THE'BAILY'JOURMAtAUEM; OHEQOW; -MONDAY, WAV-IB,-MQ3,- ,- ,ij WOODMEN CELEBRATE AT EUGENE Springfield Beat Eu gene Easily in Base Ball Contest The Weather was Fine and Crowd Large-7The Parade was the tGreat Feature ' and Floats Beautiful .I Catctrrft Tie causo crista la tha blood, ta what causes InfiAmnutUoa of 1h mucous membrane. It Is therefore impossible to cor the disease by local applications. It is positively dangerous to neg lect it, becauso it always affects the stomach and deranges the general health, and is likely to develop into consumption. Manr bar bn radlcallr and pannanmUr tared br Ilood'i Sariapartlla. II aKaaiaa tha bleed and bu a paeullar alUratlra and Unla fftt- B. tonr. California Junction. Unit, writaal MI had catarrh thraa 7ar. loat mr appatlta and aould not (Imp. Mr bad yalnad ma and 1 felt bad all arar. I took Haod'f Banaparllla and now Lara a rood appetlU, lp wclLand bar no rmptoua of aatarrh." Hood's Sarsaparilla Promisee to cure and keeps the promise. It is better not to put oS treatment buy Hood's today. W ib jr. . Tbo .morning -brought with It a threat of a murky day for tho Wood man doing, but It turned out to bo but a threat, and tho sun was a fre quent visitor during the day, much to'tlio satisfaction of those managing tho affair. Crowds of pcoplo from the country woro in tho city. Mombora of the lodRo from all over the County en joyed tho hospitality of tho city. From ono'ii-suviiy la auoiiit'r una ween nns ', ...i ., ium glided by in a flurry and hurry of S?J He Thinks He Has It Winnipeg. May 18. Morley WIcK ctt, special commissioner- for Canada on the Alaskan boundary, has Just re turned.- He 'claims he has secured positive evidence supporting the Ca nadian contentions, and has departed for tho East. Ho will forward affida vits and photographs to tho special commltteo sitting In London. u Woata. Simpson and Miller Stoops and Rootho came second and Eddy and Kenry third. Tho chip picking contest between women was won by Mrs. Cochran with Miss Tlllie Tillman second. John Jncobl and Chan. HID won the Matthowa a .1 Y 1 naa ,iA.l HAAti aB.AV m f9 m A M 1 nvnntu nMrlv .11 In Ihn .v nf .mllXLl'""1 UITIUJ ll BWIUVU muuu U..U mnn. ' t. I..I, i,iM.vinpan Brctliera third. fnJ ""bS! , h. ii Two or throe events were called off ono. Every one has enjoyed them- , ,,, ,.i ,i, i solvou. Vislto-s from nil over the val-'8 c l ' ley, and oven the state, hnvo been B- . p..aite here, and ore ! now Te w , fln'08t evcr Beon a u, .i iT,.,i , ih hi Eugene. The float from the va-HiiL.ifh?.-h?i7ii- 7 .. Li!u.u ' mP "ere baniitlm Indeed. Si J- a0ih-".7i5 "ii r1 Elaborate uniforms, plenty or color. ..wJtn"B.-.h? d,'.an,?njL.c2nLi'.t; nicely dwornted vehicles wore jrroatly nn,i A, n,. i, T,i n " ovlilnce. The various divisions LV,?l,nHr?.ilfwSm-?,f "ihS formed on tho sides streets and Sn enm y Woo,,BIWI f th marched down Willamette. Tho pa- 'The homo tram hold tho long ma-f."'l?'iK of the score until the sixth Inning. r,hlnB from Fifth street past Ninth. and it looked like 8 to C In favor of Eugene, fllbson, the pltchor, wont n little weak In tho last Inning, and a long list of runs wero piled up by the visitors, and at the end the homo team still had their 8. but Springfield had sramperod about and gatherod up a total of 12. It was n seven-Inning gnmc full of life, good nntured rival ry and much enthusiasm. Afternoon Events. The atttruiriiii proximo, as 'an nounced In Uit Guard. wa taken up shortl after 1 o'clock and rarrlml out nlmottt cniuplutulyt Smallpox In Josephine County. Miss Amelia Titus, the doputy post wai in Jacksonville the first of the f''?i8- who are wanting a 15 percent .. a . II lie a uani-. Wants His Photographs. Albany, N. Y May IC Itoland Motlncaux has begun an action to se cure tho removal of his photograph and measurementa from tho Dertilllon bureau of tho state prison. Argu ments were made before Justice How ard at Troy this morning. The at torney-general held them to bo part of tho public tecords of the caso. Doth sides nre given two weeks 10 submit briefs. o Murdered a Leader. Constantinople, May 18. A dls patch received hero today states that DeltchcfT, head of tho Macedonians, and a famous leader, was found dead near Uoross. He had In bis posses sion a complete plan of the Macedon ian railways and 10,000 francs. Ho Is bolicvcd to have been assassinated' by a Macedonian committee, Us he was chat god with treachery o Looking for Jewels. Ixnon, May 16. Scotland Yard Is this evening working on clews which Indtcato that tbo thieves who stole IC0.000 worth of jewels from Mrs. Lorlllard are now In Paris. They I aro not sanguine, however, of recover ing the property, as Uioy believe tho Jewels and settings havo been largely disposed of before- now. Nearly Three Thousand Out. Chicago, May 18. The ranks of the unemployed wero swelled UiIb morn ing by 800 workmen of tho Kohlsoat! bnkorles being locked out, nnd 2000, blacksmiths' helpers from the various lV.Barasfc5ear "Ton would birdly believe it," said t fashionable shoe clerk yesterday, "but the awellest of pur. women customer! are now Invariably asklnff us for boys' jhoes. The masculine styles of women shoes no looser satisfy the. Ta must have a shoo made exactly like 4 man's; and so we sell twice as many boys shtxS ns formerly and propor tionately less of women's. What is th reason Well, really, I cannot say, ex cepting tbnt It is a fad. Aa a matter of fact, I know that the boya' shoes ar not really us comfortnble, fortbey can not be got to lit as perfectly as tlios designed for womeu's feet, and mort thnn one of my fair customers com plain of blisters nnd calloused feet. Imt still they want the boys' shoes nnd Insist Uku the strap being left on In the back." l'lillnilclpbln Itccord. In view of the fact that there was no necessity for the Wintering naval dem uuMratlon by Great Ilrltnln, Germany uml Italy, it would appear that the powers which proceeded decently to ward the collection of their claims nirnlimt Venezuela should havo an i c(ii:il. If not preferential, standing na i creditors. Coal inquiries arc more or less inter esting, but when the facts arc all known the consumer Is still likely to be confronted with tho question, What aro you going to do about, it? At a charity baroflr In Chicago the other day Marshall Field gavo 1.000 for three wlcncrwucrsts ho had eaten. 1'crhsps lie knew that tho dog bad been a valuablo one. Vf Alt llrmrmlirr. Though memory often apurna our debts Of bate, It never amothrra Some kindly debts, for ho forceta lilt klndneaa to others. flan Franclico Uutlatln. ' Tne Ametnm hr aetl4hl. Altbouch esteemed as a gem,-the. amethyst is, unlike most .gems, more brilliant by sunlight than by gusllsht The more beautiful apedrafins are brought from Braxll, Ceylon, India, Siberia and various parts of Europe. It la also found in North Cafolina, Mount Holyoke nnd Nova Scotia. Brlllah Landowner. One In seven of nritlsh landowners Is a woman. In all there are about 38,000 women who own land In Eng land and Wales. Horaltr and Ilenrda, Francis I. of France was struck on the chin with n sharp missile. The wounded part could not bo shaved, and following the monarch's suit beards came Into fashion, after having been out for nearly n century. A FernlUrltr of the Cocunnut I'ulm. One of the peculiarities of the co coanut palm Is that it never stands upright. A Malavnn saying has it that "he who has looked upon n dead monkey, he who has found the nest of a paddy bird, he who has beheld a straight cocoanut or has fathomed tha deceitful heart of a woman will liva forever." Teated. .nsruv tfcL r!E YOU r Not, Wh.t B,U . Resident, Ak t , i the statcawtf citizen, TOtn You can rii ... rl The proor should cohtC1 O. 8. Cooner. f,..." miles north-east of Saw , rlnn wa.t -. . , 9 wheat district and when . . of a boy I prided nm,i ' aa much strength as any XB ... u WW, u hui lugewer wo ofUnu strength by lifting t Vbt.! od two bags of wheat but b?l "'""'-" "umiik none tou,i Wafl that I strnlrn..! ,w l... I -.. ,.uu uwv or less titm.1 ..11 !.! . ""HI uuii uv.uiuB pains acros aj ouicr Bymptoms of kldnej ( in Bomu way uoan's Klfa, wero urougnt to my notfe, first tlmo I went to town If into ur. stone's drug stort, quirca auout them. I t woro highly recommends I vised to give them a trial ( and while I did not folln.. ment as regularly as I tit, done, being a poor hand totJ Kinu oi meaicinc, tho benrf; rived from their uie stinM. a remedy which acts fully m ropresentatlons made for It Dom tor ou cents a box b urt. Fostor-Mllburn Co. n.f, Y solo agents for tho UbIwj iieineuiuur mo name, tako no other. "Is he a good, strong horser "I should say lie Is. Little Willie has jwned him for two weeks, and he Isn't Drokcii yeLM Chicago American. O .V. 13 TOUT a I BaartOs 9 W Tllltan3 V6iM The LEADER The LBADEfl sp th WHek. getting leal advice about on forrlng the statr quarantine laws. She r!rtts that thr are 17 rnsea of smallpox In that vicinity and fomo cf t' ii't come t- tho olllce to xet their mall, nnd persist In doing so wh"T ri'iUM il net to exiioso others. i h" si "!' d o lb Josephine conn- v stitlio! Itlea. but (nay Informed her that they had no authority In the mat ter: that it rested with th stnte board The pillow polo contwat Has a sight f IimIIIi. Iter advisors there reforreil fur fun. Hunry Matthews won flrst. her to Dr. B. U.PIekel of Modrnrd, a W. T. Drug second and. Oeo. llouek llrmber of thnt board, third. . The fnt nmu'a race was won by The Regular Meeting Win. IUkm! ami Chaa Whit came In Or thf Marion Square Improvement second bwit Umihik will bi hild tomorrow, nt the Tho threo-lewged nice was won by home of Mm. W II. Hyara. It Riots Are Ended. Hrldgport, Conn., May 18. Tho trolloy strike, after yostorday's riots is quiet this morning. Tho compnny Ih making no attompt to run tho early cars. !gnin waist a 6--tia t 2 m This Interests Harrlman. " Now York. May 18. Harrlmnn Is1 much Improved today. It is not yet! tlitcldori whother an operation Is nee oasnryi 0 V. X. Iloulllard. managor of the Chleo Nursory Co.. sends us a hand some pamphlet ndvertlHing that city, and Its enterprises. Ho Is a former Salomlte, who has made a success of life, starting In as a laborer wlththe Oregon Nursory Co., and has now got pretty well up to tho head of the pro-cosslon. Cut This Ad Out and Bring It With You On Mon., Tues., Wed. and Thurs. of this Week, 1 To test the value of the two dally papers of Salem, we will sell a beautiful line of Shirt Wilttiit Hl.1 PRIC. Displayed on the second and third counters, and the prices range from $1.25 to $3.00, lubjtdiM discount of SO PER CENT. If you want a waist this is the time to buy It. REMEMBER to bring thltuiil you. Sale begins at 8 o'clock Monday evening, and ends at 6 o'clock Thursday evening. MtS. Ft&Set's 27t Commercial Street X X WltS. F3J mPWk rJ BnSBJI b 2 J aSVaJWWaSyOBBll II a (III I II ! -.2 sn III . "" I 1 II iff I I iOLsts Jba xveamesj pSSm k sP OTJ3Et ST When the President! Comes to Salem All Western Oregon above the Filjj will be here, from far and near they i come, by team, by train, by foot aiL way to get here to do honor to the 11 tion's Chief. Pardon our inauisitivt nes. sir. but in that gailv dresst. thrnnff nn ThnrQrlv tipyf. Tinw'll 3 loom up in that shabby old suit of yowsj M SOT (la. go i Democratic Candidate for Congress From the First Oregon District. Will address the people of Salem and vicinity at the . Armory Hall at 8 o'clock Monday evening, May 18 There will be splendid band music. Governor Geo. B. Chamberlain will introduce'the speaker. Lef every one turn out and give this eleganUorator a splendid reception. You will be both entertained and Instructed. rlUr. J i ... lL. n U.. 4tia.r VlAVP 3 do with what the world thinks of him, Our Men Boys' Suits are all of guaranteed make and cofapt the verv latent Kntli in rttt jinrt in oattern. Our M 12 tui'tc aw cimnlv cnrMsrnti chnilld KCC thcfll. ' I have suits as high as $26 for those who want the teff H 7 best made. , l ; You'll haye - FITS - IF YOU COME TO Permit US to Ornlnilvfniiv innn avnn.ic. .,. .,!;:... .li. -v. . . Iholoug, lank Abrahams Ljucolns, however, ot S5 or 80 inch in-seara, T,nd it no easv inatter to don a new suit without the coat looking boh-tailed and tho trousers appearing ftrS Wn?in.B , U f U,, l this sort of build thut o Slim SuUs afoP made to fit hor does the little, stout, short fellow get suited in every stock either unless 1 e is willing to look like a little boy with his fathers clothes on. Wo are ready for himToo W can fit all three of the men in this picture-tho long and the short o it i well 2 the'mln of regular build e-No other store for 25 miles around has ite own Mo? ahoS That SriiTuah X faCUitie3 fr miing Very peCUliarU' of yur Saithranh0aPny 2fr i s MmIJIIIw Salem woolen Mill store. Mrs. Hinges will sing. I '