bbbW' n jiii.. , ,. mu. -sf- t' V$ JT' IBM f Aefclaule Prennrntinn Hip As . fslmilallng UicFoodatuincguIa - liing rnc aiomaciis am Dowels or DigcslipitClmiur- neither i.Momlunc normieraL iOXT'lAn.COTIC, JhfeafOl4JlrSiMVn.PtrCtBCfl shueSrHt H 1ktr. Apcrfccl Remedy forConsu'nn flon.SourStotnaeh.DlatThocn Worms .Convu.stons.FewrUh. nc33 and Loss OF SLEEP. ( FacSunllo Signature or !NEW YORK. I EXACT COPy OF WRAPPER. coosoeM-afoaoeH-f8o FRANK DAVIS, Manager. STANDARD BISCUIT CO. (Union Label) Makers of PARADISE SODA Cookies. W. N. MATSCHEK CANDY Up-to-date Confectioners. FCAPITOL COMMISSION Wholesale Fruits and Produce, $ Phone No 2231. Illlhee Block. WWmi&4Mmm9imGa wttnumninu F ::::::::A G E N C ;f BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO.ii j (i jftR ATN BUYERS AND a aeea YYiieai HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude ,. Agent, 207 fj. 6. Graham n hi m mumi hmhhui tiMMium- and Plaster still $12.UU wcond car this sprine. It pays to use it on any crop ; ; n- i tt clover, corn, gram, etc. CORN A1EAL 50 lbs for We meal at the price of flour. SiMhat fancy seed corn still on sre and secure what you want. D. A. WHITE & SON, Feedmen and Seedmen, ; ; Phone 1781 91 Court Street. -SALEM, OREGON. X t HllinilllMIMII IIHllllllll 1 1 1 1 1 II I MM I H t Kltltl f 4UH)fit HUH INew Arrivals fNovelties in Millinery The very latest, call and see them, Sscialties ;; in children's hats, of flowers, foliage and trimmings of J 1 I . i' . . IJ, L.L. . a s I 4abk soa. J i au aescripuonsi jiddou&, L-ac&i auu -Embroideries, Good quality low prices GreenbauitTs, 302 uuimimniiuiiiMinn'' MHHHEHHBinJiHMBiH A CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA rMIOCNTAumavr Htw to omr. ilia' CRACKERS and all kinds of fancy CO., Inc. Nuts and confectionery CO. ffrniimuniaiBiiii Y OF:::::::: :: SHIPPEH80F (VR A IN ror saie. and stick Sulphur. Commercial St., Salem, Ore. TfTlTlTfTftlTfl For Colds, Grip, Etc. You will And the puro liquors wo sell Invaluable. If you havo them In the house ready for ttso you will save doc tor's bill. Wo guarantco tbo purity of all our Honors. You'll- And tho old rye hlikey wo soil especially good. J. P. ROGERS," Wholesale and Retail Llauor Dealer. (ii ng MT AAr i lift In JX rcl per ton. Now selling our . $1. The very best grade of SEED CORN.' some : : hand. Buy early and be ; ; mm Great assortment j Com, Street. THE DAILY JOURNAL, 3ALEM, OREGON, -FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1903. MANSFIELD ' HAS LOST HIS LAND The Breitenbush Hot Springs Taken bjr Geverning: Commissioner W. A. Richard. of theGeneral Land Office, Reverses Decision of the' Local Officals Claudo H. Mansfield haar just been deprived or a quarter suction of land In township 4 south, range 7 cast, In tho Oregon City laud district. Com missioner A. nichardB, of the gen eral land office, reversing tho local omco, nnd taking the ground that tho entryman had not complied with tho homestead law, Tho land Is officially described aa tho northeast quarter of section 20, township D south, range 7 east, nnd comprises IGO acres. On tho property arc tho wollknown llreltenbttHh Hot Springs, which havo been visited nn nually for many years by rosldonts of tho Willamette vnlloy. Theee sprlnga aro noted for their goood proportion, ami such men aa Hoa. J. K. Wenther ford, of Albany; W. T. Clark, A. T. V. Hickman. John Daly. William K. ThomaM Charls Thomas, J. II. Davis. K. R Iarkr. William Hughee. C. K. Short, and other ttwtMed to thslr mcdlclnnl vain. The land niMtltts In ihe extmm Minthenttern portion of Mnrlnn rount-. close lo Mount Jeffer son. Th atteutlon or the laud offlclnlB was Uiit callel to the land by S. 1). Ormsby. who was then fnraat supor Inteudent. In 1001 Mnnallehl made on- try. and alleged that ha had made Mt- llomtJni Jnnunry 7. 18R8. Ormsby made n protest, slating that Mansfield had novor made settlement, never liad n reeuienco mere, never In good fnlth been his homo, novor cultivated any part of the land; thnt alleged Improve monta were of Inconsiderable value; that no settlement or cultivation was mndo on the lands boforo they we're withdrawn from settlement by the President of the United State: that the land was within tho boundaries of tno cascade forost reservation, and not subject to private entry. Upon these grounds Superintendent Ormsby filed n contest In the name of the United BtaUs. The register nnd re ceiver of tho local olllco rendered a decision In favor of the contests. and dismissed tho contest. Tho gen- oral land offlco has just reversed tho decision, and says In part: Tho ovldenco shows that tho ontry man clalmH to havo mado settlement on tho land In quostlon on tho 7th day of January. 1888. nnd that his resi dence upon nnd cultivation of the samo has been continuous slnco that date. A number of witnesses tratlfleit on the part of tho govornmont that thoy had been frequsnt visitors to the land for the purpose of using tho water of tho hot BprlngB; that tho land was regarded as vacant, unappro priated public lands, and under surh INCURABLE. That Is What tho nooks Say ot Chronic Kldnoy Disease, But tno new ruuon wompouna. llovco Record oiSTtfot Rccov-j ono Aniong wnronic curublo by All Other Medicines. Dnisftats know that kidney dlstasa that ksi buocoaalcbtwlsaDoalbabasbseomacbroalijrtinteat 111 Alieust aaa ihaiUU ttu. refardU by pbysleUni at (fa t djfflcty wiii be encountered Insurable and that up U tba a4fsal ot b "" nT "rvny win ue encounien 11 ruiwaOompoaadstbaiBotbtocatbirsbsi?i 'n agreeing on the final torms for the would tooeh 11. It la proven fact tbai oi fight All of tho arrangemont wer alae-tatbaofaU..sarowaurabIa,asd outu,j at u,or winforunro n f,'w drniflsts tbemselTsa ar ukfoftbe MwCoin pounds. Oa. of tba eorerios w.a Dr. Z-IU rk " """e ago. and llttlo ro MdmU, tb ptosr drug fist ot us pdi mains to bo done. In all probability slrwt, Sao rraoslsco, aad ba car It to or r s K,U Orans will be shIhcIsnI to doienolbsra srbo rscosarsd. Ilsra U autlbtr ., ,,, , . , lotorMlla raootcrr. WacpT froja tbbCT-i'ere "8 contebt. outoN.iar.NortbrJ,liWj. !,, ,low 0 t(e tvm flKWIw will 'Altera strloua llloets of ortrayear Judia .,.,,,,, ., . J II. A Ilea f ibis city baa reeoiarsd acdre- P"' In their time In praratlon for canls hlmssU most fonuaat to aaeeeutullj ...j, ,,., ', ,, , AY,uu.taJ thai Imf baitltBfIUbat U f siiarall rtf artad aa a ,n" wnifejil. It IX xpMiel lliai Jet fatal loalady lUUbl'Blsasef tba kldjeja. ' f ri, will spend th mt of III time lospeaklnf cfbis taM Judja Al!o said. 'I ... Bj,avs ioa lea- iraauncoi stTsa iu oj j T,ii".L" rMliniw & f"rmer homo-anrt whkb hB "",d fi.i-!!i,iL?Xari.1I?rV."la,an ,d8' fr trsJalag. He will tiaetucaMaBdaaaiBMaudIsboiil4!te assisted by Ilsb PitMlmmOA and undergo 'la irsatmsat Jl was ibraa mantbs ' ,, ,, a. .. .,,, , .. tr. 1 uuud ditDx lor it. uuu. i u4 B'veral other. Coriaett will bs as- IM msdlsina tattbtaUy (er tearijr ajtsr aillgtil(Mi ui, WAri, .j ursirslion lir aa now Bad ma aTUeaca e Ua dltsa and "l,,,w ' nts wora ot prsmiMin iy an satisfiad It U eaurslr aUmlaated. Ut f .Lin two brothers asd "Yaak" KsfUiy Ktlla tscaod.1 bare cafaad aataatacnpouaiial T r' ' weight and wilt b plaaaad lodtscxlba kt "i :" -W - - '! ' roeneiies to apjoaa wo fjaj eaU w wrtu.' ' Hilton Hayden. eijrartr of Wt rosnencs to acjoaawbo may ca 6kaffiBVo.Vs, Wr. U, UUL Tta edllorr lt Kawa bkaaalf waa tba frlcsd wbotold Judfa Alias of tL j'ttltoaCbsipoasdJ. Thy are iba only tblscs knows tbat eat aJdaar dtaeasea i aiwr aa wall aa beloia ttty baoema abroale, wblsh bap macs aboniiM uk akM. 1KB I,1B tutalo, Xqualtr sOtleoi ta dropsy, foal. rbeomatlam from oris acid and ttaddar trasUaa. Kuttoa'a Kaaal Ooopouad Url(kt'a axd ICldiM DlMasss, la, It; lorWaUus. I'W Jobs J iruJica Co, sve Waablai to airacl " KUosr diss,i.,ii. iorDiuus.iwi,tlun Utlje UnWsd Statist Extra Jobs J rulira Co.. ace Waablaato airacl ',..,., u... . ., , ii, . 1 raaatsco. ala eeBBoanders. tMaaaJyssfatiteaBiers nave Lssn put on for tile ac toatlenU. Scad tar eaniaJat. Wssrtbtl.'....hi.j..u .1. An.fM.w.n,a iPXJSSSgiLXZZS&Y I X M. HABERLY, Palace Pharmacy, 118 State 8t ph CVJU FcmWOrAENf- MI WiO OAHKOT OE OVRBB. So uniformly ueccfal has Dr. fi tree's .vont- lttwipttim proven In nit forms Si J!??' W!knes. lYotapiuj. or railing1 df womb, and Leueortues, that, after over VUiinlrf a, century's experience in cutlnir W? . W 9t ca,'B of ' diltreMlnu and dcblUlallmt aitmenU, Ur. Tierce now feel Wily wamnted in ofTering to pay fcjoo in raU for any caae of Uieae diseases which l'ecanuot enre It Stands -The "favorite Tre rcripttou' stands alone, as the one and tnly remedy for there distressingly com mon furms of weal:neivVoeMed of such oosltively specific curative properties as Co warrant it makers In prnposluc. and bimlin themselves to (brfcjt. ns we, tlie undertiifncd proprietors of that woudctfnl remedy hereby do. to pay the sum or job InMcgal money of the Vnlted States in any case of the above dirae- in which aner a ihlr and reasonable ttial of onr treatment, we fail to cure. No other medicine for the cure of woman's peculiar ailments Is backed by such a remarkable guarantee; no other medicine for woman' Ills ia pos. scascd of the unparalleled enrativg prop erties would warrant its manufacturers Id waklnu such an offer . no otherireratdy ha such a record of cities on which to base surOi a remarkable offer Therefore, insist on having: Dr Pierce's Pavorlte Prescription acd turn your back on any unscrupulc.js dealer who would insult yom- intelUfcuice by attemptlnt; to foist upon yAu some Inferior substitute, under the plea that "It is Just as good." Insist on liavlor the atllele which lias a record of a third of o century of enres and which is bscked by those willing to forfeit $joo If they cannot cure you. In caes attended by s leucorrheal drain solntion of Dr. Vierce'a Lotion Tablets should be used conlolntly with the use of the "l'ayotite lrcscriptlon " They are sold by all dtlijRisrs or sent 'postpaid to any address, on receipt or 35 cents In stamps. Send v cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medlctl Adviser Address World's DispKNSAav. Iluflalo, N Y. Weak and sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, net. All corrrsnondetiee is hrld ss strictly private. Address Dr. 1L V Pierce, HnfTalo N. Y. Dr. Plerce'a Pellets cure blllousuets. belief rertnln named persons built bath house, dwelling houses, ami built trails nnd cleared and cultivated portions of the laud. William Hughe a practicing. pl( Ktclim of Oregon City, deelnred thnt he Is wh acquainted with the laud In .UMtlnn: that he hlmtr and Dr. Tay lor of Lebanon, Ore., llrst discovered the springs on the land In ISS'J, and thnt they built a log cub In bnUt limiso, and cU-ared up n port of the laud near the apr-tugs, and snld Improvements were mode not oi.ty for their, personal iim. but for tho general public; that they visited the spring mich year from I8S to 1801). and that during all those years, during which the ontrymnu olalins to havo mado continuous resi lience, that ho made no Improvements whatever, and thuy havo never even saw him on tho land, nnd novor wore jnwnre that ho had :uudu any claim ns tnthe amo until tho aprlng or fnll of 1901 It 1h shown that the entrymnu reeld ed nt different periods during tho tlmo claimed as continuously residing on tho land, at Mill City. Albany nnd In Idaho; It Is also satisfactorily shown that his wife made only occasional visits to tho land: In fact, there la lit tle set forth In the evidence to Indi cate that his residence iim the land was other than that of many others, who oamo there each year for the pur- 1)bo or using tho water. It Is not snown mat tno entryman ever resid ed upon tho land In good fnlth. and with tho apparent Intention of making It a homo; ho assumed no control or anything rolatlvo to tho same. These spring Beemed to havo been used by tho general public over)' yenr since they worn discovered. It 'a shown that a largo part of tho Improvements on tho land nnd the trail leading to Ihe aamo wero mado by those persons, and not by tho entryman. Ills eon tlnuoiiH residence was a mere pre tenso; his entry appear not to have been mado In good faith and for a homo, but for the purpo4 of profit and speculation. Arrannlnj, for Jerfrles-Corbett Qo. 8a FranoUco Mny ,s.Champlon J(,ffrloi mA Jamm nM f "-.the city, with tholr rMmectlve follow- era and trainers, and this evening they aro expected to get together to arranging tho final details for their It Is not expected . li .ivimir m is tsiHtrim.. iim J a Fayo4t9, Ind Wae,wM reBtly found to bo abort la; his arsotinu about' J15J30O. ha dlsappsarssl About 9WK) smtgraau have arrived at Hamburg this week for transporta modsUon of the oralerant. Dr Bchlamp. a prominent German wine gower, baa been fined 13175 for adulteration of bla product - v . -! Advertlsemest. five lines or less, la tbls column hi sertel three tine for 25c 50c Week $1.50 moatn. M over fiw linn stthessms rate. WANTED. Wanted. One married nnd one stnglo man, to work on farm, steady work and good homo for tho right parties. Many with thrco-horso team wanted for short tlmo. Apply to Henry IJ. Thlolsbn, 230 Commercial street C-14-3t Wanted. Young men to prepare for govornmont positions. Flno open ings In all departments. Good boI nrlou. Itapld promotion. Examina tion soon. Particulars frco. Inter Stato Cor. Inst., Cedar Rapids, la. 4-2-lm We Want a fUpreentatlve-In ovory City and town in this stato to pre sent our business. Our proposition is 'an exceptional one, and offora to a good, reliable, honest party, with roforencea, not lesa than flOO per bionth, No canvassing or appoint ing of ogonte a bona fldo, lcgltl mato business. Address, with stamp, C. O, Pulslfcr & Co., Lumber Kxchnngo, Seattle 4-16-lm. FOR 8ALE. For Sale. Ono light, secondhand hack, 2 seats, $15; ono second-hand buggy, good repair, 25; two second hand wagons, cheap. Mitchell, Lew is. Staver Co., Stato stroto. E-13-.1t For Sale. Small grocery stock In out skirts of Salem, flood opening for person with somo capital and plen ty of energy, flood reason for soil ing. Address "C. It." enro Journal. C-12-Ct Wagons. A few 3 and 3U-lnoh moun tain gears; used two months; nn good as new. (leo. V. llndgerB, Court nnd Liberty streets. f-2 lm For Sale. Threo No. 1 farms. Kn- qulro of Dr. Cuslck', over Capital National Hank. t 2t-lm For Sale White taugshang ecus for setting. Sellwood strnlu. Inqttlfo nt Ham I.udl'n blacksmith shop, corner Front nnd Center atreots. 4-18-ltn For Sale or Rent. 'Six nerea, 3 mlloa out, orchard, garden, 2 ncros ot pas pasture; good water. Price f 1550. See (I. W. Ponrmliie, 2 mllea north of city, on river road. t-3tf FOR RENT. Room to Rent. Furnished or unfurn ished, with or without board. 31)7 State, Corner 12th. 6-14 3t Room for Rcnt.--Ujs'alr. ('ottlo block, by day, week or month, Also URiit iiniisoKeeping rooms. lileetrle llRhts, open all hours. Mat tie Hutehlnson, prop. 4-23-lyr. For Rent. Soven-room house, base ment nnd well wntcr. Call on A. Schrelbor, 424 High street 4-13-tf LOST AND FOUND. Stolen. Ono dark bay tnaro, 20 yeara old, weight 1300. fat, rhod In front, feet flat, hoavy black mano nnd tall, ono hind foot white. Any Informa tion will bo rewarded. P. M. Pherson, Salem. Oro.. F. It. D. No. 6. R-2-2C MISCELLANEOUS. Removal. Wo have moved our pnpor storo tn 299 Liberty street. 1st door north of Stalger marble works, whero wo will bo pleased to meet our old customers. Iommon & s.slh.rSJVSsssSiS! Kaylor, practical painter. Phono, 2476 Red. C9-lw Headquarter for Fencing, WVvun wire fonolng for all purposoa. Smooth wlro for hop yards, etc. Corroonrtonco solicited. Walter Morley, CO Court treet. Salem. 6-C-tf Removal-The Salem Carrlago Fao tory, Werner Fennell proprietor, ha moved fiom Commorolal atrcot to North IJberty, at tho bridge. Call and eo the now place, and In spect tho work done. Satisfaction guaranteed. Werner Fennel. Egg for Setting- Puro bred White Plymouth Hook and Illack Minor ca, the best layera known. T. I!. Huudall, Mornlngslde Telephone No. 2086 ned. 3-20-U You will always find tho choicest meats and groceries at tba Ipweat price at Edward's k Luicher's, 401 and 410 State atreet 'Phoo order given special attention. LODQE8. Central Lodge No. IP K. of p. CastU Hall In Holman Illook. corner StaU and Liberty street Tuesday of each week rt 7. 30 p. in.. A. II Stranj O. O, It J. Flefolng K. of JL and 8 FORESTERS OF AMERICA Couri Sherwood Foresters No 19. Meet Friday night In Turner block. B W. Ilnluni.C..;A.lUrown. Sec. Modern Woodncn of America Or eon Cedar Camp No. P24. Meet every Thursday evening '. 8 o'clock Holman Hall, Frank A. Turner, V a; A. L. Hrown. Clerk. ProUctlon Lodao No. Z, Ancient Or der United Workmen, meu averj Saturday evening In ths Holauta Halt comer ot Btato sad Llbsrt strsxta. Visiting brethren welcome J. O. (Jrahaoi, M. W , J, A. 8Uroc4, Kecordex. classmeTOds PAGE I SKVEft OSTEOPATHY. , m syp w ssWs'Nasss' Or. M. TiSefioeitlr 'Fran'U J at. and AnrlarBarrraSwiMBW American sthool of Ostoopaliy, Klrkavlllo, Mo., auccossor to "Dr. Oraco Albright Offlco houra 9 to 12 and 1:30 to 4:30 o'clock. Odd Fcllowa Tcmplo. Phono Main 2711; roaldoncq pheno 2g03 lied. Dr. H. H. Scovell, Suogeatlve Thera peutics and Osteopathy. Ncrrou. functional and mental diseases, nea ralgla, headaches, nervpua prostra tion, dyspepsia, constipation, diar rhoea, rheumatism, asthma, et. D'Arcy block, Stato atreet. Phoo Main 28S5. X W. Q'. Rbtfblna, Dr. of Osteopathy, ha added to his practice tho Bystom of supothoated nlr, for tho treatment of acuto and chronic diseases. 157 Court Btroct. Salem, Or. TONSORIAL AND BATHS, Ryan Shaving Prlrv-BeTM ftrt. cIsjw barber AKed. X1sat kHl rooms la ellfj' Jf in aBtIa4t atarillier. JfcAy, Proa. Evans' Barber1 Hen-Only flrtt-claea ahop ob 8fat rt, Try kt new and avt4te, Vtsaat porU bUa. BKve, imf Utlrmt, Mi oaua, H. Twe arat-cJaaa In blackt a W. Bra, aroaritttr. T O. H. MACK ' W " h & feie BuccoMOr to Dry1 J. M. Keen, ta white Corner. Salem. Orovon. Parti M . ' t . Hl. ,1 desiring superior operations at me rat foe tn any branch aro In eae!J rqaet. CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfer Meets all mall and paasenger trala. Daggage to all part of the eK Prompt ssrvlce. Telephone No. J4L II1CCKMAN & IIF.DIUCK. THE ELITE CAFE 80S Commsrelal Strett Crawfish ) All served in Hot Tamales the most ap Cold Lunches ) petizing style E ECKBRLBN, Froprlctcr 9 S. C. STONE, M. 0. ....PROPRIETOR OP.,.. STONE'S DRUG STORES SALEM, OREQON. - - The stores (two 'i uumtor) are to catod at No. 23G and 297 Commercial troct, and aro woll atoclto'd- wlUt a romploto lino ot dniga and medicines, tollot article, perfumery, brushes, ota Has had aomo 2G yeara experlenca la the practice ot raodlclno, and now makes no charges for consultation, ex amination or prescription. HUIEW1NGSANGC0. i.porten.M- dcalers In Chinese and Japases fiacy and Dry Ooois, silks, ladles' uitf wear, furnlshiatr roods, matllws, w- naracaisana aiiK niaaKcrcuieiS we make up all kinds of vrraccera a ad waists, white padcrwear, etc. Every roods in store now sale cheap. IO& Court st , Salem, or. Corner Alley. SALEM WATER COMPANY 0PICC OITY HALL For watar sarrlc apply' at oHec ollla payabl monthly In advans. stake all eotaalslBta at tt oMe. '. Harptr's Whiskey la th bttt Qet com into your vest. Qua. Behrelber keep It, And you know th rt FARMER'S HOME 153 State trl WESTERN TIMBER ASSOCIATION Room 9 Chamber Commerce. Portlaad. Headquarters for yellow piae lumter claims. We iroarantee to locate vou as arreed or refund your fee. Opticas for the sale of large tracts of tlaiter solicited- We have the buyers. i. J. WALTER, pres. Reference at Title, Guaranty and Trust Cumpany, Portland; Oovt. Chalmherlafn and Secretary of Hlate Dunbar ," Your Stepmother. la stilt hero, aud aa ever. When your clothes busy aa arojvom and dirty, or the buttons off, take them to her. at tho Salem Dyeing . and Cleaning Work. Repairing and rellnlng; new velvet collar put on overcoat; also four suit a month for $1. Called for and returned. MRS. 0. H. WALKEJIl, Prop. 195 Commercial Street fs&yn.xjk.. wsanti tUWWmHmflto Kfxn I c&stffflte&t