The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, July 18, 1903, Page FIVE, Image 5

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"Tthb;d,ail-y. jqurnact ,8AirEM;iEQow;'8ATURpAy,iTrt-yf8n9or" ';
s. iw WMnnn . .
Procrastination is
Tlie Thief of Eyesight
Almost all serious eye troubles are the result of procrasti'
nation. Instead of taking the alarm at the first sign of eye
weakness and goi'iV' straight to an ODtician tdo manv Deoole
neglect the little trouble until it has become a trreat one. If
your eyes, commence to bother you in even the least degree
you will be doing a wise thing in allowing us to fit them
with glasses. We have one of the finest and most elaborate
equipments of oplhalrnic instruments in the state and am
ple knowledge of how to use them. If we fail to prop
erly fit your eys we expect no pay.
Corner State and
Liberty Streets,
f&Social Realm
--- .-.-----,----..--..-
n. D. Wllklns, of Albany, la visiting
Salem friends.
I. Conklln went to Portland this
Halsey ftils forenoon fon a'fbw d'ays''
visu 10 airs, wye's sister, Mrs. U. A.
W. N. Gatens goes to Portland -this
ovenlng for an over-Sunday visit with
ins ramlly who are visiting relatives
Dr. T. C. Smith, Jr., wont to Seaside
Oils morning for a visit with his fam
ily, who occupy a cottage there for the
A marriage license was this after
noon Issued to George Q. Dart and
Miss Etta Fox, upon the application of
J. W. Dart.
Prof. J. II. Ackermnn went to Hood
River this morning for a few days' va
cation with relatives. Ho will return
on Wednesday.
Miss Era Pccar returned to her
homo In Itoscburg today, after a
month's visit at the homo of Mr. nnd
Mrs. 13. W. Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Gilbert went to
Eugcno this morning, and will enjoy
tho baseball game thoro today nnd
tomorrow, and visit with friends.
Jay J. McConnlck wont to Albany
this morning to umpire- the games be
tween the Roseburg and Albany
teams this nftornoon and tomorrow.
Mlno Host and Mrs. J. Connor, of tho
Hotel Willamette, returned last night
from a trip up tho Columbia river,
where they enjoyed a few days' rest
George D. Gray went to Newport
Miss Eya Thatcher
Who Captured
Will be There, Chenoweth
the" Cornetist, and Myers,
Vocalist Among the
Many Attractions
All amusement lovers aro delighted
to learn that Managor Shields will re-
opon his Salem park next Monday,
and will bring together performers of
great oxperlcrfco In vaudovlllo work.
weddinn Announcement. ' Hwiidn. in in Hnium tarn vin
Mr. nnd Mrs. I. A. Webb announce , T ' , ,
tho engagement of their daughters, "" ?""' """..""" '"""'..,"'".""""'
Pearl, to Mr. Albort W. Nelson; Edith, . iro,a 8UO" " ui oay.
n in- vmnaf m Wninh Tim wpil. I G. U Savaso was a nassenecr for
filings 'will tako placo August 12th. Albany, going up on mining business.
Ipledford Mall. Miss Adelaldo Sutmoycr roturned
Mr. Welch. ono of tho happy young yesterday from an outing at Newport.
nioniiiis ior n low aay visiu . l(U.n" i" ."'.'. e" .iV mT I r .. " ."".. .
Clayton Young, who Is employed In , V?t """J """" " "u, 7 ' "" "1"""" m?.ue Bparo? loranK?
men namod In tho obovo, was formot
ly a resident of Salem, and tho an
nouncement or nis engagement 10 a
fair young lady of Mcdford will cause
sorlous heart affection among tho old
sweethearts ho loft In this city, when
ho wont to Mcdford.
South 8alem Personals.
Mrs. Laporto, of Albany, Is visit-
Ing at the homo of her daughter, Mrs.
William Wolch. In 8outh Salem.
Mrs. C. T. Mclntlro and littlo son,
I Floyd loft for Eugene this morning.
whoro they will visit for a fow nays
with relatives In that city.
Rev. Gordon, pastor of tho Lcsllo M.
E. church, is homo from a week's stay
at Glndstono Park.
MIbh Jonnlo Booth Is homo from a
visit wlUi hor aunt, -Mrs. Fisher, -of
Rov. J. II. Colemnn wont to Glad
stone Park this morning for a brief
Walter Jackson went to his homo in
Portland, after a short visit In this
Govornor Chamberlain went to Port
land last evenlngfor an ovor-Sunday
W. II. Molr roturned this morning
from a short visit to his brother-at
Mrs. E. E. Waters wont to Portland
Friday to visit her daughter, Mrs. W.
C. Knighton.
John Stolwor. of Jefferson, camo
down from his homo this morning for
a brlof stay.
Justlco and Mrs. C. E. Wolvorton
wont to Gladstpno Park this morning
for a brief stay.
W. D. Shaw arrived from Portland
this morning, to look after somo of
his Intorcsts here.
W. II. Darr and Leo Stnnwood re
turned this morning from a trip to
Silver Croek Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. D. IT. James wont to
Albany this morning for an ovor-Sunday
visit with frlonds.
Herman Klabor, of Tacoma, a hop
doalor, left this morning for his homo,
A Fine Dand Concert.
Tho Salem Military band gavo an-
A)tlior of Its dollghtful open-air con
fcorts In Marlon Bquaro last night,
when a largo crowd of Uio cltlzons of
Salem enjoyed tho splendid program
rondorod, Tho band shows steady lm
'provement undor tho ablo leadership
of Prof. Willis 13. McElrov. and. with aftor a abort. business visit hero.
i'tho addition of the now instruments, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frlsboo went to
will Boon rank as on6 of iho boat bands Albany this forenoon to attend tho fu
In tho Paclflo Northwest. noral of a rolatlvo this afternoon.
Miss Eva Stafford, a teacher In tho
I Portland schools, Is visiting Mrs. J. W.
Roland,.at hor homo for a fow days.
Miss Alicia McElroy, of Eugene. who
has boon a guest of hor brother, w. E.
McElroy. has returned to her homo.
W. II. Smcado nnd Robert McCluro,
of tho Flathead Indian agency, Mon-
I tana, are In tho city for a fow days'
fj i nc ruric r
his family, who aro occupying tho
Gray cotmgo at Nye Creole this sum
mon Herman Uchtmnn, of Portland, was
a Salem visitor last evening, returning
to Portland this morning. Ho Is a
denier In hops, and was here to ldok
over tho situation.
Mr. and Mrs. Chns. S. Roily and
daughtor. Corlnno, roturned to tholr
homo In Portlnnd yesterday afternoon,
after a two weeks' visit with relatives
and friends In this city.
Mrs. A. Strong leaves tonight for
Snn Francisco, for a two-months visit
to hor brother Lute Westncott, and
other relatives. Hor daughter, Miss
Amn, accompanies hor.
Miss Allco Davlo, for tho past two
years an operator In tho local tele
phone exchnngc, left this morning for
Tacoma. whore sho will make hor fu
ture homo with an aunt.
Dr. II. H. Ollngcr and D. C. Mlnto
wore passongora to Eugcno this fore-
this tho most attractive weok yot, and
from tho expressions heard on tho
street of this splendid bill to bo of-
fored, It Is predicted that tho Park
seating capacity will bo packed, Tho
program will bo headed by the queen
of Irish comedy. Miss Eva Thatcher.
who has won great laurels during hor
roruanti engagement, and It was with
great -effort thnt her audience would
let her leavo the Btago.
Chenoweth, tho great cornotlst, Is
nlso billed to appear, and from tho
press notices thnt ho has alroady ro-
coiveu, it may bo assured that his su
pcrb cornet work will tako hero.
Evory effort Is now being mndo to
socuro iiarry sayor, tho great mimic,
who does a very neat act, and has a
way of his own In entertaining tho
Hunt's dogs and monkey will tako
tho children's oyos, and from tho way
tho "old monk" cuts capors it will
n "': Cr,r'hr;v" . ,b" " " . ..'V. "lease the old folks as well To make
'.... ! Mirt nnlnrlnlnmnnt nnmnlntA fnnnnnH
In comparing Graln-0 and coffee
remember that while the tasto U
the samo Graln-O gives health and
strength while coffee shatters the
nervous system and breeds disease
of the digestive organs. Thinking
people prefer Gralu-O and its ben
efits. TRY IT TO-DAY.
r AtgroctnnTfyt?htf8t He. and lie per rekj,
Gen. W. II. Odell wont to Gladstone
Park this morning, to bo present at
tho Chautauqua convention for a fow
Chris Donovan, a hop doalor of San
ta Rosa, Cal Is In Salem for a short
visit, after a trip to the Atlantic sea
board. Mrs. 0. A. Nye and family wont to
The Spa and California Bakery
havo added abothor Jjakor to tboir shop and will havo
On Hand at All Times
ajfull lino of fresh cakes, German oflbo bread, etc.
114 State Street, 93 Court Street.
iemfiinnif nminium un iaiiii
To Sea-Side
or Mountains I
Hundreds of pounds of
Coffee we have put -up(jn, ',
Cartons. Also Tea, Cocoa, Baking Powedr and flavor- ; ;
ing extracts. . . ii
$ Send'in your order and we will puYthem up in the !
I same style. '... ;
with every purchase of $1.00 or
.over, (mention this ad) and we will z
give one of those pretty Lunch f
Butter Cups with a nickle screw $
l' o
Mill 11 STOR
Phone 2411. Black Free Delivery
games this afternoon and tomorrow,
and root for tho Raglans.
John W. Mlnto arrived up from
Portland this morning for a visit with
his paronts and his daughtor who Is
spending a fow weeks with Hon. nnd
Mrs. John Mlnto In South Salem,
Watt Shlpp went to Eugene this
morning to witness tho baseball games
this nftornoon and tomorrow, bo
twoon the Salem and Eugene teams,
and to see Salem defeat the Nobles.
Louis Lachmund, tho hop denier,
went to Now York on a business trip
last ovenlng, and will bo gone about a
montb. Mrs. Laqhmund will go to tho
coast with friends during hor hus
band's absenco.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Nelson wont to
Newport this morning for a few dnys'
visit at tho sensldu Tlioy wore ac
companied by Mrs. P. 0. Keens and
Mrs. A. Davis, of Dos Molnos, In., who
aro spending tho summer with tho
II. S. Gilo wont to Vnncouvor, Wash
ington, this morning to meet with tho
fruit growors of that section, nnd as
sist them in the perfection of a fruit
growors' association, similar to tho
Wlllametto Valloy Pruno Growors'
Albort L. Downing, of Whlteakor,
former treasurer of Marlon county,
was In Snlom yostordny nftornoon, for
tho first time slnco tho stato fair Inst
fall. Mr. Downing has bocn sorlously
HI. nnd Is but Just recovering, and his
many friends woro pleased to greot
him onco more.
II. E. Frcoraan. of London, England,
an oxtonslve dealer In hops, camo up
from Portland last ovenlng, and this
morning went to Tacoma Mr. Freo
man Is making a tour of the hoi) dis
tricts of tho Pacific coast, with a view
to looking over the situation nnd as
certaining the condition of tho Brow
ing crops.
Women of
Tho ladles of Silver Bell Clrclo, Wo-
men of Woodcraft, at their mnntlnc
held last ovenlng, Installed tholr of
ficers for tho ensuing term, in ono of
tho most Interesting lodgo sessions of
uio year. During tho evening tho lodge
presented Da Marguerite Pomoroy, the
retiring guardian neighbor, with a
magnificent cut-glass vase, purchased
during that lady's absence from the
city, as an acknowledgement of her
splendid services in the principal
chair of the lodgo during tho past two
terms. Mrs. Mary a Holcomb made
the speech of presentation, and the
happy recipient gracefully and fervent
ly expressea nor appreciation of the
splondld gift. Mrs. Holcomb acted as
the Installing officer, and inducted the
following well-known ladles Into their
respective positions;
Past guardian, Dr. Marguorlte Pom
eroy; guardian neighbor. Mrs. Holon
South wick; adviser, Mrs, Caroline
Busbnell; magician. Mrs. Maggie
Fisher; atotndant, Mrs. Ellra Darling;
Inner sentinel, Mrs Mary E. E. Mas-
sev; outer sentinel, Mrs. Sylvia Fer
rell; managers, Mrs. Eleonore Gurard
ond Mrs. Anna Warner; captain of
guards. Mrs. Allle Stapleton; mu,
Blclan. Miss Maude Morrison.
Comel Cornel Cornel
To the First M. B. church, July 25th,
26th. 27th, at 8 p. m.. and hear, the
greatest speaker on the temperance
question in the nation, volney B,
Cushing, of Bangor, Maine.
0' i ii , i
Shields has engaged Mr. J. W. Myers,
recently of tho San Francisco Chutes,
to sing tho illustrated songs, Thcso
aro some of tho fcaturos of tho
Shields' programs, nnd when thoy nro
In tho hands of good slngors thoy aro
much appreciated by tho audlonco.
Tho polyscopo will bo moro interest
ing than over, and sovoral thousand
feet of now films will bo shown. Gos
iior'o orchestra will render a fow
cholco selections during an intormls-
slon. which will glVo tho patrons am-
Dandruff and
Falling Hair vanish
before the magic touch of
Nowbro's Hcrpicido, the
latest scientific discovery.
It kills the dandruff germs.
Destroy tho cause, you re
movo the effect. Kill the
dandruff germ, nnd your
hair will grow abundantly.
, BT.AmioVT.lDlBo.DM.I.'M.
. nnWd d4 U tht you oUlni f or It. II
hM olunal car hn4 (ram dandruff, nl Uri
mjtuirantaudtott. OiioiM.C0Ki,
For Stic t fell Flrit-Clui Drug Store.
For ule by Danelel J. Fry. Bend 10
ent In stamps for sample o The
Herp'oldo Co.. Detroit. Mich.
phtlmo'td rofrosh i thomsolvos at tito
lomonado stand, which has recently
ueen installed, or to give tltno for a
littlo friendly chat Every convent,
onco for tho comfort of tho patrons
will bo given by. tho management. Tho
Salem Military band will give Bhort
band concerts preparatory to tho per
formance. Tbo;pricc3 aro 1G and 25c,
which enables evoryone with moderato
moans to attend.
Plrjnlc at Liberty.
.Ono of tho most onjoyablo picnics
evor hold In Liberty .took placo Friday
at tho Gibson homo, under tho direc
tion of tho Hborty Good Roads
League. Mr. Gibson, who has Just com
pleted a flno now houso and bam, took
this opportunity of having his neigh
bors vlow them, and it proved to bo n
great success. A largo number of
neighbors brought their lunches, nnd
when tho tlmo camo thoro was n grand
Bpread in tho grovo. In tho nftornoon
thoro waa a bait gamo, and at night a
good, old-fashioned barn danco given
In tho jiow barn. Old and young
jolnod In, nnd stopped only whon sup
per (which Mrs. Gibson hnd prepared)
wna announced. Mrs. Gibson is a
nntablo cook, and last night oxcolled
horself, adding to hor reputation in
that lino. Ev.oryono voted tho occa
sion the best of Uio season, nnd would
call-again on very alight porsuaslon.
Quito a numbor of Salonr peoplo woro
There is worse pure stufl
than the usual mixtures used
to adulterate spices ; no great
harm, except to adulterers.
"Pepper" is shells and dust
(3c lb) with one per cent of
red pepper to hot it. "Cloves"
arc stems (2 or 3c lb Wormy
nutmees are "worth ; or 6c
lb by the ton.
Schilling's Best feels strange
in such company
. All the rage for m
ing Hats, Indian Bas
ket, Mats, etc. Easy
to learn, pree.' de
monstrations; Klickitat Indian
Just received a line
of fancy Indian
' 'Baskets, a fine as
sortment. Lovers
of fine baskets
should call early
and see them.
Repairing a Watcb
Of, tho flnest-wOrknjnohlp.lB a b
of our buslnosa" titw9 l1!0 s(
attention to. . Our , rbiwlrlag dcrt
mont is conducted with 'tho utmoat
skill, diamonds aro reset, a! Jowelry
of all kinds Is repaired In tho moot
perfect manner, bosldoa optical work
6t all lilmjs. v s
C. T. Pomefori . .
Jeweler ami OpUolan, 2S8 Ooas, pt.
iinnmianmtrwttrn f 8tiiimiaii
. . .. . 1 - - .- - t. m- 1
fc3JjKJzSlr. i3JROS.'
J8c dozen lot eggs !
Oc per lb for hens !
J 5c " u " yoisag chickens ;
1 7 t-2c per lb for totter ;
In trade, (ess 0 pea cent incsh
!! f iiiiinjf i tm uunn iaiBiif i
Harritt & Lawrence
Sell wore Oroccrles il Utttr Orocerlt tlua ANYBODY
There's where you get GOOD treatment and GOOD .goods'
Stop in and soo for yoursolf.
Speer 3Btotbere
lD jjR -j jB Fv 3
Glassware .
c4m 4.
0 '
i'iv' , ?W?ap" HI .j- n;
4- r 5 Dry Good's
C I I Utnhlg Cie4s:
ki'-.ij - rt
The two best amateur teams In the
county will Dlar tomorrow at the base
ball park, at 3 p. to.; with band con-1
Wb b t.t,v L. fcM .. 99.VU vwa .'
eluding grand stand.
The season is open for Binding Twine Wewquo1tethefc3lorV
ing prices? Standard :12 lcTiDiamohd Manila 13 12ci
Clover Leaf ft 1x2c, ( ' H
; jl li
Remember we are the only; gt ofjicj selling 4Igoddjrjgd
Gent's Furnishing Goods on State Street
Speer Bros,, Farmer's Store. State St