-.r',' w THE DAILY JOURNAL, n XIII. 8ALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1903. NO. 139. IADING POLISH ELECTION RIOTS Nationalist Uprising in East Prussia Causes Bloodshed SECRET PAPAL CONFERENCE Adjourned Owing to Great Fatigue of Pope Leo 13th OFF THE JEWS They Unite With fiffl Llf (Jreek Church in Russia iet Around the Legal sabilities Created by Unjust Legislation V, Juno i2. The Tagcblatt to- the Russian Holy Synod la , hand In the propaganda tho Jews of Itussla. The paper lit body has forbidden priest ea Jews unless they can pro- blico license permitting tliemto loir rollglon. Tho measure Is f to stop tho adoption of' Chris ly Jews, whd can thus escape labilities. ND VIZIERS PALACE Constantinople the Object Kf ngarlan Anarchists Dynafnite Designs iris, Juno 22. A messago from Pestli to tho Rappc! states that reported thoro that tho grand viz- liMtacc, at Constantinople, narrow- Bjwmied being blown up by dynamite r, Tho bombs are reported to berf fixed by Bulgarian revolu- tirtti, Numerous arrests wero mado. m IINGULAR BRITISH CRIME Pk) Suspicion Attached to the leased Man for Two Years (jpulrosforil, England. June 22. The 01 uarouoi uougias, cnargvci wiui ring Miss Holland, nt tho Moat two years ago, opened today. ife of tho most singular crlmos Med In England, as no suspicion ito Douglas until ho attempt- posal of property check. tf, Juno 22. A cloud-burst nt today Wiled two men and bgs wero demolished. The i are put at 12,000,000; TEDDY'S AXE HAS FALLEN Removes an Associate Justice for General Immorality Big Politicians Plead for the Accused but the Evidence' Was Too Strong Washington, June 22. Daniel Mc Millan, associate Justice of tho su preme court of Mexico, has been re moved by President Roosevelt on ac count of chnrges of general Immorali ty that havo been pending agalnsj him for soveral months. Clem Smith, of Hastings, Mich., has been decided on to fill tho vacancy. Somo time ago Mllburn, president of tho Buffalo Ex position and Secretary Boot pleaded for McMillan, and succeeded In hav ing him retained for further Investiga tion. Recently further evidence ac cumulated against him, sustaining the charges, and the President decid ed on removing him forthwith. BRITISH YACHT JTRIALS Shamrocks Will Try Con , elusions Preliminary to Grand Contest Now York. Juno 22. Shamrock Ill's mast Is being stepped today at Erie basing to bo ready for tho first trial spin over tho Amorlcan courso with Shamrock I on Saturday. Tho Con stitution, Columbia and. Reliance will not meet again until Juno 30th, on Newport. BOMB FIENDS FOUND Italians Who Placed Dynamite on the Umbria A Letter Found on an Ital ian Highwayman Furnishes the Clue New York, June 22. Chief of Police McCluskey claims to havo found a clue to those who placed the dynamite bomb under the liner Umbria. At the request of tho detectives, two Italians, Slgnora and Bruno, from Hobokcn, wero remanded to tho Tombs this morning at tho closo of a pollco inves tigation for highway robbery. A let ter was found on one relating; to plac ing tho Infernal mnchlno on tho Cu nard docks. Yale College Commencement. New Haven. Conn., Juno 22. The city Is filled for the commencement exorcises of Yale collego today. It Is tho 202d year of tho collego'a exist ence. There Is n spoil of cloudy, cold weathor. Houses and Factories De stroyed and a Number of Rioters Were Killed . by the Police Berlin, June 22. Thoro are election jjots at Olowltt, East Prussia today. The rioters troubled the police, who attempted to suppress tho Polish Na tlonallstjneetlng. Tho Poles resisted and the pollco used revolvers and swords." One Polo was 'killed and many Injured. Tho Polca wero en raged and marched through the town, demolishing a number of houses, among them sevornl wlro manufactur ing plants. The machinery of tho lat ter wns destroyed. Order was restored after numerous clashes. Qovornor stored -Fjed Chamberlain today ro I. Moxley to citizenship. on petition of somo of tho best people of Dalian Moxley was sontenccd from Wallows county for larceny, and served his time. But no American Names Ap pear In List of the Newly Created Catholic Relatives Rome, Juno 52. Tho long deforred secret consistory was hold this morn ing In tho hall of tho consistory, last ing only half an hour, owing to tho health of tho Pope, who appeared very much fatigued when ho wns carried back toils apartments. Ho was carried to tho consistory In n sedan chair. After delivering his al location And announcing tho names of thoso chosen to high honors, His Holi ness adjourned tho meeting to tho throne room, whore. In tho presence of tho papa) court, tho now cardinals, archbishops and bishops now In Rome, kissed the prelate's foot, and received his blessing. No Americans appear on tho list of tho nowly creatod cardinals. BOISE SUFFERS : A FIRE Damage to Property Estimated at Fully $140,000 i All the Business Houses Ai nounce Immediate Re-' bHildhir lid Re sumption Boise, Idaho, Juno 23. A disastrous flro occurred early Sunday morula, at Eighth and Myrtlo strcots, entailing a loss of IHO.000. , Tho orlRln of tho flro Is a mystery. It was discovered shortly after .3 o'clock In somo fruit boxes on tho platform In tho rear of 'tho Day estab (Continued on ronrth I1.) , Hcppner still needs men, monoy and provisions. Ftesli Today Lo& Cabin Creams Penotla GO TO Zinn's 154 Stat 8t. Phone 1071 Mslfc Flint Glass Factory Burns Muncle. Ind., Juno 22. Tho Ameri can Flint Glass IJottle company s plant nt Suinniltvllle was uestroyea uy flro early this inornlnj;. Loss $15.-000. Secure New Coaling Station. Havana, June 22. The Cuban-American treaty, creating an Islo of Pines coaling station, will be signed tomor row. "ilt Mfcfife ' (P pppppr 4 kkVkv isW"it m ,. A BaW JmL tm m jl ml ms&sm white r i I VDays oL tSz3I&fflE 'ft BHjKalJlilllH"''''"",''t ! Our Customers Say It Looks ;; Like The Carnival wo8 here, from tho crowds they see at uni E iff YORK RACKET The crowds -are simply the result of our Lsiness methods. We sell only goods Stat give satisfaction. Quality is the T..i AMH! Aa" (inn uh4H 11C jW9l tUIlucilun n ' ' We make the prices lower than regular stores because our expenses are lighter and we have no losses from bad accounts to makeup' -dfl'r grwUvolurheof bus, iness enables us to buy at the lowest quantity prices. py Goods, tClothing, Shoesj i md everything in Ladies' and Men's Furnishings, J 's Cheapest (toe-Price Cash Store. ; E. T. Barnes, Prop, ii This will bo tlio last week of rur White Siilo ami wo will eiuionvor to mako it ono of the Hvolicst weeks tho big store has hud for a long timo. Here is Value. Just to make the White Sale stronger we will add a lot of white goods with srrall col ored stripes and figures such as Fancy Oxfords, Basket Weaves, Grenadines. Mercer ized novelties, Satin Rave nov elties. etc.. at STRIKING RE DUCTIONS Don't miss this opportunity. New Am ivafs fri Ginghams and Petcales Gingham Dresses for girls from three to fivo years Special . . 45c Percale Dresses also Ginghnnis. Afyo two to twelve yi are. Special . . 65c Beau t If oily Styled and TrJmmed dresses for girls from 2 to 4 years .-., r -uM.il,, T nn Vnnp.v flinphnms. Percales, Jkladras, Solid Color French Ginghams, Etc., Etc. ALL AT REDUCED PRICES II i SILKS J mmmmm m June white Days MEN'S SUrfcS.d Itouud Sack stylon nil wool in Drown and green ovcrplaids, nobby cuta gunmntccd to wi-ur $10.00 A Stiit Blue Serge Suits - $10.00 B acfc Clay Worsteds - $ J 0.00 Mfin'a two'idoco Hummer suits at special prices to closo $8,30 values sceclsi: S7.65 $7-50 values special S6j5 $6.50 values special $3-85 MEN'S $3.50 SHOES Am- (.in'n fllirMti nro chuck full of sumraor comfort. Try ft pair. Kai Kai and Cable Cord Silks Wbite Pongee Silks - - - 25c yd 76c yd 4? Ljfui I These warm dayB call for cool dreasea, waisu, etc. A peep at our wash goods wi)l convince you that the story of values h true. DRESS GOOPS White Serge. ...,..,. ', . $.t5; Y White Jacquard. '.". $U5 yd White Whip Cord $M0 yd Just the fabrics for summer suits, waists, skirts or jackets. HAMMOCKS 68c to $6.50 with or without balance, pillows in all the better grades. No summer garden is complete without one, STRAW HATS AH the very latest styles in all ;kinds of straw braids - '. 25c to $2.50 t Men's and Boy Sailors. Men s Fedoras. Ctoqtict Sets The only strictly first-class lines in the city. ' Rtciimi Go-Catti . Our Gendron kind are the best ) $J0 iiJ isp Skirt Waists, 25c, 50c, 75c- atUiif ( $5 The White Ojmo at Slerri8UiiWM i J t h. . i A m mri 1 fclnn. .. wM' jr:. ,lSSIisaMsiiiMaisiMSisiissMMsMisy WMMMHHH0MHj ,.). .. lllllllW"