The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, May 18, 1903, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    Tjrw-yfr- -
X - it i 1 1 i m i i 1 1 f i
And follow our Special Bargains on Monday
and Thursday? Iu well for you to do so, as
Holverson's adverliscmcnt is information,
furthermore people who trade with us say
' Holverson's give back the most change.
Nuff se'd."
Lo cky For Yo
' 'Reductions on Lnco Cdrlama in tho
inid8t of lioa'o-cleniiinc time. You'll not
;' only find the new kind of curtains hero, J
you'll iiud tliom ut reduced prices, tito
Oomincrcinl street displny, with reduced '
price ticket on each curlnfu.
V . t.. '.ifflti .
J aS9 v
Your homes, business places, otc, in a
honor of our president's visit. Wo carry (
tho largest liuo of decorations in the city, k
Prices lowor than tho lowost. Souvenirs $
if tho prosidont's visil'will be given away jS
nt our storo May 10th, 20th, 21st. See
Commercial street display. $
.CO to $3.50 values
'Mondny only
5i Tlio oarlv buyer cols tho
s f
greatest ealisfaction.
Black Cat Stockings
Hegular 25c values
This Week
No bettor
i 9c
for tho money.
H. & P. Dents
Kid Gloves for tho little- ones, in
tan ami white, well lilting and
durable Prices SI 00 and 1.25.
Seo Corner (Wj Display.
New jf
Collars, f
Sox and j
Ties. ?
Our furnish-
ings nro cor- a
rcct and elo- ft
gant and on-
nblo the wearer
to hnvn ii
!..., ...ll i. 1.
lhiso Ball Caps 10c, 25c. ft
VStttt rf5Wi.?5i59l 'ltt!SKi5'SS3
A Study
in Realism
t.NVw York Times.)
anil Bottled on a tree near tho house
Ho got up and wont out nml fotintl
thon on a small II r near tho fence.
Ho started to raw thtr limb oft, stand
ln on tho fonco, and when ho wns
found a llttlo later ho lay upon tho
ground dend tho saw Htlll hanging In
l)t tlTirt tif nil Until Hit aim a n
It was n funny llttl speech of weo,,8 yoar80'f ttn(, jeftV08 f
Klmnor's. so fnUior and mother lf tt- rhii.t,. n.i m n J?.i- . .i i"
community. His wlfo was Ilortha,
daughtur of Ahu Williams, an old plo-
noor in turn t'ommunlty.
The funeral was held Wednosday.
conducted by Rev. I. F. llolknap,
with burial In Wllkoa' cemetery.
Koivat drove Times.
nstrod that owning us they laughed
orer tho mental plcturo each had of
tho saucy turnod-up iiohc and tho
merry blue eyos of their 4-year-old.
Yot, wasn't thore, a greet deal of fool
ing In tho speech, too; and porhapB n
Lit of pathos?
I"leanorH mamma had shown her
tho bountiful new plcturo that a pho
tographer had just Miit home. Sho
was a young mother, of courso; and
over so pretty, In a tender, dainty
way. 'Hut she could bo u severe moth
er, an avenging spirit, and could show
this In her clear cut profile, all sweet
ness hi tho photograph.
lCleanor had one chubby dimpled
hand thrown lovingly over her moth
er's sheulder: the other hold the pic
ture, t-ong and steadily tue cnua
kopt this Kl There was groat ad
rnlratlon In the baby face as she stud
led the. wHit pictured mamma, still
there was a pucker In tho forehead
that suggested unpleasantness.
As who looked from the profile on
the pasteboard to the one In llosh and
blood, sho put her pithy query at tho
original of the photegraph:
0 "You wouldn't think that facts could
spank me. would you. mother?"
Sudden Death.
riipulu M Itymal a well known resi
dent of the Greenville neighborhood
died suddenly from heart disease
Monday mornlnp Ho had not been
fooling well and was In IkhI when ho
got word that tho bocs had swarmed
Bank of Salem.
Tho only National nnk In Marlon
County Transacts n general banking
Pays Interest oil savings accounts.
The notorious "Queen 1.1" and her
band of llght-rlngercd gypsies nrrlvcd
In Oiants I'asa Wednesday afternoon,
and straightway got Into trouble. An
old man driving Into town was over
taken by the baud Just outside of town
and robbed of some to. According to
his testimony, later presented, tho
coin was forcibly taken from him by
the "queen."
The man who was robbed notified
the otllcers heru at unco, and after a
hard chaso the woman nud four of
the men were taken Into custody. A
preliminary hearing was glvon them
nt tho court house and "Queen 1.1"
flnod $10 and costs by Justlco May bee.
The woman's eyes snapped like a
rniuesunKos wnon me penally was
Imposed, and sho straightway emitted
a string of oathes that would bavo
made a crippled sailor envious. The
stolon money was returned, but the
lino was not paid, and tho queen of
tho gypsies now ropoHos behind the
bars of the. county Jail.
School Lands,
Only two more days to buy school
lands nt $1.26 por acre. I bavo thne
or four sections yot cruised and re
ported good by a reliable man. at stnto
land omce JOHN P. RODKRTSON.
E-l 8-2 1
Fight With
Smallpox has been exterminated on
tho Baldwin Sheen and Land Com
pany's ranch, at Hay Creek, but two
more cases have appeared at Prine-
vlllo. according to a letter from I-red
W. Wallace, of Hay Crook, to Dudley
Evans, deputy health oflleer of Mult
nomah county, who recently went to
that section to investigate the cut-
break. Mr Wallace writes under
date of May 16th:
"I am glad to report to you that we
have no more new cases of Bmnlltiox
and that Darcenpohl Is all right. We
have not let him out yet, and will fol
low your Instructions, and keep him
until after the 19th, whon wo will
nave county I'liysicinn nydo tome
down from PrlnovUlo and let Jilm out.
"Have not heard of any more cases
from the Uuchanan district, but ex
pect to at any time They have two
more cases at Prlneville, and now
have both hotels undor quarantine
Don't know who tho parties nr but
think they are local.-"
When I got to Hay Creek," said
Mr. Evans, "I heard that there was
smallpox ten miles up the road at Bu
chanan's stage station, and. on going
there. I found n woman delirious with
confluent smallpox, and there had
boon thrco provlous cases In the same
family, but of n mlldor type. No no
tice had been given to tho authorities
until It was found necessary to call
a doctor to attend the woman, al
though the first case hnd occurred sev
en weeks before. All tho stage pas
sengers had stopped thore to oat din
ner, and four of th stage drivers had
the disease.
"The people of Prinovllle make a
mistake In quarantining tho hotels
avory time a case Is found thore and
they are Injuring their town. They
should remove the ca to the pest
house, then thoroughly fumigate the
room he has occupied, vaccinate all
persons who have been exposed, un
less they have been vaccinated al
ready, and Isolate them for 14 da
Tho Prlnevlllo people hnvo ordered
through me. the approved United
States quarantine system of formalde
hyde used In n dry vacuum."
Thanks of Negroes.
Thnt tho negroes of Richmond are
appreciative of the Southorn Educa
tional Conference Is shown by a let
ter sent on Saturday to Robort C. Og
don. nrosliUiit of the conference. In
bohnlf of colored mlnlsloro In partic
ular and the colored neonlo In cener-
nl. and signed W. T. nurroll nnd W G.
Johnson. The address says:
"The colored pooplo of tho cltv of
Richmond have hnllod with dellcht
the coming of the conference to Rich
mond, nnd have been keen observers
of all Its proceedings. Wo have been
honored beyond mention by tho man)
Kinuiy rororonces which hnvo been
made to us, both by tho members
from the South nnd the members from
the North. ItocounlTtni' lti nmnt
good which hns already boon done for
us, and thnt greater good which awaits
us in tho future, wo do not feel thnt
God would bo pleased woro we to fall
to thank the South for that great and
magnanimous fueling of self-sacrlflco
with which thoy fostorcd and cared
for tho Interests of tho nogro. and also
the North, which has on all occasions
some so nobly to the supiwrt of the
South in the Intcr.-sts of popular ed
ucation. "The meetings here have been nrof.
(table beyond measure to all the peo
ple, ana tor tins reason wo have do-
luniuned 10 vuniuro to express our
thanks to you. In particular for or
ganizing this movement, and to thoso
mon nnd women who. Impelled by tho
love of country nnd the country's
good, have como to your assistance.
"The nogrtws of Richmond have nl
wnyu beon able to live In peace -and
harmony with tho white race Tho
some kindly fooling which coursed In
the veins of the mammy' and tho
body servant or bygone days exIstH to
day. Wo have lived here and pros
pered, and thousand of us rejoice In
the possession of our 'own tine nnd
flg trt,' with none to make us afraid.
There exists no iiersonal feelings of
antagonism betwevu thp white citizen
and tho colored cK xen of Richmond,
who nro to tho 'manner born. Ono's
trouble is the other's trouhle.and what
benefits the one hejicftts the other.
Our Institutions of uuslness and learn
ing nourish in the same atmosuhore.
The young negro as well as the old.
rejoice In tho fact that he is an
American citizen, and is determined
to do his duty. We recognize the re
sponsibility of citizenship, and under
the law will prepare o wear nobly
tho honor nB do all good Virginians.
outi His escape waa rtlsTOVcrod al
most Immediately, but h eluded bis
ould-be captors, and scampered JU
high speed across tho fiat The keep
er followed on the run.. The attention
of tho fleeing Simian fas attracted by
tho open door of a dwelling, and ho
rushed In, bent on mischief A table
tood In tho room, and ho promptly
leaped to tho middle of It, stood
erect and began to make pugilistic
gestures wiUi his hands nt the lady of
tho house, who was, naturally, fright
ened nearly out of her wits by the gro;
etequo and lmp-HKo torm mat. con
fronted her. The keeper arrived and
took charge of tho runaway, to J)10
lady's Intense relief. Courier
Omaha, -May 18. The first break In
tho ranks of tho strlkors ame todny,
when th teamsters nrld Inundrymen
wont to work. Although the unions
claim It Is only a small percentage,
the employers claim from 30 to 10
per cent returned to work. The laiin
drloe reopened for business, whllo tho
strikers also opened a plant in opposi
tion. At 2 o'clock this afternoon dep
ositions woro taken In support of the
Injunction secured by tho strikers
against the business men's organiza
tion. Shipwrecked
and Robbed
Norfolk. Va.. May 18 Four hun
dred shipwrecked Immigrants, from
the barkentlne Vera Cruz. Btranded on
the North Carolina coast, ore today en
route by special train for New Bed
ford. Mass. Captain Fernandez, who
disappeared, carried with him $2200
belonging to Uie Immigrants, besldee
their iwissage money. The fact that
they were robbed may result In them
behig admitted to this country, nl
though they are now paupers.
Governor Not
to Blame
TJie Imp of -
the Bottle
Nashville. May 18. Requisition pa
pers for Elizabeth McCormlck, Tfhp Is
wanted In Cincinnati, charged -with
sending pooncd whlskoy through
tho Adams . Express" Company, camo
today1. Tho gpvornor has not, yet
acted. '
Tho Btorlcs continue to Justify tho
theory that the hop crop will bo Bhort
There are many missing hills.
The Royal Anne cherry trees show
light settings, nnd there Is a possibili
ty of n short crop, but all others are
setting heavy.
Italian prunes nro reported a full
crop, and of extra flno quality.
Low prices for -potatoes will result
In a reduced yleld-thls fall, and many,
have dropped them entirely.
Strawberry reports show a big to
tal crop, nnd largo Increase In acre
age 'Some patches show hills with
out a bloom.
All grain crops continue to promise
flneresults. and tho hny and clover
crop was never better.
This1 will bo a record-breaking year
for tho Logan borry, of which there Is
now a large acreage.
Have fori
ThU qticttlon ..-wr
jr. Mftfi,"
K delicious nml 1
oaViagl add boilkj
coot Tflavorsi-TJi,;?
bcrrv and Rt.-.tJr "V
What tho Shoe Mi
?""ior:rjrinf mi
that fit and have ont
snoes tor style. ehM.;.i'
Shots that wii i V:!e3to
makes. -wn
e. . " J' OSWALT.
gyjuucaiMsaicm, OftuiJ
O .A. f Jf O H 3C -A.
Buj tls rf K3 H" MrcH BmjH '
Xorwalk. Cunn., May 18 Wal-
bridge Taft, nephew of Governor Taft.
was this morning convicted of nssnuit
on Work m mi Milne and lined $1 nnd
costs. He nppealed tho en no, and
claims he acted In self-defense.
Decorating Time
Is here and the President will b$
wlfh us next ThursdaymornIne--You'II
surely need decorations of
al! sorts-such as Flags, Garland
Wreaths and the like. You will
find It both pleasant and profitable
to do your decoration buylnchcrc
-our prices are right In fact low
er than they can be obtained elsewhere.
Pattons Bool Stare.
Chicago, May 18 Wheat. 73'ic.
Mads by
Idns, Ortgon.
Made for family use. ask yoar
grocer for It Drn and
shorts always na hand.
A. T. WALN Ajrent
i A. I. EOFF.
But for auaiity
Meats, Lard itih.ll
we challenge u, Zi
vwicuki- an
. - know this.
'EOFF &H!ft
uvui. .ujj man,
$6.50 IS ALL ITTikre
uuuiu you cc wiinont ttt
small emos)
i Flveptrcentofftorm'
109 Court St
Retail and wholesale. Special
prices mado to Lodges, Churches,
Parties, and Picnics. Satisfaction
Just Received
, r mo new stock of d
: all tho latest stok I
ken sizes aro bciMe
od out at cost prtca
Jacob Vogt, 265 Cos!
Cash Mail
In Htelner's Flab Millet, bit
f reeii meats ot all Undi.UnS
ders, bacon, lard, etc frjjjlf
Phone, Alain li
mm '
Edward Ellis.
144 State 8t
Astoria Beer
Tho host beer In Oregon now on tap
nt tho Council, 141 State, street. Come
nnd try It, and If you" don't llko it
Not the oldost. hut the Inmost ox
elusive Implomont Houso In Salem,
and we carry the largest stock.
Hy standing back of everything that your monoy will bo refunded,
Kihih uui ui uur Biurv. vu uru uuiiiiiiik
up a reputation nnd trade that will
stay by us.
Every line wo carry Is the host In
Us respective class, this Is proven by
actual tests, nnd we Intond carrying
only the best In nny lino.
Many a Young Woman
in Ihis town is wearing a pre
maturely old look through de-
lecuve eyesrgm. mere are
f$ tV which have no business there.
N-yl POOR SIGHT is tlje cause.
When reading is an effort and caue the brows to pucker, it's
time to consult us. We examine your eyes free, and should
you need glasses .ve can furnish them at reasonable cost. ,
KimlessSt.SO to 53, according to quality of frames, with
rims t to 53 50. . t
Joneer 0pHctan,r" 8 Sfatt St riext door to Bush"" n s
We Sell
Studeuaker Wagons, Studohakor
Hacks, Carriages, Bugclos, Spring
Wagons nnd oinin rigs of various
McCormlck Harvesting Machinery,
Hinders. Mowers. Rakes, otc. Como
In nnd place your order now and bo
sure of getting tho best on the mar
Ilirdsell Clover Hullera
itiibsell & Company's Bnglnea nnd
Threshing outfits.
Fairbanks. Morse & Co's Gnsollno
Engines, the kind that run.
we could not let jou depart to
your homes In the far South nnd tho
faraway North without haMng you
understand that wo aro not unmindful
of the great and lasting good that you
Hate uoiiB, ann mat you are doing.
Pioneer Drops Dead,
(Coqullu Herald.l
Chas. Morris, a resident of Rural, on
tho South Fork, droppod dead Monday i
aiiunioon wiuie waiKing in his yard,
heart fallurv being the cause of his
death. Mr. Morris was a pioneer res
ident of this county, having como to
tho Coqullte vaUjy lu 1SD5. The de
ceased was born In Wayne county,
Missouri, and moved from Uiero to
California In 1SE4 whore he .emaaued
until coming to Oregon. He was H
eara of ago at the time of his death,
ana nau ueon in railing health for
somo tlnm liostdes others relatives,
he leaves a wife and six children
four sons and two daughters. Tho fu
neral services woro conducted by Itov.
Beerlst Wednesday, and the remains
laid to rest on the home place
Circus Monkey Loose In Grants Pass.
One of tho big monkeys in the Nor-
rla & Rowe circus, one of thoso that
rldea tho trloycle. doe the heavy
narouacK nuiug act and drive ' the
pony team, escaped from his cage
Sunday, during the stay of th hnv
lu town. Tho door of the cage waa
not properly fastened, and tho cun
nlnir beast mnnntrn.1 in .,. li. .
undor It. sliding i up untn he could got
Try Our
For collecting bad bilk li
cost you nothing unita tt
a collection.
Expert Collectors nl IM
Phone Hili 801
Will be a Record Breaker
In giving low prices on rollablo, up-to-dato merchandise If J
ffi.lilnnnlila a. ..list. .l.nn,l IIT n.nnn... In n nnaltlllH til SDOt P
goods at llttlo prices. Our quick method of disposing of somi m
always buying Consequently wo have the latest to shov ?:
tjtlon euta no figure with us, wo have them now Jumping sldeww'jj
how wo can sell our goods at such little prices. Notice how j J
vyu give you pneos on everyiuing. fo song nim u" o-prlcea
The Tribune.
The Wolf-American.
Tho Snell.
Standard In quality at $10. $35 and
$25 Also a number of bargains In
Bocondhand wheels. Dlcyclo Sundries
of nil sorts, wheel repairing.
Cream Separators
The Sharpless Tubular. th,e best
iiiiiiB in separators yet out A genu
ine money saver
Sewing Machines
Tio Whlto Rotary and vibrating
shuttle whichever you want
Wheeler & Wilson.
Queen Machine.
Now machines from 18 up. Ma
chines to rent
Separator and machine repairing
done- by a competent man.
Implement House.
255-257 Liberty St, Salem.
Farm Machinery, Bicycles, Sewing
Machines and Sunnlton
N. H. Burley.
Sewlne Machine wwat
75c India silk, all colors exra quail-
ity 25
7Cc Rost India silk, all colors, extra
quality yd 45c
250 yds. 95o best Taffeta Silk, all col.
ors, yd 69c
fl.35 best colored silk, Poau do Solo,
yu soc
25c school plaliLdress goods, yd 125c
65c navy blue Drllliantino yd ....39c
75c grey wool dress goods, 40 in.
yd 45c
95c Snow Flake dress goods, 40 in.,
yd 59c
$1.50 niack Silk, solid dress goods,
44 In., yd t 95c
45c wool sorgo, navy blue, yd ....23c
Ujc Slleslaa, best quality, y& ..81-3c
lSc'lihlng dress canvaByd-.SljSc
35c black Bilk morcemed sateen
yd 23o
12Hc best fancy cretons, yd ... .8 l3c
10c bost fancy sllkallnes, yd ....5c
6Hc fancy shirtings, percales, yd 3&c
12H fancy flannollottos. yd....81-3c
12Hc Bhlrtlng, cheviots, yd ,.8Wc
15c best chambrcys, yd .9c
65c table damoak, best goods ....35c
7'4c best apron ginghams, yd....4V4c
25c Irish linen dress goods 15p
7c best double twill crash, yd . .3c
7c white face, towels 4c
75t lace curtain's, S yds ., 59o
15 black lawns, best trooda. yd lie
15c Dimities, new shades, yd . .8 1-3 c
-oc niacK grenadines, new. yd loc
10c white Shaker flannel yd ...-6Uo
95c whlto
yard . ... .
7Hc best colored chMf,irj
. ... . ..., o,i lirrt
yoc wniie ueu eint "i"L m
Great sale of ?nibrold"l
7c laces striped furUto !
124c whlto dotted 3;51
12Hc blue stripeu ""'.' 1
12c Whlto India ncn:if
ticking, gw -
.c- nmnn. mm extra '"
75c calico wrappers, gooa
Children's 15c Swiss !
Chlldron's 65c si' .
caps . .V."'..-
Children's 50o wash ht
200 ladles' $1 soiled ;
$1.50 soiled whlto gJ
$2.00 union silk umbrdB" -fi
Ladles' 45c muslittj jg
"Mrowers ..--. i'ltj
45c white aprons, larje jga
Ladles' 10C Swiss rlbW
Ladjes" 2dc whlto Sw ;
wear - .,:'i," bertf 'i
Children's 16c black il
stockings : e' lurllW
Ladles' 85c silk Svil-
wear .... ;,,'" '5W
Ladles' 39c UU m.
wear - - ,,;." tA ?
No. 40 CrysUl . 4
best. tce-Sij3
Beat tubular JYuid ?
20c belt buckles ?oW?
Sten's 45c black .-
r i .."
76c crash skirts. jood
The Cheapest Store In the Honnww
JcEVOY ROS., ffiri&.