The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, July 17, 1903, Image 1

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mk m'W
VOL. XIII. . 'f
i rf
SALEM, OREGON, FRiDA iutYlV, 1903.
NO. G0.
IT H "1 'II W "1 - ' '' -mi-ir''iS' sRWs ay '"''- " ''' v r . .
I lH M- u- iJ "T' r I -wwr "3HT 1 1 r13"nL".lr!'
v,. , jlxjljli . ?XjC1lXJLJX VJXVlXJLJ?JrV:"
Could Not ,,
Find Thief
Leader of Brotherhood
of Locomotive ,
Fell as He Said, "It May
my Parting Words
to Many of
P. M. Arthur, grand chief engineer
Up to late hour UiIh afternoon the
officers In scnrch of the thief who
stole F. A. WlglnB wagon on Wcdrtes-
"iiy nigni, ivee unnjue report mo
wnpreaUauts of the stolen rig, though
they have found fotno clues as to tha
direction the thief hfiH taken. A let
ter from the chief of police of Albany,
to Chief Chlef"Glbfton, states that on
Sunday? nlglit a stranger stole an old
hack and a new seat of harness nt Al
bany and the description of the culprit
'tallies with the description of the man
seen by Jos. Cooley, the baker nt the
"Sleeves Bakery, who, reports seeing n
mantafclng n team Into the rflle back,
of tfie Wiggins wnrhouso about 11
o'clockVVedncsdny night. Mr. Cooley
saw the, man seeral times on that eve
ning. The fellow drove Into the alley
back of 'the. Wade hardware store,
driving -"cr good team of dark horses,
Vlth now harness nnd an old hack.
Gets Decision in Fayor
of the Indian
Rejected Claims Will Now be
Nearly all Allowed as
30 Days Service is
1 'j-.
1 of the b lorhood of IomotlvoSonv,.h W,hecam"!Vhof'lk c,8,on o tho nct,n 8retary
f KlncerswhoBO body was started East ery and nske.f fdr Bome matches, later mterlor, rendered today,, doi
I tSTdSvoi fflat mldnlSt wjd. InS,&t11ht:,""ey townra tUe wSr of ",ot H f applications t
I... n.kl1 nnn.l,ln n t. l.nnnnnf l" MIHMIllt BlUre,
"?TJJ .T "" :?"?" i T '"",,";' XX I An hour later tho fellow
I'lUttlllK U1U UllllllUl U1HUK vlfVMwu
of tho Brothorhood of Locomotive En
Lglneonr, which has boon In session for
itho past fow days.
Mr. Arthur nau just arison 10 re
spond to a toast, and repeated Iho
werds: "It may ,, bo my parting
words to many of you," when ho foil
backwards and expired In a fow min
Washington, July 17. Under n de
af the
dozens, if
for neu-
j slops finder tho Indian War veteran
retUtned. net of tlii Inn cnnfrrnBfl'.liiSJ'ntnfnrn ro.
minus his hilt, nlld Securing his team. ciifclivt Ifv'thn nnnilnn' nfflp,. will bo
he OKnin wont Into tho alley. Nothing; passed to Ipsud. The secretary hafl
was thought of tho nffnlr by .Mr. Cooly overruled the pension ofllce. nnd liber
who dismissed the occurrenc6 from his nlly construed th?lnw In favor of tlije
mind until, rending Uhe story of tho survlvor4pf. tho Oregon and Washing
theft In last evening'. Journal, he ln-;ton wats.TK. . '
formed the niitcers ,of the occurences Commissioner Ware, u'poka tuchn!
of the night before. He uyscrUie tho; cnllty. has all. along been roectjn
man ns'tnll nlld WCll-hlJllt. With -Unlit1 plnltnH nf tlio Oreirnn nnrtBTVimliltllrtnii
I'liHlr nnd mustache. This description I voternns. "because thoy faffed to show
Winnipeg. July 17. Arthur's body inllles with the one sent from Albany. 'muster Into the scrvloo or the United
woo startedhomo for Cleveland at 1 nnd It is bcUaved Ihtit-th fellow Jmv- states or pay by tho "United States"
o'ciock tnis auornoon, accompanien oy iiiriii. ana nuie-py any, ns no basing his action upon a
by several niombcrs of tho. Jirolhqjv tnicu jjnn be found ot him between AI- clause of tho act of 1002.
hood ofEnglneors. ( hnnj1 anl Salem, none having seen him j Whllo yet Ji congregs,
I " " " .. .. . .- .UWWMJ H.FI.VU.UL.. .I.V.I.
Meadvllle, Pa.. July 17,-rFlrst As
slctant Chief of tho Drothorhood of
Engineers Youngston iias Jeon hover;
lng betweon llfo and death oil tho hos
pital horo for several days'. He has
not yet been notified of Arthur's
death. i
Should Change '
- K t
the Weather
Highlands, July jiyirr-Shaiyock I
started at 11:34, the challenger 50 sec
onds later. Tho latter soon, overhauled
and passed tho First. Thero is a light
wind und It is haxy. J'
A Fire ani
Denver. July 17t A flro, followed
by an explosion In the McPheo waro-
Ihouso this morning, caused 2Ui),ouo
damages. Tho flro was- caused by tho
Spontaneous combustion of oil.
lace Winner
Brings Price
LONDON, July 17. Tho Sixteenth
R Eclipse stakes of ten thousand sover-
elgns was won today by dubbin's Pat
rick, Madden up, Reiver's Sceptre,
(Hardy up, second; Sir Miller's Itock
jsand, Skeets Martin up, third.
dubbins sold Aril Patrick after the
great race today to Court Lehmlorff of
dermany, for $100,000.
the Harlow trail, nnd efforts
made to head him off there.
to Retire
this ruling.
contending that UiojulCan war net of
last year was purely an extension to
the survivors of tho onrly Northwest
ern wars of tho provisions of the
Qlackhnwl; penslo;Mict of 1892. and an
such It was natftssential to bIiow ser
vice as United States, troops, or pay
by the government Acting Secretary
Miller upholds tho appeal of Mr.
Moody, saying:
"It must bo clear to the most casual
observer that if this net means any
thing it menns that congress intended
WASHINGTON, Jujy, 17.-3enernl
Davis, commanding In th Philippines.
linvlnc rnr.nmi-tinn,lil n rtltlrHnn nt iUn
troops. Secretary Itoot hus instructed 'to provide pensions for the vory Class
him to withdraw thre cavalry regi- of persons jho re.ndercd30 days sen
meats and thrco Infantry regiments vlco in these we8: Tho ftct vdfies nfel
whenover transportation Is
limit its pr6vlsldns
ho act .does
fo ;i-pfcy
Rossini Sys This
Was Discovered by
Analyzing Serum
Result j of t Operation Four.
Years Aro-This Explains
'lingefini: Character
, of Disease
JtorajJuly 17. (Offlclnl ljullotid)
Tho Pope had during the night eomo
hours W', on tho othor hnnd,
som Bhort periods of excitement. Tho
level of the uo.uld In the pleura, which
it was B&Jnced yesterday was seri
ously niiMtlng the tmtlent,- has been
mainltiimi within. IlmltsT nad his gen
e?sJ cowiion-presents no cbango, Uto
PAa;.:cinB ss. respiration so, tern
rnt(i' 3C.G. Lnpponi, Mazzon).
' .Mass" nus celebrated In Uie Pope's
apartments this morning, tho pontiff
Joining in tho responses feebly Work
men this morning begun preparations
Range War I '
is Feared
SS Declines, to .kth&
sermon Kegaro
irtff Jews
at St. Petors for-handling the crowds appeal to tho several district attorneys
expected to view tno'jtoiy tuineija
body. A quarter of a million nro ex
pected. Kand-ralls aroj arranged.
makingJC9Slln'uoiU alldywnys. After
cuusuluUcn this nffJrhoon Mnizonl
left tho Vatican. Raying ho would not
rctnrnViatl) night, unless summoned,
lie said. It was posslblo the liquid In
the pleura would be naturally ab
abrbd j
Rome, July 17 npsslnl hlifl told
A delegation of citizens ot Grunt, ;
Baker, Crook, Whecfer, and Harney
counties appeared before the Governor
this morning, and complained that open '
war was threatening in their respect
lvo counties between the
nnd the sheenmen. on tho mime
that Unless prompt step's were taken
by the authorities' to preserve order,
bloodshed would surely result. So In
sistent wore these gentlemen, and so
thoroughly Impressed was the Gover
nor with the gravity of tho situation, -
that ho at once Issued a proclamation ...
to tho peaco officers of the countlerf PrCSldeilt AaBlltS We
nnrncu, urging mem 10 cx.ert tnemf ti, . Ih,i.
selves to preserve the peace, and If uT-I U0 Klgul TO imClierC
nuic iu uo sit, 10 can upon ine niaio
authorities for tho necostary aid anil
the same would be granied.1 The Gov
ernor's proclamation reads as fallows:.!
"whereas, complaints have been and . (
are being made to mo that in crtln WASHINGTON, July 17. Tho atat
countlos In the Kastern portion of the, if , . , .,,,. ,-i ,mvo nu a
slate, notably In Grant, Dakpr.'CreeJn Sfpartmout this morning gave out .
Wheeler and irarney clps, .thret' lenjr elatirnent regnrdltw tho Klsht
to do Injury to, Jlfa.anA-tweiierty nro" neff 'petition which Is In part as fol-
openiy inauiged ln'and serious con- 0WI. ,.T),e uMlan government hni
filets nro'lmlriAnt listiViwMi tha nwnM .. . ?'... . -.!... - n,t
-,- ii.. , Z . - r. . decuneu 10 cons
... uinio huu nnccy yi;viiu ui uiiei- 0x relating tC
euue an a inrir rnincctivn riifiit nn - , r. ..i-
... - --- -r-1;- .. UBWH ... nuisiu. ciiicrfcn. ' hj .
uie puwio ranges unless the grontest tt,nU,h"d citizens, and Sabled (o St.
irlrrlln M ! AWnvif .,d,1 .. Kk. - I S. .. i r i l
thorltlcsj , t
"Tlierefore, in tho hopo that such
calamity may bo averted, and our stnto
saved from the discredit which Would
attach to It In tho event of such a con
flict as appears possible, I do earnestly
With Her Internal
lucr,,or,rui;civu ujfiu-
k the' oofidillon s.w
.ImJa.1'. V.. ! llT
This will require several months. Thoiacrved nn" wpr0 discharges' Slider,
niiinnt in n.n an.i.a! i. n . I tho Immediate military nuthorltvot
Tho war department this morning tho United' States only, but It.!
formnlly announced directions of pre- visions clearly extepd to thosowho '
naration f.iiiowinir nmmnHnn. uh. sorved and were discharged Ainder'tho-l
0'-- " r- ---.-..--- ,...,,.., 'BlJW4 I .. .- .. " - ' . , f i. .. i.
General Younr to be'Ueutennnt'Oeii-HfeUWr "PQrejawijj ;J ", I pmn july17. Cnrdlnnl GlUbons1.
efnTtrcaerersl'TMlle., retired : Hrlr-l . Dy this Is meant men who-ro e-1-lirrlvei, thiH ortnion nnd went (o St.
listed and served 30 jiays-ln temtormi n,,.nA hr , viu mni uaiii h'
his frlpnds of the medical profession
that tho Popo'Jn. Buffering from can
cer, as the result of tho operation four
years -hgo. Tlip fact was discovered
when the scrum from tho pleura a
analyzed, and explains tho lingering
character of the. djiije,!''un( shows
t.wwwiUfy of Ye'covcj-y
iv'17. A itood breeze n's-
vSntltnitlon of the Pope's bed-
s Hftemoon. It is stated
nzronl wanted to operate on tho
but Lappord dissuaded him.
Petersburg by direction of the Presi
dent. At ft conference Jul tilth, at
Oyster nay, tho President conferred
with l-iovl "Wolf and Straus regarding?
the presenting of the petition, und de
cided .to" wend v tho following flTsriatchi
to ntddle, American Chargo d'Affnlcs nt
u. uAUMi.Hi.i,t Wvaii nVi lnKtnitited to
sheriffs, cons nbles and other oincers 0lk nn audience AvtUi Mlnlstei' oiTor-
In said counties to whom Is entrusted C Aff-lrs. and to- make to him ilia
the enforcornem of;the law andfh8 following comrnuhlcatlpnf' Hlcel-
prolcctlon of to llfo nnd property of uncy, Iho Sccre'tnrV of I itnteulnstruols
the citizen, td cxervlso tho greatest mQ x'0 fnform you tnftt thAWsiaenC
vlg laneg nnd, re that no overt acts ,,,, rccoivcrt from a largonumber off
citizens of the United States, o all ro
rfCouUnucd oa ljtJR t
of laW(eMness nro indulged In by any
of Ho contending factions, and. p
promptly arreif and seulousljl srose
cuti all persons Jmpllcnted in the 'Vio
lation of tno laws
r . v T K- rFT.i i 'f
"In the evnt of any trouble which JZnll X OOsVfi
tO'tSnV'P'" T
the Jocal authorities are unable to cob"
irui,un appcni(io iu -aisiq win meet ny,----with
suchrASfonso as the laws will "Tcac
v.arrwM!i5itfcS emergency." H'i " jA
SANffKANCISCO. July uutiJiirwArmdoaM
llMbM. ,l.-i iLl ,,-----
SehatSyoVorwH. Williams, dlwl ,tW'
mornlnof hrt failure. Ho refire-'4
sentedth J4tH'trlct. Ho Jyofjll..
yearn at age, ana onnuvu ot N
York. ( A v
niinUN. July 17rTh (TwQtlatt
says the Sultan of Turkey k IN, Wd
inn uwwni iihvo oroercu aDKonrve
-A Ti.
t,aM Wt M4-.
"' v,--iicii Dimmer iu oe Ainjori , ., 7 :r c x:
General vico Gepcrnl Davis, retired; organizations or In the home knap
nrlmidler General Wood to be Major ttnd participated In tho early TBflli
" wiw ia1 ''mp
General, vice Qeneml Young, promoted
General Miles retires August 8th, nnd
General Divl July 28.
WASHINGTON, July 17i The Presi'
Idont haH decided to promote thirty
four Colonels to the Tirlgadler Oenernls
rank with the understanding that they
Immediately retire. All nre officers
who served creditably in the civil war.
Cuban Senate
isall Right
nAVANA, July 17. The Cuban sen
ate has approved the coaling station
agreement bill; nnd has also approved)
the bill appropriating JSO.0OO forthel
W. 1.1U fit. Awl.fl. I :
,.,.. ..... ,, ,
wars. Herctororo tho pension onico
has been taking ndvnntngo of every
technicality to delay action on Indian
war pension claims, and only veterans
who could show pay by tho united
States in nny Indirect manner were nl
lowed pensions.,, Tho vast'tnajority of
tho applications were turned down
under tho decision, of tho-secrotory,
which establishes a precedent from
which there can ho no appeal.
Many claims heretofore rejected
IinioVeconBld--rc() and pensions will
be allowed. The secretary Interprets
tho law In its liberal snnse, nnd holds
that. Inasmuch as congress Injond d
the pnnslons should bo nald. ho hna
flulpice whore he will remnln until the
Pope's death.
Do Yot Ever Rest?
Then tyiy ono of tfjoae fine .
we are selling; so cheap and be comfortable while you're
res,t,nV.W have them in stripes, plaids, and solid
colors. They re large and strong. You can remove the
pillows and use them for porch cushions. Prices range
from 75c to jg4 40. All marked on the spot cash plan.
Our pew Dry Goods department is a great success, just
oecause we nave trie right goods and sell them cheaper Z
man regular stores.
. V4-'i I
mil w
'h' S 1
zr' jflH
Per Women
There's something about ; ;
theMstar5star" SHOES;;
that maHes customers ; ;
,want them again. That's ; ;
why we're doing a shoe ; ;
business that is not equal-; ;
ed by many exclusive;;
shoe store. ; i
CHICAGp, July 17. Thin, morning
Judges Freeman, Bnkr anil Stein of
the Appellate Courts'iytflrmed the recent
decision of Judge ifpldom, .which pro
hibited tho picketing of the Kellogg
plant by 'strikers At noon all was
uulet, the crowds keeping a safe dlfc?
tnnce from the policemen on guard.
niiTdinA t..i.. -tt nlnl. l..uA.1
".'JTSJSM,; ot the KeK Switchboard Comjjanyi.
HoL'VXS"1 ' " T"e y'8 n"ts made the
light of his decision. , s ,lml,-P r ini,.r,i i.n-,
A lanto number of issues is sure to- ,,,,: .', ' ,,.....
follow upon this decision. bl5h hutf" , 1LV" "" "7""'"". 1 "" Z
ukijIii collected and vigorously hooted
arid Jeerejl ,the wojukmn who are tnk
ing tup places of Ihe four hundred
striken, as the former were escorted
to their work by a heavy guard of
police. Five hundred policemen were
held under reserve and orders wpre Is
sued to see that their pistols were In
good condition. At 9 30 the first Wagon
jnoved for the Panhandle depot; ac
companied by fifty police, A" crowd
followed and again seized Uie street
cars, corrtpelllnK'the motprmen aq4
conductors to surrender, and run fast
to keep In the procepsjoi). TJjer were
frequent arrtsts, TipjJkoltfsAc jubbul
indiscriminately anaThtlly, Tm& 'tcores
ot wounded yere astd e.Way Vy
their comrades.
Ueen porslstcntly fought for byMj
.Moody for more than four months.
Prices guaranteed in fee the lowest, Quality
considered, named aaywiiere, Goods ex
"changed xickly; money retwrned instantly.
DCnWN. July 17. A Gazette dls
patch from Lisbon reiiqjjsVa conspir
acy against King Charles; ot Portugal.
Five Infantry officers hAve-been arrest
ed nnd will be tried by'court martial.
Wants to
Clothing, Hats f
1 Iff W WB
. . . . ... . i i
Salem's Cheapest flue-Price ;Gf$h Store.
E, L Birtes, Pr,. ' ji
miaiiaiiiif itiiiif i
SEATTLE, IJdly 17. Crowell, a
Butcher living?, Ith the Mull family,
who was arrested yesterday, threatens
suicide. Developments show that who
ever administered the poison, was in
,timaeljr cojinfcted with the family.
WASHINGTON," July 17-The war
denartment'd advices from the Phlllo-
pines n.ot.e tbe capture' of 'Faustlno
Oulllermo, the most famous bandit In
Luzon, and .predict this ends the dis
order In Illzai province.
WASHINGTON, July 17. Advices to
the war department from the Philip
pines state that Henry Savage Landor,
its noted explorer, has discovered in
t)w interior of Mlndano a race of tree
UWjkilers, tlmllar to the dwarfs found
iMKAilrica by Stanley and DuChalllu.
HlfSjcce.ded In getting many photo-
His Flax
T!ilirn ntuiA. h Jtnv urnwor ia
abandoned the effort1 tq pull his ilaX
by hand on account of his Inability t
secure hands to do the work, so luis
plon self-binder, Mt?lf4rL. 1 ..
ling thje,lisarfj v u r "
a smooth sickle, as.' i 60o VftJllO for . . .
POJjSMQUTH, Eng Jul'y" 17-The
American squadron sailed this morning
purchased a Champl
Is cutting and .binding
of pulling it as lit the
is equipped with
the barbed sickle used. in cutting grain
will not operate in flax, the fiber clog
ging the sickle so badly that it can not
be operated, The flax is cut low m the
ground, so as to save all the fibre poo-,
slble and Mr.'Bosse estimates his loss
by the fact that he is compelled to cut,
his crop, at 10 per cent of the fiber.
Mr. Bossa's crop aggregates aboqt 1C0
acres, and the cutting of it became
necessary in order to save It.
Midsummer Sate
Enthusiastic aprenjlaithrough
our tMitiro storo. In every de
partment you will And many
choice jlorne that(wili interest.
A hvayih cretin abimdaaco at
lowest r5e& Sea our snecial
c9unter,frTliTURKISH and
JJINEN HUOK at tfiO.un(3or
price of 10c
WhafworaRngvef bad too
many shirt waifts? Nonehata
why, you ehold patrtmhw oar I
twidurawcr pU, v'vaitiig.ftm
(50,k) 0.00 now 2Gc ft $8,04
U4rwar --
rfSmrmte lmmiH-wn to
jwf Wa pPKiif a
Two-picco Bummer suits, $7.50
and $8 valucn, Midsummer
Special Snlo ' f
lti KMmt
CbMdtm .
Ned to be At, cool
mauaer. Wa araviiwi4 1 1 i
having the right garHaw4. ' , ,
Away iHid'erpriccd. This
Spring's purchnflwftvalueaup
to $15, Midsummer Safe
Summer UtWerwear
j TrV
Tha rew: ; JBrekea evm from
pur qhohtttt aiocK, &
1,26 valuw ... 1. 7
.50 values -
Is the proMtbinj npwglvca
lots rf .Tf tiltiea eaver'Hbe
hair, kf,tke head cool.
hv tljt.Mn7 prio?,
Yor ywsWjdrjag yc
outing is -not' com plate withe
one. We have them aj
5Oc,$J.0b, $2.00
. flfllsssssk
fereot ports. The
started on a speed test to Frenchman's
Bay, Maine.
LONDON, July 17, A number of
British yachting reporters sailed for
New York this morning to cover the In
ternational races.
Portland's white chapel la the nat
ural seouenco to Portland's Politics.
Qno is the creator and the other the
creature, and both are equally men
nj.vKcnw' fj- v t..i. iTfr.
laa I Reliance, Constitution' and Columbia,
, axter two weeks resr, jneet again today
!off Mattlnlcock Point for the first daa
race In the annua) cruise, of the New
. Vnrtr VoAltt rlnt, th. .WI..M.1. YAlrtM T
miles. The wind was very light. The
start was to have been made at 8:30)
but It was postponed until later In the
day owing to Inadequate, wlnd
The starting; gun wi.firf4 atyi:3,
the Beliance and Constitution Crossing
the line nearly together with the Col
umbia hvst, ,
hdditt' T Allot'
t '
S2ts Redtfccd
Tk Siwe Tfcat Tm4 Tic Trasfe Up Cittt St.
a. H