IL. XIII. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1903. NO. 128. ,ER GREAT ON THE STAND :t fst Denies, Then admits Then Side Steps Road is Making no Mon- r; But Admits He Lied in Report to Com merce Commltee York, Juno 9. Daer was again stand in today's lntcr-com hearing of Uio alleged combine "nnl.rnrrvlnir roads. Ho said ,w tho past -12 months showed m case In wages aiono or over iO, freight rates havo not been 'ed. Ho declared tho money In In Uio Heading Railway docs n, so far as coal carrying Is cd, n fair rato of Interest. Anally admitted on tho stand o rates per ton for merchandise Atlantic seaboard Woro lowor iat of coal. Ho gavo, as a rea a expense of building spurs to incs. Ho also admitted that tho lal Btntemcnt, as given to tho lOldcrs. differed from that given ,o Intcr-ntnte commerco commls As a reason he said tho stato given tho latter was only such required by law. ey Favor SfiiD Canal F.,Tfc 'Washington, Juno 9. A continuous ship, canal to overcome Tbo Dalles Colliovouatructlon l tt8,n proposed .Vft.nv luiiilniumi nml nt thn inmo ui MMJ whbihxi-i ...... .. . timaitno nana pian, wuicn m ron-,7i?-,... ,... I. UlUOWIiy upiiruvru V) uuBn, 'rejected. Too water is lounu 10 do tcodeop and swift to mako Uio Harts a submorgod dara a succoss. 'k .hln xnnnl wnit favnred bv tho On- 'ginovr' board, which reported on tho Improvement Just prior to tho tlmo iCaptiiln Harts submitted his plan. At kihat Urao It was ostlmated tho canal would- cost S10.000.000. Tho present board will ulscuss mis manor prior "to making IU official report. Had tho nkrfi?J nlan belnn approved, woric1 wmild havo been begun this year; .flow It will bo dolayod until 190 at tbo earliest. Thocredltore of tho Aultnmn-Mlller Company; of Akron. 0.. havo accoptod tha1gtfabr Judgo Vincent, of Cliloa EcsJdf64OO00 for tho plant and as- raSBF ElWl'lllll tiiiinmiiiitHfUKH""',""""1"? tdv'' 00Bfitk yffiBElfeb The Summit Shitt has all the (Jcsjrarplc You 11 una me Kina yyu wui duwiig "ui assortment which is very complete. The prices are figured on a cash basis. You don't have to pay for a shirt some other man is wearing when you trade w.r.nnc ShnM dothine:. unin lie , wr vwWWM Wwv. .----.- aw iishings. The New Yot k Racket Salem's Cheapest (!ne-Pfice Cash Store. E. T. Banes, Prop, FIRE IN PEKIN Revenue Buildings will Probably be Destroyed Foreign Soldiers Acting as Fire Brigade and Using Every Effort to Ex tinguish the Blaze l'cktn, Juno 9. Tho revenue build ings, adjoining tho foreign offlco, aro on fire. Tho foreign troops nro acting as firemen, and straining every effort to extinguish tho blaze, and prevent Its spread to tlfo foreign' buildings.. 1000 Engines In Six Months. I'hliturelphlo, Pa., Juno 0. If they are not disappointed In their expecta tions, tho Ualdwln Locomotlvo Works will, by tho first of next month, havo turned out tho greatest number of finished c'nglnes In any six months In history. Tho mark fixed by tho offi cials of tho works as tho production for tho six months Is 1000 locomo tives, which Is equivalent to two- thirds of tho total output for 1902. whon moro than lfiOO engines were turned out. breaking all former rec ords. Of tho 1000 locomotives tho grent majority aro on orders placed last year. Tho number taken thTS year will keop tho works busy well In to 1904. Orders Countermanded. Washington, D. C, June 9. Upon cable advices from tho minister at Valparaiso, Chill, that tho strlko situ ation was airaln reassuring, tho ordom which woro Isauod yesterday to Hear- Admiral Sumner, to tnHo his vessels to tho scono of tho disturbance, worn this morning countermanded. .. Politics Weds Machinery Washington. Juno A Hooocvelt ac companied by his daughter. Alice, and liroUior-ln-law. Cowley secretary Ioeb and two secret servlco men. stnrt for Cleveland at 3 o'clock this of ternoon. to attend the Hanna-McCor- mlok wcddlngi The special consists of two cars. Receivers havo been appointed for tho City Trust & Banking Company, of Baltimore. The liabilities aro 500. 000, which It Is bolloved will bo fully met, up - fa - date: features. r tsw Ladies' and Aen's fur- Z TRIAL AGAIN PUT OFF Lack of Wind Pre vents Try-out Race this Morning Heavy Fog and Dense Smoke From Forest Fires Hang Like a Pall Over the Course , Highlands, Juno 9. The Constitu tion, Hcllanco and Columbia had near ly reached Uio starting point at 2:30, when tho regatta commltteo signaled: "Tho race Is off." Light winds was tho cause. All foronoon a heavy fog overhung tho water. A considerable number of spectators wore disap pointed. Boston has a Big Fire Iloston, Juno 9. The Brooklyn cooperage plant of South lloston burned this morning, with a quarter of a million loss. Paper Mills Shut Down Holyoke, Juno 9. Eleven coarse grado paper mills shut down this morning, becauso tho cuttor girls struck yesterday. o Explosion onjiCruiser Gibraltar, June 9. Seven wojo se riously Injured In an explosion aboard tho British armored cruiser Good Hopo near huro today. Prohibitionists Arejampant Fort Worth, Tex.. June 9 The gov ernor has ordered troops to llorop sted to assist In maintaining order, on account of tho prohibition riots. The Pope is Far From Well Home. Juno 9. Despite reports to the wmtrary. Uio Popo l far from well. His recent indisposition weak' enod hlra so that, ho rqraains In bed Uiu greater jwrtlon of tho day. Strengthening Her Garrisons Vienna, Juno 9, A dispatch re ceived this morning reports grt' ae Uvlty among tbo Russian forces in the far East. There Is a great Increase In the fleet, and Uio Russian garrison at Port Arthur has been 'Increased. Heavy Rains Put Out Fires Houlton, Me., June 9. The heavy rains of last night enabled the nro fighters to gain control of the Ore In many seviiuu.. n tvyw f fJJ.yKL"' morning says that -10 house itflVan Buren were destroyed nfll o'clock, o Columbia isBooming Portland. June 9. The water Is still rising, and the government locks at the cascades were closed this morn ing. Mertbants along the river front have bad to move and temporary mov able; wharves arc being used by the transportaUon companies. Up tbe liv er the lowlands are- flooded, and the f aimers are forced to leave. Tbo Columbia Is now five miles wide at Vancouver and many faronj kXnsas HAS A FEUD Fears that Militia Company has Been ," Overpowered ChaunceyDepewand His Cow boys Arrested for "Murder of Berry's May T be Free Atwtxul, Knnl, Juno 9. No ncwrf has Jet been received from Uio mili tary! company escorting Chauncey Dewey and the owboy& to St. JYan els for the alleged murder of two members Of the Berry family. It Is be lieved, If a battle had taken place, tho news! would have reached here. Koy llcrry Is still allvo nt lllrd City. It Is nowfitnted that tho Borrya were all unarmed when the attack was made, and 'were shot down from behind stone? walls. Shamrock Has Extra Spars Glasgow, Judo 9. A dupllcato set of spars and masts for Shamrock III will bo shipped to New York this week. It Is expected tho challenger will reach New York about Monday. Judge Had j jiGabfest St? I'nul. Juno 9.- Judgo Younto this morning closed a two-days' speech In defense of tho Northern Securities. Throughout his arguments ho dented tlvatljh'o Securities Company Is In ef fect railroad, because It holds rail road stocks. Jett White Legal Farce Jackson, Ky June t. Tbe Jutt and White trial will not bo called this morning, as tho elisor has not re turned from Magoffin county. One venire man came Into court and an nounced that he had be-on exosed to smallpox, and was promptly exiiHOil Went Into The River Clharloaton, 8. O. Juno 9. Whllo repairing a trestle on Uie Hcaboard Air IJnr over Uruad river yesterday afternoon, tbo locomotive and pllo drivor went down, precipitating the engineer and crew of ten mon Into the river. Throe wer killed and the oUi era Injured, The Pacplet Flo'od Sepel Columbia, 8. C. June 9 Tbo dead recovered on the banks of the Pacolet river number 9 There Is still great er difficulty In giving relief on account of the laek of organlxatlon. Tbo rail road blockade is complete, and tho damage In middle and lower Carolina Is now great. Owing to Uio overflow Ing of the river. Uio enUre property loss will bo close to 110,000,000. An other mill at Cowpens was destroyed by the flood, Says Situation Is not Serious Washington, Jane 9 Oompen to day reviewed tbe building sltuaUon. In his Interview be says all reports are exargerated. There- is nothing serious In the iabor questions, and nothing serious will result. A good many men are out but all are from local dltputea Tbe says tbe fact Is the employers' aMoeUUons have been organized to antagonlr. and crush the the unions, and, as a result, every de fensive labor movement Is heralded In extravagant tenoa. It It part of the regular catnpal-n against organized labor SWELL CLUBS .NEXT Waiters and Cooks will Leave Cholly Boys Tonight Chicago's Gentlemen of Lei sure Will Have to Either . Fis. Cut Baiter ' Cook Chicago, Juno 9. The waiters and cooks In two largo down-town cater ing establishments struck nionn mg. ino iiwni ion anu university i ...... , . , i.. Clubs, two o? the most exclusive or' thl" oUy' l,m,cr "nti for ,,ftrt,jr ganJw.tons In Uio city, aro slated for "living and retaining mall belong a tie-up this evonlng. i lug to nnothor. He returned to Seat Chamberlain Stirs Them Up london, Juno 9 There was a large attondnnco at tho Houso of Commons tcxiay. in anticipation or a cienato on tho financial bill, and tho ttosslhlllty of Chamberlain's Zollvereln policy bo - Ing dlflcuBsod. Tho speaker announced ... v........uu. ,... .............. Fv...v nt the postomco auarossca to ono "r. would not bo rolovant to tho djscus- j 8mUhi hls nUttU bnnR j. jv Ho slon or tho financial bill. Tho debato 0,,onoj lho 01M3ned , MtCT nm, was wann, tho principal attack being fouml onc)OBOl, R drnft for $1(,0. to on Hicks-Bench's action whllo chan- , ltclt ,10 BfflxP(, ,ho Rnaluro of "F. ct-llor of tho oxchequor. Chaplain . 8mlh nmi ca,hd tho draft. It l leader of tho protectionists, said any tliotiRlit by many that, besides tho fed opiwsltlon to Cnamberlaln would bo' ra, charK0 ttKnnit j,lm, nnothor short-llvod. J ph.rcn nf fnnrorv will he madn BRatlllt unanceiior or tno lncnrquer uiicii ly this afternoon announced ho would not bo ablo to support Chamberlain's Zollvereln scheme Every Body snoveis mm Topoka, Kan., Juno 9. In rosponso to tho mayors proclamation stating that thero woro not enough day labor era obtalnablo. COO business men and clerks aro shovollng mud In North To- peka. " g: '"" - te$ JUNE WHITE DAYS Tho second week of our Juno Wliilo Dayo Salo Blurt-' cd off with unox jccted ho tlvity. Tho Btoro wua crowd ed all day as n result of tho unequaled bargains which wo aro giving in whitogooda Yoalerday waa the greatea Shirt Waist day wa ever hd Tho dainty Lawns went like hot cakes at 45c to $4.50 Be among tho buyers today without fail ...JUNE WHITE J. F. SMITH TAKEN TO SEATTLE Arrested Here byU, S. Marshal Last Night Charged With Receiving anil t Retaining Mall not His ' : Own and also With.', ( Forgery A. A. HOberts, United Stales doputy marshal, arrived In 8alem yeatorday- from 8ealU(N nml ,,,BCcd j, R 8mlUj. tle last night with tho prlsonor. Tho arrest will come as a surprlsa to tho young man's friends In thin cilty, as ho has always borne a good reputation. Not long ago Smith, who. was working for tho Salem Light, Power & Traction Company, foil from a polo, badly Injuring an atikte, and -, on or-lch whn ho left tho cltv nR night , It (hnt 80m Umt, BlIlltl M , 8onU,0f nnJ ncoUoiX R 0ltcr him by tho slato of Washington. Smith waived oxamlnatlon, and, IC Is said, has confessed, and claims that nt tho tlmo ho was Intoxicated. When You Wamt iJtvUJu X GO TO Zinn's 104 Stste St. Phons 1971 Main. STRAW HATS For summer wear. Tho nuw eat, nobbiest and moat attrac tive styles In the city are alfowu hero, Men's dud IJoya' straw sail or hats with wide blk bands 25c and 75c Men's medium weight hats made of lino straw braid with black silk band Price $1.00 Men's Fedora utyle straw hats with black silk bands $1.50 fjarno alyle, better quality, $2.00, $2.50 Porto Rican braid, extra light weight with wide, silk bjnida $2.00 "Y DAYS SALE... misMBianntiwunmannf innimmi"'' are susnberged.