"" ' "n'JS.'f.wl ;a)AiL ; . vtifc : r'f , "WT ! f 1 I I lJ5tjRNAm;.::- !yiW7m- iJIh"A-.; 1 UML, lL .BkiBL"IZ.B iEa:BMfcQjtL ' SaW VOL. XIII. fjv 7a? lllfHOlS &- J-rf Has Race . jf ftc 3 w I T roubles wo Htnc(ect Toops ate Sent to Danville. HE MOB HANGS A NEGRO SHERIFF SHOOTS TO KILL a m i- aaai ii kh4 rorncd Loose With a Shotecm Loaded "With Bacfcshofc Wotfndlng Many Diyivlllo, III., July 27. Two Idllod a liugsy nftor sho wns soon to fall. titl 22 wounded, the police station I II. Hines. shot In nock. recked, tho county Jail with few of Otto Holnke, shot Int'drim itoosovoit is making n close study and exhaustive Inquiry Into tho Brit ish laws relating to corporations, with a view of solving .tho trust problem In America. An English Train Wreck windows left tinshattorcd, tho city tho hands of tho state troops, and Iicellng of uneasiness and dread pre Shorlff WhMoclf, In giving his vor sloti of tho mnttor snld: "After I saw from the Jail that the lllng everywhere Is the situation 'mol wna iintnrminn.i mtnir t ..,f . . . I - w ...,WV.. . u..w ft by the rnce riots of last night and! to tho veranda and attempted to talk rly this morning. Tho revised list to tho mnddoned men. As I stormed dead and injured troni last nlnht's itnstropno is as follews: The dead: IJolin Mcadolfo, negre: lynched and limed. I Henry aattennan, killed' by negro Icadalfc. Tho Injured: Mohn Dcvero, right thigh mangled n load of buckshot. Adam Murray, shot In ferehead: III recover, Ulcknoll, inicKsnot In right lemont Mobakor, buckshot In right d. A. Wi Safford. Injured Internally. ' red Lorens, buckshot In legs. .V. Iattcm. buckshot In legs. Icnry Rcnnlck, o,f Tnplln, 111., buck- i in ion, iooi ami icg. . - wo unknown mon wounded In tho us and hands with .buckshot. ro iel to glvo their names when their tinds wcro dressed. lenry Slade, of Pavilion Ilolghts kshot In left sldo. 'wo unknown mon, one shot In left a nnd tho other in tho hand; re- id to glvo names when wounds o dressed. Unknown young man, wounded In .ml, refused to glvo name. :K6ur unknown negroes, beaten Into Isamslblllty by tho mob. lunluiown woman, carried away In few Today ?ancy Oranges f Oc doen Choice Lemons J 5c dozen -A T . y inns 'State St. Phono 1971 Main. Into vlow of the maddened crowd, two milieu woro fired, ono striking tho wnll back of me. I fired two shots In the air. Some- ono shouted that I was only binning, and shooting blnnkn. "I warned tho mob that I would re sist an attack on tho Jnll with powder and load. Thuro was another shot from tho mob, nnd It surged forwnrd. "I then fired a shot from my shotgun Into their legs. This drovo them back. but they returned n friomont later to tho attack on tho front door. I was alarmed for tho safety of my wlfo and children. My wlfo took a gun, and saltl sho would stand by me. I got her and tho children out of tho way. and then, as tno lenders commenced to batter down tho walls, T.shot nlong tho roll, to make them drop It. This accounts for so mnny bolng shot In tho hands and arms. I fired eight or ten shots In all." Sheriff Whltlock hud four deputies and threo constables with him In tho Jail, guarding tho prisoners. IIo says no ono 11 rod into tno mob but ho. A strained situation Is noticeable, but tho 200 soldiers hero. It Is thought, will provont furthor outbreaks for tho prosent, nt least. Half of these will bo on duty all tho time. Leading citizens say the outbreak has been oxpeeted for n Icing time, as a bitter fooling has oxlstcd for several years botwe'on tho negroes nnd a cer tain class of white people. A number of minor outbreaks liavo occurred dur ing tho past year, n Union sympathlors In Spokane hnvo fllod a petition with the city council for n new tolophono franchise, nnd will cstabllsn an Independent lino In that city. i i r.-.i i i Guy Deckmnn, a prominent school teacher and steam engineer, formerly of Union, was klllod by a falling der rick pole, In John Day Valley, Friday. Say loss than you think, rather than think only half what you say. i eaay seeks Ammonia Information, Gets Naughty . ...v muuiuuiu IIIUVUIUU UL W1U Ruppert Ice plant let go this morning.. Engineer Smith nnd John vincensky were killed. Foreman True and Chns. I. Flnnd were badly burned. Charles carpenter was burned and Policeman Goss wns seriously overcome by anion la fumes. Several others wero ovor como, thero being 200 men In tho plant where tho deadly fumes spread In stnntly throughout tho seven floors of the building. The rescuers conliln't enter the building, nnd the workmen umsgow, jury 27. In an excursion nnany mado their way to the roof, wreck nt Stenos station this morning trom where they were taken. 13 wero killed nd 20 seriously In jured. Tho engine got beyond con trol, nnd nt a high rate of speed ran into tho station ngnlnst tho buffers.! Thro Is a hugo mnss of wreckage. ' Tho dead now number 14. Several ' of tho Injured havo had 'their" limbs amputated, and cannot survive. Tho London, July 27. In tho commons list of killed will probably exceed 20. today qranbouruo snld the Urltish con- """ isul-genernl at Odessa had been In- Dlf11tt1l ' structcd to provide tho homo govern- Fdlldlllll ment with a detailed account of tho ...w.....w. ...mofuwi. unuuiu, i.-iiiiib to the question, said the ngrecmont between tho government nnd tho Cu nnrd lino would be comploted this week. Washington, July 27. Two dis-! , . patches received by tho state depart- ralAhflfal ment this morning from Consul-Gener IjClCUl dlXll ... -M..unu., u, umiiitu. ajiv liioi iviro iiiv uuiiuiB ui iiiBL iiiKiua irouuio, anu the second saya tho situation this fore noon Is still grave. 0 I. Taroma fishermen who nro Inter- NftAlfi I , ..... 'a 8ALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 27, 1903. England and the Jews Fever High Mass Bafn.l In Aln.l,n i - "v"i'' ""' r': ."" "",V'" "'"nn nin..ni . """"""' V""',l'"'' ,"W was coieurnted today by cardinal Sa alarmed at tho prospects for Siberian tolll canneries Just across the Dohrlng ' , Straits from Alaska. Tho Uusslans nro Tho quiet hog g-ts the most sloii preparing to build extensively there, somot lines. Prisoners Captttre Officers Break Into the Atmoty at Folr som, California KILL TWO OF THE GUARDS AND CAPTURE THE WARDER Also Three Officers and the Warden's Grandson, antfr Flee to Mormon Island. Folsom ', Cal., July 27, Eighteen o'clock, nB tho lino of prisoners wcto prisoners broko Into tho armory this marching out of tho prison to go to morning, secured guns nnd escaped to work. About 300 of them woro out. Mormon Island, taking with them War don Wilkinson, his grandson, Harry, Captain Murphy and two other offi cers, Thoy killed Guards Cochran and Cotton. A 110B80 Is In pursuit. when 13, who woro In a bunch In tlitr line, mndo a run for tho gunrd's of flco, where Wanton Wilkinson, Cap tain Murphy and other officers won. JKnch of tho dospernto men had n knifa- Warden Wilkinson, nftor his clothoalmado of a file. Thov cut nt tho ninn. woro taken away from him. wns re-land Warden Wilkinson had a nnrrow leased by tho oscapod prisoners. loscnpo, his clothes being cut through. ,. ,, "o, nn . , ,l iJoe Cochran, W. U Cotter nnd C. Jr. Folsoiiv July 27.-Ono of tho bg-,JoMy woco nll cut tho formor two B0. gest breaks In tho history of Folsom rrr ; - prison occurred this morning nt 7 (Continued on fifth page.) MEYERS & SONS Store That Turned Trade Up Court St. MEYERS & SONS QfAueii w$$m Ladies Shirt Waists Reduced 1-3 Our entire stock of wliito color ed waists without reserve on sale nt One-Third Reduction mm t e a f mi i m i mp hhi -h44-4 V ttaw Hats, Ct$,sh Hats, Tycoons , We have all kinds for dress wear and for harvest. )ur prices are lower because our plan qf business en ables us to undersell regular stores, Hatvest Gloves We have the hesr Hnrsehide Gloves In the ritv : : Tfie UnH thll (li,r of nnA A,,l,..r ki,rl,rl,:.' -..- mM- "ii Jiajrsouiiuiiu uuiwctfia uuon.diMii, uui 11 price i.i5. Cheaper gloves 25c to 51.00. ; ; reralfs, Jampcrs, Shirts, Hats, Shoes Cfothfng. j i t i mcy summer Parasols exactly 1-2pricetoclose them out ; ; Don't Buy Hammocks ill you see our prices 7SO to &4-:0 Wash Goods Specials A very select HnoofSntinltnvo novoltieB, rerjulnr 25o values. Special 19c a yard Choice Greundines in an ex tensive assortment of patterns 60c values special - 8Co 05c values srjecial - - GOc 80c values special - - 55c Lappets in solid colors and col ored patterns of all sorts, goods mat we formerly 6old at 60c a yard . Special 2 Sea yard I A nilo of assorted wjihIi tmnrls worth 35c a yard Specialise a yard Another lino piled senararate from the regular stock, values upto20o a yard., ... B)u, You have perhaps noticed that wo soldom use tho wr "Bargains" in our advortieemouts. In fact this is the first timo wo Jiavo applied tho Word so prominently and forcibly. Why? I Because it is used po inditcriminatoly and on such slicht nrovo- I cation thatit has lostits real moaning. But when wo mado up this collection of special offerings thoro was hut ono word that would adequately describe the collection and that word was BARGANS Wi" X? Ladies' Suits A lino of assorted styles in suits thatd P rango in valuo up to $12.50, special tyD 10 suits consisting of Homespuns, Lym onsvillo Cheviots, Venetians, QJ fjr ote, values up to 15, special v 3 15 suits includ'g " Wool tox "Serges, Broad cloths, Homespuns, Thibbtts, etc., (1 A values up to 25.00, special 4)!" Chilcfrcns Wash Dresses Tho prettiost styles and best fitting lot of dreBeesyou oversaw, mado of Lawns, Per colev, Ginghams, etc. Bargains llluilratln BvnUci of K. & E. wnltti at now md with rlvattd but 'n on d.Uchnblo walit bndi. A lino of boys' waists worth (ou chcii uro on uispiay in our Court street window at Special 46c Now Gorman Plaids .All wool 38 in. wido, gond valuos at C5o ya, our treat, special, yd 85o All at (really rtiucti trice These too are mmwt Special 9c a yard II Iff YORK RACKET lab's Cheapest One-Price Cash Store. E. T. Barnes,. Prop, Unparalleled Towel values A line of linen huck towels size 18x34alsoaline of Turkish tow els size 38x30 Spec'1 10c ea. Ladies Under wear Specials White Swiss ribbed summer vests each 10q A line of wliito Swiss ribbed vests worth 20c, special 13c or 2 for 25c Ribbed lislo vests, trimmed in heavy laco insertion, regular 50c values 35o or 3 for $1.00 "Korso" a very stylish vest and corset cover combined, made to sell for 75c, special, each 26c. I New Trimmings Just arrived Embroidered Chiffons, Gimps, Braids, Ail Over Nettings, Etc. 4& Ladies' and Children's Parasols Reduced 1-3 The Stofe That Does Things Differest New Wrisl Bags, Purses. Etc The swellest Unesever shown in Salem, entirely new ideas. Dress Goods The greatest suramor values in drees goods yet offered. Won derfully good for the prices. Cliallies All wool challias in patterns that will suroly ploiio 76c values for 50o Figured Satins Just right for kimona suits, etc., 25c val. 10c Cicillians Plain colors and stripes, 75c, 85c values for 50o Two Toned Mohair Cicillians 85o values for 49o "Wool Suitings Splendid val ues in brown, Oxfords and grey 1.74 values for 1.20 Summer Specials For Men Mon'a fancy stripo balhriggan and cream colorod jorsoy ribbed underwoar worth 1 and 1:25 a suit Special 75c a Salt Fivo different styles of summer undorweur formorly sold at 50c a garment Special 35c a Garment Mens Linnetto underwear worth 1 a garment Special 65c a Garment Fine ribbed lislo underwear in blue color only, formorly sold at 1,25 a gurmont. Special 75c a Garment High grade Noweilk balbriggan undorwear formorly sold at 3 a suit Special $,70 a Suit New Fall Styles in Lctrfks' Wrap We have just opened an advance .shipment of Fall Wraps for those who are going on trips and to fashionablo summer resorts. Hammocks Hecinnintr tomorrow wo will I slash prices on all our ham mocks. The new prices will range from 50c to $5.40 Wednesday's Surprise Sale Next Wednesday we will sell our entire stock of linen oolorcd petticoats at following prices; '' .75 values for 1,00 values for 1.26 values for 1.50 values for . V Tfce Store Tfcat Satteffes i " 1 ' -9! i ,1 wiiyumiaiieiniaiimaiiiiaii; wyyy''1 'WgWPfW"lMH!?f1