m ELiiift m aaaasspg 3B&Q&S KWaWfrXS h 7y 1 r l.VHTJ! V ''iiiAyi wnjTfTivwwmnt Eimaxutixziw mflRmflnnll' "" jmtJILJ I J y W$- FRANK DAVIS, Manager. IANDARD BISCUIT CO. (Union Label) Phone No. 2231. Wlllttllllllfllllfllilt ::::::::A G E N C Y O Ft::::::: S8LFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO.;; dP A TM BDYERS AND SHIPPERS OF CiR AIN Oats For Sale. HOT GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulphur. fffeG. Grata, Agent, 207 Commercial St., Salem, Ore.D f gmiitit 1 tiTfi""""" i.hiiiii SJiicy Morsel for Breakfast c you can enjoy from obo of our d delicious meats, steaks, lamb 1 chops. Teal cutlets or por. a are all cot from the fattest n.ntnittls. and we can supply ItaMo with fresh, nutritious and a meats at tea tock prices. 6! CROSS SALEM ORB i't Than 291 -j-u vTSsiKK Tl ' vuitfii-. It imkm &&.& In Swell Society man would think of having the that ho wears with evening laundrled anywhert but at the , firm laundry Wo will give ihnr thn doss or domestic An- both of which are beautiful Our k on woolen and percales Is unsur- W guarantee satisfaction. (era Skam Laundry. ,8rtEL. J. OLMSTED. Prop. S B. OLMSTE1. MtT. " - s'J8A C-Jm I T4 A ' I lYrV.&'" 7J iWHiwwwwmmiwiA.x,x. , , . i A GREAT ARRAY M Of Combination Desks, ? China Closets and Music J Cabinets just unpacked. J 2 t The House Furnishing Co. 269 Liberty Street. g Stores at Salem and Altany. Truth to Tell Thoro nro no othormilk cans mado that can equal in 'wearing qualities tho gonuino BUHL CANS They aro tinned to slay tinned, nnd put together to stand years of bard service. Other cans crack easily, becomo dented, and being lightly tinned soon rust and go to pieces. Not so with tbo "Buhl factory," "Improved Elgln"nnd "Gcnulno Ioua." Tliey will outLutnrn other cant on th market iin.l nro tlioruiiKlilrnnaiiulckl)-rlramv), Remember, tlio lluhl Is ;. . . V ... lu ulr wu" "i i nuuifl wiin in !.v.hl i.v.ic,or'.,..c,n. u""t ' ino "uhl "Victor" Koumi Handle. As there ore many Infer- I,- ii 2"':nr"V,Sn-.we.u".,,l' " our. llh ,! ..." . swb mar, lAWRiUnt. R. M. WADE & CO. &m, iTAMPlNW raesHt4aa Makers of PARADISE SODA CRACKERS and all kinds of fancy ; Cookies. ! r. MATSCHEK CANDY CO., Inc. ; Up-to-date Confectioners. Nuts and confectionery ; ITOL COMMISSION CO. ! 7 Wholesale Fruits and Produce. ' Illlhce Dtock. 41 -HIt4H Signs of Reiewcd Activity In the real ostoto world Indicate In creasing building operaUOns this Spring, nnd prompt ua to remind you that our facilities for supplying hard and soft! wood, lumber, lath, shingles, and other building materials aro ex ceptlonallyfgood. Wo will bo pleased to furnish esUmates on contracts, largo or small. A car of Mill City shingles received. QOODALE LUMBER CO ,, .,. Near 8. P. Pas DspoL Phone 991. THE DAILY JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1903. KANSAS. SHIPPING J5ERRY Valuable Yariety at Salem that Stands a Week Demand for Oregon Berries for Long Distance Ship ment is Increas ing Among the 2D new urIotUs of strawberries now being tested" In neld culturo on tho grounds of E. Hofer, presldont of tho Salem Fruit Orowors' Union, thero is one variety that Is at tracting unusual attention, nnd Is probably tho mostt valuable berry that has been Introduced In this part of Or egon. It Is cnlled "Kansas," was orig inated In that state, and has shown re markable powers of resisting drouth thero. Tho three hot days In tho foro part of Juno that hurt strawberries nil ovor Oregon, did not fuzo tho ''Kan sas," nB thoy are a lato borry, and wero still green. The first pickings, about a week ago, were taken In part to the cannory nnd a few crates shipped to Portland, one crate being shipped back to San Fran cisco, for trial of Ita morlts as a ship ping berry. Two boxos woro picked last Thursday, and are now to bo seen at the olllce of tho Fruit Orowors' Un ion, anil have very fow bad borrles. those decaying having a dry mould that does not spread to the othor bar rlrs In tho box. Kin out of ten after standing open for a week aro sound, and firm, and have a good flavor being quite acid and bavins the wild straw berry llavor quite marked. They have a tough skin and seem to keop dry nnd solid Instead of giving way to de cay, A shipment will bo made this week to Omaha. Thoy aro proline, havo a good stand of foliage, onduro Hold cultivation on old worn out land without fertilizer, and will become from all prosont Indications, our most valuablo canning nnd shipping borry. Thoy aro not a round borry. but pack Hat and mako a showy box of fruit, rather darker than tho Wilson, nnd red cloar through. Persons wishing to hco samples can call at tho Union of flco on South Commercial street, or at the grounds In South Salem, throo blocks southeast of tho Lincoln school Big Balloon For Jefferson Tho Publicity Commltteo for the Greater Salem Carnival havo decided to sond a grand prize balloon to Jof ferson, and tho commltteo heaijod by Chairman Hlniios will go up Friday evonlng to touch It off, provided tho weather Is favorable. Tho balloon will contain a string of prizes- Including many freo season tickets to tho Cap nival, and all will be set freo by tho explosion of a bomb In midair. Sov cral hundred sheets of tlssuo paper will bo sejit up and thus .scattered Letters from Women Cored by the use of Kodol are recetvod dally, Tbalr trouble naarly all be-rln vita tndJpa tlon or other stomach disorder. If the food you eat falls to rive strength to vour body. It U because the luloes so treted by tho stomach and dlceatrVa orcans are Inadequate to transform tha srutitent prop trtles of tha food lata blood. That U lodletftlan. The system Is deprived of tha amount of aovrUhmant required to keep up tbo sUaarth. and Ike result is that one of more of tna delicate orrans gradually grow veak, and then weaker, until finally It U alsoiattl. Hara a rraal mbtaka U mad. That f treatlaf tha (Uaeaaed organ. TU but doctors la tha land make this vary mUtaks. Why should they 7 It U o aaay lo ea that the trouble U sot Ikere. Kodol Cures This famous remedy puts the stamach an 4I...Iuji nrsan. In a hsalthV CODlilllOn SO that rich, red blood U sent coursing throurh the reins ana srtenei 01 ojery rows Ore body, and by Nature's law of health, full itxenjta ana vijor 1 oen iwta m r- rAn mirai Icuilreaaten. drsoecaia and all itamleh dLsoraera. I have taken JCedol for nearly tsromooth after each meal and It U the only remedy that 'rav relief rom tha larrlbla palnj I tndured. After a time I would lake It but jnco a day. and now, whib I keep a bottls sandy 1 seldom need It. as It has cured ma. Uaa. J, W. CooUAUOU, MUo Center, N. Y, Mil Kitiia WaUt YM 11. snar4 a. a BwtTToo.. oma9 I wrote to Dr. Pierce for advice though I thought sureiy I Would die." "After my bjby eme In tumury, igoo," write Mr tUnor Abner ot St. tlmt, Atk "Uuffered jrtre y from all ortJ of cht .ml p.i, uuu th following My when I redd one of your pamphlet. treting on female ilimtet I wrote to I)r ritrce for JI, although I thrush, urely t would die u oar phytielan tolJ me I wm more liable to die than to gti well your fatherly advice cauied n(y health to be re.torrd I took 6v bottlej of Dr Merwa ParotMe rre asrlptlon. three of OolJen Medical Diaravery and three vlali of pelleti toBether with your other reincdle. ana t am now able to do all nr work," Weak and sick women arc Invited .16 consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, ret, and so obtain without clmrge or fee the advice of a specialist upon dlsonic peculiar to women. All correspondence is held as strictly private nud sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. ricrcc. Buffalo. N. Y The invitation to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, fret. Is not to be confused with offers of "free medical advice made by Irresponsible persons who are not physician and nre professionally nnd legally disqualified for the practice of medicine. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a safe nnd reliable remedy for the enre of womanly Ills. It establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflamma tion nnd ulceration and cures female weakness. Frisk. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send ar one-cent stamps for the book hi paper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth, bound volume. Address Dr. It. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Tho prize will bo Indicated on tho shoots, and will be paid iipon,prosenta' tlon. Tito large numbor-of blanks v, 111 be flont tip along with those bearing prizes, and thus Brent sport will bo made for tho multitude ot men women and children. If the evonlng Is pleas ant a good turnout Is expected. Dime curie for piles Itching Piles produce moisture and cause Itching, this form, as well as Blind, Blooding or Protruding Piles aro cured .by Dr. Bo-san-ko'a Pile Rem edy, stops ItchlnR and bleeding. Ab sorbs tumors. (Oc a Jar at druggists, or sent by msll. Trcatlso free. Write 010 about your case. Dr. Bosanko, Philadelphia. Pa. For sale at Dr Btonn's drug stores WHAT TIME PROVE8. This thing ot being sick and looking for a euro Is a mlRhty sorious bus! ness. People nre not glron to Joking even nt tho first symptom of tho ap proach of tho grim destroyer. Thoy do not want to bo tho subjects of ox porlment, but want mcdlclno that has 1. the test of years uolilnrt It A medicine tbst has been mado and used tor 20 rears gives assurance of It worth, and can be taken with a faith that thoy havo the Tory bost cure the world affords. All this can bo said oaout Dr. Dunn's Improved Llvor Pills as a remedy for slck-bcadacho, dys popsla and Indigestion, It boglns right at tho sourco of tho troublo and ro raovos the causo. We will send a ample box of these pills freo, or a full box on rocelpt ot I5c. Sold by all driggists for 2So per box, or address Dr. nosanko Co.. Phlladopbla, Pa. For snlo at Dr. Stone's Drug Stores, You can buy your fruit Jars cheaper at The Fair Storo than any placo olso lu tbo city. Cook Was the Doctor. '"Twor n new governor of Now foundtaud, and ho was shocking care ful of the Hcalora' health," began tho old scaling captain, bis deep set eyes twinkling. "The night aforo tho North Star loft Son John's for tho Ico he camo aboard t' Inquire what for medlclne-oblst we bad, " 'You ought to have a ship's doctor aboard her with 200 men shipped,' says he 'Who glvus, out Ihe medi cine?' '" ft 1 "Tho coolt, V course.' I'answors. Hut I'm sarten one thing, governor.' I says, 'there's' no thin' thero that's plzen.' "'How do you knowr he asks pretty sharp. "Well. I answers, 'a man oomos rtinnln' totho cook and ho says. "My chum's slek, and I want some medi cine for bo." Tho cook never asks no questions as to whnt's allln.' He grabs up tho first bottle he giu his 'and on and poura out some In a cup. It It don't do the man's chum no good, he ooinea back and tho cook poura some thing out of another bottle, and so on till ho strikes something that 'elps. hlrai That'atwhy.I'know therer's noth- In' pIzenMjnatbat phlst orvt cook, 1 'aro klTle'arf of 'emhfyn Would ago Russia is With Peter St Petersburg, Juno 18. An official communication was published this Mnminif weVnmlriir the accession 01 gfcter to the Servian throne, and ox) pressing tap conviewou mai uo w severely punish the regicide, whosj alts. If condoned, will b ianro to St the traoqullltyyof gervla. f CLASSIFIED ADS AdY(nlstetts. tlve Its js ot less, la t Ms cotanra v.v.u.v ,ihjvs.ui M 3 aw TTa I3V a month. All oyer five nets time asms rata. ciieainne nmcs ior asc avtarreeK si. 56 WANTED. Wanted. For sale or Iradb for cows. 42 head of sheep. U R. Ryan. 123 SJafo street ' IM7-3t v7 ianted. Two or throo hundred cords of old fir or apcond-growth fir. To bo delivered In throo mbnths. Apply at onco. Monoy advanced to right parties. Wlllamctto Hotel. 6-15-tf Wanted. A good dining room girl nt tho Cottago Uotol. C-10-tf Wanted. A second-hand safo. Must b3 In good order and cheap. Call on Dr. J. If. Browor, Gray block. 6-9-tt Wanted at Once. 3000 strawberry Pickers at Hood Rlvor. Plonty of work. Good plckora can earn $3 60 a; day. Tako Regulator lino Bteam era front Alder Btroot wharf, Port land, daily at 7 a. m. Faro for round trip 2.00. Children $1.00. B-20-lm Wood Wanted. 100 cord of big fir, or largo eocond growth, also sonio heavy oak. Sond scaled proposal to Hofor Bros.. Journal office. tf FOR SALE. or Bale. Fresh cow, roalstored Jor- By, flvo years old, fino mllkor. Call at C38 Stato atrcot 0-t7-3t For. 8ale-A lot of good railing, could bo used In fitting up an orflco, porch, balcony or stalrrall with baltutors. Journal office. C-lS-tf Horse for Sale. A good riding or driving 7-yoar-old maro, for $35, It taken soon. Inquire ot It. H. Tup tier, nttorooy-at-law, 290 Commcr olal street ' C-13-3t For Sale. Two galvanized Iron tanks, ono of 700 gallons and Ono ot 2300 gallons. Apply to J. W. Watt. Sa lem, OroRon. C-12-Ct For' Sale. 30-ncro farm In Marlon county. U mllo ot Sanitate rlvor, In good settlement. Flvo-room houso, barn and necessary outbuildings. Woll watorod with spring water at tho door. Ton acre ot fruit ot all kinds, pflnclpaly wlntor apples, A fino fruit and dairy farm, with lots ot out-rango; within M mllo of railroad, school, church and bust ness town, with largo monthly pay roll. Thl la n beautiful farm ot good, black, productive land, and If sold at onco will tako $2000, with halt down, and tho balanco from 3 to 5 years, at 0 por cent Intorost immodlato- possession For furthor M Information nddresa J. D. Ray, Mill City, Ore. 03-3m For Sale. Full sot Ileti Hot Air ap paratus. Apply to W. O. Robblns, 167 Court stroet 0-2-tf FOR RENT. For Rent A flvo room houso, with modi-rn Improvements, close In Call at 376 High st . C-17Ct Rooms for Rent Upstair, Cottlo block, by day, weok or month. Also light housekeeping rooms. Blectrlc llRhts, opon all hours, Mat Mo Hutchinson, prop. 4-23-lyr .L0?T Aj ?-? V-N ?.'- Lost Road receipt book for District No. 23. Ploaso return to Journal of flco for roward. 8-lB-flt Lost Ono dark brown cow, inu'.sy, with short tall; also ono cream col ored cow, both glvlug milk. Anyone giving Information of them will bo suitably rewarded. Address Albert Harper, Turner, rotito No. 3, e-16-31 MISCELLANEOUS. Entertainment and concert at Krobf Bros.' hall, Saturday evonlng, Juno 0. Procvods for Brooks Catholic church. Strawborrles and Ice cream Flnotnuslc. All Invltod CK-St O. W. DEAN Physician and surgeon, offlco over Fta drug storo. Calls anawodor by day or night Phone, office, 1941! ro., 1931 Main. 6 02w WM, ARM&TRONQ baa removed on Jhlock south, opposlto Gilliam's sta bloa, where bo will repair the un derstanding " 8boe mado or re paired. In connection with J. O'Douald, carpentor, saw filing and general Jobbing. 6-6-1 ro Unique Cleanlna Room Shaw A Johoson, tho cleaner, ro pow Jo cated at 209 Commercial stroet They do ft goueral pressing and r pairing bdslnr. Bpoelalllea: BUrts, silk waist, kid glove, genta cloth Ing, eta Phone 214. 6-28-lyr. Headquartar for Fencing, Woved wlro fenolag for all purpose. Smooth wire for.bop yard.' etc Correspondence sollcltM. Wajtoy Mortey, CO Court treet. 8alom, 6-5 tf Removal, The Salem Carrlsse Fac tory. Worner Fnnnell proprietor, ha moved fiom Commercial street to North Liberty, at tho bridge. Call and see tbo now place, and In poet the work don, Satisfaction guaranteed. Werner Fennel Eifge 'or SatUnf Pur toed White Plymouth Rock ana uiao. uw cj.v the; fbestlayer ksewa. T7 IL t 't PAQE 8EVCIC Btundell, Mornlngsldo. Telephone Na 2066 Red. , 3-SO-tf You will always find tho cnotcm xaeAtftnd groceries ttho lMfoH' prlcea at Edward' ft Luschor', 0' nd 410 Stato street 'Phone orders? glrea BpeolaJ',4aUoH. . v Central Loda No. 18 K, of P. Castle Hall In Holman Block, corner 8tateJ and Liberty Jitroots, Tuesday ot each woek et 7:30 D, m.. A. BL-Btranat q O. It J, Fleming K. ot R, and S. FUflCftTfiHa tiP AMKHI6A-Ooar Sherwood Forester No 19. Meet Friday night In Turner block. 8. W, MInturn,O.R.:A.UDrown, Ba Modern Woodmen of America Ow gon Cedar Camp No. 6241. Meet' every Thursday evening 8 o'clock; Jtolmau Hall, Frank A. Turner, W a; A. I Rrown. Clerk. 5 Protection Lodge No. 3, Ancient Or dor United Workmen, meets every. Saturday evening In tho Holm Hall, corner of state and Liberty stroeta. Visiting brethren weicoaal. J. O. aruham. M. W.S J. A. Bellwoo. Recorder. ? OSTEOPATHY. ? Dr. M. T. Schoettle, Prank J. Brt and Anna M. Bare Graduate American school ot Osteopathy) KtrksvlMo, Mo,, succossors to D Graco Albright Offlco hour t 13 and 1:30 to 4:30 o'clock. OU Fellow' Tomplo. Phono Main 3731$ rosldenco phono 2603 Rod. Or. H. H. Scovell, bugQeatlva lnsra; peutlc and Osteopathy. Norvou functional and mental disease, nev ralgla, headaches, nervous prottraJ, tlon, dyspepsia, constlpatlob, dlat rbooa, rhoumatlsm, asthma, e3 D'Arcy block, Stato street Phooi Main 2SS5. j W. O. Robblns, Dr. of Osteopathy, ha added to hi practice tbo system of Btittorhoatod air, for tho treatment of acute and chronlo diseases. 11? Court stroot, Salem, Or. TONGORIAL AND BATHS. Ryan' Shaving Parlore-Sevea ir class barbers enfased. Flnwt bat room In elty. W use antlstttt Btariltser. J. Ryan, Prop. Evans' Barber Shop Only Mratol shop on 8Ute atraet Xrary iidN new and ap-to-4atc Flnaet Breslet baths. Bhav. lief alr-ct Ui bath, Me. Two Irtt-cWuH bee black. , a W. KvaM, Bfort4f . i Detroit Shlnrjlesu I havo Just recolvod A carload of theso ahlDRles. OtAor given prompt attontton at 1' L, Itraen' wagon shop, or at realdonce. 373 Churdt stroot fl. P. M'CIUCKICN. 6-26-1-m o. h:. maok. Buccesaor to Dr. J. M. Km. la White Oornor, Balam, Oregon. Parti desiring cuperior operations at n4' orate fee la any brauch are In eapeetai raqaeet la IUII t4 V.I4 aatttt Uh wm4 lUHUUIM. I.IIHMtMMM "l aaWtlnUjua a4 fapaar ll. ui(itlnuiMjkl iwtffitf&xsi'iix .?. rrtw.Uw. TnllMiKtiSi '- CaM r'aa-i CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfer Mssta all taall and pawenger tralea KtMMaM. ia all sarta of tha a-Ha PronH Mrrloe. Talefhoae No. I4L llSGKMAti at HKUKIUa. ' SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HAUL Fer water senlce apply at oea, vlll payable monthly In advaa. Hake ail eomIint at etMe. a Harper Whiskey I the bw Oet om Into yourvt x - Qua. 8ehrlbr ksepa It, Ami yeu know tk r , ' FAIMER'S HCffi 194 FlJ,laliPfwa BDI1 WINS BANS CO. ciHnti jipaM Fifrcy Dry Qw Made up In w 11m of wrri. all colors. White UftMrweir. all kinds of wal.ts, fcy tummft teois. silks, skirts, etsls ai KH furalihlag onn-la matt BJs. Ckll Wlf. CVtrV taiw ut tK drtao .. m Caurr St., Sakai.Ofi criwrAWv. What the SJK) Mai Mas. Shots for Strl4f J Swajrir. aha that fit anJ have aaalliy ef awle rJa-l, Jks. K J. OSWALT, a acute St.. Sfe. OrM. 6-12'Ia H4 In 4M y S. ' Call fee Free akwVe. AH V'jM liiiltiiiKNTKli-i? tf.miUm f)V 1 hI l, ?u wmiuhw, m 1 mv "Win ittntummtUtmtm I SSCa?l W.B.B SMU.autMwa.tMw.artM IfJ J a " aiaavrm mil. uwaaa wa, M lU.J'fl . i hen 411. .' Liberty st f M r, a Oas. Drwr 8ter. vn yo r ft H