The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, May 18, 1903, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    THEJJAILV JQU.BNAL, 3A1.EM, OREQag,. MONDAY, MAY 18, 1903. ,
iak siyiw
f Kintl Yott Havo AlwnvA Boncrhf . ami xrlitMi Tina itum
-" r over iu years,
0, 'Una lias ucon mado under his pcr-
7jjJ?aa sonnl BUPcrvIslon nlnco Its Infancy.
I Counterfeits, Imitations
penmcnis suae xruio xntn
nnis aim umiurcn isxpcrionco njainst Experiment.
)rla Is a harmless mibstltuto for Castor Oil. are
ic, Drops nnd Soothing'
stains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotle
stance. Its npo Is its guarantee It destroys Worsts
allays Foverishncss. It
c Jt relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the
ck and Dowels, giving
Children's Panacea Tho
Bean tht
Kind You Me Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
ANDARD BISCUIT CO. (Union Label) f
. .,, - , r. , -.- . i
Up-to-date Confectioners.
Wholesale Fruits and Produce. j
Phone No. 2231. Hlihee Block. X
iM8lllliailHlf I -Ht
r'-ysr ::::::::. u c in l
Seed Wheat For Sale.
MW GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulphur.
J. G; Graliam, Agent, .207
HHiif f maitt
S'l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I T H
? ;. a..
; f JUumT Plaster still vz,uv
sicond car this spring. It
: ;' tf clover, com, grain, etc.
l-"' J 1t- .V
"ar twri- fi.. ;...: jj
" ; CORN MEAL 50 lbs for St. The very best grade of ;
; :' taWi meal at the price o( flour. SEED CORN, some ; :
Of ml lancy seea curu mhi
' ' S"!"0 secure wnai yuu warn,
j; "fD. A. WHITE & SON,
Feedmen and Seedmen,
: Vtoi 1781. 91
ifi II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 T f '
ew Arrivals !!
cities in Millinery The very ji
test, call and see them, Sialties
, rhildtWs hats, Great assortment Si
m flowers, foliage and trimmings of j
aescnpuoiib, ikiuuvu, -..,
ibroideries, Good
ireenbaum's, 302
IWWf f IBWMW lllllilt'
-. t '.-I
lias Uorno tho slpnntnro or
and " Just-as-good" oro liufc
ana onaangcr tno health or
Syrups. It is Pleasant. 16
cures Diarrhoea and Wind
healthy and natural sleep.
Mother's Friend.
Signature of
l - n.cur't.r ..J -II i.l.i. .
lltAV,lClt3 HIIU Oil niuus ui lanir
CO., Inc.
Nuts and confectionery
tHtH-tH-t)-HM-8f .,
x j 1?::::::::
SHIPPERS Or 11 A11N ;;
Commercial St., Salem. Ore.
nun unnn
For Colds, Grip, Etc.
You will And tho pure liquors wo sell
Invaluable. If you havo thorn In Uio
houso ready for use you wilt savo doc
tor's bill. Wo guarantco tho purity
of all our liquors You'll And the old
rye whiskey wo sell especially good.
jl P. ROGERS,5'
Wholesale andlRetall Llauor Dealer.
'"""" " i
. k, .... ...
per ton. inow selling our
pays to use it on any crop
uii uauu. vuy wai . uU (
Court Street. SALEM. OREGON, t
f ' t " " """""
iiimHMMf m
quality low prices ;;
Com., Street, n
Eugene Does Salem up
Saturday by a Score
of U to 10
Sunday Salem Gets Even with
a Score of 14 to 0-Due
to the Battery That
Fanned Out 17
Eugene and Salem crossed bats on
tho now Salem grounds Sunday after
noon, Eugene going to the bat. Owing
to tho fact that Eugene had scooped
tho Salem boys on Saturday by a score
of 10 to 14, there was much specula
tlon as to tho result, and a suddenly
awakened Interest amongst Salem peo
plo, In tho dfslrw to encourage their
homo team.
Tho day was perfect barring tho
fact that It was a trifle cold, nnd at
least 1000 pooplo were on tho groundB.
This, of course, docs not Include the
grave-yard contingent, who occupied
tho cemetery, and gavo an appearance
of life to the city of tho dead. Indeed,
one base ball fan noticing the crowd
occupying tho natural benches where
they could overlook the game. sold,
a good base ball game, would not only
rossurecl Salem but cvtmtlr up those
long gono boforo. Resldrti theno the
treiH cropped out In full fruitage of
Young Amorlca who always rim to
the situation, especially If It Ih a base
boll ganm The bleachers were tilled
with Salem rooters, and EuKeuo had
but little noisy sympathy, but tlioy
imlil no attention to noise and roast,
nnd nttended strictly to business. Thoy
uro really to he commended In this for
some of tho cat calls and guH wero
agKrevntlng. nnd hard to endure; but
through It all they plujed good though
losing, ball, and by their 'gentlemanly
conduct left an ImprcsHlon Hint will
long bo retained. Thoy wore so nice-,
so clever, and so good natured. that
ono could almost wish they had won.
There wore somu changes In both
teams from Saturday's garni. Morris
taklug araliam's place In tho box,
Graham playing oecoml and Suinnor
In tho Hold, for tho Haglans; while tho
Noblt sent Tollfero, tho pitcher, to
the Held, and Larrlmor In the box.
The Game In Detail.
Itrrlmer opened for Eugnne. and
went out on a drlvo to third, Chapln
folio wod with a two-baggur Into right
Held but went to sleep butwoen sec
ond nnd third. Hadloy struok out and
Salem went to bat with Davis up, and
put throo tallica on the scoro. Saund
ers went to flrst on a wild throw and
got home on a passed ball. Sumner
got a free ticket to first, as usual, and
Morris closed with a high ono to loft
which Holland got undor.
In tho second Holland made a
grand larceny capture of SKiond, but
Hobbs and McKnrland struck out, and
Tallfcro kindly landed tho sphere
with Saunders on first.
Ivorrlmor fanned out Hamilton and
Tea bo, but Summer sent a meteor
down down over third and with tho
balance of tho boys piled up four mora
runs before thoy wont out, due partly
to two bad errors of Chapln of Eugene
on second.
In tho third, Morris put the ball
where tho bats were not for Will (taker
and Harper, and Teubo mado a catch
of a foul, that woke the grand stand
Morris swung the willow and put a
hot one over socond, stole second, but
got left on tho way home, by belug
too greedy Davis petty Jarcenled
second and swiped his way home
The fourth showed Salem 8. Hugonn ,
0 at opening and left them the am
attbeolo., - -
The Nobles iu the fifth did nobly
going out ono. two. three, and the Rag I
lans got one Davis going around the
diamond on orroro
Morris didn't do a thing to them In
tho sixth. Just sent the thjreo. best bat
tors way bank for pounding the ozoae.
Then o,wlng to the Noblaa" errors and
Salem's good bating the latter plied up
four more tallies.
In the seventh Morris gave them the
Japanese fan. but Teabo muffed the
flrst one, but pot It la to flrst ahead of
Holland Hobbs and McKarland com
pleted the triumvirate
Graliam sent a town mower down
through senior, and went to, second,
and scored on a wild throw.
Whlttaker In the eighth made a
sneak for third, and was declared out
It waa a touch and go. many not agree
ing with the umpire, but the latter
won, and the Inning closed with a raae
left on the bag.
Tbe Raglans took their half of the
eighth with MorrU at tho bat who sent
- .. . . .i .-. Tin.1.
a not one u eugeno aawiii. -
aker. who picked It up like a cub
bear would a roasting, ear, anihDavtf
closed tho Inning by playing tag hit
ting tho ball and getting hit by It.
Tho ninth, opened with Salem 14,
Eugerio 0. Holland struck out, Hobbs
sent a sky scraper down on tho Una
between center and left that looked
llko a safe one. but Lucas outfooted
It and when It came down ho was un
der It, making one of tho prettiest
catches of tho game McKnrland put
t little kindergarten down to Morris,
who played with It a moment, kissed
it, and passed It over to first. Tho
gamo closed, Salem 14, Rugeno 0.
Tho crowd was largo nnd enthusias
tic, many ladles being present, tho
street car servlco good, nnd everybody
camo homo thoroughly satisfied.
Saturday's Game.
Tho Salem "Raclans" lost tho nuns
with Eugene at Salem, by a score of
14 to 10. This was tho flrst played on
the new Hold. Tho weathor was too
cold for good ball, nnd tho ground
was very wet, making the playing
somowhat slow.
At tho end of tho eighth Inning tho
score was f to 4 In Eugvno's favor.
Hard batting was a featuro of tho
ninth inning, and each team played
better ball. Saunders mado a homo
run for 8a!eni, and Chapln did tho
same for Eugene. Hartley was a tow
crtof strength for Kugeno at flrst. Jay
Mccormick, actod as umpire.
Boy's Arm Broke.
During a ball gamo yesterday be
tween the boyB of tho East School and
Park School, Ed. llcuolt suffered a
fracture of his right arm near tho
wrist llenolt was running from flrst
to second, Nhon ho slipped nnd foil.
Ho was taken to It. B. Moan's resi
dence, nnd medical aid summoned.
If Not, What Better Proof can Salem
Residents Ask For?
ThlM Is the statement of a Snloni
Tho testimony of a neighbor. .
You ran readily Investigate It.
Th proof should convince you
(1. S Cooper, farmer, living three
mllos northeast of Salem on tho Gar
den road, says: "I was mined in the
wheat district and when a good lump
of u
itoy I prided myself on linvlng
as much strength as nuy othor boy In
tho neighborhood nnd vthon a number
of us got toguthor we often tested our
strength by lifting I very often lift
ed two bags of wheat but have slnco
regretted having done so as the result
was that I strained my bnck and over
nftnr linil mnrii or Iiiuh triiuliln frmn
j,,u1" aching pains ncrtm my loins and
other symptoms of kidney complaint.
In mine way Doan's Ktdnoy Pills
wero brought to my notice nnd the
flrst tlmo I went to town I dropped
Into Dr. moiios drug store and on
quired about them. I was told they
wero highly recommended and ad
vIimhI to give- them a trial. I did ho.
.nnd whllo I did not follow the treat
ment as regular 1 ns I should havo
dono. being a poor hnnd to take any
kind or medicine, the boneflts I de
rived from their us stamps them as
a remedy which nets fully up to tho
representations made for It"
Sold for CO conts a box by nil deal
ors. Fostor-Mllhurn Co. Iluffalo. N.
Y solo agents for tho United States.
Remember tho nniiK. Doniu, and
tako no other.
This thing of being sick and looking
for a cure Is a mighty serious bust
ness. People are not given to Joking
even at the flrst symptom of the ap
proach or tho grim destroyer. They
do not want to be the subjects of ex
periment, lAit want medlclno that has
i. the test of years behind It A
medicine that has been made and used
for 20 year gives assurance of Its
worth, and can be taken with a faith
that they have the very best cure the
world affords. All this can be said
aoout Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills
as a remedy for stck-hcadache, dys
pepsia and Indigestion, It begins right
at the source of the trouble and re
moves the cause. We will send a
sample box of these pills free, or a
full box on receipt of 25c. Sold by all
druggists for 26c per box, or address
Dr. nosanko Co., Pbliadephla, Pa.
For sale at Dr. 8tone's Drug Stores. 2
Due notice Is tirbr 'treX on tb nuMIe
rrnerallr that ItoU'ltt'a U'ltfh llaicl
I HulTt li tbe only Mire mi tli market that
U made from tbt put unadulttrattd
witch haiel. DWIU a Witch Haiti Hair
ha rarMt thAHMitili nf naM of nlta that
would not sltld to stir ottfc trratratot. and
! 55KstSlt!af V-l-W.ra
sai by v. a. Haas, ua Hut atrt
Itching Plies produce moisture
cause itching, this form, as well as
Dllnd, Dloedlng or Protruding Piles
are cured by Dr. Do san ko's Pile Rem
edy. stops Itching and bleeding. Ab
sorbs tumors. (0c a Jar at druggists,
or sent by mail Treatise free. Write
me about your case. Dr. Rosanko,
Philadelphia, Pa. For sale at Dr
Stone's drug stores
Just Received.
Tho flrst new Tillamook
Guaranteed to be superior
Eastern or California brands.
to any
Glvo us
your order while we have a full stock
Strong's Bakery
And restaurant Is Salem's best eat
lag house. This bouse Is patronized
by everybody. Tbe best serviee that
ean be bad.
Why Not
Go where you can get the best?
Tbe White House Restaurant is tht
mm. hAnnl.. vafAfirn, fn tha rltv.
mv. i... .-.--. . .-
Open day and nUrnt
AlmtlMBtst. five Uittor trM. tfjktjt conina
a month. An over firs line t the cant rate.
Wanted. Hoarders and lodgers. 206
Front street 5-1 6-31
Wanted. Young men to prepare for
government positions. Finn, open
ings In all departments. Good sal
aries. Rapid promotion. Examina
tion soon. Particulars frco. Inter
state Cor. Inst., Cedar Rapids, la.
For Sale. Small grocery stock In out
skirts of Balom. Good opening for
person with somo capital and plen
ty of energy. Good reasons for soil
ing. Address "C. B." caro Journal,
Wagons, A fow 3 anil 3U-1nch moun
tain gears; utcu yo monins; as
good ni now. Geo, F. Rodgora,
Command Liberty struts, 5-3-lm
For Sale. Throe No, 1 farms. En
tjulrd of Dr. Cuslck, over Capital
National Rank. 4-25-lm
For Sale or Rent Six acres, 3 miles
out, orchard, garden, 3 acres of pas-'
pasturo; good water. Price 5SQ.
Qoo G. W. Pearmlne, 2 mllea north
of city, on rlyor road. -9tf
Rooms for Rent Upstairs, Cottlo
block, by day, week or month.
AUo light housekeeping rooms.
Electric lights, open all hours. Mat
tlo Hutchinson, prop. 4-23-lyr.
For Rent Savon-room houso, baso
mont and woll water. Call on A.
8chrolbor. 424 High street 4-13 tf
Found llelwocn bore anil reform
school, a grip. Owner please call
at tills office nnd pay charges 3-10 3t
Taken Up A dark colored 2-year-old
Jersey bull. Call on John Mlngor.
S lli-3t
Stolen. Ono dark bay maro, 20 years
old, weight 1300. fat, rnod In front,
Not flat, heavy black mano nnd tail,
ono hind foot whlto. Any Informal
tlon will bo rewarded. P M.Phorson,
Salem. Ore.. F. R 1). No 0 B 2-gr,
Removal. It. It. Ryan has moved
from 102 Commercial street to 123
Stnto street, where his old. as woll
as now friends wilt llnd him.
Headquarters for Fencing, Woven
wire fencing for all purposos.
Smooth wlro for hop yards, etc
Correspondence, solicited. Waltor
Morloy, CO Court street. Balom
Removal. Tho Salem Carrlaga Fac
tory, Worner Fennoll proprietor,
has movod fiom Commercial street
to North ' Uborty, at tho brldgo
Call and soo tho now placo, and In
spect tho work done. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Wornor Fonnol.
Eggs for Setting. Pure bred White
Plymouth Rock and Rlack Minor
cas. tho best layers known. T. II
Rlundell, Mornlngstde. Telephone
No. 20CG Rod. 3-20-tt
You will always find tho choicest
moats and groceries at the lowest
prices at Edward's ft Luscher'a, 0f
and 410 State atreet 'Phone order,
given special attenUon.
Central Lodge No. 18 K. of P. Castlf
Hall In Holman Illock, corner Stat,
and Liberty streets. Tuesday of eacb
week rt 7:30 p. m.. A. K. Rtrani
C. C. a J. Fleming K. of R. and B
Sherwood Foresters No 19. Meet,
Friday night In Turner block. 8
W, Mlnturn. C. It.; A. I Ilrown, Sec,
Modern Woodmen of America Ore
son Cedar Camp No. E3U, Meet,
every Thursday ovonlng . 8 o'clock
Holman Hall, Frank A. Turner, V
C; A. L. Drown Clerk.
Protection Ledge No. 2, Ancient Or
der united woramen, meets ever;
Saturday evening In the Holmes
Hall, corner "of 8tat4 and Libert j
streets. Visiting brethren welcome
3. O. Graham, M. W ; J. A. Sellwood
Drs. M. T. Sehoettle, Prank J. Oarr
and Anna M, B a rr. Graduate
American sbool of Osteopathy
Klrksvllle, Mo successors to Dr
0 race Albright Office hours 9 U,
12 and 1:30 to 4-30 o'clock. Odd
Fellows' Temple. Phone Main 2721
residence phone 2603 Red.
Dr. H. H. Scovsll, Suggestive Thtra
peutlca and Osteopathy. Nervous
functional and mental disease, nes
ralgla, headaches? nervous proitrs
tlon, dyspepsia, constipation, diar
rhoea, rheumatism, asthma, etc
D'Arcy block, State street Pnoa
Main 2SSSf
W. O. Robblns, Or. of Osteopathy, has
added to his practlco the system of
superheated air. for the treatment
of acute and chronic diseases. 1(7
Court street. Halem, Or-
Ryan's Wtavlng frre-eve CftO
-cteia Barbers && tloaii'tMilH
rooms la elty. We aie aatlafwiil
tterlHser, 3, Ryaa, Pro.
Evans' Barh'or" Shop Only tlretikuja
saop on 8Ut atreet rry tMMfl
new and vp-to-date. Blaeet yofeelair
batks. Bhave, lie; alr-ct Hf
bstks, Ho. Two int-clM
bkeka. a W. Kvans, rof HW
Bn'eeeeaor to Dr. J. V: Kms. tm
White Corner, Balom, Orefon. I'aretisx
desiring superior operations at V
erata fee In any branclt era In eafteial
Express and Transfer
Meeta all sail and y4aeatr twJdL"
Hiawa to all Btxta of tlta eMai
Praat aerrke. Te4KHM Na ML
868 Cemmtrclal (Hrest
C'rawttsfi )AU scrye4in
UotTamales the most ap
Cold LunchM ) petizihg style
S. C, STONE, M. 0.
Tho stores (two 'a numbor) are lo
cated at No. 235 and 297 Comnforctal
street, and are woll stocked with
comploto lino of drugs and modtclnee,
tollot artlcloe, porfumary, brushes,
(Ins had somo 26 years oxporlonc'o In
tho practice of modlclno, and now
makes no charges for consultation, ex
amination or proscription.
dealers In Chlntse and JaMMae fancy
and Dry Goods, silks, Ulles' under
wear, furnlshlof roods, maniacs, w
tiaments and silk Randxercnlfa W
make up all kinds or wraEtcrs aft
waists, white underwear, etc. Every
goods In store now sale cheap. 190
Court St . Salem, or. Corner Alley.
For water service apply at oe.
ollls payable monthly Iu advatee.
Make all complaints at the, oce.
Harper's Whiskey Is the best
Get some Into your vest
Qua. Bchrelber keeps It,
And you know the rsit '
1S3 State Street
Room 9 ChamfcerCommerce. FortUnf.
Headauarters for yellow pine lUMtor
claims. Weguaraalee to locate yw
asagrecd or refund your fee, Option
for the sale of large tracts of tinker
solicited. We have the tuyers,
J. J. WALTER, Pres.
Reference at Title, Guarantoo asd
Trut Company, Portland, Oor.
Cbalmborlaln and Secretary of
Hiato Dunbar
.lU.fiurBTtfn-a KNatieu
I. K II u4 U.I4 MUUi. kMi, Ml
! lk.UII,liMHk MA MM,
Ufc . 1 t' IfnuuHimHJl
m t -.rtlBl. TmH.mmi
MU n.l1WMJA4U,ak.lMr.f r
lam UiU !, Tii- tiitt
Z"tv.iuXXzz nntt? ft:
taa-fjsj ar YU- mWfiiesan gwm ewv
PILES TOcWitfioii
I o.ut
I Ojt At
.. M If 9Uim M IIM VI S U W.w
I .... a
. mail Htuti i virtvi.iM. iiim
u . nm w it f...,. I ., h u
. . .. b..'.a . M . . 0L.
I ,W- Mftm mat. UMctana. r
MW tmn ", FT fcw. wmm w , wm
Sold In Salem by 8. C. Stons,
Call for Froe Samples.
Palntlnr. Calsomlnlnif and Pacer
Hanelnj'. Work all Guaranteed.
Leave orders at Savage & Fletchers
Feed Store. SALEM. OREGON-
rn if naia it-uaa. aus iui nv mm
,.i.ta.a in itAA
iava larrcaa-
.- uAdia.titlM avlai y htttA
tlsc w tMtaa lutl
oftt btrc. Iltadju.ritra for Kwuttu tuiftm.
II BkVtM fiyaitminii T"""' "w 'P.-.- .--"
BMtBCVCf ifusilivv rw'T
s.lw sta. fall W H4 VCttt truC.
,,.,.n. - -- .
The VaHety More.
94 Court St- Annora M. Welch, Prop
' Your Btepmother.
Is still hero, and as busy as
ever. When your (uotoes are .worn
and dirty, or the buttons off,
take them to her, at the Balem Dyeing
and Cleanlas Works. Repairing and
rellnina-: near velvet collars put oa
overcoats; alto four suits a mouth for
JL Called for and returned.
MRU, a 1L -WALKER, Prop.
1 Commercial Street
vi ? y
AT v
i m