THE DAILY JOURNAL; ,, VOL. XIII. 8ALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 1803. " .-.. NO. 129. ity Flooded --1 0,000 Imperiled hottsands of Aeries of Grain Gone i fenice, Newport, Granite City ind Othet Places Submerged IATH LIST GROWING AND DAMAGE MILLIONS wsands Imprisoned on House Tods and In Trees and Without Food Louis, June 10. After a despep 'but futile struggles against the test Hood It was ever forced to bat, Ernst St. Louis Is this morning K woeful condition. Ten Uiousand 'homeless and threatened. Whole fllles.nro penned up In garrets or its. Two thousand, who sought so In the school and church build- nro now prlsonors. The city has ealcxl to St. Louis for boats. Many it bo rescued this morning. The wer stands from three to 30 feet b nil over the eastern half of tho Rltyjivttnd houses are constantly weak enTiTs and falling. At H o'clock thlu Isaonilng the flood had swept clear through to the river In a swirling ( whirlpool of currents. At 9 o'clock It ''waa$uttlns Its way under the East 'Broadway embankment, and threaten- JiJKjjjhe northern half of the city. Tho UdMtrUctlon of brondway will cut off "aUTScans of escape. Conservative es timates place the drowned, when the embankment gave way at midnight, at 30. OUier intimates reach 100. A thQUsand men were working on tho dlkesVhen the break came last night. Fqrtywero swept away In a minute. amlhalf ns many wero compelled to swfmSrlower down, where many wo- , mjfojund children were tilling sand ; ' bags? The terrible confusion, when tho urea came, mattes nu estimates oi the' low pf life uncortaln. Tho bodies of Kolfsh and threo children, who were drowned last night, while trying to escapftjln a skiff, were recovered Oils mornjggThe mother escaped. BatlfO St. Louis Is doomed. Before x stage Is now over 38 feet. Great Indig nation Is felt over tho disaster, as th people bad ample warning, but Die Ig norant were lulled Into false security by a coterie of business real cstato men. who Issued, vigorous denials of uanger, as they wero fearful of tho ef feet It would havo on property values. i hey even went so far as to assault St. I)tils newspaper men, sent to de scribe the Hood, and broko all their cameras. Flood Drevltlet. Tho river was 37.7 today, the high est offlclal record known. Hopoits are coming In from Madi son, CJrnlnto City and Venlco which Imllcnto that tho death list may bo larger than first estimated. At least 20 people have been drowned In that vicinity. A report was received today from Newport, a small town threo miles from Granite City, that a school building In which wore sheltered GO children, was tottering, and threatened to collapse at any moment. Appeals nro being mado for assistance, but there was no way to roach thorn from St. Louis or East 8t. I.ouls, tho only places Uint can render them aid City Attorney Hagneur, of Venice, Is reported by his relatives to bo missing, and they fenr ho perished when ths city was overwhelmed. Dep uty Coroner Unllhorn, of Madison county, and his son, who lived nt Ven ice, hard been given np'as lost. Wil liam Anchor nnd Mrs. Clifton and her Infant have been missing for several days, and It is thought they have pen ished In one patty of refugees neat Ed wartlAlllo. four cases of smallpox de veloped today. Tho ofnclnls of Madi son county are doing all In their pow er to solato tho cases, nnd prevent a spread of tho disease. Numerous families, penniless and having no friends to whom to go, re fuso to leave their flooded homes. In ninny Jcmcs tho peoplo are nctually starvlttr. and food will bo furnished them by W men In Bklffs. Ilia Ordered to E Militia Ordered to East St Louis. Snrlnuflt-fil. III.. Jnnn m Dn . Quest f tho mayor of East St. 1iul. five companies of mllltla wero ordered to thogtrcno of tho flood on a special train Oil morning. HE SAW JETT SHOOT 'i night every portion will bo under the torrent, and 50,000 will bo rendered all but helpless. Nearly, all will bo horaoless. Appeals from thoro this afternoon say that not less than 10, 000 lives aro imperiled. Boats, skiffs and every avnllablo floating thing Is being rushed across tho river. It Is Just learned that two negroes wero shot and killed Jurfi beforo tho break last night, Onu had been working sev eral days and demanded Immediate pay, and threatened to break tho dyke. Seven men llred at him at onco. An other nogro, on tho Illinois Central lovee, refused to work, and was shot Jett Came flllt Fmm uy mo guaru. in marked contrast tot theso, Theodore Day, anothor negro, drovo his horso Into tho flood, repeat edly rescuing peoplo. Whllo making further attempts both horso and driv er wero Rwopt away. At 10 o'clock Ujore was four feet of Water In tho resldenco section of East St. Louis, and hundreds of families nro fleeing for their lives. Two hun dred and fifty militiamen havo ar rived, and others will bo sent. East Broadway In declared unsafe. Tho militiamen are thrown around tho dau-1 ger zono. keeping the crowds of homo loss peoplo from attempting to roturn along tho embankment, in order to savo tholr belongings. Tho water was rising rapidly at tho same hour. United States District Attorney Dyer, In the Witness Was With Marcum, When He Was Killed Behind Door and Deliberately Shot Victim The f Second Time Jackson, Juno 10, Tho court bo- gnn taking evldonco in tho Jett-Whlto trial this morning. Tho first witness was Ewon, who was In conversation with Marcum whon ho was shot Ho saw Marcum fall, shot through tho back from behind a door, and saw Jett walk out with a smoking revolver and flro a second shot through thu prostrate man's hoad. Jolt stood and watched his victim for a few seconds, to mako sure that ho was dead, and then leisurely walked away. Ewlni: turned nnd ran, being afraid Jett ARIZONA MINERS MKIKfc namo of the government, telephoned would shodt him. Thoro Is consider tho Wiggins Ferry Company, ordering ! ahle oxeltement. as It Is rumored tho them to seize all aallaba yawls and boats, regardless of ownership, and rush to tho stricken city. Tho river i iMiMMfM5W immz&.&mMSL- :: IKr: II ii Miff HVtl tf itflii WmMmmwNTw . Xli. jfci:iMtliwj'Mlili iiliiiflLirrniTT " B,i h h4flt53wfiMI'w town will bo placed under martial law This would give tho soldiers tho right to mako arrests, and tho Hargls fac tion would bo shorn of 'much of Its power. Arizona Has Cloud Burst Blsben, Ariz., Juuo 10... News reached here late tonight of a cloud burst near Clifton, which occurred this morning. A wall of water eight feet In height rushed down Chase creek without giving the inhabitants warning. Several dead bodies havo al ready been recovered, and it Is be. tloved tho number of drowned will reach 30, Chaso creek Is mostly in habited by Mexicans, employed by the Arizona Copper Company. The smelt er situated on tho north side of Chase creek, closed down at present on ac count of the miners' striko, sustained a heavy loss. Wires are all down to. Clifton. Governor Orders Out Militia but Finds it Weak Asks President for Regulars Strikers Mostly Fop clgners, But All Are Armed ' Washington, June in. The acting governor of Arizona today wired l'ret ident Iloosovelt that 3000 miners, mostly forolgners. wio ou striko at Murencl, Arizona, and wero mostly armed, and a riot Is Impending. Ho says tho mllltla has been ordered out. but tho force Is small, undisciplined nnd Inadequate. Thoro is no posslbll Ity of restoring order, except through tho presence of regulars. Ho asks to havo troops ordered from Forts Grant and Huachuca Immediately. Tho war department will have troops rushed forward undor a discreet officer, to avoid violence. If jiosslblo. Dykes ae Breaking " Evetywkcte East St. Louis at the Metcy of Raging Toent FORTY ARE DROWNED BY BREAKING LEVEE Government Has Sclxcd all Boats In Neighboring Towns, for Relief Purposes Bt. Louis, Juno 10. Tho prossuro of tho flood forced n pasiago through tho Illinois Central railroad embankment, in tho southeastern portion of East St. Louis, shortly beforo 1 o'clock this morning. The break speedily widened until n torrent 100 reel wide and 25 feot Indopth was pouring through, threatening East St. Iouls and tho vil lage of Centervlllo, adjacent! Pro cautionary Iovoch that had toon erect 1x1 for Just such an emergency wero swept through, nnd tho flood spread onward. Just beforo tho break n no- " ' gro omployed on tho lovoo demanded his wcgoa on n threat to out tho water barrlor. Without parley, ho was shot dead. Tho shooting served to arouso tho cltliens, who scarcely slopt nuy way, owing to tho flood tonslon, and when tho rush of water en mo soon af terwards they woro not caught In tholr bods. Kunncra toro through tho strcots shouting a warning, and soon peoplo, half mad from fright, wero fleeing for their liven. About 20.000 peoplo live In that part of tho city which I In tho- (Contlnuod on elgth pace.) M --;. , a 8 Fear the Reservoir The Summit Shirt has all the desirable Up-to-date ff'atuives-4 , Vnu'll fin4 rh Iinrl vnn want flmnncrnni" --l fU II M!W 111V ktW W.4 TVW..A M.a.w.. . mm . assortment which is ycry complete. The prices are figured on a. cash basis. You don't have to pay for a shirt some other man is wearing; when you trade with us. )rvGoods, Shoes, Clothing, Ladies' and Men's fur lishings. . The New Yotk Racket Salem's Cheapest fine-Price Cash Store, j E. T. Barnes, Prop, Fired Times Correspondent London, June 10. The Evening News asserts the government has tak en a hand In the expulsion of the Timea correspondent from 8t Peters burg, and has Instructed the British ambassador to furnish a detailed sc ount of the Incident. Trinidad, Colo.. Juno 10. Hesldenls In tho lower section of the city are In a state or (error tonlcht, caused by tho hlRh water In tho Las Animas rlv or. and thu report that tbo city reser voir, above here. Is In a dancerous rundltion. and llablo to break at any moment. Fully 1000 people havo do sorted tholr homes, and aro spending tho night on higher ground. Great damage has been done by tho floods of today, and all railroads are practically tied up. Stock Market Demoralized Now York, Juno 10. Thoro Is no let-up In tho demoralization of tbo stock market today. Stocks are now lower than In five years, and many largo speculators are hard bit. There Is no weakness In tbo banking busi ness' manifested, but the cause is at tributed to loss by flood. Ore and un- T favorable weather. I ...JUNE WHITE DAYS SALE... If you will benr with u tho hiconvonienco of our tem porary caeh boy eervlco for nbout two hiy, then you cun en joy willi us the convonieuco pf ono of tho most perfect, accu rate nnd quickest cosh nnd wrapping systems uticd til America. It costs us a great deal of money to put in this nyotom, but in so doing wo perfect our store service, making tho work easier for our clerks, tho service to our customers bettor nnd wo will feol thut our customers are being more correctly, bet ter and quicker served. 7 I, ' " -JZ White Petticoats. '.." ' Judging from tho way they" have boon selling tho last few days wo must havo tho greatest values in all Oregon. Thoy start in price At H Yacht Builder GetsWarried Londeo: June Iffi-Designer Watson iras married to Miss Lovebond tblsj morning. Upton and Dunraven were Oranges and Lemons Lost. Los Angeles, Jno 10. Estimates show a hundred cars of orange and lemons wero lost In the Kansas and Missouri floods. Wfaa Yen Wat GO TO Zinn's 72C& $450 This Is Surprise Sale Day Today wo will sell two lines of Wkxte Quilts ., ell hemmed ready for use, ; and actually worth 11.00 up to$l.C0 Few 88c and 98c paironired so wo would nd vie doming shopping to avoid the crowd, STRAW ! HATS For summer woar. The new est, nobbiest and most'itttrac live styles in tho city aro shown hero. Mon'n and Boys' straw sail or hats with wide bile bands 25c and 75c Meu's medium weight hats mado of lino straw braid , with black sijk band Price $1.00 Men'a Fedora style straw hats with black silk'bands $1.50 Same style, better, quality., $2.00, $2.50 " J?br(o Hfcan braid, ex (r& 3 .Jight.wifighwith wide -iik tian,d , $2.00 :' 8- ' . t i I HS)tBiB)tlill8iatPff ltlf lt 1 154 State Bt, Phon 1971 Main. HIMMMHNWM' present