A i. I U' is f 111 in f PAGE FOUR. THE DAILY JOURNAL, GAuEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1903. JFOR SYSTEMIC CATARRH sPecuIiap to Summer Pe-ru-na Gives Prompt and Permanent Relief. t O.H. Rhoaris, Indianapolis, Ind., write: "For tlio past two years 1 havo hardly known what It vh to havo aswoot, restful night stoop. Cares nnd overwork seemed to weigh mo down more than a nuuuiu or wouiu nau j. Dcon nuie to got my proper rest. My uocwr was unsoit 'to help mo and ordered mo South or a complete rest and 'change As this was simply out Of tho question,' and as I hod heard sorcral of tho mon nnder me speak or how much Parana had helped thorn, I decided to trylt nnd am glad indeed that I did. Six bottles mado a now man of mu. I eat woll, sloop well and got up feel ing rorronhiHl and rested. "My official dutlos aro not half so hard and I certainly havo cood roasons U boxrtlly endorse Poruna." C. B. Khonds. ys. (EPS fffL ID iff . w irv vmmvmw w mtx myvm&jErma w,r mmzsmm r -- -a 11 7 r ,&. J it Mmk. vUA4 i A Prominent Business? NifliBfllaJSil'u lMan of Indianapolis Rc-j JWnWpSiKpll stored to Health and JMlEBwfir WWI j Vigor ky Pc-rn-tia. nc AMBIlg, .fr-yh t-fPfSfL 5 says: " Pc-ru-na made a rv C C'S'RlOadS' A J New Man of Me." ( v s-Kt y i J MARION SQUARE TONIGHT To be Formally De dicated by theladies This Evening Band Will Play, Quartet will Sing and Ice Cream . Will Be Plentiful Ilnlor, V. t?., ScpttB Mills, farmer, gmltu. H. W.. Turner, capitalist. HUiKle, H. A.. Hubbard, agent. Jones, W. J. IL, Prospect, carpenter. Morley, Qoromo, Monitor, farmer. Rheumatism What Is tho on of telling the rheumatlo that be feels as If hit Joints were twin CU locatcdr , Ho knows that his sufferings are Tory much like the tortures of the twfc mat he vanli to know U what will per manently cure his dlcaso. ...i-fni I That, according to thousands of grateful testimonials, Is y , . Wood's Sarsaparilla It promptly neutralizes the rlJ.JnJ 'blood on which the dlseass depends, com. ptetely eliminates It, and Btrpmrtn""4 the iffim against Its fturn. Try Hood s Toter, It D. Yow ParU 'farmof. Dlaclt, W. H., SIdnb'y, ,fatmer. Coble)) M., Mt Angel, farmer. Nye, G- A., South Salem, teamster. Edwards, T. J.. Turrtefarrnor. Jbry, J. W., Sldne,farrmor. Cooloy, n. F., Woooburn,-Farmer. Johnson, Hl'A.SemWJlSfllisur anco ngont. S Davonport, 1 ranre aiivcrcon, chant. , Snnee. O. C Salem No. li, mi chant. Petzel, M J., Salem No. J, tlnnor Jorv. Oliver, South Salem, mo- n chanlc. . jm Coshow, Robert,' Salijm No. 4, book' lceepeh nstes. J .i O., Salem Ijfo. 3A farmer. Llttlo "Htow-d-Doo" Bfiuare. u,tt ,, a .-jm and reflects great credit J 'H Biructor, Misa Sheltbn fela Humni..... ---.. I'liray , ,.... " Will .r !. n w"'Bnt , OWnhetj WomasBelii is in a clear skin n,i ' .. j,, uioou and digdstiou-both wiiii; using WB Beechattii Pills SoldEvenrwhw. InboTtiKV-l Judgo AVm. T. Zonor, of Washington, V. 0 writes from S13 N. Capital streot, Washington, D.C.j 'I tako ploawuro In saying that I can ch'sorf ully rccoinmond tho iuo of Poruna Mjttromedy for catarrhal troubloand a most ozcollont totilo for general condi tions." Wm. T. Zonor Mrs. Amanda Merrill, ISO Ilaid streot, 'Klliabolh,N,:J.,wrItax " I hayo boon slckoror two years with nervous prontratlon and general debil ity ,'and heart trouble. Havo had four dootor all said that I could not got woll. I had not walked a stop in nluo months, suffering with partial paralysis and 'palpitation ot tho heart every other day, and had become so reduced In flesh aa to bo a mere skeleton, welching only 85 pounds. J4 Up to this dato I havo taken Poruna for suvon. months. It has naval my lifo ' aa I can aately testify. I havo not fet so well In five years, having walkec over one mltowtthont ill result, ana nave also gained thirty pounds slnc commencing to tako Parana. In fact I cannot pralso It too highly." Mrs. Amanda Merrill. Poruna never falls to provont systemic catarrh or nervous prostration if taken In time. Poruna is tjio most prompt and pormanontouro for all casosof nervoui prostration caused by systomlo catarrh known to tho medical profession. If you do not dorivo prompt and satis factory rosults from tho usoof Porun.t, wrltontoncoto J)r, Ilartmnu, giving a fullitatomontof your enso and ho will boploased to givoyou hlsvuluoblo ad vlco gratis. Address Dr. Ilartman, President ol Tho- Hartmau Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. FINE SUMER THEATER Stole a Bicycle. Oscar Hlott, a hoy nbput 11 years old. was arrested this morning whllo trying to uoll an almost now Tribune wheol, 1903 model. No. 01.100. Chlof Gibson was satisfied that tho wheol was stolen, nnd looked tho boy up. He told fioveral different gtorlos, but at last confossed that ho stole tho whool at Independence Inat night, nnd rodo ovor horo. Tho boy claims to bo from Seattle, and loft homo several weeks' ago. He doM not know whpthor ot not his pnronts aro still living In So attlo. Ho will bo sont to tho roform school. Salem Has a Firstclass Open Air Vaudeville Entertain ment Nightly Pdtton Ilros. deservo groat credit for . . . securing tho Shlolda Park summor theater for this city. It glvos Salem a distinctly metropolitan charactor to havo nightly vaudevlllo cntortaln ments, and for tho second week of Its run It has achlovod a great success. It not only afford s a good hill of amuse ment, but brings a great deal of busi ness to tho town, making trafllc for tho car'llnos, und adds to nil Duos of busl noes by putting money Into circulation. Tho program this weok Is excellent, ovory foaturo being a specialty, and Uie beat people of tho town would find It worthy of attendance, and prob ably some ot thorn will attend after there Is no longer & froo show In town. Tho nudleucos aro growing, howovor.l Miss Marguerlto Chamberlain, of nnd boforo a month U up Shield's Park Portland, Is tho guest of Mrs. O. D. will bo doing a paying business. Shelton Linn County Divorce. A now dlvorco case is Ella Mc Hargue agnlnst G. W. McIIarguo. Com plaint cruel, harsh treatment, etc. Weatherford & Wyatt are attorneys for tho plaintiff. They wero married Octobor 11. 187-1. and havo four child ren, thrco lions and ono daughter. Mrs. McIIarguo Is living upon tho farm, and has been since January, without her husband. Tonight tho ladles of the Marion Square Improvement League will for mally open tho park to tho public, and will dedicate the now rostrum by giv ing a band concert nnd musical pro gram. The lauies will also serve ico cream and enko, tho money to go Into tho Improvement fund. Littlo Leta Humphrey will sing "Hod-d-Do," and thoso who have not had tho plcasuro of hearing this llttlo lady will be given tho chanco tonight Thoso who havo heard her will not miss tho chanco of hearing hor again. Tho square will bo welt lighted, and thoro will be seats for all. The fol lowing Is tho pregram: Dand. Stalwart quartet. Ceclllan quartet. ' Children's cako walk. Llttlo I.ota Humphroy. Ico croam nnd cako, lCc. Woll lighted and sated. 1 1 t KtUU THE; 3 2 X, E 1 Marlon County Jurors. List of jurors for tho July term of, tho circuit court, beginning July 13th, at 1 o'clock p. m. Colomon, S II. St. Paul, farmer. Stapleton, II., Salem No, 2f capital ist. Holmroth, Snm, SnlomrNo. 4. pins-' toror' '. f 2 Disquo, A. A., Snlem N$. 2, team ster. Sooley, S. D., Monitor, farmer. Pooler, J. A, Hnglewood, farmer. Crossnn, It. A., Salem No. S, Hop dealer. Hlcka man. Spalding. H WInstanley, farmer Jermnn. A f Howell, farmer Eldor, W. W.. Stayton. capltalls' T. M., Woodlmri, nursery- H., J. Englewood. farmer. H.. North Salem, Salem Liglit, Traction and Pow foiii Is Ptep&ted to Sapply .POWER SERVIC Business and Residence Lighting Electric Fan Service at RBDUCBD RATES Call up Telephone 95 i and, have out Solicitor Come and see yoa -aSO WffHiBJMI BSi9M Help for Heppner. Tho Salem Woman's Itellof Corps has shown Its loyalty to charltablo en terprises by donating $5.00 to tho Heppner roliof fund. 1 1 ytiatf tllttfllltif intiit lf It) KkWs9msm VSUtJsWWWw' mWt: mw' W.:'TRADE, The 'Qtake Doctors are again in Salem giving free concerts every night. They treat all chronic and nervous, diseases.," Cancers and Tumor$ cured without ' knife, pain or blood. Sr . A" Xrru p!)VUjaetteHptelHo to 12 o'clock Daily vhere It TMAr JtiStl Ia& DAHPIllTAM VM Ai1lf 4T& !---.' fv , Except Siayo &l o COME TO US AND YOU MAY BE AS StylishlyDressed AS HR WHO RTHES TN AW AUTOMOBILE AND THAT AT SMALL COST, for our stock of Men's wearables is up-to-the-minutein Styles m the values can not be surpassed for the money. IF IT IS DESIRABLE FOR SUMMER COM-FORT--WE HAVE IT-Cool Coats. Sumaer Shirts, Thin Underwear, Linen Dusters, Men's j Two piece Suits, Children's Wash Sisitst Belts, Sweaters, Etc. THOSE QUEERSTRAW HATS THAT WILL NOT BREAK When bent Into any conceivable shape, ARE NOW HERE-that Is, the second shipment. The first lot of J 2 dozen lasted oe week so you'd better not "wait long. Thcy'se jest the thing for Ladies and Children as well as for Men and cost ONLY 25 Cents WING Vl Twfrfr .S aL 1 TIPkl S9MWMR DURING YOUR VACATION TheiiAou'll nrcj one ( our tine Suit ,Cac:. lt'j ihe only way to carry vourSuit in diCirit order. Grips, Traveling Bags, Name Tags, Tourists Straps Y oung 8.k But America Wjmml He is J Must Going 'M Be i Togged Carnival iiyB a Bifc We can fit him out so that you'll be proud of him and he'll be pioud of himself. Bring him in, " ' The man who wears onr FANC HOSIERY won4t lei his ft bag at tn Knee. "-; .v.? too handme to hide. t.,v r tn 50c per PliSujJ Th f i v "ya, Mti J" " mttmu ? ''? f 'A . i : .44 i -. . ' -