The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, May 20, 1903, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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.Anyont Who Know
BpuHtf, Knows the
World. Hundrttfs of
Thoutandt Sold
A!JOvr tht World;
SvlliM MtCWIf W 11
Haifl i
ITS High Time.
no In Salem know whoro
Jtot their linen laundrled In
Jo of tho art of laundry
thoro may bo somo who
v. tho habit of having their
urs, nna culm dono up at
would llko to know whero
avo them laundrled Just
color and finish, and that
lorn Steam Laundry.
our reduced rates.
n pleaso you.
Steam Laundry.
WW" 230 Liberty St
flkh 1
Of tho finest workmanship Is a
branch of our business, that wo glvo
special attontlon to. Our repairing
department Is conducted with tho ut
most caro and skill, diamonds aro re
set, and Jowolry of nil kinds Is re
paired In tho most perfect manner, be
sides optical work of all kinds.
C. T. Pomeroy ....
Jeweler ami Optician, 283 Com. Ht.
Am cold mornings. Reach out of
A, sirlVe a match, turn on tho gas
jwm- s store and note how quickly
W.TOQB gets warm. Haven't a gaa
rtT Mean It? Lots here so chtap
mM wonder how you tave permit
4 yourself to bo bonurobod when so
iKh'.cowlert' could bo had for so lit-
4. f X l- '
fn' ,. -
Shingles and Shakes
Tho root Is shingled best it you use
the kind of shingles and shakes we
sell, and wo ask you fo note tho good
wear r.nd economy of the root for
which we furnish the shingles or
shakca. Wo carry a largo stock of
ebinglea and shakes of good quality,
carefully selected, .to make a sound,
tight, durable roof, and we aro al
ways ready to give estimates,
. Near 8. P. Pas Depot
Phone 691,
rjtky Morsel for
urn can enjoy from one ol onr
etotlcious meat. Biesss, inuiu
aimr- veal cutlet or pork,
I mm all cut from the fattest
Mttle, and we can snppiy
Mh fresh, nutritions and
at dm rocx prices.
P6& ,YS
'.-"": j
Harness. Saddlery, Whips,
Lap Robes, Fly Nets, etc.
Loae years of experieace. superior
skill and highest quality of stock are
g guarantee that we tin oat the fcest
ffoodscver offered la Sales,
E. S, Lamport Saddlery Co.
2S9 Commercial Street
Story of a Stolen
Baby that Comes
from Chicago
Little Ellen was Stolen while
Clinging to H?r Mother's
Hand but was a Daisy
When Found
".My little Ella' My baby, Bhe has
boon Btolen," cried a distracted wo
man, rushing Into Chief or Police
O'Neill's offlce yesterday. "She is the
only thing I have In tho world. I
was paying a water bill and had her
by the hand most of tho time." contin
ued the woman, wringing her hands
and growing hysterical.
Detectives Hamilton and Mullen
and all the officers In sight hurried to
the aid of tho womau, whllo Secretary
Markham endeavored to sooth and
reassuro her by telling her that hor
child could not havo wondered fnr.
and would certainly bo found within
tho building.
Search was at onco Instituted, a
largo force of outsiders who hod been
attracted by tho excitement joining
witu tno omcerB In tho hunt Every
office In tho city hnll was peered Into.
Thi policemen ut tho doors leading to
tho streots said no child had gono out
of tho building nlono Finally tho
searchers decided to look around tho
big engines railed on from tho mnln
They had not gono fnr when they
saw tho distracted mother rush for
ward and, with a glad cry, throw her
arms nround n tall, full grown young
woman, who proved to bo tho lost.
I.ittlo r.lln."
"rieally, mother." tho young woman
sntd, "I can take caro of myself, and
I don't sco the occnslon for all this
A number of peoplo whoso eyes had
moistened with tears at a parents
anguish over the supposed Iorr of n
toddling child wcro observed to go on
In dark corners and silently kick
Aftor tho woman had wont team of
Joy over tho recovery of hor child,
sho roturnod to Chief O'Nloiro otTlco.
thanked tho nmcors, nnd dopnrte-l.
holding tightly to Ella's hand. Tho
mothor gavo hur nnmo as Mrs. Annlo
if -
hHfta m4 styles. First class
M asterial Prices reason-
iob oa miner aouiu
J. Brownstein & Son.
136 Conrtstreet. Htehesfcasii price
paid for Hides. Pelts, Wool. Tallow
and furs: also General dealer In old.
I ironi Hofcberand Metals-,
Comes out In New Dress and
is as Handsome as Any
Thi- old car with wheozy motor and
an upper story that threatened to fall
down on tno passengers u tliey suoko
too loud, has itima out or tno shops
looking llko a pay car on tho Vandcr
bill lines
Sho's all now paint and varnish, up
holstered llko tho parlor sot In a
bridal suite, glides na smooth aa a
dancing master, slips over tho bumpy
places, nnd takes hor juice llko a
healthy baby does Its bottle.
In appearance No. 8 Is as stylish as
a well dressed woman out In hor tailor
mado and millinery, with hair drosslng
to match. Thora are no flics on old
No. 8. and her best friends wouldn't
recounlxo hor
Sho Is roomy fore and aft, a nice
family craft can carry Iota of bag
gaga and hold a, big passenger list,
with wide suaceC for tha pasteboard
. --. .. i, .S. I. .i.T. i.-
nno inchui (iiiitcwjjyu iwjbjuiw
II was init ate diiihtuhuuuchi
Brown's last lob for tho (company ot
Salem. and'does blm credit, as well as
tho men In tho shops. Sho had two
Oat wheels ono lung gono. and her
hull was all shot to pieces.
8ho has been put on tho depot run.
whero sbo hauls the show people, the
politicians nnd tho people, of quality
who come up from Portland on free
passes, and tho moturmcu are all
proud of her
Shon Foreman Mlchaells. one of tho
oldest employs on tho line, likes her
so well ho Is afraid his wife will bo
Second Day of Confederate Reunion.
New Orleans. La.. May 20 The
second day of tbo ennual reunion of
the United Confederate Veterans was
given over almost entirely to routine
business relating to the affairs of tho
association. Reports were presented
and discussed, committees appolntod
to look after various projects In which
tho veterans aro Interested, and dur
Ing the forenoon and afternoon ses
s Ions tbo delegates listened to stir
ling addresses delivered by several
speakers of note. Promptly at noon,
in pursuance of a custom long slnco
established by tho association all
business was suspended, and an hour
was devoted to a memorial servico in
memory nnd In honor of Jefferson
Davis and tho Daughters of the Con
federacy DurinK the. day there were
also well attended meetings by the
sons of veterans and the other organ
izations atMlated with tho parent
body. Luncheons and drives . were
numerous for the vlalUngadles. and
so perfect were tbo arrangements pf
the entertainment coaroittoe that no
one was allowed to. find the time hang
heavily on his hand! 'Tonight wtt
Besses another of ho.eUborate enter
ball given by the mv of the veter-
, Did you ever hear a mother
worry over a plump child?
There is no better bank of
health for a child to draw
from than a good supply 'of
healthy flesh.
Scott's Emulsion not only
gives a child weight and
plumpness, but it feeds the
brain, bones and nerves with
strength and active power.
Fewer mothers would
worry if they knew more
about Scott's Emulsion.
, VllMrdroauinU'ntpattiMt.
.SCOTT ft UOWNE, 4V) fwl Sim), Ntw Vwk.
nnB. complimentary to tho sponsors
rtnd maids of tho reunion
Why Not.
Go whoro ou can get tho bestT
Tho Whlto Houso Restaurant Is the
most popular restaurant In tha city
Open day and night
Launching of the Tacoma.
Snn Frnmlfcco. May 20. The cruis
er Tacomn Is to bo launched tomor
row nt Uie khlpynrds ot tho Union
Iron Workn. end much Interest Is
manifested tr th- event. Tho keol of
tho Taccma was Inld In 1S00, nnd tho
vessel l of thr snmo general type
and dlmeui, nnr as tho l)es Moines
and Chntmnuifft, recently launched
In tho rav the Is of 3100 tons dls
placement nnl will cost, when com
pleted upwards of $1000,000
Ho met) In d&y hit tuch n t(et
on otw't mood braakt&tt A wU
prtputd britkfatt lood ntedi
It iddt a rlchntti to your lood
that nothtna cut. it l th
beit put ot tort mux ten
jour groctr you want to ttnd
your nutoana to cu'n wnn a
good breaklut and you nd
Economy llrond, U turo you
aa Uw ftbey cap laoal bo-
lort you cuy
JUjUUnd, IUlnoU ft'
Famous at home for
Qeneratlons past;
Famous now all over
the World.
For 8ala by .
163 State St.
As a great many peoplo will no
doubt visit Portland on tho occasion
ot the President's visit to that city,
May 21st. It js anticipated that tho
railroad company will be unable to
provide facilities to handlo tho crowds
on one day. Excursion tickets will,
therefore, bo on sale from all stations
Into Portland on May 19th. 20th and
21st, and It Is suggested that tho peo
ple do not wait until tbo last day.
MB td O. P. A., 8. P Ca
Administrator's Notice of Private Sale
of Real Property.
Notloo is hereby given that. In pur-
suanqe of an order of sale, rendered
and entered of record by the County
Court of tho Btate of Oregon, for the
County of Marion on the 3d day of
May. A. D.. 1&03. In the matr ot ,h
estato of Thomas VanCfleave. do
reased,. iho'upderslKned ad minis tratpr
of aaldesute'wlll Mil ot prfjate silo,
subject to confirmation by said Court,
the following described Teal preperjy.
Sbty asres off the east side of jtbo
ggggs Dafcymple's ggggs
Gteat Sale of Skbts
JjloU)iUuTstpckj5f.upjto.dftto wAlking and.tdrcw.vukirw
oncFetWniT8lnug!itorjpric. JTIiTdso who oamo,yestordn.y r3
surprised nt tho wondorful bnr-rnius.
These Prices Now
S 2 50 Skirts for
S 3.50 , "
S4 00 " "
$ 40 " "
S 500 '
i i
W.oo'- "
5 9.00 '
$ J. 65
$ J. 92
$ 2.47
:; 6.05
S 6.50
l 6.50
:; 8.25
. $15 00 M
And.s'o on all through the hue. Price's
have' been slaughtered forthissale. ?
Can you afford io stay away? ' '
1 M
- i
following descrlbetl real proporty, tho
west lino ot said eighty acres to run
parallel with tho east lino of tho fol
lowlnc described land:
Doing and sltunted In Marlon coun
ty, Btato of Oregon, nnd known as n
part of Clatm No. 43, Notification No.
380, In township six south, rnngo two
west ot tho Wlllanictto morldlan, tho
samo which Asn Banders received ns
a D. I O. from tho United 8tntc tho
pnrt of Bald claim owned by sntd dece
dent being 170 acres off tho south part
ot Bald claim No. 42, and Is nioro par
ticularly described as follows, to-wlt:
Hcf-lnnlng nt tho Bouthwost corner
ot Asa Saunder'a D. U 0. No. 42,
township six south, ranco two west;
thenco north 42,70 chnlns; thencn
cast 40.50 chnlns; thenco south, ono
degrco 39 minutes west, 42.52 chnlns;
thence west 39.40 chains to tho placo
of bcglnnlni;, nnd containing 170
acres ot land, In said Marlon county,
Stnto of Oregon.
Prom and after tho lOlh day ot
June. 1003, tho undorslgncd adminis
trator will proceed to noil the nliovo
descrlbetl land for cash, nt his resl
denco on tho nliovo described 170
acres of land near Ituranco, Mnrlon
county Oregon.
Dated at Salem. Oregon, this th
day of May. A. 1). 1003.
Administrator ot the Kstnto of Thomas
Van Clcnvo. Peceasod.
0. M. INMAN.
CCGwod Attorney for Kstnto.
pnny, partnership or association bid
ding, must glvo tho names ot nil
mombors In tho company, partnership
or association so bidding, and tho
nnmo under which thoy do business
Illds which do not comply with tho
terms ot this notlco, will not bo con
sidered, nor will any bid ho received
after tho tlmo specified above.
Ilccordor of tho City ot E-Ooin.
Notice for Dlds.
Notlco Is horcby given that sealed
bids will bo recolved by tho Common
Council of tho City of Salem, Oregon,
until tho 21st day ot May. 1903, at
tho hour of 8 o'clock p. m., of snld dny,
for the grading and gravelling of that
part of Church street between the
south lino of Htato street and the
north line of Trade- street, heroin
designated, and according to tho pro
visions of Ordinance No, 410, and tho
plans and specifications thereof on
fllo In tho office of tho Street Com
missioner or for such subdivisions of
such improvement, as will not mater
ially conflict with tho completion of
th remaining portions thereof, to
wlt To I ra pro to. as before mentioned,
tho one-half of said Church atreet
lying along. In front of and abutting
uKn the north and west 40 feet lot
0, block 71: tho west tt or lot 0, block
73, the southwest (juartor ot lot 7,
block 72. the north 37 and U feet of
lot 2. block 8; tho north 74 and V
feet of lot 3, block 7; tho north and
cast 74 and BIO feet of lot 1. block 7;
tho north and east 38 and C-10 feet or
lot 2, block 7.
Kaeh bidder roust deposit with his
bid a certified cheek or cortlfloato of
deposit In tho sum of Ono Hundred
dollars, payable to, or Indorsed to,
the City of fialmn, as a guarantee ot
good faith ou tho part of tho bidder
that ho will oxecute the contract and
glvo the undertaking required with
good and sufficient suret'as to bo ap
proved by the Mayor, in caso the con
tract ahall be awarded to said bidder,
which deposit shall be forfeited to,
and become tho property of, tho City
of 8alcm. in case said bidder shall
fall to comply with either of said re
quirements, within Avo day after no
tice to blm, of tho acoeptance by tbo
Common Council, of his bid.
Tbo CUy of Ealem reserves the
right to. reject an.y and all bids
deemed unreasonsbVe .Oorporatloas
bldlugmustrsUtolntheJr Md that'
they art, 4er?tU8B,isn'1' $om
Notice for Olds.
Notice Is hereby given that scaled
bids will bo received by tho Common
Council of tho City ot Hnlcm, Oregon,
until tho 21st day ot May, 1003, nt
tho hour of 8 o'clock p. in., of snld day
for tho grndlug and grnvolllng or that
pnrt or Ferry Street between tho
wost lino or I.lboity street nnd tho
east Hun or Cottago street, horolu
designated, and according to tho pro
visions or Ordlnaueo No. 411, nnd thu
plans nnd specifications thereof on
Me In the ntrtco or the Street Com
missioner, or for such subdivisions or
such Improvement, ns will not rantor
Inlly conflict with tho completion ot
tho remaining portions thereof, to-
To Improve by grading nnd gravol
ling, according to tho plana nnd spec
ifications nforcsnld. tho Intersection
or Kerry nnd I.lhorty streets; tho lu
tursectlon of Perry nnd High streets,
the Intorsoetlons or snld Perry stroet
with tho nllojs running north and
south through Mock No. 19 and 20
7 and 8, and 71 and 72, nnd across said
Perry street:
To Improve pa before mentioned,
thu onohair or snld Perry street lying
along. In front of, and abutting upon
tho wont 1-3 or lot 8. block 10 Ilia
middle 1-3 or lot 8, block 19; tho east
I 3 or lot 8. block 19; lot 1, block 19.
lot 8. block 8;the wost .15 fact or lot
1. bloek 8: 35 tent In lot 1. block 8;
belonging to K. W. Itohlln. 35 reel In
lot 1, block 8. heloiiKliiC to O. Jl
Mooros; the east halt of lot 8, block
72; the south SO feot or lot 4. block
71; the east half of lot 5, block 71; lot
4. block 30; the east 31 and 7-10 feet
of lot fi, block 20; 11 and 7-10 feet In
lot 5. blook 30, belonging to John
Koch bidder must deposit with his
bid a certified chock or certificate of
deposit In the sum of Ono Hundred
dollars, payablo to, or Indorsed Io,
tho City or Salem, as n guaranloo of
good faith on the part or the bidder
that ho will execute the contract and
giro the undertaking required, with
good and sufficient sureties to be ap
proved by tho Mayor, In caso the
dor, which deposit shall be forfeited to
contract shall bo awarded to said bid
and become the property of, tho City
of Salem, In caso aald bidder shall
fall to comply with either of said re
quirements, within ftvo days after
notloe to him, of tho acceptance by
the Common Council, of his bid.
Tho city of Salem reserves the
right to reject any and nil bids
doomed unreasonable. Corporations
bidding must state in their bids that
thoy aro corporations; and A com
psny, partnership or association bid
dlng must give tho names of nil
members In the company, partnership
orf association so bidding, and tho
naruo under which they do business,
nids which do not comply with the
terms of this notice, will not be con
sidered, nor wlt any bid bo received
after the time specified above.
.jlCorder ot the City of Saem.
5-1 not