The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, June 09, 1903, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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jf M ft
r: f TV rut
Scrlppi News Association Telegram.
3 and 6 O'clock Editions.
Oally Ono" Year, 94.00 In Advance
Dally Three Months, 31X0 In Advance.
Oally by Carrier, 60 Cents Per Month.
Weekly Ona Year, 91.00 In Avance.
'Ono Week S 10
One Month 35
,Three .Months LOO
(t Journal office.
At Daue's Grocery, South Salem.
At Bbwersox Grocery, Yew Park,
Asylum Avenue Grocery Store.
Electric Grocery, East State St.
i 1 1 1 n 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i m 1 1'
$' umiqh3tBbIB
mniinm m iiiiihiiii
A large special edition of the Car
nival Journal has gono out to tho peo
ple on free, rural mall routes of thrco
counties centering at Salem.
The are sent out to Interest people
In Salem, to bring them here to the
Carnival, to bring their trade bore
luring Carnival week.
The Journal is devoting a great
Ittil of space and many colored and
Illustrated features to bringing peo
ple to Salem during Carnival week.
Wo bellevo that If we do the little
thing noarust to home well, make tho
ordinary things succeed, we are do
ing most for the general pood.
The Journal believes that any
movement that will employ labor Is
Is of moro Importance than figuring
In the columns of the Portland nows
papers. Salem should have at least 1(0 new
houses going up this year. Thero
should he n (hatunml men on the pay
rolls of tho public works, next year.
Then you would soe a live town
.That fact would bring more people to
"Salem than all the Eastern ndvortlslng
you can do In ten years.
One thousand leamhtors. mechan
ic and common laborers on the pay
rolls next year yould mean Ave hund-jX'd.houiwi-bulldliiK
nexUyear. . .
One set the imre right, unco lot
the raunlolpnl nag strike the right
gait oud there's no stopplne the town.
Will we ever sfrlfte thascaTtJ;
If' there arewnch pctfnUr who are
standard-bred they oan set the pee
and keep Ht the gait. The way to ad
yarUn 8alem Js to make It a nnWilv
town. Oafy eraptoymoHt of labor on
aJargar seale will ever do It
The Atlantic' Monthly Is surolr
store tkarOsjfltltlod to the cognomen
among American publications.
hit has -history and. traditions. Its
hister7k thefhtetory of American lit
eridurt!, and Its tradition are truly
jpttias JhiL completed the bst piece
of eurreat lUtlon, Arthur Sherburne
Hardy's society nore), a aharrolng.
piece of work.
The political and economic discus
sions carried on In the Monthly are
tf Ut highest 'plane of modern
thought apitetl to tlie present day
; Ono of the notable, magazine arti
cles of the month -Is-'dnwold Garrison
yillard's study of "The Negro In the
Regular Army" In the Monthly for
SI Mr. Vlltard'k minute knowledge of
iinnjr organisation and history, to
gether with his etlltoriol experience
n tho Now York Ironing Post, pecu
arly At him to treat strikingly this
fresh and Interesting subject
Mr. Vlllard's careful and plctur-
of tho services of col-
men. In" tho, army of Ihe, United
gtatea from tho'almo when Colonol
Shaw led his gallant rcglmoRt of col
ored men down through tho Spanish
war to the present time, jeads him to
many important conclusions wnicn
will concern army men aa well aa all
good citizens.
J. M. Page, of Jersoyville, HI., cor-
wppudlnir, secretary of tho. National
Editorial Association, is not much en-
uraged aver the-prospect.
lln tuiva thlners aro in a very chao
o condition frjitH ranl to tho na-
onal editorial convention at Omaha,
unly 8 to 11.
So far as he knows
No appetite, lest of strength,
nervousness, headache, comtipalion,
bad breath, central debility, sour ris
ings, and catarrh of the stomach are
all du to IndlcesUon. Kodol cores
laUgeaiion. This new discovery wpro
asnts the natural juices of digestion
aa they exist In a healthy stomach,
combined with the greatest known tsalo
sad reconstructive properties. Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure does not only cure In
digestion and dyspepsia, but this famous
remedy cures all stomach troubles by
cleansing, purifying, sweetening and
strengthening the mucous membranes
lining the stomach.
aivcs Health to the Blctt s(
Otrcnotb to tha VfMfc.
BotUM eefy. t.00 Bha baltSnc 2K ttavu
U MUX MM. which MlUfor 50c
Tttftnk by . 0. Dtwjtt Co., CUctx.
V O lliti. nmar Htor
the same as other people, and what's
the use of being an editor.
It looks-v.ry much as If editors
were being rated Just like other peo
ple and expected to pay their way.
Well. Hint's right.
The Journal would advise all edi
tors to stay at home and spend tholr
money on Home ploasant outing In
Oregon by tho seaside.
You won't spend half the money
and hnvo twice the fun. Thore nro
moro and bettor things waiting to bo
devoured hore than elsewhere, if that
Is what you are living for.
The state managsmout demand our
hearty support, but the national asso
ciation will excuse us from its multi
tudinous assessments.
Salem Is entering upon the most
extensive building ,oraf ffv Its history.
The buildings aro mostly suburban
homes, cottages and a few business
The state Is undertaking a number
of Important and substantial struc
A more complete understanding
should be had with the labor unions,
under which buildings may be con
structed. Tho rulen goVernlng tho erection of
buddings under contractors Wo differ
ent 'from Uioko prevailing Vhero Indi
viduals build for themsolvos.
Tho liberal construction of Its rules
by the Carpenters' Union hns done
much to promote building trades ac
Thore is every indication at Salem
that Uiero will not only bo no strikos,
but that the unions will do all In tholr
power to promote building activity In
the city and suburbs.
If this spirit prevails thero will bo
moro houses erected' at Salem this
year than over before.
H WillegalTmarriages.
'w a iiromlnrat attorney of Uifs city
has called our attontlon to the fact
that there are a great many, illegal
marriages contracted la .tho. state of.
Oregon, under the following circum
stances. - j, ' i ,
Section 2856. IflH'-P Oregon Cod,
second volume, provides, that mar
rag may bA solemnized 'by any min
ister or prleft'of'any Shurch or con
gregatioBi lm the state or by a
judicial pniQCT wunin iu junsaic-tiuu
This section, it Is believed, properly
constructed means that the minister,
priest or clergyman shall be one wKb
is actually a pastor or one officiating
In some 'church. Numerous persons
who nave at one time been pastors of
a church or In a gqncrat sense "cler
gymen of som6 church Of congrega
tion arc solemnizing marriages be
cause of their proviouB connection
with the church to which they belong.
and they sign marriage certificates as
The statuto also, provides, section
ZSGl.that marrlagos shall not be invalid
if it be consumated beforo a person
acting at the time In tho office or In
the capacity of a person authorised to
solomnlze marriages, and if the mar-
rlago Is so consummated with the be
lief on the part of the persons so mar
ried that they have been lawfully
Joined In marriage.
Out tho point Is made, and we think
rightly to that the persons married
could not claim that the "believed,"
to bring thorn within the force of the
provisions of this statute, when In
fact they know that the person who
called himself a "clergyman was not
ono connected wltli any church or con
gregation except in the general
sense that he was of that peculiar de
nomination. It follows, therefore, lf those prem
ises be correct, that thoro are Innum
erable Illegal marriages contracted In
this state, and sooner or later this
question will In some manner arise.
The woll being of any stato depends
upon Its social and moral standard,
and the status of porsons who are, or
claim to be marrlfdj Is a matter of
jealous sollcltudo'upon the part of Uio
peojle-of any -community.
A national divorce and murrlaso law
has long been called for. desirable nnd
n fact necessary, and tho clrcum
nances nbovo outlined augment tho
argument In Its favor. It -is safe to
wiy that a great many marriages in
his stato. for tho reasons above out
Ined. will ultimately be called Into
liiostion and declared Illegal. Port
'and Chronlela
I k. j l r--L-
Cn&isi""a mm.
L J tfv
J' 'J
1 I
Jim Dumps rocolvod a
From ono who lovos a Joko to play.
It road x " I sond Jay ifrolght a ton
Of concentrated llfo afid funl"
Ono box of." FJorco" was iont by him.
"That fills trio bill," laughed "Sunny jm..
Tbt IUsdytofltrTO Cereal
osque review
Jwlll bo lieldlnapmahajiwharei
koa lJ,ofloruUrIOHbas .hou
tha meeting
Ann'aJ4,4)'J? ttflvHiave been
nrangetl "lmt It looks now as If a
wlnlmuui. rate would, have to be
S barged." etc.. etc.
Those taking tho Yellowstone Park
rip will have to pay $?Q extra Just
C Jr-rr-Tr-
The olectlon of a school d.lrector'pn
Monday. Juno 15th. for Ave years, for
Uio Independent district of Salora Is
a matter of the greatest Importance.
Tho public Bchoola aro tho ono In
stitution from which overy citizen
who has children gota a direct benefit
and return for his taxos.
The citizen who haa no chlldrento
oducato gets a still larger benefit from
tho development, of Intelligent citizen
ship. Thoro aro a numborvof estimable
gentlemen discussed for this office,
which haa no salary, and a tremend
ous responsibility attached to it.
Tho present Salem school board
have worked hard for the financial
interest of tl'tq. district! and halfe
made several grand Irupro'vemontsjjn
tho conduct and management of Uio
schools. V -
A school director should. If posstblo,
be a man who takes an Interest In ho
education of children. &'
Ho should bo a property owner,
and. If possible, a man of 'some ejjii fujly approclato what lis
bolpg (I ono In the schools. I
Thbro shbuld'bo nd Injection of go-
Utlcal or religious divls'ons'in the
pubUc scheola. They shou)(l be oi n
to nj tlie ijooplo orjiecual Jernis. '"
". o
Let us boo. Isn't June tho bridal
t l
Well, the led man's business has
been materially Intorfered with, nnd
the young lady .In let cream garmonts
will havo to put on her wrap.
Not everybody has their picnic
clothes ready, but the little green
worms that drop out of the trees down
tho back of your neck are ready for
MIbr Ware, of tho auburn hair, will
bo thero. nnd look as fair as any-
whoro whon sho sits In tho United
States court. Forsooth, didn't Judge
Uolllnger appoint her. nnd what has
she to fear?
Miss Waro Is no common, ordinary
Btrawberry roan timber thief. Sho has
four pulls In her favor Her hair Is
auburn; Helllnger appointed her;
sho Is related to the former commis
sioner of ponslons, and sh Is a wo
man. Any ono of these four facts will
acquit her.
brings health;
good nature follows
Sweet, crisp laKes or wheat aa wait.
Edllotl&l Force.
" Tho proprietor of tha Prtm docs not care to sit down to breakfast, and In fact
i not do no. without a rood-sized dish of. Force,' and regards It tho best cereal
food that has yet been pot on tbo market. . .... .
J "J.'W. Msbcer, Publisher, Iowa Stato Drtu, Iowa City, Iowa."
.CJPsl r j - "
A New Loan Office. '
' W. W Hall, ox-county clerk, and
Robt. B. Downing, two well known
Marion county, picn. have opened of
fices In tha Tioga block, whero they
will loan funds for themselves and
liatrons, and will conduct a general
loan and Insurance business Their
standing wherever thoy are known Is
such as to Insure them the confldenco
and good will of all. Both these gen
tlemen are native sons of Marion
county, nnd have a wide acquaint'
ance being farmers, hop growers and
stock men of considerable experience.
Tho Journal Joins with their numer
ous friends In welcoming them Into
Salrm business circles
Cfyth. .ysf Jj sflfi
Tired when you go to bed, tired
pdrc. Tike AyerVSarsipariila anci be quickly cuVed.If
Ct UP, ti
Tk '
nyr' lour
all the
I is im
jJtgowiU -arc constipated,, take Ayer's PUS, . tS2
Bets Lost
By One Vote
The Roseburg Uevlow, after giving
tho results by precincts of the Doug
las county votes, comments on tho ro
cent election aa follews:
"Tho total number of votes cast, was
320Q, of which Hermann haa a major.
Ity of 252 and a plurality over Reamcs
of 499. Tho casUng of only one more
vote for Hermann would havo re
versed tho ct)ongo In a lot of money".
which waa wagered even that he
would carry the county by 6P0 yptefc
over Heamoa. A comparison , of the
vote cast Iu this county at this elcc-
tlon and tho-oue Jjont Juno
maytpeiuueresung. Tte
cost lh 1902 fo'r
otCongrc4 was 3715. otj 516 more
ioauhho yoto, at this lelecUon.
Tongue's plurality over WeathorfonJ
was 506, ho receiving 1954 voles t?
WcaUicrfQrdB Hlg. Th.e Socialist
candidate received 20 1 votes, a4
against 1SS this year, and, tho Prohl
blUon candidate 110, as against 59
now. Making an allowance of a gain
of ovor 300 transient porsons whose
votes were sworn In since the June
election, of a year ago. bringing the
total numbor of vptora up to -1000. It
will bo seon that 20 por cent of the
voters In Douglas county did not c4
to the polls but Monday Tho reason
advanced for this Is that there being
but ono man to eloct the Interest on
tha part of tho voter waa aot as
jrret m,M leaentl electee,
williln n few months.
NRwnRo's Hkrmcidk
kills the dandmff germs
that cause falling hair
and finally baldness. No
other preparation but
Herptcidc kilLi the dan-
cause, you remove the effect
Herptride Is a delightful hair
dressing for regular toilet use.
Lmatnoii, Mo t.. Sept. , x
I hir nif.1 oM-tuff toul or llrrplkl,
6l mr htfcl U f res from dMutna nd mj
bir dix ool UUool m I orrorlT. I a ry
uach talhDMt orrr IU ffnlu,Dd Un
rwmutnded n to nuraUrof mr (rUrnu,
For W at all Flnt-Clui Druj Storw. I
ror saio ny Oaneiel J. Fry. 8end 10
-ents In stamps for sample to The
Herplclde Co. Detroit Mich.
Cash Market
In Stelner'a Fish Market, State street
Fresh meats of all klmle. hams, Should
Jets, bacon1, lard, etc. Preset Service
Phone. Main 1401.
$6.00 a pair. New Departure Road
Tires $6,00 a pair with a seasoa
SBaraatee, The new Morrow Coaster
Brake cut on for $6.50 with 5 per
cent off for cash.
109 Court St Phone 2644
tho four candidates
Is to be shunned. Pay your
debts and we will let yon
rest at ease, otherwise, look
outfoi the
Excert Collect ai,rTHccrs.
Suite 4. 275 1-2' Comncfclil St.
lt'l A?MeMatn80.
A. R. MQfttiJUi A' CO.. Managers-
Palatln. Calsoalnia? aad Pacer
Raaglae. Work all Cuaraateed.
Leave orders at Savage & Fletcher's
Feed Store. SALEM. OREGON.
J. Browisteln it Son.
13 Court street- lbest cash price
MtMferlife. ftUs. Wwl. Ta41aw
aa4furs: lMMral tutor la eU
tf, RuMMrac4 IUUt.
A Womaninth&i
Whether sho hn ih ...1
recipient of a watch bouritiv
oror's. is sure to hn rvjJr
man." You probably knovtSt
nuii-ii no neii cumes TTIUngggg
nntco written as you like-un.
una worKs. ho wo Inriw t
snoctlon and solrvtmn i ht.
dence of suiting you to tin pwi
C. T. Poraeroy , ,
Jeweler'and OpUcUD, SSCcs.kB
Has como to the conclusion that air profession of th ittlitt art i
aide of tho vogotablo kingdom Is a failure When your lyiteaUra"
without puro blood. You will only And vitality In Ut -e
kingdom. Poisonous drugs nor doctors' knives nor thunder r
lightning wil not romovo tho cause, but lay tho foundation for ilbi
of disease Thoso poisons go into your bones, and kill the Ufa oth
nnd crcato all kinds of diseases, cancorous tumors, consumption, tx
bone diseases, etc. You must bear In mind that bit tnecldna IKi.'K
poisonous tonlo, nor s stimulant, nor tomporary relict which you tetH
. . . ' t , ... . .. . ,1
iiuiouuuuo urutB, wnere uuo results aro suro aeaia sooner or uw. u
blamo tho mcdldno, when It takes on effect and stirs op the ptaj
dlneaso In tho system. You must not expect to be cured In a fewfcju"
your sickness or dlseoso baa been a long time coming on, and It via
a long tlrao to get It out of your system. It will take tnonthioMfM
build a now body from tho bones up. This Is what the people da tail
dorstand. Thoy aro used to being humbugged. His mtdldnet in ol
posed of Naturo'a Horbs what tho human system require. TOu lit I
mala got sick thoy will help thomselvos to thoso herbs, for they hTim
stlnct, and tho pcoplo havo not, so wo have to make a study of It ftA,
been a llfo study with Dr. Cook. Do not get weary; this life h t
and too sweet to worry out of this world.
Dr. Cook Cures All Kinds of Disew
301 Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon.
Man Wants Bt LJM
But wants that lt!erWg
lets II so cvcijt ii-v :,
uors aad w nes of os. ,!?
Ust ob te 'Ker'2iSar5
Durltv aad ooallty. . !i!Srt'
iae. properly w,SlPi(
milclRal use ""WL Til
wJces. too. Fine oil " "
rllnir hrnd. t
i d Dnf,FfiS.&i
Wiiolesale and RetiH Ui
iii n n.....u. v. ,ri thiaANYM'
-.nuisuiUbCIKJ mill IV" . i
Gardeis. ,
vuuio aim oco jar yoursoii "
... m M --.X..II
YYH0lSe a-iBLciair jl
Roche Harbor Lindc, Alsen Ccflj
Lath and Shinglbs. 'Sand a
wndrk ids l httim Material. A1J Kinds of Zttr$Sltf
work done on short notice. 18W8 J u-
, FlrstJlatlonaifeaHVBniMlBar.Sale. &k Pi
. ne iirst tern win ocea uv itn ud eontmu seyw . j ztutm-:
win he'fLJ.une.?2 aM coHtlaue- till tW ' AtMfBSt M
VlV, 2131$ ." KraacMs reawlretftr'statt; flFv J&
kI. AWraJ.j.Kra, Stt, Qrtztn.