnei of the toivioch. llrrr nnd hoirela. hut cure br Kently aroualng the lecrcttans and plrln atrvnKth to thrse orsana, Sold by 1". 0. unni, iiu tunte itrwt. O i i i i Seattle's Labor Carnival. Seattle. July 27. Tno carnival un der the nusplcos of tho Wostorn .Con trol I-nbor Union, for which nronnra- tlons havo boon In progross for sovtr. nl tnontli8 opened today In a blazo ot glorj. Tho carnival Is to bo tho most ambitions affair of tho kind over nt- tompted In this section ot tho country A large area centrally locnted has boon sot asldo for carnival purposes and here aro elaborato exhibits made by merchants and manufacturers, as woll as by the labor organizations In addition to these displays thero aro numerous fonturos of entortalument In tho way of atnletlcs and vnudovlllo shows. Probably the most Interesting features of tho two weeks' program, however, will be the aquatic contests ami the various parndoB and pageants, Campers and Harvesters Supplies, Sunbonnets 12c Gloves special values. H iery, fa3t black, 3 pairs 25c, 50cWashdn skirts neatly trimmed only 50c. 75c Du aress sKirts, tan color, oiue. gooo and sc; viceable 75c Ladies starw hats goodqualii with extra wide brims 35c. Ladies stra hats good quality with extra wide brims omri waisis ax less man wnoiesale o Towels, extra large Tuakish towels only l Lace Curtain Special at 75c a pair GreenbaunTs Dry Goods Store. 302 Commercial Street 2C tantly Increasing. V m I-nud grabbing goes on but ih,. jam Thero Is only one redeeming feature to the whole proposition Tnow who aro netting school lauds and timber lands will bo parting with them for less than thev nlv in a r.n- yean, aud In the menntlmjB they wlU It taxed by the loonl mvimi. ILl1"?"'.0 lnB ""' BUj " to IKJfthele of some county seat rtugs Why blttiu 4a untn vini,, m,. nr '. l,!,.'?,?,, oemes calle.1 the M.,m urn jiuu ei .Multnomah county Oron City. Murder and Suicide, . ,??'. Ki"r' ot ,J"Rlj. Satunlny Killed his wife, nee Appleby, and then hot himself. Keller was extremely Jealous of his wife, and suspected tin du intimacy between her and a young muii named Adolnbson. This morning he etnrttrd out after young Adolphson, nrmed with a revolror im iqi,. . able to And him. Keller went homo, whore he committed the horrlblo viu. w cniiuren, small boys, sur lv tho couple. Keller was of a H- wJlilra. fur th tu.HWn,,-.7"' ""rVV. I Sf'Sft. "-r?""- aqM. K, his ritv jH.ii.r.-.i- , """" Hi,iwtwv win nw rneutis ran ol' at- wjmi b a rutty uartisau mavur wh.i ii.,ii . .... . . -...--, w. .,,m, m w citurintui w l ia ,iuuuj.,.i i.. '..T.7 .- "? iwmwu major wuo h. a- ih ,, ,V.r TT?T " i0"' serKwmUr Interfere with . I Seott Is PrelH. inMkrwM lMUlUnlIMlT;?:,l!,. for ??w.ii..1 r. Aoclati. h& a JuurHDi imiivhI hi- w i enainttaa. and, "'WHJBraiK- -afftSffaiyE-??- WB, ana. as xouiu r i. ........ "-...":.' """' ,u -urone Half -Sick SS& t t .' .. your blot feel rim down, arc easily uurucrves are wean anq lifrirt4 its !! l. 1 iske the sood old standard family racdlcliw. AvcSsaN JfflsiMa, JfcoaminwBMAWs Pills. w UMHtlnK in PoHie.11,1 ini viTT ...,,i IsoUd ii. v. soott prwMMi or the awoclat on to fill the vawy enuged l2.,h,llw.! ' of ,no ,0' Snor Oor tt H. W. (loode M-aa elected gen JJIcwr ami IHnry K, Jleeil " as cnoaeu aa Bemnan. Reform Pirtv cnri.... JSSE j"."."-t?i.!"wi WHY WE ARE AGENTS llcro Aro Some ot tho Convincing Facta Tluit Caused us to Take the Agency tor tho Fulton Com pounds, thePlrat Thing Known tlmt Curo Cltronla Kldnoy Dlt eases. ' rt'at, let II t aiBllnotlr ncderatooil that Ttr; ooo ot lleoaafti IrjIovt lud booadlagneifj by oa or mart pbrslolitui at obrtala aaa In curable; secosd.nott tu oertalaijrof ttiera aalti as ahova by tno ttnrtrj also ot tht trtwAa may leu to ware alutlarlr attic lej n lib auppoacU IneurabU Uitscj dtetaaca. N. V. SoliWo(f, PrcUaaat 8;auldue Saw Sto.?',0 F""'',htlarTrj In bit ou tataUt aad u 1 Tnt oora who rf coinwd. Aitoipb , oaoltalUt, Ban Kranoiaco. rujoorJ tuiu.lt and lold (wtrrtandawbom. ound. -v- ..,.cP-i!i!B!!l.P?Ws ...v., .., . ,-m.v.vv, inowTcrtfu Bimaair UU.1 it tu nk.ro (Baa a doicu patleuU wbura- sav I isaSi M BaiaU.v. Ml tor of the Ginm, u. KB KbUlttA.. ru.nMl kl...l, . .. 't Mualwr wVo n-aowwJ, puo ot ttew b'. It M i, . i tor,o On B.lrlii:. , "''"' d l' ( tlht Kid ll IA U.rl ... . I III f V I. U.r l-J tlKCtt btS( 0 Uw.l,ju id Ufa n at lb. gu Ki-anotacoOa'lt ,' '. "tll"lnM,.M1 Wi.tu '!' - ku ot iu u h &..l:,.z u,Mr i.i i.iawutfat-ri. J A PB. Ip. o ta, lluKI K.WlUr ?!, IWw.udWWn.e&' Saa TuakldMj tr tb. ,,-, ttM atraln ibt w l j. out M a iuul w . VtVii ill- ff2'.','L. lioi' ".Bt wa.nihj, t, fcrl wuiH KIii..i 2TJL- Cy" sti, li la M Ww luMrtwiur daalb. will lnrui), j wlj a aawiu. i nUBrtlon It la tbtti raaAte.1 k .. . I lblhtA IV.U., ,.. ,. .. . . . IMoall Uanittkr thai alll, li I, I, i? -- ! " " . rsito1 Ken i UtaiMtfUk. . i . KrascUco, v-to tun MMVwIU be mt .. .. T iZiSlZigrXZW eua of the natloual w, PallM . J B . soUiuthm i ibn w. . w;. -rr iwu ?..: r k: . JTi M.wT5,!?,.t fin5 OTE'ftW haiHHl by tht aWi-ST.T ffi"tA,ra-.. ...SUMMER NORMAL SCHOOL The Capital Summer Normal now has an enrollment more than 100 teachers, and is doing excellent woik. A Primary department has been added for pupils vsh ing to raise their grade in the public schools and is KM well patronized. Address J. J. KRAPS, Salem, Ore. 'CittKtKrj, 2 " .-; ...1 Signs of Renewed Activij In tho real estate world Indlcalil creasing building operaUons Spring, and prompt us to remlndj that our facilities for supplying and soft wood, lumbar, lath, sa and othor building materials coptlonally good. Wo will be to furnish osUmatoa on largo or smalL A car ot AQ shingles received. Put this In yourllat For future reference. If you no a fasUdlous dresser, you will always want your linen Immaculate, and that Is.tho only way U Is returnoikto you by tho Salem Steam Laundry.' Our prices are so low that anyone can af ford to havo thejr linen faultless a all times. . Salem Steam Laandry, COLONEL. J. OLMSTED, Prop. HORUS D. OLMSTED, Miff. - Phono 411. 820 Liberty 8t r eT" tf1 V- ru I - les L1i cofi GOODALE LUMBERS Near 8, P, PtC f Xifril HifllNslHHMM Tm assKMBHLvCB Phone Ml. Cheaper Than a Doctor Better Than MedM The Minos, liquors and cordis" prosent for tie approval of the W merit youff attention nnd pi Mellow, nged. good "bouquet" output Is bound to claim jour Hon, tff satisfy your every dess this lino of goods. f Tt rvswirn 2A W j. r. KuuctfdiSssr Wholesale and Retail Llauor W - 1 aKiiianB bic niiin "" W 9 wv V4 lkJUjdbJba