rjjE--'". fm i m w It n i I tt a. I M " , - roun GERM GYMNAST , MEETING Teams? Present From All 'Over tie .World A j .Seventy-eight Special Trains Ran ' Into Berlin . Before Noon "Today Nuerembtinr, Onrmany. July 18. The grand foto of the Oerman gym -rout began this morning. Twenty-five tlhousaml participated. There are W) In the American contingent, and trams a'ro hero from Tendon, St. Petersburg. Cope Town, 8hangbal and Alelbourne. Hevcnty-olght special train of gymnast arrived thU morn lii Tho fntn laita five da. The an nual ititittlllK Of the JLcaRUe. of Ocr- ran rivmnitiiti will he held In con function with tho fcto tonight. It ha 700.000 members. Speculation Closes Mills lr. 0. M. McDowell. general man ager of tho I.add Metal Company, ar rived In tho city yeaterday from the Iron Dyke mine, accompanied by Manager Franl; B. Penrce. of the Iron Dyke, on a abort bulnw trip to the mutropoll. Mr. McDowell was asked by the Democrat a to the plana of lila company, and the report published In vnrloua paper that he had bought 1hn Iron Dyke mine or had leaned It. "Tho reply came short and sharp. "We bare not bought Ihe Iron Dyke mine, wo havo not leased It, and. we Itavo not even definitely contracted for Its output We are building a melter. however, at the Iron Dyke, and will be Trcpatvd to lake care of their ore, a -well ai othor ores In tho Heron Derll district and the Cornucopia district. "You can nay this much. We bare aiut down the lower working In our -mines at Mineral City during good -weather, and are Moping out oro In the upper lore) of our three mine there, bcaue thla York ran b better done now than In tho winter season. We will 'blow In' our smeller furnace nt Mlnernl City Auguit 11. We now "bare 10000 torn of hlah-grade oro ready to run Tho furnacea will han dle SO tona per day At thl amo time wo will commence to open cut the mine, or slash down the mountain. "We will Mlortly erect ft new rerer lirratory furnace on tho river for tho Vurpoao of handling tho large tonnage f low grade ore of the ramp. "Tho machinery for tho Iron Dyke plant will arrive at Huntington about the Mill of thl month and will be -rcowi1 down the river to Ilallard'a landing. That plant will have n ca pacity of 75 ton of ore per day. and wo wilt be prepared, as I said before. to treat tho orea of the Iron Dyke mine, the Beven Devil camp and tho Cornucopia district Wo will hav that imelter In oueratlou about Oc toiier Int. but we will bo prepared by Auguit 1st to contract for. accept and ample ore a 11 It delivered. "Mr. W. II. Adam, the managing di rector of our company, accompanied tne on the trip to the Iron Dyke mine. "We are well pleated with tho pros poet for limine In thtt territory lutker City Democrat. A 8rlou Runaway. Thursday morning when the ltote- TiufsMyrtio Point Uge en rest west BwrByxi" n-MoMfli Moore MIL just the other side of Camas valley, driver nunc'. fojH .HWjf ! TSSJXZ tTtTe "Mc were preclpltatirf Into a " down ht WWM. BCJVi"fJ,Sff5 .. i,nip vox thrown forward on o him Mat in front of tho stage, wmc 1 over Sm. The TtfcM was a kbUrd. contain.. Umt ,, xrhora. an elderly was hurt In a aar y "J as full WaII of the !i1rfj; bea receive ai uw - - - -hef The horse, were "J ' i .. .niMk wis atlreiy stnp- onr Ul lr ... - -- - - j .. tL. - wnn aiwv bMfmMrow the imm y ts driver SVfnH Myrtle M f ralley. The la.drl drfrar as senger are now at Caasa ralley. Fish Warden Does Business . ... . ax n art a from that reanro-sw occupying the the man ocuuiv . hn a. lb. P?tent,ary. was h. who ui a tw aaya .-;-- "Iiri,BMrt 1 "" 'i t.1. hnvhnod days as W?He hKiS AfTer Elding In Nottt sllem for a number of years the torn. f,rored to Polk county, and tho Matter Fish Warden H. O . Vwm yesterday afternoon paJ4 W State Treasurer Moore the fnarfe col letted by th flh wardeBsofike Air ing the month of June. The resort shows the following receipt carer by the remittance: District No. 1. Fine. John Ryan. fteMag with- out license ir?Z 119 glllnet MeewM 1 stationary wheel Mconse. . . . 3 scowheol Hcentes w 2 trap Hecnse 7Qa 2 seine cei teaeli, setae Ifrie feet loag) . - l&eo 2 seine llceneee (each sBe li&o feet loflgi ! .ulna llr.nAi reacn seine le feet long) " 2 easnery llceaswi (1st classi 3WM 1 cannerr llceni (It classi 4e.w 2 cannery Hrentee (8th rtass) II Mm 2 dealers' Hcewses (1st ctoss) 00 1 dealer's licenses (2d class) iw 1 dealer's license (9th cai) 9Mi District No. 2. 2 gill net licenses 1 set-net licenses 70 4 dealers licenses (1st class) wM 1 dealtCs licenses (2d class) iJw . .. ..,. eu. OREGON. SATURDAY, THE DAILY JOUtwww"""'--' 4 MR. STRUlftPFS CURE A Peoria Merchant Knows a Specific for Rheumatism He Speaks From Experience for He Tried the Remedy Himself in a Case of Several Years Standing , JULY-18,--130J. . - S i r ?0T.i." ;:' ,i,ri it as their Menu w ---' --.fid ,n SV after theremoVal of tho family fit sarem. .. tt.t ntiv Arms, Peki JTy ; -The" prohlbUlon of .JlmmaUoa of arms and ammunl; protest. j.idPd that the aKasaw and w V;';l,nn Df war mu '"V ' . remitted that they narms In order to restore order la the disturbed provlncca Defenders Try-out Today. Morris Core. N. Y., July 18. A 30 mile Jhrash to windward la tho course ?V -J? n-ii oo mnrntltut on and Co- 1?J2: "fflVv. ' Tho Constitution's Fifty Years the Standard ?mt 'cEA&r m tmck iexitt4ly good reul at he ts anrfosw that ethers sbesll fcaow i. PMria. Ill . everybody Mr A SMntmaDf whose fw store Is located at N.. 419 Mahi sire- Mr. Stn-pf. tawa oua renowB .peculation bMl take, aha to New York city f Reliances superiority. Tho fr!eUy a oa om of tkese trips OiIb morning Is light ami iru m of a eclac for e cwre ?e southeas . .-naongbatU ot rbtnatteaa wsiicb b mw - "'.--. nt 10:i5:09: tho Columnia ai ttkar a. .-'. . . ., nHHA ttilnn flL in-1K-?S. nnil 1110 V,UIUH"" 10:17, ofllclal time. "J!? -SrW caa tell yo of a .UNDAVJEUVCBB. remedy tor rieatfsm but dwiagi Frt Unitarian the loR year that I have offered Corner Chemokota and Cottage sts. !H Jease I aerer heard of .Hit Frank Abran, Powell, pastor, to eae-lhlag that woM cre lL 1 tried , Mr,"Hnlilo Parrls Hlngos will It ayself aad havea't bad a tech of glBfu j;0 evening Bcvlce. rhimaum alxe- la my case the African Church dUea dW aot trooWe mo aU 'cJn'"NorU; Commercial time but at latervata the pala was ,c" ....,, Salora, 0n Sunday July very severe aad aedtdno dM not J9 1903 nl n n, m. and 7:30 p. m, aii seen to have the least effect on It are Invited. L!,:,i . ..... . v. v-.i, . First Connreaatlonal OB oaa ot my twu " - - B,-"t in.3n n7 m. and 8 p. m. Mead who had been cured of rneuraa- T' . QnrTnnn. ..Th0 nivlno Pot tlim by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Jand lhe Human Clay." EvonlriK mo to try them.iaorreon: "under tno mc oi u 1'dld so. Sunday school rt 12 m.; . i. o. " Total for both district a .:303.SC Concerning City Licenses BAKING POWDER Awarded Hightst Honors World's Fair. Highssf Tests U. S. Gov't Chimisfs PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., CHICAGO. Pale People advled He was so enthusiastic that and the .result surprised mo, for I had almost despaired of a permanent cure. The pains began to disappear before I had finished tho first box and three boxes completely cured me. That was nearly two vaii mv rur was permanent I m. ous City Recorder Judah haa arranged for a mcetlne. to be held this evening In the city recorder's offlce. with the express and baggage transfer men of the city, to discuss that part ot ine new license ordinance relating to ex press licenses. The oxpress men arc nniloui to have the nrnvlslons of tho m.w lau. A.nl.lnA.1 in fltnm nnn flifnf want to know how far they will bo adapted protected in llieir uuainess irom oui aide men coming Into the city to do teaming for hire, for a day at a time, without paying tho licenses to which they are subjected. Tho various licen ses, now In courso of collection by the recorder, aro as follews: Annual Licenses. Hearses $25.00 Cabs 3000 Two-horve teams 1 W0, Oiifrhorse teams S.00 Wood saws 2000 Quarterly License, Payable Monthly. Cabinet dot machlnus, per month $ .0 Counter slot maohlne. par month 2.60 0 nt 7 n W. C. I. u. The Good Templars will conduct the meeting at 4 p. m. at tho . C. T. V. hall July 19th. Itcv. T. F. noal and wife will be the principal speak or. Sneclal music A cordial Inrt- years ago so uUon ,0 n First presnyienan H. A. Ketchum. pastor. Preaching rervlces at 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m.: Sabbath school at 12 m. Subject of morning sermen: "Ood'a Curo for vnr" o.n. 15:1. Rov. 1:17. 18; even- iwUHBftia- HM)W0ftVrHlMHtBH0 ::::::::A G E N C Y O F:::::::: ii BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO. i ii rP. A TTST bdyers and shippersoFGR AIN Oats For Sale. HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulphur. recommend Dr. Williams' Pink mis every chance I get and know of many people whom the plus havo Dene-mini." "-" i . . Rheumatism Is always painful but Ing: "A H-art warming . .. t v ...ll. h.ti.op.1 lion. MIKB -i.o-. . nnn tii Kniin iiiih m ra.mm m.ui It Is on account of the itaDiuiy Was Soon- What are Humors? Tboy ar VUUIM or morbid fluid tourv Inc Um vltt and aflKtlni the Usmim. Tboy ar commouly du to dlrili diet tlon bat aro omttimc IntMrlUd. itow do ttiy mmtt UmiumIvmT la tuaoy form ol eut&ntoa truptloo, mit rbeuui or ctsruia, plniptet nd boll, mill la wiwlmt. ItiipKir, soarl dbIUty, how are they eiplidf Dy Hood's Sarsaparllla waleti 1k build op tba iUm Uut bm ulltfretl from them. that It may attack the heart Dr. Wil liam' Pink PHI are cpejaiiy wen for the trcatmentj'of thla (ft Chrlttlan Science, First Church of Christ. Scientists, .nrioa l.nnn Sermon and Child ren's classes at 11 a. m. Subject of i..nn mrmnn "Truth." wedneadaw i .- -t b n m rtrcwllnir i . i iti niiiijk uii.. vitin - .--- troublo through the moon line onij j room o)0n day oxco,,t Sunday, rnrrnrt wavi and their power In all rviriRtinn Snlonco hall, corner Court disorders of tho blood and nerves and Liberty strecta. makes them of the greatest value ln R on. church of Christ. Sclontlst such stubborn diseases as locomotor phemoketa street, west of City Hall. ataxia, partial paralysis. SL Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, nervous hoadacho. aftereffects ot the grip, of fevers, and of other acute disease, palpitation of the heart, anaemia, pale and sallow comploxlons, and all forms of weakness At all drug-gists, or direct from Dr. Williams Medicine Company. Schnectady. N. Y., fifty centa por bex: six boxes for two dot Inrs anil a half. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. Subject of Losson sormen: "Truth. Wednesday testimonial and experi ence meeting at 8 o'clock, neadlng room In church, opon each afternoon, oxcept Sunday. All aro Invited to at tend sorvlcos. and to mako uso of tho reading room. 0 Osteopathy calls mankind back to a common sonso view of his Ills. Drs. Schoettle. Harr & Darr. osteo paths. (Irani! Opera House. Salem. Or. .H U IK bt modlclum tor U humot.lovor had, - 4i" i .-Z. 3 X: EXSV The (liilrkest rentoratlou work on record In the state of Ortgon In the way of rebuilding a machinery plant entirely consumed by fire waa com pleted yeaterday by Ihe Uaker Qas & Hlectrlc Company. May 30th. or Just 15 day ago, entire piaut ot the company was burned, and the city thrown Into dark- nee, with characteristic energy nnd cxcutu ability President J. J. Honry and Manager A. Welch weut to work by telegraph orderlug now machinery, and before the cinders ot the old plant had stopped smoking had begun the work of replacing It with a modern steel structure. At 1 o'clock Tuos day night lat tho lights wero turned on In llukur fltv aonln nn.l ihn nomlit I today havo a better service than they naKor uity Democrat. HimnniniiiitnwtmuiitniKHw f l .". "IIS"""" f Kj ".MmWmBBmmSmmmByW I kBNlBBmmlB! U bums camtuou Ccal Oil (and not touch of It, either) with a cleau, blue, hot, traoketett flame. It Um no wick to bother with, like thq Tl old-fiblouc), yUor flame, amoktn l atul sttiellint; Oil Stove, s Tho 'Jjutck Meal WJck!c" vras la. 2 ' veutal to cuaUc Udiete.d their, cook- -J lut iotekl7 ajiA evmfortabljviuft cool A Sdhea, and to prcront a "QolcteMciiV1 anoatitJacottUoit. , . IU UjiUk, Mel drive ilmdeery . kvk tho kitchen, atvl xrry frocilUe ' i faou; It cvccUoa Uonr and. it Icogtlf ' Wp, 'fiuJck, UmI" Stow ttuko " iminiiiiiniiiiuniiumiunminuny ii i i (l ii Fta.it? & fe mr ' : : " 0 By! - R. M.II 1 1 fcfck ' W A I1W n ii 7 "-. i i Sc CO.ii -' if 1 1 !i The Peacock Case. William P. Peacock, the man await ing oxecutlon at the ponltontlary for tho murder of Alex. S. Kerr, at Park ers. Polk county, on May ISth, Is well known to a largo number ot Salem people, who aro very much Interested In his fato. and are anxious to see his Urn shvimI. Peacock Is about 35 years old. and was raised In tho family ot ,. John Korr, In North Salem, and at " '" tended the North Salem school whon a boy. among his schoolmates being his foster brother. Alox. S. Kerr, late. ly tho victim of Peacock's rlllo The boy at that time manifested an aver slon to his fellows, bolng very sensl live on account of his deformity. He was always known as a good boy, at tending strictly to his own affairs, and troubling no one. When John Kerr, the Jad'a benefac tor died, It was found that he had pro vided for tho wolfaro of the cripple, by leaving tho latter 11500. with which to begin tho battlo of Ufo. pity for the IHwr hunchback having evidently been tho. motive for this generous provision for Peacock's future. It Is said, by thoso familiar with the facts In tho caKO. that Alex. Kerr, tho foator broth er. was dissatisfied with tho gift of thl sum to the hunchback, and he carao to dlallko Teacock from that tlmo. holding' that tho money left by his father should have rightfully come to him. Instead of bolng given to, one not rightfully a member of tho family of tho decouaed. Dad blood botween tho two grew put of this legacy, and.' reaoocK. Proodlntr over tho matter. became Impressed with tho fact, (for raci no tnougnt it wasi that Alex Korr. his foster brother, was seeking. nu uin-viiuuiij iv uu niui uouiiynann, and this grew Into the belief In his rtlally diseased mind, that Kerr was Bicycle Bother J. G. Graham, Agent, 207 Commercial St., Salem, Ore. a)t!eiBilliaiiwiwiwitwii,'eiwi"w lllllltla)a)a)atllll FRANK DAVIS, Manager. STANDARD BISCUIT CO. (Union Label) Makers ot PARADISE SODA CRACKERS -ani all klnl of fancy Cookies. ' I CAPITOL COMMISSION CO. Wholesale Fruits and Produce. Phone No. 2231. - Ullhee Block. -K-HH-MtM)4-Cta)ilgl HsHllBaIH-H-llaBKH4sHBrt-4 IU I U HI Y I 1 I 1 II i an n 5 uuauw 0 m M 4- Leaders f None Are Better, Few as Good. 4r par lhe head of an organliod conspiracy okbiusi nis me, 4 nv-oo iiivianiii vv Mm UK HI UCIOru the governor next week, when the petition for tho commutation of Pea cock a asqtQnco will come on for hearing at a date to bo fixed by the governor Monday or Tuesday, whon that gentleman returns from Portland. ine oviiienco of rcacock'3 mother and grandmother, glvon at the trial In Pallas, ajid "showing that the con- ueniueu had always appeared as be Ing mentally lrreponlble. waa filed In tho governor's office ;thU morning, and will ba considered at the hearinz of tho petition When Peacock attended the North Salem school to was known as Willie Kerr, and hla schoolmates did not Is not a common ailment with tho Tribune riders. There's a genuine ness In Tribune bicycles, In their ev ery part, that brings tho riders back to thm year after year. Tribune Bearings They never wear out Tribune Forged Fork Crown They'vo never been known to break. Tribune Cranks That never break. Tribune Cycloldal Sprockets That ellmlnato noise and friction. All theso nm Tribune features. Still soiling whirls, both Tribunes and Snolls. Tho former to tho peoplo who S want tho best that any money can buy. 3 Tho lattor to those who want tho best mat 126 will buy. Ask the rldersJ They kuow. Some good bargains In Second-hand wheels for both ladles and gents. Ask for them. sundries of all sorts at all times. Spring sat posts .fitted to any wheel. Xlrea of nil sorts for all wheels. . Carbine, 3 lbs, for 25c. Get a good Bus lamp aiid enjoy tho evening rldr Ing. BICYCLES $40 vbwO pay Bicycles $25.00 Any Gear Tire or saddle and fully guaranteed We do all kinds of repairing Bicycle Repairing A Full Line of Fire Works Come early and avoid the rush F. A. WIGGINS Implement House. 255-237 Liberty 8t, 8alem, Farm Muhluery, Bicycles, Sewia Machine and Suppllea. N. H. Burley, Stwla MuklM fttMlrtM SHIPP & HAUSER !.- The Bike Men MHMtBIBBfM1MMBMBtSi Rare Opportunity for a Printer. A good Job printing plant. With good patronage worked up, in a first class town, and little Investment re quired. Office In. connection with a newspaper ot Influence, Ilaro chance for a good printer with a little means. Inquire at once ot A. P. Hofer, Jr., Sa lem. Oregon, If not Interested hand this to someone who la tf y !.. r.i.i, Oaiinht. Tnosmi Avl Tnlv 19 Billy ST? tho "train robber who escaped an tho Mexican border, when Indict?" j robbery, waa captured lasi "r the rancors. Ho sent word to a ujv at Doujslas to meet him. Tho n betrayed him to the rangers, w""Ji-l bushed the bandit, and mado w ' ' I render. Ho Is In Jail at Tom"s""""