THE DAILY JOURNAL, OALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY. 15,. 1903. PAQErEIGHT.. VMrro congsti "iJlllS81 w aav & ! t JOKJ I ' K MONDAY ONLY Fancy UNDERSKIRTS Jinuging in prico from $1.50 $3.50, Monday only. to 98c r 1 On the Way toYosemite Raymond, May 10. President Roosevelt reached Raymond at 7:30 with only half of his special train, and tho Bloopers were left behind nt Bcr enda, and a guard of soldiers met the President to escort him Into tho park, whero ho will remain until Monday af ternoon.' Tho plan to have fireworks displayed In tho park, evolved by the superintendent, was vetoed by the President as Boon as ho learned of It During tho day the President will travel 40 miles on the stage coach. Packers to Confer Wo linvo not priced thorn Accord ing to their looks orwlmtthoynro wado of, "what will sell them" that's tho aim. If vou want ono you'd hettor crftno early Monday. See Display on Commercial Street. Omaha, Mny 1C. President Donncl ly, of tho Amalgamated Moat Cutters' and Butchers' union, arrived this morning, after a conferonco with tho managers of all tho packing houses relatlvo to the demand for a IS per cunt Increaso of wages. It Is an nounced a conferonco will bo hold In Chicago next week, nt which tho de mand will bo settled. All the packing house employes In Omaha, KanBaiJ City, St, Joseph, Sioux City, Chicago nnd othor Westorn Packing concerns, do rn mul an Increaso and a stnnll army of tnon are affected. There nro over I G00 hero alone. DUMP SALE OF SHOE HIGH GRADE SHOES 4 V DUMP PRICES This is our third and last Dump Sale. As this entire stock in ce sold regardless or cost, no reserve, Out President "Will soon bo horo. Wo can savo you money on anything in tho' decorativo line. Ask for our prices and bo convinced. The largest line in the city. flsosje: .i.rv. f !!. i" Till! Wnrri ccqra $6.50 IS ALL IT TAKES TO HAVE A COASTER BRAKE PUT ON. Would you be without one for that small amount? Five pur cent off tor cash. FRANK ,109 Court St. J. M00RE Phone 2844 GOLD OUST FLOUR Mads by TUB SIDNEY POWER COMPANY Sldnty, Oregon, Made for family use, aik yoar grocer for It, Bran nnd aorta always ou hand. A. T. WALN Affent 2te A. I. EOFP. E. HARTLEY. Iowa Commercial Teachers. Dos Moines, May 15. Tho Iowa Bicycles And Sundries Tribune Bicycles Wolf-American Snell And nil sortH of tiros mul sundries for nil sorts of wheels. Our whcol trade this sonson henna earlier thnn ovor, mul hns kept up .hotter thnn over. Thoro Is only ono way to build a business In nny. lino, and that's to mnko Hint a pnrtlaular font ure, und tako enro of tho trndo. I Wo lmvo dono thnt. Our wheel do pnrtiuont Is as Important to us as nny other part of tho business, and wo novor neglect It. Tho old rollnhlo Trlhuuo Is our load er, und always will ho while It con tinues to stand up as It doos. Our Snoll Is unnuostlonnbly tho host $25 wheel Hint's ovor beon shown In Salem; host bocauso It has bcon dom onstratod so to bo In ovory point. Has tho linos of tho high-priced wheel, nnd stnmls up Hko u Trlbuno. 207 Pairs Ladles Oxfords $2.00 and $3,00 1E? values as lone as they last iL Dump prices ' j 406 Pairs Ladles Vlcl Kid cloth and kid top O T shoes $2.50 to $4.00 values 1 iL Dump prices v 203 Pairs Ladles shoes Kid and Cloth top, turn ' LTAr and welt soles $2,50 and $5.00 values lilL Dump price evrvv 3 11 Pairs Ladles Vlcl Kid shoes Kid and Cloth top, - welt, turn soles $2.50 to $500 values ft lL Dump price vrv 412 Pairs Ladles Kid shoes, better sizes. Cloth and 7 C Kid toes $3.00 to $5 00 values lL Dump price MfV 210 Pairs Ladles fine shoes extra good values god (JW A A toes and sizes. $3.50 to $5.00 values .li IIBI Dump price vjji.vv 217 Pairs Ladles shoes up-to-date, worth (TW ryr $2.00, all sizes and all widths Jl S S Dump price vpiJJ i 211 Pairs Ladles Vlcl Kld.'shoes, good sizes. Kid and (TW fir? Cloth top. turn nnd welt soles, S3. 00 to .7 I $5 00 values. Dump price vpA 197 Pairs Ladles Vlcl Kid lace shoes, up to-datc Q-i PA toes, $2-50 values .Ttl lfl Dump price flJJ 506 Pairs Ladles fine shoes, up-tadate toes, (T-f n r all sizes and widths, worih $2.60 to $5 7 I Dump price Vaa J .. .. .. iL.. zuo ratrs mens nne, snocs , Aj $2.50to $4,b0 Mjl fl'l Dump price '4"W.. UM t I :. ju fairs mens snocs 1 . 1 ,, n aj worth $2,00 values i, HJ1 Qt Dump price. '....;...'......'. yliJJ yuu rairs mens line snocs . . $4-00 to $7.00 values Cfj Dumpprlcc liJl1 . K A..At yy fairs uoyssnoes. sizes y to u;a, worm ss A,i ' $2'00 Si (Ifl Dumpprlcc Tvl iuo fairs uoys snocs, sizes ';& to 5, worm tw nA $2 00 to $2.50 Vj QCJ Dumpprlcc .' YJJ 550 Pairs mens nice fine (t( A A S W.OOlIf 155 Pairs Daby shoes, lace, lf, red and tan, 75c values Af Dumpprlcc , TJt 10 riirav.iiiiurcn&nuc&iOiocK cuuon una ince, ma 85c values W n Dumpprlcc Jul 102 Pairs Chlldrens shoes, black button and lace $1.25 values bM Dumpprlcc , UJk i fairs misses snocs nn $1.50 to S2. 00 values lf Dump price I ) It is a waste of ink to tell you of any more of our bargains, come and see them. vnmek And Buggies NOT IN THE TRUST But for Quality of our Meats, Lard and Poultry we challenee any com petitor to meet us in ex cellence Housekeepers know this. EOFP & HARTLEY I 140 State Street 1 Phono 2853 Main. i Salem, Oregon. tttWttttVit3kLXlXXV What the Shoe Man Has. Shoes for Sprln? and Summer, shoes tkat fit and have Quality of material Shoes for style, cheapness and wear Sfcots that will compare with other nakes. H J. OSWALT, 99SMteSt.,Sa!cm. Oregon. H21m .Thuro Is a world of aatlsfnetlon In tho consciousness thut you aro driv ing it rlK of known reputation and Quality That's STUDEBAKER. You run no risk In tlnwe. Studo linker's name stand for all that's grnxl in vehicle, and our trade swears by tho Koods. Wagons. Hacks. IlURglM. ' BurrltM. Open Driving Wagone. Ulko Wugons. Hard Hubbur Tiros. Cushion Tiros. Pnoumatlo Tiros, Or nny nnd all classos of "Illgs Thnt llun." Call and sieo us. Wo cnu do you good F. A. WIGGINS Implement House. 255-257 Liberty St., 3lem. Farm Machinery, Bicycles, Sewing Machine and Supplies. N. H. Burley, Sewing Machine enMni XfDBlES.lMCSSS ODE" SSLX3E3 All goods litttfd at tho store, if desired. No oxchnngo or inonoy refunded owing to grout vnluos given and broken tizw. Cash Shoe Store, OPPOSITE THE OLD POSTOFFICE. 303 COMMERCIAL STREET. Commercial Teachers Association, which was organized last year nt Cedar Haplds, began Us second an nual convention In Oes Moines today. Commercial tonehers from Marshall town, Cedur ltuplds. Waterloo, Iowa City, Dubunuo and other cities of tho stato aro in attendance A two day's program has been arranged, tho pa pors nnd discussions to cover every plmmi of commercial education. Tho vlsttlng teachers aro to be out attained at a banjuot tonight. NEW TODAY XjM?a.XU.?tkwl CZ.r tfwTTk'TCr. gS. Many a Youn? Woman in this town is wearing a pre maturely old look through de fective eyesight, There are wrinkles on her forehead which have no business there. POOR SIGHT is the cause. When reading is an effort and cause the brows to pucker, it's time to consult us. We examine your eyes free, and should vou need glasses we can furnish them at reasonable cost. Rimlessgt.50 to $3, according, to quality of frames, with rims gi to 3.50, CHAS. H. HINGES Pioneer Opticlau, 88 State St Next door to Bush's Baa. Jumped to Death Pittsburg, May 13. An unknown man, woll drosBod. climbed to the thir teenth story of a building under con struction, shortly after noon, waved his hnnds and shouted at the crowd below and spntng off. He was crushed luto a shapeless masa Passenger Train . Ditched HeUfoid. Iud May 15. Tho Monon passenger train was wrecked at Sa lem today by an open switch, and twn were fatally Injured, and H less serf ously. Harrison on the Commission London. May IS llrltlnh Attache Harrison, at Madrid, has been ap pointed to represent Great Britain on tho Venezuela question. Tho Nlearaguan minister at Wash ington lias received a cablegram which flatly denies tho recent reports of In surgent victories urayea from my iiiaco ono in e east of tho pen, May 7th, ono gray mare, weighs 1200 pounds, mnno on left side, shod all , around. Iast soon going south toward refocm school. Ileturn for reward or In form It. It. Ryan; 128 Stato street, SaUtnf. 5-lC-3t Removal. Jt. It. Ilyau has moved from 102 Commercial Btroet to 123 Stato streot, whoro his old, as well as uuw friends will find him. G-lS-3t Taken Up A dark colored 2-year-old Jersey bull, Call on John MInger b-15-3t Just Received Fine new stock of shoes all tho latest styles. Bro ken bizos aro being clos ed out nt cost prices. Jacob Vogt, 265Com'lSt. Olio J. M.HOWtLL Cash Market- In btelner'e Fish Market, bute etreei Fiesh meats of all kinds, hams, Should dere, bscon, lard, etc. Prompt Servlct Phone, Main 1401. with 1 Aro used bv us iu coll bad accounts. No m' shin fee. No docket nostaco feo. Ask our as to our success accounts. The VANALST1NE, GORM" Expert Collectors an! W Room4.2751-2Conii Phone Main 80i A. R. MORGAN 4 CO.. Generoos Approval Has teen civen by the purchasing public of our enterprise In plac ing before them, such, hlch grade wool bunting flags at such astonishingly low pri ces never has buyers been so eager to take advantage ot our sales as they have now since we have made prices on flags within their reach If you're looking for a good flag buy now's the time for when our stock Is exhausted you'll have to buy more elsewhere Pattons Book Store. ICE CREAM Retail and wholesale. prices made to Lodges, Parties, and Picuics. I guaranteed. fl&cwide (aicAmSTm i jp;vijES BARGAIN iMOU&Jcr Friday and SaturdayThe Two Great W! fco soil tho goods at such llttlo prices, our answer is this Atw; . Cttimot nroeurn th l,i,t ,!.. a . . nrlrpa. It ttfj oxporlenco In tho East to buy, to ge-t sharponed up to the rv ZJL "iijing ury goods nt rock bottom prlcos. Wo aro giving our co- tho benefit of this knowledge. The crowds that assemble at oor0B ia clear proof of Uielr appreciatien: Special 7MsC Laco Striped Curtain Scrim 36 In wide, splendid cloth, yd 4c 12Hc Fancy Sllkallnes, pretty pat tors, best goods, this sale, bnly yd 5o 7Hc Best Standard Shirting Per calea, pretty patterns, sale prico yd, 4c 12Hc Fancy Summer Dimities, dainty patterns, sale prico ...,'81-3c 18c Black Lawns, silk finished. Tory fine quality, sale price, yd llo oWO ---M.wmg.i -llt TT1., ,., , . . Satisfnetihn "- w. oasKet weavo, oausiactlOD correct for waists, ru iqp I Ladle' 10c fast black stockings 5c Ladles' 10e anmmar ,r.'o . j Edward Ellis. 144 State 8t ' Ladles' Llslo Thread tod at llttlo prices. ll00t70 www Stockings, all colors. b tklfl baIa nnltf nr So-Indla Wash BIU. colors, yd . ffsl Get our pncea --- . lIHiv r- i Balrt ..-.. , . .! Men'a 35c summer v" Mon'a 60c work shirt. e r or nnrlr elOTe. F Sfen's 81-3c grey wc r Uadles. 65 crash " The Cheapest Store In the Northwest McEYOY BROS., cWifW