OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1903, PAGE SIX. THE DAILY JOURNAL, SALEM, m W V-c fTWlrW M1"""""1 nnnnnnnnnnnnMnnnnnM'iwinnnnnhnH.K AVtgclaUe PrepnrationiorAs slmtlnllni ihcFoodandRcguIa- rjng BicStouwchs andBowcb of Promoted E)igcsliort,ClttcrfuI ncss andncst.Conl.llns neither Opiumforpliino nor mineral. Kox"Narcotxc. JiKVtcfOUXtSMVELtmmR firrphtl Sent' SOMUSJm- Aperfccl Remedy for ConsUpa Tlon i Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish rvess wid Loss or Sleep. facSlmilo gignnlure of ygw ;tohis. EXACT COPY Of WRAPPER. HARRITT & LAWRENCE Sell ore Groceries ani better Groceries ttiin ANYBODY LETTUCE, RHUBARB, RADISHES, etc just from the Gardens. - AND EVERYTHING FOR THE SPRING SEASON - Come and eco for yourself D.S.BENTLEY Wholesale Roche Harbor Lime Alsen Cement Lath and Shingles, Sand and Gravel Ail all Kinds of Building Material. All Kinds of Heavy Hauling- and Transfer Work done on short notice. 181-183 Commercial Street. I fj I I ill : I !?r ,L,.!!,!?U' tho Milk Can R. M, jtimitiiaiiiaitiaiaiimaiaimsjiaujisiimnM FRANK, DAVIS, Mauwger. ; STANDARD J3ISCUTT CO. (Union Label) j ; H ef PARAMSE SODA CRACKERS and allklnds of m ft if 1 tat I VWwTlfffs ; J. N. MATSCHEK CANDY CO., Inc. !! Uatw-fct-t CMsfecttatn. Nuts aJ confectionery. ; ; CAPITOL COMMISSION CO. ; ; tylteieMte Fruits and frednce. !! PiWMN.,2231, lUlhee Block. fiff f itwiiinmit(Hiaitmiicniiain) Mnaiaiafiatiiiiaiiaif aiftM.tt),t)ei,i)tl I t:t:A G E N C I BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO. GRAIN IDYlMAHDSHIPPJBSOFftPATN Oits For Sale, I - -WfftMWiMWmUS. Cr f J. i, UtM, Afll, iwiiisiwiwiiwi'Wtwriwisjisjitini) FIREWORKS. FLAGS Ml a felt lis It BEA1 MAINS. LTS. Etc. t4Crtf. Amwn M. Wtfci. ffw GASTORIA For Infants and Children. 'The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years ft-W m -W WTORIA WJ NTkWK MMMIT . New Tea em. OLD P. O. GROCERY. and Retail. Truth to Tell Thoro nro no othormllk cutis mado that can equal in wearing qualities tbo gonuino BUHL CANS They are tlnucd to stay tinned, nnd put together to stand years of hard service Other cans crack easily, becomo dinted, and being lightly tinned soon rust and go to pieces. Not so with tho'Buhl Factory." "Imnroved Eluln"and "Genulnn Inu-n " TJwy will outhut any other cans on the market, nnd lire thoroughly and quickly clranrO, Kemcmbtr, tho lluhl U Iho only ran In tho world tlwt, U limilo lili the - - S.hl -LV.lc,0,..cn.. UrJt uhl ET "Victor liound tlaniifo. AKtimrMn.MmBni,l..f.... L" 1 'l0l. .we uroi. all ours with iUu-l Tr4o Mark. Look for It. fe3 WADE & CO. tfJJS, !MMPlH0 jj. fancy Y O F::::st:: - aw4ttklcS.lHwr. 207CoaiMUlSt.lSJi,vOre f Roseburs begins Its woek, of carnival today, with tho Southern Carnival Co. furnishing the amusements. .OAMVOMXJLi A FINE SHOW AT SHIELDS The Program is Mucli Better Than Last Week ' The Wonderful Polyscope With Jack and the Bean Stalk Captures all Who See it All the elements desired In a vaude ville show aro seen at Shield's Park this week, for thero muslc( singing, dancing and comedy -hold sway for nearly two hours. Scanlon & Stanley simply capfturcd tho audience In their laughablo musical act. Leon! & Lconl in their ring act show wonderful strength, and add greatly to tho pro gram. Rooney & Forrester, In their eccentric Irish comedy, is well worth seeing. Edward O'Nell is still mysti fying as ever in his clever card illu sions. His manipulations of the paste boards are wonderful. Tho wonderful polyscopo with "Jack and tho Dean Stalk" again mado a hit, and received rounds of applause. Another perform ance will tako placo tonight at 8 '30. Tho Salem Military band will glvo short concert in front of tho Paik. THE 8TAMP OF TRUTH. Salem Residents Know It Well. Thero is tho stamp of truth on a statement endorsed by people wc know by our friends and nelshbors. Tho following cxperlenco of a citizen is but ono caso of scores rieht here at Heme: Charles Dcadle, veteran of the civil war, mombor of Co. I, N. Y. Infantry, residing at 423 West Sixth street, Eugcno, Ore., says: "I was afflicted with kidney complaint for a great many years, I might say, ever slnco I camo out of tho scrvlco in the sixties. I novor know tho moment when any over exertion of tho contraction of a cold would bring on an attack, and on moro than ono occasion I have been so bad that I was almost helpless. Tho last severe attack I had was about six months ago when tho lameness across tho small of my back set in in dead earnest and felt as though thero waa a heavy weight over each kidney. Thero was a weakness of tho bladder and kidneys and tho secretions wore not under proper control. Some of tho numerour remedies I used gavo tern porary relief but that was all. Learn ing ubout Doan's Kidney Pills I got a box. I felt their beneficial results af ter a few doses. I shall always keep them on hand to havo in case of need I met ono of my old comrades, Mr. Stowell, who was complaining of his back and kidneys. I told him to get Doan's Kldnoy Pills. He took my ad vlco and a day or so after I asked him about tho pills. Ho said they woro tho finest thing ho had ever used and that they straightened him up In a hurry." Plenty moro proof like this from Salem people. Call at Dr. Stone's dmg storo and oak what his customers report. For salo by nil dealers, Prlco BO cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y solo agonts for. the United Statos Remember tho name, Doau's, and tako no substitute. 11 for llrrr troubles nnd constipation There's nothing better In creation That Little Carly (liter, the famous little d They always effect a cure and sare doctor niua. tittle Knrly Msera are different from all other lillli. They do not weaken the sys. tern, but act aa tonic to tbe tissue ly arousing the secretions and restoring the llrer to the full Performance of Its. func tions naturally. For sale by P. 0. Ilaas, IW State street. Our results arc not mjraculppj. bu they often seem so to thoso who do not understand our methods. Schoattlo, Barr & Bar-, Osteopaths, Opera House Block, Salem. yTry Branson-&..Ragan for full line groceries at tho most reasonable price. 'Strong's Restaurant is, the place to get the best meals. Open day and night. Wlllman Qot the Contract. France Wlllman, of this city,. yesterday awarded the contract was for painting tho interior of the state house dome. The contract is forQO, the state to furnish all gold leaf over 10 boxes. Thero were four bids sub mitted, as followst Thomas II. Gil bert, J760; Freeborn & Co., 1750; Qraef & Co., without gold, J720, with gold, 1250; and that of Mr. Wlllman. riUE NOTICE 18 RKRVED. Due notice Is hereby serred on tha public !?.. Wat PeWttt's Witch" Basel haiT la tne only salts on th market that Is inaoV from tfta num. m.nhit.a.j witch haiel.' DeWltt's WMch Masel ftalva bas cured thauswijU ol n of pllealthat would neoiajd tosay otUr trewtmea and Uls fact aW brouii outman5 woslea &? coumerrnta." thom seraons genuine DeWUt'aJSWUcti Htwl 1B' W ueicr aiiapain(M. Dtcanae It enrra. ale by . iteas, M uts MreeU 'Whit Huse Restaurant These words aro sufficient to EU anteo the best meals in the city. Open day atid nlghf o u . KUOVWV f j" U-J0.a- of Morion County Court. (Continued from page three.) W. II. B. Steward R. H. Rutherford C. H. Wdrlc ...V.. Wi T. Clark . W. II. Rambo Li S. Brower Grover Simmons C. W. Stegp Ells fSteve.ns' E. C. Wlesnor W. D. Smith C. O. Rice .. Geo. J. Wolfer John ScliollV.. Alex Coylo David Ramngo' Jaa. Calvert Wm. Grimm" F. St. Baylpy . G. N G. F. J. M. Dungan H. Doty .. W. Humphrey 4.50 G.50 4.50 G.10 4.50 4.60 4,C0 4.60 4.50 -(.50 4.50 7.50 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 k50' 10.10 8.90 4.50 .4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4 50 4.50 ' 4.50 4.50 7.70 4.50 3.00 4.70 4.60 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.70 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.50 3.00 3.00 3.0,0 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 . 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 3.P0, 3.00 3.00. '3.00 ' B. West T. Jones Wm, Jns. Taylor T. Keeno 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.50 1.50 4i50 - 4.50 7.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.60 10.10 8.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 4,50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4 50 7.70 4.60 3.00 4.70 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.70 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.60 4,50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 ' 3.00 3.00 4.50 4.50 -4.70 4.50 '.4.50 4.50 , -3.0Q ,300 . 3.00 3.0tf ."3.00 A. J. Cono Carl Grlfflth Rabt Craig T. B. Patton. J. D. Barber J. R. Hobbs A. H. Hunt B. Plerson B. F. Hlnshaw .... Ft U. Hull ,. E. A. Taylor J. T. Bennett II. T. Pennebakor. . E. J. SIcgmund .... G. E. Borrlngor .... a J. T. Ross H. T. Hayes Wi E. Owen J. R. Whlto Chas, A. McKco .. L. D. Simmons .... P. W. Mess- Harvey Smith .... Fred Schwab J. W. Ebner E. E. Sctlcmlre ... Chas, Long ....v.. A. D. Palmer S. A. Hughes D. II. Leach W. N. Savago .... O. M. Cadwell ., C. L. Parmcntor II. F. Jory , II. A. Johnson, Jr John Mi Payne ., W. W. Hall R. S. Southwlck Felix DavlB .... W. H. Wood ... O. Pi Lltchneid . J. A. BAker Osborn R. J. Fiomlng . It J. Bigger ... E. M. LaForo .. David Stoinor .. J. M. Frizzol ,.. Max Buren Hi A, Crossan .. W. E. Richardson G. Stolr. W. Manning ... G. Stoinor B. Ft Meredith . I. W. Berry .. Loroy Gesn'er , . . A. T. Wain G. G. Cans. Sr Geo. GrUwold Jos. Albert ..' C. L. Watt .4. 3.00 V, A. Moores 3.f)o r lu T. O. Albert '3.00 H; H.jVandervort . 3.00 A. A.'Le'o . 3.00 i Geo. F. Rodgers R. H. Coshaw .. H. J. Workman . 3.00 3.00 4.50 6.30 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.;o 4.70 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.60 4.70 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.5Q 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.60 i9.60 jteo ,.50 4!50 4)50 9.60 4150. 4.50 4.50 C. W. Yankke . A. H. Aufranc ,. James Herren . Elmer Matten ,. 3 B. Ashby J. H. McCormack H. C. Fletcher .. ' . , Pearmtne R, P. Bonham L, T. Reynolds J, R. Fairbanks Jesse Macy ...... B. Cunningham G. H.'Crolsan ... t A. Voss ,, TA 0. Davidson .... A. Daue Laban Maulding . , L. W. Hammer .... E. E, Hlckox '. A. J Shepherd .... W. F. Drager .- C. A. Dunnagan . . . H. M. Birdeall ,.,. W. lW Anderson. , . w h. scott :!.;., John Jory v....... Wpa. Wlntermantle Mason Kellogg .,, D. A. VanGorder .. tbs ar For b: p.'Herrick-Sr ,. John Hostetter, , , .v John Winers John Ktmsey ,,,., Mmsrmimny. ttiU0tmkH. T. Rt Hibbard .... 4.50 J. M. Brown ...... 7.50 1 straw Hats are licrc J f Hires A fa& Rootbccr 4H iWl nesln now and.drlnk Itall Jk H fTwliHACTbyrnilUorac. . . asHl iHiltiri, r. ir vflV L. Ames '... -W -B0 P. I Blackerby .... 4.50 4.50 Geo. Riches 4.50 4.D0 A: F. Slmernl 4.50 4.50 8. T. Hobart 7-60 7.50' G. W. Mortey .... 4.60 ' 4f60 O. D. Bowcn 4.60 4.50 E.' S. Porter 4.60 . 4.60. Alld. 4.50 4.T50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 C.60 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 S.60 4.50 4.5Q 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.5.Q. 4.50 4.5Q 4.60' C.50 4.50 G.10 Ji' L, John C. F, S. H J.'S. J. l Gcorgo Spaniol 4.50 8.10 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 7.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 4,50 4.50 4.60 4.60 G.10 4.50 G.G0 4.60 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 ,3.00 3.00 0.20 0.00 'G.OO 000 G.00 G.00 2.60 2.50 2,60 2.50 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.00 2.50 2.50 ' 9,00 4 00 2.50 L. Hobson A. J. Richardson J. R. Miller E B. Wattors .. O. V.v Meyers .:. Byron Denny .. . F. A. Bell J. B. Carter John A Dlttoi1 .. H. E. King IK Sohollberg ... B. H. Robertson h. M. Herren .... W. M. Hlllcary .. O. W. Hunsakcr J. M. Watson .... Amos Beach .... C. P. Cornelius . D. A. McKce .... N. Scollard Chas. Ogle' A. B. Crosby .... E. P. Marconi ... L. W. Durant ... Chas. Lcatherman Grant Corby J. J. Hall R. H. H. Scott .... A. Austin ........ W. II. Simpson .... W. B. Simpson .... Grove Homp8ley .. S. B. Brownell .... R. V. Ohmart j. R. Parviu L. Amos F. A. Bell i. City of Jefferson .. City of Gervnls .... E. A. M. Cono .,.. J. F. Davidson .... W, F. Dragor' ....: W. G,- Evans A. II. Hunt 0. V., Hein Hedrlch liomcyer & Co Howell Prairie Un.' W. E. Owen John Outoraon .... H. Ovorton Patton Bros . 3.00 5 . 2.85 C.90 1.50 5.00 . 33.7G 2.00 ' . 15.G0 . 57.00 . 1,5.25 . fc37i00 Expense. F. U Pound 'Jphn W. Roland .. Geo. F. Rodgors .-. 3.00 3.20 3.00 3.00 Don A. Smith Salem Sentinel .... Statesman, J-O-rv. A. J. Taylor 3.00 3 Club Stables ...'. Wf Current gVJII. Burghardt Co 1 C, H. Crocker Co . . B. B. Colbath ..... Bi, B. Herrlclc Jr. . . Chaa. Lembcke .. M, Al Mcforklo ... Pacific S.T, & T.Co Henry Papo ...... Patton Broa, .,.,,. J. W Roland J. W. Roland Geo. F. Rodgers .. W: Y. Richardson.. J. 0. Slegmund .... Statesman JO.. 'John H, Scott .... Salem Sentinel......... 6.60 ! 13.00 10.00 1.00 6.00 3.00. 17.701 - 7.50 20.55 .55 5.00 71.40 190 6.00 15.75 3.00 , 2.25 , . o 5T30' t29 f.00 .4150 4S0 4:bo 4.50 4.60 "4.50 4.50 ,4.70 4.60 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.5tt 4.50 4.50 4.50 9.60 4.50 4.50 6.90 4.50 4.50 4 60 4.50 9,50 60 4.50 Poor Account. Dr. Jas. Carrico ., -2.P0 J A. M. CJough JSM Gray Bros .90 M, I. High 120.20 Sam I. GuIbs 10.60 A.-H. La Croix- . . . -B 00 Chasj -Moshbrger, . .00 P. O, S T. 5, T.'.Co Up Silyorton CwieCo. 10,00 F. E. mltlj ,t ' . 522:50 A, E. Tamiesie?,,,!. ";40,0 . Court Hsuh ExpenH.l IW. Benson ;..,. 3.75 Gray Bros ,., ,70 B, U rrjck Jr, . 121.85" John HijskesCo t., r' JU15. John Hughes Co .. ,12.05 , 4.50 Homer Marsh 4W J.V?.'KK?,yKU'H - Q- w. XpunjjBTen .. .JW3L, . 1?" A. F. Hobart w -t.&u ,A Thnmtunn ' 7.70 7.70' ,.. A..W.....WW.. .,--- . - -- -. , --. SH Small ........ i 4.u I. L. ,-Bower ....,.,. ,4i60 WI C. Mount 4.50 W.-IE. Rogers ... -4.50. W. J. Haberly .... 4.50 i . . . Wm. ."Cook -1.50 Good(ng 4,60 , Ray 4.50 . Cono 4.50 McDonald .-.-j 4.50 Davidson .-. . I ' 9.60 Is 4.5V) 7.50 ". noiwiu ....... -o.vv .. . buttered 8 MoatlJ I can heartily roco,.rl Tablets tor dvsnon.u ua W troubles. I havo been i eight months, and tS ! dies without any relW, . Acker's Dy.p,pil, Tsb I usod only a short tim. .7 . perfectly well. ThahV gTw7 yours. Frnnnlo t' m.Tt( .. ululnor( TMc( Send tn W. tr ti-.i.. . , m v . ""oner & fv ,, lo, N.-Y.. for a free trfiisaJ Notrilno- lib. .1. m Vb --.... iiuu uii-m. a, u. r, t. 1: en . . ja . OT n n m. .V VV kit R. M. Wade & Co!! 'u iMngnoss D. A. . ' flvortnn TI .' . IK . . , g-Q Beach Amos i5 Sowa Paul SoVVa Mrs. P M Doud N. B , j5o Klllen Bent ,. j'jq Carrico J. II Priest W. H 1.50 Blcakncy, LowIb .... 395 Pound, F. L. . , 955 Horgan E. D, jjj T.nwfa Tnli m m 4.50 ,4.60 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.50 ."GO 9.50 4.50 r " . ,w 1 rnarson r. M 2.00 Welch W. F. no Blckcra II. J 2.30 Horgan E. D. , 630 Lewis J. II 4,50 8.10 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.50. 4.50 7.90 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4 50 4.50 6.10 4.50 0.60 4.50 3.00 8,00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00; 3.00. 3.00 3.00 4.70 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.1T0 4.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.00 2.50 2.50 9.00 - 4.00 . , 2-50 3.00 " 2.85 6.90 Dls'ld 5.00 Jakes John 1.70 Jnkcs Elmlra 1.75 Lcnon, Frnnk l.fj Horgnri E. D 34s Le.wis.J, II. , 3.NL Horgan E. D. .,,.. 4.15 Lewis J, H 8.W a I , County Court and Commla" OIUIL'DUIUII I'UU tU, 1 iiVI tiorer uros um jri Needhnm, I. C 29.M uj Mlloy Wm 3300 31 Foster, C. G 19.05 Tax Rebate Watson, J. M Hi Stock Inspector's Acceud D. D. Kcoler f 75X0 f : School, Superintendent's Statesman J O ... 12X0 l Jail Account B, B. Colbath ... t 38.S5 Assessment and Collection el T CAUTIONI This is not a gcntlo va when you think how liable rai not to nurchaso tho only reseJji vorsally known and a remedy tiiJ tbo largest salo of any medics tho world slnco 1868 for u feu trcatmont of Consumption udl and Lung troubles without JotSul sreat popularity all these yotnij will bo thankful wo called yoursV tlon to Boscheo's German I Thero nro so many ordinary romodles mado by drusgltti " era that nro chcop and tjoMWl colds norhnns. but for scters 1 bronchitis, croup and espetii" consumption wbero thero If expectoration and coughing tho nights nnd mornlnr., tbetj nothing. lllco German Syrup. Wj cont Bird has Just been lns this year Regular sire 75 nH ' Stones' Drug Stores. luniiAUv nllTIEE, A woman who keeps her towi I t.. il. n. tt B fil&llJ.I ugr onu uiw uj v -- ,..J l...t .'.Imnxl, TannnHlhll tT MtMS who provides tho means to cy tbo nousoKecping. one -- K ... nraitlt ulnPB ill 6 OS WI UIO U.U.U b.wu.. ..--- - I ...nnU I. ttrantPT. 1B ' i.i .n..!! ntiont her onCet' 33.76 2.00 15.60 -57.00 UOUUj DttUIOUV." Mww. tho confinement necesw .. .... i .. ..vine tn the S- system, this produces a itrsu mind that man . ner "" 15.25 427,00 6.60 12.00 10.00 1:00 5.00 3.00 . 17,'45 7.60 20,55 .65 5.00 7J.40 .90 6.00 15.75 3.00 2.25 2.00 800 .90 120,?0 10.50 5.00 8.00 l.lo 8.90 22,50 k 4o;po 1 3,75 .70 121.85 1.15 v.-75- uuu uiowiuousu, "r j Hm a-' much a, disease "bP'1H?Ji rrlade stfoBff by medicine of cheerfulness anp Pf"2jyi lies, ine momtiuo w.. - . B.nw nawoa nnn Drove. ?iu'..,v" 7. r .i."m by building up we ?"'" :' Dr. Gunn's Blooa ana ' rea mouu; iuiB -- . j i3L,Z7Tnr 7KTner not j C8 for ,2.00. or aent by "j.'T, on receipt or price. "'Ji your case, Addresa Dr. Jjl Phlladeph'a, P- For ! j Stone'a Drus; airc A BWEKT DBlTfta T narer falling t".w-u i stomach. When P"" stomach U out ?? ? ''& dy la tb. worm eq. .- . a..ffi.ifes-fej'ag Crick, or WD u hare seen a dj wor7e."By tbe , bottle am tMr?! '. SiVf.'what JouLf the'stoa3achASWt. I!W n A as v VM "-' - - , Jla vX I Z1 j ..t. fi iv V Imi nuorsfi B r i."Ti- LM .-j?ZZ'JZ. iissEtisgg Eui- w ".o-f'Zi - - .:. i 7- ... luiiMnv. . . aaaai &-tt2LTJT nsiiiTmwi1 r.l5 in gwws'y a.vv v tablet to .Uke at meat u-jj., Call 1 " Savage & Rled . .30 .30 TT" -K -.t;,ft--r- 1? w m f "VwOaatfc