The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, June 18, 1903, Image 1

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Salem Responds Very Liberally
W the Relief of the Heppner
Flood Sufferers
jfcscrlptlons are Still Coming In and Another Thousand
Can be Raised If Needed
hEvoryono spoke highly of Tho Jour-
il's effort Wednesday In starting a
iovement for a relief expedition for
10 Heppner flood sufferers, and tho
jsponao In men, money and subscript
lona was immediate and generous.
"lfty men offered themselves, and be-
ro night tho commltteo hnd raised
'thousand dollars. Tons of provisions
rcro ready to go forward If It could
invo been learned that they wcro
icodcd, but tho telegrams at a lato
ur from General Pnssongpr Agent
lomnn, of tho S. P. .Co., Indicated that
loney alone was needed, and that
loro men wcro on tho ground than
Uld well bo employed.
Tho prompt rcsponso of tho S. P.
and tho Oregon Hallway & Navl-
itlon Co. was vory crcdltablo to
ieso corporations ana their puunc-
Mrlted management, and created
:h favorablo comment at Salem.
!,Tlie"flnanco comgmlttce, composed of
jN. Drown, It. J. Fleming and H. D.
dPafton, did splendid work, and raised
Lnoarly tho ontlro sum by personal
rcanynsg, but a steady stream of contrl-
Ibjitlona carao pouring In over tho telo-
hono all day, and especially In tho
evening, alter Tno journal was oui.
aad tho full need of tho situation was
Impressed on tho public. Double the J
Sum could bo raised if necessary.
The Subscriptions.
Salem K. P lodge, $100.
rchemeketa lodgo, I. O. O, P., $25.
Eastern Star lodge-.. $20.
Holm W Roland, $5.00.
m. I) Colbath, $5.00.
W Y nichard8on, $2.00.
n CUnn,,m,l tQAA
John II. Scott, $2.00.
K. T. Moores, $2.00.
J. U Sklpton, $2.00.
Fred Palmer, $2.00.
A. McCullough, $1.00.
Assessor's ofllco, $2.00.
M. A. McCorklc. $2.00.
W. A. Cuslck, $10.00.
S. P. Employes, $4.50.
Cash, $25.
James Vaughn, COc.
Frank Drown, $1.00.
Putnam Drug Store, $5.50.
O. W. Johnson & Co., $5.00.
Wellor Dros, $5.00.
M. E. Fraser, $1.00.
Branson & ftagan, $2.50.
E. S. Lamport, $2.60.
C. O. Olvon. $1.00.
Mrs. McOlnnls, $5.00 '
Sara Adolpb, $2.00.
C. S. Stone. $100.
J. Wenger, $1.00.
Frlond, $1 00. .
F. Ilranlng, $1.00.
Damon Dros., $4.50.
C. Dlllman, $1.00.
W. D. Morse. $2.00.
D. J. Fry, $2.50.
Geo. F Smith, $1.00.
J. L. Stockton, $1.00.
George J. Pearco, $5.00.
It. aiovorCOc.
E. Eokorlcn, $5.00.
Duron & Hamilton, $5,00,
Carroll Moores, $100.
Patton Bros., $3.00.
No. 210. $1.00.
Jay Philips, 60c.
J. M. Haborly, $1.00.
Stelner & Co., $1.00.
Pphlo & Dlshop. $2.00.
Clias. S. Moore. $25$0,
A. M. Crawford, $5.00.
J. J. Murphy, $5.00.
J. D. Putnam, $2 60.
J. IL Whitney, $5.00.
J. Conner, $5.00.
Quaker Med. Co., $10.00.
Salem Flouring Mills Co.,'-$5.00.
Capital Lumbering Co., $5.00.
H. A. Thomas, $2.50.
Gilbert & Baker. $2.50j
F. A. Wiggins, $2.00.
D. Williamson, $2.00.
John Hughes Co., $5.00.
House Furnishing Co., $5.)0.
Chess Wilson, 50c.
0. P Miller, 25c. " '
Thos. H. Reynolds, $1.00.
D. S. Itadabaugh, $1.50.
C. H. Walker, $1.00.
Cash, 50c.
T. H. Hill, 26c.
H. A. Undorhlll. $1.00. . H'
Hoy Goodhuo, $1.00.
J. N. Chance, 60a
Hooy China, 20c.
Mark Skiff, $1.00.
F, Neckormnn, $1.00.
Fullor & Douglas, $2.80.
M. T. ninoman, $1.00.
Colonel J. Olmsted. $5.00.
J. H. McNary, $1.00.
W H. Holmes. $1.00.
Cmu$6 00.
Wn& Butte. $1.00.
J. fj&Cowels, $1.00.
J". H. WeCourt. $1.00.
JohniMauror, $1.00.
W. H. Dancy, $1.00.
D. A. White & Son. $5.00.
Wolch. 50c
Speer Dros., $10.00.
Unknown, COc.
J,tJ! Freeland, $1.00.
Fred Kress, 50c.
Ell8t $loo.
Eo& Hartley, $1.00.
G. Stelner, $1.00.
J. M. Howell, $1.00.
Adjje Powers, $5.00.
Al. J)lque, $100.
Jack Kays, $1.00.
Gray Dros.. $1.00.
02 K. HodgorB & Co., $2.60.
AffiuKh, $100.00.
GcTbH. Burnott, $2JJ0.
T. ftjolverson, $2.60.
OeolE. Waters. $2.50.
C A Dlshop, $5.00.
F. Wrlghtman. $2.60.
G. Ty. Jones, $2.50.
O. (1 Brown. $1.00.
continued on Fourth Pace.)
Farmer Stout Thumps
Some Asiatic
Korean Delegation Takes the
Matter up and Will Have
the Assailant
Delaware, Ohio, Juno 18. That the
unprovoked assault upon Prlnco Yce,
tho young Korean nobloman, attending
tho Wesloynn Unlvorslty. by Joe
Stout, a farmer, 1ibb boon taken up by
tho Korean ofllclals at Washington. Is
Nearly all the Miners
are Still Well
"Three Fingered Jack" Who
Boasts he Knew In Ad-
vkajiceof Garflelds Murder
Their Leader
Tucson, Arli., Juno 18 The situa
tion in Moroncl, where the minors'
strike is on, Is most alarming. Tho
governor has been requested to sta
tion troops permanently at Clifton. It
Is thought tho strikers have held nut
s . .. . k
now an assured fact. This morning juynamne ana giani iowuer. anu may
Charles Nedham. counsel for the, Kor- ulow "P ' town. Only 26 of the 3500
nun locution, nrrlvivl hri ami mn.ln! riKOrS I1BVO Deon disarmed, ami all
Men and
Ate Still Wanted by the Eastern.
Otegon Flood Victims
Reports Differ as to Advisability of Sending a Force oE
Men From Salem
a thorough Investigation. Ho visited
tho city ofllclals and tho county prose
cutor. He docllnos to stato what steps
will bo taken, but says tho affair
won't bo lightly passed over.
njinMiiif nnnnnif tH
Our Customers Say It Looks I
Like The Carnival
was here, from the crowds they see at
Peterkin to
Peter King
Geneva, Switzerland, June IS. The
mission sent by the Servian govern
ment to notify Peter of his election as
king arrived today.
nro sullen. "Thrce-flngered Jack,"
who boasts that he had advance now
of Garfield's assassination. Is tho lead
er of the strikers.
is Dying
The crowds are simply the result of our
business methods. We sell only goods .
that give satisfaction. Quality is the
first consideration with us.
We make the prices lower than regular
stores because our expenses, are lighter
f and we have no losses from bad accounts
to make up' Our great volume of bus
iness enables us to buy at the lowest
quantity prices.
tDry Goods,Clothin;Shoey!
and everything in Ladies' and Men's Furnishings.
I Salem's Cheapest One-Price Cash Store-
E. T. Barnes, Prop,
i,imimf iiijiai.uiminnnni'"lam'
London, Juno 18 Cardinal Vaughn,
who is III with heart affections, grows
worse, and is gradually sinking; death
Is not far distant.
Arkansas City, Kan , June 18. The
Kbiims Otty Milling Company's eleva
tors wsro destroyed by Are last night
Ono employe was burped to death.
Lots, 1 100.000.
Reliance to
Jie Ready
New York, June 18. The new top
mast for the Jtellance arrived this
morning, and wJU be ready to be set
on 'end today. The riggers arc ready
to go to work. Iielln announces that
tho sloop will be ready for tomorrow's
In the Hands
ofthe Jury
Jackson, Ky., Juno 18 The White-
Jett ease was glen to tho Jury at
noon Prosecuting Attorney Dyrd
gave a powerful arraignment of Judge
Hargls and Sheriff Callahan, charg
ing them with being law violators, In
stead of law enforcers. A verdict Is
expected this afternoon.
Wins Ascot
London, June 18. The Hold cup.
valued at 1000 sovereigns, with 3000
sovereigns additional, at Ascot, was
today won by Maxim Second, Meln
tlre up. Isinglass was second. Btba
third; there were four entries. Des
pite the threatening weather, the
King and Queen, Prinee and Princess
of Wales, Princess Victoria and
scores of others of the royalty rode In
semi-state to attend.
New York. June 18 Four are miss
ing and seven injured by the collapse
or a factory building in, Newark at 11
o'clock this morning.
The seeond and third floors were oc
cupied by a paper box concern. Fifty
employes were carried Into the cellar,
and burled under the mass of debris.
Overloading the third Conr caused the
rollapse and earried the other floors
In Its fall
Tho Journal rccolved a telegram
lato Wednesday night from W. B. Co
man, gunoral passenger agont of tho 8.
P. Co., that company was still ready
to carry man and provisions to tho
scono of tho great flood disaster In
Basteriji Oregon. A wlro was sent to
Mr. Coman this morning that, in Tho
Journal's opinion, nn expedition should
go forward from tialotn and other
towns at onco, as a wholo lot of mon
nro needed badly for a few days to
clean up tho wtuck, and prevent tho
spread of any epidemic which usually
follows such a disaster. Hundreds of
mon on tho grounds promptly; and ful
ly equipped, should bo ablo to check
typhoid from spreading and bury the
remains of any victims not yet cared
for, and tho dead bodies that still to
bo unearthed from tho debris.
Relief Expedition Should Qo.
In splto of telegrams and rojtortu
that men are not needed, Tho Journal
bolleves that a relief expedition
should go forward and assist tho peo
plo of lioppner. and tho othor stricken
towns along Willow creek. It would
have added Immeasurably to the ropu
tatlon of Bnlcm If wo could have cmt
forward Wodneaday tfi men. and Hie'
following telegram from the local sec
retary of tho K. P. lodge shows that
good mon are needed:
Hoppnur, Ore, Juno IB
What wo need Is laohriirg men, tin
dsr pay, and money to pay thorn, to
clean up, to prevent an opldemle and
typhoid. It Is awful.
W. W. 8MHAI).
Workers Badly Ntdetd.
lioppner. Ore.. Jiiuu 18,
a P. Illnhop, Mayor of Salem, Ore
Send quick, ablo workers with tools,
blankets and provisions Workers
here giving out. HI). C HHItHKN.
Mayor Dlshop Replies.
Salem, June 18, 1903.
Mayer Gilliam, lioppner, Or -
Will wire you money today A dis
patch from, IW. O. Ilerreu this morn
Ing says: "Send men and provisions
and tools," Shall we send tbem and
how many? C P. UI8IIOI',
Journal Relief Corps,
J. II. Cradelbaugh, Journal repre
sentative; U It. Stlnson. T. M Klem
Ing, C. F. Hlgln, W W. Hall. Kd
Hlrsbberg, I. C. Mlnto. J. N. Iliown,
Kgbert Young. (loo. W. Johnson. C F
Lansing, Geo. W. Jones. A. Parker, M.
P. Dennis, W II. II. Dunkle.
Salem Man Goes Forward,
Geo. W. Johnson. Jr. a sturdy
young business man, who has seen tho
hardships of Alaska, left for Jleppner
Wednesday morning to render any
possible atslstnaco. He Is prepared
to stay for somo time, having tkeu.
blankets and provisions for himself
and others who may be In want of ne
cessities. Mr. Johnson showed tho
right spirit, and bis services thcro will'
bo very much appreciated.
Money and Provision.
Tho Journal has been urging to tho
utmost that rooro men bo sent to
lioppner, upon Its advices from Salem
men who are there, but It socma that
tho railroad men havo other lufornia-
(Continued oa roarth Page.)
jos. meyers
& iSons
Our "June
White Days
1ms bocomo so very popular
nnd so ninny nro taking ml
vuntnRO of our apeclal ofTor
ing in whito thnt wo need
not tlvvolo muph spuco in
tiio pnpors to white Imrguin
Suffice to say the
Owner is
New York, June 18, Waurleo Al
bert, owner of tho bonding tiat col
lapsed this morning, has been arrett
ed for negligence. Two pore of me
Injured bare been removed.
Ffesh Today
Los; CaWa Creams
Peppermint Cnews
Zirfktfk - S
A startling announcement
from our picture department
We want to make room
for an immense stock
soon to arrive
Hound pictures mounted
in heavy uquare mate 10x10
Fruit, animal; marine,
landscape and portrait subf
Jects, at6.Sx20 Jnclicw,
Hound triplicate pictures
in various subjects.
Special to Close
1M State St
Phone 1071 Main,
Sefl window ditjtky
a, i