The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, May 18, 1903, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    I'ss'wsj ' "8 WMj'ilWl'
A Staunch as Steel.
days whon so many watches aro constantly "retorinBOut'
jrcat cxasporation of their owners, wo deem it noodful to pay
tro to Bocunng watches whoso movements and cases will stand
Fposaiblo tost wo can put them through. Wo hclievo every
hu our show cases'is as staunch as stool through and through,
S I I M!. " . . .. . .. . .. . .
eir uurauimy is unquestioned, aim time tucir timekeeping
B3 are perfection itsolf. Those aro broad claims, but wo believe
ill not bo gainsaid by anyone in town who carries a watch
atBarr's. At from $0.00 up to 125.00, wo have watches of
Kinds, grados, and styles. Wo trust you- will make no watch
without seeing what fiarr's have to show.
ier of
JjaM&' yeJw (urte
Social Realm; i
Golden Weeding.
Mrs. Wm. Harris, of Brooks,
their goldon wedding Frl-
15th, at their home, there be-
t a largo number of relatives
acquaintances. Tho couple
cd In Lane county In 1853,
g pioneers wuo crossea mo
ong tho earliest settlers of
Mr. Harris ami his faithful
ve uvea in iitooks nearly
rs, and always enjoyed un
il hcnlth, both being, very
tills most auspicious occasion
had one of tho rarest fnmlly
over known. At noon a raoclc
ceremony was hail and In tho
after a mammoth "spread"
hlngn, tho company had great
t In tho way of taking pic-
1 family groups, and many oth-
anions weru Indulged In. Tho
Irteaslng of nil was tho stream of
cbngrntulntlons which wero
ered upon tho good old couple,
Hftnany had real solid enjoyment In
SSewlntf- old acquaintanceship and
Conversations of a reminiscent nature
Rvmong thoso proBont wero tho fol
'owing, which Includes all tho child
ren oxcept Frank Harris, a son, who
-ClUilm'tBpokano. and was unavold
jyrjygd Mrs. Wm. Hnrrls, Rev. and
SwJbJt.T.I1.. Jones of Dayton, 8. V.
BiiKm of Junction City, Ooorgo
5StKHl of JuncUon City, J. H, noss.
K'father of Mrs. Harris. Mr. and
5aVJUchardson, Independence; Mr.
5rJMr8. A. I noekner, Brooks; Mr.
t)w. Harris of Seattlo, M. and Mrs.
Harrison Jones and two children;
Wrfl. V. E. Urown. Council, luano; sir.
Hov. 8wecnoy, Chas. Ueckner, Clyde
Harris, Arthur Harris, Geo. Becknor,
Eva Panning, Portland; Lester Jones,
Loy Jones, Qeorgo Ramp, Inez Jones,
Mrs. Jennie Hayes, Dallas.
7"A tnt n H Craven, two children, city,
f.-t.i. - .n.1 Mmi Wm rinVk- Tho Miss
i.mutuju, , - ...... ...-,
VIr. and Mrs. T W Wonn and Nelllo
ind baby?. B. II. I'leer: Mrs.
tfancy Crocbton. Portland; Mrs. Geo.
U lUymoadand daughter Rutli, Port
South Salem Personals.
X M. Woodruff, of Portland, spent
Sunday at Uie homo of his sister, Mrs.
W. P. Babcock, on South Commercial
H. Snook left yesterday for Jack
sonville, whero he will attend to some
Miss Ccrtrudo Johnson leaves to
day for Seattlo, Wash., whero she has
accepted a position.
Miss Vliln Levorldge, of Albany, has
returned to tho homo of her aunt,
Mrs, Thomas Jory.
Miss Opal Helmken, daughter of
Ed. Holmkon, was taken to the hos
pital yesterday, whero sho will un
dergo nn operation for appendicitis.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Bishop have returned
from Portland, whore thoy havo been
visiting for the past row- days.
John II. Albert has kindly consented
to give his lecturo and stereoptleou
ontertalnmont for the benoflt of tho
Lincoln school library fund.
Benton county paid fltiOO stato tax
Dr. Williamson Is In Portland on
Geo. Weeks spent Sunday with his
faintly In this city.
Mrs. Qlndys Hookor, of tho Now
York Millinery parlors, spent tho day
In Portland.
Wurron Gilbert, of visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Gil
bort, of this city.
V. V. Nowson was received nt tho
asylum Saturday from tho soldiers
homo; nt Roseburg.
Mr. and Mrs. John Molr left this
morning for an oxtbndod visit to their
old home In England.
Judge J. B. Waldo, Of Maoleay, went
I to Portland Sunday to Join his wlfo,
who has beon there on u visit.
Jess Wendcl, formerly of Salem, re
turned to Portland last night, after a
Sunday's visit with his parents In this
Mm Wm. Craljr, Ore
;on CltXiifir. and Mrs. J. E. Allisen: roads excellent
ea Motiio, l'-iuie nnu umr-
iBsa Peannlno, who spent several
days at McMlhnvlllo and other Yam
hill county points, returned from 1-a-Fayotto
yesterday uftornoon on their
wheels. They mado tho 25 miles In
throe nnd ono-half hours, part of the
wny against tho wind, nnd report the
to get ray bottlo of Phosco h great henllh drink,
vigorating, refreshing. You'll purely like it.
For Sale at THE SPA, i 4 State street.
KM' '
Just Recieved
BBBaorning. the nobbiest street hats ofthe
season. Call and see theni
York liimj
in i ....
rsr nrc
111 lul u
Mrs. HOOKER, Mgr.
317 ComraercfaMSt;
Natural and ArUIdil CbArAcfccif.
About I tiuayrsu,.
)rt route to Independence, .Monmouth, Buena Vista
J,Corvallis and other points on the West side.
roads leading to ferry and good service on trie ooat.
D. Pettyjohn, Prop.
Troer (aadl) Oh. my poor nun,
I'm afraid time U to bad thct you
can't git a Jb anywheres about hero.
Waary -Oil. thank you! Thank you
for your hrintf words. Chloago
MUim art Iks llaremto laja.
Jfsll -I sVovpod in rt bargain 1
v ,1. YiJt ... J .m.4Vln Inxt
,k.. son ttai-turnt of nreroi feeir testimony to tbe success of tnu . iva ri hoT
n U.Ha.,1 RanV RnlMIn Sjlfm. OTtBOlli
t .. uiii . y.u iih ml rnntlnut Seven WCtlCS. Ttfc SCCOD S
III OMoJune 22 ina continue till the August exaolnatloa. ClS4ej
"A-irJyVL -,rf.v2.;iir.rtr titanil eonntv cisers. also la
rsifort Uifl. TyKwrmrEIocut!on nl Dnwinr. .The tultltloa .for
i will fee will itiMi ice ior cn oi ibc w me ll45,,?ff1
A rlt pf WsTia-WM Iattrart
Cmm ot Il.n( lat.n.ilMitl
Trnblv larroadln Cpaa.
Ur FmIiin.
The Meant atate of Veneiutan a(
falra In oouncction with the nttempt
on thf part of Rutland and Orrmany
to force thf liuiui-dinte pnymrnt of
wrtnln nnmu'lnl olillgatlont. mid the
fact that thin country is more or lean
concerned In thene rvenu through tho.
application of the Monroe doctrine to
pimlblo compllrntloni of the iltuv,
tlon, hna aromed general Interest to
atich an extent that n description of
the natural and artificial ehnrncterU
tlc of that portion of the country
near the scene of operations may be
of Interest, says the Chicago Trlbunt.
Near L Ciimrn, the port of entry to
Caracas, the coast Is hlh nnd rugged,
the mountains rising nearly xirpeu
dlciiar, their base wnshed by the
blue waters of the Caribbean -sea,
their summits capdvby huge masae
of billowy clouds.
Tb tow n of 1a Ouayrn Is on the east
ern side of n small lay, the natural
outlines of which hare been extended
nnd I in pros tal by means of n stone
breakwater and cjuay, which stretches
due west from the enstern extremity
of the bay.
The buildings of the town are mot!
ly one-story In height, built of aua
drled brick, plastered outside and
painted white or light yellow, and the
roofs are of red, sun-linked tiles.
Hack of the town, to the south and
cnM, rise the steep nioulilnln ildes. nn
a spur of which sliiuiU the llitle for
tlflcutinu of ltMgin. which Is reached
by n narrow pnth isrtly hewn out of
the solid rock.
This fort la prncllcnlly the sole de
fense of the town, and. ns a defense. Is
of 1 1 1 1 v or no iilue. iih Its Klin nre
old nnd Its wulU of such n mil lire that
Ihoy would mpldly crumble iiiuler a
well-dlriH-led lire of modern rllles. A
lauding, therefore, could be eitxlly
made ewii ngtitiiHt n htriingopiiltlon
when effected under enter of war
ship, which, nn ucrouiit of the great
depth of wiitcr well in shore, mm
I ii ml ulnse In.
On the southern side of the bay
the mountains iccede from the shore,
forming on the west a somewlmt ex
tensive nnd ery fertile area of flat
Kaatof La flun.vrii the mount uln bafes
are nearer the shore, with here mid
there it suinll'piituh of bind siilllelcnt
ly level to itdmlt of iHilthiitlun A
short unil very prlmlthe rHllrond runs
along the shine oloe to the water, to
the little wittering place willed Mil-
cuto. it illstnnee of about four miles
from I. ii (luiiyru.
The distance froiiiljidiiiiyrnloC'nra
cas fn nn air line Is m- en miles, bill nt
iilir to the elevntlon of the latter tltr
(3.1)00 feet), the distance by rail I
about 33 mile.
The- riillrosd Is the properly of an
Kngllxh s.wulleiilv. "l "" opened
for trullle in lMfB. It Uwelleonslriict-
ed. and rciiulreil great engineering
skill to Hiirmoulit tin! uittiinil dlllleiiK
ties of the route.
From Lit (luiiynt the road runs west
through Ihv MtlM suburb of Cnnloual.
add then, turning south mid east. It
ascends, hy menu of it steel vlitiluel.
to Its nrllllciiil ledge on the side of the
mouutaliis, and thereafter following
the twist uiul turn of their prtcip
itous. sides, passing through three or
four short tunnels and mer It sleel
bridges, nstn lullng l.1" I" ' '"'
lance of Wt inllwfc anil then ilescelliling
yxi feel lillo the nllej of iheduatra
rlter. In .ttliloh Carnnas is slltuUd.
' The nnttire uf the eountrv nliing thl
route is itnch UmV a eoiuwrutitily
small number of inrn could ues
fully oopose a vastly superior Invading
$1000 Stolen From Wajort
The Grants ra Courlor 'alys:
ilrs. L S. Leonard, formerly ofOrants
Pan?, and tnpro lately" of Waldo, lost
1030 by lhft on T.Ueday. In com
pany with somo others, sho was
Grants Pass from Waldo, and
Uto money was carried Insldo n, roll of
bedding, tied up with a ropo. On ar
riving In town the ropo was found to
bo. cut nnd tho money was gone. Tho
party nal stayed over night at Wilder
vtll&iIn tho evening tho roll was ex
amined and found to bo nil right. It
was not taken to tho house, but was
loft all night In tho wneon. near which
one of the party was sleeping. In tho
morning no examination was made,
and It Is not certain whether tho
monoy was stolen at WltiVirvllIo or on
tho road between there and Oranta
Pass. Suspicion falls on cortaln par
ties, but tho caso Is a rather dlfucult
one, and tho guilt may bo hard to es
tablish. Tho money was in gold, silv
er nnd notes. Albany Tribune.
Tho baseball team of Protection
Lodge. No. 2. A. O. U. W., which has
jUBt returned from a grand Eastern
tour, In which they defeated many of
tho National Lcagua teams, aro most
anxloiiB to secure a game for noxt
Sunday against somo lodge team, pre
ferably Thoy do not limit tho tlmo,
however to next Sunday thoy ar In
It for tho season, and will consider
challenges In tho proper order. Thoy
will havo eminent surgeons In attend
anco for tho benefit of their antago
nists, who may be hurt or succumb to
the'speotl or tho game. Tho most com
plete Illustration of how the national
gnmn should bo played Is given by
this famous team, henco tho first ono
to go against them will bo considered
to have a right stnrt for futuro games.
Dates can bo arranged with Frank Wll
man, manger of tho team.
Protection lodge. A. O. U. v.. wns
.visited by n delegation from (Industry
Midge, or I'ortlnnil, Snturday evening.
as n rorrcit ror having lost In tho
mumlmrstilp contest. Thu nowly Insti
tuted Workman lodge nt I! rooks wns.
on hand In n body to seo tho work ex
emplllled by tho Protection nnd Val
ley degree team. After it splendid
lunch plpwei wero Introduced, speeches
resounded through tho lmlU, nnd at
least 1 Bo loyal Workmen voted It n
memorable night In Itx-nl frnternnt
The delegation from Portland In
cluded tho following brethers: Wer
toln. Crosby Mlznen. Rudy. Ilushong,
Stoph'-ns. Drown Cmntnoy Kmery.
I luff man ami Norton
II. owenberg, Chlcaga
J. It. Jacobs, Now nrunawlck.
J. E, Woflein, Portland, A. 0.U. W.
J. 0. Huffman, dot
J, W, Dushong, do,
t A. Drown, do. t
W. O. Huody, da
iC. K. Slovens; do, . i
'W H. Courtney, do.
). If. Mlsener, do,
,11 Wi, Crosby do.
IL I Kmery, do.
' P: S. Dradloy, Son Francisco.
J. M. Hnlg, Now York..
F. P. Coffnian, Portland.
a. S. Hutehlns, Fall City, Nob.
J, It. Bhaver, Oregon City.
V Culvort, Washington, aKn.
M. W. Klncald nnd son, Portland
Ouy Harper Hiitcnlns, clt.
W, Nelson. Fan Francisco.
J. K. Poltpn. Ashland.
P. H. Johnson, Sclo.
M. II. Livingston. Now York,
B. Hv McOloskoy, Now York.
Walter Jackson, Portland
P. U Campbell, Eugene.
Waletr Iron, city.
W. T. Dray, Portland.
Orant Elgin. Conrallls.
W. IU Williams, Portlcjidi
J. II. Slaterist AurusUbo, Flnx
0. W, Reynolds, San Francisco.
E. Vj llomcycn Seattle
C. W, Parrott, Roseburg!; rL
W. 8. Howard, noeeburg? ' '
C.-H. nirdsall. Chlpago. ..
F, M Branch. IMrtland. tVsh.
Adam S. Collins, San Francisco.
W Jameson, San Francisco '
WV O. Martin, Portland.
W. ,0, Cowglll, Baor City. j
C. L. Johnson, city. ,
Hp RobtaiaralteT LaA V '
H, Th KTSsisst tprtoa lasM. jH
K ArukwmkMTnt-IffTfTfTfTfTB
iA, loot. BoldrTsri H
PHarbrsutlKttrttetiMs, H
K "-"fssw-sslBlB
l SasBsl4 That On 300 ret
II Ub Would A as Do H.'aa:
lala Majri jT
It Ii a matter of conunoii kno.wffdge
that In hilly situations the rainfall i
much shore the aterage, ii('lliui u
town may be oitiiulel wlih regard u
neighboring eletntioiis that It Mill re
cetve two ar three limes the uniount
of ruin in a yar that falls on a place
oulj a frw- ii)llcs dlslant, says I haui
Iters Journal.
A case is ijuoted In one of Prof Ty n
daU't lectures, where the rainfall of
one Irish town amounts to so inches,
uud of another to only 11 inches. tir
difference lx;lug due to the action of
the Kerry 'mountains fit fpiv-tng th
tnoist winds up stuldeulytu u higirr
level, where they meet with the t-oM
PMetsary to prtclpltat their moisture
as rain.
, HoJlo Itusseli has suggUd thai we
might control the ralnfulf a'rtlm-iall)
by the erection of iiiiiitense walls, n
tending for some six r set en tuiies m
length, and from 4Vu to 400 feat lnl.
Such walls would aei as natural lulls
in diverting tbv.path of the moisture
lsdeu air, and the eloulls would be
forced to yield their treasures.
iiif iinaiif Hiiii)i(naiBiitiianti
A fine line of Ladies' Patent
Kid Shoes in heavy and light
soles. Call early while- -
sizes are complete. No
trouble to show goods.
Itvin & Petteys
The Practical Shoe Men.
Phone No. 201 Dlue.
04 State Street
8HHtltHf Jlf lf ! Ilf f f mi m
j 2C2C University i
If 411-i-I-rRa-rR-f s?
A largo audience gathered at tho
I'lilvurslty chnpel Sntunlny evening to
hear tho freshmen and sophomore
classes give tholr annual dramatic re
cital. Tho work was hotter than Usu
al, especially the dramatlr work, nnd
was highly appreciated by the audi
ence, as was shown by tho repcatod
applause nnd curtain calls. Chapter
and Ollvor, as "Uumcelot" and
"dobhs," did somo particularly good
work. Mahol Robertson Interpreted
"Juliet" In n, manner that completely
won tho hearts of the nudltmro. Ed.
Meresso was prosvnted with a beauti
ful floral' tribute. lrof. Carter do
serves great credit for tho quality of
tho work given Saturday.
There will bo another recital given
by thu. advanced pupils at (he opera
house. somctlmo In Juno.
WilHUIeHH WHHHUHf ! Ill34llf If
!! Quality First
Prices Second
Bed Time
I take a pleasant herb drink, thy next
morning I feel bright and my com
plexion Is better. My doctor says If
acts gently on the. s.oraacho, liver and
kidneys, and Is a pleasant laxative. It
Is made of herbs, and Is prepared -as
easily as tea." It Is called Lane's med
icine. All druggists sell It at 25c and
SO coots. Lane's Family Medicines
moves the bowels each day. If you
cannot get It, send for free samples.
Address, Orator. .Wood ward, Leltoy,
Canned Table Fruits
2 1-2 lb Tins
Apricots f
Fountain '.". ..15c
Royal ,Club w&&ti.lhJ&0&'m S
Royal Club ; . -20c
. Cherrleji, Black f 1
Fountain ? a A .1. .. 15c
Royal CJub g.M...20c
Cherries, White i I 1
t-ountain . . . ' ' " " 15c
Royal Club 20c
Peaches, Yellow Crawford
Fountain 1 5c
Royal Club 20c
Peaches, Lemon Cling
Fountain ' 15c
Royal Club
Fountain':. . .
Royal Club
Pears, Bartlett
Above nroSpooinl lricca forTotloy only.
Phone 24tt "" Order Liberally.
It 0. Merrill, Ht lxuls
11. n. Cornwoll, oHn Frnmlsco.
Kurt Xlcrmann, New York
J W. alng, San Francisco.
(' 0. Undquost. Ortonville Minn
riios. Newman, Ortonville. Minn
W II. O'Neill, Hun Kranclsco. J . .. isiinaHailatliimttlliailHlHtt-t
0. , Gallery over New York Racket.
PHOTO STUDIO. over N. Y. Racket. H. D. Trover, Prop, balem, ur.
Jfc ) ,
SPECIAL OFFER One doz. $5.00 Cabinet Photos and one Ji 00 Platinoid Portrait, all for M 00. CouW. wJIIk.OMD.i.rUtrtol..$S luil
20 PU.i.,11 Penralf . or f.r Sl.00 ..HI.d - U Hrtna U.t.U of lb r UllsoU. Tm Pen rrt. .,
.very skisre to U .trkily fkitUi.sMtbMiuslof ssyp'ekws.4lcUUsotr)irifw insw.
S?tol h Zi ! ..Ill OtMUr U903. s.l m to l.4 osl J ll U. this Wf triMf JSt ff" nff
r.CuUr'nC.I'... -.uU,.,k.C.B...3.S0to$S.0O ?u Do.c rUtisorVrirfits 4,00.
Boys Soil $6,00 tu.
0TE-30ctsxtf for flsUsUi Photo from tvontfaitls.
Cut out this Coupon and save paying the agent $.00.
iiThe Ctoni&e Photo Studio. new york studio
i ! ,.,. niuMwwiiiiumi A
-".". mr. 7--" ...r"-.- "r .7 ... ii..
AMFHS J. J. AT. NKBi wjsxw". ntll- ! ri "" v
ibairwliea -PhiladsIpiaiHdgsr. j