lt m .v p. r j THE DAILY JOURNAL, SALEM, QREQON FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1903. - " LA.VX H1 H MM lfl ii t v llllirillllRB 1JLIA "-' I AL -Jl I VWAN"'-" " 1 S3! (Wnr 4zm&M V J FN FOUR The House Furnishing Company.: 269 Li&erty bireei. HbwisYoajPatior? VffM" Do you ,,0, irf'J 2 or S . H' ,T ,- JT SwawtlienhHliit.fourdwn upholstering department. I Do not fall to vwll our establishment during uirniyn. wee. , i.,.,inm iiiiiiiii"'" """ DK." J,JF!. COOK . . ... ...-. in n..inn nf hn hMllne art out Ha coma to the conclusion ujbv i"'" - .Id, of the vegetable kingdom lr. failure. When jour .y.tcm U run o without parti blood. You will' onl, find vitality In the vegetable kingdom, Polecnou. drug. nor doctor' knlve. nor ' lightning ,wif "ovo .tie , cause, but lay the foundation or al kind, of disease. Those poison, go Into your bone., and kill the life of then nod creato all kind of disease, cancoroti tumor, coniumption, drop bone disease, etc. You must bear In mind that hie medicine I. not polMriofe tonic, nor .tlmulant nor temporary relief which you get from poisonous drug, where the remit ro euro death ooner or later. Do not blano the mcdlclno. when It takce an effect and tlr up the poison, o. dlseaso In the system. You must not cxpecj to bo cured In a few day.foi your sickness or dlaeaio bas been a long Uino coming on, nnd It will tak a Ipng tlmo to get It out of your .ystom. It will take month or a year U build a new body from tho bone up. This 1 what tho people do not un derstand. They are used to being humbugged. HI modlclnos are com posed of Nnturo's Herbs-wbat the human ytem require.. When tho anl mail got alck thoy will help thcmselm to thoso horb, for thoy baro tho In itlnct, and tho pcoplo baro not. o wo havo to make a study of It It fcai bcon a life study with Dr. Cook. Do not get weary; thl life I too .horf and too wcot to worry out of thl world. Dr. Cook Cures All Kinds of Diseases 301 Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon, HAVE A BUSY TIME Epworth League Be gins Work at Sunrise Hold Four Separate Con , ferences, Besides Haying a Wide-ranging Discussion Choice and Cheap Meats ! will sell the iPt Mont that thoHlnte of Oregon can prmlueo, a low as nny of my competitor, ami for thopresent, will Quoto tli following PHeHi, and at the Mine tlmo InvUeynu to rail and Inspect our Meat nnd get our pi I co on meul In quantities: Until further nolle thn following aro my prlees: Hound slcak 10e Qhucli Heak .. ...., 7c, Roast beof tn 10c Boiling beof ... G to 7o jdutton. for quarter, ..,.v-f &" HrMil of'atutton .......W..V.. c fllnd ouartor of mutton ....... So teg of mutton ,,.,,. 10c Pork loin 10c rotk'rJiouMor ,...,,. Re Vt-al, foro quarter 7c Twenty jrear aiprenco snlllug ih Alt. 1 will meet all out. E, C. CROSS, Phone 291, Salem, Oregon .Vv Sit kz: V- -' TT.'y 1 TZ A CARD To all consumers of Ice in Salem and vicinity Having bought the Capital Ice Works vie respectfully solicit a continuance We wlllendtivor to uaprove the service and wilt keep up m present excellent quality of the product. rttaso address alt orders to the URtkrsigatd or telephone ho, 2131, jGood Bef (or Salem Al It will take some tints to place r product In the market from the Satem Brewery, and as we wish to get started la business and In touch with tM trak la Salera and vlclalty at an early late, we have made arrange mats to kindle the Olympla and Bell Immn Ny krews, so well and tavor aWykaowalytke people of the Pa clfKc&. oararlccs will te the SMsfasthewul brewery bas chare 4 Md tiM service we will render will U iMtk satisfactory. Salem Brewery Ass'n Willamette Valley Chautauqua Asio elation. Tho Wlllamotto Valloy Chautauqua JAstoelntlou will bo held at Olallitono t'ark. near Oregon City. July Hth to :4th lueluslvo. llato of ono and ono third faro on the certificate, plan has bevn made from all point, on Oregon line. Special attractions have boou provided, "dermalno" the magician. wltli hi. wonderful productions; It. J. llurUotto, tho colebrated humorist, will outertafn tn hi. usual delightful manner. whlqftho lectures of Hon. namp uarK ana Hon. J. 1. Dolllver will be au Intollootual treat Many other attractions will bo pro vided, making tho (Inest entertain ment ever rIyou rt thl Chautauqua Your trtity. K. COMAN. 7 3eod5t Uen. Pas. AconL n.oj i,ii 17. Ths ecoond day' .stori of the Bpworth Iobuo Inton national confereece bogan at nn early hour this morning with a 'funriae prayer meeting" In the Central M. E. church. There were present nearly a thousand delegates. Tho exorcises were led by Itev. S. II. Towne. D. D of Greencastle. Ind. Following the exorcises an experience meeting was held. In which delegate from nearly erery state of the Union and from sev eral of the Canadian provinces parti cipated. , . ... It la estimated that thoro are fully 18.000 lengftor In tho city. In aplto of tho crowd Detroit was so well pro pared for the entertainment of tiio visitor that not near half It ontto talnlng capacity Is exhnusted. Tltt residents report that they aro not crowded In the least Four separate conferonco wore held thl morning In as many mooting ulepw. Wien the dolegates nssomblod In the Central M. B. church. II. B. V l'orter of Jamestown. N. V., prosld INC. the splendid choir led a short s-rvlco of song, after which tho morn ing topics were taken up in ien-mm-iitt- upeeche by the delegates. "The Heart of the Weekly Devotional Meet ing." wa the tlrst subject, by tho Itev. II K. Warren. of Lonnoxvllle. Que. Uuder the head of "Our Obligation to the Juniors.' Mw. Annie II. Wod cock of Aurora, N-b.. delivered an In toreHtlng address. "Training the Worker for Personal Work." waB the topic nsslgnwl Itev. A. II. HlRglna of MliltlletOll. Can. Iiev. . O. i-nrnor ui Crowley. Ia., spoko on too miujcci "I'rnyer n Farce in league vrK. and llev. J. J. Itolilnetto of Mnryvlllo. Tnnti i-IihipiI iho Romiton with nn ad driMM on "The Presence of tho Spirit tin l!aiintlnl." MlMloiiary noitorw and discussions oreuplml tho time of the dolegates as aemlilvil In the Hoiroit opera nouso. W. W. Cooper of Kenosha, Wis., pro tiled over this meeting nnd the iprukeni Iniluded John W. Penning ton of Colorado Springs. Colo., Itev. Wurd. I). -. otNnshvlllo. Tenn.. and MIhh Hetwle llrookH of Denver. Pn. The Juniors held sway In the Central Irol))lorliiii rliurtli, whro the prol lems of child culturo. study courses, nnd the enlistment of ndult helper were taint if the topics dlsciutsod. The literary and social uork of the league woro the chief subjects of con slderatlon at tho fourth of tho fore noon conference, held In the Fort street Presbyterian church, llev. J. M Workman of llanton. Ark., presid ing An offering of prayer by tho llov. M W Dognu of Slnrsho.ll. Texas, pa pers treating of social fellowship. reading rooms ana me literary nctiv ite. of the league woro presented by llev W. P. Kvolaiul of Illoomsbiirg. Pa Miss Clara Wollaco of Toronto. II. v I'. O. Jonu of Knuxvlllo. Tenn, Iluv W. R Orose of llaldwlu. Kaus., and others. A wide range of subject relating to league and denominational work were dUcusoed at tho tbrco large meetings of the afternoon, proniluunt among tho speakora being Hov. B. u. Thomp son of Oklahoma City, llev. F. II. Co ma n of llnITalo, llev. A. O. Hough of IM) Angeles. I. (larland Penn of At lanta, James S. Ogden of Indianapolis and llev. C. K. Manning of Montreal. The llev. It J. Campbell, pastor of the People's Temple. London. Is ono of the eminent speakers to bo heard at the meetings tonight. GUESS irfiohfs?" The moth er knowi the touch of the soft hands too well to need to guess, and for the moment she enter Into the pltrful spirit of the child and for- trets her toil nnd vrtirineM. Then a sden movement sends, tbril of pain through her and she realizes that though love may lighten labor it cannot lighten Thousands of women who have suf fered from backache, headache, and other consequences of womanly disease, have been made well women by the Sse of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion It establishes regularity, dries unhealthy drains, heals Inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. I cannot r eoooih In pralit 01 in i-irrrei u " ... k li.tln raronic rT"T'Y." IL il.iliii f T.rtoro lf. Im, """ ".yvTZk,. i uMi auniirn an a tuuiu imiuii Ukin; the ' Farorite Trtj I t"k oV ihr bil and am berty CandoalmoMaoy kind of work." Dr Pitrce's Pleasant PelleU are the most' desirable laxative for delicate women. comnleted arrangements for holding Its first boxing show tonight. The star feature of the program Is to be a six-round go between "UIUCK" TiicKcr and Tommy Love, two promising featherweights who are expected to put up an Interesting contest. T7nUwlJ?Jt?o ,wrttajPrMigjyy.7tt,.MB. nw. Waedvo or six good lanorej. at the reiorm vw, ? fWf COmpauj. In the forenoon. ! - ianedA tenant to take chaigo of WaKt.SS ranch 6lle9 ej renter, a Marah. 8alem, liLii- Wanted.-Ono chamborrnald and ono -...,., Willamette HotoL 6-22-tf yJS7-A flecondbana norso nsk Apply to Thoma Holman. 374 High street Wanted.-Two or three hundred cords of old flr or Bocondgrowth Or To bo delivered In three months. Apply at once. Money advanced to right parties. Willamette HotoL Wood Wanted. 100 cords of big flr, or large second growth, also aorno heSvy nSSt Send Bealed proposals to Hofer Pros-- Journal offlco. " FOB SALE. F.r 8ale.-Clover hay In the Held, for vi maf rnn mtiuiiv w 1 iJ.S w... --- loy nnd Son, Iloutc 8, Salem. f.1fi.!H For Sale. Now and second-hand .nrine nnd farm wagons, buggies, carts, poles, shaft, wheols, etc. Horse shoeing, repairing; painting tlono on short notlco and reasonable. No.. 78. 79. 80. Broadway, North Salem. Werner Fennel, proprietor. 7-lC-2wk Unique Cleaninp, noom onaw Johnson, UIO,i wo m io cated at 209 Commercial street, They do a general pressing 'and re pairing uui. ,t.-.-. ., Bilk waist. Wd Blovee, gents cloth ing etc Phone 2M4. G-28-lyr. Removalr-Tbe Salem Carriage fac tory, Wcrnor Fonnoll proprietor, has moved fiom Commercial ntreet to North Liberty, nt tho brldg Call and bco the now plac, and dn apect tho work done. Satisfaction guaranteed. Woroer PonneL Egg for Setting. Puro bred WWte Plymouth Rock and Black Minor, ca. tho beat layers known. T. H. Blundell, MornlngBlde. Telephone No. 2066 Red. 3-20-H You will alway find the choicest meat at the lowest prlcea at Ed' wards & Luscber'B, 406 nnd 410 Stato Btreot 'PhoncfrJttloni given Bpeclnl atctntlon. LODGE. ientral Lodge No, in is. or v vu Hall In Holman Block, corner Bute and Liberty atreota. Tuosday of each week ot 7:30 p. m.. A. 13. Stram 0. 0., R. J. Fleming K. of R. and & FORESTERS OF AMERICA Court Sherwood Foresters N 19. Meet Friday night In Turner block. B W. Mlnttirn.O.R,; A. I Brown, Sec, We sell the areatest of blood purl flera. Acker1. Blood Elixir, under a pos- itlvo guarantee. It will euro alt chron- la and other bloort poisons, u you have eruptions or sores on your body, or aro pale, weak, run down, It Is Just what you need. Wo refund money It you aro not satisfied. CO cents and $1.00. D. J. Fry, druggist Trlh for salo at Danlol Fry's. For Sale. A nice houso and two lots, In South Salem, near the car lino. Address "12. R.,' caro Journal. 7-15-3t For Sale. Near Turner, 2G and 27 acres; $25 per acre It Bold soon. Oeo. 0. Dlnghnm. 7-13-lwk Modern Woodmen of AmericaOre gon Cedar Camp No. B24. Meet every Thursday ovenlng . 8 o'clock. Holman Hall, Frank A. Turner, V. a; A. L. Brown. Clerk. Protection Lodge No. 2, Ancient Or der United Workmen, meet every Saturday evening tn tho Holmaa Hall, corner of State and Liberty .treot. Visiting brethren welcome. J. O. Graham, M. V.; J. A. Sellwood, Recorder. Yanderbilt His Ferryman New York. July 17 William lllnlr of lllvor IMge, N. J, was nlnoty-ono your old today, and his relatives and niHghborB gave him u reception on his lawn. Despite hi advanced ago Mr. Dlalr wns as chipper ns any ot his grandchildren present. In his prime Mr. Dlalr was ono ot the most widely known Ballmakors on .lie Atlantic coast and during the six ty year he was engaged at his trade le ringed out ninny ot the host boats thai left this jM.rt. It was whllo mak ilia a trip butweon Stolen Island ami Porth Amboy to mensuro n vessel that he paid 25 cents to Commodore Vanderbllt for rowing him acroti. the Kills. o Suffered 8 Months I can heartily recommend Acker's Tablet, for dyspepsia and stomach troubles. I havo been suffering for eight months, and tried many reme dies without any relief, until I got Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets, which I usod only a short tlmo, and am now perfectly well. Thanking you for the speedy recovery, I am gratefully yours, FranclH I. Gannor, Vancouver, Wash. Send to W. II. Hooker & Co., Buffa lo, N. Y., for a freo trial package. Nothing like thorn. For 8ale Cheap. A small stock 6r dairy farm, 80 acres, 12 miles east of Salem; fenced; house and barn; young orchard; good running water year round; three-quarters of a mile from school. Call on or address U J. Davenport, 121 8tato Street 7-13-lwk OSTEOPATHY. Dro. M. T. 8choettle, Frank J. Bart and Anna M. Darr. Graduates American Bthool of Ostoopatay, Klrksvlho, Mo., BUCccBSore to Dr. Graco Albright OOlco hours 9 ta 12 and 1:30 to 4:30 o'clock. Od4 Fellows' Tomplo. Phono Main 2711 rosldonco phone 2603 Red. Stock Sheep for Sale. I havo 100 head of graded CotBWold owoa for salo, at my farm, 3 miles south of Silver- ton. Call on or address mo at Sa lem, Oregon. R. D. Allen. 7-9-2w Dr. H. H. Scovell, Suggestive Thera peutics and Osteopathy. Nervota, functional and mental dlsoasoe, b ralgla, headaches, norvous prostra tion, dyspepsia, constipation, dku rboca, rheumatism, asthma, etc D'Arcy block, State Btreot Phetw Main 28S5. For Sale. Ouo second-hand full circle lightning hay press. 15. M. Crolsan. 7-1-tf Typewriter Bargain A now Sun Typewriter for 2G. Inqulro at Tho Journnl ofllco. tt TONSORIAL AND BATHS. Ryan'. Shaving Parlor. Bevea class barber engaged. Flneat fee room In city. We use antiMfW terlllier. J. Ryan, Pro. Chicago Typewriter Good as now for salo at low prlco. II, caro Journal. For Sale. A good work horso, about 9 or 10 years old, wolght 12C0. Call two blocks east and' four blocks north ot tho North Salem school. N. O. Shantz. C-23-tf For 8ale. A lot ot good railing, could bo usod In fitting up an office, porch, balcony or stalrratl with balusters. Journal office. 6-lG-tf Uso Trlb for tobacco. IN6UN BASKETS Jtllf Strainers. Caaalt Bine Stmt-Porcelilne still at relucts diets Tkc Variety Store. MCwrtSt. AaaaraM. Welch, pron BKJ SHOE SALE mr HEXT SATURDAY AT JKK JcVoft 265Com'lSh Mea'a jbJ uiks good flttleg dress sfcHM at toe kHHst srlce Also soma fcraslzt. wa were S3 SO now .. 4. U H8W AV3.9U, u. GO Wlf y CM gU NrsdlB' REWARD For auy case qf the Llquqr, qigarette or Chowlng Tobacco Habit Trlb (all to cutv llev. J. It N. Hell, the oldsst living chaplain ot tho Qrand Ijodge of the Mntonlc order In the world, and pas tor f the Pieabytorlan church, Raker City. Or, writes: I have matched wua interest tno cood rt,ii dK tatued by tho usa of your remedy for tho liquor and tobacco, habit Trlb. ami' fed that t can sarely and heartily recommend It to all In uod M Prlro, itto pw treatment For sate, by all druggljt.. a a m k, 'ixx&.m ( WHAT TIME PROVES. This thing of being sick and looking for a cure I tnblghty serious busi ness. People are not given to Joking even at the first symptom of tho ap proach of the grim destroyer. They do not want to be the subject of ex periment, but want medicine that has u . the test ot years behind It A medicine that has been made and used for 20 years give, assurance of Its worth, and ran be taken with a faith that they have the very best cure the world affords. All this can be said a.wut Dr. Ounn's Improved Liver Pill a a remedy for slck-headaohe. dva- pepsla and Indigestion, it begins right at the source ot the trouble and re moves the cause. We will .end a sample box ot theso pill, free, or a full box on receipt ot 25a Sold by all driggtste for 25c per box, or address Dr. Uosanko Co.. Phlladophla, Pa. Fur sale at Dr. Stone's Drug Stores, 2 Tucker to . Meet Loye Philadelphia. July 17 Tho nenly organist! central AthMlo oinb has It's Just a Cough That get your luiun soro ami .v and pate the way for pneumonia or wuBuraiiuon. or ootn. Acker. English Remedy will stop the cough in a day and heal your lunga, H will cure con sumption, asthma, bronchitis, and all mroai and lung troubles. Positively guaranteed, and money refunded It you are not natlsfled. Write us for tree sample, w. if. Hooker t Col Buffalo, tl Y. RJ.Fry.drutttit. tial PILES RU-- SUDpOSltOITJ lib, X c tiIiw 'liuul h, tknC tr S. W IKiMt, I OiM S11. Si4U,,ttb. 1 rtut - tHI ttf ItllHUl .ul IT II l ll.alJ, I iuti,v. T.M. HU., ti f Ul t m cllM I Kllfl .! W 1, Mtiiw ' vl 11 Jtw, 1 ! hM ,. U Wi. W . uaH tim. St bR7IM JOt, UNCAITfll, . 8old In Salem by 3. C, stone. Call for Free 8&mplea. BUm WING SANG CO, Chinese and Japanese Fancy Dry Goods Made up In new lint or wrapcers, all colors, White Underwear, all kinds of waists, fancy summer goods, silks, skirts, mattings, etc-, etc. Every thing now for sale cheap 100 Court St . Salera. Or- Corner Alley- CX H. MACK Bucceseor to Dr. J. M. Keen, b White Corner, Balem, Oregon. Partlar dealrlug auperlor operation at n4 erate fee tn any branch are In esieeU rsaaeaL J. Brownstein & Son. . 54 State street. Highest cash price paid for Hides, pelts. Wpol, Tallow and furs: also general dealer la old Iron, Rubberand Metals. For Sale. Macro farm In Marlon county, U mile of Sanltam river, In good BottlemenL Flvo-room house, Lam and necessary outbuildings, Well watered with spring water at the door. Ten aero of fruit of all Idnds) prlnclpaly winter apples. A fine fruit and dairy farm, with lot ot out-ranBo; within Vt mllo of railroad, school church and busi ness town, with large monthly pay roll. This Is a beautiful farm of good, black, productive land, and It sold at once will take $2000, with halt down, and the balance from S to 6 years, at 6 per cent Interest Immediate possession For further Information address J. B. Ray, lllll City, Ore. 6-S-3m Evan.' Barber Shop Only flrst-clae shop on State street Xrary this new and p-to-date. F1net oreM bath. Bhave, ICo; hair-cat, Met baths, 31c Two lnt-cla black. O. W. Evan, proprtetw. FRUIT TRAYS. BOXES and CRATES all kinds and styles. First Class work and material, Prices reason able. Shop on Miller St., South Salem. Phone Red 2191. GEO. F. MASON. FOR RENT. Rooms for Rent Up etalre, Cottle block, by day. week, or month. AV so light housekeeping room. trie lights,, Opeu all hours. Mattlel Hutchinson, Prop. Commercial St, No. 333. Phene: 2005 Main, THE BUTE CAFE 208 Commercial Street Crawfish )AU served in HotTamales the most ap- Cold Lunches ) petizing style E ECKBRLEN. Proprietor 1? S.C.STONE, M.t. ....PROPRIETOR OF.... STONE'S DRUG ST0HE SALEM, OREGON. The atwros (two n mimoer) are cated at Ncr. 235 and 307 Ooumercisl street, and are well stocked with a complete line of drugs and medicine, toilet articles, perfumery, brush, etc. Ha had some 25 years experience la the practice of medicine, and bow Elec-1 makes no chargoa for consultation, lamtnatlon or prescription. MISCELLANEOUS. Pure Water Wells dug. drovo or cleaned, also brick work and plas tering. Address A. P. Holt Salem, Oregon. 7-1-lra Screen Doors. New and second-hand. Prom 75c to $1.35. J. N. Schaata' second hand Btore, 107 Court street Salem, Oregon. C-5-tf Harper's Whiskey I. the bert Get tome Into your vest Out. 8chrelber keep. It And you know the rest FARMER'S HOME 153 State Wrt Screed Doors 31.15 and upward, In cluding Hardwaro, Screen Windows VlreJSIotb I-awn and Field Fenc- ng nnd Shingles all at lowest prfcea. WALTEM MORIJ3r. CO Court St', Salem, Or. McReynolds Brothers Proprietor of TweIfth-stret store. Groceries and feed. 406 State street 'Phone 2G3L 7-1-tf CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfer Meet all mall and pger trala Baggage to all porta of ti Prompt arrlce. TelesteM Ne, tlL RECKMAN- H ED RICK & I0MYER SALEM WATER COMPArlY OFFICE CITY ALU rr water rrte ayiay U Bills payable saoaaMy ta. . a4va Hake all eoapWata at ak- CAP1TAL NATIONAL Bank, of Salerru. - 1 Th nnlw KTftllniuil- ask luarfOf , ,...., t--5 r v-vlft County. Transactageneralibank'" UUS1008B, BAVINQB DEPARTMENT, Pays interest on'savi!' accotj Use Trlb for Liquor baUL