iri flirT' tie. Hr-irfliiy 3 msmt w'wrrrjjwff'- pace eix. e HE DAILY JOOhNAL, 8ALEM,tOREQ0N, FRIDAY. MAY 15, 1903. 7!U5:'t' " 'iWr'HtVm Not a;Rivalin8ight Anjwiwc "When tho Tlnen th'at has been done up t tho 'Salem Steam laundry Is'ijuUn contrast with ' that laundrlcd nny heh In 8alerri. Tho beauty df our laundry work makes us justly proud, and wo feel llko crowing oVcry tlmo wo seo the tlllteronco In our superb color and finish on tho uhlrta, collars and cuffs dono up by our methods with tho linen worn by anyono laund rlcd by "any other process. SfiUin Steam Laundry. &L0NEL. J. OLMSTED. Prop. MRUS D. OLMSTED, Mgr. thom 411. 230 Liberty tft r ' -sZ s) IPT- .. ' --lST0 i9.jpt'J T&IH J JViflir Repairing Of tho flnost workmanship la a branch ot our business, that wo glvo special attention to. Our repairing department Is conductod with tho ut most caro .and skill, diamonds aro ro set, and Jowolry of all kinds Is re paired In the most porfoct manner, be sides optical work of all kinds. C. T. Pomeroy .... Jowelor and Opticlun, 288 Com. tf t OONT SHIVER WHILE YOU DRE88 These cold mornlnga. Iteach out of d, etrlko a match, turn on tho gas la your gas stovo and noto how quickly your room gets wnrm. Haven't a gas store? Mean UT Lots boro so cheap you'll wonder how you 'tare permit ted yourself to bo benumbed when so nch comfort could bo had for so lit- Salem Gas-Light Co. rfteee 563. 4 CHEMEKETA ST. W-- copvnrcirn l Shingles and Shakes The roof is shingled best It you uso the kind of shlnglos and shakes wo sell, and wo ask you to noto tho good woar and economy of tho roof for which wo furnish tho shingles or shakes. Wo carry a largo stock of shingles and shakos of good quality, carefully selected to mako a sound, tight, durable roof, and wo aro al ways ready to glvo estimates. OOODALE LUMBER CO., . Near 8. P. Pas Depot. Phone 051. TO CAPE,r FOR THE -'' JNSANE Ne$Yr"'Law Makes Relatives Liable fur Their Care at the Asylum At tho hist legislature an act was passed to amend Bectlon 3621 of Del- Ungor and Cotton's annotated code and statutes of Oregon, relating to tne pay of patlcnU confined In tho Oregon state Insane asylum. Heretofore the stato has stood all tlio expense con nected with the care and treatment of patients committed to ho Btato asy lum, whether or not the person com mitted, or tho parents, children or guardians of the person were able to pay. The now law, which will go into ef fect tomorrow, provides that it shall bo tho duty of Uie county Judge, nt tho tlmo any person Is committed to tho luBano asylum to detormlno whether tho said porson, his or her parents, children or guardian, are able to pay tho statu for tho maintenance of such porson during tho tlmo ho or she Is an Inmnte of tho asylum. If the county judge shall dotormlno that such person, his or her parents, children or guardian have tho ability to pay, ho shall mako an order to that effect, and tho person or portions so designated shall pay $10 to tho stato treasurer per month, on or before tho first day of January nml July each year. In tho case of failure to pay tho nmount due within 30 days aftor the same becomes due, It shall bo the du ty of tho statu trunsurcr to furnish the prosecuting attorney a statement of tho amount due, and the prosecut ing attornoy shnll collect tho amount In tho snine manner ns other Indebt edness duo the Htnto would bo collected. A Juicy Morsel for Breakfast Or dinner yon can enjoy (rom one oi onr Mnder and delicious meats, steaks, lamb or mutton chop, veal cntleta or pork, Oar meat aro nil cnt I rom the fattect ml rrhnaitrattle, and we can aupply your table with lroh, nutritions and holesotue meat at bod rock prices. e! C, CROSS SALEM ORB Phon 2i)l )frw 7 MM We sell tne greatest of blood puri fiers, Acker's Dlood Elixir, undor a pos itive guarnntco. It will euro an chron ic and other blood poisons. If you hnvo eruptions or sores on your body. or nro pain, weak, run down, It Is Just what you need. Wo refund monoy If you nro not satisfied. CO cents and $1.00. D. J. Fry, druggist Qo to F. E. Shafer for glovee and harness oils, 232 Commercial street. I-21-tf Super Heated Air For Acute and Chronic Diseases SEA-1'.. ' j4fi Harness. Saddlery, Whips, Lao Robes. Fly Nets, etc Lone years of experience, superior skill and highest quality of stock are a guarantee that we turn out the best goods ever offered In Salem, SIGN OP THE WHITE .HORSE. ESTABLISHED 1369 i E. S; Lamport Saddlery Co. 289 Commercial 8tresL Here st your health Frultloss toast unless tho wine, whUkoy, or brandy Is of tho flret, Rradi That' what wo aim to iupply Al' goods ovory tlmo tho most pe plo who havo namplod our wares toll tia wo da furnish tho host. Hopo to add you to tho list of "most people." J. P. ROGERS, SJP" Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer. . ft?.!sft i .. s. .v.- . .Amimsti&x irywM mw 80MANYHHMBKTIIBYDIDhOT Mow we carrlod certain Hats, til tost we hive locresi t J our stock wonltrfully since w tctsa tusl ess here, lleidiutntrs lor Honeycii tuttoas. cue us a cell. w need your trade. The Vaticty Stote. 94 Court St. Annora M. Welch, Prop, FRUIT TRAYS, BOXES ani CRATES all kinds and styles. , First class work and material Prices reason atle Shoo on Miller St.. South Salem, Phone. Red 2191- GEO. F. MASON J. Brownstein & Son. 136 Courtstreet- Highest cash price wld'fbr Hides, Pelts. Woor," Tallow and furs: also general dealer la old Iroa, Rubberand Metals. fcl Eil Ut CUM lllir.U'? KM1L1SI1 LU i;V iii CuIJ asttauU Wim i 'll UUN hi Ktiur rwrl iM,'MiuTtir Kh; ! fmr lns4iv w t4 4. U -iniritrt i viiaiiB.iufl frt. km MiJI. o,UthrMUmiU. Uk HmU tk ft M Di4iuti i'UlclfUr IhrmUfcl V HlOUft Wr UllAf, J" 1 PILES HuK?ESupposltorii Itt 041 ftdfcM. fitttnK ' K i . ' t ckft M, it HI U.JT 4 A . urn fc .-' "' " l lwor, J IJ IUt. Km. .r ! . ,!. I. ...11.MI. V Mi UmW- ' D H I kMlH U.,,tf T.U.. II (1 U nwu V ' " "t oimJU E JB not inn.' TV, M Cit. tfk. fm. kU Sold In Salem by 8. C. Stone, -Call for Fro Samples, V O. Itobbliu, Doctor of Osteo pathy, bus added to his prnetlco, tho system of Hiipor huntud nlr. for tho tivnttnont of acute or chronic ills onsoB of all kluds, ospoclnlly acuto or clironlc nrtlcuhir or muscular thou mntlHin. HtlffnooH of tho Joints, tram untie synovitis or tuburvular synovi tis, nltu) chronic koiU or arthritis, whi'iu tho urnti of soda deposit has formod In tho small Joints of tho bands and tVtit, pinvtlcnlly deformlnR thorn. Thoso can hardly bu curod by any othor mothod than dry hot nlr trcntmout. nppllod dally at Intonso temptiraturo. UtmiHinlior, lead inoltH nt 3(U) iIukiuoh and you can stand 450 to SOU whmi wruppud In turklsh towul- liiK. This truattnuut dlbsolvcs tho do poslta around tho Joints, and Increas es tlio circulation. It dilutes cupu- larloa and blood vobboIs, ami utliuu- latoa' tho nrtoiltw, aud tostoros to hunlthy action the pares of tho skin. It Is a went n( n all urinary troubUs such ns HrlKhts Dlsoaso 6t tho kid neys. Wo euro syphllas, cutarrahnl ofTuctlon. Klips, colds and nil skin dls cam. Call aud seo mo. Consulta tion and oxnnilnatlon freo. I havo four Huts hot air apparatuses, one for tho entire body, one for treating var ious parts, one for treating tho kneo, and ono for treatliiK the head or ears, for deafness or catarrh of the head or throat, Supor heatetd air is superior to any hut spring, for you can stcud only 140 to 100 degrees moist heat, aud iu dry heat 90 to 400 degrees, which will bring n normal circulation, which tends to give relief from in U's pain. As for nsthema. it gives InsUuit rllt( at IM degrees, and res piration baromes cany When you 1ihv tried the drug Ht.-m. nu) hAV failed, itnuc ami ). ou:d. Thar is no fa, about thu -t, ni llattt 1 nature's iim'.I Uh th. lieallng of all dlsauM, Ip. tOiUKition wttk,y twopthlQ tiatnunt Ninety nr ftWit of all ehronle dlieaeri are ouroable. 157 Court Street, Salem, OreQon. a. WH 1 O. inM!nfie TnAav A.viuru-ti vuwvuw ttm X "Make Sslem Cood Home Merket" yryTTTWVWTTf Poultry at Btelner's Market. Chickens 10 lie. ' Spring chickens llCc. x Kggs Per dozen, i4c. ' Hop Market. . Hops 1718c. Potatoes, Apples. Etc, Potatoes 26030c. OnlonB 66c. Dried Fruits. Dried Apples 4Cc. Italian prunes, 40s to 60s 6o. Petite Prunes Ic. Wood, Fence Potts, Etc. Big Fir 14.60. Second Orowth $4.00. Arh $3,00 to $3.76. Dody Oak $6.00. Pole Oak $6.00. Cedar Posts lOe. Hides, Pelts and Fu.-a. Green Hides, No 1 l7c. Green Hides, No. 2 2&. " Calf Skins 4 to 6c. Sbeop 76c. Goat Slclne 25o to $1.00. Gray Fox 25 to 60c. Coon 10 to 40c. Mink 25c to $1.2i. Otter $1.00 to $5.00. Skunk 10 to 25c. Muskrat 1 to Cc. Wildcat 10 to 25c. Grain end Flour. Wheat 00070c. Oats 3032c. Darloy Brewing G5C0c bushel; feed $21 per tjn. , Flour Wholesale, $3.Q0. ' Live Stock Market. Steer i'ic. Cowb 3 to 3V4c. Sheep $3.50 gross to $4.00. Drossod Voal 7Cc. Hogs nllvo C04c Hogs, dressed 8c. Wool and Mohslr. Flno 1517c. Coarse Wool 15c. Mohair 37c. Hay, Feed, Etc Baled Cheat $12$13. Clover $11.50$12.C0. Bran $22. Sborts $23. ' Creamery and Dairy Products. Good dairy buttor lG20c. Crcnmury butter, J!0c. Cream, pan skimmed, at creamery 18c, tit farm 14c. Cream soparator skimmed. at Com. Creamery 20c, minus freight. Portland Market Wheat Wnlla Wnlla, 71c. Whorit Vnlloy, 71e. Flour Portland, boBt grade, $3.70; Kinhnm, $3 lr.Q $3.65. Oats-Cholco Whito, $1.05$1 10. Ilnrloy Fcjd, $21$22 por ton; rolled. $23. Mlllstuff Jlrnn, $20. Hn Timothy. $19 $20. Onions 40C0 cents por cental. I'otntoos 4050c por cental. Butter Host dnlrj'. nominal; fancy U-iuninery. 2022e; storo, lCc. liggs Oregon ranch, 1717lsc per dozen. Poultry Chlckous, mlxod 1212&c per pound; spring, 1017c; turkeys. Hvo. 1017c. Mutton Gross, $5$5.20. Hogs $7 $7.50. Beef Gross, $3 25$l.00. Veal 7 Vi 8c. Hops 1820c per pound. Wool Vnlloy, 1516le; Rastorn Oregon, 10 13c; Mohair 3537c, Hides dry, 16 pounds am upwards, 16 to 1&c. 'STRAWBERRY GULTUfirf A. NEW BOOK- By E. HOFER. The Strawberry Industry In The Pacj NrMtiiwcst. of soil, growing of plants. 'planting the . n rftor, flo,d ' l crop, cultivation, fertilization, picking ' r B'; ana pacainu wd w.uv, o-..-o - markoU treated fully in aeparato I centa per copy. Tho only -hantora. thl Industry. Cash Saying Offer Two First-Class Weekly1 Papers for the Price of One. Weekly Jrumtl and wecKiy uro gonlan. $2.00. jf - Weekly Journal and Orange Judd r ,1 qr. Wcklv Journal and Trl-Weoklj I N. Y. World. $1.76., v Weekly Journal and Wrfodbur'n Inde pendent, $1160. '" WeekV Journal and Gold Beach, Curry County, Hecordcr, $1.60. Weekly .Journal and American Boy, $1.60. ' ' Weekly Journal and Courier. Sprur. Oregon, $1.60 Weekly Journal and Kxprcos-Ad vnuco, Lebanon, $1.00. Weekly Journal and Globe, Condon. Ore, $1.50. Weekly Journal and Oregon Mist. St Helens, $1.50. Weekly Journal and Town Talk ABhland, $2.00. Weekly Journal and Herald, Lake view, $1.50. Weekly Journal and Men of To Morrow, $1.60. Parties desiring can get tho Dallj Journal threo months luBtcad of the Weekly ono year In tho above combl nations. IIOFJCR BltOTIIKHS Salem, Orecon- Jf aid IMONRi 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST i Through Pullmnn, Stindinl Tourist sleeping cars dull; to ( rlllnnnn Qnnlrnnn. ... v.U.vUBU, i.v...u,iu, lUriK IJ dally to Kansas City; thrccril man sleeping carps (pcriOMBjl uucteuj weekly to Chlcaro City, St. Louis and Memphis; Ing chair cars (scats free) tot daily. DKI'AHT FOH L'hlraco rortliinil Bpvclnl I.-20H. u TUIlUUt- tnglon Ail'ntl'c Ezpro 8:15 p. m, r! Ilunt- HiKtoa 1 Ht! fiuT Fut Mall 1. 00 p. m, VI. Bpokn Halt Lake. )nt.i n Worth. Otnihj, kdu and Earn TIME SCIIEDUIEJ Frnm I'oiUBa'l, Ot. Halt l.ak. twn... ri noriu, umali, Kibui ,i. am IT. ft. U"lU, t'bkuc J Kill. Walla Walla. Iitii Siokne. Uallaoe, hv!i Jliu, JllunctPOUl RI I'aal, Uulutb.iiUutM i;aiuuin, uiti n.t. W-1TWW-W"" 70 unnnn " nwunj ot PORTLAND TO CKICACO J i'u (.use oi cert OCEAN AND RIVE JChltflTl nvu rvniiii' The Wonder SS Tko Owhr y BiHtUlarrarrmitriW publ'- hfrt.westo n.tbll to oiler ti O l..ll Jun Iakikh, tlio i'iiiearrt't'"tu" pIw ,.lncluUwllh iliU poikt ut vn es cr.iniBly low hj-ure. Tho Ukanok lien I'AtiMiiU. rtinaikab e for thevi. j I. y and Inurc.t ot In conlcit , and U undoubt rdlvMiMnd ,-rr(1i.' r..iof lt kind. Tlio r-4Jtr ot tun Journal liriiwitsv.'liic. No worli, iliiTt(o-e, liocstpti.e of It sie needed In th.t unuounccuietit. im 8 p. m eic 7 I't Dall) MP Buiiday n n. ui. fatunlajj All ralUnt dm, lu),.ta. toeliist rurtm irtlinKO I , cauewitaiTt uubUNOlAK'Tn III ToAatorla ct tytf Ltmr r i WILLAMETTE HIYI1 Steamer Kutli leaves H'ta hi rfl lntidand way landmiiioDTst'diTja UHVB and butiirciave.ttMniijts.1 Corvallls vnd wiiy UnJicp VJ Weunosdayp and rrwi.u it i n. ni. A. L. OKAIO, M P.BiLDIill Gen. Pass, Aut. iitt.O.B.111 Portland. Ore. Ca.Vl Bed Time I take a pleasant herb drink, the nest morning I feel bright and my com plexion Is bettor. My doctor Bays It acts gently on tho SvOmacho, liver and kidneys, and ,ls a pleasant laxative. It Is made of herbs, find is prepared as easily ub tea. It Is called Lane's medr Iclne. All druKRlsts sell It nt 25c and 50 ceuta. Lane's Family Medicines moves the bowels each day. If you cannot get It, send for free samples. Address, Orator Woodward, ueiioy, N. Y. CASTOTJIIA. Bears tho . KM You Haw Wmr$ Boagtit n Princeton undergraduates have de cided to raise $1000 for furntshliiK a room In tho now $25,000 Institutional Club at Manila. Harvard, Yalo and tho University of Pennsylvania will also fit out rooms In the building rn funis praxnnro uch as Lin o rMniYi rcitiuncoi-t.'vm J- !.- Urt. rkltty, Mirktt OarJniitf, and olfier topics, TnuCQ BT rfrta.w'7'f"i .., n1.,nrnlr.l vith lllmlloHl bv blC ItlUll. COm. Iilno to make It Invaluable to ttm.o vrlni " lann It for a llln)t." THtnt .lur'"1 nn i wiwo-fwi jMu.r.Br. iruiuii'i in viuvii . uaaiiu. Jcoo lfAHMH 1 unexcelled. tiip rntm w ccnTHDCO. shnsi- incrniTiiLi, f. r( rt' lent, fiiy II vrk, T loJ t. ch rti Cfto id, tomaxo tlu Department ot much value and Intrrc.tat inottul tho letul lfaodly l'pert. BTA Sample Copy , m.ilne lorn, will lie mailed to) the OitANOX i im 1'ahmih, tniirailne Intra, will uemaucu m )m vr uiutrtmmg the Okahok Judd Farmxk, Muauetto UuUdiag, Chicago, IU. OUR SPECIAL OFFER Weekly Journal 1 year.-. .... $1.00 (or Dally. 3 months) Orange Judd Faimer. 1 year.-. $1-00 It's Just a Cough That gets your lungs sore and weak and paves tho way tor pneumonia or consumption, or both. Acker's English Remedy will stop the cough In a day and heal your lungs. It will euro con sumption, asthma, bronchitis, and all throat aud lung troubles. Positively guaranteed, and money refunded it you are not satisfied. Write us for freo sample. W. H. Hooker & Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. P. J. Fry. drUEglst $2 00 Our price for doth .... IS. 35 HARPER! WHISKY' gm. AaaHaaBkalalB'Laal A Light In Every Berth Tho Burlington's St. Limited rnnks among tbstm of tho world's beat tralu. Ono of Its features it t' llnhr In Jivprv berth. W convonlont. When you re' tho llchL Aftor you aro flxwl von can uoo it to If you are through, a twist & and tho light Is. out. It's worth tho trip acroa nont just to ride on tM Ughted IJmltoiL a. c. aE-DON. Osiiin" TOO TTTTED STB PORTLANP. T, Co's PASSENGER STEAMER POMONA Leavt for Portland Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 10 a.m. For Corvallls Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday at 8 p. rn. Quick Time. Cheap Rgtes Deck: Foot of Trade Street. M. P. BALDWIN. Aot- Famous at home for Generations past; "Famous now all over tho World. For Sale by A. SCHREIBER, Salem. 153 State St. FARMER'S HOME, Corvallis & Easle NEEfiHAM & CO. - -PAINTERS -Palntlnp. Calsomlnlne and Paper Hanelnir. Work all Guaranteed. Leave orders at Savage 4 Fletcher's Feed Store. SALEM, OREGON- N ). 2 For -Yaqulna: u Leaves Aiowy. .j. Leaves co-ram jj; Arrives Ya I a " No. 1 Refraing: a Leaves Yaqurn ji T .. .nVPlllB ...t'. Arrives Ai'any jt No. 3 -For etreit: jji Leaves Albany jji Arrives Detrlot No. 4 rom Detroit ,j.$ Leaves Detrol" i Arrives Albany '& Train No. Ul time to connect df!si thro .hour, in Albany "f a T imrtnDOuuu " -,,1 m.i, un ? eon. CM "..J; trains at Corval' s P A J Jl.nn" aorvlce to f" ennt beaches. ...,, 1 w,. iit,ir - ...,fl and other .o- nwti fK&in br?JllV ' the Fprings jt) pn- further mf?S OT " - 5uH- TH09. COCKBELt. H. H. CRONISB. AS'"- I