'I lilt i 9 rt ", it h SIX THE DAILY JOURNAL, SAiuEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1903. The Woman Who Knows now to provWo for the pantry always keeps the essential on band. Economy Brand Evaporated Cream mmmmmtmmmmm l an essenual to those who hare tried ft. Compare the other brand with those bearing our cap laoei ana you win mm uw. -. - i f - ..;..... AnMN Rnififl nm. smoothly waiery in hjijuiu. w"'i . from the can, it uniform in appearance and it tbt purest pn ana mow pioaian hujj(. Ask your dealer fcr the Jdnd that bat th cap labeL HELVETIA MILE CONDENSING COMPANY, HIGHLAUD, ILLIHOIS. HAYE TO MAKE ROOM i ii Hiwii iiiinnrniiiniriiinufiTfiiniii hi " ..DRUGGISTS Sill.. New Yorker's Haye to Live in the Country Some Even Get a Contrast by Residing in Philadelphia, and so Rest Their Nerves Bcriblng the seaside resorts on Ya qulna bay has been published by the Southern Pacific and Corrnllls & t? ..,, niinuiiiii nml tan bo secured from any of their agents or by ad dressing W. E. Coman, O. P. A., S. P. Co., Portland, or Edwin Stone, Man ager, C. & E. It. K. Aionny, ur. FAST TRAIN SERVICE Beach 6th., In Betvyeen Portland and al Polnti on and After July Connection With Cheap Excursion O-t.e Commencing Monday, July Cth, tho Wo carry a complete lino of all goods carried by tho usual drug store, and also some which are only handled by us, such as: TiM Willis Elfish Hair Brush from 75c to $4.50 " " " Tooth " " 25c to .50c " Adams " Clothes " ShxvMrlruslies from '25c to 75c ComplexibrBnishes Rubber and bristle 50c to 75c Spores both in Rubber and Wool from 25c to $2.25 Cembs both In Rubber and Celluloid " 25c to $1.00 Always glad tQ show goods ' -- TfigEt Cafts Answered. THE NEW DRUG STORE Change Either Man orClimate Edl'or Jeurnal: The telgrnphk dispatches announce Intenee suffering and many deaths In the Bart from excessive heat. While r atrongly recommend that all Bast em pop" should come AVest and live where It Is coot all summer long, as It invarlabtr Is In Oregon, yet It forces iat .-. tu taa man Iranmi'lrlAtll man, thoaKI set himself to regulate the AiU In wMuli ha fat rtaMttfnwl fft IK'P. Thlt assumption Is open to strong ob- A , & CoIumba niver Railroad lection for the reason we are unable to """" ..,. , a determine to what extent man Is of-I will resume us summur o.u. -fected by the climate due entirely to 'side Schedule, and train leaving union his constitutionality, and the changes depot Portland at S a. m. dally will incident thereto. We might moderate ru tnroUBh direct without transfer the cMrnate, but If the constitutional- ..,,... t ,,,. i,..m, nnin(. ity of man be not made to harmonise. ot Astorla to B" ClataP beach p,Bl8' any climatic change would not produce arriving at Astoria 11:30 a. m., Gear- i the desired result, it might be said nnrt ParK 12:Z0 p. m. nno aeasiao Practical questions face tho man of the work would be better carried out i2'30 p m., making direct connection family who is in New York. He node if we applied It to the man, Instead of . v 'n'' fnr Fivfii that condeasatkw of population on the climate and Its regulation, or ,,,.,,.,.,.. juiv iith and ., . .. . . . ... course on these 1 nes rad cal methods liogmning baturuay, JUiy inn, anu Manhattan Inland mhwM thp unar . ... .. ... . . ... .. .... I . must oe orougnt out. it wouiu ne every aaiuruay mereauer mo jjuiju drZfenkras devfcas to'satan inch MCM ,0 flr8t w" ofr a " m""0" lar Portland-Sensldo Flyer will leavo area ingenious ocvk-s to save an incn . th weathBr crank who chni . .. .,... , . .. ... i UU1UU UUIIUL Uk t.UV II. 111., Ullivillf, Ul mselves over the country inaulrlnc . . . '. '... nf ait ihv m.t !. h hn ,nn,h fr Astoria ata b:do p. m.. uearnari 1'arK j-our After getting rid of the worst CM0 p. m. and Seasldo 6:C0 p. m., of thl specimen we could take up other making direct connection at Warren- features "In their regular order," and j0I1 for Flavel. perhaps might meet with some success . .' ,u ,.. ij in harmonizing nn to the climate. In connoc"0" wl tula Improved rounu trip season excursion mm mUj!mE M B OJJEGM of space. He finds tew ceilings, tiny , ,h ,. .. - . .. rrwnnta narwin- knlln.t'. I..J I. J. uitmrei. : lilt .uuiiiij .vwu.v, ,M,,vn unnna;oi A.AUU 10 UWI and rent Is high, and besides, there are no trees or grata for the children. So thousands every month are led to become "commuters." The exodus to the suburbs of one kind of Manhattan's population makes room for the other. The large propor tion of those who leave the heart of me city for the suburban territory -""" 1Y;,C" i "'"ie boyond its borders are American born. I ho nver f"11 to f"1'"11 ou that you The residents of forrfen blrih rnmain. "r Perspiring n quantities too num- UW ION PACIFIC THE EA8T DAILY. AMD 3 TRAINS TO DEPART FOB Chtcaco Portland Epcclkl D.-20S. m t! Hunt-lDgtoo Ball Lake, Dtnrer, PL CltT, BL Lou It, Cblcato DQ till, AtltOllO KxpreM 8:19 p. m. tU Unnt lnr;ton "8t.'piui" rut Mill (A) p. m. Tia Spokane TIME SCHEDULES From rorunod, Or, ARRIVi FROM knit IjiIta. rw.nip vi Worth. Ooh. KtntAj ICttT, Bl. Luali, Chicago Una Mil. lu.lt. U-.tt. Tiivlrnin Spokase. WslUco, rull nian. Mtnnesnolli RL Paul, Duluth.Mllwankea Chicago, and Emu I to v a r Palace Piiarmacu. 118 State St, Salem. fhm, Main 2541 wmmmtkmmmmmmmmmnmmmmtmmmmmmmmm M. J. Petzel, (Successor to Knox & Murphy) "Pltfmfcc nd Gas Fitte. Stif Ht hk 4 Hot Water Heating. BhctrfcalSiipolIes, Batteries, Bell and Battery Supplies. -cESTIMATES FURNISHED: 1 292 Comner dal St. SALEM. OR. w liiiiiiiiiiiiiniiuiinnunummunnnum, iOUT OF DOOR BOOKS ; ;'llmHIlUf lHimHIlilUI,H J mmWMMM WILLIAM J . LON'G, School o The Woods $J.50 net! Beasts of The Field ,$J.75 Fowls of Tte Air $J.75 Hodge's Nattire Stdy and Life $2.00 ! Kath's Flnt Book o( forestry ' " $ J .25 ! I . AHckera!g Moti and BatterfUes $2.50;; Atkkisoa's Fktt $tf dkn of PUnt Ltfc ,85 j ing on the Island are constantly rein lurceu ur larce niimnorn nr immi. grants from Europe. So that the per centago of foreign born people on Manhattan island Is rapidly increas ing, une-iourtn are now of the Jew ish race. There are half as many Italians, and hundroda of thiuianiuU of Germans. Irish and Slavonic neo- ples. Further evidence that tho new comers from Europe Increase tho city population Is the statement of a New York railroad offlclal. "Not 1 nor pant " hn !.! "nr ih who leave Manhattan Island and go to Thfrrtnnrnotnrlnrnf-nnilvaitnriiilrAiiM ( BOrVlCO. recently added word to the Ensllah vp- tickets between Portland and all Clat cabutar and refers directly to those son and North Beach nolnta aro sold at 4 for round trip, and Saturday erous to mention. Instead of turning to John Tyndal to And out what alls the weather (or us), we buy a few thermometers and sit with fan In hand and Match the mercury crawl up his tube, while the grease sizzles, and e continue to fry for lack of energy to learn how to put the fire out. How ever all this may be, the question still remains open as to which "end" we should properly commence work on. Shall we try to moderate the climate, or shall we constitutionally the hu man race to meet any and all climate wunout gloves, ir It a proper to make their homes In surrounding quote nn X-ray man, It runs something tfitrna nr. nt tivaAm M,t. t,ihi hi.. ,t.i.. ,. ..-i... vl,., . .... towns are of foreign birth. Practical iy ail oi mem aro Americans. The for eigners seldom come to us with In quiries about homes in Ihn rntinfrv They seem to have a proforence, even iur mcir me in uio crowaca districts. If Manhattan Island ever becomes en tirely denuded of resident population, tho foreigners apparently will be the mil lu tu. To enrournen itwolltni- In !. .... burbi railroads offer largo reductions of faro. Tho usual "commute' M rato Is about three-quarters of a cent per mile, a substantial decrcaso from tho regular two cents a mile. For In stance. Orange. N J.. Is twelve miles from New York city The reralar faro one way la 25 cents. A monthly I like this: "Lucky Ilnldwln nf Hall fornla has Just started for Cape Noino with a bevy of Honolulu belles. It Is not known whether ho Intends to re trieve his lost fortune, or to moderate the climate." Just what application this may have to your Ideas on hand concerning thM matter of cllmnte, may not be of record In the prevailing hla tories. but hlatorv will ahmr ) mnr. mux irom neat wnen mankind Special round trip tickets between snmo polHts, good for return pnssngo Sunday, at $2.60 for round trip. Spec ial sctiBoii Commutation tickets, good for flvo round trips, from Portland to all Clatsop and North Bench points sold for JIG. Beach excursion tickets sold by tho O. R. & N. Co. will bo hon ored on trains of this company in either direction between Portland and Astoria. For further information address J. O. Mayo, C. F. & P. A., Astoria, or E. Y. I.owls, Com'I Agt, 248 Alder St., Portland, Ore. Writo for tho novel and catchy Seasldo pamphlet Just is sued telling all about Summer Girls, Sea Serpents and Sunsets at Seaside. 70 v HOURS " PORTLAND TO CHICAGO Vo Cbsste of Cars 70 OCEAN AMD RIVER SCHEDULE From PortUad' a p.m. Pallr except Sunday t n. in. eitunur, "p.m, ' All tailing date inbject to carnage ForfeanrraiiclKO 11 arery i daji COLUMBIA KIVKR ToAitorla an1 Way Landlugt P. i 4 p. m i Hni't WILLAMETTE ftlVER Steamer Ruth leaves Salem iu Portland and way landlnca on Tue. days, Thursdays and Saturdays, about 7o.ni, M. P. BALDWIN. A. L. CRAIO, Agt.O.R.&N. Snleis. Oon. Pass. Agt Portland, Or. takes up this Important question. It ought to shame man to see the suffer ing of his fellowmen, the dying horses, and the Idle and curious nttentlon with which he gazes upon It all, CLIMATICUS. Salem, July 17. Popular Sunday Excursions, In order to meet the wants of tho travollng public, and Elvo nractlcallv onco dally Borvico to tho beach during tho EXCURSION RATES. commutation book containing CO trips reducer can bo bought for 5.50. This Is a trino more thnn nine cents a trip, a large reduction from 25 cents, 8omo To ne &"'de and Mountain Resorts of theso suburban trains run on a for the Summer. scheuulo of 40 miles an hour, and Th.. c... ....... ... . i summer season, tho Corvallls & East ern railroad will run an cxqurslon train from Albany. Corvallls and all points west to Newport every Sunday, commencing Sunday, July l2tH, lcav Ing Albany at 7 a. m. and Corvallls at 7:30 a. m., returning leavo Newport at 5:30 p. m arriving in Albany at 10:30 p. m. Throe-day nnd season tickets will bo good going and return- those trains. This should make it noa.lhlo fnr n 7 h. -iB0 oulnern Mc company has mg on those trains. This should homes at tho outer nart of ih animri, P'nced on salo at very low rates round Provo populnr with tho traveling nub n belt trip tickets to tho various resorts "c, and a liberal pntronago will bo tho uiiKUHuvjiaie, ei. I IS iii miles along ita lines, and also. In connection bct appreciation irom tno metropolis, yet thcro are with the Corvallls A Firn n.i several "commuters" who iiv in " lnQ wrTa"18 - lstern, to Do- Poirghkcepslo and travel dally to Now ' ana tho seas'de at Yaqulna Day, York city. lattor tickets good for return until Thore are a fow othors who make Oetotwr 10th. tllO trln dallv from 1'hllmlnlnhln Ort n.u. . mllos awav. Thu f., i lYnnVin- Wt inre un UCK0'B w Yaqulna bay, distance caused by the centralisation B00d SQ,nK '"fdnys, returning Mon of population. Is one of the interest- ua'8- are on salo nt greatly reduced ingrcntureM of the tlmwi. rates from all nolnta ,,., ...j The situation nrosenls one of the v.hi, . .... ,. . . . ... . & . uii uuiii luiai ii ii ii ivoiir viiin tf EDWIN STONE, Mngr. Trlb for salo by all druggists. fc Efiwrtoa's Coaimoa SpWers $,50 net ! I EWy Frkflia aaa( Helrs. , ,75 ! ! i ; GINN & COMPANY. :...: !!. Traic Dprtt, 29 Beaco Stwct, BOSTON, i iiiiaiisiiaii - Tbteo. M. Ban- 8oiTor tn lUrr rtl. aXMTTIT rinr. m "7i7rr i JZr; " I WMl. Hot Air. Hot WatAr in4 Steam Heattag a Specialty. mntit tfwfmiu tnll-nl . 1, i,.... wi.. - 't-.llllia IUIIIUUI1 IIIIIIIIMIIIM. I lib! . railways which bear the heaviest hup 11HM' 08nbnK people to spond Sun den of suburban travel around nbout nt tho seaside. Very low round NeW York lira lirimnrltlir in .nlnmn trln m,a. . l j. . . n their terminal f.Vimie. nd Inc ease d d Z 1 7 " 0"' tho number of their tracks. For the n . T ' lnts on ,ho Southorn lonil (Uii.La nil nnMA . liaOlllQ. rC4d Cnlnt Rntnf.lnre w . vviiiyn Hll U UIIVV. JUV UHU IlrtS - o iwmii;o, V lite trains wheduleil to leave tho turning Sunday or Monday, allowing depot at 5 o'qlookj In the afternoon. Portland people to spond Sunday In and the sturdy engines puff from tho the country and tts sut of i1 B station onver nearly abreast . lounir' nn" in out of town peo- In this1 commuter" travel are some pI t0 nnve tho da3r ,n Iprtland, Interesting Incidents. One of theso Tickets from Portlnnd toYaquInn Is the "club car." A number of msn bay cood f.ir mtnm i n Hying In Uio same city form a.olub r..i ni.tA . n .."" V" """ ear a swclnl nnr " ".' "' ' n est blue, at option of passengor. Dnccacn checkotl through to Newport. A now feature at Newport this year will bo an up-todate Kindergarten In charge oi an experienced Chicago teacher. A beautifully Illustrated booklet do- which leases by the year a special car from the railroad (.onipany. Tho special coach is rurniihmi fnr mm and, eom(o(t with nni carpets, easy chairs and tables. uhnr th,, iit. members'" niarpass the tlmo at cards niiiiu uvy nre raaKing tneir dally iuiiriiiVH ulnars sit m..i ,.. ., smoklnK as tho train rolls along. Club r" members and their famiiina n,i ' buhk rr,lu. . .. -. vnn.lu ),i, ,,,. ... ....r: !.....- J7 """. run riUCO ride In iheso special cars. The first hot lir,nth nt .. sends the .city dwellers to countrv homes. Many of them, expecting to be temiwrary commuters" only be como permanent, which Is a reason why the population thickens In the suburban belt. Catarrh Cannot ba Cured. With LOCAL APPLICATION, as they'co. eannnt nai-h ih, m.i x'.i. ji , -" ..-v., ,u. BV.i u iuo disease. Catarrh Is a blood or eonetHntinn.t unease, and In order to cum must take Internal remedies. Hall HCU1UE riea nrndnc. mm..,,.. .-..www U.VI.IUIQ IUIU MX 'J?'" U" f0nU' " W" " Dllnd, DleedUng or Protruding PJlea are cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pile Rem dy stopa iUhlng and bleeding. Ab sorbs tumors. Mc a j at druggists or sent hv mall nv-.H.. L Kl'r' 'me about ToTr ;rM"nt".." Philadelphia, Pa. For sal, ,TS? Stone's drug stores. Trib for sale by the Capital Drug HARPER WHISKY O. C. T. CO.'S PASSENGER STEAMER8 POMONA and ALTONA land at 7 a. Sunday. Quick Time, Cheap Rates Deck: Foot of Trade Wrttt M. P. BALDWIN, Agt. leaves for Port- m. dally except A DELIGHTFUL BEVERAGE, A 8AFE STIMULANT. A GOOD MEDICINE. For Sale by A. 8CHREIBER, 8slem. 153 8tate 8L FARMER'8 HOME. Corvallls &. Eastern R R, N. 2 For Yaqulna: Leaves Albuy 12:45 p.m. Leaves Comiu. . i ArtTe y. !;.. ". 7X?:r .-. ...v .uirruai rrmeoics. Hall's :" '. '"" no inquina Day, This Catarrh Cure Is taken laternally, and K 1 ?? E more W" erf acts dlroctlv on ih m . 1 1 . KK."ld. l,0,e, "ocommodatlons aro .OREGON &Burrougliis & Eraser I JBctt If IRON WORK PLUM1INQ i Jl JWl.Prdm'ptbVis si-eiour1 T,''.. "? " -.- K'K?"? r. . .,.,. ..rm re not uUIB r(uea- Boaaon tickets from a Quack medicine. i ... iw... Salem to KeM,t tVA. ."..r" ---j -" i'iiiucu ,1,. o.. . " t.w, iu loquina. by one of tho best physicians In this NewW ay".t0"emuil' t,cket8 to countrv fnr v.. a .. Newport, 13.00: to Yaoulna Sinn W E. COMAN TAT iTRKKT. - - SALEM, OREGON. '-txlOat-Aencw Motto, ruuwry ior years and is a regular ireK-npiion. it is composed of the beat tonics known, combined with the best blood trariflers.-aetlng directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two in.i-i. is what produce gucb. wonderful re sults In curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials fr. sold &lS?NRL O. Hall a Family nils are the ht OilwpaUii v achlev lTshJef re sulta through the nervous system. ' Drs. Schoettle, Barr A rtr rt.'.. ?rath. Grand Opera House, Salem. Or 6-!7eod Oen. Paa. Agent .-... , .,,,,,, o;o a. m, iair Corvallls u:so a. m Arrlvca Al..r in.tr - No. 3 Tor etrett: ""? te 7:00 a, m No. 4 From Detreit: Arrives Albany 5:35 m Mm? !a Na X trr,Te' " in time to cennrr vltk w a r. ' .. bound troir. Ve-lV tvo g two of Offers a cholco of THREE gatoways, KANSAS CITY, ST JOSEPH or OMAHA, to Chicago and points East Through Standard nnd Tourist sloeplng cars dally between San Fran cisco and Chicago via Los Ancoles and El Pnso. Through Tourist Sleener okth TUESDAY from .Portland to Chicago via bait jko nnd Colorado Springs. inrough standard Sleeping Cars daily between Ogden and Chlcairo. Lowost rato in effect always avail able via "Rock Island System." Reduced ROUND TRIP IUTES In effect on July 12, 13, 1C and 1C, and August 18, 19. 25 and 2C; 80 days re turn limit Bo sure that your ticket reads via thO Great Rock Islnn.l Ttnnta Tho best and most reasonablp din ing car service. For Information, OEO. W. HAINTER. tp. A. . L. B. GORHAM. Gen Ast..250 Alder street, Portland Ore. ' W ; dn& ? -t Time East t rom Tocomo, Seattle, tho Pucet bound country nnd qnnUnn . t,. sourl river poinU and tho Southeast tno uurlington offers quick Borvle&i ThrOURh train r fimiti , v .. City enulnDsd with hii. , .. w ..nj.r.T.""M ": '-""f y'i .m.mu milium Bieeners. and last' 2,"- iV181' touri8t a'oepers, ckaa, comfortable and cheap. Why not tnkn iha Qnti.n..t -..l.i r... - w UUUUIIXUl DUWKI via uniings and the Burlington? Yeu1 lout uo oeuen, nnd you might do' worse. White House and the Carnival. I While visiting the Carnival don't nf n our' Albanybofore rorget that tho V. iTTA "t.ol-&. ?' northbound train. rant I. th u., "T" "wou i.,.w- " Ctoir.c's w.'th the S. P ' "pen oay and night V."" tarvatlls n . Albany girina -"T" "fe to wewport and aii-I castor i a teisasssa 111 A. C. 8HE-DON,' Cn4Vl Aen. lOO TmilD ST-REKT, PORTLAND. Ppr InfknU ana'ChJMr.- lban7 at 7:00 a bl. rxalnrrv .mwY.,Aiw,JSBMJh,ssn:r - vv.,fBC corym Do Not Forget. That on next SunHiu .intu iaih. and tVew Sunrliu k..... .n h close of the summer season, that the Corvallls . Eastern railroad will nive Onfi Of ihts nnmiL. e...... knrv lorn to Newport and return,' leaving Albany at 7 a. m- Cbryallla at 7:30 and Philomath at 7:45. Fare for the round trip from the points S1.50. nolnta u,. thn usual'' Sunday rates. Three-day or aeason tickets good to return Sunday night, i uesirea. EDWIN STON-i vw , u viAfa.nJS,f -r'bfcijbA