The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, July 24, 1903, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    "T it"'r-rTi tn'iWGWp- -w-1 "T
F - wf
"- HrTwrffrjj'v5r'wr,'T w? if "-? Tr -
Tte Proge? Pn fprBsjr Men
No business man of today would light his store, warehouse
or unite wjuiurtiiuicjigm. 1 ci many or inem are sun ilea
down to an inkwell wheh they wh't&'TSrhaps fhe'y think that
fountain Pens are not practical. Perhaps years ago they had
experience with some of the crude fountain pens of the per
iod and found them unsanSfactoiy But no man who buys
one of the fountain pens of today will ever b without one
hereafter. We sell the Parker Lucky Curve and the Laugh
lirt, two as good makes as the world contains. If jou do
not own a fountain we ought to :eli you one. Won't you
let us?
Corner State and
Liberty Streets,'
I K-Social Realm;!
i inn Hi 11 11 nn n nn
South 8alem Personals.
11181) Frlotln. Schlndlor envo a most 1
onjoyablo boating party to a number
1 of nor frionds last ovonlng. Tho mer
ry crow enjoyed every mlnuto of tho
boat rldo, nnd when tho moon rofused
to shino any longer tnoy rourca to
Miss Schlndlcr's pleasant homo, where
thoy wcro royally entertained. Lato
In tho evening delicious refreshments
wero Berved, and when tho guests de;
nartcd all voted Miss Frieda a snlendld
Tiioso onjoying tnis urrnir
wero Misses Frieda Schlndlor, Mnr-i r. a. Wiggins wont to Portland yes
1 tlia Schlndlor, Hazel Bishop, Jessie tcrday nfternoon for a ahort business
JKocton, Nina Johnson, Ida Macy nnd I visit
Mamlo Ralph. Messrs Chancy Oh-
mart, Rosa Mclntlro, MIIo nasmasoiui
Wllllo Daniels, Leo Page and
of your Grocery
Needs .
Many Little Things
are needed, especially if you're
going on a picnic or a' day's
)utmg. Ur if you are Jroing
:amping tor several days,
there's a wnole lot of ready
to-eat things you will want to
take with you. Let us suggest
t tew as reminders.
fe Have Them All
Boiled hams, chipped beef,
linced ham and Saratoga
:hips. In canned meats there's
torned, chipped and loaf beef.
real, ham and chicken loat,
levilled and potted ham, tur
fey and chicken In pickles,
feet, sour, mixed, chow-
iow. Alt kinds ot olives.
breakfast foods, puddings,
:akes, cheese, canned vege
tables, cocoa, crackers, in
short everything that can be
just placed on a platter and
let you enjoy every moment
it your outing without all the.
vornmeni 01 cooKing ana
Planning the meals.
toiler & Douglas
12 Stalest GROCERS. Phone 2261
A nice well browned lost of bread
Sn 12? Better
- ZLA TA r -' ' -
HARD WHEAT FLOUR. The California Bttery uses the best of
r everything and makes everythlair the best.
iLeaye an order for our wauoa to stop
BIT- rX?- filTl?OXaC, Proprietor
On Sale at Tie Spa, It 4 State St.
Harritt & Lawrence
Sell fflore Groceries aad letter Crocerles than ANYBODY
here's where you get GOOD
Itop in and see for yourself.
::::::::A GENCY O F::::::::
aP A Tftf boyIrs and shippersof OR A IN i i
Oats For
rtZZiz .jur
Geo. L. Roso went to Portland this
morning on business.
Mrs. Ed. Hlrsch and two daughters
wero In Portland Thursday.
Mrs. J. Q. Wilson went to Portland
this morning for a brief visit.
sirs. McCorklo, of Sllvorton, Is vis
iltlng her daughter. Mrs. John Brophy
Mrs. Ella B. McDowell, a former Sa-
lemlto, Is In tho city for a short time.
0. 0. Bingham and family went to
Newport this morning for tho season.
Miss Veda Cross returned last ev
ening from a week's outing at Hope
woll. J. W. Brooks, tho Sllvorton drug
gist, Is In tho city for a visit to rcla-
won. Hanuorson itoon, or Portland,
s In Salem this aftornoon on legal
Gov. Z. F. Moody was a passongor
for Portland and The Dnllcs this
Vorne Mather Ipft last night for Los
Angeles, after a visit with frionds In
this city.
Miss ElUo York, of Oakland. Cnl , Is
visiting at tho homo of Dr. and Mrs. E.
A. Plorce.
A. N. Moorcs was a passenger for
Portland this morning for a short busi
ness visit.
Miss Orvllllo Ballon went to Port
land this morning, to spend a few days
with friends.
Hon. R. B. Moody, of Portland, spent
last night in Salem., returning to his
home this morning.
Ex-Oovernor nnd Mrs. Gcor went to
Portland and Gladstone park this
Prof, nnd Mrs. E. T. Moorcs re
turned this morning frcm an extend
ed visit to Sllvorton.
Rov. nnd .rs, D. II. Leech and fam
ily havo gono to tho upper McKonzIo
rlvor for a fow wookrf" outing.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Fleming wero
passengers to Newport this morning,
to spend tho summor at tho beach,
Mrs. Wm. Wallace Graham, of Port
land, Is In tho city, visiting her fath
or, C. W. Hcllenbrand, and friends for
a xroelc or two.
Mrs, R. II. Lcabo went to Portland
Inst evening, where fcho will reehlo In
the future Major Lcabo holding "a po
sition In tho wholesale house of Allon
& Lewis.
G. Stok was a passongor to Port
land on tho Albany local this morning,
and while thoro will visit the grand
lodgo, A. 0. U. W., In session thoro
this wook.
Mrs. A. N. Moorcs and children and
Miss Edna Hubbard went to Newport
this morning for an extended stay at
that popular summer resort,
Miss LIUlo Crawford, of Albany, Is
upending a fow days In this city, visit
Ing at tho homo of the Misses Crolgh
ton. on North Eront street.
No Dessert
More Attractive
V1 tiba rAlnffn and P"""i"WB
trpeml Lou Boeing, AfJtULrOj
and coloring when Mfe?SSS
produces better results In two minuU?
Erery thing in the package. Simply add hot
WftUrauduottooool. It'a perfection. Asur.
priaa to Uie housewife. No trouble, less ex
pense Try It to-day. In Foar Fruit I'la
towj Ijomon, Orange, Strawberry, Rasp,
berry. M srooers. 10a
coaesfrom eood material
at your house. 93 Court Street.
treatment and GOOD goods
old p. o. grocery.
i itt tn ih
aad stick Snlpaar.
Miss "Anna .Bolkantpof' Los 'Angeles
uu. is visiting her cousin, Mr. C. P.
Bishop, for a few days.
Bishop H. L. Barkley came up from
Portland this morning for a brief visit
Ho roturns this evening.
Walter U Tooze. tho Woodburn
postmnstor, camo up on this forenoon's
train for a short business visit
Mrs. Geo. E. Chnmberlaln nnd chil
dren nro expected to nrrlvo in this
city this ovenlng for an extended visit
to Miss Salllo Bush.
Governor Chamberlain went to Glad
stone Park this mornhfg, for tho pur
poso of Introducing to tho convention
Hon. Chnmn Clark, who was to deliver
tho principal address thoro this after
Albert Tozlcr, pnst president of the
National Editorial Asosclatlon, has re
turned from Omaha, whoro ho attend
ed tho sessions of tho body. Ho re
ports a profitablo and pleasant time.
Mrs. Carrie Richardson, of Duns
mulr, Cnl., who spent tho past few
days In Snlem, visiting Mr. and Mrs.
D. A. Whlto,- loft his morning for.
iewnoi wnore iney win oin Air.
nnd Mm H. A. .Vhito for an extended
Morris Wlprut nnd George Collins
returned yesterday from Ocean Park,
where thoy spent two weeks. They
roport'good-flBhlng, and George Collins
claims ho caught tho largest trout
taken by any ono this season, but ho
will not say how many ho captured.
Street Cpnimlalsoner Grlswold this
morning sot tho grado otnkes for now
cement walks In front of tho rest
rionocp of Chief of Police Gibson and
Prof. W. I. Stnloj in University addi
tion Tho old decayed hoard walk on
tho nortli sldo of North stroot, be
tweon Commercial and Front streets,
that has long b on a mennco to pedes
trians, was today ordered torn up by
the street commissioner, nnd a new
grnvel wnlk put down In its place.
Recorder Is Getting Busy.
George Apployard was thlc morning
arrostcd on a warrant charging him
with assault with a dangerous
weapon, alleged to havo been commit
ted on W. II Burghnrdt, tho mining
man. July 18th. This casto grows out
of tho ono recently filed ngalnst Applo
yard, when tho chargo was disturb
ance of tho pence. Ho Is said to havo
nsaiuilted Mr. Burghardt with a knife.
Tho enso will h heard In tho city" re
corder's court nt 10 a, m. tomorrow.
Harry Dunn, who lias often beforo
bon arrested for drunkenness nnd
othor misdemeanors, was agnln arrest
etl by Chief of Pollco Gibson this
morning on tho chargo of malicious
destruction of property. Old Harry,
ns ho calls himself, was, as usual.
Wrunk, nnd entored tho Whlto Houbq
restaurant, whero ho mado himself ob
noxious. Ho was ordcrod out, and, af
ter passing out of tho house, secured
n rock and threw It through ono of
tho windows, shattering tho glass. Ho
will havo a preliminary hearing at 1
p m. Under section 1824 of Bclllngof
nnd Cotton's codo ho enn be punished
by bolng Bent to tho county Jail for
ono year.
Armes-Rlchmond Nuptials.
At high noon, Wednesday, July 22,
1003, Miss Nora Alberta, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Richmond, and Mr,
Ernest W. Armcs, son of Mrs. Mary
E. Armos. all of this city, wero united
In marriage at tho Woodburn Cumber
land Presbyterian church, In tho pros
enco of a largo numbor of witnesses,
tho church boing filled with friends
and relntlvos of tho contracting par
ties. Row W. R. Blshopv of Portland,
Tho church was decorated In two
Patton Bros., Managers.
Commercial and Center Sts.
Polite Vaudeville
General Admission i5c, 25c
W. W. Hall. R. E. D0WMIHG.
Money LoaalBsr. Insuraace.
Collections. Loans negotiated for
ourselves and patroas on the best
terms at reasonable rates. Tioga elk
up stairs, opposite Gray Bros.
State St.( Sales Oregon.
Another Deep Cut in Meats
Go To
And Gtt Your
...Cheap Meats...:
Our pi ices have al
ways been low but
now the bottom has
dropped out.
Beef Loin Steaks 10c
Whole Loins. . . , 8c
Round Steak 3 lbs for. .25c
Chuck Steak 5 lbs for. ..25c
and all other meats
in proportion
floral colors -wltlflaSPtilariG, "ferns
and whlto sweet peas, tho ceremony
being under an arch of Ivy and whlto
sweet peas.
To tho strains of Lohengrin's "Brid
al March," played on tho piano by Miss
Ida Stego, of Salem, tho bridal party
inarched up tha aisle, tho handsomo
groom accompanied by tho grooms
man, Albert A. Richmond, proceeding,
followed by tho lovely brldo arid
bridesmaid, MIsb Brown, of Dallas.
Tho ushers wero Miss Clarico Child
ers. of Salem, and Dr. Wi A. Leonard,
of this city. The brido was gowned In
whlto chiffon trimmed with whlto
eatln ribbon, with tullo bridal veil,
and carrying a bunch of whlto carna
tions. Tho bridesmaid was dressed lb I
blue organdio.
The marriago was with ring. After
tho coremony Miss Steco played Men-
dolsshon's "Wedding March-," and too;
umiui coupio ana nuenuaniB marcneu
out of tho church and prococded In
carriages to tho homo of tho groom's
mother, whero a largo numbor sat
down to a grand wodding breakfast
Among tho relatives present from a
distance wqro Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Combs, ot Oklahoma; Mrs. Julia
Briggs, of Livingston, Mont.; Miss Lou
Brlggs. of Cattago Grove, Or., and
Miss Carrlo Blanch, ot Salem. Tho
guests at breakfast numbered 3ft.
The bride was tho reclplont of nu
merous presents, useful and orna
mental, and many costly. Woodburn
Independent. s
There's no trouble
Schilling's Best
tt btVIng.powiJtr
coffe tvorinf cilrtct
at .your groccVs ; housekeeping
is easy enough, so far as they
"While tho weather ia warni
wo are going to unload all
odd piocos of undorwear. A
fow of these garments at tho
prices quoted will not como
15c to 25o values 9c each
25c to 50c values l4o each
50c to 75o values lOo ench
Tho clonn-up salo of all
summor stuns is making
things lively. .
Dali) lipid's
Speer Brotber?
Buyers of countryproduce
Groceries Glassware
Hardware Crockery
GranlteWare Boots
Tinware Shoes
The season is open
ing prices Standard 12 l2cf Diamond
Remember we are
Gent's Furnishing Goods on State Street. )
Speer Bros., Farmer's Store, State St;
! miHHlllMMt(Hllilf llmWH
8c doxen for eggs
JOc pvx lb for hens
M t-2c pr ib for fcutter
In trade, less JO per cent in cash -
c- r wSSK. iiiJ
Wholesale and Retail. "
Roche Harbor Lime Alsen Cement
N Lath and Shingles, Sand and Gravel
And all Klals of Buildup Material. All Kinds of Heavy Naullnr aai Traaftfcr
Work done ob snort aotlce. 181-183 Commercial Street.
oiiinniH)f f iimt tiia)ii(iian)ienaiBni
r g i
I SmmW$mKlSmmmW
It bums common Coal Oil (and not
much of it, either) with a clean, blue,
liot, emokeless flame.
It has no wick to bother w 1th, like tho
ol(lfashloncd, yellow flame, smoking
and itnelllng Oil Stove.
The "Quick: Meal Wlckless" wa in
Tented to enable ladies to do their cook
ing quickly nnd comfortably in a cool
kitchen, and to prepare a "Quick Meal"
and eat it in comfort.
Tho "Quick Meal' drives drudgery
from the kitchen and worry from tho
house; it sweetens temper and it length
ens sleep. "Quick Meal" Stoves niako
happy homes.
iif iiaMHHf intwen
for Binding Twine We quote the followv
Clover Leaf 14 12c
the only people selling Dry Goods and'
I. IT-1 H.ifc
Repairing a Watch
Of tho finest workmnnBhlp Is a barnch
ot our buslncso that wo giro special
altontton to. Our repairing depart
ment Is conductod with tho utmost
skill, diamonds aro reset, and Jowolry
ot all kinds la repaired In tho most
perfect manner, besides optical work
ot all kinds.
C. T. Pomeroy . . . .
Jeweler and Optician, , ' 283 Com, 8t.
i j
' ! i ' ' i rii iS
Fot I i
( I
R. M. i;
1 1
t5t COJ!
! uminim m loisf
Dry Goods
FtstnUiiing Goods
Manila 13 l'2c, J
a i
HUUlaja)iianiiniiai(milHHitllHIIiaitlrf ' 3JA tOB 1 Ol. UJUIC MfXft. .
r,w.""'n ?JMftifei j 8twy8gfJ friy-JryiMp5f-!?-t,,p,s-Ap