The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, July 18, 1903, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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i . -mt il..MM
fThe House Furnishing Company.
269 Liberty Street.
How is Yout Patio?
Do vou not need a 2 or 3 tuoco
Just now we nro showing somo
They aro tho products of our
Do not fail to visit our establishment during Carnival week, j?
ZfMMIff ftwMwffvvwvvfvwvfvivfVfvfl N ffffiKifvvlvvfvVf
Has como to the conclusion that
Bldo of tho vogotablo kingdom la a
without puro blood. You will
kingdom. Poisonous drugs nor doctors' knives nor thunder and
lightning wll not romovo tho causo, but lay tho foundaUon for al klndi
of dlsoaso. Thoso poisons go into your bones, and kill tho llfo of them
and croato all kinds of diseases, cancorous tumors, consumption, dropsy
bono diseases, etc. You must bear in mind that his medicine Is not
poisonous tonic, nor s stimulant, nor tomporary rollot which, you got -from
poisonous drugs, whore tho results aro euro death sooner or later. Do not
blamo tho mcdlclno, when it takoa an offoct and stirs up tho poisons or
dlseaso in tho system. You must not expect to bo curod in a fow days, foi
your sickness ar dlseaso has boon a long tlmo coming on, and it will take
a long tlmo to get it out of your Bystom. It will take months or a year tc
build a now body from tho bones up. Thin is what tho pooplo do not un
dorstand. Thoy aro used to being humbugged. Dig medicines aro com
posed of Nature's Horba what tho human (aystem requlroa. Whon tho aa)
mala got sick thoy will holp themselves to thoso horba, for they have tho In
atlnct, and tho peoplo havo not, so wo have to make a study of it It hat
been a llfo study with Dr. Cook. Do not
and too awoot to worry out of this world.
Dr. Cook Cures All Kinds of Diseases
301 Liberty-Street Salem, Oregon.
Choice and Cheap Meats
I will soil tho boat Moats' that IheStnto of Oregon can produco, as low
as any of my .competitors, and' for thoprcsont, will quoto the following
prlcos, and at tho same tlmo invltoyou to call and Inspect our Meats and
fcv got our prices on meats in quantities:
iUntll further notlco tho following aro
my prices:
Round steak 10c
Chuck steak ,, 7c
rtonst beof .'.. C to 10c
Dolling boof ; G to 7c
Multon, for quarter .. Co
D roast of Mutton , 4c
Hind quartor of mutton ., 8a
Log of mutton lOo
Pork loin . 10c
Pork shoulder ' 8o
Veal, hind quarter 10c
Veal, foro quarter 7c
Twenty years oxporlonco soiling
meats. I will meet all cuts.
E. C. CROSS, Phone
To all consumers of ice In
Salem and vicinity
laving fcouehtthe Capital Ice Works
we respectfully solicit a continuance
of your oatroaasre. We will endeavor
to Improve the service and will keep
up the present excellent quality ef the
Please address, all orders ts the
underslzsed of telesBOrie Wo. 2131.
Good Beet for Salem
As it will take some time to dace
our product In the market front the
Salea Brewery, and as we wish to jret
started la Business and la touch with
the trade la Salem and vicinity at an
early date, we have made arraaze
i meats to handle the Olvaola and Bell-
' Inenam Bay brews, so well and favor
ably known by the people of the Pa-
: clfic coast, our prices will tie the
; same as the local brewery has chare-
ed and the service we will render will
tt raaae satisfactory.
Salem Brewery Ass'n
INDIAN BASKETS. Jelly Strainers.
Cobalt Blue Semi-Porcelaine still at
reduced ptices
The Variety Store.
94CoartSt Annora-M. Welch. Prop
JacofcVogt, 265 Com'! St
Men's and ladies' arsod flrtlajr dress
shoes at the lowest tries. Atee soae
S,B"I.sesww ?.50 aew
52.SB, $3.fknew $5.50. etc. o
where yen caa rtt Hrrala.
rmrlor sot or somo odd nieces?
excellent things lor tho parlor.
own upholstoring- department. S
all profession of tho healing art out
fatluro. When your system la run oui
only find vitality In tho vcgotabl
got weary; this llfo la too shorf
291, Salem, Oregon
Willamette Valley Chautauqua
The Willamette Valley Chautauqua
Association will bo bold at Gladstone
Park, near Oregon City, July Hth to
25th inclusive Rato of ono and ono
third faro on tho cortlflcato plan has
boon made from all points on Oregon
lines. Spoclal attractions havo been
provided. "Gormalno" tho magician,
wlthjjhla Tfondorfut productions; R J.
Burdetto, '-tho' celebrated 'humorist,
will entertain In ills usual delightful
maunor, whllo tho lectures of Hon.
Champ Clark and Hon. J. P. Dolllver
will bo an intellectual treat.
Many other attractions jvlll bo pro
vided making thjo flpestf entertain
ment ever given at this Chautauqua.
Your truly, W. B. COMAN,
7-3-eod5t Gen. Pass. Agent
For any case of the Liquor, Cigarette
or Chewing Tobacco Habit Trlb
falls to euro.
Rev. J. It. N. Bell, the oldest living
chaplain of tho Grand Lodgo of the
Masonic order In tho world, and pas
tor of tho Presbyterian church, Baker
City, Or., writes: "I havo watched
with interest tho good results ob
tained by tho uso of your remedy for
Uio liquor and tobacco habit, Trlb
and feel that I can safely and heartily
recommend It to all in nood."
Price, 112.50 per troatment For
sale by all druggists.
n ?a j
t m it Ksssit amp
ef C&S&H&Z&U
of Soldier
Orations Delivered and Tomb
Buried Beneath the
Mass of FIbral
City of Moxlco. July 18. This was
tho birthday anniversary of tho liber
n) party president, Benito Jaurez, and
In honor of his memory appropriate
momorlnl exerciser wcro hold In tho
cemetery of San Fordlnando. A long
procession marched to tho cemetery
whoro Ho tho remains of tho Illustri
ous soldier who led tho successful
struggles against tho Maximilian em
pire. Tho procession Included work.
Ingmen's societies, members of tho
federal , district and city govern
ments, scientific societies, odlcers of
tho garrison, members of congress
nnd members of tho liberal patriotic
committees. Orations wero delivered
by promlnont public men nnd nt tho
conclusion of tho exercises tho tomb
wns almost burled beneath tho floral
offerings of tho dlfferont societies and
Masonic lodges.
i 0
Whon a ligament la chronically
ovor-contrncted,. or a vertebra Is In a
strained position all tho drugs manu
factured cannot restoro order In that
Dr8. Schocttlo, Darr & Darr, Osteo
paths, Grand Opera House, Salem, Or.
"I should like to know," asked tho
parent, who had a son In need of somo
further education, "what la tho course
at your collcgo?" "Th. usual half-
mm cuurau ui ciuuurs, nuu an inui
sort of thing you know," absent
mindedly replied tho prosldont of tho
groat institution Philadelphia Press.
Doctor Do I think I cari euro your
catarrh? Why, I'm .euro of It Patient
So you're-very "familiar with tho
dlseaso? Doctor I should say so',
I'vo had It myself all my llfo. Judge,
for aalo at tho Palacq Phnr-
Osteopathy docs not euro every
thing, hut it cures so much as to havo
startled tho world Into dropping many
old Ideas about drug-taking.
Drs. Schocttlo, Darr & Barr, Osteo
paths, Qrnnd Opora Housd, Salem, Or'
Your Stepmother.
Is still hero, and aa busy as
ever. Whon your clothoa aro worn
and dirty, or tho buttons off,
tako thorn to her, at tho Salem Dyeing
and Cleaning Works. Repairing and
rollnlng; now velvet collars put on
overcoats; also four suits a month for
$1. Callod for and roturaod.
MnS. 0. II. WALKER, Prop.
195 Commercial Street.
Cremated Himself.
Theodoro Waro, a laborer employed
In tho Wood & Sholdon Lumber Com-
pany's camps, near Slssou, mot with
a horrible death Saturday night Waro
was oraployed ra tho logging camps.
and Saturday night, when ho went'to,
oea in ins cauin ai itainnow. camp, no
was considerably under the lnfluenco
of liquor. About nn hour after ho had
retired a Are broko out In tho cabin,
and Waro, being rendorod helpless by
tho liquor ho .had Imbibed, was un
ablo to get out of tho burning cnbln
until he had rocolved burna that
proved fatal. Ills nock and chest
wero horribly burned, nnd ho Inhaled
considerable flame. Ho was taken to
Slsson and given medical troatment,
but died Sunday afternoon. It Is be
lieved that when Waro went to bed ho
left a Small lamp burning closo to a
curtain. Tho curtain caught flro and
All Union People
Notlco la horeby Elv n. that tho fol-
lowing firms havo taken out 'UNION
Joa. Meyers & Sons. ,
J. J. Dalrymplo , Co, ,' .
Tv Holverson & Co.
J, L. Stockton. ,rf -fo
G. W. Johnson.- 'N
Oregon Shoo Company.
J. A. Patterson.
Ed. Lamport
George F. 8mlth.
IL J, Oswalh . WJ- ,
Buren 'Hamilton6"' ' "
Annara, -M. Wolcb, . i
Hone Furnishing, Co. , '
S. Adolph, 'Jr.'
'Norwood & Son.
Tho Spa,
C. P. Dlshop.
.fipcer Bros.
'.(Gilbert & Baker.
iWeller Bros.
E Groenbaum,
;,Bransau & Ragan. , ,
Mrs. &i. Jl Fraaer. ,
Jacob Vogt.
Ira. C. II. Walker.
Fuller & Douglas.
,Roth & Graber.
C. G. Given.
It. Ai Kirk.
White &, Sqn.
-.Ferguson & Manning, ,
JTbe above name! flrma ard doacrv.
is of and should have tho uatronaea
afj all people who believe In shorten-
ia lae sours oi ue cieri kbs mnas
tMoatStef j a4 ketfdayhfecMr'l
n &
The recent marrlajro
of a cotiple of cripples,
each having only half
tue proper comple
ment of anna
and legs, was
noted by the
n-'s is a "con
nubial curios
ity." But who
botes the mar
rlairea which
occur dally in
which, both par
ties are cripples
in health.
Crippled health
means, ns n rule, in
sufficient nutrition,
polnta to dieaso of vf'
the stomach nnd dl- j(il
tract. Doctor Pierce's
Golden Medical Dis
covery cures diseases
of the stomach and
other orgtttu of digestion
ami nuiruion. nenaoies
the perfect nourishment
of the bodv. and so builds
it up In sound health nnd strength.
"I liml iwrn n nrel mTfrer from ludleitlotl
for the Uat nine yenn wrltci Mr. Margaret
mingle, or OwliiR Milli, Baltimore Co., Mil
"I was nucti a wreck It iccme death wn neor,
hut to-day en n any I feel like another woman,
I have received much nnd lading good from l)r
rlerce'aOolden Medical Dlvsivcry and ' Favorite
PcKTtptlon t have Inkcti twenty-five bottle In
all. and followed the advice or Dr. K V I-ierce.
and am happy to any that life 1 worth living
now. A. thou uud thank for your treatment."
Do not be cajoled into trading a sub
stance for a shadow. Any substitute
offered ns "just as good" as "Golden
Medical Discovery " ts a shadow of that
medicine. There are cures behind every
claim made for the M Discovery.'
The Common Sense Medical Adviser,
looS large pages, in paper covers, is sent
free on receipt of twenty-one one-cent
stamp to pav expense or mailing onlv.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y
caused tho blazo that resulted in his
But llttlo Is known of tho decoasod
at Slsson, except that ho was about 37
years or age, and a member of a San
Francisco lodge of United Workmen.
Ho had boon working at Rainbow for
a couplo of months previous to his
death. Ashland Tidings.
The Latest Yarn.
A Pittsburg drummer tells this bow
yarn: I always carry a fcottle of
Kemp's Balsam In ray grip. take
cold easily, and a tew doses of the Bal
sam always makes, me a well man.
Rverywhere I go I speak a good word
for Kemp. I take hold of my custom
era I take old men and young men,
and tell them confidentially what I do,
when I tako cold. At druggists, 26
and G0 cents. 4
Must fee Sold
Lucy J. Kerns ofTors for salo 318
acres IVj miles northwest of Stayton,
Marlon county, 280 In cultivation or
meadow, running water, two good
wolls. good house, barn and orchard,
at I301 por ncre. Will sell for ono-half
purchaso prlco paid downf tho balanco
secured by mortgago at G per cent.
Possession glvon at any tlmo. For
particulars call on Lucy J Kerns, at
Stayton, Oregon, or George 8. Down
ing, Snlom. 7-17-lm
Woodman's Carnival.
Account "Woodman's Carnival" to
ho hold at Portland July 14th to 2Sth,
Inclusive 1903, wo will soil special
round trip tickets to Portland and re
turn undor tho following Instructiens:
- Rato, ono and one-third faro for tho
round trip $2,20 from Salem. Datos
of Sale, July 14th and July 22d, 1003,
Limits: Tickets sold on July 14th
will bo limited to July 19th, 1903;
Tickets sqld on July 22d will bo lira
Ited to July 20th, 1903.
H : O
o um. m a? o apt -v .
j m wm ira nan Anrarj W&
inn AltfstmlUlH
PQjQS ffgffi. ORKMUOiq
A M.m aanr vul tlmw.. a.4-
O. VuL Tbawi. a.M.
0ltd4 ktU. SUU..IB. . C . viiui IumV
imU, SuVMtl&s X, C , viiua Mm, m',
1 w Uli ft lka.- Or, B. II, lf.r.,
tk7 4t B m Ulia ft lka.- Or, t. II,,
UfaiMl,W. Tl.aiIN -TMflftftftTI4llftU-
Dr It U. UtOlO, Clutitwt. Ttaa, vrlw I.
tot r tl f mm. S atf fMfci a nmir u
rtxt, M Cam. Su.rlM ft. M
-.a mm1!
tqu ft e l-atca, M Cana. Sla 1
) pnnuia, W4NTIN K'iOT. Uncaitcr. tA.
Sold In Salem by S. C, St on a.
Call tor Free Samples.
mm mm WW W. Chinese and
Jawacse Faicy Dry Goods
Made up is sew line of wrappers, all
colors. White Underwear, all klaJs
of walats. fancy sunner troods. silks.
skirts. KattlRCS. etc. etc. Every
tbiDir sow for sale cueap 100 court
St.. Salcra. Or. Comer Alley-
Successor to Dr. J, M. Keaaa, U
White Corner. Salem, Oregon. Partler
desiring superior operations at a
erate fee (a any branch are la esyUla,
J. Browisteli & Soi.
54 State street. Highest cash price
paid far Miles. Pelfs. Wool, Tallow
aadfurs: dsoreeaeral dealer li old
IroB RBbberaHd Metals.
Harper Whiskey Is Uia best
Oet some Into your vest
Quo. chralr kep It,
Anal you' know the rest
f. 4 T
AdvertlMBiests. five lines or less, la this column
IflKrteiJtnrte tunes for 2Sc. 50caWc(R Sl.SO
a Bonm. At over five lines at the same rate.
Wanted. Five or six good laborers
at tho reform school. C. A. Gray
t Company. 7-16-tf -
Wanted. At 178 Stnto street ft roll
ablo llttlo girl to caro for children
In tho forenoon. . 7-lG-3t
Wonted. A tenant to tako chargo of
500-acro slock ranch, 5 miles west
of Perrydale. Plenty of plow lnnd:
wood to cut In any quantity; 200
gonta and 100 shoop now on tho
plnce. Would profor to Bell stock to
renter, a. Marsh, Salem. 7-is-3f
Wanted. Ono chambermaid and ono
waitress. Wlllamotto Hotel. '6-22-tf
Wanted. A second-hand horso rako.
Apply to Thomas HcJman, 374 High
Btrcot 6-22-tf
Wanted. Two or thrco hundred
cords of old fir or second-growth
fir. To bo dollvorod in thrco months,
Apply at onco. Monoy advanced to
right parties. Wlllamotto Hbtol
Wood Wanted. 100 cords of big fir,
or largo socond growth, also somo
heavy oak. Sond scaled proposals to
Hofor Bros., Journal omco. ti
Ladlea, Our harmless roinody ro
llovoa without fall dolayod or sup
pressed monstruatlon. For froo
trial address Paris Chomlcal Co.,
Milwaukee Wis. 6-12-6t-sat
For Sale. Clover hay In tho field, for
$4 por ton. Inquire of J. O. Beards
loy and Son, Routo 8, Salem.
For 8ale. Now nnd Bocond-hand
spring and farm wagons, buggies,
carts, poles, shafts, wheels, etc.
Horse shoeing, repairing; painting
dono on Bhort notice and reasonable
Nos. 78, 79, 80, Broadway, North
Salem. Wcrnr Fennel, proprietor.
For 8ale.-rNear Turner, 25 Rtd, 27
acres; S25 por aero it sold soon. Geo.
G. Bingham.
For 8ale Cheap, A r small stock or
dairy farm,00, acres, J8 miles oast
of Salem; fenced; 'houso and barn;
young orcharjd; Eod running wtor
year round; throo-quartora of a mllo
from school, pall oa or addjosa Lb
j. Davenport, nv uute mrect.
3 r
H 7-23-lwk
For Sale. Black Ropubllcah and
Royal Anno cherries (on-tho tree)
at 1 cont por pound. Inquire thrco
blocks oast of I O, O. F. comotory.
o, 7-17-
For Sale. Ono second-hand full clrclo
lightning hay press. 13. M. Crolsan.
Typewriter Barjjnin A, nowCSun
Typowrlter for 125. Inquire nt Tho
Journal ofllco. tf
Chicago Typewriter Good oa now for
aalo at low prlco. II, caro Journal.
For 8ale. A good work horso, about
9 or 10 years old, wolght 12C0. Call
two blocks cast and tour blocks
north of tho North Salem school. N.
O, Shantz. C-23-tf
For Sale, A lot of good railing, could
bo usod In fitting' up an ofllco, porch,
balcony or atalrrail with balusters.
Journal office. 0-15-tf
For 8ale. 90-ocro farm In Marlon
county, U mllo of Sanltam river, In
good setUoment Five-room houso,
barn and necessary outbuildings.
Well watered-with spring water at
tho door. Ten acres of fruit of all
kinds, prlncipaly winter apples. A
fine) fruit and dairy farm, with lota
of out-raogo; within i mllo of
railroad, school, church and bust
noaa town, with largo monthly pay
roll. Thla la a beautiful farm of
good, black, productlvo land, and it
sold at onco will tako 12000, with
half down, and the balanco from 31
to 5 years, at o por cent interest.
Immodlato possession For furtbor
Information address J, H. Ray, Mill
City, Ore. O-S-Sm
Rooms for Rent Up stairs, Cottle
block, by day, week, or month. Al
so light housekeeping rooms. Elec
tric lights. Opon all hours.
Mattlo Hutchinson, Prop.
Commercial St., No. 333.
Phone: 2995 Main.
Puro, WM9r?rla4luc. dtax.0 c-I
cleaned, also brick work and plaa
torlng. Address A. F. Holt Salem,
Oregon, H 7-1-lni
8crpe'rTTb"r-Now and second-hand.
FromT7?c to 11.36. J. N. Schanta'
second-hand store, 107 Court street
Salem, Oregon. . t i 0-6-tf
ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 -
Screed Doors f 1.1? and upward, in
cluding Hardware, Screen Windows
Wire Cloth, Lawn and Field Fenc
ing and Shingles all at lowest
4jsJWjC0 Court 8tr,SalemjOr.
.asKsjmsnsi . Jtw.
. n 1 n 1 1. if 1 .
McetjsjWJBro4her Proprietors of
TweJM-ptret store. Groceries aad
feed. 408 State street 'Phoaa 22L
7tf '
Unique Cleaning Rooms Sluw &
Johnson, tho cleaners, aro now lo
cated at v203 .Commercial street
Thoy do agenoraliipreselnB' and re
pairing business. SpoclalUoni-Bklrts,
silk w,alats, kid glovda $dntB cloth
ing, etc. Phono 2614. ' B-28-iyr.
Removal. Tho Salem Carrlago Fac
tory, Wornor Fonnoll proprietor,
has moved f torn Commercial , Btroet
to North Liberty, at tho 'briSgV.
Call and seo tho now place, and In
spect tho work dona Satisfaction
guaranteed. Wornor Fonnol,
Eggs for Setting. Pure bred White
Plymouth Rock nnd Black Minor
cos, tho beat layers known- -3 IL
Blundoll, Mornlngsldo. Telephone
No. 2066 Rod. 3-20-tf
Yon will always flna th'o choicest
moata at tho lowest prices -at Ed
wards & Luschcr's, 400 and . 410
Stato street 'Piiono ordora ( given
special atotntlon.
Central Lodge No. 18 K. of, P. Castl
Hall In Holman Block, cornor Stat
and Llborty Bt recta, Tuoaday of each
wook at 7:30 p. m.. A. B. Strasa
O. C, R. J. Fleming K, of R. and i.
Shorwbod Foreatora No ID'. Meets
Friday night In Turner block. S,
W. Mlnturn.CR,; A, L. Brown, Se.
Modern Woodrmn of America Ore
gon Cedar Camp No. 6346. Meats
evory Thursday ovonlng k 8 o'clock,
Holman Hall, Frank A. Turner, V.
O.; A. L. Brown. Ctork.
Protection Lodge No, X, Ancient Or
der Dnltod Workmen, moots every
Saturday evening In tko Holms
Hall, corner of State and Llbarty
atreeta. Visiting brethren welcom
J. G. Graham, M. W.; J. A. Bell wood,
Dra. M. T. Schoettle, Frank J.
and Anna M. Barr-GrdutM
Amorlcan school of Osteopathy,
Klrkavltlo, Ma, auccoaaors to Dr..
Grace Albright OSca houra 9 to
12, and 1:30 (0,4:90 o'clock. 044
Fellows' Toraple! Phoaa Mala 27S1;
residence poena 2 SOS 'Re4.
Dr. K. H. Scovell, Sugevtlva Thera
peutics and Osteopathy. Nmtowl
functional and aestal dlaMaak
ralgia, beadachM, nervous proatrtv
tlofi, dyspepsia, coBatlpatfea. dkw
rhoea, rheumaUsa, aathaia, 4a
D'Arcy block, Btata, atraat Paw
Mala 28(5. '
Ryan's Shaving Partara. 8ra are
elasa barbers encaged, Fkiest, Mk
rooms In city, Wa ae aatisafW
steriliser. J. Ryaa, Proa.
Evans' Barber Shop Only flrat-olaa
shop on Btata street Wrttrr ta4a,
new and ap-to-date. Flneat porctlatV
baUs. Share, 15o; hair-oat, He
batka, 25a Two frst-ckuM
blacks, a W. Brass, proprlete.
all kinds aad styles. First Class
work aad material, Trices reasea
able. Shops Miller St., Senth
Salcra. Phone Red 2191.
208 Commercial Street
Crawfish ) All served in
Hot Tamales the most ' tfD-
Cold Lunches ) petizinp; style
B ECKERLEN. Proprletcr
Tho stores (twa 'n number) are Ie
cated al No. 23( and 297 Commercial
street and aro.woll stocked with a
comploto Uno of drrjiiasd modca,
tojlot articles, perfumery, brush,
If- i m -
Has had Borne 25 years oxporlonce la
tho practice of modlclno, and bow
makoa no charges for conaultatiou,
aslnation or prescription. ?
Express and Transfer
(Meets all mall and passenger trala.
Bst'" to4all vpart of tie'e(Bj,"
Froea'H wrvlce. Telephone No. X4L ' '
Tm water service apply at o4Bea.
Mitts payable Keataly te adrsjae
Ifoke ail ewaa-latata at te .
Bank of Salerru '
vTtift only .National ank laWripn
Oewity, Traaaacts a goBOWM'soaswag
LvuMaasa. r, mi
Hs-a lateraat oa aavtaeii
Uh Trlb for Uvaor hWt