MOTHERS-HOUR. A. Titap forgqnfldencp and Counsel. eAscs peculiarly feminine.- It establish. i . regularity, dries the drains Whir), .nt. Pll m w omen, heals inflammation ondulceratioui P I WN I THE DAILY JOURNAL SALEM. OREGON SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1$03. THREE mm cures lemaie weakness. For vmmo women it lias advantages over attysimfl --H - f9 I m--i m When the children's hour is a thing of the far away past, because' there are no jaore little ones to have their evening frolic or bed-time story, the hour once devoted to thpm becomes the mother's hour. It is Vn hour iri which the young woman takes he'r.'old olace at her moth. er's lenee as 6he was wont when ah listened to the evening story. But now she tells the story to the mether: the itory of her day, her fears, her hooea. her ideals. Happy is that daughter who can come to her mother as her best friend, ns sure of hcrcomDassionasof her counsel. It is often so verv different. Th mother docs not invite the shv confi. dence of the growing girl. She comes to womanhood and between her and her uv mwnn rnr if,ih.iMM ... - -W J .- w 1MI1U1UUIU on 01 a periect condition of feminine health, and also because it is free from alcoho, and contains no opium, cocaine, nor any other' narcotic. Backache, head ache, and the ninny ailments resulting from womanly diseases are entirely cured by the use of "Favorite-Prescription." "I will drop you n feiV lines tc-dy to let you know that I am f eclfrig well now," writes Miss Annie Stephens' of Belleville. Wood Co., W. Va. I feel like a new woman. I took several bottles of 'Fa yonte Prescription' and 'Golden Med ical Discovery. I have no headache now, no backache, and no more pain in u,y Biuc. no ueanng down pain anv more. I think that there is no medicine ' 0 w- j r. iS ", like Dr. Pierce' medicine. I thank you COm Fed BCaUtieS Cattle III t,,j uiuvu iui wuai you nave aone lor me your medicine has done me so. FIGHT OF WAR Missouri Claims the Very Earliest Battle . much good." mMMm jtinffizlE$jrCrZ3r uwuauimMKmw ti wmtm- fflP'w iff Buggies lo See the Mimic War-A Glorio::s Yictory 5: Just Bother is a barrier of reserve. E word of Advice or counsel might ran so inucn 10 a gin ai a ume so crit ical, but she shrinks from asking the jfUestidn, nnd the mother refrains from rning the subject, though" in the pal- cheeks and dark rimmed eyes she Mads the signs of woman's suffering. TUB NRED OP IIEU. There is a real need of help for the ung woman, .neglect may nave we ay for years of suffering. The dawn ' womanhood is one of the crises of a Banian's life, and every care should be sen to prevent or cure derangements nich may have serious results in later e. !A heart overflowing with gratitude as en as a scuk e: duty urges me to write you and tell you of my wonderful re- very," aays JUs Corinne C. Hook, uigeDurg, Urangeuurg Co., 5. Caro . (care of T. II. Hook). "Bv the use KDr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription I entirely n new being compared to the wr uiiscrnuic suiiercr who wrote you lr months ago. I remark to my par ts almost every day that it seems al set an impossibility for medicine to do Iperson so much good. During the kole summer I could scarcely keep up ,walk about the house, and yesterday J. lked four miles and felt better from fee exercise. I now weigh 125 pounds. Iljrend in your book of testimonials where, rpkdy said Dr. Pierce'a medicines were la 'Thousand pounds of comfort,' please PletTme add one thousand pounds more to ItSMlne was a case of complicated fe- e utsense in us worst lorm. My sincerest thanks for all you have tor we ana n hearty 'Uod bless jbr. Tierce's Faiorite Prescription is most vaiuacie nnu rename put-up Heine ever offend for the cure of dis- IMPORTANT TO WOMKN. Dr. Pierce invites sick nnd ailing women to con sult him hv lettor fro. charge. All correspond-' u ,s customary for the tonchor of ence is regarded as sacred United States history to inform her and the written confidence! ,niio ,i,n i,n noi i.m ,t i..n $?&$&&& nr occurred at Bull nun. on tho 21st privacy Observed in per- ul uuiy ioui, aim yui 11 Beams siranp sonal consultation with that In all theso yenra no Missouri rrziztya x b,t lrA ,n protcst Buffalo, N. V., to which in! , nsalnst this fnlso dictum, stltution Dr. Pierce is chief At. .Fort Sumpter much good am consulting physician I munition was shot away; but It seems Wompn in ri.n.r.i -,i !tnnt Major Anderson finally surrcn TounJ ff4rti2 dored b9cnUBe h0 wns not fond ot a Ss their npfiredaSon ' ll,ut of "orlt- At Uonro City, almost oFthe privneue oPffered bv two wceks beforo tho bnttl ot Du this frL 'Staff by Rf., hro ,wfts b?? bttle letter with Dr. Pierce, not wblcl1 lasted two whole days and onjy because his profes-jono,nJan wnlj W1Ioil! , sional advice is snppllment- At tho spring convention tho Union cci Dy nis wle lamerly i '"" """ uuiiidi6ih;vi mu m.-uramuum, counsel, but because it af- n,ul a compromise on a so-called neu fordithem a way of escape ! trnllty was effected; but thoro was no from the indelicate ques-1 neutrality in tho heart of tho kov tionincs. the offensive ex. ernor, and tho thorn In his side, tho nininntions and obnoxious ! menace to his peace and plrum, was local treatments, which of-1 tho Hannibal and St. Joseph railroad, 1110 ronu which nad neon uttllt with Iioston capital nnd was operated al most wholly by Germans, all of whom wore loyal to the Union. When word reached John W. Brooks, the proBl dent of the road, that Caleb Jaclcson was going to tear up tho Ynnlico rail road, ho appealed to President Lln coin for military protection. In ro sponso to this apppal tho president ordored .Colonel It, F, Smith, wltli tho Hixtecnin Illinois infantry, to cross river nnd do sentinel duty along railroad. Tho stragctlc nolnt of Northern Missouri was an almost Impregnable position between tho forks of Salt river, and hero Colonel Tom Harris I: !f .Jt SMOKE r fend the delicate scnsiblll. ties of modest women. Write without fear as without fee, to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's offer ot free consultation by letter is not to be classed with the spurious offers of free medical advice made by men or women who are not physicians and cannot legally practise medicine. Such advice is not only worth less, but may be dangerous. in a mue over tnirty years. Dr. K. v. Cfc,C, VUIC1 .UUU111U Invalids' Buffalo, nearly a score of physicians, has treated and cured hundreds of thousands of weak and sick women. service of women, not merely medical J L,n,d be,"n m"sAcrlnf h,B rc"ult.8 r" advice, but the advice of a Successful ? 'nn,Rn ?, reaUy, m, specialist in the treatment and cure oi strong. On tho 7U of July Qonoral dis 1 muc over ininy years, ut. K. v, gxi , chief consulting physician to the I tho Is' Hotel and Surgical Ipstitutc. tho a, N. Y., assisted by his staff of I -p peculiar to women. Sometimes a dealer tempted by the little wore profit paid by less meritorioui preparations, will offer a substitute foi "Favorite Prescription " claiming it tob "just ns good." It is not wise or safe tc trifle with unknown medicines. Insist on "Favorite Prescription" the medicin which has won the confidence of women by its almost countless cures. OtVKN TO YOUNO WOMKK. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, an invaluable guide to health, is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only, "I think that your 'Adviser' is a fine book," writes Miss Flora I. Greer, of 107 Howe St., Akron, Ohio, "nnd a book that every one should own. If more girls would read it instead of trashy novels there would be healthier women and children than there are to-day." h Send 31 one-cent 1 stamps lor the cloth bound volume or only ai stamps for the book in paper-covers. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Secured Better Rates. and Albany to Roseburg, and from A special rate has been granted bo- Roseburg to Salem nnd Albany. Tick- fveen Salem. Albany, Eugene and osoburg, of ono nnd ouo-thlrd fare, all persons desiring to witness tho lseball games ot tho Valley League. tickets will be sold on Saturday nnd jnday of each weok; oxcept that pickets may bo Bold on Friday from Sa- ets good to return on Sunday follow ing dato of solo, except from Rose burg on Monday following dato-of salo. W. E. COMAN, Qonoral Passenger Agent. Uso Trib for tobacco. jLyon ordered Colonol Smith to inarch upon Harris and break Up tho camp. A Flaw In His Plans. Tho plans of tho campaign wero faultless, with ono oxcoptlon The colonel neglected to order fair weath er, and It rained. Tho soldiers did not mind tho booming of tho cloud guns. mat seemed quito appropriate It was tho drenching rain that rendered (heir spanking new uniforms all sog gy, that somehow toolc tho romance out of the situation and mado them wish, ns they crawled out of tho box cars at Monroe, that they had re mained at home. Next morning tho sun shotvn out clear and hot, and as soon as break fast was over tho momontous march was begun. As tho soldiers wero mak ing their way through a narrow dofllo In tho Swlnkey hills an unseen foo openod fire on them nt short rango. A few took down tholr muskets and flrod a counter saluto Into tho ambus cade of thick tlmbor and underbrush. Thoro was a saining among tho hushes, nnd Captain Orlgslry's force of CO guerrillas fled through tho woods liko a hord of frightened deor, for ono of their nunibor had been mortal ly wounded, This' llttlo ntlventuro sorved to warn Colonel Smith that he was marching Into what ho termed a "vorltablo death-trap," and ho determined to got out beforo tnoro damage was done Not until then did It dawn upon tho commander that ho had left his train AND GET RICH TLbery smoker of "Recruit 5c cigars has an opportunity to share in the cash offer of $142,500. Isk the dealer Save the Bands Two bands from Recruit Cigars are equal to one taj from Star Tobacco in teeming piesents. i man to guard It. And tho cloud of smoke that presently enveloped tho heavens mado plain tho fact that thoro was something doing nt Monrou. Tho loss to tho federal causo through tho destruction of tho stntlon train and supplies, was about $40,000, hut tho loss was really much greator than this, a loss that was not to bo esti mated In cold figures, tho loss of pride, prestlgq, and dinner Colonol Smith had In him the maklnc of a suc cessful commnndar, and It required Just such an experlonco ns this to put him on his mettlo 8lx Hundred Treed. As soon as tho scene of tho recont "conflagration," as ho fondly termed it, was reached, lie sot his men to work picking up bolts, nlns nnd nuta from among the smouldering ruins of tho train This helped them to rcallzo that they had "burned their fingers," nnd the scrap metal could bo used In stead of orthodox artillery ammuni tion. Then he took possession of thi seminary building and put himself in position to enduro n slcgo. Soon tho news was carried ovor tho country that COO Yankees woro "troed up nt Monroe, and fvery ablo-bodjed man, woman nnd child within a radius of a dozon mllos turned out to seo tho fun. Colonel Hnrrls, finding thnt Colonel Smith's little visit had been deferred dotermlnod that tho pro posed mooting should tako place, evon If ho had to change his rolo from host to guest. Accordingly, he summoned all his mon and marched to Monroe, where ho sat down In front of tho somlnary nnd waited for tho Union commandor to come out and "shako hands." IJy noon of Wednosday. tho win ot Jiuy. tnero woro more than al thousand rohols on tho pralrlo around tho town, all eager to help noko tho gamo out of the holo Finally It was decided that a rannoo would bo re quired to, compel the federals to sur render, and thero wero those among mo besiegers who Know where ono load of supplies and ammunition at I could be found. A flue nlnonounder Monroe, without so much as a police-' toKOther with five balls, had been hid- -' n ' jr i nn. den tmdor a haystack on ninlr Todd's farm near Palmyra, and undor a sham. woou-pno near by wns a six-pounder, with about 40 balls. Tho smaller dan. non, howovcr, was1 not mounted, nnd honco unfit for uso; Cannon nnd balls had lo bo hauled 20 miles In a wagon, so It wns 1 o'clock Thursday before tho bombnrdment began. Had a Regular Jubilee. Never hnd thero been such a Jubl loo In that section ot tho country. Indies and children drove up In their carriages. Rustle lovers hold para sols ovor their sweethearts while they watched a suro-enoueh llvo bat tle Rut tho show was not without Its drawbacks. Thero Is an art In gunning as thero Is In most things, nnd the man who operated tho robot cannon was a sort of a caricature artist Only three out of 34 balls struck nnywhero nenr tho somlnary building. Indeed, somo of tho specta tors assorted that tho seminary was tno oniy saro piaco for miles around Yet tliq guunor was not wholly to blame. He was firing six-pound bnlls from n nine-pound cannon I It was fortunate thnt tho slzo of tho cannon nnd bnlls wbh not roversod. or tho soldlors might havo been set to work with their Jack-knives to whittle tho balls down to lit tho gun. Meanwhile, tho fedornl soldlors Insldo tho build ing Bont out an occasional volley of bolts nnd screws; but tholr position wns anything hut agreeable At 4:30 whon Colonol Smith was considering tno advisability or a sur render, thero was a suddon commo tion outside. A snorting engine came pulling down tho track, bearing tho troops thnt hnd been left nt Hnnlbnl. and aa soon ns It came within range a brass cannon on ono of the flat cars opened its ominous mouth and saluted tho picnickers. Languago Is Inado- quato to describe tho effect of this un timely Interference. In an Instant the pralrlo was a chaos of flying horsos nnd flying men Soldiers throw away their guns and took reruge In the car rlages with tho ladles. Erstwhile constant lovers forsook tholr swoot hearts and fled In dismay. To uso tho old Qroek military term. Colonel Har ris nnd his men "skedaddled." That night word reached Washing ton that a desporata battle was In pro gress nt Monroe, nnd thnt tho Union forces wero being annihilated, Colo nel John M. Palmer, Colonel U, S. drant, and a fow other men of subse quent military celebrity wero ordored to the rrscuo, and by Friday morning more than 2000 troops woro on tholr way to tho scat of hostilities. And yet tho seminary fight at Mon roe City Is not given as much as a mention nmong tho decisive battles of tho civil warl Ernollo R. Do 8holl, In St. IOiils Olobo-Democrat, ,, With tho visit of Dr. I.oronz to thin country tho press woko up to tho fact thnt America has In Osteopathy a most excellent systom ot bloodless surgery all Its own. Drs. Schoctllo, Rarr & Rarr. Osteo paths, Grand Opera Houso, Salem, Or. WHAT TIME PROVES. This thing of being sick and looking for a euro Is a mighty serious busi ness. Peoplo are not glvon to Joking even nt tho first symptom of tho ap proach ot tho grim dostroyor, They do not want to bo the subjects ot ex periment, but want.medlclno that has . trie test ot years behind It. A medicine that has been mado and used for 20 years gives assurance of its worth, and can bo taken with a faith that they have the very best cure tho world affords. All this enn bo said ajout Dr. Clunn'a Improved Liver Pills as a remedy for elck-bcadacho, dys pepsia nnd Indigestion, It begins right at tho source ot tho troublo nnd ro- moves tho oauso. Wo will send a sample uox or. tneso puis tree, or a full box on receipt of 26c. Sold by all dngxists for 2 Co per box, or address Dr. Dosanko Co., Pblladephla, Pa. For salo at Dr. Stono's Drue Stores. 2 CCE 23E 'GIRL WflNTEP IJrrv within rrr rf This Sam irm W"T Til' i' t T This Sum ' Have You a Gas Ran? If Not Call At J02 Coatt Stteet Or, Phone us and we will call, and see you. tfonteCrco-o-hct 4tf qiU, wtic t'lAltA llhifj. slmfJL I it-vv,t' wiwru lAviti' .a rnCT i tqxki w4r Power Service, Business and Residence Lighting, Electric Fan Service At - - REDUCED RATES - - Gail up Telephone 95 i and taye out Solicitor come And seeyoa; ' CITIZENS LIGHT AND TRA6TI0N GMPflNY ft