As Statmch as Steel. ' V p these days! when so many watches are constant r(ri 'Ilm rrrnnt nvnonnmlln. fl.-S . ' v.w b. ""r" "i moir owners, wo deem t niwlfn i ctra caro to securing watches whose movement nn,i ..... ,:n ......j cry possible tpst wo can put them through. Wo believe every itch in our Bhow cases is as staunch as steal i,m....i i .i....j.i: itt their durability ,s unquestioned, and, that their, timekeeping uiiiiea ure i unwuoD usei!.- These aro broad claims but wo boliovn ey will not bo gainsaid by anyone in town who carries u watch tight at Barrs At from SG.OO up to $126,00, wo have watches of iny kind?, grades, and styles. Wo trust you will make nn wniri, khnso without seeing what Iiarr's have to show THE DAILy JOURNAL, BALEMOREQON, FRIDAY. MAY 15. 1903. Corner of State and Liberty Sts T i mi i i-n 1 1 1 1 irrrnr Social Realm! Local Events i the rminllllllllllUHH can soo Mr. Roosevelt hert even bet t'eron our wldo streets than they can In Portland along her narrow ones, ana it seoms to mo they ought to bo so Informed. CITIZEN. 1 . Memorial Day Program Sedgwick Post. No. 10, O. A. It., would be pleased to havo all civic or military companies unlto with them In celebrating Memorial Day. May 30th,- and hereby extend to nlll such societies n cordial Invitation to meet with us on that occasion, and assist us In decorating tho graves or our fal len heroes. All societies that desire to tako part wltn us will please report to tho chief marshal of the day, who will assign them a plrco In tho parade. SAMUEL KI.EKKMAN, Com. J. Q. BARNES, A.1JL PAQE FIVB. FAMOUS GRIMEAN 3 N HSh r Celebrates Her 80th Birthday in the World Metropolis A Famous Philanthropist,1 to Whom the World Owes a Debt for Having Made it Better A Rare Treat Is In storo for thoso who hear tho Oratorio Socloty tonight, at tho M. K. church. An orchestra and soloists from other cities. You certainly can not afford to forego tho pleasure you will, experience by ntotndlng. Get your reserved seats nt Will's music storo now. as you mar not get as cood Willamette 3C2C s 22 University Mlsa Ijuira Thomas, of Jefferson, a. seat If you wait until tho hour of uraduatod from tho College of Oratorr commencement. Como early, as no In 1901, has Just returned from the one will bo Beatcddurlng Uio rendition East for a visit among her friends and of a chorus or solo, Commences nt ri.u.,.a ,., . , , . 8 15 sharp ' (roiaues. Miss Thomas Is a graduate, y ui uio i,oiumma school of Oratory, of which Miss Smith, who ontortalnod tho peoploof 8alem a week, ago, la an Miss Thomas has consented "Camllle." Is a play thnt ho one can afford to mlRs seeing, especially when It Is .i,n. produced on a scale of magnificence to Rlvo a wndmon or Ulo We,,.knowD by such clover people as tho Rendlck Mr8i Wggll cf lh CabbftR0 1atch Burled Today. he remains of tho lato William W. aks nnlved on tho 11 o'clock train morning, and woro taken to tho st Baptist church, where sorvlces ro conmtctou by Ilev. Dr. Black- pastor of tho Baptist church of tlnnd, assisted by Rov. Wm. r Te pastor of tho Salem church. ny old-time friends were nresent. lng Uio high regard In which ho r held, ami tho casket was covored masses of henutlful (lowers, last fcr tributes of rognrd nnd nrTec- Tho interment wns In tho Odd Hows' i -motory. nnd was Inrgely nt- Wed JOINT COMMITTEE MEETS Will Make United Effort to Raise Last of 1 he Debt Tonight great musical treat In stoie for Boeo who attend the rendition of IfTho Redemption" nnd the "Fenst of Petunia " at tho M. E. church tonight. fho chorus has worked lmrd on these SEItorlos, nnd tho people of Salem jiould Miow their appreciation of IgJjoU music by attending. It costs con slilernlilr money to bring the Port- jamTHyiiinliony Orchostra nnd the so- IloTBla to Solent. Besides this Is a bprieflt tendered Prof. Seloy, who has Elono much for the musical lntoiests of thhi city. Telearaphlc Brevities. Four mnsked men hold up a Baloon at Helior, Utah, and secured SZ00O. Tho large zinc plant at Parko City. Utah, has been destroyed by tire; loss 125.000. Tho services of the women Immigra tion Inspectors at New York havo been discontinued. Tho United States has reallr.ed $10.. 175 from tho 5S1 diamonds seized from Louis Ruseh In IRA!). I A Kansas City merchant named I Spencer was killed 1y a policeman tho whom he shot to escnpe nrrest. Thu American surclcnl Amuirlntlnn Dr. N. P. DnndrldKO. of The excoutlvo commltteo of Greater Salem Commercial Club and mo wiiinmeuo university board of hns olectod trustees met at the iini'lors nf tin. rMnninnnii ,,-.. i.i Cnpltnl National bank at 9 a. m.. and The Philippine government has sup upon a motion a commltteo of two of pr. sued two seditious plays one In the Greater Salem Club and one of the Manila nnd one In Batnngn PERSONAL8. .Cook Pntton returned from Poi tlnnd odayi us E. Hlllcnry, of Aahlaml, wns In iSalem today Miss Wllah Rlggs, of Soattlo. Is vis nfjlil tho city. tor. J. A Rl'hnrdson returned from hlcago In, I night. uohn A. Carson Is homo from a ttslnoBs trip to Portland. .Governor Chumborlaln wont up to QTljny ti day en legal buslnoss. Boh. T T Oeer wont up, to Eugene to speak at thp Republican ral- ifiTthat city tonight. Hawley Is In Eugene today. will address the Woodmon nt tha ling In that city tonight. and Mrs, M. J. Nottor, of San co woro tho guests of Mr. nnd J Ottenhelmor yesterday. U Lamblrth nrrlved from (I this morning. Mr. I.nmlilrth eept a position with tho Salem ! Power & Traction Company. Ida Coffin, a subject of King Id, took out her citizenship pa- oday, and. whllo sho can't vote, en settlo on-some of Unole Sam's n. as Murray, a coal minor from county tvos received at tho asy- day Murray thinks ho has been by tho ghost of Thomas Cow- tho lost 15 years. re Insano patients were received asylum yesterday from Alaska, tlwriwwe: William Ukas, an Indian; AtHSjSJJIaastead, a native of Missouri BjHljCfcarley Kiosk, a native of Indl- 8HBBn ' 4Kih.Jt WJUIUlHMJWi Mm Fw.' mm Ixmdon, May , JR. Florence Nlcht. Ingale, the famous Crimean war nurso Is being showered with congrntuln tlons today on having reached her 80th birthday, Thete wero a number of callers at her resldenco, nil of whom were received and welcomed, although the health of tho venerable heroine Is not of the best. Queen Alexandria's congratulations. In tho form of nn autograph letter, woro de livered to Miss Nlgbtlngnlo by special messenger. Dispatcher couched In fcllaltnus phrases were nlso recolvod from other crowned heads of Euroiiu nnu irom persons of note In all pnrts of the world. Miss Nightingale Is now ft (nil wo mini. rntliHr stout, with gray hair nml flno. open fare. Although a grent mif. feror she shows little trace of It Sho spends moot of her time rending. Her I room I Uttered with mniiniliioH. Inewspspers. writing imper. pencils nml letters. She loathes anything In i the form itf publicity, nnd seldom i srants an Interview, but to nuyomi ihn i-eeks adrlce m qneloiis affset jlng th Interesta or the sick or tlxwe I who irnrsf them, a hearty welrotnn Stock Compnny. Saturdo)'.matlneo. i to tho students noxtweek. DIED. i no varsity tmunimm goes to Mon- EARU At the family homo In Tur- mou,h tomorrow to ploy tho Stai ner. May 15, 1903, Mrs. Clara A. No-l School. Tho. team Manager Earl, wife of II. I Earl, aged 31 Glover will tako with him will conslit years, If tho follewing: Battory, Jorman and Tho deceasel was tho only daugli- Un"'h5 Avorill 1st, Parsons 2d,j Colo- ter of Mr. nnd Mra W. M. Hlllcary, of tnan' 3d Doan " Shanks If, Whipple Turner. Her health broke down sov- cf Mfttthowa rf. Tho O. 8. N. R teaai oral years ngo, whllo at school, nnd 'efwcd a picked team from Dallas she hns been nn Invalid over slnco. ,ast 8ltunlay by a score of 24 to Zi Tho funeral will bo held from Calvary Presbyterian church at 2 p. m. Satur day. Interment In Twin Oak ceme tery. Turner. Brotherhood Tho Wostmistor Brotherhood of An. drew and Philip will conduct a spe cially prepared service, at tho First ami coune Lillian M. Hall as "Lady Camllle." ,ru:tecs .a uppoluted ' make a if.a.. s u uiUe the balance of tho SrXiM) ot the Willamette University Cebi. TIk- (ummltteo will bo nouncWl by President Thlolsen. nnd will begin work to havo all completed by tho first of Juno. IJfar Way... mall sugat-cuted t weighing from 8 pounds at i 5 s a pound, at EER BROS. George II. White. vk-prtliltint of thu Illndmitn, Pa., bank, has b-on found guilty of conspiracy In wreck- an-ling the Institution. lx)u Onslow, colonial under secre tary, will succeeil the lato Robert Wil liam Ilanbury. as president nf the British Hoard of Agriculture. Stop the Cars Thursday Ed. Journal. Would It not be an act of courtosy upon tho part of tho street railway company, on next Thursday, the day tho President visits tho city, to cease running tholr tars upon the streets the drive Is to be made, during the time the paiadti la taking place? The car companies in large cities extend such courtesy without protost. and if thay do so bore thro will be loss qonfuslon, nq frightoned horses, and the general public will get a bet tor and less obstructed view of tb distinguished guest. !et me add, also, would It not be In order for our local prees to rail down the Portland Hog In regard to tholr dally effusion, -through the Oregonlan, to the effect that their town Is the only place In the state tho President can be seen, under tho misrepresen tation that he stops nowhere else, when ho Is to be here three hoursT The people of Linn, Lane, Benton, Polk, Douglas and Lincoln counties All ladles who are Interested In the missionary work would do wall to call at 301 Twelfth streot Saturday. May Kith, at 2:30 p. m. Subjeet: "Parents' example to their children." Mm. K. Gamble. . , Ah a groat many people will no doubt visit Portland nn the oeraKion of tho President's visit to that city, May list. It is anticipated that the railroad company will he unable to provide faqlllUnH to handle the crowds on one day. Hxcunrfon tickets will, therefore, bo on sale from all stations Into Portland oh May 10th, Mth and 21st. and It Is suggM! that the poo pie do not, wait until the last day. W. B. COMAN unii o. p. a., a. p. Co STOP THE TRAIN! forgot to got my bottle of Phosoo. the great health th-mk, in i vigorating, refreshing. You'll surely like it. Foe Sale at THE SPA, i 4 State street Do not consider your ease Hopeless until you hare consulted the osteo path Consultation tn. School tie, Barr Bar. Osteopaths Opera House Blook, Salem. word of eneuurnnement nml are always rhMrfullr nn. . i.nled Hue ,as a very comfortable h m in one of the beet streets In the Went End of Loudon. Miss Nlnhtlngnle. who owes her nine to her InlMirs In remrmlns: the January condition of the British army was born In Plerenre In IStS. She ihiiiii nnu inspected civil nnd mili tary hospltiils all over Europe; mulled with lh Ittklers of Charity In Paris the system nT ntiminv mwi mnmijwmenf ciirrlwt out In the hosplt- nl of that city; ami. In IMI. went In- li'i training as n mint In tho Inttltu- tion of Proteetnitt l)McoiiHtiM nt I iaiersworth. on the Rhine. On her 'rtiirn to England she put Into hi.rough working order the SHiiltnr ' lum for KoverniMuies In connection with the Umilon IimtltiiUoti. In the (spring of 18111 war wns declared with , RiiHsln. and a British nrmy of M.000 men sailed to the East. Alma was fought on September 0, nnd tho wounded from tliH battle were sent down to tho hospitals prepared for their reception on the banks of tho Ilosplioriis. In Uilsrlsls Miss Night Ingale offored to go out and organise a nursing dopartmont at Scutari. Tho offer wns gladly accepted by the war omee nml within a week she departed with her nurses. She arrived at Con stantinople on the eve of the battle of Inkormarin the btglnnlng of the terrible winter campaign In time to receive tho wounded from that second battle Into wards already filled with SUM patients. In tho spring of lgM, while In the Crimea. orgnnliJ the nursing depart. ments of Uio camp hospital, the was prostrated with fever, the result of unremitting toll and nnxloty; yet sho refused to leavo hor post, and on h7 recovery remained at Scutari until Turkoy waa evacuated by the British, July 28, 1856. It Is known that for years Miss Nightingale has been an Invalid It Is not bo well known that her nick room has beon the Meno of the raota constant and arduous labor for the Improvement of the health of the soldier. In 18K8 she mlillhed her Notes on Nurslnw" At the close of the Crimean war a fund of IU0.000 ws subscribed for the purpose of en abling her in form an Institution for the training of nu WILLAMETTE HOTEL ARRIVALS. I'rcsbytorlan church on 8unday otoo- Ing, nt 8 o'clock. A men' choir and J. J. Henry, Dcnyqr. T. B. WhUted, Denver. Harry Miller. Chicago. J. a Coppngo, Philadelphia. K. C. Blllups. Seattle. W. li Bonnett. New York. Geo. Rose, Ban 'Krnriclsco. W. V. McKlbblp. Portland, - O. U Wnrden. Portland. Chan Muggleslon. Janoflvillo. Wis, P. Peermin, Portland. John Welltis nnd wife. Portland. A. V. Willi mer. Portland. Walter Lyons. Portland J. U Lnmhlrth. Portland. R. C OrlBsly. IndniKHidelice. A. M. Clark. Ijovsoii, Mo II. li. Hull. !,. AiiKeloe. Mrs. J. I ln.ll nml oompniilnn. Reed- lek Stock Company. MhtH IIihwIh Chandon. do - Miss Alice Oondon, do. Miss Margie Newman, ilo. Mrs. Frank Knnlng, do. Mr. W. H. Morgan, do. A. T. Dickenson, do. G. 11. Connors, do. J. H MoDonald. do. -- ' - orchestra will lead tho music Mr. W. R. Bailor, of thu blind school, wilt render violin solo. Special add rose to num. Everybody rordlaltr. Invltod. it iNo Dessert More Attractive Wiy uno ReWIno and eiKiiiil hours softklug, swtiotoidug, ilirorlut; ami coloring wnen Jell0 lirmliiros Jwtter iwnilis iu two mlnutesf P.TPrytliliiK in tho iMrksge. Hlinply ndd hot wntvramlK'tter'Nil. lt'iiprfcctlon. Asur. prlo to the hnao ifo. No trouble, lew rx. iwniw. Try It t.MUy. Ju Tour Pruit PU. yorsi Iahiioii, Oruiite, Strawberry, lhuin. borrj. AtgnicvM. llk Astoria Beer Tha best beer In Oregon now on tap at the Council. 141 State stroat. Como nml try It. and It you don't llko It your moimy will bo refunded. KHHI) NISCKERMAN. B-13-lw Proprietor. t't.,,,,,,,,,,,!,,,,,, llH-HM.f JUST ARRIVED A fine line of Ladies' Patent Kid Shoes in heavy and light i auici. v-un eariy wmie sizes arc complete. No trouble to show goods. Ivin & Petteys The Practical Shoe Men. Phone No. 201 Blue. 94 State Street REPAIRINQ WHILE YOU WAIT. iitmntniiujiinuunmiuiinnmimmtt', Just Received. The first new Tillamook cheese. Guaranteed to bo superior to any Eastern or California brands. Giro us your order while we have a full stock. BRANSON & RAGAN Why Not. Go where you an get the bt? The White House Restaurant; U the most popular restaurant In the olty. Open day and night Hay I-ang loft m the morning train for I'ortkiud, where he will Lake a "un In oieetrieal eHgtneerla His -bMt friends will remember klm as always being Interested la tiiat de partment of Industry, aad will ktk forward to him earning out a full fledged and auccttttefal electrician. Just Recieved this morning, the nobbiest street hats q season. Call and see them fc York lilinerj Parte Mrs. HOOKER, Mgr. 317 Commercial St. ic - Harry Dunn, after three months' of sobriety, was again arrested by Chlftf Gibson yesterday, and lodged In the city Jail for being drunk. Dunn is an old offender, and gets very quarolsome when under the Influesy-e of liquor. He will be sentenced as soon as be is sober Henry States, an old reefdnt of Sa lem, returned to his home In Alaska Smoothed Up For Sunday HALL'S FERRY ROAD Try it GROWING AtORE POPULAR BVERY DAY A. D. Pettyjohn, Prop ...SUMMER NORMAL SCHOOL... First National Bank Bulldlnir. Salem. Ore if on The first terra will ooeoMav4tb and continue seven weeks. The second terra will open June 22 and continue till the August examination. Classes will t forssei la all branches reaulfed for state and county capers, also la Latin. Sfcort'kisJ. Tveewritluf. Elocutloa and Drawlnff. Tha tultltlos tar each trw will fe $ vrlla aa a&itloial fee for each of the UH five fcraiKlts. vMilz-ntav Altr u. irtwlava' with I nrsiHS'3W ifmu i yieeva wai iisiiaiviir tw IRS 9H(WC9 ISIS ymeruay, aer a itHiay visit "lu'-,hBni. uimtl I Kriu Ma!s. Orss-oH. old friends In 8Iobl . I 1 tfi! 1 m