THE DAILY -" CQ FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1903. v V "" t MMiBM,MMMMBBiMSBMBaBlB11w' Sft. ff t ,-sv 7 Tlicre'sjsonichiaf dotof at rawh"rW 1 17 mi . i-m ou VMIT i'Qe July Specials ' YnnMl find them In desir able rmchandise displayed in jeach department. r . Out Best Sale See the Stotc now Special Prices on The low prices ,we are mak ing need not deceive you they frre right and the goods are rignit loo. nuutc uui vjuih- mercial St., display of towels. Turkish 3ath Towels, bleached vr unbleached, regular jlp 15c value ,M..lIv Linen Huck Towels, regular 15c value, the kind that llfr wash up soft v Turkish Bath Towels 'Ladies' Sunbonnets 19g regular 16c 'Ladies' &ncy Hose 23c regular WC ft line of Stock Collars j oaB-balf price JParasols one-third off Pictures 15c Ribbons fancy i....- ' 19c reg alar We tod Mo Colored Waists... werlhaHeJl.M Muslin Underwear. 1 runli't 1 2Sc Gloves. ,...67c worth H.Ce: Men's Neg. Shirts.. t regular ft Elastic seam drawr's Initead of COo Boys' Pants r worth 7Cc 5c 45c 49c . flll Our Bpecislure pot in our Ads WHBAl MARKETS. Chicago, July 16, Wheat. 75H 77 Hex Peultry at Ulntr'a Market! Sprint; chlkene 13c. " Hena 010o. Kgi;i-lVr doreu. ISc. GOLD DUST FLOUR Mee by JfcWIY MWBB COMPANY WMy. Oreoen. rxi formally ueeriuik yor ror il Bran ant alwaye on kul A. T. WALN Aeent J J, M. HOWELL, MEATS . FRESH LARD ! and everything m our line ; The Best Only r Prompt Service. Fair Treatmeit; U$telr'F!siMmtt fhone 1401 Main (MWUMIUHUmw w jt-r- t-we i ' JExtra targe jize, the kind tHat refails St 3Sc, July OOr special price. , b., f . . . . . 6 J l. BUY" RIQHT Compart valucs.-Herc value arc determined only by a careful comparison of prices and the good. We offer tkc beit values. Siyiif Opportunities will be in raaay di!(ere.nt articles in our linc.ithe fn2l8Pr2WV? C0Irap?,Itiw, "l be outdone in! Carnival wUt continue one momh oriXa H. HINGIS 1 Wm.r Mlcu.. 18 sute St dB!L HOPS AND THE MARKET Crop' Looking Much Better Than a Month Ago General Conditions Improved Everywhere-New York and Oregon Each Given 70,000 Bales The local hop market bIiowb a alight ruvtval. and Bales mncJo in me insi fow day Bhow that tho Inquiry for hops frdm Eastern buyers la a trino better than It has beon. Growers aro nnxtous to aell, aa tho harvest of tho now crop drawn steadily nearer, and the result Is that sales aro reported from sevoral districts, and somo of tho heavier holders among tho grow ers aro unloading their holdings, while thoy havo an opportunity to do so nt good neurcs. U. O. Schucklug has purchased two crops In tho Inst fow days, nt good ngures. and oinor Baica nro reported. Mr Schucklns bought tho "IJreeic" Olhson lot, In Polk coun ty; S3 bales, at lfi'4 cents, and ho also Secured tho Porter Magnus crop; 64 bales, at lflU cents, both lots being among tho best remaining in tho state. Herman Uchtman has also bought sevoral lots In the north end of tho county nt from 1(5 to 17 conts, among them 178 bales of Wm Kay, 127 bales of Hoofer & Zorn nnd tno J, Miller crop of 78 bales nt Gaston. This Is tho buyer who mado tho attempt to iccuro a pool for tho Ixmdon market, and James Wlnstanley, local represen tative of tho Oregon Hon nrowcra" As sociation, went to Portland last even ing to sco further regarding tho for mation of tho poo, The growing yards aro reported to bo In excellent condition, and tho fa vorable weather conditions of tho past fow weeks havo brought them out In flno shape. Tho yards on tho low lauds, which Home weeks ago wcro re ported as looking anything but satis factory, havo latoly surprised all ob servers, nnd they now look exceeding ly well, and promlso a far battor yield than tho most sanguine had hoped to lee, while the. yards on tho higher loV' els nra also much Improved nnd pronv 1880 , Geo. C, WM Dealer in Piaqos, Organs and Sewing Machines 23$ Commercial Street. 1903 Phone Main 2853 for As Cheap as.any Cut Bates The following prkoa will preall until furthor notice? Round steak. IQc Ghuqk sttak, 7 , noasrbeef,lF to ItJo. Boiling beef. 5 Jo 7a Mitfoni fore, 'quarter, 5c Ilreast of mutton, 4c, Mutton, hind quarter, 8cv I-K of mjitton, 10c. PHI loin, ijfe ' Pork shoujjljr, Sc, Vial, hind qunrtor, 10c. Vwl, foro quarter, "q Wa r hetadqimrters for svlpplylng threshing crews, and wo will save ou money. Wo meet all competi tion. E0FF & HARTLEY HO dtute 8treet. Salem. Iso a bountiful yield In. fact, tho Ore gon crop, at least the ono in this sec tion of the Willamette valley, promises to be n very good ono, and many hop men now look for a full crop, sorao or them predicting as large a yield as that of last year, while the conserva tlves do not place their figures below 70,000 bales. In about Wo weeks, when the hops will bo In tho btirr, ft moch" better es tlmato enn bo made of tho prospective crop than can bo done now, but the splendid growth enjoyed by tho vines nnd arms promises a bountiful yield, nnd owners of yards nro much encour aged with tho outlook. During tho spring many reports were made of missing hills, nnd many ynrds did show spots thnt were some what thin Those missing hills nro otlll mldslne nothing else could be expected nnd thoy will cut down tho production of those particular ynrds in n certain extent, but some of this loss will bo made up by tho greater production of those hills tnnt nau tholr full growth, nnd In which ense n nroner trnlnlng of tho vines from nelchborlne hills over the vacant spots will cause theso healthy vines to produce a heavier yield thnn usual thus maklne tin for some of tho short ngo, hffo tho remainder of tho loss wlU be largely covered by the yield of rfexr yrtfds that will produco their first crops this year, nnd there Is n generous supply of this clnss. Reports from othor hop sccUons re garding this year's crop nro encourag ing, nnd the prdspects nlmost every where polht to a bountiful harvest. Tho Producer's Price Current, of New York, one of tho most reliable publica tions, In discussing market nnd crop conditions Its lssuo of last Saturday, says of hops; uaios Receipts for week , , 275 Receipts from Sept. 1st 79157 Kxports to Europo for week.... N'ono Kxports from Sept. 1st 3C.C39 Imports for week None fmports from Sept. 1st 12 525 Country ndvlccs havo como a IlttI lowor this wcok. Tho best of tho New York stato hops now loft In tho grow ers' hands can bo bought nt 19c, thero nro nrobnbly not more thnn 2000 of theso unsold, but they nro moving i very slowly. Tho prospect or nearly twico ns many hops ns wcro grown in Now York last yeai tuukos farmers a little anxious to dispose of remaining stocks. On tho Pacific coast the choicest lots can now bo bought nt 18c, nnd a prlmo grndo nt 17a Tho ynrds In Oregon and Washington look oxcocdlngly fine. In California It Is still dry and estimates of the out-put for the stato havo "been reduced some what. Tho giving wny on tho nart of growers has affected tho position hero somowbat. nnd our market Is about lc lower, nnd a llttlo unsettled. Thoro Is not much pressure to sell becnuso stocks aro very modernto nnd well controlled, but trade Is verv nulnt. llrowcrs aro very indifferent buyers, but nro watching tho crop prospects with much Interest. Cnblo report from Germany Indicate a very bright prospect for tho crop. Vermin has ap peared in Uohcmla. which threatens some dnmago. Somo of tho Kncllsh yards havo Improved undor heavy I washing, but thoro Is still moro or less I vermin, nnd some apprehension that damago may result. Prices rango for Pnclflo coast hops from 13 to 22 cents, according to quality Tho Wntorvllle, (N. Y.) Times and Hop Reporter. In its lssuo of July 10th, says of tho conditions of the hop market and ynrds in thnt section "Wo noted last wcok thnt two or threo of tho few holders of hops had let go, nnd this week thoro arc others. among them being Frank Cody, of vornon. 100 bales at 18c. and Herbert Sturtoant. 12 at 20c. In tho main fuornhlo roports aro heard from th yards. Thoro is. howover. a spotcd condition prevalent een In the snmo yards, and thoro Is a groat dlfTorenco betweon ynrds In tho samo neighbor hood Somo nro light nnd spindling, while others look thrifty nud vigorous. I.lco have mado their appearance In many of tho yards, but It is behoved that this hot weather will kill them off to u great extont." White House and the Carnival. While visiting tho Crnlvnl don't forget that tho White House Restau rant la the leader opon day and night NEW TODAY Dr. J. H. Orwr, physician and sur. Qjon. otflce Gray" block, office phone No. 91. Residence phone No. For 8ale.--niack Republican and Royal Anne cherries (on tho tree) at 1 cent per pound Inquire threo blocks east of I O. O P cemetery. - 7 17- SHIELDSPARK Commercial and Center Sts. Grand Re-opening Monday evening, July 20th 8 STAR ACTS 8 Performance Every Night. General Admission J 5c, 25c BASEBALL Carpenters ts. Painters at C A. A. C. Park SUNDAYS 3 O'c&irp, K Admission 1 5c A Prejudiced Man Not Jtst to Himself Plymouth Binder Twine For the fifth consecutive year this impleir o it house hus han dled this now well known nnd popular twino. We have just received a 30.000 lb cur of it and nro making deliveries aud filling hack orders. So far as wo know this is about the only Eastern brand oi twino to bo had hereabout nnd nil wo ask is that you make nn honest comparison of quality, by try ing a ball of it in your binder and n ball of any other mnko on tho market, nnd then be your own judge ns to results. If you are too much prejudiced to do this you nro not just, oven to yourself. Mmiy of tho best cus tomers wo havo today nro men who havo bought Plymouth only nfter trying it in compari son with tho coast twine. Plymouth Standard Is n vory smooth oven twino nnd tho balls hnvo a red tng, marked "Plymouth Cordngo Uo." over n sheaf of wheat, and "Standard" on tho other side. Plymouth Purk Manila Is as difforcnt from tho ordi nary Manila as cap be. We havo this ns well. Thoro is absolutely no com parison of tho ordinary "Stand ard" or "Manila" with tho Ply mouth, and this is the only .house in Salem that carries the Plymouth. Cull nnd seo us. F. A. WIGGINS' IMPLEMENT HOUSE 255-257 LIBERTY STREET, SALEM, OREGON. Farm Machinery, Bicycles, Sewing Machines and Supplies N H. BURLEV, hewing Atachine Repairing Dand Concert. Jho Salem Military hand will glvo ono of their onjoyahlo concerts nt Ma rlon squaro tonight at 8 o'clock. A pleasing program Is provided. LOOK INTO The merits of the "SWAN FOUNTAIN PEN" You will see through Its many eood points at a stance. Its self cleanin? andfllllncr, and an adjust able feed under perfect con trol of the user, besides It does not drop Ink. An iron clad agreement is given with every pen for three years. Pattons look Store. Fresh Shasta Soda Water and Lemon Ice at i'CcwtcCe Ctfward Kills. 144 State St BIG MONEY Is made by lnvetmenta in good Mining itocLn. Oregon mlne ate paying million annually to their owner and in entore. Why not set omeof this money ytiuntetfr Great. cr inuureuienu cannot be had In Oregon for ineatment. Ornnu dividend paying mines are rapidly ...wc.uij:. ln ctt now, while stock is low and good propertied re offered you In prospects, mines, and Ulvl. dend payer , before Kesteru inicst. ors "gobble up- the stock as Ore gon timber land ha e been. Call aud see us, or write, for our Ut of stocks and good prices. W. A. MOORES A CO., Ml Carlit.,3Um,Ornsa Can get you mv nrnn.i...... ,, ng stock for sale in the Sortbwest McCormick Binders If you'll mako nn honest com parison of points of merit on tho McCormick nud other mach ines, forgetting all about any 250differencoin price that may prevail, you cannot fail to noto tho saving in bujing a McCormick. If length of life, economy in power, eiliciency in in tho field and saving in time chasing nfter repairs, count for anything, wo enn do you good. All sorts of repairs for binders of all ages nlwnys on hand. That's worth considering. Our binder orders nro nhead of any senson for several yenrs. Ask tho McCormick users what thoy think of them. A Blrdsell Glover Huller Will ninke moro monoy for tho threshermnn thnn any similar investment ho could place. Ho can own nnd operate ono- after his threshing run and keep his machine in good uso for GO days instead of 30. Cnll and seo the hullor8 or drop us n enrd for catalogs nud prices. Studebaker Wagons' To haul your fnll crops. Plenty of nil sizes on hand nnd a car on tho way. Wh n you're ready to talk wagon get u tape, do somo measuring of spokes, fel loes, reaches, bolsters and hubs. It's interesting to note that in many of these vital places n Studebaker 3 inch wagon is aa largo as some other 3 sizes. Office of Dr A, R Macleod Sherwood Block Phono Green 461. Res. West 276 Spokane. Wash.. July I6tb. 1902. The Van Alstlne, Gordon & Co.. Re view BJdsr,. Spokane. Wash. Gentlmen:-You have made collec tions for me. and I am well satisfied! wunyourworK i heartily rccom mend you 10 anyone needing your service as collector. Very truly yours A. F. MACLEOD. VAN AU3TINE, GORDON &CO., 276 Commercial Street. Phono Main 801. A'. R. Morgan & Co., M (wagers. W. W. Bill. R. E. DOWNING. HALL &. DOWNING. Money Loaning, Insurance. Collections. Loans negotiated for ourselves and patrons on the test terms at reasonable rates. Tioga Mk up stairs, opcosite Gray Bros. StateSt., Salem Oregon. (memo muMtJZS MAnGAJN HOUSE- Hot Weather Bargains &g& mn-Wln.B t0 th0 co,d Beaon hnd, the demand for llcht sum- SK0" was not u,) t0 lh0 mark- ow that we have too ot leather we nre determined to clo?e out eerythlnc In thnt line nt ccsr. or leas thnn cost, to runke room for ouY fn" stock So hew goes for a sweeping sale for the next two oays Ladles' price -ic 10c summer vests; sale ljKll.ig Hie Hale thread vests, 9c Ladles' 4Be Pronrh i. u.T'"?." ':. ',. Ings. 25c Kn Ladles' 45c French t.i.i i - nr. JSJc 4 inch wide silk e& rt?bo Ivo. B silk Taffeta hair ribbons, 8c. Children's sunbonnets. i0c. Ladles best sunbonnets ISc Polled ebirt waists at any price 75C CO .'CO wranno JZZ P.V?C iririio U0 Covert cloth dress skirts 9Ro U fancy black underskirts, 59? 5 Ladles' 45c French Lisle vet or 'c oiaugnierea on the iouow Ladles' 75c silk ? Lisle veitu is! S0oU,! D,ack undines, black Ia i,:- Av!"5 T. 5. e8t.8-. 4Sc- lnns. linen, colored lawns. fncJ v jibiu lureuu yhir !in n.(r... , . . . .. " - ...ii. -it-n it(u uiuufi iimih Rinnumnj n i. McEVOY BROS., BfflfcV., or. Is Our Lines Studefcaker Vehicles McCormick Harvesting Machinery Russell Engines and Separators Russell Wind Stackers Blrdsell Clover Ilullers Hero Fanning Mills Monitor Drills Syracuse and Moll'nc Plows Buffalo Pitts narrows Ohio Ensilage Cutters Hay Tools, Binder Twine, Etc. McCormick. Osborn and Wools Extras Tribune Bicycles Bicycle Sundries Standard and White Sewing Mi dlines Needles, Oil and Parts for ell Mi dlines Sharpies Tubular Cream Separators, Rambler Automobiles r We have on hand a good second hand sur rey and a 7-foot Mc Cormick hinder used two seasons. We can i make it interesting for 4 any man who needs either. Also some good second hand wheels. r Another Deep Cut in I Go To FENDERICH'S MARKET. And Get Your ...Cheap Meats..... Our pi ices have a ways been low but now the bottom htt dropped out. Beef Loin Steaks 10c Whole Loins & Round Steak 3 lbs for..25t Chuck Steak 5 lbs for... 25c and all other meals in proportion GEO. FENDER ICH 331 Com'I St. Cottle Bl(K Store Saturday Mill ends best calicoes, 3 He. Boys' summer straw hats. Be "Jwns- .Iancy dimities, dress gIngMi u-wenzea waistings and- India linu i?c .1,nc?. lawn handkerchiefs. 3c. eetB- Boys' 45c overalls. 35.. Doys' 39c work shlrU, 25c. Men's 45o worklnj; shirts, 29c Men's summer' underwear. sUs1"! soiled, 15c, 18c and. 25c, Dovb' 45d snmmnr nwpatera. 25& If vnn von) nnvullln. In ia silk I Madras shirt wal4s, come and see J 2? poi pic tar llaV 1 Sm lMBl cfflEK-TTase