THE DAILY JOURNAL, 8ALEM, nnEGON. FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1903. PAGE TWO. P: Eh, f e THE OAIL! JOURNAL Ccrlppa Newa Association Telegram, 3 and 5 O'clock Editions. BY HOFER BROTHERS. Dally One Year. $4.00 In Advance, Dally Three Months, (1.00 In Advance.- Dally by Carrier, 50 Cents Per Month. Weekly One Year. 91.00 In Avance. " "j 1' ': i . -" JOURNAL SPECIAL DELIVERY. Ono Wook , S 10 Ono Month 35 Tbroo Months 1.00 At Journal office. At Daue's Grocery, South Salem; At Bowersox Grocery, Yew Park. Asylum Avenue Grocery Store. Electric Grocery, East State St. 4miii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n n i h t ' F0R WQMEN, TOO. Hostettur's stomach Bitters Is a raedlclno that Is especially adapted to all women who arc weak or deli cate. It has a calm, soothing effect upon the tired nerves, promotes re. freshing sleep and assists nature-'In tho proper performance of hordutle"s. Then don't experiment any longer, hut get a bottle, of Hostottor's Stomach Bitters today ".from your druggist. Youpl fool Its beneficial offect from tho Aral dose. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS HMggMlI2 iiiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiiii JOURNAL X-RAYS. A week of baccalaureate talent In town loaves fewer hens but probably n llttlo more graco In the community. Next! Wo are getting Quaker rem edies. It Is tlmo for. tho thrco-for-a-dollar electric belt man to hit tho toWh. ' Whatever happened to Salomthatlt should have heon mistaken for a Jay town that could be worked by tho Junlter DootorsT The Quaker remedlos arc all right. when It Is-considered Uiat thoy furnish a laugh-and-grow-fat ontortnlnmont to counteract the offect of the remedy. "The last hope of many a poor finan cier Is'cut off by the announcement of a Salem collection agency that they will procuod to-collect outlawed uotos. Judging from the wefl-fod and port ly spcclmons In ovldcnco nt Salem the Oregon Methodist preachers aro In creasing n rotundity and prosperity,. V Tho W C. ft. U. at Woodburn have passed strenuous resolutions against tho Mormons. A few years ago thoy passed rocolutlons against tho hop In dustry, and then all wont out and got jobs In the lion fields. Tho prwldont of tho Salem Fruit "Union would be tempted to call tho directors together to pray for rain, but.for the fact that jvjmt, Is needed to push the strawborry crop would ruin tho cherries. " . About one thousand Salem people live In Portland, and all the rest who havo ridden tho billy goat In the Ma sonic lodges, or load about the gentle bleating nanny goat In tho Kastorn Star lodges, havo been down there tho past weok. All will be home-Saturday or as fait as they sober off. A jury hns Awarded Miss Illrdle Mc Carthy, a school teacher, agod 32 years the sum of (22.500 as salvo for wounded feelings, broken promlsos and other things. Thus doth "tho jlnglo of tho guinea, euro tho hurt that Honor feel." Now a lot of two-minute enthusiasts havo formed nn association for tho purposo of erecting a monument to Sacajawoa. Tho Whitman monu ment at Wnlla Walla Is not yet paid for, nnd It was built by Just such peo ple, who patted themselves on tho back for their philanthropy, and repu diated tho bill. "Flatwhoel" Skinner Is ono of tho oldest employes of tho S. P. Co., and a man of wldo personal acquaintance. He was a great admirer of President Grant;, anil has not' had an attack of Idolizing a president uluco O rant's day until Roosevelt camo along. Ho has watched Itooaovelfs caroojswith grow. Ing admiration, until a young man's first lovo affair Isn't to bo compared wita his enthusiasm for tho objoct of his political affections. "When I had Been and heard Rooaovolt at Salem," Bays Sklnnor, '"I was ready tq dlev ,1 had tho fooling that there was nothing more to llvo for. I had soon and heard everything that wna worth while In this world, and, I can't got over tho feollng and don't get over tho feeling." Ho Is also a great admirer of Hormann. whom ho used to know when ho was collector at Rosobure. When Hermann came down to Salem to open his campaign Sklnnor was out to hear him. Ho was ono of tho sore Republicans but tho splech got htm Into lino tighter than boeswax, and whou ho called ou Hermann nt tho hotoltho old roan put both arms nround Sklnnor and they had a regu lar lovo feast and that fixed him. fllngor Hermann's famous hnndshako Is1 all put on but thoy havo never felt tho prossuro of his embrnco when he Itgete hold of an old croney like Skln nor or they would change tholr minds and cnll him tho Jack tho Huggoiof Orcgou politics. ' CAUTIONI This 'is not a gcntlo word but when you think how llnblo you arc not to purchaso tho only remedy unl voraally known and a remedy that has tho largest salo of any mcdlclno In tiio world slnco 18G8 for tho euro nnd trcatmont of Consumption and Throat and Lung troubles without losing Its great popularity nil thoso years, you will bo thankful wo called your atten tion to Boschoo's German Syrup. Thero aro so many ordinary cough remedies mado by druggists nnd oth ers that nre cheap and good for light colds perhaps, but for sovcro coughs, bronchitis, croup and especially for consumption whoro thoro Is difficult expectoration and coughing durlngs the nights and, mornings, thoro Is nothing llko Gorman Syrup. Tho 25 cent slzo hns Just been Introduced this yonr, Itogular s!za75 conts. Dr. Stones Drug 'Stores. mpiJg DEMAND STRONGER Salem Fruit Grower's Union Making a Fine Reputation Berries are in the Markets of the Northwest and Supply is Not Sufficient A Frightful Problem. (Chicago PosL) "I have now como to the parting of tho ways," said tho legislator thoughtfully. 'How So?" 'I must now doclde whether I am hero to roprosont the bossos or the people If I offond the ono I enn nev er bo nominated again; If I offend tho other, I nover can bo elected. I toll you, the publulo does not rtnllzo the groat probloms of statesmanship that confront a man In public life." scouring"your8calp. Will Rernove the Loose Dandruff Scales But It Won't Cure Dandruff; ' If your hair Is brittle and thinning, you havo dandruff. Tho moro scour ing of the scalp of tho loose scales, won't cure lUndrnuff; because dan druff Is nothing but scales of scalp bolng thrown up by a pestiferous lit tlo gorm In burrowing Its way to tho root of the hair and, In tlmo baldnoss. Now you enn't stop dandruff, nof fall Ing hair, nor prevent baldness unless you destroy that gorm; nnd tho only preparation that can do it Is tho now scientific discovery, Nowbro's Ilorpl cldo. In fact no othor hnlr prepara tion olalms to kill tho dandruff gorm all of thorn will clean tho scalp soap and water will do that, but Nowbro's Herplcldo gets at tho root of tho troublo nnd kills tho dandruff germ. For salo by Danlol J. Fry. Sond 10 conts In stamps for sample to Tho Horplcldo Co., Detroit, Mich. u She Knew How. "I am afraid," suggests tho theatri cal manager, "that you cannot take tho rolo of tho fairy prince You soo. It ealls for a lady who Is rather plump In figure, while you well er ah woll, you aro lacking In somo of the ossontlals." "Oh." smiles the experienced comic opera prima donna, "I can mako up for that." Judge. About n ton of fancy strawberries have been going out of Salem dally by express, nnd ten tons could have been handled Just as well. Ono large grower, who has put out 17 acres this spring, says ho will next year bo pre pared to send out 400 to GOO crates dally for distribution from .Portland. Tho fancy Salem berries havo been bringing $2.00 to $3.00 nt Portland, and they did not begin to supply the city trade, whoro they are proferrod to tho local product Tho demand for tho Salem blue labol borry is today, practically unlim ited, as both California and Hood Itlver borrles ore practically out of the way, and the later pickings of tho hill lands south of the city nro only begin ning to como In. Pugot Sound and Portland city trado will havo to be supplied from Salem ,and all who have fancy borrlos for shipment can get good prices. Circular to Growers. The following circular Is Issued to nil members of tho Salem Fruit Grow ers' Unien: Under our contrncts with tho Salem Cannery aud Pearson-Page Co. 76 per cent of tho canning product must go to tho cannery, and tho rost can be packed for shlpmont, at tho option of the growor. It Is very Important that both contracts bo complied with to tho letter, nnd tho cannery should bo fur nished with as much hlgh-grado stock as possible, as tho reputation of the Salem canned berrlds Is Just ns Im portant as tho shipping product. We urgo all growors to mako a speolal of- fort to pack tholr 25 por cont for ship ment In the best mannor powlblo. Many lino berries are coming In for shlpmont that must bo rejected or soil for an Inferior price, because not properly faced. If you do not under stand facing, call at tho warehouso of the Union, and an oxpert will give you full Instructions. Everything de pends on facing proporly. Our fruit has tho quality, but our growers have not tho oxporlonce In packing, and must acquire it. To face a box prop orly for tho shipping market, fill It full enough to loavo room for tho top layor, or two layora. Put In tho top layer, or two layers, of solected fruit. It tho borrlos nro round they must bo sot points upwards. If long or conical thoy must bo laid at,an angle suffi cient so that the four or five rows will fill the box both ways, and then set In tho crato so that tho rows will corre spond across tho whole crate. Faced fruit will bring n fancy price, and will ship better, and tako lees fruit to tho uo ino Bioms uuL-iourin 10 ono- fArInD. , i,m.m, ,, r.- All -. a - WHWtt.W'-' HHIVUd UU)VUO nan men. noi i0.iKer must in. ten. ou peopie whon tho mor,t8 of -,, Kfd noy Pills nro thoroughly known. tors' o th manager, nirnctors. 2. The undersigned members . . .i.u. I..- Dm nlnsnlflrntlon nfft-pp iu uuiuu wj " w. , trtfsucir HMhasef nrto the grading nnd labeling of fruits, subject to a ngnt oi appeal to the Commltteo on; Appeals, heretofore created by tho Union, nnd appointed by tH6 Board of Directors, whose decision win be final and bind ing on both parties. 3. Tnoj fruit delivered under tho terms of tills contract shall ho mar keted through such mannger .to tho best Interests of tho growers and ac counts of Bales and payment for tho same be made promptly In nccordanco with tho contrnct clul? ontored Into between said manngor and said Salem Fruft Growers' Union, by their Donrd of Directors, and which contract shall hereaft rebo ratified by tho stock holders of, this Union. i. Such berries and small fruits of the undersigned members as tho Di rectors may contract for dollyery to tho Salem Cannery shall bo delivered direct to the cannory, without commis sion paid to tho local manager. 5. All othor fruits and berrlos shall bo subject to such charges nnd com mission ns shall bo determined by tho Board of Directors In tho above men tioned contract with tho said local managor. Wltnoss our nnnds and soal this day of- April, 1D03.- Cherries Not Stemmed. The Journal was mlstakon In quot ing tho cannery contract as requiring cherries to bo' stemmed. It seoms tho cannery contract uses the word "stemmed" In connection with the prlco and weight of chorrlee, as fol fel fol eows: Roynl Anno. 4 conts per pound. Light varieties, 90 or lees to tho pound stemmod, 3V4 cents. Dlnck cherrlos, 00 or loss to tho pound stommod, 3 conts. Any color cherries, 0Q to 110 to the pound stemmed 2 conts. Smallor ohorrloe, any color, 1& cents. Tho cannory mannger claims this moans that chorrlos must be wolghod, for purposo of ascertaining prlco without stoms, but that he wants thorn brought In with stems on. For Bhlpplng purposes all cherries must havo tho stoms on. r:7 ' mr$. HELENA BUv WONDERFUL WORK. Lots Like It Being Done Right Here In Salem. Salem people aro surprised at the work bolng done by "Tho Llttlo Conquerer." Public oppression on tho subject brings the matter fcquently before tho people. At first thoro were many doubters; and why not? So many claims of a similar naturo havo been made with llttlo or no backing oxcoptlng the word of somo stranger residing In n faraway place; thls'ov Idonco was accepted for lack of bet. ter. Not necessary to accept It any longer. All sufferers from any kidney HI can find plenty of local endorse ment for a remody that will euro them. Surely the wonderfnul work of Doan's Kidney Pills -right hora at homo is proof sufficient to satisfy any akoptlc. Road tho oxpresslon of ono citizen on tho subject: Harry M. Shaw, day foreman of tho Eugene Morning Reglstor, resid ing nt 2S5 West eighth street, Eugene Ore, says: "I predict much less Buf. Always doing Thoro aro pooplo who Imaglno tho theatrical star. Stato of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Frank J, Chcnoy makes oatK that ho Is senior-partnor of UiQ-flrm of, r. J. Cheney & ca, doing business in tho City of Toledo, County nnd Stato aforesaid, and that said firm will pay tho sum 6f ONE IHJNDRJ3D DOLLARS for each and overy caso of Catarrh that can not do cured by tho caso oi Hairs catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY, Sworn to hoforo mo and subscribed In my presence, this Cth day of De cember. A. D. 188C. A. W. OLEASON. Seal Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is takon Inter? nally, and acta directly on the blood and mucuous surfacos of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills aro tho beet ' A stitch in tlmo may save nine, but i what aro you going to do if yod havo I never been to a sowing school. a good turn tho Yt T T Perhaps your mother had thin OUT JTiQir halr but ,hat s no reason why you musi co mroufiB me -with half-starved hair. If yew want long, thick, dark and heavy hair, feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor, ,.e.&&!ESi!lW shipping fruit and, while It must have color, It should not bo so rlpo as to bruise. EVERY GROWER WHO HAS SHIPPINQ FRUIT, AND IS PRE PARED TO PACK SHOULD MAKE AN EFFORT TO FURNISH HIS QUO TA OF SHIPPINQ BERRIES TO ES TABLISH THE REPUTATION OF SALEM AS A SMALL FRUIT SHIP PINQ CENTER, AND OET THE UNION LABEL WELL E3TAB LISHB IN THE MARKETS. THE WAREHOUSE IS OPEN TO RECEIVE SHIPMENTS DAY AND NIGHT. FRUIT PICKED DURING THE DAY MUST BE IN WARE HOUSE BY 3 P. M. FRUIT DELIV ERED AFTER THAT HOUR.WIIX GO OUT ON THE. EARLY MORNING TRAIN. E. HOFER. Pres. L. T. REYNOLDS. Sec. Following Is a copy of tho growers' contract with tho Union, which is mado part of tho contract wlta Pear Bon-Pago Co., and with the Salem can nery, and eaclyBrower should cu thlai out and koep 'It for reference: nsAt) . !. - . . . . t- M lias uever uuiuro own prmit-a. uopies Of, the contract wUhfthe Pearson-Page Co, and Saleni Cannory are tn the hands of the officers of the Union, and can bo seen at any time by growers who wish to consult them. Growers' Contract With Union. Wo, the undersigned members and stockholders of the Salem Fruit Grow, era Union (Incorporated), do hereby agroo, each for himself and for his helra and assigns, to pick, grade and pack his crop of marketable berries and small fruits according; to the standards fixed by the Board of Dlrec iKN thousand enred women have written to tell how Wine of Cardul bcitows tho isiMaiaassMmMmBai tin Ililtnatltau, blessing of health on everv woman who takes it, rich and poor alike. Mrs. Helena Ulau, No. 123 Sev enth Street, Milwaukee, Wis., is ouo of the young women whom Wino ot Car dnl has rescued from a Hfo ofsullerinff. She writes: "Wine of Cardul U certlnly 'worn out' women's bett hlead and I am pleased to fiive my experience with It. A few months aga I caught a severe cold, hav ing been out In Inclement weather, which settled all over me, particularly la the abdomen. I was In almost constant pain. I consulted a physician and took his medicine for a month and without any relief. I then decided I would try your medicine and It was a lucky day for me when I did so. I noticed a change in a ffw days and felt encouraged to continue taking Wine of CarduL and my patience was rewarded, for in two weeks my pains had left me and I felt like a new woman." nan. Thernn,,.TIv should do airS cnothaUpAfe inhorror-w07lf9al that Nt JSPTWbeJ law WiM ygftj chance to bulM , M S cased tissue. Wino of CuAaM the menstrual flowjMij? rclievedofthodralarcTfeS? in tho system, makes tb !? organs strong and healthy LS"1 Any woman who is iflesA iV. untold pains becasso shoiitiS to undergo a phyiWaa-, ffi and treatment can find no? not securing relief when Winid rb du is offered to her. There 7. licitr to deter her. ShedaW of Cardul in tho privacy of to)! with as much aistirancediigj as though a down doctors reoooSS it. Many physicians do TtaaS Wino of Cardul to their pstieBk Why not get a $1.00 bottUrf v uugginUg jn . , st . . 1 Itll . WINEol UAKJJV1 "SHSffl WineofCariti. rvP-' MJ JJ Vmi, JKC r c$TMOr Summer Engagemesii Aro proverbially temporary U ncior; out it tho ongogemi you glvo hor Is tho best qtuH subsequent gifts are In keeJ will take It for granted that r5 n goncrous husband, and sbtui Nowhoro bettor in sovea J tbnn right hero to get ongaget wedding rings, necklaces, and tho llko than at C. T. Pomeroy . J Jowoler and Optician, SS30sa,t DR. J. F. COOE Has como to tho conclusion that all profession of the healing ids sldo of tho vcgctablo kingdom is. a failure When your system Urai without puro blood. You will only find vitality la tie rt kingdom. Poisonous drugs nor doctors' knives nor thandtr lightning wil not romovo tho causo, but lay the foundation for ill of dlscoso. Thoso poisons go Into your bones, and kill the life i and crcato all kinds of diseases, cancorous tumors, consumptJoa, bono diseases, etc. You must bear In mind that bis medicine ti cotl poisonous tonic, nor ? stimulant, nor temporary relief which you ttt I poisonous drugs, whore tho results aro euro death sooner or liter. Pel blamo tho mcdlclno. when It takes nn offect and stirs np the polioui dlseaso In tho Bystem. You must not expect to bo cured In i few days. your sickness or dlseaso has been a long tlmo coming on, and It Tlllti. a long tlmo to got It out of your syatom. It will take months or a jeer build a now body from the bones up. This is what tho people douti,' dcrstand; Thoy aro used to being humbuggod. His medicines tn as posod of Nature's Horbs what tho human Bystem roquires. WfceatlU mals get alck thoy will help themsolros to thoso herbs, for they bin-' etlnct, and tho pcoplo hao not, so wo havo to' mako a study of It Kb boon a Hfo study with Dr. Cook. Do not got weary; this Ufo U tM it and too sweet to worry out of this world. Dr. Cook Cures All Kinds of Diseases 301 Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon. Tholr use stopped an acuto nttack of backache which had annoyed mo for fivo or. six weeks and which wna caused, I think from constant sitting nt my work in nn upright position I took them ns above and they proved to do all that Is claimed for them." Plenty of moro proofs like from Salem people. Call at Dr. Stone's drug stores and ask what his custom ors report For salo by all dealers. Price 50 conts. Fostcr-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Solo Agents for the United Stateta. Remember the namo Doan's and tako no substitute. 9 0 Ruminating In Jail. Sidney B. Hoenlnhaus, who Is ac cused ,of obtaining money under false pretenoes, by issuing a bogus check. nnd passing it dn John Connor, pro prietor or tho Willamette Hotel, was given a temporary hearing in Record er Judah's court yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. He waived examination, hnd was bound over to the circuit court. His ball was fixed at the sum of $150, In default of which ho was confined In tho county Jail o Mokl lea positively Cur, aim. Headache, Indigestion and Constlpa-! tion, A delightful herb drink. Re-1 moves all eruptions of the Bkln, pro- ETft.; ' r-,,;,",u' r mon "7""" -vi- "" ':. wruo to us tor free sample, W. H. Hooker & Co. Buffalo, N. Y. D. J Fry, Druggist ' v- .i - ; Man Wants Bat Little Herckt But wants that little rlrtti ', pets It so every time be WJJ1 uors ana wines 01 us. v best OB tne inarm, ana -v Dtirlti and Quality. . DUliUjnJ, he. properly aeed ana m medicinal use a "' w prices, too. Fine old rre. leadlnir brands. ,--. Hi d uiti.ixivN or J. r. nVUa-MWijj Wholesale and Retail Ul .VSUMMER NORMAL SCHOOL- i First National BaakBulldln?. Salem, Orewn. ThK flrct trm villl ami Mau Att, ani rnntlmie SCVCn WCCS3.' niV tern will open June 22 and coatisue till the ABsrust aJ?'BMSrJ.M will be formed in all branches reaulredfor state and unt.fcitW i-ouu, ouuii-nanu, lypewriUHe, ciusuuuh nn ""V;.I i..tflv each term will be $6 wita an addltlopal fee for each o'Vm More than 500 teacaers 0 Orejroa bear testimony to toe school Aaaressj, j,Kraps, saiera. ureeon. Why Wo Suffer. (Momphls Commercial-Appeal.) A Westerner 'who advertised for a cook and a muslo teachor got nine replies to the former and 389 to tho latter, thus showing that anybody cam teach music; butthat it requires ability of a high order to cook, victu als. ' O Btmtlw R!$Ur SpJW,. wMMltamaAtarsBsgU '& The Excitement Not Over. uo rusx 10 me arug store sun con-j tlnues and dally scores of people call w uome or ivempa Balsam ror ino Throat and Lungs for the cure of Coughs, Colds. Asthma. Bronchitis ana consumption. Komp'3 Balsnni, the standard family remedy, la sold on a guarantee and never fails to give en tire satisfaction. Price 25c and 50c. If every man did as he "was done by ho would be doing somebody all the time. T .t,.,. .h.t hen Those who mm - ...M ,,, nn the rlrtt DLU1VWO ,- .,.,. loft W should turn to him tie UK a hard cheok. xnis&k BPlla-I J-Stal you last oveniuB- ) of ml.crpbesi . v flep9c Br :--T- klsses were biv...--. -TTritf SURE CUWr-W Itching ,M"?2rr- . ihlnr. tll wrBH & n,t-A Tiinadlne or rl "rr'MbrDr.Bf"- y, stops ttdTO -orbs tumors. ..WVg, or?r.c- r PhH.delpWs.P -