The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, July 23, 1903, Page FOUR, Image 4

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, .nimkill.- ALEMi0HEG0N
THE Dli-T w.." -? - - r
r t unn
The House Fuwiishmg company
269 Liberty Street.
How is It oat Parlor?'
..' , .. ..1. .itl nr Uim O'l'l P WO-
Do you pot nowrri z or - j" i V , " " ,. ,
r.rn, nra showine eomo excellent wingi .r a. ,-
XVarothopto(1ucUofouroffrt upholding '"J
not fail to visit our fcafablishtnent during Carnival week. j
IHIIIlHimi1 ' fiimmwi
d: J. F. COOK
.. ,. . ..... h.t 11 orofesitoo of the healing art out
loVtt ihi. eCrtable'kIngdoM.a WT- W1,en T"r "7itCm " , 1
ZL pure blood. You wIU only d' a 'cfieUb'?
klc& rotwtfaU. dntf-sor oW knives nor thunder Md
llgbtiMagnol remoro tk cause but Jay the foundation for al iVInd.
of dteeW Tbce polMM goMnto yo'ar bones, and kill tho life of then
and cr&te Wl kinds of dleaief. cancerous tumors, contraption, dropsy
bone dHMes, etc You must bear Jn mind tb.t his medicine I. not r
polaoVouTtonlc. nor ? stimulant nof temporary relief which you set from
polaoaoui drogs, where the result! are auro death aooncr or later. Do not
bUwe the medicine, when It .Ukea an effeqt and aUra up tho polwna oi
dUeaxe In Ufa ayitem. You must not expect to bo cured In a fow days.foi
your sickness or dlscaso baa been a lou tlmo coming on, and It will Uk.
a Jong tlmo to set It out of your system. It will take montba or a year tr
build a now body from tho bones up. This I what tho pcoplo do not un
dentland. They are uicd to being humbugged. Ills modlclnos aro com
poaed of Nature' Herba-wbat tho human system requires. When tho anl
mU get ilck they will help themselves to those herbs, for tboy bavo tho In
ttiict. and, tho pcoplo hare not, ao wo bavo to make a study of It It hai
leaJlfo study with Dr. Conk. Donot get weary; thla lite la too abort
m too sweet to "worry out of thla world.
Dr. Cook Cures All Kinds of Diseases
301 Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon.
People Who Miss It
Well, They Miss
The Program Clean and'. In
teresting and Without
a Weak Number
Still great Interest Is being taken
In tho performance at Shields' Park,
and vaudeville. In Its most dollglitful
feature. Is Introduced.
The Ions aro receiving thf Ir share
of applause for their daring aerial net
Chan. Chenowcth, In his delightful
cornet solo work, Is repeatedly on
eorul Miss Thatcher, In her Irish
hoIiks. Is very mucn appreciated, nnd
no better Irish singer has over been
heard In Salem. J. W Myers, tho vo
callst. Is still winning Inurols for him
self, nnd he Is repeatedly encored.
Itnr Duncan, tho black-faro mono
logulL continues tn nmuse, wlillo
Prof. Hunt's doc and monkey circus
rapture tho niicllenco. Tho polyncopo,
with an entire ennnge oi new piciuree
mnkos a Reed finish to IIiIb pleasing
program. An ontlro clmngo of pro
grim takes plaeo next Sunday, nnd the
head-liner will ho tho Cnmpbol)
nios. In their electric duo croatloiiH,
and tHVy nre the most wondorful Jug
slurs that have over appeared noro.
May nnd Baby Owoh aro a team of
delightful specialists, who will be
Hon In n now sketch, ontltled "Tho
Tramp's Own Pleasure." Whore Mlse
Owen and Unity uwen navo prosoniou
this act they havo scored n big nuc
cess. Dan McOreovy will mako IiIb
first appearance here In nn oxcollont
monologue, during which ho will pro
sent a wing dnnro. for which elbvor
nens ho has no superior. Thntchor
and Chenowcth will bo retained for
another week, and will bo Boon In on
tiro now specialties. Now Illustrated
tongs will ho added, wlillu tho poly
wopo will nlso show a clmngo of films.
Tho t nrk Is growing In popularity
every day, nnd It should ho. for Man-
ngur ShloldH U giving a raro program
of pleasing novoltlos for n vory llttlo
money. besldos It Is cimducted In nn
orderly manner, and tho vory best
popplo of Salotn nro patronizing It 111)
"t Tiorl scrofala-and
erysipelas for eigWr
een years, until l
Of Dr P.ercerK.Iden Medical 1 Discov
W.rrUeMr. IlileryKoons, of Queen.
YfV "When I commenced to take
tnU medicine Iff!"
tterVawi yW. of hi. 'Pie
-nPellTti. and am glad, to say I feel
Ske i n W I no8w weigh one Imn-
U the best medicine on earth."
Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Dm-
covery ?"'& the blo anda:
Srely eradicates the poisons that
breed and feed disease. It cures
scrofula, eczema, erysipe as, boils
pimples and other eruptions that
Lr and scar the skin Pure bbod
is essential to good health. The
weak, run-down, debilitated con
dition which so many peP.!e !
perience H commonly the effect of
Impure blood. Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery not only cleanses
the blood of impurities, but it in
creases the activity of the blood
making glands, and it clinches the
body with an abundant supply of
pure, rich blood.
Friir. Dr. Pierce's Common
Sense Medical Adviser is sent fret
on receipt of stamps to pay expense
of mailing only. Send 2 1 one-cent
stamps for the Iwok in paper covers,
or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound
volume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce,
TlufTnln X V
rvtBwnThand horao rakf
Apply to Thomaa Ho,nan. 374 M
Bireeu .
StrdTnTuayhorse; 7 years old;
StHalt hind foot leathered under
shoe. Phono Main CC2,
""""" Howard.
i-or oaic . -""" :.,, rii
horso power, in goou muuiuuu. ..
on a Ellis, at Flctfr do Us coatee
tlonery store, Salem. 7-.z-u
FoT8ale. A horse; weight about
1200 pounds; guaranteed not unlKy
and gentlo for ladles to i Urlvo. If
sold this week, prlco G0. Geo. C
Will, the music dealer. . 7-21-
Fop Sale.'-fOBO will buy a Bocoild
hand thrcflhlrig outfit, -with 13-horso
power Case traction engine, orator
tank and wagon;, 32-Inch Caso aepo
rotor, with Russell wind stacker. Iu
qulro of E. M. Crolsan, Balora, Oro-
For Sale. Now and aecond-nftna
snrlnn nnd farm wagons, buggies,
carts, polos, shafts, wheels, etc,
Horso Bhoelngi ropnlrlng; painting
dono on Bhort notlco and reasonable,
Nos. 78, 70, 80, Broadway, North
Bnlera. Wemor Fennel, proprietor.
ProtectloriitodB--No.J,AU!Bt OW
fl wSSwfed Wirkmon. teiW twj1
Saturday -TeninR in mo -xioiaaa
Hall, corner of State and Ubrty
itreetm. VlalUn brUtfeH'Welcosii
J. a. Oraham, M. W.f 3. A. SoUwood,
Dm. M. T. Schoettle, Frank J. larr
and Anna M. Bartv radute
American school of Oatoopatky,
Klrkavlflo Ma, encceBsorn to Dr
Grace Albright Ofllcp hours 0 te
12 and 1:30 to 4; 30 o'clock. Odd
Fellows' Temple. Phone Main 3731;
reoldonco phene 2603 Rod,
Dr. H. H. ScoVell, 8ugoetlvo Therf
peuUca and Osteopathy. Norrona,
functional and mental dlBeaaoa, nn
rnlgla, headaches, norrous prottn
Uon, dyspopala, constipation. dlaiv
rhoea, rhoumatlara, asthma, U
D'Arcy block, Stato streot. Fhoni
Main 2866.
For Sale, Ono second-hand full clrclo
lightning-hay preBa. E. M. 'Crolsan.
Choice and Cheap Meats
l will ell tho belt Meats thst thoStalo of Oregon can produce da low
ax aay of my competitors, and for thepresont, will quoto tho following
price, aP(l"at Ui6 samo tlmtf Invlteyou to call and Inspect our Meats and
Rot-oar-prlco ou meaU-ln cpiantltlcs:
Until further notice the following are
, myprleef!.
llomld Bieak '. 10e
Chuck iteak 7c
Komi beet to 10c
Rolling beef ..... 6 to 7c
Mutton, for quarter &o
llfWtt of Mutton 4c
Hind quarter of mutton 8c
Loff of mutton 10o
Pork loin 10o
Pork shoulder ...'..4 8c
Vsalhlnd quarter lc
Veal, fore quartir 7c
Twenty years eiptrlsuoo Boiling
nifitV i will mVet all outs.
E. C. CROSS, Phone 291, Salem, Oregon
To all consumers of i:e
Satem and vicinity
J. Brownsteln & Son.
S-l State street. Hlehesteashcrlet
In Mid for Hides, Pelts. Wool, Tallow
anl furs; also general dealer Id old
I Iron, Rubber and Metals.
Hivlat- touiht the ( adul Ice Works
we respectfully solicit a continuance Muit Do Sold, a Daraain.
SlJlSKJtfJttWA: b-S" i1?eSY? t-i J- Korna offerB for snlo 318
K.Tr.vA'j:."x ; ;,.r. 'Jur? w " ?"f'wt .; siaymn
"" VT.r " -.-....." jiari'in c
fksso address all orders to the
uatersleueJorttitshoneno. 2131,
Goorf Beer for Salem
As It will take some time to clace
tor eroduct la the market from the',
Sk Sreweryi aed aa we wish to ctt
Mttui In tuslatjs and In touch with
the Mae la Salen and vie nliyf at an
earllaw, we feavc made arrr,
mH W haadle the olymcla aad sett
iMkJM Say rew, so well sad tavor
MiAaowabytHHOBieor the Pa
cinctoaat Oar trices will te the
urn a the lacal fcr ewery has1 mr?1
d aaT te seryke ) will reaier will
K MH SillSfKMry
oiinty, ag in cultivation or
meadow rmiuInK water, two good
IIm kikhI house. Imrn and orchard,
ut so per ncrn Will boII for oni half
ltinliun prloopnld down, tho bulauco
eurd by mortKBKO at 0 per cent.
isifeieulon Klvm nt any time Fur
I'tutliulur call ou Utey J. Kerns, at
oiuyign, iirum, or tleorijo a. D)wn
liilt. Sali'iu. 7-17-lm
,, . .-
Whan yuu really vraiit thn lwr r?nv
! fur yuitr kltclion rumember that
iirnuiHin k. naRan make a specialty ol
quallt), as welt as (ho low prices
which prevail ul that store.
l's Trlb for Liquor habit.
Salem Brewery m
This Is not a gontlo word but
whon you think how llalilo you aro
not to purchauo tho only romedy unl-
vorsally known and a romedy that has
tho largest salo of any mcdlclno In
tho world slneo 18C8 fur tho cure nnd
treatment of Consumption nnd Throat
and Lung troubles without losing Its
great popularity all theso years, you
will bo thankful wo callod yeur atten
tion to Ro8Cheo's German Syrup,
Thero aro so many ordinary cough
remedlea mndo by druggists and oth
era that aro cheap and good for light
colds porhnps, but for sevoro coughs,
bronchitis, croup and especially for
consumption whoro thoro Is difficult
expectoration nnd coughing durlngu
the nights and mornings, thoro Is
nothing llko fJorman Syrup. Tbo 25
cent slxe has Juat bcon Introduced
this year Regular slzo 7C cents, Dr,
Stones' Drug Stores.
A Strange
eterr When
MtiaaJ colors at
T&C Vttkty Stocc.
4CartSt. Aaaar M. Wclck. fro
bwaAYott, 265CfMi'lSt.
Hm't aat tadles' roi fittlsf dres
tea slit la st price AHo some
nmaiML mm wte $3 50 now
warn ya cm t a barrali
Your Stepmother.
tilt bete, and as busy ai
your clothes ara worn
and dirty, or the buttons off,
takothcru to her, at the 8alem Dvelne
aad OleailDg; Works, Repairing and
reUoIng; new Ye)Tet collars put on
oToreoau; alao four aulta a month for
m. mailed for and returned.
MRS. a H. WALKER, Trop,
tM Commercial Street.
Jot lafeata taa OWUrsa.
Beara the
Blunturo of
The reiKirt camo from tho Cleat
Ijiko nolKhborhood yesterday niter
noon that Jnmoa Murdook, n well-ta
do farmer. roeldlttK about six mllns
north of Salem, bad disappeared, and
tllat about B0 of tils neighbor had
made a Beamh for him In tho woods
uimmmlluK his home. Iu an effort to
Had tne man or hltt body. On Tiibb
day mornliiR Mr Murdock slartinl for
Salem on n load of ha and, when but
a ghort distance from his home. hU
load. bolnr tojvhenTy, orortumed
throwing tho man ovor the fence. Ho
arono nnd unhitched his tunm. taking
(ho horses to tho barn Mrx. Murdock
string his Ntuni. sent a little boy tc
ascortnln tho causo of thla chango In
his day's program, nnd Mr Murdock
Bald that tho load had overturned,
and ho would ba compelled to reload
(lie hay Ho left tho house, but not
In the direction of tho load, nnd that
was tho last oen of him by his fnmi
Jy As ho did not return, the family
became alarmed, nnd. fearing that he
had sustained nn Injury In the fail
from his load, which had affected his
mind, Mrs Murdock notified some of
tho neighbors nnd a search was
promptly commonccd. and kept up un
til joeterday. without results
YwKorday afternoon Sheriff Col
hath was notjflod of the strange disap
pearance, and. learning that the man
was possessed of consldernMo means
ho repaired to tho Ladd & Hush bank
to aicortaiu If Murdock had called at
tho bhuk and found that on Tuesday
afternoon, nftor leavlug his hume
the man bad drawn Sio from the
bunk when- he has a comfortable bal
itnco. and gone out. Nothing strange
was noticed to hl actions at that tlmo
by the cterks in tho bank and his visit
was given no sneelal liienin
This fact satisfied the sheriff that
Ihft mail Ui-mu naV !-, a i
ii issaa ilVV
near his home aa
tho money drawn from tho bank bo
may have gonq to Portland, whoro ho
Is wandering dbout. and that ho will
con return.
Mr Murdock Is n well-to-do man,
and has a family consisting of a wife
and three children, who nro nnxlous
as to his whereabouts and condition.
tcblng Plies produce moisture and
ause itching, this form, aa well at
.Hind, Dlecdlng or Protruding Pllei
we cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pile Rem
dy, stops Itching and bleeding. Ab
corhs tumors. SOo a Jar at druggists,
ir Bent by mall. TrcatlBo froo. Write
ae about your case. Dr. Boeauko
'hlladelphla. Pa. For Bale at Dr
tltono's drug stores.
Trlb foTsalo by all druggUta.
. 0
woman who keeps her houso in or
der and has tho care of a family, has
uit as much .osponslblllty as tho man
ho provides tho means to carry on
iho housekeeping. She Is deserving
if the moro credit slnco tho demands
m her Btroncth Is grcator. Tho over-
lasting Bnmcncss nbout hor duties, and
tho confinement necessary to carry
them out Is very trying to tho nervous
Hystem, this producos a strain on tho
mind that mak her Irritable, cross,
nnd dissatisfied, which Is Just as
much a disenso as rheumatism or ca
mrrh. If nerves can bo built un and
Tiado strong by mcdlclno of somo kind
this feellne Is changed to one of
'heorfulncss am. plc-asuro In tier du
tlos. Tho mcdlclno that makes strong
steady nerves, and prevents disease
by building up tho ontlro system, Is
Dr. Ounn's Blood and Nervo Tonic, a
tablet to tako at meal time. Cures
uorvous prostration by making rich
red blood, feeding the norvos, and
makluR solid fioBh at the rato of 1 to
3lbs ner week. This medicine Is sold
by- druggists for 76c per box, or 3 box.
es for iz.00. or sent uy man, posi-pnia,
on receipt of price. Writo us nbout
your case. Address Dr. Bosanko Co.,
Phllndephi, Pa. For salo at Dr,
Stone's Drug Stores. 3
Temperance Meeting.
Volnoy 1) dishing, of Bangor, Mo.,
ylll speak at tho First M. E. church
July 26. 2V 27, at 8 p. m. On Sunday
at 8 p. m., there will bo a union moot-
Inn of all the churches. Kvoryonoin
Infested In the wolfaro of humanity
For Sale. A good work horso, about
9 or 10 years old. weight 12C0. Call
two blocks eaBt nnd four blocks
north of tho North Salem school. N.
O. Shantz. C-23-tf
Ryan's Shaving Parlors Bavea flrst
class harbors engaged. Finest bat
rooms In city. Wo use antisplV
sterilizer J. Ryan, Proy.
Evans' Barber Shop Only flrai-olaa
ho on BUte street Brary' this
new and up-to-date. Finest poreeWji'
baths. Shave, 15c; hair-cat, 'Hsl
hatlia. c Two irat-ciaaa
blacks. O. W. Brans. proprlaW.
For Sale. A lot of good railing, could
be used In fitting up an office, porch,
balcony or stalrrall with baliiBtors.
Journal office. 0-lB-tf
all kinds and styles. First Class-
work and material, Prices reasoa
able. Shop on Miller St.. South
Salem. Phone Red 2191.
For Sale. 00-acro form In Marlon
county, Vi mtlo of Sanltatn river, In
good settlement Five-room houso,
barn and necessary outbuildings,
Woll watorod with spring wntor at
tho door. Ton acros of fruit of all
kinds, prlnclpaly winter applos. A
flno fruit and dairy farm, with lots
of out-rango; within A mllo of
railroad, school, church and busi
ness town, with largo monthly pay
roll. This Is a beautiful farm of
good, black, productlvo land, and It
sold at onco will talco $2000, with
halt down, and the balanco from 3
to G years, at 6 per cent Interest
Immediate possession For further
Information address J, B. Ray, Mill
City, Oro. G-3-3m
208 Commercial Otrett
Crawfish ) All served in
HotTamales the most ap
Cold Lunches ) petizing style
E ECKBRF.EN. Proprietor
S. C. STONE, M. D.
From Nerv ousntss
and Insomnia,
Through Dr. Miles'
Nervine. I Use
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills
For Headache,
"I hue been troubled trroitlr wtlh ileep
ltuneu and nervousneu fer twtaty-five
ers, I have never talcea Dr. Mile' Kerr
Iaa tteidihr for a longtime but it ntf er fail
to help me when I do take Iu In addition to
tali I cm is that my general health U much
better since my occasional ute of Hamne,
tasnlt was veral yean ago, I have used
DiiMUea'Anu-PainPilU lor neuralgia aad
enrous headaches and have alwayi
had prompt relief. The headaches usually
occur 'at latenrsls In the morning and
by taking Pain Pdl when I feel thjhead
ataea Mating on I can prevent the attack
euurelr. My bwband u alio suUeet to
htadache aad find the wme relief fnaa the
Art-Pala Pdls thatldo. We are rasiartly
wiHiog that yon should lite our naaaef be
5J.,?' Jfc8 wUl w have found Ik uilar
Dr, Mile' Hemediei.'Mai.W.lLB6Akp
tar.'Moacow, Idaho, s
There U 8oUdnr that will to surely tader
mine the health a aleerdettneu. AsUght
aectlonef the nerrta U aufficieat tJ bifng
abeut tali dlitrealnt condition and.unleai
i5S5nM ?' ""P5 bt.w Pwoe
raaldly, bringunj about low of apedte. in
dlcettlon. a gradual undenmnlng oKnem
Joree and ntahty, until finaUy thfjtietlm
auSera from netvoui proitraUon. If, Mdei
NmiaeoulcUthenenMin th.t tLJ?.ZV-
lost in tho woods W,,,?i.?f,Sthe?.nr0UI, W
thnnclic ,v ii.. -. thtfattackiol any or all newoui dL Mdirin
Uy, and It Is now belleml that ho may .i.A'HSfi1 Kl,J ? C?"teei&
havo suffered a mental derangement t V&X&?; ttKt nd k
aa a result of thq fall, and that wit S.ted&,CEte:!a4A
Tho stores (two 'n numbor) are lo
cated at No. 235 and 297 Commercial
street, and aro well stocked with a
comploto lino of drugs and medicines,
tollot articles, perfumery, brushes,
Ilia had somo 25 years ozporlonce la
tho practlco of medlclno, and no
makes no charges for consultation, ex
amination or proscription.
Newport Cottane. Good family cot
tago, flvo rooms, good woll, wood
shed, cooking stove, two beds and
springs, tables and chairs; 30 for
Boqson. J. A. Olsson, Newport. Or
egon. 7'21-lw
Uooms for Rent fjp stairs, Cottle
block, by day, week, or month. Al
so light housekeeping rooms. Eloc
trie lights, ppen all hours.
Mattlo Hutchinson, Prop.
Commercial St, No. 333.
Phone: 29GG Main.
Have Just Purchased Tho Miller
stock of now and second-hand goods
at 210 Commercial stroot. Will glvo
you good treatment and dcslro your
iwitronago. Second hand goods
bought and sold. Also a nice stock
of now goods on hand. D. F. Jor
man. 7-21-tf
Express and Transfer
Meets all mall and passenger traJa.
Badxago to all parts ot the etts.
Prompt sarvlcs. Telephone No. S4L
Vor water service apply at oK
ullls payable monthly In advaae,
Uakw all eomplaJnU at the eMea,
Pure Water Wolla dug, drove or
cleaned, also brick work nnd plas
tering. Address A. F. Holt Salem,
Oregon. 7-1-lm
Bank of Salem.
The only National ank In Marion
County. Transacts a gonoral banking
Pays intorest on savings accounts.
Screen Doors. Now and second-hand.
From 75c to $1.35. J. N. Sonants'
second-hand atoro, 107 Court street
8alem, Oregon. 6-5 (f
Screen Doors. 11.16 and hpYiard.ln"
eluding Hardware, Screen Windows
Wire CletU, Lawn and Field Fenc
Ing and Shingles al at lowest
CO Court St, Salem, Or.
MoReynolds Brothers Proprietors ol
Twelfth-stret storo. Groceries and
food. 400 State street 'Phono 2021.
Unique Cleanlnn Room Shaw a
I que
Johnson, the cleaners, are now lo-
caieu at ZU3 Commercial street
They do a general pressing and re
pairing business. Specialties: Skirts,
biik waiBis. Kia gloves, genta' cloth
lug, etc Phone 2C14. 6-28-lyr.
You will always find the choices!
meats at the lowest prices at Ed
wards & Luscher's, -IOC and 410
State street 'Phone orders given
special atetntlon.
Central Lodge No. 18 K. of P. Caatlt
Hall In Holman Block, corner Statt
and Liberty streets, Tuesday of eact
week at 7:30 p, bl. A. B. Strana
CC,HJ, Fleming K. of R. and I
fomsams W AMErtloA-coan
Sherwood Foresters No 19. Meets
Friday night in Turner block. B
W, MInturn,aR.rA.UBrown. Sea
Modern i Woodmen of Amerloa0r4
gon Cedar Camp No. 6J4. Meatu
every Thursday evening .. 8 o'clock
Holman Hall, Frank A. Turner, y
C.; A. I, Brown, Clerk.
Harper's Whiskey la the best
Get some Into your vest
Qua. Schrelber keeps It,
And you know the rest
153 State- Street M
otkbi a.k,u, gwiuiiu,
Ami. tmtmctMj If yt w.
P. Hill. IkwiM, B.pC
i, l. wriu. I iu u
U VM .Uia br tbtti H 1 M V UiM
I IUt.lM,W T,ilw Tb.lT.i,nl .!
! lMtl.M Uf II D MiOlU. DukiLMt,. T.... rtu.l
i h.'B kmiim c J ;.u, 1 1. b4 .. dmI; ul
H-vUi Mr ' l-uca, ( Cira. Bu.,lM Iim. A1
IT "- u.nriN n joy, uncAtTtn, e.
r 7V!)
Sold In Satem by S, C Stone.
CaU tor Free Samplea.
Buccesor to Dr. J. U. Keens, t
White Corner, Salem, Oreeoa. Partit'
desiring auperlor operatJotw Luo
erate fee tn any braack are la al
Made ud to aew liae of wraeaers. u
colors. White Underwear- AllklaM
of waists! fancy simmer foods sua?.
mattlnrs. Geatssntf ladles furaisa
Inu goods nowfor sale clw8. iw
Court St., Salem. Or. Corwr Alley.
tsT1T... nitlU. uu "jRrytf
u iucu ui ;.u..ivU4. i,3Kli ,
iia uh ru-bM. ri. m . r3E i
a.mcwiMi.kuiiB fE ,
dDt.itiuj I kUhuiurfctaHttffl
kMlMUUMr. H4M Htutk 1liU. "
VW 9