The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, June 24, 1903, Image 1

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iSj 1 :.--:: :i :.-.i. : -.. ,. .,.,,, .,,, -., ' .,' ' j.
fwo Robbers Dynamite
an Illinois Bank
letxpiosion was Terrific
Shattering Windows in
the VIclnity-They
Secured $5,000
lilcngo, Juno 24. Two robbers dy-
kited tho snfo In tho town bank nt
a suburb of Chicago, curly this
line, nnd escaped with $5000, The
explosion of . dynamlto shnt
tho windows of'tho houses for a
around, and' aroused tho cltl
Tho mayor rang tho town -boll
,; volunteer posses. were organized,
'are still searching. Several hun
arc now scouring the surrounding
Utry. Tho pollco hero nro guard
all means of Ingress to the city.
Irish Land Dill Is Now 8a fa.
i)ndon, Juno 24. A compromlso
reached today between tho Nn-
illst landlords and tho govern-
whereby serious opposition to
Jlrlsh land bill Is withdrawn, and
bs unexpected dlfllcultles arise
icasuro, which comes up again In
fhouso of commons tomorrow, Is
to bo passed speedily. Tho com-
slse consists In tho landlords' nc-
tnco of an amendment to clauso 1,
glng tho purchasing rights of ten-
President to England.
Paris, Juno 24. It Is announced
iat President Loubet, during his vis-
it to London next week, will discuss
bwksr'tho nrltlsh cnbfnet problems of
TiM -ii. .1 l 1ffnuA n.,.la anil
UBHuailUn IU HIUIUVW, .Jumn ..y
Killed Over Card Game.
"West IJbert Ky., June 24. Davo
Well shot and Wiled Mack Nlckoll
Knd, Gordon Wells In a dispute over a
gMBe of cards, near Caney this morn-
ri.i,.i ..n.u1 llm nflirora tinrstllnc.
4l"U MVi.ii ...w w...vw. ,- ..-
!'SL Louis Wants to Borrow.
" . a. mi... lfH.lAnn li.
HO, JUno if. IIIU tuiivnu
! requested to loan to tho St. Louis
sltlon all tho documents and maps
tie Vatican library pertaining to
Kllscovery of America.
Berated His Minister Gets a Hand-out of Must beUsed in Bring
ing Offenders to
for the Kishineff
Was Told There Wefe In
trigues in His Palace, and
a Sensation is
Looked For
Bread and
Greeted With Music, Children
Flowers and Cheering:
Foreign Representatives
Meet Him
Belgrade, Juno 24. King Peter ar
rived at Somlln, on tho frontier, nt
10:30 this morning. He was mot and
welcomed by members of tho cabinet,
London, June 24. A letter received
by n high authority hero from St.
Petersburg tells of tho conflict be
tween tho Czar and his high dlgnltnr-
tfttt Thn nimalfln mlnlatnr nf fnrnlrn
affairs last week resigned because the,clly omc,a", hlsh 8vcrnment author
Czar scathingly commented on tho,"1. presidents of the various trl
Kishineff massacre. The Czar refused (bunals and most of tho diplomatic
to nccept oxplanntloni,' and Insisted corps In Bolgrnde. Tho government
that the minister should keep his mlh- ,.,. ,,.. ,lin ni.i
Eastern customs, of handing the king
Istorlal colleagues In better control. '
Tho minister rcnlled he wns unable to
do this, owing to Intrigue, not only,0"""1 nnd saIt. B,nrtcJ Belgrade,
In tho government, but In tho palace amid wild enthusiasm. Bands played,
Itsolf. Ho suggested that tho Czar I with a corps of trumpeters In ad-
should dismiss two members of the
cabinet, nnd sensational developments
nro oxpectod.
President Instructs Depart
ment1, to Employ Special
Attorneys to Assist in
Escapes from Mad Mullah.
London, June 24. An official dis
patch today states that General Man
ning, commanding tho British troops
In Somallland, who was recently re
ported as surrounded by tho Mad Mul
lah, extricated himself and arrived at
Damot Monday. Tho casualties were
ono wounded nnd missing.
Dtack Fiend Is Mobbed.
Elk Valloy, Tenn., June 24. Tho
negro who criminally ossaulted Mar
garet Bruce, aged 10, yesterday, was
captured by a mob at daylight this
vance. Tho city was In festival at
tire. A crowd of a hundred thousand
filled tho streets, and tho drive from
the station was a continuous ovation.
All along tho route school girls, pre
viously staCJoncd, threw flowers. Tho
first foreign representative, to bo pre
sented was tho Russian ambassador,
who was presented by tho premier.
The Russian ambassador then present
ed his Austrian colleague. The cele
bration will last throughout tho week,
beginning with on Immense torchlight
procession tonight. Peter takes tho
oath of office before tho Skuptschlna
tomorrow, Thero is a marked differ
ence In his return from his last depar
ture from Servla, when ho went se
cretly, silent, disgraced, exiled.
Tho Dutch. Turkish. English and
French ministers left tho.cltjyrlc-r to
morning. Ho confessed ana was
lynched.- Tho girl was very beautiful, h,g arrjvaj Whiie tho German and Hal
. ... . . . i
and hoiongcu to ono oi mo unm inwu- iln representatives remained In eeciu
Incnt families In tho stato.
New Labor
Chicago, Juue 24. Tho next labor
'Double Wedding at Macleay.
io weddings of tho Misses Roxana
SOrla Thompson, of this city, wore
arated nt Macleay. Tho grooms
Messrs. D. O. Clark and Arthur J.
Powder Concealed In Prison.
Canyon City, Colo., June 21.
Enough giant powder nnd nitroglycer
ine were found In tho penitentiary to
day to blow up tho entire prison. This
discovery was made after tho convicts
who had attempted to escape yester- movement 0f national Iraportanco bo.
day were put through the sweating Bnn ,hg niornlng In tho strike of tho
procewi. Tho explosives wero con- ln)and stee, company of Indiana Hnr
cealed In tho wall of ono of tho shops. hor Tne niachnsU demand an eight
It Is believed that the nitroglycerine hourg For ire tho machln
wns manufactured by Klrsch Kuyken- tho wage8 heretofore paid for nlno
dnll, tho convict who was killed yes- our8 p-or tnreo years the machln
tordny. tats have been lighting for a nine-hour
O I .I-.. tHdn4.l nt a It, thn .fintrfintlnn
nay, niPiruu m w. - .w... ....-..
I.,f Mm- nt MMu-iitiltiM. thnv decided to
'Hunt for eight hours. Tho Inland
Company contract, which called for
jnlno hours, was tho first to expire.
The other contracts oxplro dally from
now until 1004. Tho namo demands
will be roado each tluio before tho re
newals are signed. Hundreds of
foundries, mills and machine shops
will be Involved.
Upton Is on Deck.
Xew York. June 24. Sir Thomas
Llpton arrived on tho Oceanic today.
Our Customers Say It Looks
...Like Tfhe Carnival......
was hpre, from the crowds they see at
lw.' '
The crowds are simply the result of our
business methods. We sell only goods ,
that give satisfaction. Quality is the
first consideration vyith us. r , A , ,
We.wake4he. prices lower than regular
stores becauseoursexpensesareK fighter
and welhaverfoiiosses-fromaa. accounts -to
make up Our great volume of bus
iness enables us to buy at the lowest
quantity prices.
Dry Goods,tClotWng,SMoesj
Zi everything in ladies' and Men's Furnishings, j j
lab's test One-Price Cash'Stqre.
Irish Land
Bill Saved
London, Juno 24. Secretary for Ire
land Wyndham met tho opposition of
the Irish members to his land bill to
day, "by Introducing a new clauso pro
viding that In certain sales tho land
commissioner may advance the whole
or part of the purchase money, pro
viding It Js satisfactorily scoured.
Redmond said that this, concession bad
saved the bill.
Lorehz is
Washington; June 24. Roosevelt's
letter to Knox. Instructing tho reten
tion ofispcclal attorneys to assist tho
postal prosecution was mado publlo
this tnbnilhg. After reviewing In
.brief the status of. the Investigations
to dato, tays It t,probablo that other
Indictments will hereafter bo asked
for. It centinues: "Tlicro can be no
greater offense against tho govorn-
mont than a breach of trust on tho
part of a public official, or dishonest
management of his office. Every ef
fort must be made to bring such of
fenders to punishment to tho utmost
rigor ofthe law. Tho district attor
ney's office of tho District of Colum
bia hnnfalthfully and zealously sec
onded tho efforts of the postomco de
partment In the entire matter; but tho
nmountlbf work In that office Is such
as to make It difficult, without neglect
ing other Important public duties, to
devote all tho time necessary for a
thorough prosecution of these casos.
I suggest, thercforo, If you can't detail
some of your present staff, you ap
point special assistants, not only to
tako up the cases In which Indict
ments for, or hereafter may bo found
out, but to examine Into all charges
that havo Wen made against officials
In tho postal service, with a view to
tho rcmbvtLor prosecution of all guil
ty men, whether In tho service or not.
where tho cases arc not barred by tho
statutes of limitation."
Payno has sot In motion an Inquiry
ns to what officials of tho postal de
partment, If any, are responsible for
the circulation of the chargo that As
sistant PostmaHtor-Qencrn! Madden
had so drawn up the specifications for
tho registry books as to oxclude as
bidders all manufacturers, except thn
Conors! MnnufacturlnR Company, of
Franklin, Penn., In which Congress
man 8lbley I said to bo Interested.
Payne this morning received a spirit
ed letter from Madden, now In Detroit.
In which ho denounced the chargo as
malicious, cruel urn! without the slight
est foundation, and demands an Inves
tlgatlon as to the authorship of Uio
story. Payno, however, beforo tho re
ceipt of the lotjor had called Ilrlstow
and Wayno nnd had a full and freo
discussion over the telephone, and will
tako up tho oaso In detail with them
Payne Is not In the host of humor
over the Incident He wat out of pa
tlenco with Madden, In making public
a mattor that he f,elt should have been
left to the discretion of Ihe head of
the department. This fellng was ag
gravated by a knowledge that much
private Information relative to tho
pretont Investigation Is given out by
some one In a high position. Wynne
has en charged by close friends of
Payno with having talked too much.
In some quarters tho personal publlo
criticism of Payne's course has been
laid at his door. For months feeling
between Payne and Wynne has not
been cordial.
Officials of tlie postal department,
while relieving Madden of any such
Intent aro puxxled over his letter,
which they claim. Is tantamount to an
assistant cabinet, officer addressing
open censurp to ma supenu jjuuj
Wynne and BrliW tils afternoon de
ny that therluave ever mn VW9
any Information reflecting upon or
tending to embarrass Maddei.
OnVlctlm DUd.
St Louis. June 24. Florence Ilruno,
aced 17. white, who was assauiieo uy
River Six Miles Wide
at Berino New
Higher Than it Has Been
fof Many Years
and Much Damage
is Done
Kl Paso, Tex., Juno 24. The Klo
Orando at Dcrlno, N. M la six miles
wldo. Santa Fe trains nro coming In
over tho Southern Pacific tracks. It
Is reported here that tho channel has
changed twice In 30 mlleo above Y.
Pnso. Tho current crosses tho track
twlco In less than a mllo of territory.
All tho Mexican settlements near Sier
ra lllnnca, Tex., have been swept
nway. Dcrlno nnd other towns In Now
Mexico havo not been heard from In
several days.
Colorado Higher Than for Years,
Phoenix, Arlx., June 24. It Is re
ported that tho Colorado" river Is nor
higher than for many years. It Is
moro than two miles wldo at Needles,
and strainers aro landing freight at
Ilobcrts' ranch, two miles Inland,
Ranches nnd ranch houses along the
Mojavo bottoms aro under water, nnd
It Is expected that heavy proporty
losses will follow.
American Squadron
Visits the German
Prince Henry DIms Officers
- aMM raucc
Visits America '
"Kiel, Juno 24. Prince Henry this
morning entertained Ambassador
Tower, Admiral Cotton, the captains
and somo of tho minor' officers ot tho
American vessels now hero at lunch
at tho palaco. Princess Ples was tho
hostess. Tho prlnco greeted his
guests heartily, and itfated tlid kaiser
was much gratified that the Ameri
cans had accepted his Invitation for
their squadron to come to Klol. Ilia
presonco of tho American vIMlorK
would greatly add to tho Katser'a
pleasure Informal, tousta wcr then
exchanged. Karly In tho morning tho
prlnco nnd Admiral Cotton exchanged
visits on their nWoctlvo flagships.
Tho Kcarsargo greeted tho prlnco with
31 guns, wiillo tho (lormans greeted
tho American admiral with a suluto ot
17 guns.
Iowa Democrats Meet
Des Moines, la., Juno 24. Tho Dem
ocratic stato convention assemblod at
11 o'clock this morning. Prior to con
vening, tho conservatives secured con
trol of tho resolution committee. Tho
silver men accepted defeat with poor
grace, and announced their Intention
ot precipitating a fight on tho floor ot
tho convention on a minority report.
They nav 876 of tho "825 dologates.
Tho speech of Temporary Chairman
Quick studiously avoided reference (o
tho Kansas City platform, and direct
ed to trusts, tariff and government
ownership Issues. Ho urged tho par
ty to look forward, rather than back
ward. Kdward Hamilton was mado
permanent chairman,
Left Too
Washington, June 24. United fltalos
Minister Jackson has left Uolgrsd
with the other departing diplomats.
Special Prices
ON -
Ice Cream f&t pArtics
154 Btate Bt,
Phons 1071 Main.
II tlflu.
The Store that Turned the Trade up Cowrt Street.
Toledo, Juno 24. Lorenx and wife.
Indicted with Machen, wero this morn
tar arrested by United States Marshal
Winder, and arraigned before the U. ' ,,. MbA ,h,, mon,iai'
S. commissioner. Each gave a wna. ,. n ratored. who
. , . ... ,.,.- ri,i'"J",D -- - -'
or woo. signea vj joua ;.. yct E m0 from the Bruno residency
preliminary ezamjnauuH
poned until tomorrow afternoon
Largest Daa Pack.
and who was attacked by the- same as
sailant. Is In a pretarlous condition.
Six suspects aro under arrest, and
.. .Id . W UVH1fAIIIkl W 1 UH III IB
The Salem Canning vo. .r - "-,: .c.
23 000 pounds or strawDornes oupeci - - -
,.hrrf. Tuesday, the largest "
day'a receipts far.
Showers Are Coming.
penitentiary Improvements,
Elds were opened for tho additional
..... f,ir-Mi Jmiidinir at tne urt-goa !"''
. '".."..'T.... .,i Thdr Is ti.rv. and tho same wm awarded to
Out i 29th
Sutpti&t Sale
One of the aaU that helped to build
up the big store, one of the nalcu that
helped to tprn the trade up Court
atroet will bo held today at "TJII3
just saiaBi ii u i Jr., , trt. h. -mi. - V - -.
-; 60c Jtnd 94c
Firttclaai garments made in clean, well ventilated
p.-.,..u. an, l tli trarmeaU Iv-ar the label, If jot
buy thNe good at an ordinary More at f M0 and U0 you
would think you got a bargain and it would, be Wcu the
garments are worth it.
TaW S4 Tkat D 1Hp WtVfm
' M
1. I
E. T. Barnes, Prop,
lor " u" - --- - ::.-..' .. ., ,ftr -Hfcftutl
Oood time to plant law jstd van ru ." - 1
the death ctll.