ILL OF FARE FOR THURSDAY Want all to Come Early and Get a Good Seat it will be Done, who will ), and Where, Line of March and Program for Thursday sxt Thursday morning President evclt will bo formally welcomed egon at tho state capital. Ho will rested by Uio governor and tho atlvo committee, and will bo cd by tho largest crowd ever as- lod In Salem. An address of wol i will bo made on behalf of the by Mayor Bishop, on behalf of tho by Governor Chamberlain, and Senator George C. Drowncll. of kamns county, will voice the wol- 01 uio legislative committee. n. Hallle I'arrlsh Hinges, the pop. IslnRer of Salem, will sing, and mtiElc will also be furnished by 3olcm Choral Union. Tho 0. A. Jio Phlllpplno veterans and tho an National Guard will bo pros- i a hotly to mnnifost their respect, Kbrganlzatlons. for Uio nation's Nothing will be left umlono can add to tho rlbute that nil !n desires to pay to rresirtent Bvdu fJhtdgo Gea H Uurnett, chalrmnn o local committee on arrango- wlll be master of ceremonies. 'resident's special train will ur- n Salem at 9 o'clock a. m., and be met by the reception commit- jundcr escort of tho Salem mill' rjrnmpanj', xne pany win ue iok- carnages (o Marion square, a uis- o or three-quarter or a nillo, ugh tho best part of the city. Tho so will bo as follows (ram tho pas- or depot Down Twelfth to Stale, down Slalo JSTCommerelnl, north on Commercial teiMarloii. west on Marlon to Front, worth on Front to Union, thouce Into tho7 square, whero tho school children will have already been massed. Tho President will make n brief ml- dreaii? and hear th? children sing "America," after which the party will proceed In carriages to tho capltol along the following ceurse: Host on UnloUj to Commercial, south on Com mercial U) Center, oast on Center to lUghrsouth on High to Court, oast on Court to capltol, thouce to tho east ranco to the capltol. whero tho exercise will tako place. The programs Is as follews: Song- Salem Choral Union. (X'ddress- Mayor C. P. Bishop. Address- Governor Chaniborlaln. Wddress Senator Drownoll. -,Song- Hallle Parrlsh Hinges. ' Address President Hoosevelt. Song- Salem Choral Union. Tho. lcclslatlvo commlttoo. appoint- yjofact with thi? governor In reoolv- lUfZMlllv 1 TlBiut'lH, lit us luiiunn; ovim- toranrownell of Clackamas. Kuykon dall of I one Carter of Jackson. Crol- f nan of Marlon and Wehrung of Wash ington; Itepresontatlvos Harris of LniiojKddy of Tillamook. Hanks of Multnomah Gault of Washington, Halo? of Josephine, Hermann of Coos, Jones or Lincoln. Galloway or urn- duuwarui bllTd a uiiycu oi i. inn. Grand Army Men. ant Flames and Commander Kftftiin. of the Salem G. A. It., re- 5eSthe attention of all the com- TMiMTor SLHigwicK ron ana or an tun &j4Sel of tho Civil War. They have tieeJtVormally Invited and requested uySthW u-eneral committee on tho re- JeeuUpn of I'resldont Roosevelt and hlsTjarty to Join In that reception, nnd Ifoha a miard of honor through which ShtjJPrcaldent and" his party will pass TranUielr way to tho state house. The veiefana are to form In a double line. facjng each other, on tho east side or ,th'(at&to house, and It Ms' oxpeeted UifttMwo or three hundred men will bjln line All the membora nnd or- wyetornn Is Invited to turn out with HS-agWICK 1081 in noiior ui uio i-rroi- Meet at Tumor oiook at s o'clock a. m.f Thursday May 21st tM Care of the Children. rSJISalem school teacher who ex- , to tako the children of hor room IoTpk Itoosovelt speech In Marlon iswsftru suggests that the parents bo LfiTaasmrod to tako chargo of the little ffsslaillramedlatolv after tho close of tMSTJisorcIses. This seems like a rea soMfclo renuest. aa It will be Impos slblelfor tho teachers to pilot alUuio lltttojones to their rcspoctlve home&J AUe8'- uio pun-nia ty uiu i)iuui-r cr.Wren suouiu do prejwrea 10 iook ftVfthem. His Place In Life, rich resident of Now York was cd what he Intended making of his ngest son, wno is now at xaia lauehed. "Nothing. I mado tho est a lawyer tho second a doctor, i third a preacher, and tho fourth tgtock broker All are dissausHea ey complain I put mem inio me ng niches. oo, m" b iniiroi in i-ntnir to havo his own v thnnl it i havA not even faintly Mnted at what I should llko for him to go In for Vhen he was at homo 'Christmas some one put tho question Consumption tti winar nrnnA ttnA ripfldlr Of All Ulseases, as well aa pneumonia, and til Lung Troubles are relieved at once And cured by Acker's English Remedy Kths king of all Cough Cure" Cures Coughs and Colds la a day. 2S cents. Your money back If dissatisfied. Write for free sample, w. - uooKflr To'SlnrrarhTsaTa Vtf,wl.,,VR!r,VN& "a..unerai, director,. Thau nearly Killed me at first, but I .am growing touu oi mo men. Undertaker, qh? Never! Ho will not bo an undertaker but a funeral director. flin ntiut'n are sensible, and 1 don't think we; Shall tin nnhftmtvl .if Mm " ' ' "Hob tells me." continued Uie fath-' er. that most of our funeral clstotns are as old as Home; that. In fact, Uidy are derived from tho Homans. And ho says that nothlnc new. In funerals has been tried In centuries. He sees a big field to lmurovu. Ho snvR hn win mane a year. Ho will capture all the best trade. Some of ... . . 1 - --' - our undertakers are mllllonalresL Think of that! Ovor 2000 wreaths wore sent to Sulla's funoral. Tho Homans dressed In black, walked In processions, carried InBlgnla on Uio bier and raised a moutld over tho grave. Dob would change all theso things somehow. Hob has worked It nil out and knows what he's up against. He's original. Think of a Yale graduato burying people for n living. I guess I'll havo to cut him off In my will to keep tho young ras cal from hankering after putting me under the sod. Ha, Ha!" New York I'resB. His Wife Sent For HerMotlier Newboro, N. J layi 1C For three dayj-jfiV J; Krechmqr fcf Monroevlllo lnuglHjd' 'Doctors who"nttended him sald'TC'WasMiardly pos'slblo for him to recoverntit he has finally stoppod laughing and will get well, ftj- Hp, was selxed with laughlniFhys tprlcs Jn tho midst of thb.uxcltemcnt of mho' burfflng" of his homo Friday night Helflflves and friends did all they could to stop him, but drd,' not succeed. The sufferer kopt on faugh Ing at Intervals ut a few minutes until Iib was weak and practically helpless. Many physicians were called, but their offorts were vain for a long time. Finally, however, tho paroxsms becamo loos violent, and llnally ceased. TO CURE DANDRUFF. It Is Necessary that the Dandruff Germ De Eradicated. "Destroy tile cause, you remove tho effeat." Kill tho gorni that causes dandruff , falling hair and baldness, you will havo no more dandruff and your hnlr must grow luxuriantly. Homicide not only contains tho ilniul ruff Eorm destroyer, but It Is also a most dellghtrul hair dressing for rog' ular toilet une. No other hair prepar ation Is on this scientific basis of des troying the dandruff germ, and none othor claims to bo, for the simple rea son that It Is only recently that n destroyerdostroyer of the gsrm has been discovered Nowbro'u Herplcldo the only hair preparation that actual y kills dandruff. For sale by Daniel J. Fry. Send 10 cents in stamps for sample to Tho Hcrplolda Co., Detroit. Mich. Her Spring Poem. W. D. Neeblt In Chicago Tribune. She sat bufore her polished dosk, In soulful rhyming mood. And wrote a poem on the Spring A subject much pursued. "How blithe nnd balmy Is the nlr?" She Hcribblod as she sa). "I murk the plumage of the birds Thut nestle on-tlie hat.' "O, Oontlo Spring. Uio meadows are With Haunting daisies porked Th btnres are showing hosiery So sweetly open-worked! "Tjin rose, tho lilac, nnd the pink Are growing on tho lawn That sells for 00 conts per yard I hope It's not all gona. "Tho fluffy liloMioms mi the tios A wltohlng pattorn traoe It makes mo think that I must buy Another lot of laco. "Tho sprouting grass Is tendor greon. m natures omen who She UoMt not read the fashion page, For green Is not In style "All thjngs combine to charm tho heart. And make the sensos glad 'Most uvory jmper that I see Contains a bargain ad. "Tho prlmroso by tho river's brim, By morning sunshine kissed Hut I forgot. I have got to go And talk with my modiste!" GOOD FOIt CHIl.nitKN. The plrasant to ttkt nif bsrmlru 'One Mloute Cough Cat (Irr IramMllot relief in all eates or codkd. troup una iwriniw. Urraue It dors not pais Immediately into the (tomacu, bat Ukes effrt rlbt at the eat o( the trouble. It draws out tbe In namiuntlon. beala and aootbea and cures permanently bx emiminj inn inosa 10 con tribute pore iUfflTlnc and life auttalnlni oxyren to tna Diooa ana irnuw bx F. O. Ilaai. IHJ fitate street. and tuniaa. For aale Pointed Paraaraphs. a moment's ansicr may result In year's (jf sorrow. Tho lignter a man boib uio iuuwjj hit tonguo gets. Spck a eenorous man If you would And a truly grateful one. Too many peopio busiuku b. poiuc acknowledgement for an encore. tiiva tlm oaar.irolnr man half a chance and he'll cease to so at all. A man a avoiruupoiso naa noinins to do with his greatness or smallness Tior i nnihlnir like bolnc ready to open tho door when fortune knocks. Tbe love or some women is uh me aguo; It begins with . chill and ends In a fever. ...... Meno makes the mare go, but its persuasive powers are often wasted on the automobile Chicago Nows. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tbe Kind You Hare Always BsagM Signature of Ovi&ffleUC&l'. THE DAILY JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 10, 1903. CAMPAIGN i GETTING LIVELY Two Weeks Remain to Complete Congres sional Campaign List of Speakers on the Re publican Side and Dates Upon Which They will Address the Voters From now until the sun goes down on tho eve of May 30th, -a vigorous campaign will be waged In this dis trict by tho Itepubllcnns for the elec tion of Dinger Hermann. Speakers of noto will be sent Into all the counties to want tho people of tho disastrous effect of Bonding a Democrat to congress, and to urge tho voters to get out on election day and return Illngor Hermann to his rightful place In congress. Hermann's Itinerary for tl balance of the cam paign is as follews: Forest Grove. May 18, Dayton 19, 2 p. in., McMluuvllle 19, 8 p m.; Inde pendence. May 20. On May 21 Mr. Hermann will go to Salem, by rXpiest. to meet President liooMvelt. On May 22. he Is at Tole do; Corvallls. 23: Woodburn. 2C; Sll- verton, 20; Lebanon, 27; Grants I'ass 28. and closes at Uoseburg. Walter I Tootle of Marlon county. will sitenk In Marlon. Clackamas. "Washington and Ynmhlll. ' Frank nvey. of Marlon, Is at North Ynmhlll May 2S. Cfirlton 20. and Me Mlnnvlllo 30. V.. Hnfer speaks at Glendale tho 19th. Myrtle Creek 20th. Oakland 21st, Drnln 22d. Junction 24d. Til Ford nnd I.. 7 Harris will nlso bo at Junction on May 23d. Senator Fulton visits Ashland May 23d. Grants Vam 25th. Dallas 2Gth, l-n fayette nnd Newberg 27th, Forest Grove 28th, Hlllsboro 29th, Oregon City on Decorntlon day. Opo. C. Drownoll makes the welkin rng at Medford Mav 23d. Oold Hill ar.tli. rtosehurg 2Gth. Kugtaio 27th, Corvnllm 28th. Independence 29th. Til Ford will speak In Hnlsey, aclo nnd I.obanon. T. T. Geer will bo a lively factor In tho campaign on date and places yet to bo fixed. Jv D. l.oe goes to Lincoln and Uontou. to speak nt Newport. yald port, nik Cltv. Sllutz nnd Philomath. General T. J. Thorp, one of tho best campaigners In tho stnte. nns equip ned n rig. nnd Is making a hntisc-tn- hotise rnnvns In Denton county, hold Ing big meetings In all tho school houses. ' Tuesdav evening, at Rnrlngflold. In the city hall. Honn J. M. Shelley of Eugonp. and I. N. Kdwnrdn and others will address tho people on the Issues of tho day. - Deafness Cannot be"Currd. by local nppUcatlbn as tliV cannot rencti uio diseased portion or mo car. There Is only ono way to cure deaf ness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Dcafnca Is caused by an In flamed condition of tho mucous lining of tho Kustnchlan Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is entlrel closed, Doafn6ss Is tho result, and unless tho Inflammation can bo taken out and this tubo re stored to Its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but an (nflaraod con dltlon of tho mucous surfaces. Wo will glvo one hundred dollars for any cai.o of deafness (caused by catarrh) that ennot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for , circulars free. F. J. CHENBY b CO., Toledo. O. Sold by Druggists, 7Cc. Hall's Family Pills are the best A 8WT.RT IUtEATII. la a Defer falling- also of a bealtby atomaeb. When tbe breath l bad the stomach la pot of order. Tber la no rem- a In tK.'wnrlll Mlllftf tft KfkAtA I)nMD have been 'a driieptlc for jeara tried sU sinus or rrmraiea. our toniinum v iv worse. Ilr lb ue of Kwlol I beran '.I todol I beran te ter taking, a few IP weUbt, Cftlth ; wbaterar I tU Improve or oil unce. and after bottle am full i rratored n1 tpnffllt mnA 911 Mf Kodol dlgeta what you eat. and taikes me aiomaea iwm rer aaie uj ? lloai, (Ml Bute street As a great many peopio will no doubt visit Portland on tho occasion of tbp President's visit to that city, May 21st. It Is anticipated that the railroad company will be unable to provide facilities to handle the crowds on one day. Excursion tickets will, therefore, be on sale from all stations into Portland on May 19th, 20tb and 21st, aud It Is suggested that the peo ple do not wait until the last day. W. E. COMAN, 5-15-td O. P. A.. S. P CO 'Still the Favorite. For shert order meals tbe White House ItesUurant Is tbe leading place. Open day and nlgbL Prompt service. Notice for Bias. I W,,ln la hnroliv orlvon that Sealed I bids will be received by tho Common" Council of the City of Salem. Oregen, la Cure for curlnr Indlgntlon. dtpeptfa and all atoraach dbortferi Mm. Wry 8 l-l.V nt IV hit. IMalna K'- wrltea: "1 ?mm s H3H V ' Though Granting Accomodations on the i - Monthly Settlement Basis This Is a - Cash ' House Great Sale Of Skirts Begins Today Dress Skirts Walking Skirts Theso prices will bring n big crowd to tho department-second floor. You'vo nevor ha'd an opportunfty liko this boforo. nnd aro (Ml nut likwly to hear of ono ognin soon. These Prices Now S 2 50 Skirts for $ 1. 65 S 3.50 " " $ t.92 5 4 00 " " $ 2.47 $ 4.50 u " $ 2.75 5 5 00 " " $ 3.85 S 6 00 " " $ 4.00 S 7.00 " " $ 4.50 S 8.00 " " $ 5.50 S 9.00 " $ 6.05 $10.00 M " $ 6.50, SI 2.00 " " $ 6.50 $15.00 ' " $ 0.25 And so on all through the line. Prices have been slaughtered for this sale. Can you afford io stay away? GOOD GOODS until the 21st day of May, 1903, at hiding must stato In their bids that tho hour of 8 o'clock p. m.. of said day, they are corporations; and a com. for the grading and KravcIIInK of that pany, partnership or association bid park of Church street between tho ' ding, must glvo the names of all south Jlne of 8tato street and the J incmbors In tho company, partnership north line of Trado street, heroin designated, and according to tho pro visions of Ordinance No. 110. and tho plans aud specifications thereof on Mo In tho office of the Street Com mlssloner. or for such subdivisions of such Improvement, as will not mater ially conflict with the completion of th remaining jKirtlons thereof, to wit: To Improve, aa Ticforo mentioned, the one-half of said fhurch. street lying along, In front of and abutting upon the, north and .west 0 feet lot C. block 71; (he west V, of lot 0. block 72; tho southwest quarter of lot 7, block 72; the north 37 and 14 feet of lot 2. block 8; tho north 1 and A feet of lot 3. block 7; tho north and east 14 and 610 feet of lot 1. block 7; tho north and east 38 and 5-10 feet of lot 2. block TV Each bidder must deposit with his bid a certified cheek or certificate of deposit In tho sum of Ono Hundred dollars, payable to. or Indorsed to. the City of Salem, as a guarantee of good faith on the part of tho bidder that he will execute tho contract and glvo the undertaking required, with good and sufficient sureties to bo ap nrnvAii v fhn Mavor. In case tho con tract shall bo awarded to said bjdder. whleh deposit shall be forfeited to. and become the property af. tho City of Salem, in c said bidder nhsll .... fall to comply with either of saiji re- nirnnta within five days Bfte - iio - tle to hi id. of the acceptance by the Common Council, of his bjd. The City of Salem reserves the right tcA reject any and all bld deemed iinrewwsble. ..QorporatJon . - '!. m .-. qaasjjiu i 'V" ""wruj UT Or C5f CUf" Ji'1 JP t tv. -Hi Tho most successful stores in Aniorlcft conduct special sales. TJioy do it Jo draw peopio to their store. It's n wnv of nd vortisinp, and whore's belter advertising thnu sntisfied customers? Every nrlicHJ wo sell is worth tho price nskod for it, No storo cai) sell goods chenpor thnn wo do qunlity for quality prico for prico. If you tire not satisfied with youY purchases horo wo will rofund your money. Tlioro'a no risk in trading horo. Judicious econ omy will induce nn investigation of tho offerings below. with niching of samo mntorial. DonH Miss this Offering j-fJiifSli va or association so bidding, and the nnmo under Which Uioy do business. Illds which do not comply with tho terms of this notice, will not be con sidered, nor will any bid be reWved after tho tlrap specified above. N. J. JUDAH. Keeorder of tho Oily of 8lom. S-lMOt Notice for Bids. Notion Is hereby given that scaled bids will be received by the Common Council of tho City or Salem, Oregon, until tho 21st day of May, 1903, at the hour of 8 o'clock p. in., of said day for tho grading and gravelling of that part of Ferry Street between tho west lino of Liberty street aud tho tost line of Cottage street, herein designated, and according to the pro visions of Ordinance- No. 411, and tho plans and specifications thereof on fllo In tho oRlco of the Street Com missioner, or for such subdivisions of such Improvement, as will not mater ially conflict with the completion of tho remaining portleus thereof, to wlt: To Improve by grading and gravel ling, according to tho plans and spec ification aforesaid, tho Intersection of Ferry and Liberty streets; the In tersectlon of Ferry and High streets,; .the Intersections of said Ferry street witn Uio aiwys runn.ns nimu . ' it. a .-..I. HI...!,. m IO ami flA "" lurvwi . .. - v. 1 7 Mil 8. and Tl anil 71. ami ucroes SA.U Ferry street! JO Improve as before mentioned, the one-balf of said Ferry street lying alone, In front of. and abutting upon the west 4 3 of lot 8, block 19; the PAOE THREE rrT -j.'vi 1 I'Haajjag ii.i-am e"wiann ' iimm' -. mmmw nmam 0mim ta r , WcSell Reliable . Merchandise Only. We look ' for , ! Quality First and Then fix the Price Accordingly V'll ' n ft.'i fo;: 4 H $1.25 and $1.C0 Underskirts Today Only 39c each Up-to-dalo styles in colors and black. Petticoats you'll considor n wonderful bargniu nt tho price. Mado of morcoruod sal eon somo prettily trimmed with several rulllcs others have deep accordian pleated flounces flinished nt bottom GOo t GOc Porcalo shirt w'sts Tuesday Only 39c each The waists are nicely mado of good quality pcrcnlo in in stripes. You'll savo con siderable by coming down for tholn Tuesday. See Window display - Neckwear Narrow Kour-in Hands, Midguts, Bows, 'fecks, in plain nnd fuuey colors nnd' fancy silks. A Inrgo varioty to chooso from nt '25 cents each GOOD GOODS middle 13 or lot 8. block 19, tho cast 1-3 of let 8, block 19. lot 1. block 19, lot 8, block 8; the west 35 feet of lot 1. block 8; 35 fret In lot 1. block 8. belonging to I W. Ilobllu; 35 feet In lot 1. block 8. belonging to C. II Moore; the enst half of lot 8. block 72; the south SO feet of lot 4. block 71; tho east half or lot fi. block 71; lot 4. block 20; tlm east 21 and 7-10 feet of lot &. bocklJp 21 and 7-10 feet lu lot C, block 20, 'belonging to Johu Hughes. Kuch bidder must deposit with bis bid a certified check or certificate of dojKJalt In the sum of One Hundred dollars, payable to, or Indorsed to, the City of Salem, as a guaranleo of good faith on the part of the bidder that ho will executo the contract and glvo the undertaking required, with good and sufficient sureties .to be ap proved by Uio Mayor, In case tho dor. which deposit sball4be forfeited to contract shall bo awarded to said bid and become tho property of. tho City of Salem. In paso said bidder shall fall to comply with either of Mid re quirements, within five days alter notice to him, of the acceptance by tho Common Council, of his bid. Tho city of Salem reserves tho right to rojwt any and all bids doomed unreasonable. Corporations bidding must stato in their bids that thoy aro corperations: and a com pany, partnership or association bid ding, must giro tho uamr of all members Jn the company, partnership or association so bidding, and tho name under which they do business. HJds wbloh do not comply with tho terms of this notice, will not bo con aldered. nor will any bid be received aftw tl) tlm specified above. K. J. JUIM1I. Reardr of the City ut Salem. C-Uiot r Co., Bunajo. n. y, u, j. r it i'nij-